Posts: 267
#151 · Edited by: nooo
We are now one week away from my wife's second date. By this time next week, she will have taken L as her lover. In the past few weeks, I have stayed a bit removed from a lot of her conversations, mainly because they talk a lot and I didn't want to hear all the details of their relationship or be continuously reminded of it. That is not to say I haven't been enjoying watching her excitement, I just don't get involved with their day to day talks.
I was hoping to have a ceremonial last time making love to my wife before she takes a new lover, but the day we had it planned, her period arrived. Ironically, that timing will have her good-to-go for her date, but won't allow me time to be inside her one last time before the event. That seems to be a common theme, I have all these ideas in my head of how this will transpire and the reality is quite different. Still, it has been quite exciting to talk to her about her plans - what they are planning on doing together, what she is most looking forward to, etc. I think I am most looking forward to the time when she will come into my hotel room after her afternoon/evening with L. I am most curious to see how she'll be - happy, tired, or some other mood, and I can't wait until we are laying together and I can hear the details of the time together.
Posts: 159
Hi nooo, Like you I have been counting down to my wifes second date with her lover. This is happening tomorrow, during the day, and at our house in our bed. Well, technically it's not our house as we are renting at the moment, but definitely our bed !! My wifes first date was two months ago now. She stayed overnight with her man in a local hotel. She had a good night, but didn't actually achieve orgasm and neither did he (maybe first time stress for both of them, I don't know). Anyway, I wasn't so sure about her doing it again, but she got enough of a taste to know that she definitely did. Given that I instigated the whole thing and she has enjoyed the text and email exchanges with this guy, I felt I couldn't stop her now even if I really wanted her to. She also wants to satisfy her own curiousity in terms of her ability to turn another man on and have him fuck her. It probably also helps that his cock is larger than mine, and she definitely wants that again. Now that she has met this guy once, I am more relaxed about the second meeting. I won't get to see her until after work tomorrow, so it will be a long day of wondering for me, but I am sure tomorrow night will mean it's all worthwhile. I'll keep you updated. 
Posts: 267
Thanks for your reply - it sounds like we are on a parallel path. My wife's first meeting was also inhibited, this time there will be a lot less to hold them back. My wife had asked about spending the night with L, but I thought it only being her second date and first time making love, it would remove me from the equation too much.
I know exactly what you mean about the feeling of gently pushing your wife towards taking a lover, then as she warms to the idea and her interest builds, feeling the situation become more driven by her desire. That was a little scary because at some point I realized I was no longer pushing, I was going to be pulled from there on!
Best of luck tomorrow, I am looking forward to hearing about it. In one week, I'll be posting my own report of what it was like the first time my wife had another man inside of her.
Posts: 159
Hi nooo, The update as promised. Just to give a bit of background, my wife has met with this guy (I'll call him P) before, and whilst her night with him didn't end up being full on all-night sex, she had enopugh of a good time to want to meet him again. Like your wife, she is comfortable with just one guy, rather than having several on the go. This is the first time we have done anything like this, so it's been a case of her taking the time to get to know the guy and get her own confidence up to meet him. Following on from that first encounter, they had organised to meet again. This time with her flying to his city for a weekend with him. This got called off at the last minute as he ended up with some health issues leading to a hospital visit. My wife was very disappointed as she had really keyed herself up for the visit and was very much looking forward to it. I too, was a bit disappointed, as I was keen for there to be a bit of progress in terms of her satisfying her desire to have another mans cock actually fucking her and cumming inside her (we have never actually had any other sexual partners as have been together since high school). I was also keen to see how I wopuld handle her being away, as the feelings I experienced on that first night were far removed from my fantasy. Anyway, the visit yesterday was arranged and the day started out not good. The idea was that he would fly down in the morning, my wife would pick him up at the airport, bring him back to our house, have a good fuck session in our bed, and then take him back to the airport before picking our kids up from school. As it transpired, his plane was severely delayed twice and she ended up getting him back to our house with not a lot of time to spare. They ended up in bed, and this time he was actually able to fuck her, which she enjoyed more than their first encounter, but once again, no climax for either of them due to lack of time, so again, she hasn't been fully satisfied in terms of a nice lengthy fuck session with plenty of cumming. She ended up with a hair trigger though as she came all over me within a couple of minutes when I fucked her last night. I have to say that so far for us it's been an interesting ride. I originally had this almost overwhelmingly strong desire for her to fuck lots of other men, and it's taken a long time to get her to this point. However now that things have happened I have to say that nothing has gone how I originally thought it would. When she first made contact with P they were emailing and texting constantly and I got a bit pissy about that - just jealous of the attention he was getting that I wasn't. That's all really cooled off now and I think it's actually better for us all. The first night she spent with him, I thought I would be aroused all night long, but actually, I spent the whole night with a huge knot in my stomach, and wished I'd never got this thing started. The second meeting they arranged was all cool until it got called off at the last minute, and now this last meeting was severely curtailed due to factors beyond any of our control. I can say though, that the longer it goes on, and the more comfortable she is with P, then the better it gets. Her self confidence is now sky high and she loves the thrill of doing something that she's only fantasised about before. Sorry if I've ramred on a bit and my update isn't as juicy as some that I've read on here, but it's really good to get my thoughts out. Whilst my wife hasn't made any further firm arrangements to meet P again, I know it is only a matter of time. She knows she is free to book flights to his city for a weekend any time she wants, and I know she will for their next encounter. She is more than happy just to have one man on the go and for us to relive her encounters when we have sex. For us, there is none of the offense / domination thing going on - we're just not into that. Anyway, there's my update - hope I haven't bored you to tears - if nothing else it's all true. 
