Posts: 4050
#151 · Edited by: goodhusband
After a moment Jennifer kissed me and sat up. "Francis would it be alright if Cassandra and I brought two men here tomorrow night?"
Cassandra smiled. "Yes, what a wonderful idea." She thought for a moment and then she said, "Let's go to Malone's. Francis has never been there."
"You've never been to Malone's? It's just down the street. Francis, why haven't you ever been there? It's a really fun place". Jennifer was shaking her head in disbelief.
I shrugged. "I don't know, I guess I'm not a singles bar kind of guy."
Cassandra and Jennifer both burst out laughing.
Cassandra grinned at me and said, "Francis, you won't find too many singles at Malone's. People don't go there hoping to meet a prospective husband or a wife."
Jennifer winked at me, "No everyone goes there hoping to meet someone else's husband or wife." Jennifer picked up my hand and held it. "Francis tomorrow night we're going to take you to Malone's"
Cassandra shook her head. "No tomorrow night Francis is going to take us to Malone's." She smiled at me. "Will you do that Francis? Will you take us to Malone's for dinner? It will be so much fun. Everyone will leave us alone while we're eating, but after dinner the men who know us will all start coming by the table to say hello."
She turned to Jennifer. "Jen, how shall we introduce Francis?"
Jennifer thought for a moment and then she said, "Let's just tell everyone that he's our boyfriend, our shared boyfriend."
Cassandra nodded. There was a sly expression on her face. "Oh yes, that's a wonderful idea”. She started giggling. “ And then when we invite two of the men to sit down and we start flirting with them, everyone will know that Francis is our little cuckold pussyboy."
Jennifer started to gently squeeze my penis. "Francis will it excite you to sit at the table while Cassie and I shamelessly flirt with two very handsome men?"
Cassandra leaned over, grabbed my nipple between her thumb and her forefinger and slowly started to twist it. At the same time she brushed her lips against my ear and whispered, "You'll find it deliciously humiliating won't you Francis?"
Jennifer was squeezing my cock and Cassandra was twisting my nipple. I don't think I have to tell you that I was excited.
Cassandra gave my nipple another twist. "Tell us Francis, tell us that you want to be our cuckold bitch."
I glanced to my left. Jennifer was watching with rapt attention. Her right hand was wrapped around my tiny erection. Her left hand was between her legs. Her fingers were slowly massaging her engorged clitoris.
Cassandra continued to twist my nipple.
I closed my eyes. All of my submissive masochistic desires were aroused. I breathlessly said, "Yes, I want to be your cuckold bitch."
"Prove it, get down on your knees and beg Ms. Dalton to allow you to take us to Malone's tomorrow night for dinner".
I slipped off the bed and got down on my knees in front of Jennifer. Her legs were spread. She was still massaging her clit. She looked down at me. There was a wicked smile on her face. "Yes Pansy? have you got something you want to say to me?"
I looked up at her. I tried to focus my attention on Jennifer's eyes, but my gaze kept drifting back to her crotch. She was obviously aroused. Her fingers and cunt glistened with the damp sheen of her carnal moisture.
"Don't stare at my cunt pussyboy! That's not for little sissies like you, that's reserved for real men. That's for the men we're going to meet at Malone's tomorrow night. Are you going to take us there?" Jennifer was getting into the spirit of the game.
"Yes Ms. Dalton."
Cassandra shook her head. "No! No! No! That's not acceptable. Pansy I just told you that escorting us to Malone's tomorrow night, buying us dinner and then sitting with us while we entertain a couple of very handsome men is a privilege and you are going to have to beg for that privilege”.
The room was very quiet. Both Cassandra and Jennifer were watching me intently. All three of us were excited. You could feel the erotic tension in the air.
I took a deep breath and said, "Ms. Riley and Ms. Dalton I beg you to allow me to take you to dinner tomorrow night at Malone's."
Jennifer smiled at me. "That's very good Pansy." She extended her right foot. "As your reward, I will allow you to kiss my toes."
Jennifer wore two gold toe rings on each of her feet. I cradled her foot in my hands and reverently kissed the two rings on her right foot.
Jennifer sighed when she felt my lips touch her toes. "Pansy you really are a very well behaved little boy."
Suddenly Cassandra started to giggle.
Jennifer and I both turned and looked at her. Jennifer shook her head and said, "Cassie why are you acting so silly?"
Cassandra bit her lower lip in attempt to stop giggling. She took a moment to regain her control and then she said, "I'm sorry, I'm having so much fun that I couldn't help myself. I just started laughing."
Jennifer grinned at her. "This really is fun isn't it?"
I rolled my eyes and said, "You realize that this is not the proper demeanor for a pair of ruthless dominatrixes..." I stopped in mid sentence and looked at Cassie and Jen. "How do you form the plural of dominatrix?"
They both stared at me for a moment and then all three of us burst out laughing. Cassandra grabbed me and pulled me up on the bed. At first she just hugged me, but then she got a devilish gleam in her eyes and started tickling me. The moment Jennifer realized what Cassandra was doing she jumped into the action and also started tickling me.
I'm happen to be very ticklish and I was laughing hysterically while I desperately fought to escape from their grasp; but the more I struggled, the harder the girls fought to hold on to me.
It quickly turned into a full fledged wrestling match, me versus Cassandra and Jennifer. For several minutes we rolled around on the bed laughing and tickling, our naked sweaty bodies entwined with each other. Grabbing, pinching, tickling and squeezing were all permissible tactics. We were like three puppies playing in a pen.
It wasn't a fair fight. I'm not much larger than either Cassandra or Jennifer and the two of them working as a team were more than I could handle, so it wasn't long before they had me subdued. Jennifer rolled me onto my back, straddled my chest and held my shoulders pinned to the bed. At the same time Cassandra sat on my legs and kept me from kicking my feet.
As I lay there helplessly subdued by these two beautiful women, Jennifer looked into my eyes. There was a huge smile on her face as she said, "Francis, resistance is pointless. You belong to us. You're our little Pansy. We get to do anything to you we want. Do you understand?"
I nodded.
She shook her head. "No say it!"
I stared up at her. Jennifer's large, perspiration covered breasts were swinging freely over my face. My gaze shifted to them. I really couldn't stop myself.
Jennifer noticed. She slapped me across the face and said; "Pansy, don't stare at my breasts, look into my eyes and answer me!"
It wasn't a hard slap, in fact it was really quite gentle. She could have slapped me much harder and I wouldn't have minded; but it startled both of us.
Jennifer was about to apologize when I gently grabbed her wrist, shook my head and whispered; "Jen, don't worry, it was okay, I liked it. If it would excite you, you can do it much harder".
A wry smile appeared at the corner's of Jennifer's mouth and she slapped me again. This time it was hard enough to sting.
I winked at her and said, "I'm your little Pansy. I belong to you and Ms. Riley. The two of you can do anything to me that you want."
"That's correct Pansy, you belong to us. We do get to do anything to you we want and tonight we fully intend to explore exactly what that means". It was Cassandra. She was still holding onto my feet. "Jen, turn around so you're facing me and sit down on his face".
Jennifer quickly repositioned herself. I took a deep breath as she pressed her very wet cunt against my nose and mouth.
"Good, hold him there. Now grab his nipples. If he tries to move or get up give them a good twist and if he continues fighting twist them harder and harder until he stops. Pansy if you have trouble breathing pat Ms. Dalton on the thigh. If you're very well behaved, she might let you take a breath".
I felt Cassandra release my feet and then I heard her walk out of the room.
After Cassandra left Jennifer shifted her position so that her ass was now over my lips. "Lick my asshole Pansy".
I very eagerly complied with this command.
Jennifer cooed with delight when she felt me push my tongue into her anus.
Posts: 4050
Several minutes passed and Cassandra had not yet returned. It didn't really matter, Jennifer and I were having a very good time. It was difficult to be certain which of us was getting a bigger thrill out of our little ass licking session.
Jennifer just kept pressing her large round bottom into my face and repeating over and over again; "Yes Francis, lick me. That's right, eat my asshole". Then she would cry and say, "Oh yes, that feels so good. I love the feel of your tongue in my ass. Do it Francis! Do it!"
Jennifer was imploring me to push my tongue even deeper into her asshole when I heard Cassandra return to the bedroom. She stopped for a moment and then she started laughing. "Francis it looks like you've discovered our friends fondness for back door sex. The guys at Malone's all lovingly refer to her as their "Greek Princess".
"Hey I can't help it if I seem to have a few more nerve endings back there than the average girl."
"Nerve endings? Honey I'm willing to bet you have an extra clit back there. What do you think Francis? You're doing a pretty close inspection of Jen's asshole right now. Have you found another clitoris back there?"
Jennifer and Cassandra both started laughing. I would have joined them, but it's hard to laugh and lick someone's ass at the same time.
"Hey Jen have you looked at Pansy's little dickie? You were right, it really does look cute now that we've shaved off his pubic hair."
"Yes it does. It looks just like a little boys penis."
I felt Cassandra sit down on the edge of the bed. "Francis, it's time to give you your present."
"Cassie do you know how it works?'
"That's why I was in the dining room so long. I was reading the instructions. This is the cb6000. The guy at Sex Land said it was a little more comfortable and easier to use than the others."
Suddenly I got scared. I'd read enough stories on the cuckold web sites to know that a cb6000 was a male chastity cage, a locked male chastity cage. This was a surprise. This was something I wasn't certain I wanted to do.
Of course Jennifer's ass was sladying my face so I wasn't in a very good position to mount an effective protest, but I still started shaking my head, kicking my legs and yelling out a muffled, "No! No!"
I felt Cassandra straddle may legs and sit on my feet. At the same time she said, "Jen lean forward so you can grab his nipples. We have to get Pansy under control before I can put this on him."
Suddenly Jennifer's very wet cunt was being pressed into my face again and I felt her fingers grab my nipples and give them a vicious twist.
I yelped from the pain.
"Settle down Francis, it will be okay. You can trust us. We promise we won't make you wear this all the time." Cassandra was using a very soft and soothing tone of voice. "This is something that Jen and I would like to do. We talked about it this morning. Taking control of your ability to have orgasms is a very exciting part of the cuckold fantasy for both of us. I know that you can't say Cassie right now, so if you really object to wearing a chastity cage reach up and touch Jennifer's nipple and we'll let you get up. If you decide that you're willing to allow us to put the cage on you, lick Jen's cunt". She paused for a moment and then she added, "Sweetheart, I think it will be so exciting if you let us do this."
I lay perfectly still. I needed a chance to calm down and think about what was happening. After a moment I decided the idea of wearing a chastity cage was actually pretty exciting. I also knew that I had to trust Cassandra and Jennifer. I took another few seconds to build up my courage and then I took a deep breath and slowly started licking Jennifer's cunt.
As soon as she felt my tongue move Jennifer cried out, "He's doing it Cassie, he's licking my pussy".
I heard a slapping sound. I suspected that Jen and Cassie had just high fived each other.
"Alright, let's see, the smallest ring should be more than adequate. This goes around his balls."
