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Now that she's started, I wonder how far she'll go....

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Wow..... I love reading about your life Nooo. Just as you've said it seams like a mirror of ours, but with different aspects.

Right now I really envy you two. It has been awhile since Angel has played. I know you two will have another weekend to put in the memories.

I'm going to write more in a day or so, but it's late. I look forward to your updates.


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Well, we are finally here - after months of waiting, we arrived at the hotel about and hour ago. I would guess that right now they are in deep passion... he is probably fucking her hard as I type this.
We arrived at the hotel first and it was very nice to have some time alone and not feel rushed. When she got the message that he was almost here, she began getting ready. Once she had the dress on, she removed her damp panties and handed them to me sexily, saying that she wouldn't be needing them this weekend. She took a digital video recorder with her, so when she returns to me for an update tonight, I'll be seeing some of the highlights of their day together.
Won't be needing these...
Won't be needing these...
Waiting for him...
Waiting for him...
Off to make love to L again (she put a long shirt over the dress)...
Off to make love to L again (she put a long shirt over the dress)...


Posts: 265
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She is probably definatley enjoying herself... I can't wait to hear you update. I'm a jealous guy right now. Enjoy yourself.


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We are back home after getting through her fifth date. It seems like there have been many more than that, I guess that is because each one takes up most of a weekend and has so much build-up.
When my wife visited me in my hotel room last night, she was totally exhausted. She'd swallowed several of his loads and they had been quite busy otherwise. She had a three minute video he took of her giving him head. When she returned to me this morning, she had a second video for me. In this one, she got him fully hard with her mouth then climbed on top of him and rode him. That one did it for me, to actually see her making love to him.
I am still amazed at the changes this has brought about between us. On the drive to the hotel, we talked about so many aspects of our relationship. Previously, we were both somewhat reserved in opening up our sexual proclivities. One of the things that I had hoped for when thinking about my wife dating was that it would open her oup sexually and it certainly has done that. I told her how I never would have predicted that she would indulge fantasy of her taking a lover, much less actually do it. She agreed that years ago, she never would have had the self-confidence to attempt anything like this.


Posts: 159
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Hi nooo. Great to read your updates. Sounds like it was another successful get-together for your wife and L. I am a jealous man
My wife has withdrawn a bit from her cuckolding permistera. We have been busy with our kids, our business, and moving house, and she has also had a couple of health issues, so a lot of other things going on for us at the moment.
Glad that you guys are still making things happen though, and it is a positive thing in your lives.


Posts: 265
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I'm very happy that the weekend went well for you 3 again. You are a lucky man noooo. I'm glad you two are using cuckolding to bring you closer.


Posts: 241
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I've enjoyed your journey thus far and hope everything is still ok. It's been almost a month since we've heard from you. Do you have another date scheduled and could we possibly see the video from the last date? Thanks again so much for sharing your experiences.


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There will be updates soon. They are planning on getting together again in 3~4 weeks but we haven't worked out the details yet. I think this time she will be visiting him alone and then returning home either late that night or the next morning but we have to talk it over.

Unfortunately, I can't share the video because her face is visible, but I can describe it. The clip is about 4 minutes long and begins with her saying that she is going to get him hard then take him inside her. She uses her mouth and hands on him until he is fully hard, then she climbs on top of him. With little delay, she slides down and onto him. Until this point, the camera had been aimed low and showed as he entered her fully. Then he panned up and showed her leaning back and enjoying him inside her. As she ground on him, she closed her eyes and leaned her head back in pleasure. She later told me that was because he felt so good against her cervix.

L has put her in touch with another woman in a similar position - she had only been with her husband and is now taking on a lover. They've been exchanging email and it is good to see her have someone to communicate with about our lifestyle.


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After a bit more down time, my wife's next date is slowly approaching. The plan is for them to meet at the usual hotel midway between us next Saturday, and spend the day and night together, with her returning Sunday afternoon. We haven't worked out many of the details yet as it took a while just to find a common day that worked for both my wife and L. We figured it would be easier for her to go on her own this time rather than both of us going and trying to find an explanation for our family.
As we were trying to plan this date, we hit several hurdles, some with L's schedule, some with ours but when it seemed like the meeting couldn't happen, I figured out a way to make our end work. I know how much my wife enjoys their time together and it will be worth some work on my part to make this next date happen.
Hanging out in our hotel room before she met L on her last date
Hanging out in our hotel room before she met L on her last date
We pass this billboard on the way to our meetup @ the irony
We pass this billboard on the way to our meetup @ the irony


Posts: 241
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I believe the next date is this weekend? Hope everything is still ok and I hope you are still enjoying this journey that you and your wife are in. Thanks again for sharing this with us!


