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Now that she's started, I wonder how far she'll go....

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Well, we're all on pins and needles, did she meet him?


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The previous meeting did not take place, but just tonight she and M met once again for coffee. The plans came up kind of quickly and we didn't have much time to talk about it beforehand but she enjoyed hanging out with him and getting to know him better. It seems very low pressure, like they are feeling each other out to see if they want to proceed any further.

Simultaneously, I recently heard from L, her first boyfriend and he is very interested in reuniting with my wife. They are talking about possibly meeting in May once both of us clear some things on our schedules. With any luck, we will find a date that works and they can resume where they left off quite a while ago.


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Sounds like you really know how to get your wife excited! Does your wife think M has the potential of going further with? Seems funny that he would still be feeling your wife out to see if he wants to proceed any further. Why he wouldn't want to jump on her right away would be hard for me to understand. Your wife is incedible!

Looking forward to hearing about any plans that develop with M and L. Yours is a really exciting thread, thank you for keeping us involved.


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I think what you did on Valentines day was beautiful. I interpreted some of you earlier comments that you were a bit hesitant to cross the threshhold where your wife finds a lover who lives closer to your home and spends some time alone with him each week. What you did on Valentines day demonstrates your devotion to your Wife and your support in her efforts to find a new lover.

The name and history of this thread says a lot. Your Beautiful and Sexy wife has gone from reluctant to actively seeking lovers beside you. I hope that you will find the courage to fully support Her when She finds a lover close to where you live and decides that She wants to spend time with him on Her own on a regular basis. I think your wife is simply wonderfull and that she deserves to be married to a cuckold who will support Her whatever she decides. If she will continue to see L once in a while at the same time, I think it will be even hotter and demonstrate that She is fast becoming a truly sexually liberated Woman. You must be very lucky to be selected by Her as her companion and cuckold.

Please continue posting as this thread means a lot to me and I am sure many others of your followers.



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shall54 - M is certainly not the thing holding up their going forward. Read on...

elina - thanks for your comments! The timing and content of your post could not be more amazing.

As I mentioned, last Thursday my wife met M. What I kept to myself was my reaction to that meeting. Due some bad timing, we had no opportunity to enjoy any excitement before my wife left and afterward was not any better. I found it upsetting that my wife had no problem going out and enjoying time with another man without any regard to bringing some of the excitement back for my pleasure. After some soul searching, I came to the conclusion that I would not be ok with her finding such a casual arrangement that she could see him any time they were available. We had a long talk and I explained how each of her dates brought about lots of emotions and stress for me but as long as she was able to keep my excited throughout the process I could better deal with it. The previous situation with L powerd us to be more deliberate in each event and I told her I was open to the idea of them reuniting as she saw fit but I could not condone a new situation closer to home with no boundaries.

She understood my point and agreed that she wouldn't do anything that would hurt our relationship. Unfortunately, just after that I had to leave on a business trip and it felt like we left the situation unresolved. I arrived home late last night and she had previously warned me that she was going to be aggressive due to her horniness. I figured she might try to revisit our previous discussion but wasn't totally prepared for what she did. As she ground herself down onto me, she begged, "please let me take another lover".... "I want him soooo badly".... it caught me off guard. I was non-committal, but I gave her enough dialog to help her finish with a big orgasm. Due to the late hour, we left it at that, but earlier today she made mention of it. She called me this morning and suggested that she wanted to take today off to recover than she wanted to pursue the discussion further tomorrow.

While I like the words elina wrote above, I don't know that my core feelings have changed much. I can't imagine I'll be happy in the long run if she has an arrangement that has virtually no boundaries but she seems determined to make things work out with M. On her list of positives are the fact that he has had a vasectomy, and that his wife is aware of his plans and condones them (they don't have sex for some medical reamister). I guess we'll have to see where this ends up.


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Nooo, I agree with you. Your wife shouldn't have an unrestricted relationship with someone who lives so close to see when she wants. This whole journey was for YOU and your wife, you need to stay involved. Be firm and hang in there.


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I have been lurking for over a year but have taken the plunge and joined the site today. You are my first post because I have enjoyed your journey so much and always look out for an update.

From experience, I would agree you should avoid the unrestricted access. My dear sweet lovely wife cuckolded me after lots of encouragement but the mistake was that it was with a work colleague and they saw each other every day. It got very blurry and ended badly.

Good luck - it's an incredible buzz unlike anything else.


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I am glad I was some encouragement for you to join and post, syncro. I read you permisteral thread and saw you have quite a sexy situation going on as well. I'll look forward to reading more of your adventures.

