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Now that she's started, I wonder how far she'll go....

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Hi nooo, Happy New Year! Hope everything is still going well for you two. How was your wife's last date with G? Any closer to the threesome? That is a unique relationship you three have, do you think G would be up to making it a foursome? Also, pictures would be great! Again thanks for sharing, I know it's difficult to find the time, so it is appreciated.


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This continues to be a very interesting time in our lives.

Tonight, my wife and I have overnight dates with our lovers. Like the last time we did this, my wife is has left first. I had some time alone with her, watching her get ready and helping her shave for G. I kind of miss the old days when my wife and I would have considerable build up before each of her dates, and a great reclaiming afterward. I want to try to work more of that into her next date. My wife and I have talked a little bit about the possibility of a threesome with her bf in the future but that seems to be a long way off, if at all. She has been expressing a little curiosity about having two men. I know she has also been talking to a few new guys, but I do not know if she will wind up meeting one of them. She is dead set against married men that don't have permission and that seems to be all she has found. I still have a part of me that is hoping my wife will eventually find a really large lover who gives her a totally new experience.

I have continued to enjoy an extremely unique situation with my gf. My wife and flower both really like her and continually invite her to join our daily family activities. My gf and I have private dates each Friday, and other days on occasion, and see each other 3~4 times a week in total. We were lucky enough to see each other on both Christmas and New Years Day, which was very special for us. Both my wife and gf have joked with me about them having a threesome with me but said it was out of the question because they are friends and not into that at all. We have had some very surprising times together, even though they were platonic. A few times now, my gf has stayed late with us and I sat with each one of them in my arms together. One night about a month ago, our flower was relaxing at her grandparent's house. My wife was feeling wild and adventurous, daring me to stay up late getting takes with her and calling off work the following day. She got my gf involved and invited her over to convince me. We would up having a fun night until very late. We all stumred into my bed together and the three of us fell arelax together. Sometime in the morning, my wife went to another bedroom for some more space (three adults in a full bed, lol), so my gf woke me up with a great bj and I returned the favor. Surprisingly, it was not at all uncomfortable as we all made breakfast together.

Our relationships continue to evolve and have brought us to places we certainly never expected.

Here are a few recent pictures – I love playing with my wife's pussy through her very wet panties.



Posts: 241
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Nooo, thanks for the update and the pictures!! You can definitely see the moisture on the pink panties. Were these taken as she was getting ready for G or after she came home?

I think this is the first time I saw G referred to as your wife's bf. When your wife and G meet up, do they go out, like on a 'date', or is it more for the sex?

I agree, the reclaiming or reconnecting after her date would be important to remind you both why you are doing this. You certainly have a unique relationship going on, and I'm happy it is working for you both! Thank you.


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Actually, those images were just from us playing together. I will post four other pictures below, the first two are from after she had seen G. The creampie is mine after I enjoyed her used pussy.

Until this weekend's date, they had behaved like a couple - shopping together, dinners, etc. But he really closed down to her emotionally and she is very frustrated with how her date yesterday ended. She just told me she is done with him and won't be seeing him again. He'd been growing more distant in recent weeks which was strange for someone who was coming to meet a hot wife like mine is. As I mentioned, she has been talking to other men and just told me she wants to have lunch with a new guy tomorrow. We will hopefully discus that in more detail tonight because I don't know much about the situation.

My half of the overnight date went amazingly well. We stayed at a local hotel and consistent with our previous overnight dates, we got very little relax. Our third session of the night ended around 3:30. We slept then for a few hours and still barely made our noon check out. Just as our last date, I left so satisfied that there wasn't much energy left for reclaiming my wife. I am hoping we will be able to find time tonight for each other to enjoy that.



Posts: 241
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Nooo, thanks for the great pictures of your beautiful wife. Sorry to hear that G is acting tge way he is. Maybe he was falling for you wife... Hopefully your wife has better luck with someone new. At least the newness of someone 'new' will be exciting! Take care.


