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Now that she's started, I wonder how far she'll go....

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Yesterday morning I noticed my wife putting on a sexy little skirt to go to work. I asked if she would like me to join her for lunch and she said she would. We only work a few minutes apart but usually we do our own thing for lunch. Right after I arrived and before I could fully appreciate her cleavage, smooth legs, and enjoy her perfume, she smiled mischievously and asked if we have plans for this Saturday. It turns out that M's wife is recovering quickly enough that she wanted him to return home - and reschedule his date with my wife if possible. I'm not sure if I mentioned this before but due to some medical condition they do not have intercourse and she has allowed him to look elsewhere. I told my wife we could figure out if it will fit into our schedule and she seemed eager to try convincing me to make it work. I decided to not send her any messages yesterday or prompt her into action to see what steps she would take on her own. So far, she hasn't made any effort so I am waiting to see what happens next. She just mentioned a few minutes ago that she wants to talk about it later tonight. Even if/when she and I come to an agreement, his travel plans may change.
At her office yesterday
At her office yesterday


Posts: 159
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Hi nooo,

Wow, that's pretty good news about M's wife. Not only is she recovering quickly, she is actually encouraging him to see your wife - how cool is that??

Sounds to me like your wife is very keen to meet him again. I'd be inclined to let it happen - let her set the terms and have things happen the way she wants. This might mean you end up not getting exactly what you want out of the encounter, but that could be a small compromise on your part to enable your wife to really enjoy her freedom.

She will only love you all the more for it

Great photo - I love a woman in a sexy skirt


Posts: 241
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Nooo, great news!! Your wife is gorgeous, I hope M knoes how lucky he is to be able to get with her. I'm curious on how far you will be comfortable with your wife deciding all the details of the meet. I know in the past it's been a concern, but it sounds a little like your enjoying this, now that your more comfortable with M? Hope everything works out this time.


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My comfort level varies by my excitement level and how much my wife has been teasing me. My only real concern with letting things up to my wife is trusting that she and I will enjoy ourselves.

Apparently, I suck at negotiating!

Two days ago,I assumed my wife would get me to agree to her seeing M this Saturday but surprisingly she never addressed it again that day after initially mentioning it. Yesterdaywas the last day we'd have much free time before Saturday and again I waited all day for her to work on me but little mention was made other than a passing remark as we were going to relax. This morning she sent me a message that he needed to make flight arrangements, what did I think. I explained that I was looking forward to her getting me excited so we could make plans. We went back and forth trying to work out the details before realizing we have plans to celebrate our 16th anniversary tomorrow (Friday). She offered to give me oral and swallow tonight while wearing lingerie that I enjoy in return for her spending tomorrow night, our anniversary, with her lover. It wouldn't be a first, either. Her first date ever was with L and it occurred while we were away from home celebrating our anniversary. We found the symbolism doubly erotic.

After we had gone back and forth for nearly an hour, I asked what happened that we went from her trying to get an evening date to an overnight date tomorrow? 

M is looking into flight plans but initial reports are that he probably won't make it here in time to enjoy her tomorrow. We are still working on the details and hope it will happen, it not then, hopefully the following night. 


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I guess this is the risk of planning events with someone out of town. M was unable to find travel plans that would let him do what he needed plus have time to meet my wife so this weekend won't work. They initially mentioned next weekend but that most likely won't work either. The strange part is I went from being a upset that their plans came up suddenly with only a few days until their meeting to upset that my wife didn't get to enjoy her time with him. She did give me the bj as offered and is claiming it as a rain check for next time. I told her it will expire soon and need to be reapplied. The other positive for us is we got to enjoy a very romoantic anniversary meal with no pressure and had an enjoyable night. There will be other times to play.


Posts: 285 Pictures: 2 
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Thanks for the update Noo,

I think it is a very good sign that you ended up being unhappy that Your Wife was unable to enjoy Her lover.

Looking forward to hearing from you again.



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Small update:

We had a fun day yesterday. My wife made plans for us to spend tonight alone so while we were at work, we were texting about what we wanted to do with our time. She mentioned she had been playing with herself the previous afternoon and sent images and a description to M to tease him because he won't be able to come here for several weeks. I told her I'd love to catch her in the act and she asked if I meant when she was alone or with someone. Both! We continued for quite a while and both got very horny. She told me that she was getting desperate to feel someone else and was even considering calling the dj for a quick meeting. In the end, she isn't going to see someone else because M said he wouldn't want her to, but I wonder what would happen if there were anyone around when she was as worked up as she was while we were talking and teasing each other.