I have stayed firm that I don't think it would be a good idea for my wife to get started with M, based on her casual attitude about meeting him and lack of concern about keeping me excited about their meetings. In a coincidental twist, he is talking about taking a job several hours from here due to a recent layoff. My wife asked if that would provide enough security to the situation. I told we'd have to see as it would only be temporary at first and I worry that they might start a relationship and then he'd return here. In a way I feel bad for her, because I can sense her wanting another lover and wish she could have one in a more casual/less threatening way. She is getting very close to having the most toned body she ever had, and has been going to a tanning bed recently. Last night, I was tired and not really in the mood for sex until I saw her laying on our bed in panties. We had very hot session, for me it was almost like experiencing another woman, and she was talking dirty about how much she wanted to feel someone new inside her. If only she didn't have to establish such a deep permister connection with a new man...


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I will try to post up some of our adventures soon. I think you will enjoy the time my wife cuckolded me with her work colleague because it is very similiar to your own early situation with your wife's work colleague. This is why I smiled and related to it when I first read it. The early signs of interest, the chatting, the flirting, taking it a bit further each time, it becoming more sexual, the texting, the cybersex, etc etc.

It took ages to make progress but we were both enjoying it immensely and our sex life was fantastic.

What most wannabees find it hard to understand is how long it can take to find someone your wife will feel comfortable with and then progress it at a pace she is happy with. It can also be incredibly frustrating but patience is a virtue. I think it was about 14 months before they had sex although there was a lot of sexual activity building up to it. Work, family, domestic stuff all gets in the way and trying to co-ordinate meetings can be a nightmare (no matter how horny everyone is for it to happen).

There were times she met with him and was hot for sex but nothing happened! Although I did my best to take care of that when she got home .

Because they could see each other during the day they became closer and I sometimes wondered what else was going on. This is not helpful and certainly spoils the benefits.

So, I guess what I'm saying is I identify with your situation and understand what your concerns.

Take care.



Posts: 267
#370 · Edited by: nooo
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I can relate to your wife's work situation as well. Before I met my wife, I worked at a different company and had the same slow, romantic coming together with a married coworker. It took months to build because each of us didn't think the other wanted something to start. It actually was very romantic in a way and it evolved into daytime sex at least once a week for about two years. Her husband didn't know (as far as I know) and this was way before I knew about cuckolding. When the situation with my wife and the guy at work began unfolding, I kind of felt like it would be a bit of karma if she did have a physical affair with him.

Just this week, M took a temporary position several hours from here. She has been asking me if that changes my decision and if she could meet him again when he comes back here. I explained that I worried she’d start something with him and then if he moved back here full-time we’d be in the situation I was not comfortable with. She has certainly been turning up the heat on me though. Last night we were alone and although she wasn’t up for sex, she wanted to give me a handjob. She had on a tight top that accentuated her breasts nicely and used just her hand at first. She said, “you always told me that I could get what I want this way, how about it – can I meet him?” She worked with precision, building and releasing my excitement level several times. She finally suggested that she would give me oral if I agreed. That almost sold me and I nearly agreed. As I tried to make up my mind, she reached for the tube of KY lube and told me I had to decide or she would use it to finish me by hand instead of orally if I didn’t say yes. I asked if she would swallow (she hasn’t done that for me in probably a year and she said she didn’t want to do that. I decided to let her finish me with the oil instead and told her I’d at least consider the idea of her seeing him in the future.


Posts: 241
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nooo, I've been following you almost from the beginning, and what you guys have done is something I can only wish for. You're holding firm, but it sounds like she's going to get to you soon. I want to hear more of your wife's adventures but not at the risk of your marriage. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you! What's happening with L, is he still in the picture?


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My wife is planning on meeting L again in May. It sounds like he will fly in to a town two hours from here, we'll pick him up at the airport, then do our standard overnight trip to a nearby hotel. We haven't worked out the specifics yet, but I am sure in the coming weeks we'll have more to discuss. Usually, as her dates get closer, we all put in suggestions of the way we'd like things to go and work it out. In this case, it's been a long time since they have been together, so I plan on letting the details mostly up to them. I am sure it will seem strange when we once again begin the final countdown until the date.

We are both pretty sensible and won't do something that will create a problem in our marriage. That is why I put the brakes on with M when I didn't feel it was headed in a safe direction.


Posts: 159
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Hi nooo,
I've been following your thread for a while now - really appreciate your updates. I think you have done the right thing in letting your wife know you were uncomfortable with how the situation with M was going. Sure, there's the argument about having trust in your wife to not damage your marriage, but there's the other side of the coin that says it's got to be a journey that you take together to strengthen your marriage and keep your own sex life interesting.