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That's a pussy that makes a girl want to swing lesbian for a few hours! Pretty.
Loving Wife, Mother, and Bryan's Slut


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As quickly as one chapter closes, another one has opened. Saturday after getting home from seeing G, my wife reported that he'd been cold and distant despite having an overnight date with him. They bickered on IM and she decided to stop communicating with him. The most recent guy she'd been speaking to (F) convinced her to meet him despite the fact that he is married. She asked to meet him for lunch Monday and I agreed. I was stuck at work and had no involvement other than hearing about it later. They had lunch and went to his car. There, they made out for quite a while. She said she nearly climbed onto him which would have been the first time she was with a new guy on her first date. She was left very wet and horny - I was the recipient of her state when I got home from work.

She asked to see him for lunch again today. I had no reamister to deny her as she's been incredibly tolerant of my time with my gf. They had lunch and went to his car again. These are the messages I got right afterward. "We had sex in back seat of his car", "The kisses and his touch was so amazing....hard me explain....was just so fucking hot!" and "He has a good thick cock". After the last one I asked if he was thicker than me and had to wait what felt like forever for her reply. Yes was the reply, and "Did I tell you I had an orgasm while sitting on his lap with him inside me?" I have to imagine he is going to be in my wife's pussy as frequently as they can.


Posts: 241
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Nooo, All I can say is wow!! That's enough to make her forget about G, who by-the-way is a dick head for letting her get away. Did you reconnect with your wife after her second visit with F? Hopefully they will have a place to meet other than his car...

This seemed to have happened so quickly, how are you feeling about it?


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This certainly did come about quickly and I'm happy for my wife. G has been really arrogant with her and not in a good way. I was not able to reclaim my wife right after her date with F because I was out with my gf simultaneously. The same will be the case tonight as we both have dates but we are both off work tomorrow and can spend our Friday reconnecting alone. Tonight will be the seventh day in a row I've seen my gf, though most of those were family time... so my wife and I will appreciate the time tomorrow for just ourselves. It has been totally unreal having my gf as part of my family. The last three nights, we've all cooked dinner and spent the evening together. She and I behave platonically in front of my flower but it's amazing how close we all are. When we began this journey, I could have never expected we would arrive at this point. And things continue to evolve between all of us.


Posts: 159
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Nooo, your journey is just amazing. I find reading your updates utterly compelling really appreciate you taking the time to let us know what's going on with you guys.

Can't wait to hear more - you and your wife are fantastic


Posts: 819 Pictures: 11 
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Nooo, you know I'm waiting to hear about the threesome with your wife and girlfriend. Have you been dropping any hints their way?
Loving Wife, Mother, and Bryan's Slut


Posts: 506
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You have a great polyamorous relationship!
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Last night, my wife and I each had a date with our partners. The interesting thing about it is my gf made the arrangements with my wife for each of us while I was busy! I found out afterward that I'd have the evening alone at home with my gf as my wife was enjoying her new lover. My gf and I made good use of our time and had several hours naked together in my marital bed together. My wife and her lover had three hot sessions and I got to hear about them as today is our Friday off together. I was looking forward to reclaiming my wife but she said was still too sore from last night. Instead, she put on one of her bodysuits and gave me a great handjob while telling me the details of their date. Her new lover is thicker than be but not quite as long, resulting in several orgasms for her from intercourse alone.

You are quite correct, alcabin... our relationship is really become quite a nice polyamorous one. Tomorrow (Saturday) will be the ninth straight day I've seen my gf - the most in a row so far, and we normally see each other on Sundays also. I can't describe how surreal it is to have my wife and flower ask me to invite my gf over day after day (as far as my flower knows, my gf is strictly a family friend).

Donna, as much as I'd enjoy that, I don't know if they are up for it. It is quite possible we will share another wild late night and I'll enjoy both of my lady's attentions at the same time.


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Congrats on the pregnancy! I guess you don't have to worry about birth control for a few months! Thanks for sharing your story, it's hard for me to believe I am living what I am, much less that others are in the same position.

