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Now that she's started, I wonder how far she'll go....

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The fact that she knows how to get anything she wants is not lost on me. She uses her power very cautiously but is fully aware it exists when needed. Early in our marriage - prior to having a kid while it was just us - I showed her various online things I thought would ignite her. Things like Real Women Don't Do Housework, etc... I thought she would naturally take to using her sexuality to take a stronger position in our relationship. I was quite wrong at that time, she lacked the confidence and desire to take charge.

I fully agree with you that despite her strong assertion that she simply wants to meet this new guy, that the true motive is to see if he would be a suitable lover. It has provided me with a new source of uneasiness but as you said, if she pushes forward I will continue to allow her to make her own decisions. I have been slowly asking questions about him to learn a little more. This is different than some of the first men she began talking to and attempting to meet. At that time, she presented me with their stories in an attempt to bring me on board. It really seems to me that right now she wants to make sure the door to her open relationship stays open, even without having an immediate motivation to use it or a viable candidate.

M just sent my wife a message yesterday morning that this coming weekend was off. It was a long message that detailed one of his youngren having a major illness diagnosed and that young flying to his hometown for immediate treatment. Having never met M, I don’t know what to think. He is either the unluckiest permister ever, or a chronic liar. I asked my wife if she had reamister to doubt this recent event and she said she believed him. Looking at the message he sent, it came off as believable, but I don’t know. She added that he hadn’t been available to communicate recently prior to the diagnosis, so she was a little less enthused for this meeting than usual. She is the type that needs more of a connection that most and can’t simply meet someone for unattached sex. I am sure this will be the final straw for him and she will move on when the time is right.



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great story!


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Well, kind of a pity that M didn't live up to the expectations; your Wife seemed to like him.....

How did the Tuesday meeting go; does She intend to move forward with this new guy?



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Sorry for the delayed response, things have been very busy recently. 
The Tuesday lunch got pushed back to Friday, my wife met him at a local steakhouse for lunch. There was some miscommunication and bad timing that lead to our views of the "date" being vastly different. 
When she made the plans more than a week ago, I told her I was a bit uneasy starting with someone new so if she kept me in the loop with plenty of communication, teasing and involvement I'd feel better. On her side, she felt it was strictly a platonic meeting to see if he was interesting and attractive so there was not much need for a ton of teasing me (plus her period was here so she wasn't feeling sexy). The day of the lunch, I was upset that she didn't communicate with me at all. Plus, due to bad timing, we had a social event that went deep into that night that prevented us from having a talk to provide each other a perspective on what we went through. A family trip over the rest of the weekend prevented us from having any time to ourselves. By the time we finally got time alone to talk last night, my emotions had festered too long. In addition, there were some parts of his messages to her and his actions (including over the top gifts) that left me extremely uncomfortable. To her credit, my wife was very receptive of my frustration and respectful of my feelings. In the end I told her that I don't mind if she continues to talk to him, but I don't want to plan on any future meetings until we have a lot more time to sort this situation out.  It went badly enough for me that, for now at least, I'd be happy if she keeps all of her activities strictly online for a while. Of course, given her sexiness, it probably wouldn't take her more than one good night to turn my decision around. 


Posts: 241
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Nooo, you were right, I'm sure she got caught up in the newness and excitement of a potential new relationship that she didn't think about your feelings. You were right in reminding her that this whole journey you two are doing here for for both of you! I'm glad you had the balls to make sure she understands this, communication is key. Hope this works out to both of yours satisfaction.


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I slightly disagree with Shall54.

Noo, your wife is a clear SSSC - Sporty, Sexy, Self Confident. And Noo, you should take pride in yourself because from what I have seen from the thread you have supported and helped Your wife develop all of those aspects.

But now, not just Her Self Confidence, but also Her libido and desire for more sex has grown. I would rather encourage you to try to find the courage to support your wife and allow Her to establish a relationship with this new man if She wants to.

Have you contemplated going to Her and explaining to Her that you want all the best for Her and that some part of you want Her to take Her new friend as a lover, but at the same time that you lowve Her so much that you instinctively react because you are very afraid that she will be so engrossed in the situation that you will feel lost out? Maybe this is the path forward which will give both you and your Wonderful Wife the best experience going forward.