I think I've said before that your situation is very similar to mine - I like my wife to enjoy other men, but we also have a fantastic sex life ourselves, so the cuckolding thing is not done out of necessity, but a desire to bring new experiences into our sex life and keep our own fire burning. I'm very much like you - there has to be some excitement in it for me as well otherwise it doesn't really work. M You and your wife obviously have a good level of communication and that is so important


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Sorry - I hadn't finished, pushed the wrong key too soon. I hope the meeting with L goes well - you sound a lot more comfortable with your wife meeting him than with M. Keep us posted.
All the best.


Posts: 49
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That's good news about L. It should take the pressure off you regarding M. It's not long to May so all the excitement and build up can be focused on that and your wife knows she can enjoy a long weekend session.

It might still become an issue if it reminds her how much she enjoys another man's attention and L cannot make it more regular. I know from my own experience that my wife enjoyed having it on "on tap" so to speak and greatly enjoyed the regular attention of another man. Because it was at work, they were able to tease each other during the day. This included all the usual secret glances, texts, internal mails with hidden meanings, discreet flashes of undies and passionate trips in the lifts!

There were many benefits but it does spill over into everyday life and create unwanted pressures. I think you are going about this the right way and I will continue to watch with interest.

By the way, love all the pictures. Lovely sexy woman and looks her sexiest dressed up for her lover.


Posts: 241
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Glad to hear you're staying firm about M, too bad the situation didn't turn out to work for you. Glad to hear that the meet up with L is still on. May still seems so far away though!


Posts: 267
#377 · Edited by: nooo
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As far as I know, we are still planning on meeting with L soon, but we just had a miscommunication. I was under the assumption that it would be a usual meeting as we have in the past - a two day trip. Because he will be traveling further, they would like to spend Friday to Sunday together. Our schedule won't allow that in May, so we will have to push it back to June. My wife is still very excited to see him again! Whenever we are making love and there is a little bit of spark missing, one of us will bring up something they did in the past or want to do in the future. It always bring up the excitment level just as drpool mentioned above. I am sure there will need to be a bit of back and forth between us to figure out the logistics of a three day date. If it all works out, that will certainly give them a lot of time together to try new things. One of the things I am looking forward to is helping my wife shop for a new outfit and also seeing if they pick out anything for her to wear.

To clarify, when I initially told her my feelings on her not going further with M, I didn't know what the reaction would be. I worried she would be mad or defensive or any number of other things. Not that she had ever given me that type of response before, but I also knew this was something that she was really looking forward to. She heard me out, asked a few questions to clarify my position, then said our marriage always comes first and she understood my hesitation. I don't know the future of where that will go. She still teases me when she is giving me handjobs, asking for permission to meet him again. I get the impression that she is half serious and half playing with the dangerous emotions she knows it gives me. Just the other night, she got me to the edge and asked if they could meet just for coffee next time he is here. She kept me right on the edge and without clarifying if she was serous or not, gave her permission figuring even if she does, it is only a casual meeting. I guess I'll find out if she will take me up on that at some point.

Syncro, I know exactly what you mean about the all day communication and flirting. That was the situation I was in with the married lady and it was really nice to be able to enjoy being together throughout the work day. I often wondered about how that effected her home life but it always seemed as though she kept the two parts of her life seperate, unlike what we do now.
She surprised me with a new outfit yesterday...
She surprised me with a new outfit yesterday...
...I think I like it!
...I think I like it!


Posts: 241
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Wow, your wife really is a beautiful woman! Did she buy the new out fit thinking of her meet up with L? Take care, I always look forward to your posts.


Posts: 49
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Love the photos! A woman who enjoys sex and knows how to look sexy for her man.

Wow, a three day meeting. She sure is going to be feeling a bit tender after that! Shame it's June but it gives you something to focus on and have fun preparing. It also provides a lovely distraction from the M issue.

Sounds like she might want to explore the M option a bit more though in a fairly safe way through a coffee meet. I doesn't sound to me ( and I have been through this sort of conversation with my wife several times) that you have too much to worry about. She is strongly committed to the marriage and is listening to your concerns. Women can be better at compartmentalising this sort of thing e.g. Your female friend (with benefits) at work.

Best regards


Posts: 241
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Nooo, how are things going? I was sorry to hear that the meet with L was postponed to June. That seems so far away. How's your wife handling it, is she still teasing you about wanting to see M? Hang in there I think you're making the right decision. You guys have something rare.


