Posts: 285
Great Noo,
I am glad you lovely Wife made you give in so She can see Her new Boyfriend this Friday. Have a great Chrismas while you anticipate your Wife's next time with Her lover.
Sincerely elina
Posts: 267
Elina, your words about enjoying Christmas while anticipating my wife's date rang true. When we visited family, she wore sexy leggings and the boots the G had given her as a Christmas present. Every time I enjoyed the view, I was immediately reminded that she was only two days away from giving her body to her lover again.
Tomorrow night is their second date already. I am full of intrigue wondering what they will do. My wife has told me that she is looking forward to him pounding her from behind, something they haven't done yet. Last weekend when we made love (when she got me to encourage her to see him again tomorrow), I was well aware that we were one week past her previous date and one week prior to her next one. She never had that kind of frequency before. When I reminded her that our original agreement was once a month and this was an exception, she agreed. She said this was due to the circumstances and we'd return to our once a month agreement - unless she wanted to try convincing me otherwise, she teased.
Posts: 328
No wow sounds like a great Christmas.  Hope you keep us posted on this Friday s date! All the best and Merry Christmas to your bride family and you. Meijer
Posts: 328
No wow sounds like a great Christmas.  Hope you keep us posted on this Friday s date! All the best and Merry Christmas to your bride family and you. Meijer
Posts: 241
Nooo, Somehow I just new she would get you to let her see G more than once a month. As long as you're ok, and she keeps you involved then go for it. I just remember ths was one of your major concerns early on.
Posts: 159
Hi nooo, Great to read things are still moving along for you guys. Obviously your wife is really enjoying this new dimension to your life, and her new found freedom. Sounds like you are striking the right balance at the moment between her freedom and your enjoyment of the situation too - I really hope the good times carry on for you guys. As always, thanks for sharing your story (and the photos  ). Look forward to reading your next update. Things have been pretty quiet with my wife - a new business venture for us in the last few months has meant almost zero action on the cuckolding front. The last time my wife was with her lover was about two months ago when she flew to his city for an overnight stay. He fucked her once that night, once again the next morning, and then again in the afternoon in his bed at his house, before he dropped her back to the airport to come back home. She wore the same pair of panties the whole time and gave them to me as a gift when she got home - very thoughtful of her  Hopefully 2013 will be a better year for us in terms of her getting time to cuckold me more. In the meantime, I'm really enjoying following your thread. Take care.
Posts: 328
Hey No Hope all has or is going well. Rooting for you here!  Cannnot wait for update Meijer
Posts: 267
Drpool -nice your wife kept you in mind, especially as removed from her situation as you were. Good luck in the future with more opportunities. My wife's second date with G went down last night. It was shorter than their first but they were just as busy. I got home from work in time to give her a final trim, then she was off to meet him at a local hotel. They had four hours together and she said he made her cum four times. It would probably be quite humbling to see them together, she has rarely had two orgasms when we have been together. She said he fucked her relentlessly, cumming once just outside her, then she convinced him to finish inside her the second time. She returned home to me, once again very tired. I undressed her to her damp panties and she told me what details she could piece together. Just like her last time with him, I gave her oral until she said she was too tired to cum again that way. I slowly enterered her used pussy and took in the changes I felt inside her. Because it had been an hour since their last time together, she wasn't completely loose, instead she felt slightly tighter due to being swollen. I tried to last as she described how it felt to feel him pulse and cum inside her. Based on their schedules, it looks like we'll have more than a month to recover before their next date.  About leave to meet G
|  Damp panties upon her return
|  Her well used pussy
|  and traces of their lovemaking
Posts: 241
Hi Nooo, This is an amazing thread. Sounds like you are getting comfortable with G, and your wife is keeping you involved.
What are the possibilities of you finding a baby sitter and they meeting at your house? If G is not comfortable with you being involved, maybe you could listen from another room.
Your wife is beautiful, great pictures and I can imagine your feelings when she walked out the door from picture 1.
Posts: 285
Dear Noo,
I am very happy that your Wife seems to have found a new steady lover.
