Posts: 1076
Very sexy! Sorry I've missed this. Hope there's more to tell soon!
Posts: 267
It seems my wife and I may soon be on to a new chapter in our relationship. A few weeks ago, we went through a rough spot... we weren't getting much time alone and when we did, it wasn't as good as it could be. We have since turned things around but I think that time planted a seed in her mind. She began talking more about how she missed the excitement of dating - the planning and preparation, the actual sex with someone else, and our reuniting afterward. Two nights ago, she elaborated further and as she stroked me firmly, she explained how she wanted the newness of another man again. We talked in detail about how she missed having someone like L with whom she really developed an appreciation for giving oral sex. She also described how she would like to try someone very large to see what it felt like to have him thicker and deeper inside her than I'd ever been. Even though we didn't discuss when or how she would find someone new, I got the impression that her mind is made up and she wants to proceed. I know she has re-activated her Ashley Madimister account and gotten some new messages. All the previous mixed emotions have resurfaced. During the year plus since her last date, I often pictured the day that she would sit me down and tell me she's been talking to someone new. Now that it seems as though she is moving in that direction, my nerves have kicked in a bit. She told me tonight that she was just chatting this afternoon with someone from about 20 minutes from here and he told her that he and his wife have an open marriage. From our previous talks, I don't know if she'd ever be ok with me being with someone else, so she might be just be meeting someone and I'd have to be content with enjoying it through her. I am assuming it won't be too easy to meet someone like L who understands what we both get out of this and who won't just look at her as a cheating wife. Ideally, if she is going to find someone new, I would enjoy it most if we could balance our time between she and I alone, she and the bf alone, and the three of us together on occassion, whether I'd be strictly watching or also participating in pleasuring her.
Posts: 241
Wow, glad to hear things are moving again. Being 20 minutes away definitely would make the logistics of meeting easier. With him being married and you guy's having kids at home, you'll probably still need to get a room, (if this goes that far)?
Posts: 267
Having someone closer to home certainly would make planning much easier, and we wouldn't feel every visit had to be an overnight trip to justify the travel. I certainly would not have been secure enough the first time to have my wife meet someone so close to home for fear of losing control, but I think we both have grown and learned a lot since then. This is certainly not a done deal as she just started talking to him today. I don't have any idea what the arrangements would be until she gets more information. I am definitely going to have her look into what the other couple has done outside of their relationship, at the very least I'd love to have someone to chat with about what we've gone through. She may wind up with him, or someone(s) else, or continue just chatting safely online... I won't know for sure until it happens, but at least she has always been very good about communicating what she is up to.
Posts: 1076
Good to hear things are moving forward. A local bf would be much more convenient.
Posts: 340
I must say, nooo, that your thread is one of the first "true" stories I read here and I LOVE it. It helped me figure out my own feelings on the relatively "new" topic of cuckolding for me at the time. So glad to hear it may be starting up again. Nothing happening in my life - I just caption my desires when I can - so I live vicariously through others like you, as I'm sure many of us do. Good luck on your continued journey! Look forward to hearing about the next event(s). Wannabe - see my captions at http://www.cuckoldplace.com/27_74912_1.html
Posts: 267
Thanks for the compliment, and I am glad you have enjoyed reading what we've been through.
I'm not sure what to think right now. A few days ago, my wife told me that she is content with the safety of talking to other men online. Since that seemed to keep her satisfied, I haven't bugged her for many details about what she is up to. She still brings some interesting conversations to me and has been enjoying herself. Two of the guys she has been talking to are somewhat close to here but it seemed like they weren't talking to her as often as often as some of the others. She told me they had been bugging her to meet in permister but she told them she wasn't ready and they backed off.
Out of the blue today, she sent me an email that read "I think I've decided to set up a meeting to see if there is chemistry". That sent my heart rate up a bit. I replied we could talk about it and she said she was thinking of us going for takes somewhere and having someone meeting us there. I didn't ask yet if she was serious or just trying to get a rise out of me (I don't like email too much about this while I'm at work, and besides, I enjoy those conversations more in bed). I guess I'll find out tonight what she has in mind.
Posts: 328
Hey Noo First, thanks for keep us posted. Those of us who would love to see our brides on this journey enjoy hearing about yours!