Of course Jennifer was still sitting on my face, so I couldn't see anything that was happening, but I was very aware of the fact that Cassandra was putting a plastic ring around my testicles.
"But how does this go on? Oh I see, the pins go through these holes and this big pin goes through here and this other piece slips onto the pins. Yes, this looks right, now it makes a ring all the way around Francis's ball sack. Francis is this too tight? Pat Jen's thigh if if feels okay."
It was fine so I patted Jennifer's thigh.
"He's patting me Cassie, it must be okay".
"Good, let's see, oh this is easy now. These are the spacers. I think we can use the smallest one. Now we have to put this over his penis."
There was a pause. "Oh dear, this isn't going to work. Jen we have to do something about his naughty little erection."
"You could give him a quick blow job".
I loved Jennifer's solution, but I was fairly certain Cassandra wasn't going to go for it."
"No I don't think that's quite in the spirit of what were doing."
"I know" It was Jennifer. I felt her lean forward. Suddenly she thumped my penis.
I yelled; "Ow! that hurt". It came out as a muffled complaint, but they understood.
"Sorry Francis, I didn't mean to hurt you; but we had to do something to make your cock limp."
"It worked. Jen that was pretty clever, where did you learn to do it".
I had a friend in college who worked in a senior citizen's home. She provided basic daily living care, which included giving baths. Some of the men would get erections while she was washing them. The nurses taught her to do it."
I felt Cassandra slip a plastic cover over my penis.
"Jen look at the tiny gold lock that they gave us, isn't it cute? Oh and there are two keys, one for you and one for me”.
A little thrill rippled through my body when I heard the lock click shut. There is something very exciting about surrendering power.
Posts: 1914
Well, I guess poor Francis will be feeling a little of that 'conflict' you were talking about pretty soon now GH ! You really are excelling yourself with this story you know. I know I'm not the only one to have commented on the 'edge' you seem to have generated in it. It's clearly a little more permisteral somehow. I'm not prying with this GH, just grateful. Its a wonderful story, my thanks again for sharing it with us.
Posts: 492
Loved the part about the wrestling match on the bed GH. You're doing a wonderful job with this story, I'm enjoying it very much. Thank you.
Posts: 350
This is a fantastic story. Thank you GH. Please keep it up. sissy analinga
Posts: 438
#156 · Edited by: essentiauk
Quoting: goodhusband I believe that love is a combination of physical attraction, friendship, mutual need and mutual aspirations Add a bit of trust into that and your near perfection GH  How lovely that Francis is now quite rightly in a device, wonderful writing as always GH...... Mel x
Posts: 178
Goodhusband, thanks for your kind reaction to my words. Rereading them now, I can see there is a potentially critical subtext -- believe me, that was not my intention. I do appreciate your story--I keep coming back looking for updates precisely because it is so well written and so full of positive emotions. It's just that I'm going through a rough phase, and it shows in some of my comments.
I've read several of your stories, and you do have a good command of plot and counterplot. I wonder if you've ever considered actually writing and publishing a book -- a novel? I, for one, would enjoy it very much.
Love is indeed a wonderful thing, and the friendship bond that you mention is indeed the key. It's just that there is much more to love -- much that is problematic, because people come with their own issues, their life baggage as it were, which complicates things. I suppose in real life it would be difficult for people to trust each other so completely and so quickly as Cassandra and Francis did -- both of them would have had problems with previous (romantic or non-romantic) relationships, they would also have little incompatibilities in their preferences, they would have little irrational little things that might clash against each other... and also, our culture is always telling us not to trust strangers, they might be serial *******ers in disguise, etc. In real life, it would take a lot longer for Cassandra and Francis to be able to build up the kind of trust that would allow Cassandra to bring in Jennifer, I think.
But then again, cuckold stories are interesting because of dealing with the cuckold aspect of it -- this curious mixture of offense and love that is so explosive and so terribly exciting all by itself. And since most of us find it difficult to enter such relationships in the real world (even vanilla relationships are so fraught with difficulties, let alone cuckold ones)
I agree with you, by the way, that cuckolding needs love to work. I'm not so sure that cuckolds let their women relax with other men <i>because</i> they know that this is only one of the factors in the relationship -- in fact, this fact is such an important part of their own sexual drive that I've known some cuckold wannabees to try to manipulate their wives into cuckolding them despite their (the wives') lack of interest in it. Sometimes even mean manipulation: a friend once mentioned a guy who said he wasn't relaxing with his girlfriend anymore till she slept with some other man. The girlfriend in question was quite sad and depressed about that.
Sex is a strange thing. It's not a 'real' need like food, water, or air, without which we would die. But it's also something without which we tend to become 'crazy', to have all kinds of dysfunctional behaviors (manipulation, etc.).
But if there is no strong bond... then whatever the sexual depth, it will pass. And then nothing will be left, and the two (or more) people won't know what to do with each other anymore. So I do in the end agree: love (including the friendship element) is essential. Cuckolds often dream of being 'despised' or 'humiliated' (and why this should be so is an interesting question on its own), but also of being loved and respected in their own way. Like any human sensitive to Maslow's hierarchy of needs.
But well... again, let me tell you that I very much enjoy your stories, and that they have helped me feel better about the world. With all sincerity, thanks a lot!
Posts: 178
By the way -- words ending in -ix in English tend to form their plural with -ices (matrix, matrices). That happens because they usually come from Latin, in which -x becoming -ces or -ges in the plural is regular (e.g. rex 'king', reges 'kings'; pertinax 'tenacious one', pertinaces 'tenacious ones'; cultrix 'care-taker (fem.)', cultrices 'care-takers (fem.)'; see also meretrix 'prostitute', meretrices 'prostitutes'. So the plural of "dominatrix" should be "dominatrices". Just my $0.02! (Yes, I love languages, I'm a grammar nerd... 
Posts: 1459
GH, you have once again worked your magic and I find myself totally ensnared in one of your stories! I love the emotions and the generally gentle nature of your characters - it makes them very easy to care about.
If they occasionally have a little wicked twist, well, don't we all? Always anxiously awaiting the next installment!
Posts: 4050
Posts: 4050
I grabbed three tee shirts and followed Cassandra and Jennifer out of the bedroom. As soon as we got into the living room I handed a tee shirts to each of the girls. We put them on quickly. It was late, there was a chill in the air.
As I walking into the kitchen I was very conscious of the chastity cage on my penis. It was made of plastic, so it wasn't actually very heavy; but it was new, I wasn't used to wearing it.
I took a bottle of Riesling out of the refrigerator, opened it and set it on a tray with three glasses. When I returned to the living room the girls were already seated on the couch.
After I set the wine on the coffee table Cassandra patted a spot on the couch between them and said, "Francis come sit with us."
As soon as I sat down Cassandra lightly ran her fingers over my plastic covered penis and kissed my cheek. "Francis we both think it's so hot that you're willing to wear this for us."
I laughed. "You didn't actually give me much of a choice. If I remember correctly Jennifer sat on my face and twisted my nipples every time I tried to resist."
Cassandra nodded, "Yes, that is true; but you still could have refused to let us do it."
"I know, actually I'm also finding it kind of exciting".
Cassandra gently squeezed my testicles. "It makes me very happy to hear you say that. It really is important to us that you wear it.”
She slipped her hand under my tee shirt and lightly brushed my nipples with her fingertips. “Jen and I want to remind you that we will always punish disobedience and defiance.” Cassandra grabbed my left nipple between her thumb and her forefinger and gave it a firm twist.
The quick shot of pain made me jump.
Cassandra released my nipple and gently massaged it with her fingertip. It felt good. “But we also want you to remember that we will always reward compliance and cooperation".
Jennifer leaned over, brushed her lips against my ear and and whispered, "Punishing you is exciting, but rewarding you is just as exciting." She reached down and ran her fingers along the side of my chastity cage. “Our little friend is all locked up right now, and yes Cassie and I plan to play with lots and lots of guys, but don't worry Francis, we won't ever forget about you. We are going to make sure that life is always very good for our favorite little man.”
Suddenly Jennifer sat up and looked at me. Her face had a very serious expression on it. “Francis, I mean that. You are already my favorite man. Please don't ever forget that while were playing our kinky games.” She smiled at me. “I know this is all happening very quickly, but both Cassie and I have been searching for something for a very long time. Sometimes, late at night after too many cocktails, we talk about it. There's an emptiness in our lives. It's a void that no matter how much we try, neither of us have been able to fill.”
Jennifer paused for a moment. I think she was searching for the correct words. “Francis as soon as Cassie told me about you I knew I had to meet you. She described a man who was kind, understanding and very strong but not demanding or domineering.” She smiled at me. “And now that I've met you I realize that you are all of those things and more. Francis I desperately hope that this little triangle were forming works. I need you so much”. She laughed. “I probably need you a whole lot more than you need me.”
I leaned over and kissed her. “No Jen, I need you and Cassie every bit as much as you need me”. And then I turned to Cassandra and kissed her.
I started to say something to Cassandra, but she put her fingertips on my lips and silenced me. She leaned forward and poured three glasses of wine. She passed one to Jennifer and one to me and then she picked up the third glass and said, "A toast".
Both Jennifer and I raised our glasses.
Cassandra said, "To the three of us."
I quickly added, "The Three Musketeers".
Jennifer giggled and said, "No, the three perverts."
All three of us started laughing and as we clinked our glasses we said in unimister, "To the three perverts".
We took a sip of our wine and set our glasses down. For a moment we silently looked at each other and then Jennifer grinned and said, "Okay, back to this story about your sisters."
I smiled at her abrupt change of mood and said, "Alright, what do you want to know?"
"You told us that they dressed you up like a girl."
I nodded. "That's right."
"You said you were eighteen."
"Yes, the last time it happened."
Cassandra looked at me. "You mean it happened more than once?"
"How many times".
"I don't know, maybe five or six."
"Five or six!" Jennifer put her hand over her mouth and started giggling.
Cassandra thought about this for a moment and then she asked, "So exactly what did they do?"
"What do you mean by everything?" Jennifer was still giggling.
"You know, everything; makeup, hair, clothes, underwear, everything".
Jennifer stared at me. "Underwear? They dressed you in girl's underwear? You mean like panties and a bra?"
I nodded. "Yes, and nylon stockings." At first I was a little embarrassed about admitting all of this, but now I was starting to find it exciting.
Cassandra quietly asked, "Francis how old are your sisters?"
"Lydia is two years older than me and Deborah is two years older than Lydia. My parents spaced us very carefully".
Jennifer smiled. "Lydia and Deborah, those are pretty names".
I nodded. "My parents named us after heroes of the American Revolution. Lydia is named after Lydia Darragh, she was a spy and Deborah is named after Deborah..."
"Sammister, she was a young woman who masqueraded as a man so that she could join the Continental Army". Cassandra was smiling at me. I remembered that on the day we met she'd told me that she loved history.
She turned to Jennifer. "Francis is named after Francis Marion. He was another Revolutionary War hero."
Jennifer shook her head. "How do you know all of this?"