Posts: 267
#381 · Edited by: nooo
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There hadn't been much to report over the last few weeks so I haven't posted much. We have talked a bit about her weekend with L and it sounds like they have a tentative date selected. I know she is excited about another date with him but with it being so far off we haven't talked much about it. It will be interesting to see how it works out with her having so much time alone with him. They will certainly have a lot of time and freedom to try lots of things.

Over the last few weeks, she has made a few comments about how much she enjoyed using her hands on me to get me turned on enough to agree to things she wants. I knew she would probably take advantage of the lunch date she coaxed out of me a month ago but I didn't know when until yesterday. She told me M would be in town today, the Friday we are home alone to play. She asked if she could do it today and I said since she got permission from me earlier, she could do it. She woke up this morning very excited and spent the two hours before she left teasing me beyond belief. She came out of the shower in panties and a sports bra, climbed in bed with me and kept me on the edge for about a half hour. I asked about the details of her plans and she said they were just going to lunch but if things worked out, she hoped to take a ride in his new car and make out or whatever came naturally. Then she tried on a few outfits to wear on to lunch, deciding on short shorts to show off her legs and a top that showed ample cleavage. Finally, she put on her blue bodysuit. I told her how much I loved when it when she cuckolded me by wearing it and giving me a handjob before her date. I wondered outloud if she would be wearing it more often in the future. She smiled and said if it would allow her to keep getting what she wanted she probably would, and then asked, but doesn't that mean you wouldn't get sex? I questioned what she meant and she said she thought wearing it meant I wouldn't be allowed inside her. I agreed, that is what we talked about, that she wore that to give me a handjob while saving her pussy for a lover. She teasingly said she'd have to see if they could get a hotel room quickly enough to get home while we still had a little of our time alone this afternoon. I won't see her for another two hours (if she comes home on time - I don't think she's ever come home from a date on time) and I've been going crazy. I love the way we are able to play before her dates and I know it is a bit of a double-edged sword... she gave me relief before leaving but was left very sexually frustrated herself. That, plus knowing she may not see him again for a while may prompt her in to more aggressive behavior.
Enjoying the view of her sexy body...
Enjoying the view of her sexy body...
... from all angles on the bed.
... from all angles on the bed.
Just before she finished me off and left.
Just before she finished me off and left.


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Wow nooo, love to know how it all went. Hope it all went well for you guys


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The pause before this update was caused by a lack of time, not to build suspense...

My wife returned right on time but it still felt like an eternity until she got here. She seemed quite happy and we quickly made our way to the bedroom. They met for lunch and enjoyed each other's company, but it appear that neither of them knows how to get things progressing. After they ate, he took her for a ride in his car, but she said it had a high center console that prevented them any real contact. They ended with a hug and promises to meet again. She told me that she was prepared to kiss him but he didn't seem to be expecting it. As we said before, this is baffling to me. When I was single, if I thought I had any shot at all with an attractive woman, I would make sure it happened quickly to not lose the opportunity. It doesn't make a big difference to me, as we still had quite an exciting day and I had two of the largest orgasms in a long time. I keep thinking about the reality of all this.. on one hand, my wife and I have really opened up to each other and exposed some of our deepest turn-ons. On the other, we are attaching a great deal of emotion to events that aren't necessarily happening. What I mean is, for all the energy we put into yesterday, the reality is she simply met a man for lunch and it wasn't physically very different than a platonic lunch with a coworker. Same with some of the previous dates that we had planned that fell through... a lot of excitement and worry and in the end nothing physically happened. I do see changes in her permisterality though, ones I had hoped to see. She is growing more confident in herself, and also becoming less sexually inhibited. As I stated several years ago in the title of this thread, I wonder how far she'll go. She is already way beyond anywhere I would have ever predicted.


Posts: 49
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Hi noo

We had similar incidents. Dates that promised much but ended up as lunch dates with nothing happening. And this was with someone that had previously peeled off her panties. I thought my wife was kidding me when she said nothing had happened. As you say, lots of excitement and build up and then nothing.

But that is reality. It can be amazingly hard work to get a gorgeous wife fucked!

Hope you are both well and enjoying each other.



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That doesn't make any sense to me either, why he wouldn't take advantage of the situation especially with your wife giving off the right signals. You never know, he must be really shy... Is she and M planning on another meeting? I hope you are also benefitting in her gained confidence.


Posts: 241
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nooo, Is the meet with L still on? June is just around the corner, any plans firmed up yet?