I wish you a happy new year and hope your Wife will convince you to let Her see G more frequently and that both Her convincing you and Her subsequent adventures will be exiting for both of you.
Sincerely elina
Posts: 267
#521 · Edited by: nooo
Thanks for the compliments!
When they were trying to figure out when and where to meet, I suggested our house. My wife was surprised I said that but asked G what he thought. He didn't feel comfortable with it, at least not yet. My thought was, even if I have to leave to give them privacy, I can come back as soon as he leaves. I've been talking to G off and on through email, getting to know him a bit so I am sure things will become more comfortable. We have talked about meeting sometime, perhaps having dinner.
The thing that had impressed me so far with their two meetings is how actively they have sex the whole time they are together. Also, despite how much they do, my wife still returns eager to share with me what they've done and to experience our own pleasure.
Posts: 159
Hey nooo, Looks like you and your wife have something really great going on heading into 2013. Here's hoping you have many more new and exciting adventures  All the best to you and your wife for the new year.
Posts: 267
It has been a while since I last posted. Things between my wife and G are still good, they intend to meet again as soon as he has recovered, possibly as soon as next Friday. So things on her side remain generally the same, yet tomorrow we begin a new chapter in our relationship.
About a month ago, my wife began strongly suggesting I look for a friend for myself on AM. I had been curious, but lacked the motivation knowing how hard it is for men to stand out from the pack on there. Because she genuinely was eager for me to experience all of the excitement that comes with meeting some new, I began sending out messages. I had little response until last Friday when I made a connection with a woman who is just under an hour from here. We spent the weekend chatting and getting to know each other's lives. We made plans for dinner tomorrow night at an elegant steakhouse. It still is hard to absorb that 20 years after my first date with my wife, I will be going on another one. And to make it better and less streessful, she's been very excited for me, asking lots of details and giving me advice. I am very excited to meet this new woman tomorrow and it will be interesting to see how my marriage will continue to evolve.
Posts: 152
Noo, that sounds great, good luck with your dating.
Posts: 241
Hi Nooo, I'm curious why your wife suggested that you find a 'friend' too. Is she going to get anything out of you describing your experiences with another woman? If you have your own girlfriend will that mean she can spend more time with her boyfriend? Does she want to double date? Sorry to sound so cynical, but I see danger signs again. Please continue to communicate effectively with your wife.
Are you letting the woman you're meeting know that you are married but dating with your wife's permission, so that she doesn't have hopes of a permanent relationship? I'm sure you would be a great catch if available.
Posts: 328
Hey No Sorry I have not been keeping up. Sounds like a great visit for your wife and very interesting turn of events for you  Hope you "date" thursday night went well. Can not wait for teh report form waht happena ndyoru wifes reaction All the best Meijer
Posts: 267
I had a very unique time with my new friend Friday night. We met a little before our reservations so we'd have some time to say hi privately then had a very nice meal. Afterward, we hung out in my truck and talked for a while before heading to a local bar. We were comfortable together and despite having some first date jitters, we had fun. I can tell in the time we've talked and been together that she isn't a perfect match for me but there is no presssure to make this anything more than something to enjoy when we can. We did kiss in her car a bit after the bar... first time I've done that with anyone but my wife in longer than I'd care to admit.
Shall54, you really don't have to be concerned. We have a very secure situation and my wife thought it would be a positive addition to my life if I met someone of my own. There are no plans of her seeing G any more frequently than we had discussed in the past - her idea was it would be nice if there were times we each had plans on the same night so noone was left alone and waiting. I have been completely upfront with the woman I am talking to and she is well aware of where we are coming from.
Posts: 241
Noo, Thanks for the update. I guess I'm just a worry wart. I'm glad you had fun.
Posts: 267
In just two days, my wife will be heading out to see G for the third time. This will be their first overnight date and she is extremely excited to be able to have more time with him than her two previous dates. The two previous times, she was left totally exhausted by his ability to fuck her longer than anyone else ever has. I can only wonder what they will do with the additional time together. I am certain when I see my wife again on Sunday morning, she will be quite sore.