Cassandra shrugged. "I like to read and I love history." She turned back to me. "So Francis, when they were finished dressing you up did you look like a girl?"
I shook my head. "Yes, yes I did. The first time we did it, they were just fooling around with my hair and a little makeup. They were amazed at how feminine I looked so they put some clothes on me. They were shocked at how easy it was to make me look like a girl".
"Did you ever go out dressed as a girl?"
I was once again beginning to regret ever bringing this up, but I didn't want to lie to Cassandra and Jennifer so I quietly said, "Yes".
Jennifer leaned forward. "Really? Where?"
I quietly said, "To the mall".
"No way!"
Cassandra put her hand on my knee. "Did you pass?"
"Oh yes."
Jennifer was shaking her head. "What did you do? Did you go into any stores?"
I nodded. "Yes, we went shopping. My sisters and their friends had me try on several outfits".
"Their friends? What friends."
"My sisters had two close friends. They went with us."
Jennifer laughed. "Francis this is amazing." She paused and thought for a moment and then she asked the question I most feared. "Francis, can we dress you up?"
I knew it was coming. I glanced over at Cassandra. She was watching me very carefully. I smiled at both of them. "I really don't think I want to go down that road. I'm quite content being a guy".
Cassandra leaned over, kissed my cheek and whispered, "But you wouldn't mind if we made our little cuckboy just a bit more feminine would you?"
"What do you mean?"
Cassandra stood up. "I'll be right back."
She disappeared into the bedroom. A moment later she reappeared. She walked directly over to me and held up a pair of pale yellow, lace trimmed panties. "Francis, I would really like it if you put these on."
Jennifer giggled. "Oh yes, Francis you would look so cute in those."
I shook my head. "I don't know".
"Francis", There was an ominous tone in Cassandra's voice. "Remember, we reward cooperation and we punish defiance. You're not going to defy us are you?"
Jennifer reached over and gently rubbed my caged penis. "All good cuckboy's should wear panties. You want to be a good cuckboy don't you Francis?"
I sensed that resistance was useless. Cassandra and Jennifer had their minds set and they were not going to be denied.
I stood up, took the panties from Cassandra and reluctantly put them on. "There, are you happy now?"
Cassandra turned to Jennifer. "Jen, I have to say that Pansy really does look cute in pale yellow, wouldn't you agree?"
Jennifer nodded. "I certainly would, it's a very nice color for him".
I started to blush.
Cassandra smiled and said, “Look Jen, our little Pansy is blushing. Isn't he cute”. She hugged me and started to giggle, "Thank you Francis, you understand that as ruthless doms it's important that we power you to do some things that you find very humiliating. It's our way of showing that we love you." She grabbed my hand. "Now come and sit down on the couch with us. As your reward for being so good Ms. Dalton and I are going to tell you all about the night at Ricky Tyler's poker party".
Posts: 4050
#162 · Edited by: goodhusband
As soon as I was seated Jennifer picked up my hand and held it firmly in hers. As she held it she looked into my eyes and said, "If we tell you this story do you promise me you won't hate me or think I'm an awful permister?"
I smiled at her. "Jennifer does it involve *** or ***?"
Cassandra laughed and said, "No we only do that with you."
I patted Jennifer's hand. "Then I promise not to think badly of you no matter what you tell me." I winked at her. "In fact I'm hoping that it's going to be a little outrageous and very exciting".
Cassandra shook her head. "I don't think this story is going to disappoint you". She took a sip of her wine and said, "It was about a month ago on a Friday evening. Jen and I had both had horrendous weeks at work".
Jennifer nodded. "That was certainly true for me. We had three cases going to trial at the same time. Everyone in our office spent the entire week racing around like madmen trying to get everything ready."
"Our firm had a contract to supply the materials for a new office complex that was being built out by the airport. They were starting construction on the first of May and we were still trying to locate some of the key materials they had to have before they could begin".
Cassandra smiled. "I called Jen on that Friday afternoon and asked her if she wanted to meet at Malone's for takes and dinner".
"Francis, I was so ready. When Cassie called me I think I screamed yes into the telephone".
"She did. We both needed to unwind and Malone's on a Friday night seemed to be the perfect place".
"You mean you wanted to unwind with a couple of guys."
Jennifer shook her head. "On the contrary. We just wanted to take, talk, relax and eat a nice quiet dinner".
"Then why go to a place like Malone's"
Cassandra shrugged. "Well for one reamister we know Malone's and everyone there knows us. We're comfortable there. But there's more to it than just that. Unlike most singles bars, Malone's is very quiet on Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights. They have a small dinner crowd and a few regulars who just like to hang out there".
"I don't understand".
"Francis, most of the people who go to Malone's looking for sex are married".
Jennifer nodded. "That's why we like to go there. We can hook up with a guy and know there won't be any entanglements because he most likely has a wife waiting for him at home".
"Except on Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights. On those nights the married but carbonsmudgeating crowd are all at home with their wives or husbands so Malone's becomes more of a neighborhood bar and restaurant. It was just what Jen and I needed". Cassandra smiled at me. "Does that make sense to you now Francis?"
"Yes it does. We're going to Malone's tomorrow night, so..."
Jennifer laughed. "It's going to be filled with hot married guys".
"Yes Francis, tomorrow is Wednesday. Wednesday is the biggest night of the week at Malone's. By Wednesday all the husbands who have to travel have left town and their philandering wives are at home all alone looking for something to do".
"And the men who travel to this city and know about Malone's are all here and they're all primed for a little action".
"Wednesday nights are filled with good reamisters to be out".
"Oh yes, PTA meetings, choir practice, bowling leagues, dinner with the boys and dinner with the girls".
Cassandra smiled at me. "Believe me Francis, Jen and I have heard every excuse in the books".
Jennifer started giggling. "Every once in a while a husband and wife will accidentally run into each other at Malone's. Boy does that cause an uproar".
"So anyway the two of you were meeting at Malone's for takes and a quiet dinner, right?"
Cassandra nodded, "Yes and as soon as we got there we both chugged a vodka martini and ordered second one right away".
"Francis that night Cassie and I were frazzled and we both needed a take".
"The first martini helped a lot and we were able to sip our second martini while we unloaded to each other about how awful jobs were. When we ordered our dinner we asked for a third round of martinis and by the time our dinners arrived, both Jen and I were feeling very relaxed" Cassandra shook her head. "As we were finishing our dinner a fourth round of martinis arrived. We hadn't ordered them. As the waiter was setting them in front of us he informed us that they were from the six gentlemen in the bar.
"Cassie and I both looked into the bar. Rick Tyler, Phil Benmister and Jamister Reynolds were waving at us. There were three other guys with them, but we didn't know who they were". Jennifer laughed. "But all three of them were very handsome".
Cassandra continued the story. "Rick, Phil and Jamister are all divorced and they are now confirmed bacarbonsmudgelors. All three of them insist that marriage was a huge mistake that they will never ever repeat". She smiled. "That makes them very good playmates for Jen and me".
Jennifer giggled. "They're also very handsome, that doesn't hurt either".
Cassandra shook her head. "Well anyway, we like Rick, Phil and Jamister so we waved the guys over to our table. As soon as they got there Rick introduced the other three guys." Cassandra looked at Jennifer. "The tall one was Adam right?"
Jennifer nodded and then she said, "The dark haired guy was..." She paused. After a moment she smiled and said, "Marty, the dark haired guy's name was Marty."
Cassandra stared at the floor for a moment. "What was the bald guy's name?"
I looked at both of them. "Bald guy?"
Jennifer shrugged. "His head was shaved, but you could see the shadow of his hairline on his scalp. He was bald, but he had these really broad shoulders and huge muscles. He obviously spent a lot of time in the gym" She winked at me. "Bald or not, he was still hot".
Cassandra rolled her eyes. "Jen honey, after three vodka martinis you think Sponge Bob is hot."
Jennifer looked at me and giggled. "Francis, she is right; after a couple of takes I am kind of easy."
"Jen focus, what was his name?"
Jennifer and Cassandra weren't actually telling me much of the story, but I was having a wonderful time. When my two friends get going, they are very entertaining.
Posts: 438
Perfect GH, you already had love and now you introduce need you truely do understand, once again thank you so much for your time in writing for us..
Mel x
Posts: 4050
#164 · Edited by: goodhusband
Thank you, you have been a friend and supporter of my stories ever since I wrote "Sandra and Stevie". When you're writing a long story like this one it is very easy to get tired and a little down and start thinking that no one is interested in reading it anymore. Your words always inspire me to write a little more. I very much appreciate you ongoing support.
Thank you
Posts: 4050
#165 · Edited by: goodhusband
"Scott, his name was Scott".
"That's right Jen, his name was Scott”. Cassandra smiled at both of us. “Everyone pulled up chairs and we started chatting right away. The three new guys were old friends of Rick's from college. They were here for the weekend. They joked that it was kind of an informal class reunion. Adam and Marty were both married and Scott was divorced".
"They were all really nice guys and Adam and Ricky were very funny, so it wasn't long before they had both Cassie and me giggling like two teenagers". Jennifer shook her head. "Francis, it was just what we needed after the horrible work weeks that we'd both had".
"Cassandra sighed. "It really was". There was a very contented smile on Cassandra's face. I guessed that she was remembering just how pleasant it had been to sit at that table and unwind. After a moment she said, "So anyway it was obvious that we were all having a a pretty good time so Ricky tells us that they were planning to go back to his place to play some Texas Hold em."
Jennifer laughed. "Francis I'm not much of a card player. I didn't even know what Texas Hold em was". She shrugged. "But I liked these guys, so I told them that I would go as long as I didn't have to play cards".
"I felt the same way, so I asked Ricky if we could just come along to watch". Cassandra shook her head. "All six guys immediately started cheering and clapping. Ricky told us that having two beautiful women watching them play cards would make the evening absolutely perfect".
Jennifer smiled at me. "It was a sweet flattering thing to say. Ricky Tyler is very smooth."
"We didn't need directions to Ricky's town house, Both Jen and I had been there several times in the past. After the boys left we settled the bill and rode over together in my car. The boys had offered to let us ride with them, but we didn't want to be stranded at Ricky's. Jen was already planning to stay at my apartment that night, so we left her car at Malone's."
Jennifer nodded. "Both of us are afraid of takeing and driving and I live farther from Malone's than Cassie does. We figured we could get my car in the morning".
I smiled at her. "Now you live very close to Malone's".
She giggled. "Yes I do, isn't it wonderful".
Cassandra grinned and then she continued with the story. "By the time we got to Ricky's place they boys had already started playing cards, but when we walked in they stopped their game and welcomed us".
Jennifer shook her head. "They were really very sweet. They had a pitcher of margaritas and they immediately poured each of us a take. Francis I love Margaritas, but they are dangerous. They taste just like lemonade, but they have a powerful kick".
"After Jen and I both had a take in our hands Ricky grabbed me and pulled me into the kitchen. He wanted me to help him prepare some snacks. As we were leaving the living room I noticed that Jen was already sitting on Phil's lap".
