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Now that she's started, I wonder how far she'll go....

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nooo, Sorry to hear the meet with L got pushed back. Wow, a 24 year old, how does your wife feel about being a cougar! Also, a 24 year old would be less 'risky' for you both, sounds like a win-win. You're a lucky guy, your wife is really beautiful, it's hard (pun intended) to believe she is turning 40. I bet nothing will make her feel young again like having a 24 year old be turned on by her!


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Nooo, I have to add to the compliments about your wife- she looks very sexy in that dress. You are a lucky man.
Love to read your updates - thanks for sharing.


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Thanks again!

I hadn't thought of it that way - I'll have to ask her if it is an added thrill to have someone that much younger persuing her. It seems that in our age group, there are two kinds of people... the ones like her who keep themselves fit and looking hot and the ones that let themselves go. Knowing that she could be have a date in the near future has given her an added incentive to keep attractive. Sometimes when she does Zumba, I just sit back and watch.


Posts: 49
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Hi Nooo

Is anything happening with M this weekend? And how is the contact going with the 24 year old? Both have great potential.

Best regards



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I asked her about the 24 year old the other night. She said it was quite flattering to have someone that young pushing her to get together. She also said he has been busy lately and they haven't been able to communicate much. She hasn't given me more details, so I am not sure about the rest of the story. Usually, that seems to indicate he is someone she enjoys flirting around with but isn't seriously considering meeting. For his sake, I'd like to see him have a chance with her sometime. When I was twenty, I had the affair with a coworker that I mentioned previously. She was ten years older than me and having only dated younger girls at that point, her s*******s were mindblowing.

This morning, we had just a few minutes of privacy. My wife initially said she wanted a quickie, then changed her mind and offered me a handjob. As soon as she started, she said that M is in town this weekend, could she get away a bit tonight or tomorrow to see him. Before she clarified any further, she finished me then asked if that was a yes (strange timing of the question). I asked if she was serious and she said yes, but she wasn't sure if was even available. I guess we'll have to see if they are able to make any plans.


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I hope things with the 24 year old go beyond flirting, what the boy lacks in s*******s will be made up with stamina. Maybe your wife would enjoy teaching him new s*******s!

As lond as you don't see M as a risk, this could be interesting, assuming you did say yes. Wasn't he moving close to you guys so that your wife would be able to see him almost daily, wasn't that the main issue with M? As long as your wife keeps you involved, and has your agreement with all of her activities with other men, you should be ok. Again, and I can't say this enough, thank you for sharing all this with us.


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When my wife began talking to M, he lived 45 minutes form here. During this time, I felt like their plans were too spontaneous. Several months ago, he took a job 4 hours from here but still returns to his original home every so often – that is when she has been trying to meet him. My concern was if they got started more intimately and he returned home permanantly in the future, they would revert back to minimally planning ahead. Adding to my concern was the fact that he had no restrictions on his time – no kids and his wife was aware of his activities and didn’t mind. For whatever reamister, they did not get together this weekend. I could be more vocal in asking what my wife’s plans are but since my wife is pretty good about bringing relevant info to me, I usually wait until she tells me what she is up to. I guess that is mostly because my wishes for her vary greatly from time to time – sometimes I wish she’d just focus on our relationship, other times I wish she’d become a sexually controlling dominant wife who takes on any man she wants. Even though she has not done anything too involved physically, I have a feeling that all it would take for that to change is one very satisfying evening with a new lover. Or possibly another weekend with L, her previous one. We still talk about the future trip we have planned to meet with him and look forward to the excitement that will come with that. I have a few ideas of things that will make it more memorable if we are able to get our schedules to line up but I am waiting to bring them to her until we are closer to that time.


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Thanks for sharing your feelings and how you switch back and forth between wanting to be more in control and wanting Her to become more dominant. If you look at how your relationship to your Wife has evolved since you started this thread, I would say that you are gradually becoming more supportive and submissive to your wife. I also have the feeling that the more submissive you become, the more your wife will blossom and the closer you will get to wathcing this Beautfiul, Sexy, Intelligent Woman realise Her full potential.

