Posts: 256
This is retold from a cuckoldress that I met.....she's taught me and truly introduced me and my girl to wonderful world of cuckoldry.
I also have some caps if anyone wants to give it a try......
--------------------------------- Lance is one persistent cuckold boy who calls Me. I want to tell you about him today because
he made Me, your Cuckoldress, so proud last night when we spoke. Lance first called Me a few
weeks back telling Me about his really hot girlfriend, about how she deserves someone who
will fuck her the way she needs to be fucked. The way he told it to me, the girlfriend is
very cute, hot and gets what she wants when she wants it. I like her already! Lance however,
had ideas in his head.
He desperately wanted to be cuckolded by this hot young woman. I told him he’d have to be
bold and arrange it somehow so that she either was told she could fuck outside the
relationship and get what she needs or set it up so that she gets the picture. Well seems
last weekend, she got the picture. Lance and his girlfriend (I’ll call her Cindy) went away
for the weekend with some friends and he’d noticed how Cindy was looking at this hot piece
of real Man.
Let me skip to the good part here, because Lance ended up not relaxing in his room and gave
the Real Man his key and told him Cindy wanted to speak to him in her room. Lance told me
they met at breakfast the next morning and Cindy was aglow with that “I got fucked real good
by a big dick” look. He was ecstatic that she looked so beautiful, he said she was giddy and
radiant, he’d never seen her like that before.
Well, I think she finally got what she needed and got fucked 5 ways till Sunday, the way
she’d needed all along. Take note loser boys, not all men are created equal. Obviously,
there was something about this guy that made him a complete package to her. So much so, that
she had the new boyfriend move into the home where Lance and Cindy live. Cindy has taken
this opportunity and run with it. She is my kind of girl !
Lance has moved out of the bedroom he once shared with Cindy and is in the spare room now.
The dynamics of that household are forever changed, the boyfriend is now the Alpha male . In
fact, Lance is putting him on his company payroll and he’ll be getting a generous salary. He
now cannot touch Cindy, save for licking her feet when he sees them bare. He will be
relegated to jerking off thinking about how well she’s being fucked by her Real Man. LOL I
think this is FABULOUS !! and it’s only the beginning ! Wooohoooo for Cindy! I must admit,
though Lance was incapable of fucking her properly, he makes amends by financing the entire
dream of a life.
I think Lance needs to thank the Real Man for fucking her so well and keeping Cindy so
happy, don’t you? He kept telling Me that he wants to be friends with this guy but that he’s
intimidated by him (as he should be) . Lance, this Man is not interested in making friends
with you, he wants to keep fucking your girlfriend is all and making a submissive cuckold
and money slave out of you! Lance asked Me if I would attend their wedding, I think I’d actually entertain that thought.
Brings a tear to My eye lol when I hear about superior Alpha Females getting exactly what
they want and deserve. THIS is one hell of a Cuckoldress….5 stars for Princess Cindy!