Jennifer giggled. "I was. Phil and I are good friends. We'd hooked up several times in the past year. He's really a very sweet guy".
"Ricky had some snacks. They were mostly cheese and crackers. I got two plates out of the cupboard. While I was arranging the snacks on the plates Ricky slipped up behind me, put his arms around my shoulders and started kissing my neck". Cassandra smiled. "Francis I'd already had several takes. I was feeling very relaxed. I didn't do anything to stop Ricky's advances so it wasn't long before he'd removed my blouse and was slipping my unhooked brassiere off of my shoulders".
Cassandra shook her head. "We made out hot and heavy for a few minutes and then Ricky broke it off and said that we should get back to the others. I picked up my bra and started to put it back on, but Ricky stopped me. He told me that I looked really hot without it".
She started laughing. "I stared at him for a moment and then I asked him if he was suggesting that I walk around topless in front of his friends. Ricky winked at me a told me that I was very beautiful and it would make it a memorable card party of I did".
I looked at Cassandra and said, "What did you do?"
She shrugged. "Francis I was pretty tipsy, and I am a bit of an exhibitionist, so I tossed my bra back onto the kitchen table and told Ricky that I'd do it."
I shook my head. "Really? You really went back into the living room without your top?"
Cassandra laughed. "Yes, I really did".
"Francis you should have seen the other five guy's faces when she walked into the living room. They were absolutely shocked. Every one of them stared at her with their tongues hanging out". Jennifer smiled at me. "She created quite a sensation, especially with what she did after she walked into the room".
"What do you mean?"
"Francis honey, our girlfriend has style. She was carrying a tray of cheese and crackers and she walked right up to Scott. She was holding the tray so that her arms were pressing her breasts together. She curtsied in front of him and asked him if he'd like some cheese and crackers". Jennifer shook her head. "The guys went wild. All of them started yelling for cheese and crackers".
"Well not quite all of them Jen. Why don't you tell Francis what you were doing when I walked into the living room".
Jennifer blushed. "Francis, I already told you that I was sitting on Phil's lap".
I nodded. "Yes you did".
"Well we were kind of making out".
"Jen, tell him the truth".
"Oh alright. Francis remember how I said that Phil and I were good friends and we'd already hooked up several times in the past few months".
Jennifer's voice got very quiet. "Well my skirt was up around my waist and Phil had his hand inside my panties".
"Jen honey, what was playing on Ricky's fifty inch plasma television?"
"A movie".
"What kind of movie?"
"A porno movie".
"What was the name of the movie?"
"Gang Bang Divas".
"Who picked the movie".
Jennifer blushed. "I did".
I looked at her. "What do you mean you picked it?"
"While I was sitting on Phil's lap and Cassie was in the kitchen, Jamister started reading off the names of the movies in Ricky's porn collection. The guys all asked me to pick one". She smiled sheepishly. "That was the one I picked".
"Jen, describe the scene that was playing on the television when I walked into the room?"
Jennifer grinned at me. "There was this woman, she was naked. She was on her hands and knees and she was sort of occupied".
Cassandra shook her head. "Occupied? Tell Francis exactly what that means".
"These guys were standing around her and she was having sex with all of them at the same time".
“Why don't you explain to Francis exactly how she was having sex with all of them at the same time". Cassie started smiling. She was enjoying this.
Jennifer stared at the floor. "She had one guys cock in her mouth and she was jacking two guys off, one with each hand".
"What else Jen?" Cassandra was not about to give her friend a break.
"She was straddling a guy. She was sitting on his cock. He was fucking her".
"Yes, but there was another guy wasn't there?"
Jennifer grinned at Cassandra. "Yes there was".
"And what was he doing?"
"He was kneeling behind her".
"What was he doing?"
Jennifer took a deep breath. I could tell that she was very excited. "He was fucking her ass".
"Jen how did you feel at that moment?"
"Cassie I was so hot". Jennifer blushed. "And I was feeling a little envious".
Posts: 1459
Very hot scene-setting here GH. I love the way the story is being told in part by them just telling it to Francis and partly as just happy reminiscing between two old friends that shared the experience, with Francis just sort of listening in.
This is a truly fascinating story! storm
Posts: 328
Hey GH Once again a great scene with the ebb and flow between Frances, Cassie and Jen. Please keep going!  Sorry a little late with this comment but WOW the couple you met when you were playing golf! How did you play that day? I would have had my focus else where. LOL  Look forward to reading more of your great writing A fan Meijer
Posts: 4050
#168 · Edited by: goodhusband
Once again thank you. You more than anyone know how tiring writing a long story like this can be.
Don't worry, I won't stop.
Yes that was a fun game of golf. They were both very nice people and their relationship inspired me to write a little sub story that will soon appear in this story.
Thank you again for your kind words.
Posts: 4050
#169 · Edited by: goodhusband
"Needless to say, my coming into the room topless combined with the movie that was playing on the 50 inch television affected the tone of the party. Suddenly the boy's interest in playing Texas Hold em had waned".
"That was for sure. It was fun to watch. Cassie took a turn serving each guy some of the snacks. When she got to Adam, before he took his cracker he reached out and touched her nipple with his fingertip . Cassie didn't do anything, she just smiled at him, so he got a little bolder and actually cupped her breast. After that every time she offered a guy a snack he felt her up a little before he took one."
Cassandra shook her head. "Francis, I've been with a lot of guys. I've even done some swinging. I've been to some very wild parties where everyone was naked and having sex, but the number of guys and girls has always been about even. This was the first time I'd ever been in a situation where the guys outnumbered us like this". She took a deep breath. "I have to admit that the attention was very exciting".
"So what happened next?"
Cassandra laughed. "Jen, our little pussyboy is loving this story. He obviously likes to hear what happens when we get together with a group of real men".
Jennifer slipped her hand down the front of my yellow panties and gently massaged my caged penis. "Pansy, are you sure you want to hear more? Cassie and I get very naughty with these men".
I bit my lip and said, "Yes please".
"Then we'll tell you a little more". Cassandra smiled. "As soon as I set my snack tray down Marty patted his lap and invited me to sit with him. Well I was pretty excited and Marty was very handsome, so the idea of sitting on his lap was quite appealing. Of course the moment I got on his lap he started kissing my neck and fondling my breasts".
"While Marty was playing with Cassie, Ricky turned to me and asked why they were getting to see Cassie's breasts, but they weren't getting to see mine".
"So what did you say?"
Jennifer started laughing. "I told them that no one had asked and then I stood up. Francis, it was so hot. All the guys watched me while I took off my blouse and brassiere. Once I was topless Ricky asked me if they could see more."
Cassandra shook her head. "Our slut friend there unzipped her skirt, let it fall to the floor and stepped out of it. All the guys hooted and hollered as she slowly twirled around wearing nothing but her thong panties". She smiled at me. "I do have to admit that it was pretty hot".
Jennifer winked at me. "Francis, it was very hot and guess what our prim and proper friend did".
I don't know, what did she do?"
"She stood up, took off her skirt and slowly paraded around the room wearing nothing but her thong".
Cassandra was watching me to see how I was reacting to this story. When she saw that I was still smiling she said, "Francis it really is exciting to take your clothes off in a room full of men. If I were younger, I think I would seriously consider becoming a nude dancer".
Jennifer shook her head. "And she called me a slut".
Cassandra laughed. "Jen honey, I think were both sluts".
Jennifer grinned. "And proud of it too".
"Francis, while I was parading around the room in my undies, what do you think our oversexed friend did".
I shook my head. "I can't even begin to guess".
"She pulled Adam, the tall guy out of his chair, kissed him and asked him if he'd like to take her panties off. Well Adam dropped to his knees in a flash, pulled Jen's panties down to her ankles and started kissing her bare pussy. I mean he started eating her cunt right there if front of everyone. You can imagine how the rest of the guys reacted. They all started clapping, cheering and screaming at Adam to go for it".
"So what happened next?"
"Scott, the bald guy with the big muscles got up, led Jen over to the couch, kissed her on the cheek and told her to sit down. By this time I think Jen was so excited that she was ready to do anything these guys wanted her to do".
Jennifer sighed. "Francis, when Adam started eating my pussy any self control that I might have had went out the window. I was putty in their hands".
"Well as soon as Jen was seated Scott waved Adam over and told him to start licking her cunt again. Adam didn't need to be persuaded. He crawled right over to Jen, buried his face between her legs and picked up right where he'd left off".
"Francis, Adam was almost as good at eating pussy as you are".
Cassandra smiled at me. "I think that in the right circumstances Adam might be just as submissive as you are Francis".
Jennifer nodded in agreement. "He never licked my asshole that night, but I suspect that was because his buddies were all watching him. I'll bet that if I got him alone in a bedroom I could make him do all kinds of wonderfully kinky things".
"So what did Scott do?"
"Cassie did you hear that? Our little pussyboy really does like to hear about us being naughty with other guys".
"Well tell him Jen".
"Francis, he unzipped his pants and pulled out a great big cock." Jennifer took a deep breath. "I mean, it must have been at least ten inches long and it was hard and had a nice curve to it". She looked over at Cassandra. "Don't you love it when a guy's cock has a nice upward curve to it?"
Cassandra rolled her eyes. "Focus Jennifer. Tell Francis what Scott did".
Jennifer giggled. "He started rubbing the head of that beautiful cock all over my lips and nose and asked me if I'd like something to suck on while Adam ate my pussy". She sighed. "Francis I love sucking a great big dick so I wrapped both of my hands around Scott's magnificent weapon, opened my mouth and started giving him a very sloppy blow job". She winked at me. “You do know that sloppy blow jobs are the most fun”.
Cassandra ignored Jennifer's comment and continued telling the story. "As soon as Jen started sucking Scott's cock, Ricky and Marty looked over at me to gauge my reaction to what was happening. When they saw I was still smiling they both stood up and walked over to me. Ricky fondled my breasts while Marty slipped his hand down the front of my panties and started fingering my pussy. Francis if there had been any doubt in anyones mind about my reaction to what was happening, it disappeared at that moment. My pussy was soaking wet and when Marty touched me, I closed my eyes and started to quietly moan". Cassandra closed her eyes. I could tell that she was reliving the excitement of that moment.
Jennifer noticed what was happening and picked up the story. "While Marty and Ricky were playing with Cassie, Jamister got up and walked over to me. He took his clothes off..."
"All of his clothes?"
Jennifer nodded. "Yes, he was the first one to do it, but it was just a few more minutes before all six of the guys were naked. Anyway, he tapped Adam on the shoulder and told him to go over and take Cassie's panties off".
Jennifer looked at Cassandra. "Now that were talking about what happened that night, I don't think we were the only one's that sensed Adam's submissive nature".
Cassandra smiled. "You're right Jen, when I think about it, it really was obvious". She paused for a moment and then she said, "Do you remember if he ever got to fuck either of us?"
Jennifer thought about Cassandra's question and then she said, "I'm not sure, I really wasn't paying too much attention to what he was doing, but now that I think about it, it seems to me that he spent most of the night either eating us or watching the other guys take turns fucking us".
