Posts: 2117
Let us know what happens. Good luck
Posts: 99
I am dying to hear what happens next. Please keep us posted, and have fun.
Posts: 267
We are now only four days away... and the anticipation is building by the hour. My wife got a little nervous with the whole idea this morning and called L for reassurance. He calmed her and we are looking forward to meeting this Saturday. We are in a period where she is saving herself until their date. The idea of her being right here but not available is electrifying. I would never want any long term denial, but this short build-up is nice. The last time we were together was so good I didn't want it to ever end. As we were enjoying each other, we shared several ideas such as... (me) "this is the last time that I'll be with you until you have been with your lover", and (her) "I really want to feel someone new deep inside me".
This morning, we were discussing our lunch plans. Just for fun, and to hear her say the words, I said I can think of something fun to do. She replied, "no, we can't, I promised L that I wouldn't". I think us taking the week off will help build her level of arousal (not that we need a lot of help in that area), and that may help overpower any nervousness she has. For the most part, if they are going to become intimate, I hope they take things all the way this weekend so I don't have the wait until their next meeting to get through those emotions. Of course, I have told her all along that whatever she decides to do is fine by me, so it is totally up to her comfort level with the situation. The scenarios that she has painted for me so far vary greatly by her current mood so I'll have to wait to see where it ends up.
Posts: 267
#124 · Edited by: nooo
Tomorrow is the big day! There has been one snag, though. In the last few days, I had the feeling that for some reamister this wasn't going to happen or at least not go as planned. I couldn't quite put my finger on it... then this morning my wife said her period arrived. We looked into the possibility of rescheduling to next week and other alternatives before deciding to follow through with our plans as scheduled and enjoy what we can.
So tomorrow morning, we head out to meet for lunch at the resort town where we are staying. As I described above, the three of us will have lunch then I'll leave to allow them the afternoon to walk the town and enjoy getting to know each other. Then she and I will return to our room where I will help her get ready for her candlelight dinner date. Following dinner, they plan to head back to his room with a bottle of wine. She has said that she'll find other ways to satisfy him since her period has arrived. I feel bad for her, this is really is bad timing because even if didn't end up having intercourse, it was nice that they had the option to do so if they chose. After their evening, she'll return to our room where I will anxiously be waiting to hear all about it... and see the pictures he has taken. The next day, she is planning on visiting him in his room before he has to check out. We planned another lunch together before he heads home. Then, it is just she and I. We are staying an additional night, both to solidify our relationship, and to celebrate our 13th anniversary that is coincidentally occuring.
I am looking forward to watching their interactions, both at the first time we meet and just before he leaves. It will be interesting to see the changes as they have become familiar with each other. I have told him that any displays of affection they choose are ok with me. I am sure it will place a huge knot in my stomach the first time I see them hold hands, kiss, etc, but since I will not be able to watch them together, I will enjoy seeing them share their emotions.
If I have an internet connection over the weekend, I will post updates. I am excited to know that this is the last night my wife will be mine exclusively.
orban victoria
He has to wear condom so her period is almost indifferent.
Posts: 265
Oh my..... when your alone, your emotions are going to go nuts. I hope you have plenty of things ready to keep your mind busy. 
Posts: 267
Strangely, I have been totally calm the last few days. I figured by now I would be panicking off and on all day but that hasn't been the case. I expect the ride up there tomorrow will get the adrenaline flowing. And, yes I have plenty of things planned for my time alone. There's no way I'd be able to sit and look at a clock all day. Even with a condom, I highly doubt that intercourse going to happen. She said physically it isn't good for her during that time, plus that isn't the nicest way to go about it their first time. I'm sure there will be plenty of other things for them to do.
Posts: 159
Hi nooo, Certainly sounds like you and your wife have a strong relationship - I think that's great. Also sounds like you guys are going about this the right way - your wife must be confident about meeting L even though she has her period. That could have given her an "out" to not go through with it, so good for her that she wants to see it through. I don't think it would be a good idea for intercourse - that's not going to turn anyone on. I, too, was very calm before my wifes night with a lover. I helped her get ready and then dropped her at the hotel. I then spent virtually the whole night with a knot in my stomach, wondering if there was something wrong with me. I sat in front of the computer most of the night reading posts from guys who said they had constant hard-ons while their wives were out, and here was I, too anxious and jealous to get hard at all. It took me a little while to figure out that, for me anyway, the payback is the arousal I get when my wife and I fucked after her night out, and we talked about the things she did and how that made her feel. Man, I was rock hard then. Obviously we all feel things in different ways, so whilst I initially was reluctant for her to do it again, now
Posts: 159
Sorry, accidentally posted my message before I was finished -
now, I can't wait for her to do it again. This time, I won't be so wound up when she is away, because I know that I get my emotional high later, rather than at the same time as her and her lover. Does that make sense ?? As I said a little earlier, this is the first time I have posted about my wifes night out, and it took me a little time to deal with my feelings, as the reality of how I felt that night ended up being so different from my fantasy. I certainly hope your night ends up successful for you and your wife. Look forward to hearing about it.