Posts: 267
Glad to hear things worked out for you - at least to some degree. It was certainly not boring and I can fully relate to your description of how things are going not at all as you had planned. I think that is one thing I still struggle with to some degree. When I fantacized about this sort of thing, I had a general idea of how it could transpire. Never did I expect all of the communication as you described or how the whims of two other people coming together would be vastly different than I pictured. As exciting and new a time this is for my wife, she is working on being more thoughtful in how and when she is in contact with L.
I am sure even if your wife hasn't said anything outloud, she is already thinking of how and when the next time will be. While my wife and I were walking at lunch today, she was asking about her meeting next month. I asked that we focus on her second date that is coming up in (TWO DAYS!) and work out the rest in the future. I see in her the new confidence that you mentioned as well. I took some pictures as she prepared for her first date, and when I viewed them later as she was with him, it struck me how strong and happy she looked.
Best of luck with their future meetings and hopefully it goes better for all of you next time.
Posts: 265
Its almost here nooo. I suspect you and your wife are getting pretty excited. I sure hope it turns out exactly like you want. I suppose since you wont be there, you can just picture it the way you want, but I sespect your mind will be going nuts this time, since you know they don't have anything holding them back. Have a good time my friend.
Posts: 159
I knew it wouldn't be long - my wife is already thinking ahead to her next meeting with P. She is very keen to fly to his city, away from home, me, and our kids, and just have a completely free weekend with him. All of which I am totally cool about.
Best of luck to you nooo. I will be very interested to know how your wifes encounter went for the both of you. Sounds to me like it will be fine - the biggest thing that has helped me and my wife is communication. We have an understanding that we can ask each other anything we like. There doesn't have to be an answer given, but if there is, it must be totally truthful.
Posts: 17
Good luck, No. Hopefully you and her have a good time.
Posts: 267
After many years of dreaming about it, and many months talking and preparing for it, we have now crossed that point.
About two hours after my wife left our hotel room to meet L in his room, I got the IM message. I went trail running to ******* time and was literally on top of a mountain top vista, taking in the view when the first message came... "Hi, how are you? You OK? We are going to order dinner soon. Love you!" I replied I was good and any updates would be appreciated. A minute later, it came: "Kissed and made love. Going to eat now". I filled up in a hurry realizing that they had already done it once and still had five hours together. Plus, she had saved herself for a little over a week before their meeting so she was plenty pent-up. The thought of what they might have done kept me fascinated.
Finally, she returned to my room fairly exhausted. She slowly removed her clothes as she began giving details slowly. They kissed and removed each other's clothes right after getting together. After a bunch of making out, she tried on a long satin camisol she bought to wear for him. From what she said, he brought her to excitement with his hands and mouth, then she took over with him. After he was hard, she climbed onto him and slowly pushed down onto him. She looks so great in that position, her body is nice and tight, her breasts looking and feeling perky. She said they did not use a condom so when he was getting close to coming, she climbed off of him and finished him by mouth. She said the second round after they ate was more of the same, a lot of kissing and exploring each other's bodies. By the time we were together, she was tired and a bit sore. She had love bites all over her neck and chest and after we had a few minutes together, she drifted off to relax.
It is now the next morning and she is with him again. Hopefully she'll be back here with enough time and energy for me to get a bit of release before we have to check out and head home.
Posts: 265
Wow....!!! How are you feeling man? It must have been torturous fun while she was gone. I cant believe you were able to keep from being all over her all night. If she was sore you know that means he fucked her REALLY Well and is probably much bigger than you are. Welcome to the world of being a Cuck.
Posts: 184
man,why you dont be with them ? she's not convinced with the idea of you she?
Posts: 267
I am good. There were a few things that didn't work out quite the way I would have liked, but mostly I am happy for my wife at the good time she was able to have. As far as being all over her all night, she was pretty worn out or that would have been the case. Plus, I figured she is with me alone the rest of the month. We did have a nice talk after we got home about how there are some things that she enjoyed with him that aren't part of what we do very much and other things that she and I are very good at.
