Posts: 267
There was not a lot to report for a few days until yesterday. Over the weekend, they didn't have much chance to talk and she gave him some space. I wondered if things were cooling off but then Monday night they heated up again. My wife stayed up late messaging him and she said she really got him going. She sent a picture of herself in the black and red lingerie I posted previously, but it failed to reach him until he got to work yesterday. While he was thanking her for it, she said that's what friends are for, but then said she meant friends with benefits. Not much happened the rest of the morning then late afternoon she sent me a message that she saved something for me to read later. My heart skipped two beats then made up for it quickly. I asked if it was more of the same or something new and she replied simply "new". Anticipation ate up the rest of the day until she told me what was up. Apparently he decided that since she'd teased him that morning, he was going to torment her all afternoon. She said he got her so turned on she was squirming in her seat and her face was bright red. After we made love, I needed to get to relax for work. She took her phone and I figured she'd be up a while. An hour and a half later, she finally came to bed. This morning, she showed me a picture she took and sent him last night of her breasts, the first time anyone but me have seen them. Today we had Chinese for lunch and her fortune said "haste doesn't make perfect". She laughed and said, "see, I am going about this right by taking little steps".
Posts: 86
My wife uses Ashley Madimister and has found several guys that she was interested in, and has cucked me with two of them in less than a month. The Ashley Madimister website is definitely worth it!  (Way up!) A dominant Mistress / wife and submissive slave / husband. Just the way it should be.
Posts: 22
Just wanted to saythat I really liked your story, and your wife is looking very hot!
Posts: 61
Hot story!
Posts: 267
Thanks for the compliments! The last three weeks have been surreal. After lunch today, my wife was putting on lip gloss while telling me something. For a moment, I pretended like I was too occupied watching her lips to listen to make her laugh, but then I realized just how sexy and pink they looked with the gloss. She gave me a kiss before we got into the office and I could taste her on my lips for a while. After work today, she told me when she returned from lunch, she asked J if he liked raspberry. He said it was his favorite, why? Knowing the effect she had on me earlier, she told him she just applied raspberry lip gloss. I can only wonder what this kid must think of this hotwife whose been taunting him. I am feeling a bit of infatuation for her similar to when we were first dating, she is every bit as attractive as when I met her but she's a lot dirtier now and I'm seeing her in a whole new light...
Posts: 683
She is definitely building torward and growing to be with J. She is loving he attention she receives not just from him but also your reaction. She will give herself to J before you know it. She must appreciate your patience in the process along with your support. This goes for her being with J as well as any others that will follow. She should not have an issue finding other suitors once she is comfortable stepping completely out. Thanks for the updates.
Posts: 683
She is definitely building torward and growing to be with J. She is loving he attention she receives not just from him but also your reaction. She will give herself to J before you know it. She must appreciate your patience in the process along with your support. This goes for her being with J as well as any others that will follow. She should not have an issue finding other suitors once she is comfortable stepping completely out. Thanks for the updates.
Posts: 683
Nice pics and once again thank you sharing the story and what pics you can find. She is amazing and as I have mentioned before that each day she is getting more confident as well as realizes that others can appreciate as well as desire her. It must have been something for the both of you while see was texting J and relaxing you were rubbing her sweet pussy. I am sure that was very appreciated. She is also starting to open up more by evidence of what she is begining to wear at work. Once she has been with J, I am sure she will begin to take more steps. Thanks again for the updates and look forward to those and any pics.