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Last night, we had some time alone and we were able to discuss our situation more deeply. We were both horny and ready for sex, but took our time explaining our point of view regarding Friday and our future. She asked, when you read various cuckold and hotwife websites, they often refer to a wife doing anything they want, in this case why was it frustrating? She emphasised that was not her intention but the similarities were there. I explained that my level of comfort in her activities is greatly improved as I feel a part of what they are doing and am kept aroused. Lacking that, it would simply be a wife cheating on the side without benefit to the marriage. I explained that there are endless variations of this lifestyle and some work for each couple and others don't. She understood my points and let me know hers...
She let me know that she is beyond ready for a new lover. It has been five months since her last date with M and she craves feeling a third new man. She climbed on top of me and as she rubbed her very wet pussy over me, described how much she wanted to feel her new man harden and take him deep inside her. She continued describing all the various things she was looking forward to and we quickly had huge orgasms. As I said above, one hot night could turn my attitude around rapidly. We will continue to work on this situation and figure out what we will do in the future. Perhaps with more communication and evolving, this new guy will become her lover... or someone else out there will be the lucky one


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Thanks for sharing your journey with us all. It's been fantastic 😊


Posts: 285 Pictures: 2 
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I agree,
a big thank to Noo for sharing the journey so far.

I hope you will continue to share since it seems your wife at least is longing for more.
Support Her Noo, She is a wonderful Lady and when you have led Her so far, maybe it is time to accept that She takes the lead.



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Thanks, I appreciate the input and encouragement you've provided.

We are still figuring out what will keep both of us happy. On my wife's side, it is simple: she wants the excitement of a new lover. I think she is getting closer to understanding my needs but recently she has wavered between keeping me involved, and not making much effort. She is slowly getting what I am looking for but I still feel sometimes as though I am guiding her to make sure my basic needs are met. I think once I fully trust that she will continue to keep me in mind, that is when I will step back and allow her the full freedom to take control of our sexual relationship.

Given the disaster that was her last date (only for me though), I want to make sure we are on the same page before proceeding with anything physical. My wife and G have been talking frequently and are eager to take the next step. He is divorced and only lives an hour from here so I want to be sure things are worked out before proceeding with something that could become long term and somewhat frequent. Yesterday she told me that she wanted to negotiate being able to see him next Friday on our day off but she was too tired to follow through with it when we finally had the chance last night.


Posts: 241
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Nooo, I think you're on the right track. She has to keep you comfortable and involved. She's struggling with her desires and yours and it must be frustrating for the both of you.

When you develop that certain level of trust, so that you can step back and allow her the full freedom to take control of 'our' sexual relationship, what do you envision that to be? Will she be allowed to date when she wants and not have to tell you about it before hand, and spend as much time with him as she wants? Is this something you've discussed with her?

If I haven't said it lately, I really do appreciate you keeping us involved and hope that yours and your wife's relationship continues to remain strong!


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That's a good question and I think I have a pretty clear idea - and I don't think we are too far from it. The only thing that clouds it is our family life and busy schedules that don't allow easy planning of events. And since each of her dates thus far have been fairly lengthy, it has been difficult to find a time when I could help her get ready, plenty of time for them, then a recovery time for us. Finding someone more local will ease that, but also presents the risk of the frequency being hard to control. Since she has only sporatically been able to get together with someone so far, each time has been as stressful as the first. If/when we ever got to the point where I don't feel overwhelmed, and she doesn't need a full day or overnight, we could be a lot more flexible.

The way I see it, she and I are enjoying a fairly normal sex life between us. Then she approaches me teasingly and informs me that she will be going on a date in a few days. An oily handjob quickly erases any hesitation I might have had. Ideally, her lover would have had a vasectomy so they have sex in any way they want. We are off every other Friday and it allows us some alone time that I always appreciate. It would work out quite conveniently for them to get together then because she and I would have plenty of time before and after. One thing that has been lacking in most of the men she's talked to is their interest in the part between my wife and me. They have been strictly into their time with her. It would be so much more enjoyable for me if he were excited by the dynamic of using my wife and were a part of her teasing me - for example, sending me messages about what he was going to do with her, pictures and video, etc.