She told me that tonight she wants to try what was described in the cuckold blog as a "blind date" (The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!). The wife is blindfolded and has earplugs in to minimize her awareness of her suroundings. She begins playing with herself and fantasizing about her lover while totally alone in the room. Once she is totally turned on, the husband comes in and enters her with as little effort as possible to avoid distracting her from her fanstasy. It sounded like fun fun and I am looking forward to seeing how into it she gets.

I told her I'd need release last night if there was any hope of giving her some satisfaction tonight. The below pictures are what happened as soon as I came home.



Posts: 819 Pictures: 11 
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Great update as usual. You have one of the best threads anywhere.

I must say though, if that's your little weenus in those photos, I understand why your wife is so horny to have someone else take care of her needs. It will be most exciting for both of you to watch her get properly satisfied by a real man's cock.
Loving Wife, Mother, and Bryan's Slut


Posts: 120
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Thanks for the update, enjoy the dates


Posts: 430
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Wonderful thread. Nooo I was surprised to see the size of your cock. I don't know why but I assumed your cock was much smaller. It is much wider than your wifes hand (which is more than I can say for mine! My wife covers my whole hard cock with her fist!)
Faggot Pussy


Posts: 241
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Nooo, sorry to hear that the meet with M has been delayed for a few weeks, but it sounds like you two are still having fun. From your last update, it sounds like M is being a little possessive? What do you and your wife think about this? If this is the way he feels, then he should move mountains to come and satisfy your wife’s needs asap! Is the dj, the 24 year old you talked about earlier? If he is, I still think your wife should go for it. Is L out of the picture now? As always, great posts, thank you.


Posts: 267
#462 · Edited by: nooo
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My wife has talked (and continues talking to) so many guys that even she sometimes has trouble keeping all of them straight. The 24 year old simply vanished. He was pushing to meet her and I think she took too long to decide. The dj was the one I wrote about on the 12th page of this thread. She met him twice - once in the tiny purple skirt I posted a picture of, and once on her own when they played a little over their clothes. She decided not to go further with him because of his family situation but they have stayed in touch. She has told me that she thinks he'd be a wild lover but she doesn't want to ruin his family.

She told me that M didn't want her to see anyone else if they were still planning to get together but I think she is wondering if that is holding her back from other fun. It sounds like he is trying to find the first oportunity to have her again, but with his wife still rehabing in a different part of the country than where he lives, he is already traveling too much.

I am not entirely sure what happened with L and my wife. I know they were trying to meet up but they were not having success. At some point I believe she told him it wouldn't work and they haven't spoken since. It was a shame because I think he understood what we all get out of this better than M but they apparently weren't meant to continue. I will continue to be grateful for the repect he showed our privacy, while pushing along our boundaries.


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My wife mentioned recently that M might be free next weekend. We didn't talk about any details because it was she had too little information about his schedule. Last night, we made a fire in our backyard firepit. It was late and there had been some holy water flowing. She was sitting in front of me on a lounge chair and I began playing with her chest through her sundress. Even though our neighbor's houses are fairly close, it seemed like noone was still up. I rolled the top of her dress down and began working on her chest. Once that had an effect on her, I went for her panty covered pussy. Before long, I gave her an orgasm manually and was amazed that she was totally unfazed doing that essentially in the middle of our yard.
This morning was our Friday off together and she woke me up with a handjob. I asked if we were still going to have intercourse later. She said we were, unless she decided we should wait. While she stroked me, she said M might be able to visit her either next Friday or Saturday and they were trying to make it work. Later when we were about to have intercourse, she brought out more details of exactly how they made love last time. It was hot to hear how vivid her memories are.
As she got more aroused, I mentioned to her something I'd read on earlier in the day - about husbands wearing condoms before their wives go bare with a boyfriend. She seemed excited at the idea and asked what I thought about our last time together being with a condom. It turned me on to know I'd be so close to fully enjoying the sex but missing the true sensation of feeling her. Having had a vasectomy more than ten years ago, it has been an extremely long time since I've worn one. We looked in our bag of toys but had none in there. We joked that I should run to the corner store, but in the end we just had a good time naturally. I am curious what types of things my wife would try with me if she were in a possition to see a lover more consistantly. To me, the bits of teasing are most fun when I truly feel them coming from her and not just me giving her a script of what turns me on.