Cassandra laughed. "Jennifer, I'm beginning to think that Francis may not have been the first guy to eat a cream pie out of my pussy".
Jennifer gasped. "Cassie, I think you're right".
"I wish I could have been there in Adam's place". I shuddered as I heard the words come out of my mouth. I don't know what made me say it. I know I was thinking it, but suddenly I just blurted it out".
Jennifer and Cassandra both stared at me for a moment and then Cassandra said, "Francis, are you sure about that? Because I am quite certain that a similar situation can be arranged".
I got very nervous. I started to stutter. "I ah I, well I'm..."
Jennifer patted my knee. "Honey it's okay, you don't have to decide right now. We have lots of time to explore these fantasies".
Cassandra leaned over and kissed my cheek. "Francis, we'll never make you do anything you don't want to do, but we also want to push you to live your fantasies. Jen and I are doing the same thing to each other. That's what the night at Ricky Tyler's was really all about".
Cassandra massaged my crotch. "Before tonight did you ever think you would actually wear a chastity cage?"
I shook my head. "No I didn't".
"Are you enjoying the experience?"
I nodded. "Yes, I am. I'm enjoying it very much". And then I got very quiet and stared at the floor.
Jennifer looked at me. "Francis, what's wrong?"
I whispered. "Nothing, nothing at all; in fact I'm very happy. It's just that..."
"What honey? you can tell us".
"I'm enjoying it even more because I'm sharing it with you and Cassandra".
Cassandra and Jennifer both hugged me. After a moment Cassandra said, "Francis, that's why we're telling you about the night at Ricky's. It was a very exciting experience for us. It was a night when we pushed our fantasies to the edge. We want to share that experience with you. Honey we want to share everything with you".
Posts: 4050
Jennifer playfully poked me in the ribs. "Want to hear the rest of the story pussyboy?"
I grinned at her. "Yes, very much".
Cassandra put her arm around my shoulders and in a playful tone of voice said, "Well let me see, where were we?"
"I think Adam was just crawling over to pull your panties down".
She smiled at me. "Yes he was and when he got to me that is exactly what he did".
"After he pulled your panties down, did he start eating your pussy? You know like he did with Jennifer?"
Cassandra started laughing. "Jen do you think our little Pansy is enjoying this story?"
"Yes, and Cassie he's seems to be particularly enjoying the parts with Adam".
My face turned a bright shade of crimmister. Both women noticed it. Cassandra hugged me and said, "It's okay sweetie, we want to know about all your fantasies". She laughed. "I guarantee you that Jen and I are the last two people who will become judgmental. I mean right now were telling you all about a night we got gang banged".
"Yes honey, after Adam pulled Cassie's panties down he did lick her pussy, but only for a minute".
"Why for only a minute".
"Marty stopped him so he could lead me over to the love seat. I got on it on my hands and knees so I was facing one end. Ricky and Marty were both naked. They'd undressed while Adam was eating my cunt. Ricky walked around the love seat and stood in front of me. He has a big cock and it was fully erect". Cassandra grinned at me. "Francis sometimes when a guy is really turned on and he has a big cock it will start to move on it's own. Ricky's erection was doing that. It was quite exciting". She took a deep breath. "I held it in both of my hands and then I started licking the head. I gather that the rest of the guys must have been watching because everyone cheered when I put that wonderful dick in my mouth and started sucking it".
"Everyone was watching. I even took a break from sucking Scott's monster so I could watch Cassie and Ricky". Jennifer laughed. "Francis, the entire evening was a wonderful combination of voyeurism and exhibitionism".
"So all of my attention was focused on sucking Ricky's cock and then all of the sudden I felt movement on the love seat behind me”. Cassandra took a deep breath. “Someone was rubbing the head of his cock on the lips of my cunt".
"Francis, it was Marty. It was so hot to see him mount Cassie from behind while she was sucking Ricky's erection".
"I almost orgasmed when I felt him push his cock into me. Francis, Jen and I have both been with a lot of guys, but that was the first time in my life that I'd ever had two cocks inside me at the same time".
"As soon as Marty started fucking Cassie, Jamister picked me up and set me on all fours at one end of the couch so that I was in the same position as Cassie." She giggled. "He was very strong and it was kind of fun to be manhandled like that".
Cassandra patted my thigh. "Francis, attitude is one of the things that makes a man a stud. Real men don't ask, they just take".
"But isn't that..."
"Oh honey, don't worry, the guys we date are all gentleman. They understand what the word, no means". She winked at me. "But they might make us say it before they stop".
Jennifer laughed. "Cassie have you ever said no?"
Cassandra giggled. "Jen you know I was speaking hypothetically".
"Anyway Francis, Jamister set me down on the end of the couch. While we were watching Marty mount Cassie, Scott had taken the opportunity to remove his clothes, so he was naked when he walked around in front of me”. She winked at me. "He had a really hot body and I was very eager to start sucking his cock again".
Jennifer took a deep breath. "Francis, I was so excited because I knew they were going to do the same thing to me that they were doing to Cassie." And then she smiled at me. "But it got even better".
"What do you mean?"
"Francis, you remember that I told you Jen is a back door girl don't you?".
"Yes, but..." And then I understood. I looked at Jennifer and said, "You mean...".
She smiled at me; "As Jamister was getting ready to mount me, Phil told him that I liked being fucked in the ass".
"Doesn't that hurt?"
Jennifer shook her head. "I guess it bothers some girls, but I think it feels great". She shrugged. "Besides, Ricky told us that he had some intimate gel on the table next to his bed so Phil went to get it and Jamister put some on the head of his cock before he entered me".
"So it didn't hurt, right".
Jennifer laughed. "No honey it didn't hurt at all, in fact it felt wonderful".
Cassandra smiled at me. "After that it turned into a free for all orgy. Both of us were pretty busy for the next several hours. We ended up relaxing at Ricky's place and the next morning when we woke up the guys made us French toast for breakfast. They offered to take us out to dinner the next night, but we knew how that was going to end up and we'd already had our big adventure for that weekend so we said no".
Jennifer looked at me. "Francis, now that you've heard the story do you hate us?"
"Why would I hate you?"
She shrugged. "I don't know, it's just that..."
"Jennifer, should I feel guilty because the two of you have me locked in a chastity cage?"
She shook her head. "No, we're just playing out a sex fantasy".
"That night at Ricky's, did anyone get hurt?"
"Did you have fun?"
Jennifer grinned at me. "Oh yes".
"Weren't you just playing out a sex fantasy at Ricky's?"
Cassandra laughed. "Jen honey, Francis may be our boy, but he is one very smart boy".
"I do have one comment I'd like to make".
Both women looked at me.
Jennifer asked, "What is it Francis?"
"If the two of you ever decide to do this again, I'd like to be included. I think you might need a little pussyboy to see to the needs of you and your studs".
Both of my girls hugged me and while they were hugging me Jennifer said, "Francis, I can't think of anything in this world that would make me happier".
Posts: 4050
#171 · Edited by: goodhusband
Cassandra looked at me. "Francis it's after midnight, you have to work tomorrow. Jen and I don't. You're the one who's going to have to decide when we should call it a night and go to bed".
I smiled at Cassandra. "I'm having the time of my life. I don't want this evening to ever end."
Jennifer patted my thigh. "Francis honey, it's eventually going to have to end. Baby were together now, we have hundreds of nights ahead of us that will be just like this one".
"I know, but you two talked about reading some stories from the Internet before we go to bed. Can't we please stay up for just one story?"
Cassandra giggled. "Francis, I just love it when I hear you beg".
"Cassie we could read one story. That wouldn't take too long." Jennifer winked at me. "I think it would be really hot to take turns reading a cuckold story to Francis while he kisses and massages our feet".
Cassandra wiggled her toes. "Oh that does sound nice. What do you think Francis? Have you got another hour in you?"
"Oh yes please. That sounds wonderful".
Cassandra nodded. "Alright, but I've had enough wine. Why don't you get some ice water for us while Jen and I turn on the computer and look for a nice kinky story to read".
I stood up. As I was walking into the kitchen Cassandra called to me. "Pansy, you really do look cute in those yellow panties. If we go to another party at Ricky's, you do understand that you'll be wearing them, don't you?"
Jennifer giggled. "And absolutely nothing else except your cock cage".
I shook my head as I continued into the kitchen. Life with Cassandra and Jennifer was going to be very humiliating and very exciting".
I filled a pitcher with ice cubes and water and filled three glasses with ice cubes. I set everything on a tray and carried it all back into the living room. Cassandra and Jennifer were sitting next to each on the couch. Cassandra had my laptop computer balanced on her knees.
As I set the tray on the coffee table Jennifer pointed at the computer screen and said. "Cassie, look at this one. It's called "Jill and Timmy". Underneath the titled it says: D/S, cuckold, offense and interracial". She giggled. "Does that mean we'll get to hear about black guys with great big dicks?"
Cassandra nodded. "I think that's exactly what it means". And then she smiled and said, "Jen you do know that's just a myth don't you".
Jennifer laughed. "Of course I do. I've been with lots of black guys. They're no bigger than anyone else". She winked at me. "But it's still fun to think about it".
"Jen look at the name of the guy that wrote the story".
Jennifer looked at the computer screen and shrieked, "Cassie, that's wonderful. What a great pen name".
Cassandra snapped her fingers and pointed at the floor. "Pansy, sit at our feet. I don't think it's appropriate for a little pussyboy like you to share the couch with us while were reading fine erotica". She smiled at me. "You don't have to kneel, you can sit. We do want you to be comfortable".
As soon as I was seated I raised my hand and said, "Ms. Riley, may I ask a question?"
"Of course pussyboy. What would you like to know?"
"What's the author's name?"
Jennifer laughed and said, "Loyal Cuck! Isn't that a great name for a cuckold writer?" She turned to Cassandra. "Come on Cassie, we have to read this story. Do you want to start or should I?"
"I'll start reading while Pansy massages your feet. We'll switch places every few minutes".
Jennifer lifted her foot and wiggled her toes against my chest. "Pussyboy, you heard the woman; get busy".
Posts: 4050
#172 · Edited by: goodhusband
Cassandra played with the mouse on my laptop computer. After a moment she seemed to be satisfied and she carefully read:
"Jill and Timmy by Loyal Cuck".
Jennifer giggled at the name.
Cassandra shot her a quick glance and then she started reading:
"Oh yes baby. Do it! That feels so good. Lick me. You know how I like it. Oh cuckolds brownie yes, that's it! Yes suck on my clit. Yes! Yes! Just like that." My wife gasped. "Damn Timmy, that feels so good."
I looked up at Jill and smiled at her.
She pushed my head back down. "No baby don't stop! Keep sucking on my clit. Please keep sucking on my clit."
I sucked Jill's engorged clitoris back into my mouth. I knew this was what she liked best. It was her special thing. Whenever we made love she wanted, no she demanded that I do this for her. I didn't mind. I loved licking her pussy.