Posts: 267
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Well, time and distance have once again defeated desire. My wife's next date had been planned for last night. To make it easier on our family, she was planning on going alone (no need for a second hotel room, babysitter, family excuses). She had some reservations about going on her own without me also in the hotel as it made her feel guilty, but we talked it over and she was eager to see L again. A week or so ago, she began looking into hotel rooms in the area where she and L typically meet up. Everything within a large radius was taken by a college graduation. She didn't feel comfortable travel much further than that and L couldn't come any closer so the decision was made that they will wait until next month and we will find a weekend that works for all three of us.
He did request some pictures of her instead, so when we had some time alone, I took several for her to send to him. He enjoys having her wedding ring in the picture, so I took a few of her squeezing her breasts, then fingering herself, then rubbing her creampie. This was the first time that we took pictures specifically for him in a while, so that added to our fun. I am sure we will be planning a new adventure in the next weeks and I will post the details here as they become available.


Posts: 159
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Hi nooo,
Shame the weekend didn't turn out as planned, but hey, that's life. Better too, to have a weekend where your wife is totally comfortable, rather than rush things and have it go pear-shaped.

Love to read your updates, nice to know things are still moving along with you guys - my wife has been very quiet lately on the cuckolding front. No activity to speak of for the last couple of months - not for lack of wanting, just hasn't worked out with timing, family and business commitments etc.


Posts: 241
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Hope you two are still doing well, have you had a chance to set a new date yet?


Posts: 267
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Just last night we finally made the reservations for her next date... it will be in two weeks. She said it will mark the first anniversary of when they began talking online. We haven't made any concrete plans yet, I will be sure to post here as come up with them.
One thing she mentioned is that he is sending her some jewelry and asked me to guess what it was. I asked about a ring, and she said I was way off. Turns out it is an anklet we saw online a while back. It has the symbols on it for MFM and she is looking forward to wearing it on her next date.


Posts: 267
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Glad to hear you've been enjoying it! I began writing this as an outlet, also as a way of remembering the events as they unfolded. I have only seen one or two similar stories and was definitely drawn into the intrigue of not knowing what the outcome would be.
When we first began down this road, I would have never expected we would end up here. My wife surprised me by even entertaining the fantasy and when she moved further into talking to men online I still assumed she would keep it at that level. In looking at what you wrote, I'd have to say we are probably somewhere around the 5th item you listed. The distance between us, time available and other factors will likely keep it that way. She and L talk on the phone daily and have become quite close, but the reality is even though we originally agreed to meet once a month, her next date in two weeks will only be her second this year. That's not to say they won't pack a lot into the roughly 24 hours they will have together.
We have discussed the possibility of all of us getting together for a meal on this trip. If we do, it will be the only other time I have been around L since their first date. For some reamister, I have been nervous about getting together. There isn't anything to fear, we've been in contact and everything between all of us is stable yet I have hesitation. The irony is I originally was pushing the idea of being able to see them together, now my wife is saying that they are becoming more open to the idea of us getting together in some way. We have a few weeks to discuss what we will do this time, until now we've only had short times to talk about it.


Posts: 267
#226 · Edited by: nooo
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Tomorrow is one week from my wife's next date.... for something that had been so routine early on when we were meeting once a month, with it now being a lot more time in between it seems strange.
Yesterday while I was at work, she sent me the below picture of her anklet. It will look very nice on her next weekend. L asked if she would consider wearing it around here but even though the symbols are small she was hesitant to agree given the chance that someone might realize what it is.
We are tentatively planning on meeting for lunch when we get to the hotel next Saturday. The other night, we were talking about it and my wife asked if I would mind if she planted a big kiss on him as soon as we arrived. She told me she gets very turned on kissing him and it would make her very wet to kiss him in front of me. Even though I've fantacized about it many times, I am having a hard time believing in reality she will be sitting across the table from me, as his girlfriend and not my wife. She also told me that they are planning on trying anal for the first time and when they get to the room right after lunch she'll probably be so turned on that she lift her skirt and let him inside her for the first time. I told her I like the idea of us having lunch before they've been together, knowing that they'd much rather leave and get to the hotel room more quickly. She told me they've been talking about the possibility of having me watch them sometime in the future, so hopefully this lunch goes well and we are able to feel comfortable together.
The anklet L sent has arrived
The anklet L sent has arrived
A picture she sent him recently of her playing
A picture she sent him recently of her playing