Posts: 176
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Am enjoying your thread - thanks for all the updates. I can really appreciate your last statement, "To me, the bits of teasing are most fun when I truly feel them coming from her and not just me giving her a script of what turns me on.".

I am often reminding my wife what kinds of things would really turn me on. It's essentially topping from the bottom. Not the best, but better than nothing.


Posts: 241
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Nooo, happy to hear that you guy's may have plans with M this coming weekend. It's also nice to hear that you and your wife contiue to look for new ways to please each other. Is your wife exploring the possibility of any new 'friends'?


Posts: 285 Pictures: 2 
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Thanks for your latest update.

I admire your wonderful Wife more and more as she continue to become more relaxed about Her sexuality and more demanding in Her rights to be sexually satisfied with you and other males. I really do hope She will have the opportunity to play with M again soon. Maybe it is time for you to encourage Her to find a local lover that She can have more easy access to?

Also, why don't you buy Her a big bouchet of flowers and put a package of condoms in with the card writing that you recognize that it is entirely up to Her who will wear these when. I have also heard about Women who demand their cuckolds use two condoms at once. This will take som much of the feeling away that the cuckold wont be able to cum as this pleasure will be denied the cuckold till after the Cuckoldress has enjoyed Herself with Her lover.

Sincere regards


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The bouquet/condom idea is a cute one... but I don't think she used condoms any of the times she was with L and certainly didn't when M filled her, so I doubt condoms would be for someone else. If we ever got into a more predictable situation, I'm sure we'd find plenty of creative ideas to play but its now been a few months since her last date.

This weekend looks pretty iffy. M told he last night that a project he worked lots of overtime last weekend didn't go well and it would require his attention this weekend, most likely not allowing them to meet. SHe was still trying to find a way but at this point I don't know what their plans are. She was bummed, rightly so because she's been looking forward to seeing him again. I was a bit upset with it as well... I don't like going through the emotions and stress of a possible date if it isn't going to happen. Also, constant cancelations make it hard to even get excited when she made plans, knowing they are likely to fall through. I told her I thought she should tell him they either make concrete plans or none. I realize his life is in a difficult spot due to job and family relocations, but it isn't fair to keep doing that to my wife. She has shown me no signs of looking elsewhere (AM account is still dormant) but I'd be surprised if she lets this continue much longer. The good news is we've become much closer through this and have gone from timidly talking about sex to completely open with our feeling and desires.


Posts: 241
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Nooo, how is it looking for them to meet up again? That is really neat, that this adventure is helping you and your wife become closer! For this to work, communications is key, and it sounds like you're there.


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I'd love to tell you they are meeting soon but so far it isn't working out. In fact, two weekends ago, M told my wife he might be able to see her the following weekend, depending on how some things worked out. She actually told him upfront that she isn't going to make any more tentative plans with him only to be let down. Good for her... I think with him it may be a case of enjoying knowing that she is available if he wants her but then not wanting to go through the effort of getting here. Her AM profile is still dormant so I suppose she is taking a break from actively seeking something new and just enjoying whatever chats she still has going.

So for now, it's just been us enjoying ourselves and talking about some future fantasies. I'll be certain to post an update as soon as anything worth reading comes up.


Posts: 241
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Nooo, Thanks for keeping us updated. You two enjoy each other.


Posts: 267
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I was reading some of the recent posts on this thread and was reminded of something I did a year or so ago. I wanted to send my wife flowers at work, no special occasion, just to brighten her day. I decided to have the card read simply "your secret admirer", to give her a tingle of excitement, and maybe to spice up the talk in her office. She really enjoyed them and, while knowing deep down they were from me, got a little excitement.