Watching is not an option - both of them are against the idea. They did take a few pictures that she showed me - it was hard to believe I was looking at my wife in them.
Just a funny aside, after I went for my run and had dinner, I still had almost 2 hours left to wait for my wife to return, so I went to a strip club. I don't often go to them but I figured it would be an interesting way to ******* time. Of the 12 or so girls, maybe three of them were attractive. I got talking to one that was from Hungary - if you've ever seen girls from the Hungarian Honies website, she wasn't far from that. She asked where I was from and what I was doing in town. I laughed and said she wouldn't believe me. She pushed for an answer so I began... My wife and I got a hotel room for the night and she is meeting her boyfriend in another room in the hotel. She replied "oh, I'm so sorry for you". I explained that it was fine and we made the plans together. She wasn't completely understanding the situation, but I told her she had just made love to him for the first time. I know I've said plenty on here about our situation on this thread, but I have always wanted to actually talk to someone in permister about it. In the end, she said she was happy for us, but I could tell she'd never heard anything like that, which surprised me for someone in her line of work.
Posts: 159
Hi nooo, Wow, great to read your update. Great to hear that you and your wife are all cool. It's definitely all about honest communication. Is there a next time being organised ?? 
Posts: 265
#164 · Edited by: mred4682
Every time I read your posts and you comment that there is no way you could be present, it just sounds to me like you want to be there, but she is saying no, and I feel so sorry for you. I hope like anything you are getting what you want out of this, otherwise you might start resenting her, even if you did start all of this.
If you are still feeling wonderful and loving it after your first time, then I'm very very happy for you, go enjoy your wife, but now that she is hooked, try working on the next guy where you can be present, your allowed to enjoy as well.
Wishing you the best!!!
Posts: 265
Som time has passed.... how is it going, with your hot wife and you?
Posts: 61
Watching is not an option - both of them are against the idea.
My wife arranged for me to watch a time or two, but mostly she was unshakably against it. Her excuses varied and were sometimes inconsistent, but among the more tantalizing were these, quotes almost exact but not perfect:
...... "If you're watching, I'll know, every second, that I'm putting on a show, and that might affect my concentration, s*******s, and no matter what, would have at least some influence on how well I do at satisfying him..."
......"Goddamnit I'm so sick of you whining about not getting to watch. How god damn many times do I have to explain this? I know you get off on watching, but honestly- and I don't mean to hurt your fee-wings little girl- but goddamnit you need to accept the fact that me and Kal's relationship is ours, not yours, and you have NO fucking place in it. Consider it official now: I'm his now, and don't you fucking DARE make a pass at me again!"
......"There's no way I would let you watch. If you really think you can handle what he does to me, what he does to my pussy, what he does to my ass, look me in the eyes, okay. But I know you, and I don't think you're going to be able to handle seeing me get fucked like that, hour after hour like you've been doing. Be the different drummer.
Posts: 265
Ouch!! I bet that hurt, Breakinglass.
Nooo is not against the idea, just his wife is, so he respected her wishes. It sounds like he is very close to her and they are very much in love. I am just pointing out, and will continue to point out, that there are ways to be together in all of this as well. I'm sure his wife can stand up for herself if she doesn't want him there, as she has been.
Posts: 267
Wow, those are some harsh statements!
Things are still good here. A few days after we got back from our last weekend, she found a date that will work for her next meeting. This time, we decided it would be best all-around if she go and spend the night in the hotel with L and then we'll meet up the next day. Logistically, it works best and will allow them more time together, considering how much goes into their getting together. I'll report more as the time gets closer.
Posts: 61
Okay, I'll fess up and admit I exaggerated a bit there  Actually I pretty much just fibbed it altogether. In truth, she just very politely raised the subject and said that if I watched it made her feel like she was expected to put on a show. It wasn't comfortable for her, she was sympathetic yet still she wasn't very okay with being watched. Her steady boyfriend was also not comfortable in that situation- he hadn't complained or voiced it at all, not even to her privately, but she could sense his unease. Funny thing is, she didn't feel "watched" or "on display" if I was joining in and not just watching, so this was sure an easy situation to fix! Also, as she showed her mature and careful handling of our lifestyle, I became more comfortable myself, and soon had little problem "letting" her go to his place to spend the night where they could make love all night in privacy. I'll tend to be more honest in the future, but I couldn't resist on that one! She knew how to "play" at that kind of thing, but only really enjoyed "mean" teasing if she was takes (she rarely drank) and feeling playful. But she was never mean. Never. I was takes when I posted that, I don't take often but several times lately ... I shouldn't have even "joked" or played with facts on that one. She was a good permister, and only death parted us or could ever have parted us. Be the different drummer.