To give you am idea of how casual my family is now, last night my wife flower and gf were hanging out after we ate dinner. My wife and flower decided to go shopping, leaving my gf and I unexpectedly alone. We made quick use of the time and after they returned, our conversations continued as though nothing had happened. My wife told me she wants to see her bf during the day on Monday. I am sure she is more than ready to experience him again.


Posts: 241
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Nooo, With you being able to see your gf so much, her husband doesn't wonder why she's gone so much or he doesn't care?

Your and your wife's lives sure have changed, just keep trying to reconnect with your wife after your and your wife's dates to remind you both that you're the couple here!

Thank you for sharing this all with us.


Posts: 267
#586 · Edited by: nooo
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My gf and her husband are basically seperated but still living together. He works a different shift than us and is never home when she is - so she's able to do as she pleases with her time. Even when they are home together, which isn't often, they hardly speak. She has two adult youngren, I've met her mister on a few occassions and we got along well. Her flower is coming to my house tonight and we will meet her for the first time. My gf has met most of my friends and family, and all of them just see her as a close friend of ours. She and I went to my inlaws house a few days ago to help them shovel the snow from the driveway. As we walked down the slippery alley, I held her hand so she wouldn't fall - in front of my wife's parents. That was another surreal moment.

Despite seeing my gf every day for almost a month now, I am making sure my wife is never left out. We've been enjoying our own times whenever we can. Last week she had a date with her 4th bf F and we were alone the day before and after her date. She was telling me how much she enjoys his thick cock, on their date he had her three times. The last time was without a condom and he pulled out and finished on her stomach. My wife and I enjoyed quite a bit of excitement from her date, and she had a very good time with both of us. It was a great week for me as I had each of my ladies on alternating days, and sometimes both on the same day. I really can't ask for anything more than I've currently got!

Last night, my wife asked me what my plans were for Valentine's Day this Friday. I knew this would be a slightly tricky situation as Friday nights are a standing date night for my gf and I, and my wife always has dinner with her family on Fridays. I told my wife I'd gladly do something alone with her and reschedule with my time with my gf. After a little thought, she decided that all three of us should find something fun to do together. So far, we are talking about going out for dinner and takes, and possibly getting a hotel room so no one has to drive home. I have no expectations of any crazy sexual situations taking place, though I'd certainly really enjoy it if we were able to cross that boundary in a wild night together.


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Oooooo, I'm smelling someone cooking up a threesome in the air!
Loving Wife, Mother, and Bryan's Slut


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Unfortunately, our Valentine's Day did not take place as we planned because our flower got sick that afternoon. Instead, the four of us spent the evening together and we still had an enjoyable night. It is wild how well we all get along. My wife and flower really like my gf and sometimes do things alone with her when I'm busy.

My wife continues to see her most recent bf, F on occasion whenever they are able. Most times they meet, I also see my gf coincidentally so my wife and I have not built as much excitement around each of her dates as we used to. She really enjoys F's thickness and stamina, and he really fucks her well. She and I still have exciting sex between us as well every chance we get. Our last Friday off together, we made love but since I had a date with my gf that night, I refrained from having an orgasm. I think that might have been the first time I did not have an orgasm after intercourse. Also, my wife had a date the following day, so I wore a condom to enter her, just for an added twist. I have frequently read about hotwives making their husbands wear a condom to reduce their enjoyment but for me the perverse irony of using one when it isn't needed gets me more excited. She had a great time on her date, riding him all afternoon in a local hotel.

My wife and I also have time alone today to be intimate. She is wearing sexy spandex all day to tease me and keep my attention on her. We also decided that today she'd wear her purple crotchless panties I referenced earlier in this thread. When she wears them, she wants me to fill her then give her an oral orgasm, something we both enjoy but haven't done for a while. Even though I received a great bj from my gf last night, I am very anxious to be with my wife soon. I always like the mixed emotions of cumming extra hard in my wife, the added excitement of my orgasm turning to hesitation as I wane, knowing I am expected to clean her right afterward. An added twist this time is knowing she last wore these panties on a date with her bf a month or so ago.