I think when we achieve that dynamic, I will be completely fine knowing that my wife is enjoying him whenever she chooses (and possibly others), yet giving me enough to keep me happy. I am finding it hard to understand her intentions lately and I suppose I should be pushing for more communication. She sent me teasing messages at work two days ago and got me going talking about negotiating a date for next Friday. That night she was too tired to act on it and went to bed with only minimal discussion. Yesterday, it was never brought up. I didn't mention it because I don't know enough about their situation to know if I feel comfortable with it yet, so I decided to wait until she brought it up again. This morning, she offered me a handjob to make up for the two previous days. While giving it to me, she joked about getting together with G Friday but acknowledged that we hadn't gotten close enough to plan anything. The part we both struggle with is the periods of wanting to pursue this and the times of just enjoying ourselves more simply. We both fluctuate and have not had a consistant idea of what we want. On the whole though, it certainly seems to be leading towards her full freedom, but quite slowly. I am completely fine with that for now because I never would have seen us even coming this far.


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Today was our day off together and as expected, we had a very good time and some negotiations. We clarified the details of what they'd been discussing and some things they hoped to do together. She told me he's had a vasectomy, which was one of my major concerns - so we don't have any fear of pregnancy. She said he would be in our town Monday night and wondered if they could meet for dinner and maybe some light playing. This week, I'd gotten into the idea of her playing again but was not ready for her to start something that could become long term. We began doggy style so she could have an orgasm with her fantasy of having G. When she finished, I laid down next to her and she began working on me with her hand an a lot of oil. She told me he is only an hour from here and very flexible, so we should be able to play on our Fridays off. That would be ideal because we'd have time to ourselves before and after she saw him without making separate arrangements. She also agreed it could be kept to once a month or whatever time frame was comfortable for us. My resistance faded and I gave in to the idea of her getting together with him in two weeks. She promised to keep me much more involved and to be more sexually powerful with me to keep me excited. I climbed on top of her and finished in seconds as she told me she was going to enjoy teasing me hard before each date and sharing with me afterward. She figured out later in the day that two weeks from now, she is not available, but I am sure she is going to run with her recent permission. We still have a bit of talking and figuring out to do before taking the next step but I know she is excited.

A few nights ago, she offered the possibility of me looking for a friend of my own. I've had a profile on AM since she started but have done nothing with it. I am intrigued about the possibility of meeting someone new and it would definitely take some of my stress away. I'd even like to have someone to talk to very privately. We are going to talk more about the possibility later as we aren't completely sure if we both want me to take a lover of my own.


Posts: 241
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Nooo, sounds like you are both going to get what you want, the communication is working! Wow, the possibility of you having a 'friend', where did that come from? Is this the first time she has brought this up. It really adds another dynamic to the equation. You two need to give this alot of thought.


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I haven't brought it up here before, but she and I have discussed it several times. Way back when we began talking about going down this path, she said she would be too jealous for me to be with someone else but she wouldn't mind if I had a friend to talk to. At that time I told her I wasn't interested in doing things on my own and I was excited enough just experiencing her activities. I was (and still am) completely satisfied with what we do together and had little interest in finding someone for myself. Shortly after her second or third date with L, she told me that she realized her outside activities hadn't changed our relationship and if I wanted to find someone for myself she might be ok with it. That conversation made me curious about what it would be like to be with someone else, but I lacked the motivation and free time to look for someone. A week or two ago, my wife approached me aggressively very late at night. She climbed on my lap and told me she really wanted to resume things with G and wondered how she could convince me. She suggested I look for someone of my own if it would help me adjust to her new relationship. I told her I'd think about it and I'm still not sure if I will act on it. I've seen some attractive women on AM but don't know if I want to put the effort into trying to get their attention. She did say that if I were to be with someone else, she wanted me to wear a condom, which I found funny. I had a vasectomy long ago, and she didn't require either of her two boyfriends to use a condom.