Posts: 267
We've now officially crossed over. I am still waiting for my wife to get back to our hotel room to hear the details.
Our lunch went about as well as it could have, not very awkward. The only strange point was when I was leaving with both of them there. He and I got along well and we had pretty natural conversation for people who had not met before. My wife and I met back in the room following their afternoon. She told me that they kissed for the first time just after I left and spent the afternoon holding hands and kissing when they could.
I helped her with her evening wear as best as I could and she looked stunning once she was ready. I had a few pangs of jealousy, mainly that she looked so good and was going to have such a good night and I'd be missing it. Surprisingly, my evening wasn't the *** I thought it would be. I had a good time but still looked at my phone every minute and thought about what they'd be up to. I didn't have much of the doubt, sadness, or fear I expected to have, but I was a bit turned on thinking about what she was likely doing.
She did say she had things to tell me when she gets here in a few minutes but she couldn't elaborate as he was there. I can't wait to see her and hear what my wife has done.
Posts: 17
Sounds like a good beginning. Post up the rest of the encounter!
orban victoria
#132 · Edited by: orban victoria
We all hope that we can welcome you in the club soon. wear proud your horns as we do!
Posts: 267
#133 · Edited by: nooo
She finally made it back our room last night a bit later than we had planned. I welcomed her with open arms and enjoyed holding her and having her back with me. She was very tired as it was a long day, but we laid in bed and she told me about her evening. I won't go into all of the details, but she said they kissed for a long time and he removed her dress. That was, of course, the only time anyone but me has seen her naked (in permister, lol). Soon after, she said his clothes came off and they continued. She told me that at one point she was on top of him desperately wishing she could have him inside her. Following that, she gave him oral to competion. Just hearing those words stirred feelings inside me, knowing she'd done such a private act. As tired as she was, I didn't get many more details from her.
This morning, she wanted to meet him in his hotel room. It is 1/2 hour from here and given the pouring rain, I drove her there. Leaving her this time was a bit different than the two times yesterday, because there was no pretenses of shopping or dinner... this was strictly time in his hotel room alone. The drive back here was long and quiet as I was not only aroused thinking about how quickly they probably got engaged in activity, but took a bit of time to reflect on our situation. In an hour or two, the three of us are meeting for lunch. Since I have not seen any real signs of their romance first-hand, I think it will help make it more real in my head when I see them together now. Then it is time for my wife and I to share the afternoon and night alone. I told her at breakfast this morning I am really looking forward to that as I need some time for just us with minimal outside influences.
Posts: 265
Well done! Your a bigger man than I was my first time. I was very very jealous. I'm sure she will be wanting to meet again, when she isn't on her period.
Posts: 17
More details! Did she swallow?
BTW, congrats!
Posts: 81
...I just want to say, I'm very happy for you 
Posts: 26
The suspense is *******ing me 
orban victoria
I think nooo is in his first period. He is confused. Same as I was when I figured out that my wife cuckold me. Nooo realizes what he lost and has not feel the rewards yet. It's going to change. But the most important part of this developing to accept yourself as cuckold. Try to look at the world as a cuckold not as a husband. You feel better then and you will see that you can enjoy the situation.
Posts: 267
#139 · Edited by: nooo
Sorry for the delay, I have had no time online as we got home late last night. Other than that, everything is good here and we are all happy with how the weekend went. After I dropped my wife off Sunday morning, I found things to do to occupy myself. We made plans to meet for lunch at noon. I got a text just before then that they were on the road. I sent a reply asking if anything new had happened, because I'd have a hard time sitting through lunch wondering what they'd done. The reply was "tell you later". My mind raced and I asked how far things went. Again, I got "tell you later". I assumed that lust took over and she decided to have intercourse. When we met at the restaurant, I had a moment alone with my wife where she told me they had done things very similar to the night before and only a little bit more. That calmed my nerves a bit. I am not sure why, but when I thought they had gone all the way, it made me more nervous than thinking they had repeated the night before which was still pretty intense. We ate and had a rather ordinary conversation that probably wouldn't have seemed out of the ordinary to someone who didn't know any better. They sat surprisingly far apart, not touchy-feely like I had expected. Following that, I gave them some time alone for goodbyes before spending the afternoon enjoying some alone time with my wife. We certainly don't get enough of that and we had a great time with no pressure. When we were alone together that night, she told me that they had quite a good time in his room. Again, they began by kissing passionately and she told me she got more turned on kissing him than when we just kiss (that's not really a big part of our style). After their clothes came off, they ground their naked bodies together for quite a while. Because of her period, she wasn't able to make love to him, even though she really wanted to by that point. She told me that she finished him orally again. It sounds as though they really clicked physically and I can only imagine their next meeting. We haven't begun talking about that yet, at least she hasn't mentioned it to me. One part that I found amusing was watching the people working the desk of our hotel. The first time we arrived to check in, all three of us were together. A few hours later, they went to our room to rest for a bit after shopping. I joined them in the room, then L left to wait downstairs for my wife while she got ready. She got dressed elegantly for their dinner and met him in the lobby. The following evening, she was dressed up again except it was me with her as we left. I figure the workers have seen all kinds of strange things over the years, but it was fun to watch them check out our situation. I think we all had a great time and it was nice afterwards as well to have released the build-up over the last weeks and months of talking about doing this. In hindsite, I'm not positive I would do it all over again, but now that I've opened the door for her, I will continue to enjoy this with her. That fateful night when I showed her Ashley Madimister, I knew that was likely the catalyst that would take this from something I had dreamed about for so long into something that she would pull me into powerfully. I did at one point mention to her that if this relationship with L should die down, I'd really like some time with noone else involved to just have us. She jokingly asked, what makes you think I'll want to stop? I hope she was joking. 