Posts: 267
#39 · Edited by: nooo
On several occassions, I have been rubbing her/massaging her while she texted or talked to J. It is wonderfully submissive to add to her pleasure while she is indulging herself with him. It is such a turn on to see her in conversation with him, essentially being able to see her date someone. She has told me that this has been a great diversion from her everyday life and she is clearly enjoying the attention and appreciation from someone new. At the same time, she is having fun watching me react to her updates. I am grateful that this has brought us so close that we can discuss my fantasy of her making love to someone new and also her deepest fantasies without inhibition. Whenever she tells me she has something to tell me, it causes such a rush of emotions because I never know what the news will be. Often times, all it takes is me seeing the silly grin on her face to know that I am in for a surprise. Last night, I convinced her that she needed me to give her an orgasm (she was very tired so I had to work hard to talk her into it). No sooner had we finished when J texted her. Before too long, he asked what it would take to get another picture of "the twins". She replied he'd have to send her some text that got her horny enough. Within minutes, he unleashed a torrent of descriptive words about how he'd take her in the back of her Jeep and do several things before getting behind her and f*ing her silly, doggy style. Her body language was stunning, she reacted so visibly to his words as they had turned her on deeply. In return, she had me take a picture of her breasts to send to him as thanks. Within minutes, she had me inside her from behind (something we very rarely do) as she imagined the things he described doing to her. Strangely, he asked for a picture of her pussy and when she said that would wait for next time, he said "just so you realize... this is all just talk". Just when I think they are so close to actually doing something physical, one of them says the equivalent of "just kidding". Too bad these are only low quality cell phone pics...  Those lips... melted me.
|  She sent this to him last night.
|  |  |
Posts: 184
any new updates ? cant w8..
Posts: 683
She has very sensual "twins" and lips. I bet J will enjoy them very much. I still feel that she is enjoying this game as it is building her confidence to take that next step of a physical meeting. It appears to be getting closer and from your updates more and more is revoling around J and her wanting to tell him more and more. Apprecaite the pics and the updates
Posts: 267
I wish I had a positive update, but the post above is not only the most involved they got, but that is the last thing of signifigance they did. The last two Fridays, J told my wife that he wouldn't be able to talk much over the weekend (his gf works second shift during the week so he was talking to my wife all day and then at night when his gf was at work). She was bummed all weekend and really missed the excitement of talking to him. She is saying now that she doesn't think he wants to take this any further. As a last ditch effort, I think we could try sending him a good shot of her pussy next time things get really hot between them. Last night I again asked her about placing an ad on Ashley Madimister, "just out of curiousity to see what replies she gets" (hoping if she does get a good response it will open a new door). She didn't say much so I think I'll wait until she is in a horny/buzzed/receptive mood and try again. She did say she'd like to try a cowboy, boots and all sometime. She still sounds receptive to the idea of taking a new lover, but if this thing with J fizzles as it seems to be, I'll have to hope someone new becomes available to her.
Ironically, in the last two weeks, three other coworkers that she finds "creepy", "old" and " just weird" have all approached her indirectly (asking friends of hers if she is available). No doubt they were already attracted to her and the slight makeover she's gone through lately pushed them to see if they had a chance. She said there was one guy in the office that really caught her eye a few weeks ago and she mentioned it to J. He cheerfully told her that the new guy was only a temp and was already gone. That might have been a good opportunity if she had known about him soon enough - someone that wouldn't be around long.
Posts: 683
Take the small positives from this. She is receptive of taking a lover, she discovered that others find her attractive and bid for her attention. Though things may not work with J, the thought of her having a lover with your support is in her mind. She may not be receptive at the moment with the Ashley Madimister things as she is still reeling from her disappointment of late. I am sure you are supporting her and letting her know that others are still out there who are interested in such a sexy woman. You have a PM.
Posts: 267
Even though I am a little bummed at the moment, some great positives have come from this, and her current deal with J isn't necessarily over, it may get going again soon.
First, just the idea that she opened up to this so rapidly was astonishing. Also, little things she said over the last three weeks have stayed in my head all day long... "if I had known how much it turned you on, I would have cheated on you a long time ago", "I wish I knew this a while ago" (with no explanation why), and "now that you've brought this up, I really would like to feel the newness of making love to someone different". When I first fantacized about her taking a lover, other than the obvious turn-on of seeing her get ravaged, I was hoping it would get her to be more sexually aggressive and give her a new outlook on sex. That part has certainly come true.
Thanks for all the encouraging words, being able to talk to people who appreciate this lifestyle openly is so cool. I'll keep an eye out for the pm - it isn't here yet. I will keep updating this thread with anything that is relevant.
