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Now that she's started, I wonder how far she'll go....

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Nooo, yes her excitement is definitely visible! Thanks for sharing.


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I hope her date goes well. Let us know!


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My wife has no luck whatsoever. She'd been eagerly anticipating her date a few days ago. She teased me for days before it, letting me know that her pussy was reserved for G and off limits to me. The night before her date, he postponed it until next weekend (increasing it to an overnight date). This is her third straight letdown and I feel bad that she keeps getting her hopes dashed. I can't even come up with a solid explanation why she has so much trouble.
Saturday was our 18th wedding anniversary and coincidentally the anniversary of my first date with my gf. I was lucky enough to have both of them within a span of hours. My wife wore a very sexy spandex outfit for me and we had a great afternoon alone. At night, my gf and I resumed the excitement we had the night prior when she tied me to her bed and had her way with me for what seemed like hours.
Obviously, I am getting quite a bit more sex than I could have ever predicted when I began gently nudging my wife in the direction of cuckolding me years ago. I am glad that my wife and I are able to still play with the fantasies of her taking lovers. The greatest orgasms I have are while she describes things she's done or plans to do in the future.


Posts: 241
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Nooo, Has it been a year already!?! Wow the time just went by so fast. Congratulations to you and your wife's 18th anniversary.

It is hard to believe that you would be the one getting more sex than your wife considering how you started. I hope your wife gets some soon. It's got to be frustrating to go through the build up and then be let down. I don't know what to say, I'd be moving mountains to be with your wife if I were G. She needs to find a good solid lover that is nearby like you have. Hopefully not someone who will fall in love with her because I'll bet that's not hard to do.

Thanks again for sharing, and any pre-date and post-date photos (hell any photos) would be appreciated.


Posts: 267
#635 · Edited by: nooo
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Well, my wife finally got laid! On Friday, she left late afternoon for her date with G. Less than an hour after she got there, I got a picture of her looking flushed and she said, "round one is done, showering then going to dinner". She later told me she climbed on him as soon as she got into his room. He bought her a dildo that she said was pretty long. After dinner, he used it on her and she came hard. In the morning, they resumed and he had her a few more times and played with the dildo more. As we made love this morning (the day after), she told me he'd come in her several times. It turned me on to know that less than 24 hours prior, he'd been fucking her. My own date ran much later than hers yesterday or I would have tried to get my wife alone to sample her freshly used pussy.

These are two pictures from last weekend...



Posts: 1076
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That's an amazing weekend!


Posts: 241
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Great news, I'm glad she finally got laid!! That has got to be an amazing feeling having sex with your wife knowing that just a few hours ago she was having orgasmic sex with another man. Thanks for sharing the story and pictures. In the first picture, was she feeling a bit chilly or was she excited?


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Nooo those blue panties are perfect for showing her wet spot when she comes home freshly fucked! My wife has a green pair just like them. Back when she had a regular fuck buddy that she could go bare with she wore them over to his place one day. I was napping on the couch when she returned. I ask her where she had been all afternoon. Without saying a word she walked over to me, raised her dress and as I saw the wet spot she lowered her sloppy cum filled panty covered cunt over my face I heard her say, "can you guess where?" That led to some of the best sec we had had in months. God I miss those days!
Cuckold anthony


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Noo...I love her toes...they are very sexy indeed. Great progress ...


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shal54, It was extra erotic since we hadn't been together in a week, and knowing that her bf had made love to her several times over the previous night and morning. I'm still looking forward to experiencing her sooner afterward when we can. In the picture, her nipples were hard because she wasn't wearing a bra, and because she was showing me that dress that she'd gotten for an upcoming date. And if I remember correctly, she'd been chatting all afternoon too.

i122, that is very hot! I would be out of my mind with lust if my wife ever presented me with that scenario! I wrote a story for her a while back along those lines and she really liked the idea. My wife indulges my panty fetish well and has come home from many dates with wet panties. Due to logistics, she hasn't yet come home with a really fresh creampie like your wife did.

Thanks, cuckold Anthony. I'm not too much into feet but she does keep her toenails freshly painted and goes for frequent pedicures.


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I just got a request from my wife to have an overnight date with her first bf in two months for his milestone birthday. Unfortunately it's the same day as I already had a late night planned to see a concert with my gf. She should still be able to see him (I think he's flying up to see her from a distance) but I'd hoped we could have worked more interaction between us. He was the only one of the guys my wife had seen that embraced the hotwife/cuckold aspect. We had talked about increasing my involvement in what they do before they grew apart. We have two months to think about it and hopefully plan something exciting.

On a separate note, Sunday night my wife and our girl and my gf went to an outdoor concert. We laid together on the lawn on a comforter and eventually evolved into all of us kind of sitting back to back together. It was fun to be so close to the three women who are most important in my life so publicly. There was one lady that kept looking over and giving us a strange look, obviously trying to figure out our situation. It is still very surreal to me to be in this relationship and have such closeness with my wife and gf.


Posts: 241
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Hi Nooo,
Is 'L' her first bf you are referring too? That meet up sounds exciting, hopefully you can plan something that includes your involvement. Maybe you and your wife can go out and purchase underwear for her to wear that is only for him...

I wish the best to all of you, it seems like you both have your cake and are eating it too. Please keep us involved!