Jennifer leaned over and patted my head. "That's what you do Francis" She took a deep breath and added, "And it really does feel good". Jennifer had a huge smile on her face. It was obvious that she was already excited by the story.
Cassandra ignored her friend's comment and kept reading.
I closed my eyes. As I sucked on Jill's clit I started flicking it with my tongue at the same time. This would put her over the edge. I knew my wife. We'd been married for just over a year now. I understood her likes and dislikes very well.
I kept sucking on her clit. Suddenly Jill pushed my head away from her cunt and rolled over on her stomach. "Lick my asshole Timmy. Lick my ass while you rub my clit with your fingers."
This was another of Jill's "favorites". Oddly enough it excited me even more than licking her pussy. I guess I've always been a little bit submissive and there was no doubt in my mind that licking my wifes asshole was a very submissive act.
I spread the cheeks of Jill's ass. I heard her sigh as I pressed my lips against her puckered anus and when she felt me push my tongue into her asshole Jill hissed, "Oh yessss Timmy! That makes me feel so powerful when you do that."
There was no doubt in my mind that my wife also viewed it as a demonstration of the power she held over me.
My wife got up on her hands and knees to give me freer access to her rear. I responded by pushing my tongue even deeper into her. At the same time I reached up and started to rub her clit with my fingers.
Jill giggled with delight. "Damn Timmy, this is so hot. I love it when you kiss and lick my asshole."
For a moment she was quiet and then Jill said, "Do you like it Timmy? Do you love kissing my ass just as much I love making you kiss it?"
Jill's choice of the verb, "make" sent a little thrill rippling through my body. The idea that I was being powerd to lick my wife's asshole made it even more exciting for me. I pulled my tongue out of her anus and kissed each of her gorgeous cheeks. "Yes, I love it when you make me kiss and lick your asshole."
Jill rolled over and stared into my eyes. There was a wicked smile on her face. "You're my little ass kissing sissyboy aren't you Timmy?"
My entire body started to tingle. I was a masochist and I loved it when my wife made humiliating and belittling comments to me.
I looked at Jill. There was a fire in her eyes that I'd only seen on rare occasions. My wife loved sex and lately she'd developed a taste for some very kinky pleasures, but tonight there was something else. Tonight she was even more excited than usual.
"Answer me Timmy! I asked you a question." Jill piled two pillows together and lay back so her head was propped up on them and then she started fingering her pussy while she continued staring at me. "Timmy answer me, I'm waiting."
I returned her stare. For a moment we gazed into each other's eyes. The air was thick with sexual electricity. We knew that we both wanted this. I took a deep breath and quietly said; "Yes, I'm your little ass kissing sissyboy."
"What's my name sissyboy?"
My wife shook her head. "No sissyboy, that's what men call me, but you're not a man are you? What do little sissyboys like you call me."
I bowed my head and quietly whispered, "Ms. Walker".
"What was that? I didn't hear you".
I repeated myself in a louder voice. "Ms. Walker, little sissyboys like me call you Ms. Walker".
"Holy cuckolds brownie! Who writes this stuff? This is really hot!" Jennifer was grinning at both of us.
Cassandra smiled at Jennifer. "Jen, just close your eyes and listen to the story. If you're getting excited, I'm sure that Francis wouldn't mind if you played with your pussy while he kisses your feet".
Jennifer grinned at me. "Pussyboy, would you like that? Would you like to watch me rub my pussy while we listen to the story?"
I looked up at Jennifer and quietly said; "Yes Ms. Dalton, I would like that very much". I kissed her toes. When I looked up again Jennifer was gently massaging her cunt.
Cassandra smiled and continued reading the story.
My wife's name was Jill Walker. My name was Timothy Morris. When we got married Jill informed me that she was going to keep her maiden name. I was given a choice. I could take her name and become Timothy Walker or I could keep my name. At the time our dominant and submissive roles were just beginning to take shape so I kept my own name. Lately Jill has been hinting that it might be time for me to surrender my name and become Timothy Walker.
"Sissyboy, your wife needs a good fucking and we both know a little wimp like you is incapable of giving it to me, don't we?"
I bowed my head and quietly whispered, "Yes maam."
"All right then, what are you waiting for, fetch my lover!"
Jill was ordering me to get her toy. Her toy was a ten inch very lifelike rubber cock. We both referred to it as her "lover". My wife bought it about three months ago and ever since then it's been a central part of our sex life. By the way, Jill's toy was a deep chocolate brown. There was no doubt in my mind that my wife's imaginary lover was black.
I obediently went to her dresser and retrieved her "lover". Jill stores her rubber cock in the same drawer where she keeps her most elegant and seductive lingerie. You know what I'm talking about; the panties, nylons, garter belts and brassieres that come out only on wedding anniversaries or other special occasions. Jill likes to tell me that she keeps her lover there because that lingerie is reserved for him and only for him. Sadly, I knew that was a true statement. It had been over six months now since she had worn any of that lingerie for me.
As soon as I returned to the bed my wife sat up and said, "Hold it for me sissyboy. Hold it near my lips."
I knew exactly what to do, we'd done this many times before. I sat on the edge of the bed and held the rubber cock near her face. Jill closed her eyes, cradled the cock in her fingertips and gently kissed the head.
"Sissyboy, do you see how excited I get when have a real man's cock in my hands." Jill loved to taunt me while we were playing "the game". She closed her eyes and rubbed the head of her "lovers cock" on her lips. "He wants me to suck him sissyboy, but that would be very naughty wouldn't it?" She giggled, "After all I am a married woman".
Jill kept rubbing the cock along her lips. "He's being very powerful Timmy. I'm not sure I can stop him from making me suck his cock. Black men are like that you know, they won't take no for an answer". My wife paused and then she took a deep breath. "And I don't want to deny him his pleasure. Sissyboy I want to know how that big black cock feels in my mouth. Help me sissyboy what should I do?"
At this point I'm not sure which of us was more excited. I breathlessly answered, "He's not giving you a choice Ms. Walker. You have to suck him".
"Sissyboy, what do you want me to do?" Jill emphasized the word, “you”.
I quietly whispered. "I want you to take his cock in your mouth and suck it".
"Sissyboy, I'm your wife. Do you really want me to suck another man's cock?"
I was very excited. I breathlessly answered, "Yes".
"Why sissyboy, tell me why".
"Because I love you and I want you to enjoy the pleasure of sucking a big black cock".
"Yes, but you're my husband. Why can't you give me that pleasure?"
Something had Jill very excited tonight. She was humiliating me even more than usual. I didn't have any objection. I was a masochist. I loved it when she treated me like this. A little thrill ripple through me as I answered. "Because I'm a tiny dicked white boy. Sucking my cock is about as satisfying as sucking your thumb".
"Timmy I'm worried that your just saying that. Prove it to me. Show me that you really want me to suck my lovers big black cock".
I quietly said, "Ms. Walker I beg you to take your lover's cock into your mouth and suck it. Please do it for me".
Jill giggled. "Well as long as that's what you really want sissyboy, I'd be happy to do it". My wife parted her lips and slipped the big rubber cock into her mouth. For the next several minutes I knelt on the edge of our bed and watched my wife kiss and suck "her lover's erection".
When she finally tired of this Jill turned to me and said, "He's not satisfied with a blow job sissyboy. He wants more, he wants to fuck me".
My wife handed the cock to me. I knew exactly what I was supposed to do with it. We'd played this same scene many times in the past.
I rubbed the head of the big black cock against the very wet lips of my wife's cunt. As I did this, my wife whispered. "Timmy I can't let him do this. I'm a married woman. I can't really let another man fuck me".
These words were a surprise. They weren't a usual part of the scenario.
"But Timmy I want him to do it. I desperately want him to do it. I need to feel his big cock inside of me. I don't know what to do".
I decided that my wife was just putting a little variety into the scene so I said, "It's okay Ms. Walker. I want you to let him do it. I want you to let him push his big cock into your cunt".
"Really Timmy, are you sure you wouldn't mind if I let another man fuck me?"
I smiled at Jill. "No, I'm absolutely certain I wouldn't mind. I want you to be happy".
"Then do it Timmy. If I really have your permission to let another man fuck me, do it. Push my lover's big black cock into my cunt".
As I pushed the rubber cock into my wife's cunt I had the distinct feeling that this had somehow become more than just a scene in a simple fantasy game".
Posts: 1459
Wow GH, I can see that you have been very inspired the last few days! Great and exciting turn to this hot story, can't wait for more but will have to as I will not be able to check in for awhile. Does pleasure denied (or delayed) become all the more sweet? I'll be looking forward to catching up when I can. Thanks for yet another amazing story! storm
Posts: 4050
Thanks Stormy
I appreciate you ongoing support.
You will be missed here. We will all eagerly await your return.
Posts: 4050
#175 · Edited by: goodhusband
Cassandra set the computer down on the couch and turned to Jennifer. "Jen, it's your turn to read".
I looked up at Jennifer. Her face was flushed, the lips of her shaved pussy glistened with her natural dew and her engorged clitoris audaciously protruded from the hood of skin that normally served as it's secret hiding place. She was clearly aroused by the story. She looked at Cassandra. "No Cassie, please keep reading. I'll read the next story, I promise; but please keep reading this one. I'm really enjoying it".
Cassandra smiled at her friend. "Very well, I'll keep reading, but the next time we do this it will be your turn to read and I won't listen to any arguments".
Jennifer nodded and quietly said, "I promise".
Cassandra picked up the computer again and continued reading.
Jill cooed with delight as I pushed her "lover's cock" into her sopping wet cunt. My wife had used her toy as a tool for teaching me how she liked to be fucked, so I knew exactly what she wanted me to do. At first I employed long slow thrusts so that she could relax and her body could become accustomed to the presence of the huge monster that was powering it's way in and out of her. With each thrust the head of her lover's cock would penetrate further into the depths my wife's womb. Gradually Jill began to move her hips in an attempt to meet each of these long slow thrusts. This was my signal to increase the pace of our movement. My wife was ready to get fucked.
I began vigorously pumping the cock in and out of Jill. But I was careful. My wife had taught me to maintain a nice tempo while I was fucking her with her toy. She explained to me she didn't care for men who fucked with herky jerky brute power. She preferred a man who moved with grace and rhythm. Jill believed that dancing and sex were very closely related activities.
My wife closed her eyes. As she moved to meet each of her lover's powerful thrusts she whispered, "Timmy you do that so very well. You really are a wonderful lover".
Jill's praise filled me with pride; but deep inside my gut, a feeling of regret gnawed at me. I desperately wanted to be able to fuck my wife with my own cock, but I knew it could never happen. Every time I'd been allowed to try, I ejaculated the moment my tiny penis entered her.
My wife reached down and started rubbing her clit. This was my cue to begin fucking her with total abandon.
As I increased the pace of my efforts, Jill cried out, "Oh yes, this is wonderful. I love being fucked by Tyrone's big black cock".
My wife was on the verge of an orgasm. I was quite certain that she had no idea that she'd just given her lover a name. But I'd heard it and I knew exactly who she was talking about".