To me, marriage is about supporting My Wifes development and watching Her grow. I love it when She becomes more demanding. My wife doesn't cuckold me, at least not yet. But I am telling Her that sex is to be for Her benefit, not mine. She is now starting to say this Herself. I am no longer asking Her for sex, in stead I am asking Her if I can be permitted to orraly service Her (I know how much She loves this) and most often She will also ride me after Her first orgasm, but sometimes She just tells me that I will not be allowed any pleasure that day.

If you do have these dreams about your wife becoming more dominant; why don't you consider starting off by demonstrating your support for your wife; do you dare tell Her that you have come to realize that you love Her so much the most important thing is for you to experience Her growth and share Her pleasures. Suggest to Her that maybe the time is for Her to start increasing Her control over your orgasms; and if She increases the teasing while reducing the frequency of your orgasms; your emotions for your wife will swell. This certainly works for me and I think for most men.

I love your thread and will follow your yourney with increasing interest.

Take care and love your wonderful wife. Discover how much more passionate you can become for Her if you deny your selfelf orgasms and concentrate on helping Her have as much pleasure as possible.



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I just heard from L and he is still excited about seeing my wife when we can work it out. In talking to him, I was reminded of a small tease I received recently. When my wife tried on the dress above, she came out of the changing room to show it to me briefly. She showed me a picture of the dress she took in the changing room and had sent to L - for me the small thrill was that she had showed him first.

Elina – I enjoyed reading what you’ve taken the time to write – and found it quite exciting. There have been times in our marriage, especially more recently, when I am more focused on my wife’s satisfaction than my own. As I mentioned above, our dynamic varies from day to day depending on our moods. Just looking over this thread quickly, I see a few places I’ve been leaning more in that direction. For a while, I was really into giving my wife massages as she texted or read erotic books. Often, she would only have on panties and a bra... as she finished for the night, I’d begin rubbing her more intimately. Once she was aroused, I’d give her an oral orgasm and rather than climb on top of her afterward, I’d lay next to her and let her recover. Once she did, she’d frequently ask how I wanted to finish and I’d let it up to her. Sometimes she’d have me inside her, others she’d simply use her hand on me and on a few occasions we decided I’d wait until later. For me, the hottest part the fact that she was making the decision. Same as when she decides to meet someone and tries to get me on board with the idea, I enjoy knowing it is coming from her desires.

I feel that as we become more in tune with each other’s deepest sexual drives, we depend less on scripting out what each of us likes... and it gets better as that happens. She has been gradually become more confidant and more willing to speak up for what she wants. Coincidentally, as I was typing this, she mentioned that M will be in town next month and will need a hotel room as his house sold. This could be an opportunity to try something new.


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It misterds like you and your wife will be getting a lot of action soon! Do still plan on being abstinent a week prior to her meeting up with a guy? I like the fact that your wife backed away somewhat, with the initial M thing, it shows she respected your concerns and cares abut your feelings. It doesn't seem that M is that big of a risk any more, and could be an exciting meet as your wife is desiring so much! Hope everything goes well for you both, this thread is really hot.


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The fact that my wife told M immediately that they could not meet and was completely fine with it was a good safety check. I actually expected more of an argument or debate but she understood my point and and honored it. With him currently out of town, his house here having just been sold, and the possibility of him making a final move much further from here, the threats I initially felt have vanished.

It's been another very interesting Friday off (sadly, the last one before school is out for the summer and we won't have all day to play).

My wife has been doing pretty good at working out but she said she wished she could be motived to do it more often. Yesterday I sent her a message that I would give her a massage any day she worked out, so this morning she asked for her massage from last night. Unfortunately, her monthly cycle arrived a few days ago so intercourse was out of the question but she put on her blue bodysuit for the massage. I love her in it so much I was half hard the whole time I was working on her. I took my time and used some oil to add to her enjoyment. As I worked on her front, I could tell she was horny so I began rubbing her all over. Within a short time, she had a surprisingly strong orgasm. Then she turned the tables and began rubbing me. She went straight for it... "M will be in town overnight later this month and will have a hotel room. Can I meet him?" Then, "since it takes a while for us to warm up, can I spend the night with him?" I groaned and felt the pressure building within me. We discussed a few more details before she put the question to me again. I gave her my ok and she thanked me with a bit of oral (first time in a few months) then a crashing orgasm. As I laid there exhausted, my mind was blank. Tired, yet fully aware I'd opened the door to her next lover. One who, like me, has had a vasectomy and can send her home full of his cum.