Posts: 26
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Hi Nooo, I keep checking but no updates. Can't wait to hear what is happening and see some more photos of your two girls. Lucky guy to have two such great women.


Posts: 267
#644 · Edited by: nooo
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Sorry for the lack of updates. My wife has been attempting to schedule new dates but has struggled on several fronts. I am sure she'll find a time to enjoy herself sometime soon. She really needs another time away with a lover. L is who I was referring to, they almost got together this weekend but it fell through.

I was lucky enough to have another double yesterday - making love to my wife in the shower before heading out to my overnight date with my gf last night. I remain amazed at home lucky I've been I just hope when my wife is able to resume having sex with someone else, she and I can once again play with our former dynamic. Because she looks so hot to me in various tight outfits, I look forward to her teasing me before her next date. She has a better body than my gf so it is ironic that I have far more sexual opportunities with my gf than my wife.

Below are a few recent pics... two as she got ready for work - too bad I didn't get to see her dressed in this shirt all day, and the other as she teased me all morning with her body before my date.



Posts: 1076
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Thanks for the update. Hope you guys eventually a share a more intimate cuckold experience soon!


Posts: 241
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Hi Nooo, glad to hear everything is going well! Sorry to hear that the date with 'L' didn't happen. As gorgeous as your wife is, I can't understand why it is so difficult for her to find a date/lover...


Posts: 1177
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Preparation pic's can be fun to take
First a trim
First a trim
Then a shower
Then a shower
Then makeup
Then makeup
Then some dick
Then some dick


Posts: 241
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Hi Nooo, how are you, your wife and your girl friend doing? Has your wife been able to hook up with anyone. I hope she finds someone worthy enough to be a boyfriend to her. Thanks for sharing!


Posts: 241
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Nooo, another month has gone by and no word... hope everything is ok. Hope you all have a Merry Christmas!


Posts: 26
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Hi Nooo, hope everything is going well. Would love to have an update. Merry Christmas.


Posts: 267
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Thanks for the well wishes!
I haven't made an update in quite a while because there really hasn't been anything noteworthy to report. A little while back, my wife had been making arrangements for her next date but that fell through due to busy schedules. She still chats frequently but I haven't heard from her lately that she is trying to schedule her next date. She has been very busy lately and has considerable pressure on her so it doesn't seem to be a high priority right now.

I have continued to see my gf and things have been very good in that regard. She is a welcome part of my family and we see a lot of each other. There was one thing that makes this poly relationship difficult - their birthdays are Dec 20 and 22. Imagine shopping for four special events at once 2 birthdays and 2 Christmases) - it's not easy! But it's definitely been worth it.

I'll try to post new pictures soon, I haven't taken many recently.


Posts: 26
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Hi Nooo, Thanks for the update. Glad things are mostly good, just busy. Would love to see more photos. I think it would be worth shopping for four events. More opportunities to buy sexy cloths for everybody. A woman can never have too many sexy cloths or shoes.


Posts: 241
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Nooo, thanks for the update! I envy everything you have, except trying to find b-day and Christmas presents for two lovely ladies at the same time. It's bad enough that my sister's b-day is this month. Any new pictures would definitely be appreciated, thanks again!


Posts: 26
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Hi Nooo. I hope the holidays were good. Any updates to report?


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I appreciate your interest but there hasn't been a lot of news to report. My wife has mainly been chatting and having fun that way. She has been trying to meet up again with her first bf but he lives far enough away a flight would be required and they aren't having much luck with scheduling. She has continued to amaze me with her tolerance of my gf. On Friday nights, my wife goes out to eat with her parents and stays at their house most of the evening. She sent me a message during the day that she picked up dinner for my gf and I to make while we enjoyed the privacy of my house. The fact that she openly supports me in this way is mind blowing. I hope she is able to have a date for herself soon. I will post pictures if I get any good ones soon.


Posts: 26
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Thank you for the update. It is appreciated. A few photos of your GF would be great too. It is a toss-up for which woman (wife/GF) is the hottest.


Posts: 241
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Nooo, Thank you for the update, looking forward to hearing of your continued adventures!


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What happen on valentine's day?


Posts: 267
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My wife was unable to arrange a date for Valentines Day so I got to enjoy her myself. We certainly would have entertained her dating on Valentines Day as we both enjoy the excitement of my wife sharing special dates with another. Her first extramaritaldate was on our wedding anniversary. Strangely, my standard Friday night date with my gf was cancelled for the first time in months so my energy was focused on my wife. I got to watch her get dressed sexily (pictures below). After dinner, I rubbed my wife down and gave her a big orgasm. Unfortunately, I had knee surgery earlier in the week and intercourse proved to be impossible. She was kind enough to put on her blue bodysuit, leaving on her thigh high stockings, to give me one of her perfect handjobs. She rubbed me with her oily hand, describing her hope to experience a new man inside her. Receiving a handjob from her on a night I'd otherwise be making love to my wife triggered my submissive feelings and she made me cum hard.



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Thanks for the photos of Mrs. Nooo. It is nice sometimes to focus on each other and reconnect. It's also nice that she dressed sexily for you. Sorry about your surgery, hope you mend quickly!
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Now that she's started, I wonder how far she'll go....
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