Posts: 267
#387 · Edited by: nooo
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Unfortunately, the plan with L once again has been pushed back. It is a shame because I think my wife is really looking forward to it, but it has been very hard to find a three day weekend we are all free. This time, we had a family permisteral thing come up right around the time we were planning on meeting and it powerd us to postpone. I think if we were able to get our schedules to line up better, we could have enjoyed some good times together again.

Recently, my wife has been playing on Ashley Madimister again and made a few new friends to chat with. I haven't pried too much because she has been good about providing the details that will effect us to me. At least one or two of them are fairly local and asked about meeting. She has been telling them she is only interested in chat for now but one of them, a 24 year old from one hour away seems to have intrigued her (she will turn 40 later this year). Tuesday of this week, we were sending each other texts during the day and she pushed some of my buttons with her dirty messages. That night, I was all over her and we were having a great time. As I was doing her from behind, her orgasm seemed to be taking a while. I asked if she thought the 24 year old could last a long time and she said he told her he had great stamina. I continued teasing her, saying he might not have had anal sex and she could provide him with plenty of new experiences. She came quite hard and thanked me afterward for getting her so stimulated.

Then on Friday, we had our usual day off together. Somehow she talked me into going shopping with her. Normally, I hate shopping but she wore short spandex workout shorts and a sexy top to keep me excited. I also figured I could help find clothes that I found attractive on her. While browsing one store, I spotted the dress pictured below. I love that kind of thing on her and showed it to her. She quickly decided to get it and I wondered if she was thinking the same thing I was. When we got home and were in bed, I asked what she intended to do with the dress. She told me it would be perfect for a date, especially if we were meeting in a hotel and she would just have to walk from our (my) to his room instead of out in public. It turned me on greatly to know that we had once again found something new for her to wear on her next date, whenever that may be. And later into our lovemaking, she asked, so... do i have permission to play with a 24 year old? At that point, I told her I was too close to finishing already, and I'd be much more agreable when she had my firmly in her oily hand.
I was stunned when I saw the dress on her sexy body.
I was stunned when I saw the dress on her sexy body.
Maybe her lover will bend her over like this and push against her.
Maybe her lover will bend her over like this and push against her.


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Your wife is absolutely stunning.
Turning 40 will only make Her hotte and She is only now entering Her sexual prime.
I think you should consider yourself very lucky to be married to such a stunning Woman.

I know I am in the minority here, but I still think you should now let Her free to arrange Her relationships with Her lovers the way she would like, and for you to devote more of your efforts to help Her get all She wants and needs.

The name of this thread is "Now that she's started, I wonder how far she'll go...." I think that was descriptive at the beginning. But don't you think that it is now more "how far will Noo allow Her to go"?

I think there is maybe a greater danger for you to loose Her if you keep denying Her to fulfill Her true desires as a Cuckoldress in stead of if you allow Her to play with the males She wants to.



Posts: 49
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Hi Nooo

Your wife is looking as sexy as ever, if not more so, in that great dress.

Shame about L as you seem to have a comfortable situation going there and that can be hard to find.

As for playing with the 24 year old I guess it would just be a bit of fun. She would enjoy the flattery of the situation but would be very unlikely to have her head turned by such a young man. So, I think it would not be a risk to your situation. But as I know from experience, the pleasure goes out the window if you are not comfortable.

So go with your instincts. You know you will be right 99 times out of 100.

Meanwhile, get that camera out and let us all see more of your fantastic wife.

Best regards



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Thanks for the compliment and suggestions! I am fully aware of how lucky I am to have a wife who grows hotter every day. And also one who has indulged in this great fantasy with me. That is part of the reamister I float between wanting to keep her to my self and wanting to share her with anyone she chooses. I have largely left control of things in her hands, and why we have taken such slow steps in altering the dynamic of our relationship. I may have put the brakes on when I felt things were too risky with M, but other than that I have generally left what she does up to her. In fact, I’d have to say we are fairly even with the number of times one of us brings up the discussions of her having another lover. The other night, I was the one planting seeds in her head about how good the 24 year old would be for her. She chats and shares intimate pictures and videos with whomever she choses. When it comes to physically meeting, I have been more a part of the decision making process because it will effect both of us. As far as me referring to her “getting” permission from me, it is both of us kind of acting out the parts of hotwife and cuckold. She knows now that if she is motivated enough, she can overcome any hesitation on my part. The reality is, we both enjoy the fantasy of her having other lovers so much it has energized our lovemaking – so much that we are generally satisfied without acting on it frequently.
She did mention last night that M will be in town this weekend and she wanted to negotiate a chance to meet him, but we were both so tired we left it at that. We have a lot of other things planned this weekend so I don’t know how it would be possible... I guess I’ll find out how motivated she is to make it happen.
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