And next month, her plan is still to find time for a three day weekend with L. So yes, she is about to become a busy woman.



Posts: 241
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Wow, seeing your wife's legs spread like that, and knowing she will be doing that for another man soon is really hot! Too bad it was her time of month, otherwise I'm sure we would have been treated to a soaked spead leg photo. You've been involved with prior liaimisters, are you doing something similar, or are you going to 'suffer' at home waiting for her to call when she's done? That's great that M has a vasectomy, I don't believe your wife was able to ever bring back a cream pie. I hope you enjoy it and get a picture of it running out. Again, your wife is really beautiful and thank you for the pictures.


Posts: 49
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Hi Nooo

Looks like you're in for some angst and pleasure! But don't you just love it?

Nothing else achieves the overwhelming buzz you get from the pleasure/angst combination when waiting for another man to finish fucking your wife and let her come home to you.

The build up to the date, talking about it and planning it, and the day/night itself as she gets ready to go out and then the waiting for that text to tell you she is on her way home and "had a nice time". Then she comes in exhausted and used. The 'damage' is there to see in her hot sweaty body with breasts obviously sucked and fondled and her pussy puffy and swollen dribbling his cum.

Until you experience it for yourself it is hard to guess how it hits you.

I love your thread because it is similar to our own journey. It is real and reflects the pace that is dictated by the other priorities such as work, family etc. You are supplementing your life and love and the lifestyle is not dominating. I think you have got the balance right and hope the next month brings you some good times.




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It was a shame it was her time of the month, but in a way it completely added to the submissiveness of the massage and her finishing me by hand. I have been well aware of the situation that lies before me, and have the usual mixed emotions. On one hand, I am excited for her and looking forward to the excitement we'll share but on the other I know there will be stress trying to make sure things are the best they can be for us.
This will be a bit different than most of her previous dates, the plan is for her to meet M in the evening and from there it is up to how comfortable they are. He will have a hotel room either way, so if they want to, my wife can spend the night with him. She told me last night that is her hope - to be able to make love to him all night and come home well used the next morning. She said she is looking forward to feeling him bare inside her and probably filling her with his cum. I can't even imagine the feelings I'll have removing her wet panties. The times she has returned to me after being with L, it was very sexy to see the evidence of what they'd done on her body. I am trying to just let things work out however she wants them to but I can't help but wonder what changes may take place if this date and the one with L next month both go well.


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Thanks for sharng your emotions.

I wish you the best of luck with the transition to the next state. I think it is vry sexy the way your Beautiful wife is playing the situation, asking you if you will let her spend the night with M on her own while your are close to orgasm, at a stage where few men can say no to the Woman they love.

I am convinced your wife will love you for allowing Her the freemdom and if you continue to focus on Her pleasure and share your thoughts with Her I think you should have a wonderful experience that will make both of you even more aware of how much you love Her.

I hope you will give in Noo, demonstrate your devotion to your wife, help Her prepare for Her dates, show how pleased you are when She tells you about Her hoperfully good experiences.

Sincere regards


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Is your fear that if the dates go well, she'll want to do it more often with them, or spend more time with them like a weekend or more? I don't think allowing you wife all the freedom she wants is what you want. It seems to me throughout this thread, this was a 'together' thing. Keep reminding your wife that you need to be involved, and I'm sure you both will continue to enjoy her adventures.

Have any dates been established for dates with M & L? Thank you for your continued sharing with us!


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A lot has transpired recently. I haven't been able to post for nearly two weeks, so I'll try to catch up with what has happened. We agreed to her having an overnight date with M - which will be tomorrow night.

Two weekends ago, my wife and I were spending some alone time. Coincidentally, it was two weeks before her first "real" date with M. I was atop her and as my orgasm grew, she told me that she wanted this to be our last time until her date. She explained that as shy as they both had been previously, if she had two weeks of frustration, she'd be unable to contain her lust. I dutifully finished but felt a bit of panic wash over me afterward. Two weeks is an extremely long time for us under normal conditions and in this case it would be torturous. Since we hadn't talked about it previously and been able to enjoy the finality of our last time, she agreed to one final time. That night, as I brought her to orgasm, we discussed various parts of her date. As I got close to finishing, she encouraged me to cum in her for a final time.