Posts: 241
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Nooo, it didn't seem like you were opposed to her relationship with G. Why is she proposing you have a relationship on your own? Is she wanting to change her relationship with G to involve you less and/or be able to spend more time with him? If you take on a GF, she will use it to her advantage. So far, you have wanted/needed to be involved with her relationships. I don't think she wants to be involved the same way if you were to have a relationshp with another woman. Something to think about...


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I had some real hesitation about her seeing G again. First, and most concerning to me was how little she shared with me on their first meeting. That was due to a few factors, our busy schedule that week, and our difference of opinion of the impact of her date. On top of that, he bought her two expensive gifts within two weeks of knowing each other, and he was planning to get her two other costly things. That made me very uncomfortable and in my mind crossed a boundary into our life. I also saw some things in his messages that concerned me. Basically, it was too much too fast.
My wife felt like she had addressed my concerns and wanted to find a way to encourage me to give her permission to proceed with him. A few times in the past, I think she realized how much excitement she got from dating and was thinking it would be more fair if I were able to do the same. We had a lengthy talk during our recent day off and she is not looking to take this new relationship anywhere her previous ones hadn't been. I told her that if she were simply planning a one time date, I'd have a much easier time relaxing and allowing her to play. The part that gives me hesitation is knowing this will likely lead to a lengthy situation. She was surprised by my position, thinking that I'd feel safer with her in a stabile long term relationship. We are still working out the details of how we will proceed. So far, we've agreed that they are going to schedule their next date and I have not decided if I will pursue anything of my own. First, I don't know what it would change in our dynamic, and second I don't think I have the motivation it would take to find someone.


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Nooo, I must have missed the gift giving on G's part. I agree that would really worry me too, especially if she were looking for a stable long term relationship. Sounds like you are doing the right thing. Thanks for the clarification.


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I don't think it is a good idea for you to start looking for someone you can have sex with beside your Wife. I think the duty of us cuckolds and annabe cuckolds is to except that while our Wives are alloved to have sex with other males, our duty is to stay monogameous and support our wives extramarital activities.

It seems to me like your Wife really wants to take her new found friend as Her lover, and is trying to buy you off by suggesting you might want to find someone for yourself. I think this is a bad idea, as you say you are not sure if you are motivated to find someone else; I can understand that because from reading your tread, I think you are a true cuckold at heart who want to play with your wife, not someone else. I also think you are experience\ing a very natural jealousy and fear of losing your wife.

I think you should consider if it is not time you confront these feelings now. Tell your wife you love Her. Tell Her you want Her to enjoy sesx with her new lover. But also tell her you need to feel you are part of this and She has got to find a way to do this that makes you feel secure you are Her primary Love of her life and that everythikng else is just for fun.

Good luck


Posts: 267
#500 · Edited by: nooo
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Thanks for the advice. I haven't talked about it with my wife since the last time I posted and even though I'd love to experience someone new, I haven't made any effort to begin.

Earlier this week, my wife wore some very shiny leggings to a local sporting event and I couldn’t keep my hands off them all night. It really turns me on that she dresses like that in public. When we got home, she put on a sexy top similar to the purple one I posted recently because J (the coworker who set us down this path so long ago) was coming over. Even though they are platonic friends he is has been spending more time with us now that he broke up with his long-term girlfriend. They spent a few hours on the sofa talking and I had to rub on out downstairs thinking about her dressing like that for his visit. There has not been anything physical between them, but I won't be surprised if something happens some night when we are takeing and everyone's inhibitions are loosened up. He went with us to the same sporting event last night and again she wore the spandex leggings. I noticed him check out her ass and legs on more than one occassion so I am sure he wouldn't mind being with her. I think, even though he and I are friends, he is worried we'd have a problem. And I don't think she is interested in him that way anymore, despite them still teasing each other. As always, I take a passive role and allow the situation develop on its own. We had a labor day party a while back with lots of friends and family over and a bunch of holy water. Unknown to us, J had been takeing before he arrived and continued when her got here. He was very tipsy and at one point was sitting next to my wife with his head on her shoulder, rubbing her leg. It was very awkward for everyone, because I had some sober family members comment on his condition. Friends of his picked him up because he was needed to go relax it off. With our own flower there and other kids, it was definitely inappropriate. He appologized to both of us profusely in the following days and there was no harm done.