Last weekend, I went on a second date with my friend. It was the second week in a row that we met because I wanted to see more quickly if we had a connection worth pursuing. Because she is single, we made plans to go to dinner then back to her apartment. We had a very nice time, quickly finding her bed and spending most of the night exploring each other's bodies. It was quite surreal to be laying naked in bed with another woman after 20 years with my wife, especially because until a month ago I assumed my wife was all I'd ever have. When I got home, my wife had tons of questions, much like I do after her dates and she was happy for me. I gained an appreciation for how quickly times flies when you are with someone new. In the days after that second date, we had a disagreement and won't be seeing each other again but it was an exciting experience.
Posts: 241
Nooo, How was the third meet with G? How did she enjoy relaxing the night with him? Sometimes i think that relaxing with someone is more intimate than just sex. How did you do while she was gone? Hope everything went well for you both.
Posts: 267
Wow, time certainly is flying... I didn't even realize I'd forgotten to update after my last last post about my wife's third date with G.
She left late in the afternoon and met him at his hotel not far from here. I know they quickly got reaquainted and he was deep inside her not long after they got together. She told me they made love for a while then got something to eat, then returned for a longer second session. The slept together naked and she awoke to him getting her aroused so he could enter her once again. She told me that he came in her three times, and she enjoyed how long he lasted before each of those times. None of the people I had been talking to on AM were available to chat so I occupied my time going on a long run as usual then with a quick trip to a strip club. There were few customers there so the girls were very attentive. I had an interesting talk with one of them about how my wife was out with her bf as we spoke. My wife returned on time and we quickly found the way to our bed. As usual, she was in her panties, gently rubbing me as she told me the details of her night. I rubbed her through her panties as she talked and eventually removed them so I could give her oral. It had been a while since their last time so there was not much difference to her, until I slid into her to reclaim my wife's pussy. She was noticeably loose, moreso than any of her previous times. It was very arousing to feel her that way and as she described how he made love to her the better than anyone else, I quickly filled her with my own cum.
They are planning to meet again in a few weeks, this time getting back to using our Friday off as we had in the past.
Posts: 267
Today was another day of firsts...
Last week, my wife talked me into letting her meet her bf today on our Friday off. It wouldn't have taken her too much for me to agree, but she went all out and gave me a day of her attention. Twice, she gave me great oral then had me finish deep inside her, so I was convinced to let her see him again.
She also wanted me to set up a date on the same day with one of the two women I had been chatting with. One was quite a slut and seemed to be the easier one but she suddenly stopped communicating with me before I got to set up a date. The second one was harder to read and even harder stay in touch with as she has a busy life. Just by chance, she began messaging me last night and I took a chance in asking her to lunch today. She agreed and just like that I had someone new to entertain as my wife was being filled by her bf. We had a very nice lunch and are going to take things slowly to see where they progress as this is her first time with someone new.
My wife on the other hand, wasted no time and came home a little while ago totally exhausted. Her bf is able to use her like no other. They tried anal for the first time and he came inside her that way. Then he spent the rest of the time providing her with orgasms and eventually cumming in her twice more vaginally. We just shared our time together and I took it easy on her because she is quite tired. She enjoyed having him cum in her three times and before long I added a fourth... definitely the most she's ever had in a day.
Posts: 159
Wow nooo, your wife is turning into quite the little hotwife Good to hear things are still progressing with you guys. Almost sounds like the ideal situation - your wife is getting plenty of fucking from you and her bf, and you get the opportunity to play with someone too. My wife has mentioned to me that I would be free to hook up with someone else if I wanted - as yet I haven't made any moves in that direction so I'm interested to hear how this progresses for you. Keep up with the updates - I really enjoy following your thread.
Posts: 241
Nooo, when is you and your wife's next meet?
Posts: 267
There hasn't been much to write about in recent weeks. My wife was knocked out with bronchitis for a while, then just as she recovered her period arrived (and is just now clearing).