On an unrelated note, I saw an email link another local guy had sent her that week. It was to a video on The hyperlink is visible to registered members only! but what I found more intense than the videos were the blog entries on their related page. On them, the wife documents all the fun ways she likes to *** her husband. I don't know if my wife has read the blog and if she did what she thought of it. I think this is another case of being careful of what you wish for.

A few nights ago, we finally had another night alone which I'd been looking forward to since my wife's date with M is coming up tomorrow. Earlier in the evening, she went shopping for something to wear for their dinner. She offered to try it on to give me a preview. The soft loose top had a very deep opening that would allow her to expose as much of her chest as she wanted while they are eating. She also picked up a moderately short skirt to go with it. I love seeing her legs in a skirt, knowing how smooth they are and how easy it is to get to her pussy when she wears one. While I was just checking her out, she noticed I was semi-erect and began teasing me. "So, are you going to shave my pussy for him" she asked. She went on to tell me she is already very horny and planning on staying with him until at least early morning after their date. She gave me a quick handjob and after I'd cum, I laid there and thought about the reality that a man I never met and know very little about will soon be my wife's lover.
Showing how nice the top looked on her...
Showing how nice the top looked on her...
and also the skirt...
and also the skirt...
...before using her hand on me as she does so well.
...before using her hand on me as she does so well.


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Thanks for the update, your Wife is looking sexier than ever. I hope She will have a truly enjoyable time with her new lover and that She will come back even more confident and even more determined to make these arrangements permanent; menaing that it will be up to Her to decide when and how She will meet one of Her lovers and for Her to decide when you will be allowed to cum.

I envy and admire your courage for allowing Her this freedom. Your wife seems to be not only a sexy Woman, but also a very loving and caring Wife. I am convinced that as long as you continue to support Her lifestyle and demonstrates your love, presentation and support for Her, she will continue to regard you as Her primary companion and lifetime partner while Her lovers are merely additional spice that will allow Her to blossom the way a beautiful Cuckholding Woman like Her deserves to.

Please keep us posted on how this evolves.

Sincere regards


Posts: 49
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Wow! How exciting. Your wife looks stunning. Any man would be crazy not to want to fuck her all night long.

And saving herself for two weeks to be so lustful for him. He is in for a real treat. You are a true cuckold that everyone on this forum should admire for your selflessness. I'm sure your wife will love you deeply and appreciate you for letting her do this.

I can't wait to hear how it goes.

Best wishes and kind thoughts



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Nooo, let me add my WoW also! Your wife is stunning. Imagining another man holding and caressing those breasts must be incredible. Please update us on what you are feeling when she is gone to meet M. Hopefully she will finally bring home the cream pie you've wanted for so long. Hang in there, I can't imagin the emotions that you are going through!


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I can't say I didn't see this coming, but it is still totally unreal to me.

Even as my wife talked about herr upcoming date, I had a feeling it might not happen tonight. It wasn't anything she said, rather a slight lack of enthusiasm on her part led me to believe we were going through the motions on this one. There was minimal communication between M and my wife this week (apparently due to his business travel) which I thought was strange given their upcoming date. This morning, M let her know that he left home headed for here early this morning, only to find heavy storms and a two hour delay in traffic with no hope of getting through. As a result, he decided to give up and try getting here another day.

To be honest, I didn't care, or more realistically I enjoyed what he missed out on greatly. My wife and I went our for dinner, with her wearing what she bought to see him in. Then she talked me into going shopping for more workout clothes for her to wear. It didn't take much convincing as I love her body in tight spandex. When we returned home, we had some takes and a bit of smoke and enjoyed each others bodies for hours. During that time, she tried all of her outfits and I admired how sexy my wife truely is and felt very fortunate that I was able to spend such a romantic and sexy night with her despite our previous plans.


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Nooo, sorry it didn't work out this time. I understand your mixed feelings, relief and dissappointment mixed with frustration.