Posts: 383
great posts! i hope and i am sure that you enjoy every minute! as for the title of this thread, i hope she goes as far as can be....only are going to love when she brings you home a nice creampie...up to you to eat it or let the swimmers find their way! New at this
Posts: 683
As we both have agreed there have been many positives that will only bring you both much joy. I am sure J is not completely out of the pic and things can get going again as well However she by what she has told you is open to exploring this more beyond J as it sounds. Just think how wonderful she will feel knowing that that she can have the newness more regularly with new lovers/BFs. It is therefore now becoming a turn on for you both. Let me know if the PM did arrive if not will send again
Posts: 267
#47 · Edited by: nooo
Right after typing out my last post, she and I had a nice session together and we had just begun falling arelax when J messaged her. Within minutes, he had her fully up again and was asking for a picture of her pussy. Since they only had a little buildup and it was late, I suggested that she tell him she would send him one on a night when they had more time to play around. She told me he has recently started trying to lose the few extra pounds he was carrying and if he did, she could more likely see herself with him. She suspected his hesitation in doing anything physical is either feelings of guilt or self-esteem.
I can only imagine the turn-on of coming home to a creampie. Several years ago, it became apparent that my wife has the best orgasms with me orally so our sex always began with that so she was sure to get off. I had wanted to try a creampie for the longest time but the times I built myself up to doing it the most, I got so aroused and I had such a powerful orgasm that afterward the desire was gone. Finally, one night she said she wanted me in her before her orgasm. I asked if she was sure and after finishing inside of her, I moved down and gave her an orgasm. I told her that it really wasn't unpleasant at all and since then, she will frequently have me finish inside her before giving her oral. Every time is still as good as the first, especially the moment I come, knowing that my excitement will be waning just as I find myself faced with her beautifully filled pussy. To be able to find her with someone else's load in her and be fully aroused myself would be really enjoyable. I can only imagine how great it would be to slip inside her afterward and feel how loose and slippery she is.
I have been as supportive as I can be and haven't pushed her too much. I think that has made a lot of difference in how comfortable she has been acting on this and taking advantage of the freedom I have given her.
Posts: 683
J was note gone for long which appears has made her happy and that is what counts. I did resend if it is not there try sending me a PM and I will respond so hopefully then it will get there. I will look for it.
Posts: 683
All fixed you should have the PM.. look forward to hearing back from you.
Posts: 184
nothing new ? hope there will be some development in their relation..keep us updated 
Posts: 267
#51 · Edited by: nooo
Sorry for the delay in updates... with the great weather, I haven't been near a computer much, and unfortunately, there have been no noteworthy developments. In general, J seems to have backed off significantly without answering my wife's questions why. They are still in contact most of the day, he just hasn't pushed the dirty side at all lately.
One of the things we have come to realize is that my wife and I are both more interested in a boyfriend for her, rather than a one-time fling or "f" buddy. She told me she really enjoyed the feeling of a new romantic connection and I enjoyed being teased with details of their connection all day. We have both said that it would be good for us if she can find a new man now that J has pulled back. I have decided to not push her, to see what her level of interest is, and what steps she takes from here. Since her weight loss (it is amazing what just 10 pounds can do in the right areas) and the changes to her clothes, she has noticed getting a lot more attention from men. Yesterday, she wore a shorter skirt without any pantyhose and she had a few guys visit her more often than usual and they lingered longer. None of them are anyone she is interested in, but it is still a good sign that she may attract someone else. She gave me a bit of excitement when she said they probably enjoyed looking at her legs knowing there was nothing between themselves and her pussy.
Between us, things have been outstanding. I have never seen her this attractive and can't get enough of her. If she ever does find a lover, I wonder how I will be able to contain myself, especially if she is getting some of her needs met by him. The last time we had an afternoon together (three days ago), she was home two hours before me. She joked that J might have a chance with her before I got there. When I arrived home, I found her the most aroused I'd ever seen her - if she had told me he just left, I would have easily believed it. It was all I could do to hold out a reamisterable length of time before enjoying yet another great creampie from her. The next day, I was still very turned on and wanted to be with her but her period had arrived. Instead, she gave me one of her great handjobs while wearing some sexy underwear and had me finish on her chest. I told her I was picturing she was giving me the hj instead of being with her because she was too tired from a previous session with her boyfriend and she enjoyed the thought.
Posts: 683
Things are progressing nicely and she is taking to all the attention very well. Pleased to hear that you both enjoyed a bit of role play with an awesome HJ. In time she will present you with the creampie you are desiring. Things are moving nicely and the first big step was geting her to realize her sexiness and that she is still desirable. Look forward to the next update and hearing from you.