The situation with G slowly progresses. We had discussed them getting together this Friday since we are all off then my wife realized she had a OB/GYN appointment that day. We haven't talked about what we'll do or if we will reschedule for our next Friday off in two weeks. My wife is just coming off her period and to my frustration, she doesn't talk about sex much during that time. Normally, I wouldn't care, but as she is beginning something new, I'd like to know more about what we are doing. She did show me some sexy texts she was sending to him last night. She sent him pictures of her new pajamas, which I don't find flattering. He told her if I don't like them then she should come to him because he really did. There was some other sexual content, mostly about how eager they are to be together. At this point, it seems a certainty that he will have made love to her before her upcoming 40th birthday next month.

I don't have a lot of recent photos, but here are a few...
She wore this shirt recently... I wanted to go with her so badly.
She wore this shirt recently... I wanted to go with her so badly.
Out shopping a few weeks ago.
Out shopping a few weeks ago.
I love her in pantyhose as well.
I love her in pantyhose as well.


Posts: 267
#501 · Edited by: nooo
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I had been hesitant for my wife to begin dating again, but I have been talking to a friend online who is in a similar relationship. Just hearing the sexy tales of what his wife has done makes me want to load my wife into our car and hand-deliver her to G now.

We are now just over a week until my wife's next date with G. I expect we'll have our last time together tomorrow before she begins saving herself for him. The plan is for me to help her get ready in the morning since we're both off that day. She is planning on meeting him at a local market early to pick up something for lunch then going to his hotel room about five minutes from our house. She'll return to me later in the afternoon for us to relive what they did together.

Last night after I gave her an orgasm orally and was about to enter her, I asked if there was anything from their dinner several weeks ago that she hadn't told me. She thought a minute then said "not much, we just kissed in the car a while before leaving". !!!! I hadn't heard that before and knowing they'd made out a bit had me rock hard instantly. We hadn't been able to discuss her previous date in detail due to our family trip immediately afterward but I never expected that I had missed something that important. Just picturing her in a car with him making out like teenagers made it very hard to contain my impending orgasm. Next Friday when they are alone in his hotel for the first time, I'll be at home crazy with lust for her, wondering what firsts they are sharing.


Posts: 241
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Wow, that is really exciting! Will she bring back a cream pie for you to enjoy? I can imagine the feelings both of you will have as you near next Friday. Hope everything works out.


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I don't know if she will bring me a creampie. She previously told me that he was fixed and would be able to finish inside her, tonight she told me that he might want to use a condom. I have to expect that she will urge him to do her bare when the time comes. Their hotel is only five minutes from our house so we will have plenty of time together before and after she is with G.

We had our last time together tonight. Last night, I stuck the pack of condoms I bought several weeks ago in my wife's panty drawer to see what her reaction would be. She was surprised to see them and I asked if she remembered our talk about them. It turns her on to deny me her pussy the week prior to her date so I thought having me wear a condom on our last time would add to that. She said she would like that and applied the first condom I've worn in at least 12 years. As I was about to enter her, she began telling me what she was looking forward to. She said she hopes he is thicker so she will be stretched by him. I slid into her slowly, strangely turned on by the reduced sensations. Before long I told her the next cum she would feel inside her would be his, and had a powerful orgasm that was contained in the rubber, unable to reach her beautiful pussy.

I am really looking forward to the events of this week. I want to try to get some time alone to go buy her some new things to wear for G - possibly a new bustier and panties to wear under her clothes. I am hoping she will give me a few teasing handjobs to help build the anticipation. Then, I will once again watch her prepare her makeup, lingerie and clothes to go meet her new lover.


Posts: 267
#504 · Edited by: nooo
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A few days ago, I had a little free time and went lingerie shopping for my wife's date. We've already bought things we saw together for her to wear on a date sometime, but this was the first time I went out alone and specifically bought the clothing her lover will be removing. I got her an elegant white and black bustier, glossy thigh highs, and a few different panties. I had trouble deciding on a panty color... white would have matched the top the best but it would be more erotic to see her wetness in bright red, or their mixed cum in black.