Posts: 265
Nooo, I'm so glad things are still good for you. Your previous post had a hint of sadness in it, then you took off for awhile. It just made me worry you were having trouble after the first time. Actually by not being there you get to picture the fun in your mind. I keep picturing that everyone that is cuckolding is doing it because they can't please their wives sexually as much as the other guys do. In that senario jealousy is a STRONG aspect. The jealousy actually turns me on, but if I'm not there it goes in overload. Well actually its in overload when I am there too, but at least I know my wife isn't telling the other guy she loves him and wants to be with him. In your case you are lucky to have such an awsome time with your wife sexually and let her go and have fun, then come back to you for more. Keep it up your a lucky man. But remember you always have a choice as well. Keep talking, as I know you guys will. We look forward to next time. 
Posts: 267
Their next date is one week from today, I expect we'll do something to make it official later today. She's really gotten into the teasing aspect of this, knowing how much it turns both of us on. She has been saving herself for a week prior to each date so it will be more special. Typically, by midweek we'll both be sexually frustrated and tempted to do something about it but she's stayed tough. This time, she will be going to the same hotel we were in last time, except she'll be going alone and spending the night for the first time. It will be interesting to see what updates I get and what they do. The thought of her laying down for the night with L has been going through my mind lately as the date gets nearer. He sent me a message a day or two ago clarifying that while they are growing quite close, he would not do anything to disrupt our family. In fact, he said that one of the turn-ons for him was knowing that "the woman I am involved with is married. I like seeing her hand with the wedding/engagement ring in my hand or on my body." I had asked after her first date if she had taken her wedding ring off as a symbolic gesture and she said that she didn't. Sometimes, it seems sureal as we discuss past or future things she's done and it occurs to me that she really has taken a lover and has a boyfriend. When I began this thread back in March, now six months past, I never would have thought we'd be at this point. I think I believed that even with the fear, uncertainty and excitement I felt in the initial weeks that she would stop way before things got to this point. There are times I wish she had, but then we would have never hit the unbelievable highs that we have experienced, and would have always wondered, what if we really had done it?  What a great view...
|  On her way out to make love to someone else for the first time
|  |  |
Posts: 265
Wow.... All night... Both of you must be going nuts being turned on, I suspect a lot is going through your head.
Posts: 17
How did it go?
Posts: 159
Hi nooo, Would love to hear how (or if??) the latest encounter went. My wife is looking at meeting up with her man again at the end of this month. It's all good for us, and I hope it's all good for you as well.
Posts: 267
Sorry for the delayed update, haven't had much time to sit and type it out.
The weekend went well, they had a great time again. My wife left home around noon Saturday and they met at the same hotel we were in last month. Since the room wasn't ready, they went shopping first. Once it became available, she said they were busy promptly! She said that L was ready to go right away so she climbed on top of him. It sounds like they had two rounds before going out to eat, then one more before going to bed. I spoke to her later in the evening as they were in bed. She said she only had her boots and thigh highs on, and they were soon going to go to relax (naked). I could hear his comments in the backround and it was a bit powerful thinking of her going to relax with another man. I don't know why, but it seemed like that was more intimate than just having sex. The next morning, she took care of him orally as soon as they woke up, then he did the same for her a little later. She came home around noon, and it was difficult waiting until that evening to hear the details of what they did.
I know they really had a good time, my only regret was being so removed from the action. I was very busy while she was gone, so I never had too much time for dwelling on what they were up to.
We haven't talked about what is next, but since this weekend was so close to their last, I think we are taking our time before planning what comes next.
Posts: 265
I know what you mean about her relaxing with him being more than just sex, I could never do it. Glad you are enjoying your new lifestyle.
Posts: 828
amazing real story
Posts: 340
Yes, I love this thread. Thank you, nooo, for sharing with us! We look forward to every update!
(love the name, by the way... says so much) Wannabe - see my captions at
Posts: 267
Thanks for your compliments!
Not too much new lately. With their last two dates so close together, we are taking a little more time before planning their next one. We have just begun talking about some options. I know they have talked several times about lingerie and other things they would like to try. One thing L mentioned was for my wife to wear boots and thigh highs with a short skirt and no panties to go out to eat or to the hotel bar during their time together. Another thing we have talked about is the possibility of me taking her to meet him for dinner, but then she will be sitting with him as his date while we eat. I like that idea a lot in fantasy, I am a little scared of the reality. But since I have not seen them together at all since their first date, it would certainly make all this more real to me. Since her last date was an overnight trip with him alone, we are trying to figure out how I can play a part in this date while not disrupting their time together too much. It sounds like the date will be later next month so we have some time to work out the details.
Posts: 56
Love your story! Hope you will manage to make another photo 'on her way out to L' or may be just trying on chosen lingerie...
Either way eager to hear the story continue.
Good luck and thank you