Posts: 56
Anything new?
Posts: 265
No new boyfriends?
Posts: 267
#55 · Edited by: nooo
Sorry for the lack of updates.... things with J had dropped to the point of talking as just friends a few weeks ago. Last night was our first night together in a little while and as we were laying together, she told me she felt a little hurt and sad that he had changed tone with her. As I had in the past, I suggested maybe she'll find a new boyfriend and when she asked how was she going to do that, I brought up AshleyMadimister again. She agreed to make a profile to see what was out there. It was a nice turn-on to have her sitting in my lap wearing the same purple dress as I posted on the first page, spelling out her preferences in a new man. After she fininshed her profile, she began doing some searches and a little messaging with a few people who contacted her. As she did, I climbed out from under her, and massaged her as she typed. I don't have to guess what she was thinking of afterwards when I slid into her and she closed her eyes and moaned deeply. Nothing much came of last night, but I just looked at her account and there are 55 messages today. I can't wait until she comes to bed in a little while, I hope she is in the mood to check out what she's received. I can't wait to see what her response is to the comments posted for her.
Posts: 265
It sounds like she will be at it again in no time. We just signed up for AshleyMadimister as well. AFF has worked so far for us, but thought we would try a new sight. Looks good.
As always keep us updated.
Posts: 267
#57 · Edited by: nooo
lol, by the time we got done last night there were 150 messages and as many people ready for chat as she could take on. I was trying to help her weed out the ones that were too old, big or far away. She was saying she didn't care about location, but I was trying to help her find ones closer to home just in case they hit it off. One conversation she had that I enjoyed was telling a guy how she enjoyed me cumming in her then cleaning her while giving her an oral orgasm. She was telling him how she had something going with a guy at work but he chickened out. It is intregueing to see her typing far dirtier words than she'll usually say aloud.
I'm sure I'll have more to post soon now that we've opened a new chapter.
Posts: 267
#58 · Edited by: nooo
As I expected, now that my wife has seen all the possibilities available to her, she is really taking to this. The first two days she was on AM, she was mostly texting whoever caught her eye with no regard to location or physical compatability. The next day, I checked her sent messages to see who she approached and was pleasantly surprised to see each of the ones she contacted were close to here. The one that intrigued her the most lives 20 minutes from here and they have sent a few email back and forth each of the last few days. One big thing I noticed different about her approach with this one - with all the other guys she spoke to she mentioned that she was just interested in talk. But she told him that I was aware of the situation and she'd just like to talk at first but that could change.
Posts: 47
That will probably change pretty fast. It won't be long. Trust me. 
Posts: 267
#60 · Edited by: nooo
Wow. I've created a monster!
The last two days, she has been in contact with the two guys from AM that she likes the most. The one I mentioned above as being 20 minutes from here has really caught her interest and he been asking about meeting her in permister. She said she isn't comfortable with that yet, but he sent her access to his private photos (she found him very attractive) and she is really enjoying getting to know him. There is a second guy she is also talking to a lot - she started out saying he talked dirty to her very well but she wasn't considering more than that with him, but she just told me that she added the same "that could change" disclaimer to a message to him today.
Strangely, that isn't the end of my surprise. On the way home from work today, she told me that this afternoon she was telling J about all the attention she got with her profile on AM. She gave him her Blackberry to let him see her profile and must have really got him thinking about what he gave up. I told her I wasn't too happy with that because I had been feeling relief that since she and J cooled, anything she did would be outside our company and wouldn't get around. She said she just wanted to show him and I replied if there wasn't anything between them, I liked the idea of putting "their" thing behind us. She got a little huffy and said maybe she isn't putting him in the past and that she hasn't yet decided if she is going further with him. She told me her intentions of showing him were to get him jealous and to see what he'd do next. A mixture of arousal and fear went through me as I realized that I am now a passenger in wherever she takes us. This is a confident, take-charge side to her I've never seen before. I jokingly said she went from being a virgin to 16 years of monogamy to 4 guys at one time... she laughed and said she is liking this. A long time ago, I tried to lead her to a woman-led relationship and she was uninterested. At the time I was surprised she didn't like the idea of being more in charge with our love life. Now, she seems to be taking over little by little.