A few days ago, my wife told me that M would be free the last week of this month. She asked about getting together with him, and added if he cancels this time, she will most likely not give him another chance. She said that since it had been months since their last date, she wanted this to be an overnight date and set out to get me to agree to it. I was hesitant to give in, remembering how hard it was to wait for her to return home after just an afternoon with him, knowing he was able to fuck her bare and cum inside her. She continued to work on me, finally sliding her wet slit over me, promising I could slide inside her as soon as I agreed. I made her promise to give me some sort of evidence this time - pictures or video of them together and of her after their lovemaking in exchange for my permission. She said she would and quickly impaled herself on me. If their plans work out, I know I am in for a very long, exciting night and hopefully a lot of fun during the build up to it.

She sent the first image below to me while I was at work with the words "come home now". Luckily, I did not get pulled over on the way there.



Posts: 285 Pictures: 2 
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Thanks again for the update, your wife looks hoter than ever! (If you had been pulled over, maybe you best move would have been to invite the copper home with you:tease

I think you should reinpower your Wifes decision to just give M one more chance, the guy expresses She is his, and then he fails to turn up and please Her again and again. Your Wife deserves better! I also think you did the right thing when you accepted She could spend the night alone with him; this is what your Wonderful Wife wants and I think you should demonstrate your devotion and presentation to Her and allow Her to get what She wants.

I am looking forward to hearing how both the run up and what hopefully becomes a hot adventure for your Wife and you turns out. Please keep us posted.



Posts: 56
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Gorgeous photoes!


Posts: 241
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Nooo, If 'M' doesn't move earth to get with your wife by the end of this month, he doesn't deserve her!She is absolutely stunning, you are a very lucky guy. Hope it works out for you both, and if she does get pictures, I hope you will be able to share with us.


Posts: 267
#475 · Edited by: nooo
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I just came home from a business trip last night and thought everything was normal - as in more of the calm we've had recently. We were still fantasizing about my wife's extracurricular activities but hadn't done much about them physically. I also kind of had a feeling the her date with M next Saturday/Sunday would fall through. 

Today I asked her to lunch since we'd been apart for a little while. She said she couldn't because she was going with guys from work, but then resumed texting me after lunch. She said we'd have some time alone tonight and tomorrow on our day off. She added that it would be one week prior to her date next week so Friday would be it for us. Then she added, "And I have a lunch on Tuesday I was to talk to you about ;)". I assumed she meant M might be in the area early, but she said she wanted to have lunch with another friend she met on AM during a brief period of resuming her profile a few weeks ago. She sent me a message, "You can come with Tuesday if you want.  We will "discuss" it tonight ;)". I don't know much about this situation yet as I knew she'd been talking to him but thought he lived in another country. I misunderstood, he was from another country but now lives one or two hours away. She swears it is just for lunch and just to meet him, but there is only one reamister for her to make an effort at all... to see if he was someone she wanted. She assured me that I am in for a great deal of teasing and sex so I guess for now I am along for the ride. 


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please join me in her pics
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Noce to see a bit of action, enjoy the ride


Posts: 241
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Nooo, Wow, your wife moves fast. Is she planning ahead in case M doen't come through, or do you think she would be willing to go with two guy's (separately)? Do you know anything about 😉? Remind her that this is for both of you, so you need to stay involved. Good luck!

PS, anything significant with the 😉, (i.e., is he a square)?


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That's funny, instead of a name for this one, a geometric shape. I don't know his name as we haven't talked much about him yet. I had copied her texts and pasted them here, not realizing the emoticons the used were not showing up.

She said she is simply meeting him to see what he's like because she has enjoyed talking to him but she reinpowerd to him that it was nothing physical for now. She told him all about M and I suppose if things with M fall through, the new guy may be next. It certainly is shocking to go from several months without any activity to my wife having two dates in a week.


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Thanks for your update.

Your Wife is fantastic, I think the fact that She is now casually checking out guys shows how naturally the lifestyle with you as Her cuck is becoming to Her. I would assume that even if She has reinpowerd to Her new date that there is nothing physical for now, the reamister why She wants to meet with him is because She would like to check out if he turns Her on; in which case it will be entirely up to Her to decide when it will get physical. Yes, you can still stop it, but I think She klnows how to play you by now and if She really wants to turn this guy into Her lover, you are not going to stop it, are you?

I think you should continue the good work you have been doing and encourage her to enjoy Herself when She meets Her new potential lover.

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