Suddenly Jill arched her back and screamed as an orgasm erupted in her loins. I dutifully pulled the rubber cock out of her cunt and waited patiently for the waves of pleasure to subside.
While I waited I thought about the name Jill had inadvertently given to her "lover". As I just told you, I knew who he was. My wife had mentioned him several times in the past few weeks. He was Tyrone Baker, a retired NBA all star. I have always been a big fan of professional basketball, so when they met Jill was excited to be able to tell me all about him.
My wife works at the local branch of a prominent national investment firm. Apparently Tyrone recently moved to our city and shortly after he arrived he contacted the company and asked to have the local branch take over control of his investments. Needless to say, my wife and her coworkers very excited. Tyrone had recently retired from a lucrative basketball career and was now an extremely wealthy man.
With his six foot four inch slender athletic body and rich coffee colored skin, he was also very handsome. It wasn't hard for me to believe that my wife was attracted to him".
It also wasn't difficult for me to imagine that he would be attracted to Jill. My wife is a twenty-six year old blond beauty with large breasts and a trim figure that she keeps in excellent condition by making regular visits to a local gym. She is also a very bright woman. Jill graduated Magna Cum Laude from a prestigious private eastern university.
I have never been certain how I was lucky enough to end up marrying a beautiful woman like Jill. I met her during spring break in Daytona Beach, Florida. I was in graduate school working on my PhD in mathematics. Some friends talked me into going to Daytona Beach to unwind. It was a mistake. I really didn't fit in. I had a miserable time. On the morning of the second to the last day of my vacation that all changed.
I was eating breakfast alone in a local cafe. A gorgeous blond sat down at the table next to me. She looked like she was very tired. There was a moment of awkward silence and then she said, "Hi my name is Jill. I hate to eat alone, would you like to join me?"
I may be a math nerd, but when a beautiful woman asks me to join her for breakfast, I'm smart enough to say yes. We hit if off immediately. Jill had been partying at a frenetic pace for four solid days and she was exhausted. She'd had enough fun. All she wanted to do was relax and I turned out to be the perfect companion for that.
We spent two magical days together. When the vacation finally ended and we had to part we promised to stay in touch, and we did. We emailed each other daily. Our romance blossomed. It wasn't long before we were visiting each other at every opportunity.
After Jill graduated from college she took a job with a prominent investment firm and they sent her to their branch office in this city. It took me two more years to complete my PhD, but as soon as I was done I took a job with an engineering firm headquartered here and joined Jill. A month after I arrived, we got married".
Cassandra looked up from the computer. "Do you think Jill is already relaxing with Tyrone?"
Jennifer shook her head. "Oh I hope not." She looked at both of us. "Don't get me wrong, I think she should relax with him, but she should tell Timmy before she does it. Marriages work better when people are honest with each other".
Cassandra laughed. "I wouldn't know. I've never been part of a successful marriage".
Jennifer giggled. "Actually neither have I."
Cassandra turned to me. "Francis, what do you think?"
"I agree with Ms. Dalton. Jill should relax with Tyrone, but she should tell Timmy first".
Cassandra looked at me. "Why do you think she should relax with Tyrone. After all, she is a married woman".
I smiled at both Jennifer and Cassandra. "Every married woman should be free to relax with any man she chooses. It's her right as the dominant partner in the relationship".
"What if she's married to a stud"? There was a very serious tone to Jennifer's voice.
I submissively kissed each of Jennifer's toes and then I looked up at her and said, "Women shouldn't marry studs. Studs are for recreation. Women should marry little wimps like Timmy and me so that we can serve them and take care of them".
Cassandra stared at me for a moment and then she said, "My my, aren't you becoming the perfect little cuckboy".
I grinned at her and said, "I'm trying, I'm trying very hard".
Posts: 1914
I do like the way you wove that story in GH. Very hot, very inventive. I really think this story is turning out to be your finest work of all. Really, really great.
Posts: 4050
I appreciate your kind comment and encouragement.
Thank you,
Posts: 4050
Cassandra took a sip of her water. After she set the glass back down she began reading again.
"Alright, but Timmy please don't interrupt me until I'm done talking okay?"
"Very well". I was starting to get very nervous.
Jill took a deep breath. "Timmy do you remember me telling you about that new client at my office who used to be an NBA basketball player?"
"Yes, I remember. It's Tyrone Baker. He's a very famous player and you've mentioned him several times in the past few weeks".
"Have I?” My wife thought for a moment and then she said, “Yes, I suppose I have. Well anyway, after he met me he asked the firm to put me in charge of all of his financial affairs". Jill smiled at me. "It was really quite an honor and it's also going to be very good for my career".
I nodded.
Jill continued. "As his new financial advisor I had to familiarize myself with his assets and expenses so over the past several weeks we've had to spend quite a bit of time together. Timmy, Tyrone is a very nice man and we've become good friends".
My heart sank. I was afraid that my worst fears were about to come true". But I'd promised to listen quietly so I simply said, "I see".
"I met with Tyrone this morning. We had to go over a new investment plan that I'm putting together for him. Timmy at the end of the meeting he asked me to go out with him".
Jill stared at me. I think she was trying to gauge my reaction to what she'd just told me. Part of me was relieved. She hadn't slept with him yet, but another part of me was terrified. I was afraid that he was going to try to steal Jill away from me.
I quietly said, "Does he know you're a married woman?"
Jill nodded. "Yes, I've told him all about you".
"And he still wants you to go out with him?"
"Where does he want to take you?"
My wife sighed. I was quite certain it was a sigh of relief. I think she was probably worried that I was going to lose my temper and storm out of the house".
"The local NBA team has hired Tyrone to be there spokesman".
"But he never played here".
"I know, but this is a new franchise. They don't have a group of retired stars to draw from, so they contacted Tyrone. That's why he moved here".
"I see, so how is this related to him taking you out on a date?"
"It really wouldn't be a date". Jill paused for a moment and then she said, "Well I guess it would be kind of a date".
"I don't understand".
"The basketball team is hosting a dinner for their elite seamister ticket holders. These are people who have either court side seats or luxury boxes. Most of them are local corporate executives. Tyrone needs a date".
I shook my head. "I would think that a man like him wouldn't have too much trouble getting a date".
Jill nodded. "I know, but most of the women who chase after him are sports groupies. They're gorgeous, but they're also bimbos. They're not very good at cocktail party conversation. Tyrone needs a date who can hold her own in a conversation with a chairman of the board or a chief executive officer".
"And that's where you come in".
My wife smiled at me. "Yes".
"Would you like to go?"
Jill's face lit up. "Oh yes Timmy, I would love to go. It would be fun to meet all those important people. It would also be very good for my career. The guests at the party will all be very wealthy. All of them are going to have large sums of money to invest. Tyrone is really doing me a favor by offering to take me".
I smiled. Jill had this well planned out".
"Are you going to relax with him?"
My wife stared at me. I think the question caught her by surprise, although she should have realized that it would cross my mind. After a moment she said, "No Timmy, I won't". She paused and then she quietly added, "I'm sure you can guess that I am attracted to him. You know all about my fascination with black men. I won't lie to you and tell you that I haven't thought about relaxing with him". She shrugged. "I have, but I promise you that I won't do it unless we've discussed it at great length and you've given me your permission. Timmy I love you. I won't do anything that could possibly jeopardize our marriage".
I picked up Jill's hand and held it. "Thank you, I appreciate your honesty". I smiled at her. "Do you know that earlier this evening when we were playing with your lover you referred to it as Tyrone?"
Jill gasped. "Oh Timmy, I'm so sorry. I hope that didn't upset you. Honey I will admit it, I am attracted to Tyrone; but I love you. I promise that I will never leave you for another man".
"Thank you, it helps me to hear you say that". I grinned at Jill. "So when are you going to this dinner party?"
My wife's face lit up! "You mean it's okay with you if I go?"
I nodded. "Yes, it seems to mean a lot to you and I have to admit that it does fit in with our fantasy game".
Jill threw her arms around my neck and kissed me, "Timmy Morris you're the best husband in the entire world".
Now my wife was excited. "Timmy the dinner is Thursday night".
"That's the day after tomorrow. What was Tyrone going to do if you said no?"
Jill shrugged. "I suppose he would have had to take one of his bimbos". My wife smiled at me for a moment and then she got very quiet. "Timmy would you help me get ready for my evening with Tyrone? I think it would be so hot if you gave me a bath and helped me get dressed. That way I'd feel like you were part of the date".
I sensed that this was important to Jill so I smiled at her and said, "Ms. Walker, I would be honored to be allowed to assist you with your preparations for your evening out this coming Thursday".
When Jill heard my answer she grinned at me and said, "Timmy, this is so exciting. I can't wait until Thursday".
Cassandra set the computer on the coffee table and said, "What did you think of the story?"
Jennifer turned to Cassandra and said, "There's more isn't there?"
Cassandra shook her head. "No that's all there is. It does say, To be continued, but that was all of the story that we have right now".
Jennifer threw her arms up in protest. "That's not fair, I want to hear what happens on Thursday night". She looked at me. "Francis, what do you think, is Jill going to relax with Tyrone after the dinner party?"
I shrugged. "That's really up to the author, so I have to say that I don't know, but I don't think so".
Cassandra looked at me. "Why do you say that Francis?"
"Because Jill promised Timmy that she wouldn't and I think she's an honorable permister".
Cassandra nodded. "I think your right".
"Well I want to know for sure".
I stood up and sat down on the couch between Jennifer and Cassandra. As soon as I was seated, I put my arm around Jennifer's waist and softly kissed her cheek. "Jen honey".
Jennifer stared at me.
I smiled at her. "Yes, I called you Jen. Right now I'm exercising my right to speak to you as your friend rather than as your slave".
She nodded.
"I think all three of us would like to hear about the date with Tyrone, but it's possible the author won't choose to tell us".
"Why would he do that?"
"Maybe he's already said everything he wanted to say".
I still don't understand".
"Do you remember how Timmy was relieved when Jill admitted that she was attracted to Tyrone?"
"Maybe this story is about honesty in a relationship. Maybe the writer is trying to tell us that cheating is only cheating if there's an attempt to deceive".
I stared at the floor and quietly said, "Maybe if Emily had been honest about her desire to see other men we'd still be married".
Cassandra gently rubbed my back. "You still love her don't you Francis?"
I shrugged. "She was my first love. I don't think you can ever stop loving your first love".
Cassandra leaned over and softly kissed my cheek. "Francis I think you might be my first real love".
I smiled at Cassandra. "That means you'll never stop loving me".
"Hey can the mushy stuff. I want to know what happens on the date. Cassie check that web site. Is there an email address for that goofy author? I want to tell him to get off his sorry ass and start writing the next segment of the story".
All three of us burst out laughing.
Posts: 4050
#179 · Edited by: goodhusband
Cassandra looked at the clock on the wall. "Francis, it's nearly 1:30. It really is time for you to get to bed".
I nodded. "It is getting late, but I think I can stay up for another half hour".
"What do you want to do?"
I grinned at her. "I think the question should be, what would you and Ms. Dalton like me to do?".