Last night, she put on a bodysuit and began stroking me. I surprised her with the purchases and she was very happy. She removed her bodysuit and tried the outfit on for me. I was stunned. It looked better than I had imagined, pushing her chest up seductively. Pleased, she removed it, put the bodysuit back on, and resumed my handjob. She told me that he had confirmed that he was fixed and would be taking her bare. She reminded me again that the next time I saw her pussy it would be swollen and the next time I entered her, she would be slick with his cum. That finished me quickly.

In two days, I will find out what it will mean for my wife to have taken a new lover.


Posts: 241
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Nooo, I hope you got pictures of her in her new bustier, and maybe you can share them with us. This is getting exciting! I'll be thinking of you guy's when she's on her date.


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Very nice! Enjoy your next couple of days, Nooo! Hope everything goes spectacularly.


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Thanks for the kind words. I have been trying to figure out why the day of her date, I was very aroused but not especially nervous. There are probably a few reamisters. For one, my has has been seriously trying to make sure I get enjoyment out of her affair. Also, I recently began talking with a guy whose wife is very similar to mine and just hearing what she has done - in some ways more extreme than my wife - has excited me into encouraging my wife to enjoy herself fully. I will say that the nature and frequency (or rather lack of frequency) of her messages during the date had me convinced that she was receiving the best lovemaking or fucking of her life and it was certainly on my mind how that might change things between us. When she came home, it sounded as though she certainly had one of her best experiences with him, but nothing had really changed between us. I guess in this case, 20 years of stability will not be too easily changed by a few hours of sex.

The coupons my wife gave G read limit one per month and for now our intention is to keep it to that frequency. Doing it that often allows the excitement to build and for it to become a bigger event each time. I am sure at some time in the future, a convenient meeting time may appear and I'll be peppered with requests to take advantage of it but I'll deal with that when the time comes.


Posts: 30
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Thank you for sharing your adventure. You are a lucky man to have such an beautiful and exciting wife.


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If only all husbands could be as understanding as you. Thanks for letting us take the adventure with you.
Loving Wife, Mother, and Bryan's Slut


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I didn't expect to have an update this quickly...
One day after my wife's date last Friday, her period arrived and we were unable to relive the excitement of her day with G. Late in the week, she mentioned that he would soon be having some type of surgery so they wouldn't be able to meet up until late January. She casually asked if they could meet this Friday before he would be admitted but she was understanding when I reminded her that we agreed to one meeting a month.

Yesterday was one week after her date and we were anticipating our first time together since then. She told me that she didn't feel she was completely clear of her period and if we had intercourse it might prolong its effect on her. She offered to give me a handjob while wearing a shiny bodysuit in return for pushing our intercourse back one day. As she began working on me, she retold me the details of meeting G in his hotel room. I heard several new details that I hadn’t heard before and understood the reality of their time together a little better. She then told me that the coupons I’d signed read “one per month” and that she hadn’t used one yet. At this point, she began asking if she could meet him this Friday. Her technique once again became insanely pleasurable. She got me to a point where I was only one stroke away from orgasm and was often using only one finger to keep me there. She continued for quite some time and I was ready to agree to let her see him even though it would only be two weeks after their last visit. While I was delaying my answer to prolong the effects of what she was doing to me, she suddenly changed directions and urged me to cum. I did, assuming that she was letting me off the hook as far as agreeing to her next date.

Today, we again had time alone and spent it intimately, slowly reacquainting ourselves with each other’s bodies. I gave my wife an oral orgasm, and then she turned her attention to me. Stroking me once again with her hand, she wondered outloud if I would agree to let her see G this Friday. Upping the tease, she climbed onto me and brought her very wet pussy down on me. She slide over me repeatedly, urging me to decide in her favor so I could enter her. Nearly delirious, I pulled her face close to mine... we kissed, then I told her I wanted her to give her pussy to him Friday. I could see a sense of accomplishment on her face and she quickly took me inside her. After we were done, she sent him a message and let him know they’d be able to meet sooner that they expected.
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