My life remains exciting and I am continually blessed with such an unusual set of relationships. Sometimes I just shake my head in disbelief at how much my life has changed and how good we've got it. Tonight will actually be the 50th consecutive day I've seen my gf (we have a small journal). Some of those visits were as short as meeting for coffee on the way to work but most were evenings we spent either with my family or alone together. She's stayed over at our place several times and usually we end up sneaking off to make love when everyone is arelax. It is quite late when we go to bed, generally around 4:30. She really spoils me well and is quite giving. We've met several times for her just to give me a quick bj on days when we had very limited time to meet. She's also multi-orgasmic and I love being able to turn her on as much as I do, typically giving her three or more orgasms each time we meet.
My wife still looks amazing at 41!
My wife still looks amazing at 41!
Love her pubic mound
Love her pubic mound
She feeds my panty fetish well
She feeds my panty fetish well
Wetness beginning to show through
Wetness beginning to show through


Posts: 159
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nooo, your wife is smokin' hot - you are a very lucky guy.

Love following your story - so amazing how things have turned out for you guys


Posts: 506
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Looks hotter than many at 25!
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Posts: 241
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Nooo, Always love to see pictures of you wife. She is beautiful for any age. What was the occasion for the pictures, and what was she thinking about when she started getting wet? Thankyou!


Posts: 267
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Thanks for the compliments! That day, she surprised my with the new purple lingerie. She and I were enjoying a slow buildup as we played, she was telling me about a recent encounter she'd had as I rubbed her body. Leaving her still dressed as she was, I simply pulled her panties aside and plunged into her wet pussy. After I can inside of her and withdrew, I pulled the panties back over her pussy and allowed the creampie to seep out.

Speaking of creampies, as I mentioned in my last post, my wife requested that I fill her then clean her. I started by giving her oral until I could tell she was ready then I quickly enter her. As usual, the combination of her panties, and knowing she wanted me to do that led me to grow aroused much quicker than I would have liked. As I came, I was fully aware I'd be going down on her momentarily and had the usual mixed emotions. I slid down her body dutifully and gave her a slowly developed orgasm that left her gasping for breath.


Posts: 26
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Nooo, how about an update. It is been way too long. Hope everything is going well. Please post more photos of everybody.


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And new photoes are always appreciated =)


Posts: 241
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Nooo, I'm with everyone else in hoping you can share the latest that is happening in you and your wife's lives.


Posts: 267
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Sorry for the delay... not too much has changed since I last posted. My wife cut off all ties with G because he was being distant and cold to her. She gave him every chance to open up then when she told him she was through, he kept trying to fix it. She saw through his weak attempt and finally blocked his communication. She still sees her newest lover F whenever she can but he is very busy. She's told me he's the thickest she's ever had and she loves how he fills her. He last date with him was an all-day session at a local hotel. I am still hoping we can match up our schedules so I can enjoy sliding inside her after he's used her well. It's been far too long since I felt her slippery and loose.

My relationship with my gf continues to deepen and she's become a part of our family. She is at our house as often as she is home and we have a few private date nights a week. Last night we went to a very romantic restaurant to celebrate the 100th straight day we've seen each other and she gave me a stunning bj as I drove home. Not to be outdone, I parked on the way home and returned the favor several times over. I love that she is so multi-orgasmic.

These pictures are from one of my wife's previous dates. The first is after I shaved her pussy for her lover, the second and third we as she slid her sexy panties on and edged me, and the last is her panties after she came home to me.



Posts: 819 Pictures: 11 
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Mmmm. Your wife has a pussy that makes a girl want to lick it!
Loving Wife, Mother, and Bryan's Slut


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edited and back


Posts: 819 Pictures: 11 
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Glad to see it is back. I can't understand why it ever left.
Loving Wife, Mother, and Bryan's Slut


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I can't understand why it ever left.

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