Posts: 285 Pictures: 2 
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Well I guess this is just the way it sometimes is. On the other hand the quality time you were able to spend with your wife should be worth a lot to both of you. I would guess that it should reinpower Her feelings for you as Her dependable, primary partners. The lovers may come and go but whatever happens She can allways turn to you and you will be there to love and support Her. In the longer term, maybe this was the best that could have happened even if I can understand the mixed emotions because of the expectations that were there.

With a wife as sexy as yours, there will certainly be other opportunities going forward.

Sincere regards


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Sorry it didnt work out but sounds like you had a great night out together. I agree with Elina that it just reinpowers that the lovers are just supplementary to a strong and loving relationship.

His loss was your gain. Although I do have to say that I would have driven to the north pole for a hot night with your incredibly sexy wife regardless of weather and traffic jams!


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If anything our evening proved how well adjusted our relationship is. Just before we went to relax, my wife told me that even though she had been excited for her date, she was not upset because we had such a great night. 
They are going to reschedule  in a couple of weeks. As you mentioned, if I were lucky enough to secure a date with a woman as sexy as my wife is, and knew that she was down for a really good time, I'd certainly go through great lengths to make it happen. 

I know L and my wife are still trying to find a time to get together as well but so far they haven't found a common time they are available. Sooner or later, I am sure we'll be able to relive some of the very fun weekends we've had in the past.


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One more try...

My wife had told me that she and M were going to try again on July 7th - next Saturday, but I didn't put much thought into it until last night. She took me to bed and told me she wanted to make it work out so we tried to figure out our family situation. We haven't come up with a definite plan yet but it sounds like it will be a day/evening event rather than an overnight stay. She worked me with her hand as we tried to come to some agreement about how we could do it. She told me that tomorrow night, we'll enjoy our last time together before her date. Given that it is one week prior and the fact that they might have more limited time to get over being shy on their date, I wonder if she will beg off having intercourse when we have time tomorrow.
One of her great workout outfits from last week.
One of her great workout outfits from last week.



Posts: 241
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Nooo - Thanks for the pictures, I'll bet the panties were a little damp as usual! It doesn't sound like she's that shy, that she'd need more than a week of abstaining... but if she asks nicely, knowing you, I'm sure you will agree. I'll keep my fingers crossed, I really hope it works out this time for all of you!


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Apparently tomorrow is the day my wife will take a new lover. It seems strange to say that, I feel a bit detached from the reality, probably from all the false alarms and time since she last saw L We have talked about it a bit but haven't completely worked out the details. She plans on leaving around noon to go see M. He'll have a hotel room 45 minutes from here. Their exact plans may change but they include dinner, takes and time alone in the room (not necessarily in that order) then she'll return to me around midnight. I told her that the thing I am most excited about is her return and our time together. It will be quite memorable to remove her soaked panties, to see and hear what she did with him. Last night as she gave me a handjob, we discussed condoms. She asked him to bring some, and I told her I was surprised she was going to have him use them (she did not any of her times with L). I told her it was purely her decision and she figured in the heat of the moment they probably would not use them. Realizing that we were discussing whether the cock that will be going in and out of my wife's pussy tomorrow would be covered or going into her bare gave me an additional bit of arousal as she emptied me fully once again. She even laughed that if she gave me too many orgasms before she left I'd be unexcited about her leaving for a date.


Posts: 159
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Hi nooo,

Nice to read your update. Just go with the flow I think. When my wife first started going out and meeting up with her lover, I used to get really wound up and anxious. Now I find it easier to relax and concentrate on enjoying her when she returns.
The last time my wife met up with her lover in a local hotel, I went and had a take at another bar then waited outside the hotel for her text. I met her at the elevator - she was very flushed (that just fucked look ). I drove her home and undressed her - her panties were absolutely sodden. jeez, I couldn't keep my hands off her - it was great.

You and your wife are on a fantastic journey - hope it all goes well for you.


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Nooo - This is exciting! I'm sure she will have fun, hope your special time together afterward is everything you want. If they do not use a condom, will you lick it out of her or see what sloppy seconds are like? Can't imagine the feelings you're going through, take care.
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