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With today being one week before my wife's next date, it was to be our last time together until after it. Earlier in the week, I was looking online for some lingerie or things that would look good on her and stumred onto a spandex unitard that I knew would look great on her curves. As I mentioned before, I love anything tight and shiny on her. The only thing with this was, as you see below, it goes from shoulders to knee without any opening, with no access to her pussy if we were playing with her in it. Then I remembered that she enjoys giving me a handjob after she has decided to save herself for L and I realized if she were to wear this I would not only appreciate it on her but it would reinpower the lack of access to her. Originally I was planning on saving it for this coming week.
So last night we were talking about our upcoming last time today and I told her I'd give her a choice of three outfits to choose from: some relatively normal lingerie if she wanted traditional lovemaking, a sexy pair of crotchless underwear that she typically wears if she wants me to come deep inside her then give her oral sex, or the new unitard. I was leaning towards the second choice but partially secretly hoping for the third. Without hesitation she picked the third, and as I saw her in it, I once again thought about how far we'd come for our previously ordinary love life. Knowing that this was her choice made it all the more powerful. As I felt my orgasm rapidly build and approach the point of no return, I was completely aware that my time inside her was behind us and her next time would be with L this coming weekend.



Posts: 1076
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Love these pics! I also love the experiences that go with them.


Posts: 241
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Looking forward to hearing more about your continuing adventure.


Posts: 267
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It seems like it has been so long since last date, but here we are at the hotel. She gave me the option of the three of us having lunch or splitting up when we got here. I was nervous but I decided to go through with it. My wife and I went up to my hotel room where I gave her a close trim, then she met him in his room to decide where we'd eat. I wondered if it was a good idea to send her to his room first but before long she called and said we'd meet in the lobby. It was more natural talking to him than I thought it would be and we went to a local grill. They sat across from me in a booth and other than a little play under the table, the meal was rather casual. Following that, they returned to his room and I have since received texts that she is worn out already. Later tonight, she is going to come to my room, she'll probably give me a quick hand release while showing me whatever video or pictures they take. More updates later.... won't have any pictures up until I get home, I forgot the usb link.
17 year cuckold


Posts: 23
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Nooo, I have to say I love your posts and I look forward to each new post. I live in the U.S. and my wife has been cucking me for 17 years (Since she was my girlfriend.) Thank you for all of your posts. They are wonderful.
17 Year Cuckold


Posts: 241
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Glad to hear it's going well, hope that you are getting everythng you need from this trip. Did your wife ever go on birth control pills? Will she be bringing you a special" present from their encounter? I too love and look forward to your posts, thanks.


Posts: 267
#233 · Edited by: nooo
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We made it back safely after my wife's latest date. She told me that the best part was when they first got back to their room. They tried anal for the first time and she said it felt different than when we did it.... she said she enjoyed it and not necessarily better or worse but different. They must have been busy because she send me a text saying that she was exhausted. She came to my room for a little while in the evening and told me about their afternoon. Before long she headed back to him for the night.
Unfortunately, they slept late the following morning and woke up just before check-out time. Because of that, they had limited time before leaving and my wife seemed frustrated that their was cut short. We are not sure when the next time will be as we have several family trips coming up in the near future. With any luck, there will be time to fit a visit in before too long.

We had discussed her resuming birth control pills but given the infrequency of their meetings, coupled with the potential for serious medical complications if she had another pregnancy, we decided it would best if she didn't assume the risk. She did tell me that last time they were together, she nearly let him cum inside her but he was actually the responsible one. We also discussed the possibility of timing a visit during the safer portion of her cycle, if we can ever get our schedules to mach up.
New anklet and the panties she left behind...
New anklet and the panties she left behind...
orban victoria


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When I was able to fuck my wife we used the period timing method combined with using condoms on fertile days. It worked.
17 year cuckold


Posts: 23
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The fact that she did anal with him is the best. I love when my wife does that. Your posts are the best. Thank you.
17 Year Cuckold


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Please keep playing and posting!


Posts: 241
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Are there any photos from your wife's latest date that you can share with us? Your posts are great, thank you!


Posts: 267
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I was a little surprised that it took this long for them to do anal. We only started doing it about a year ago, and I assumed it would soon be a part of their dates.

Sorry, the above picture is one of the only good ones from the weekend. She and I didn't take many pictures before or after this time and they didn't take any pictures or video during their time together. It was kind of a strange visit, hopefully next time there is more to share.


Posts: 159
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Hi nooo,
Hope all is still well with you guys. Still really enjoy reading your updates - I should probably start a thread with my own experiences but somehow I find it easier to detail my wifes adventures on everyone elses threads.
I was amazed that your wife did anal with L - she obviously enjoys that

Nice pic of the panties and anklet. Keep the updates coming.


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I've really enjoyed your posts, are there any more meetings in the future? Thanks.
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Now that she's started, I wonder how far she'll go....
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