Two part update today...
First, yesterday afternoon we were on the road and my wife had some time to IM. She was on with her favorite for a while... I hadn't seen anything of what she typed until she showed me the line "Would fill your pussy with my cum right now". Talk about a major distraction! She only showed me fleeting messages after that but promised to save it for me to read later. She has said she doesn't like when I am reading what she writes as she types but she has no problem showing me everything later. Luckily, we just figured out how to copy her IM's to an email so she sent it to me. I'll paste that below. Trust that she never spoke that way with me!
The second thing is there seems to be another prospect. This one is also from out of town but told her he travels for business and said he might be available to meet if she wanted. He is single and she told me that made her feel a lot more comfortable than talking to married guys. We'll have to see if this new guy is what she is looking for.I am hoping that she finds someone that she really connects with that is available to talk more often, even if it doesn't lead to an actual affair. Right now, she likes to have someone to talk to frequently and since none of them are available as much as she likes, she is staying in touch with several. Of course that means that they all contact her at various times throughout the day, disrupting whatever we are doing. I told her this morning that I'll try to do better with giving her space when she is typing if she is better about isolating the times she is chatting and not making it continuous all day.
Anyway, this is the text of what she sent me:
B: Hi
My wife: Hi

My wife: Wow its early for you!
B: Its 2 hrs in sweety
My wife: Wow......early
My wife: I like sweety ;)
My wife: File sent: IMG00680-20090619-1000.jpg.
My wife: That's how far I got ;)
B: Slide that off for me
My wife: File sent: IMG00681-20090619-1003.jpg.
B: Don't stop
B: Would love to wake up to that
My wife: File sent: IMG00683-20090619-1010.jpg.
My wife: ;) getting squeaky clean
B: Now get dirty:D
My wife: File sent: IMG00689-20090619-1019.jpg.
My wife: Drying off

B: Would like to lick you all over
My wife: Mmmm......I'm gonna need another shower.... ;)
B: Slid a finger in for me
My wife: File sent: IMG00691-20090619-1024.jpg.
B: Don't stop. I want to see it spread and waiting for me
My wife: File sent: IMG00693-20090619-1026.jpg.
B: Sit down and give me the view I would have as I moved toward you to fuck you hard or eat that pretty pussy
My wife: File sent: IMG00695-20090619-1032.jpg.
B: I want to fuck you so hard
B: Slide a couple of fingers in
My wife: Would LOVE that....mmmmm......
My wife: I'd really like another cam night! ;)
B: I will give you one soon
My wife: Ok

My wife: I wanna slide you inside me
B: Let me see you finger fuck yourself as you think of my dick being rubbed on your clit
My wife: File sent: IMG00704-20090619-1045.jpg.
My wife: Really want to meet you now

B: It would be so fun
My wife: No doubt about that
B: Would spend hrs licking your pussy then move up and kiss you so you would taste how wet I made you
B: Would lick every part oh your body every part
My wife: OMG......getting so wet thinking about it
My wife: Heat flashes running over my bod
B: Would fill your pussy with my cum right now
My wife: Would rub it around on me......
My wife: :D
B: I would jerk off on your belly as you rubbed my cum in
My wife: Would rub that around my breasts while I watch you
B: Would love to see you lick your nipples
My wife: I'll have to take a pick of that sometime.....thanks for the idea! :*
My wife: What are u doing? Do you have to go? Don't want to pest u just let me know if you do
B: No I have time for you all day. I'm on the road by myself today
My wife: :D
My wife: Hmmmm......the things I could do for you on the road
B: Road head
My wife: I wonder if you could drive with me on you lap?
My wife: Rubbing on you
B: Yes
My wife: with no panties.....just you and me and my wetness from being close to you
B: I'm so hard now
My wife: I would put your hardness inside me while sitting on your lap
My wife: Facing you so I could nibble on your neck and ears too...
My wife: Ummm.......should I stop before I cause a vehicle accident?

B: Wouldn't take much for you to make me cum right now
My wife: Making u um deep inside me........moving until you get hard again
My wife: Then taking u into my mouth....licking u
My wife: Sucking and swirling my tongue around u
B: Keep going
My wife: Licking around the outside
My wife: Swirling my tongue around your tip
B: You might have to swallow
My wife: Or spit ;) jk
B: By in the truck. You would have to take it all
My wife: Ok ;).
B: It will be a lot with you
My wife: Be worth it ;)