I haven't been having any luck finding someone for myself and recently decided to take a break from looking to recharge my motivation after so much frustration. Since I haven't been talking to anyone new in recent weeks, in the last few days I've been more excited about my wife's next date. I just told her if we'd have had anytime alone in the last few days, I would have pushed for her to schedule a date for this Friday. Depending on how tonight goes, I might still see if they can make plans on two days notice. With my wife being out of commission for the last few weeks, it's been a while since we had intercourse (she's given me a few handjobs over that time). If we do find some sexy time tonight, I am considering either not having intercourse to allow her first time back be with him, or using a condom. I have been so pent up in recent days that it wouldn't make much difference which we did. If tonight doesn't work out for us, she mentioned just enjoying Friday with me and planning for her to go with G next Friday. I know he has fucked her in a way that no one else ever has and she is ready to see him again soon.
Posts: 285
Dear Noo,
I haven't posted to your thread for a while.
I could not help thinking that where effectively you moving from a Hotwife/cuckold relationship in the direction of an open marriage kind of relation would not work. Many people claim that this rarely works because it is so much easrier for the Woman to pick up lovers than it is for the wife, in the slightly longer term this breeds resentment with the man.
Have you reflected on this? Could it be that your Wife has now found a lover She really wants to, and even needs to be with more frequently because he gives Her some kind of sex that you cannot give Her? Maybe this is the first time that She is actually cucking you in the sense that previously She allowed you to be in control but now She wants to take control.
Have you considered if rather than start looking for alternative pussy for yourself, you should accept the situation and demonstrate you love and devotion to Your Wife by encouraging Her and helping Her find the time to be with Her lover and for Her to share Her experiences with you while you demonstrate that you are a good boy cleaning Her up like you did so wonderfully once before?
It is as always all up to you.
Sincerely elina
Posts: 267
Elina, good hearing from you again. Your perspective is always welcome. I am still eager to experience another woman if things work out but I am not desperate to make it happen. I am not going to be resentful if I am not able to get something going for myself. There is no way I can be resentful, not only did my wife give the the gift of her approval, she's encouraged me and given me direct advice to help me.
Since I don't have anything set up for myself now, I am enjoying the excitement of anticipating my wife's date next Friday. We are playing with all of our usual teases. Last night, we had some time alone. Since we'll be able to have one more lovemaking session before she will begin her week of chastity, I had an idea. I offered for last night to be our last time together bare then one week prior I'll use a condom. She liked the idea and now the next time she feels a bare cock and the spurting of cum inside her, it will be her lover.
Next Friday, i will once again have the thrill of helping my wife get ready for her date, the excitement of wondering what she's doing, and the wonderful time she returns to me. As always, I'll eagerly watch her strip her clothes off, and wait for all the details she can relate before giving her oral then filling her myself.
Posts: 285
I am very glad to hear that your primary focus is still on making your Wife enjoy Her love life with Her new bull
Sincerely elina
Posts: 241
Nooo, How did your wife's most recent date go? Did you get your wife ready? Is she trying anything new with G to keep it spicy? Hopefully one of these days she will sit on your face and let him drip out while telling you all the dtails, Keep the excitement going!
Posts: 267
Nothing new to report here unfortunately. The last two Fridays, my wife made tentative plans to see G but both times he cancelled due to not being able to leave work. He has cooled towards her and she has become a bit indifferent. She told me he wasn't chatting with her often because "what is the point if we can't see each other in permister". I have been flexible with allowing them to make plans on short notice to help them get together but it has not worked out. She just asked me if they could meet two Fridays from now. If that doesn't work, I can see one or both of them deciding to call it all off. There is one other puzzling development... seemingly unrelated. My wife has mentioned a few times about deleting her AM account and not dealing with it any more. She had been keeping her profile set to invisible when she wasn't actively looking for someone new. This morning, I noticed that she had deleted it entirely. I will talk to her at my next chance to see what her intentions are in the future. There is one more guy that she began chatting with somewhat recently. She told me it was just he is for chatting but that is often what she says in the beginning of talking to someone new. I guess I'll find out in the coming weeks what direction we will be head in next. For now, we've mainly been enjoying our time alone and I always appreciate the times we have together. Since I haven't posted any pics in a while...  love her hard nipples poking through
|  just before leaving for her last date
|  |  |