Posts: 265
You hope she was joking?.... Once the door is opened and things go well, why would any wife want to stop? My wife would stop if I asked her, but she really wouldn't want to. Don't worry, with how well you guys prepared and how well it went, I'm sure you will get time with your wife, but I'm sure she has just begun her adventures and will continue. Accept your a cuck and enjoy the ride. 
Posts: 17
When's the next adventure?
Posts: 267
You are correct, now that she has begun to really enjoy the freedom I've given her, I can't see her wanting to stop. I have read several accounts of people whose relationships drift in and out of the wife having others and I think that could work well for us further down the road. Right now she is very happy talking to L at least daily I don't see her wanting to give that up for a while.
They have been talking about meeting again sometime next month, but we haven't worked out when, or where they will meet. I was glad to get home from our weekend and to have a week to get things back to normal. I'm sure before long they'll come up with a plan of how to get together. Hopefully there is a way I can enjoy some time with her afterward to enjoy seeing how well she has been used. Obviously, we are going to have to time this one better so her period is not in the way of anything they want to do.
Posts: 17
So, when's the next adventure?
Posts: 267
Sometime next month, we still have to figure out the details. While I am looking forward to whenever it will be, I am not quite ready to pick a date because then it feels like the clock is ticking.
Posts: 267
We are now slowly looking into arrangements for our second meeting. I had been hesitant to make plans for a week or two after we got back from our first weekend because there were a few things overloading our everyday life and I wasn't ready to add one more. We have been talking about an overnight trip sometime mid-September, similar to the first day of the weekend we shared where they have time during the evening and then we spend the night together. I'll add details as things become more definite. This picture was taken as I walked my wife to the elevator for her dinner date. In the bag, she has a bottle of wine she picked out for L and some lingerie (they didn't get around to her changing into it for him). I had some mixed emotions at the time, excited that we were finally going through with this, but also wondering why in the world I would plan a great night for my wife and then not get to share it in permister. Luckily as I said before, the following night we were able to have our own evening, but as I took this picture, then hugged and kissed her goodbye at the elevator, I was trying to figure out if it was a good thing that I was letting her go. She looked so good and her curves were displayed so nicely in her dress, she looked about as beautiful as I've seen her, except for our wedding night.
Posts: 17
It sounds like that you're both into making some sort of connection with the other party before being more intimate. Do you feel that this is necessary? Would it be better to pick up a random stranger at a bar or something?
Posts: 267
My wife decided fairly early on that she would only be able to be intimate with someone she had an emotional connection to. While I would have prefered itthe other way, this is how she is going about it. It doesn't cause as much of a problem as one might suspect but there is more time and energy invested this way.
Posts: 267
We are now a little less than three weeks until my wife's second date. We are planning on meeting in a town midway between where we are and where L is from. It sounds like a similar day to the last meeting, getting together in the afternoon and them having the evening together before my wife joins me for the evening. One thing for certain, she won't have her period this time and won't be restricted in what she does. It will be very interesting to hear of her evening.
We had a bit of debate about the times of her date, how early they'd get together, how late she's stay before returning to me. Last time, we agreed on getting back together at 11pm and she lost track of time and it was about 12 until she returned. By then, she was very tired and I wanted to avoid that happening again so I had been insisting on 10pm. Last night as we began fooling around, she asked if that was open to negotiation. She said she wanted to move our time to 11pm and was willing to see if she could make me agree to it. I agreed to let her try and she began doing her best. As she was on top of me teasing hard, sliding her wetness over me, I asked what she'd do with her extra hour. She said lots of things... get him very hard and climb on top of him, then later take him to the shower and let him have her from behind. Finally, I pulled her down to me and words came out of me that were not my own... "I want you to stay with him until 11. I want you to have plenty of time with him". With that, she smilled and gave me a release I won't soon forget.
Posts: 265
LOL.... sure your in charge...NOT I'm sure she will put the extra hour to good use. 
Posts: 17
That's hot. Does she take it in the rear as well?