Cassandra took a deep breath and said, "Well yes, that story did leave me feeling a bit on edge".
I wiggled my eyebrows at her. "I think I know exactly what to do about that".
"Hey Francis, do that again". It was Jennifer. She was smiling at me.
"Do what again?"
"That thing you just did with your eyebrows. It was really cute".
I started blushing.
Cassandra rubbed my shoulders. "Jen, don't embarrass our little pussyboy. He's offering to get us off before we go to bed tonight".
Jennifer spread her legs and lasciviously fingered her cunt. "He can start with me. He's been kissing and licking my toes the entire time you were reading that story. He's got me all worked up".
Cassandra started to laugh. "Jennifer Dalton, getting you worked up is one of the easiest tasks in the universe".
Jennifer was about to say something to Cassandra when I slipped down to the floor, positioned myself between her legs and kissed her already moist pussy. She sighed when she felt me press my lips against her cunt and then she closed her eyes and smiled.
Cassandra continued laughing. "Hey Jen, were you going to say something?"
As I sucked Jennifer's engorged clitoris into my mouth she breathlessly whispered, "Oh never mind".
While I was licking Jennifer I remembered her passion for anal play and decided to try something. I gently lifted her hips so that I could gain access to her gorgeous rear. As soon as she realized what I was doing she lay back on the couch and slid her hips forward giving me an even freer route to her bottom.
Jennifer giggled when she felt me push my tongue into her asshole. I wanted to keep getting her more and more excited, so I started massaging her clitoris with my fingertips while I kissed and licked her anus.
This made her cry out with delight. "Francis you devil, that feels wonderful."
I knew I could make Jennifer cum doing this, but I had one more trick in mind. Once her asshole was nice and wet I pulled my face away from her rear and put my middle finger in my mouth. You know the finger, it's the one you use to flip people off.
Jennifer was just beginning to protest when I slipped that moist finger into her anus, moved my lips to her cunt, sucked her clitoris back into my mouth and started flicking it with my tongue again.
Jennifer screamed with joy when she felt me felt me pushing my finger in and out of her asshole while I sucked and licked her clit.
She started laughing maniacally and yelled, "Francis this is insane!"
I ignored her comments and kept sucking her clit and fucking her ass with my middle finger. Suddenly Jennifer arched her back and began to cry, and then she screamed as her entire body started to shake.
I remembered how Matt Conner's had continued fucking Cassandra while she was having her orgasm so I didn't stop pleasuring Jennifer.
Suddenly I felt Cassandra pulling me away. "It's time to stop Francis. Now she'll enjoy it more if you leave her alone."
I looked up at Cassandra. "But Matt Conner's didn't stop fucking you when you were having an orgasm."
Cassandra smiled at me. "That's true, but part of the thrill of being with a man like Matt is that he takes total control. Our orgasms are of secondary importance to his own pleasure. I suppose that in some ways he's doing the same thing to us that we're doing to you".
I nodded. That made sense to me.
"Francis when you give us an orgasm it's just for us and we want to be able to savor it."
Cassandra glanced over at her friend. Her orgasm was just beginning to subside. "Francis, you just gave Jennifer a spectacular experience." She leaned over and kissed my forehead. "Will you do the same thing for me now?"
I looked up at her and smiled. "Do you want exactly the same experience".
Cassandra nodded. "Yes please".
I repositioned myself so that I was kneeling at Cassandra's feet. She spread her legs. I leaned forward. As I gently kissed her moist labia I felt an overwhelming sense of pride. Cassandra had just told me that I'd given Jennifer a spectacular experience and now she was asking me to do the same thing for her. I smiled to myself, after all these years I finally knew how to give pleasure to a woman. Maybe I would never be a stud like Matt Conners, but I now knew that in my own way, I could be a good lover.
When Cassandra came she screamed so loud that I was worried that the neighbors might call the police.
Jennifer pulled me away immediately. "Francis, you were wonderful, but now it's time to let our friend enjoy the final fruit of your efforts." She pulled me up on the couch and put her arm around me.
We silently sat together and watched Cassandra. For a few moments her body shook with joy and then she closed her eyes, lay back and gradually began to relax.
Jennifer nuzzled my ear. "Thank you Francis, I think both of us would agree, that was wonderful".
Cassandra opened her eyes. There was a huge smile on her face. "I would certainly agree with that." She took another moment to gather her strength and then she sat up. She kissed me. As she kissed me she stared into my eyes and said, "Francis Townsend you are the best thing that's ever happened to me in my entire life."
Jennifer squeezed me and said. "No fair, I want to say that".
Cassandra laughed. "Go ahead Jen. We both feel that way, and it's perfectly okay for both of us to tell Francis how we feel."
Jennifer giggled. "Oh good". She grabbed my face between both of her hands and stared into my eyes. "Francis Townsend, except for my two youngren, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me in my entire life."
I kissed Jennifer's forehead and laughed. "In your case, finishing third is just fine."
All three of us hugged and then Cassandra stood up and said, "Alright, now it is time to go to bed".
Jennifer shook her head and said, "No!"
Cassandra and I both turned and looked at her.
She sat up perfectly straight and looked at both of us. There was a defiant expression in her eyes. "I don't care what kinds of games were playing. Over the past twenty years I've had sex with hundreds of men, I don't even remember all of their names. Tonight I met a man that I truly care about. I am not going to bed without showing him just how much he means to me".
Jennifer stared into my eyes. "Francis Townsend I want you to make love to me. I want to feel you inside me, I want you to fuck me."
Suddenly I became very nervous. A moment ago I was a magnificent lover and now I was about to be exposed as a tiny dicked wimp who cums the moment a woman touches his penis".
I tried to say something, but all I could do was stammer. "I ah..."
Cassandra recognized my distress and immediately came to my aid. "Jen honey our baby has experienced some very traumatic failures in that area. I think you're scaring him.
Jennifer looked at me. "Francis is that true? Is intercourse scary for you?"
I slowly nodded.
She shrugged, "Well I guess I'll just have to find another way to express my love."
"Jen he's already had one blow job tonight. That really should be enough for our little pussyboy. We don't want to spoil him do we?"
I looked at Cassandra. She was studying my face to gauge my reaction to what she was saying. I really was very excited and the idea of a nice blow job before we went to relax was extremely appealing.
Cassandra must have read the desire in my eyes. She smiled at me and said, "I suppose we could make a deal." She thought for a moment and then she said, "This will work. We'll take your cock cage off right now and Jen and I will give you a tag team blow job."
I started to grin. This sounded wonderful.
The grin faded from my face. With Cassandra there was always a but.
"In exchange you have to agree to wear your cock cage and a pair of panties to work tomorrow."
A feeling of horror swept through me.
Behind me Jennifer clapped her hands and said, "Oh I love this plan."
Cassandra was smiling. There was a malevolent look in her eyes. The sadist inside her was enjoying this.
"But what if someone finds out?"
"How will that happen Francis? Do you ever take your pants off while you're giving a lecture?"
"Well no but..."
"But what?"
"What about going to the bathroom?"
"They have stalls in men's rooms don't they?"
"I guess you'll just have to use those." Cassandra paused and then she started to smile. "In fact I think it's time that you start sitting down to pee.” She turned to Jennifer. "Wouldn't you agree with that Jen?"
Jennifer nodded. "Oh yes, it's time for our little Pansy to start peeing like a girl".
Cassandra stared at me. "Do you have any other objections pussyboy?"
I slowly shook my head. "I guess not."
She smiled. "Good, it's settled then. Tomorrow you will begin wearing your cock cage and a pair of panties of our choosing to work. You will do this every day." She laughed. "That way we'll know you won't be playing around with some cute little bimbo from one of your classes".
Jennifer leaned over and kissed my ear. "Always remember Pansy, Cassie and I are the only ones who get to fool around. We expect you to remain ever faithful to us".
I quietly bowed my head and said; "Yes Ms. Dalton, I understand." There was a very disappointed tone to my voice.
Cassandra slipped her hand under my tee shirt and started massaging my nipple with her fingertips. "Francis, as we play our little game of domination and presentation Jen and I are going to push your limits. It will get very dull for all of us if we only get to make you do things that you want us to make you do."
She gave my nipple a vicious twist.
I yelped from the pain.
She whispered into my ear. "That hurt didn't it?"
I nodded. "Yes it did."
"Hurting you excites me." She paused for a moment and then she said, "It excites you too doesn't it Francis?"
I breathlessly answered, "Yes."
"Tomorrow you're going to wear your cock cage and panties to work aren't you Francis?"
A little thrill rippled through me as I answered, "Yes Ms. Riley I am."
"Why are you going to do it Pansy?"
"Because it will excite you and Ms. Dalton."
"Is that the only reamister?"
"Tell me another reamister."
"It will excite me".
"Why will it excite you?"
"Because I'm obeying you and Ms. Dalton."
Cassandra kissed me on the lips. It was a long passionate kiss overflowing with love and affection.
Behind me Jennifer said, "I want in on this."
Suddenly I felt her hands caressing my chest and then I felt her lips on my neck. At first she was just kissing me, but after a moment she started sucking on my neck. As she sucked on my neck I realized that she was deliberately giving me a hickey. Part of me wanted to protest and make her stop, but I didn't because another part of me understood what she was doing. She was marking me. Jennifer was branding me so the entire world would know that I was now the property of Cassandra Riley and Jennifer Dalton.
While Jennifer was sucking on my neck Cassandra stood up and walked into the bedroom. When she returned she was carrying the key to my chastity cage. As she unlocked me she said; "Remember Francis, we will always reward obedience and punish defiance. Tonight you've pleased us, you were very obedient; so it's time for you to get your reward".
Cassandra removed my cock cage and set it on the coffee table. As soon as my penis was free it sprang to attention.
Jennifer giggled and said, "It appears that our little pussyboy is very excited about what's happening to him."
Cassandra wrapped her fingers around my erect penis and held it up. "Jen, why don't you begin".
Jennifer leaned over, took the head of my tiny cock into her mouth and started sucking on it. At the same time Cassandra began gently stroking the shaft of my erection with her fingertips. After about a minute they switched. Cassandra started sucking my cock while Jennifer stroked me. This went on for another minute and then they switched again.
Needless to say, I came very quickly. Cassandra was sucking me at the time and she kept me in her mouth while I ejaculated my little spoonful of semen. Once I was done she sat up and kissed Jennifer. It was obvious that they were sharing my cum.
After they were done kissing I smiled at both of them and said, "That was absolutely fabulous".
Jennifer laughed. "That's the first time I've ever given a tag team blow job."
"We wanted you to enjoy it." Cassandra kissed my cheek and then she stood up. "Now it is time for us to go to bed."
Jennifer and I both stood up and followed Cassandra into the bedroom. I pulled down the covers. After the girls got into bed I slipped in between them and and pulled the covers up over us.
That was the first of many nights that Cassandra, Jennifer and I slept together.
Posts: 2106
Superb, as always, gh. Just my opinion, but i think this might be the best story you've written. Keep up the great work my friend. priss.