Sounds like she is wanting to try again
Best of Luck
Posts: 241
Again thanks for keeping us updated. Your postings are my favorite. Like you I prefer intimate conversations in bed, an eMail at work would make it too hard to concentrate (pun intended) for the rest of the day. I'm assuming you want this to happen, and it looks like she wants you there for the first meeting, which is good. Hopefully it all works out for the both of you. Take care, shall54
Posts: 267
The night I mentioned above, she never brought it up again. I purposely wanted to wait until she said something so I could gauge her level of interest. She has two or three standing offers to meet for lunch or takes to see if there is chemistry. We were playing around with texting each other today and she said she might be picked up for lunch in a new car tomorrow. We were both saying things we half meant, letting the other one guess if we were serious... she told me she'd wear a skirt and thigh-highs to work tomorrow, I told her I'd have to give her a good trim tonight if she had a lunch date. She actually asked one of the guys she is talking to see if they are around, letting him know that she is half-serious about meeting. It got us talking about the reality of whether she should have another physical affair or continue flirting online. We haven't decided yet (actually it is in her hands, I always let her decide what she is comfortable with). We have discussed the possibility of both of us meeting whoever she chooses for lunch and then I'd leave them alone together to get to know each other. Then an hour later, her more logic side took over and she wondered if it was too risky to start something closer to home. I'll find out what her current thoughts are in a few minutes when she comes to bed.
Posts: 430
I have been watching this thread carefully (THANK YOU FOR SHARING!  ) It is a painfully slow process in real life and your posts show that. I too have been in similar circumstances with my wife. I want her to return to the lifestyle but I must be careful not to push. I hope your wife starts to share her body with other men, like I hope mine does as well. Be patient and please keep us posted! Faggot Pussy
Posts: 303
The horny devil on my left shoulder would also like my wife to fall back into a lover's arms. But because she is the Mistress and I am the slave, it's all about what she wants. And right now she just wants to have me serve her: Nightly foot massages followed by having me worshiping her before she falls arelax (or on some nights, she will play with me for a few seconds, although that's fast becoming a rare treat).
Cassie says she likely will find another lover some time in the future. At this point, though, we're concentrating on raising our family, which is all right by me ... or at least it's all right with the practical angel on my right shoulder. That horny bastard on the other side won't shut up, though ...
Posts: 1076
Great stuff! Keep posting. +3!
Posts: 267
This update was very nearly a more signifigant one!
Last Thursday night, I went to see a band play out of town. My wife kept joking beforehand that she was going to break free from her family and enjoy her night "alone". Coincidentally, the lead vocalist for the band I saw has a resemblance to my wife, both in appearance and build. She wore a somewhat revealing little black dress and boots and all night long I kept watching her but thinking of my wife and her potential night out. I knew she wouldn't do anything but the seed had been planted. The next morning, I only got in to work around 10am. I struggled to become productive and within minutes, my wife called. With no warning, she asked if I'd mind if she went to lunch with one of the guys she's been talking to. I attempted to get my semi-hungover mind to form a logical argument for or against her meeting him. My biggest concern was we'd have no ability for me to be a part of this, before, during or after. I strongly debated putting that aside, assuming our later dates would work more to my liking and just let her get started. Another problem (only for me) was that just before work, I'd masterbated to the images in my head from the previous night and thoughts of my wife, and that left me a little less excited to agree to the lunch date. She picked up on my hesitation and added she hadn't really prepared for it and was only wearing jeans and a shirt that wouldn't make a great first impression.
She told me to meet her at home instead as she was in great need of an orgasm. I did and as I took her from behind, she described how she had been so horny that if she had met him for lunch, she would certainly have fucked him in his car. She needed even more stimulation than I was giving her at that moment and asked me to try anal. As we did that, I was totally aware of how close we'd come to another big change in our relationship. Given her level of enthusiasm, it is quite certain that she will be meeting and having at least one of the men she's been talking to recently.
Posts: 1076
Wow! Great update. She'll be fucking around in no time.
Posts: 267
#316 · Edited by: nooo
It appears as though this may be the update we've been waiting for.
A few nights ago, my wife told me she wanted to talk to me for a few minutes before I went to relax. While I waited for her to be ready, I pondered the possible things she might want to discuss. Soon enough, she was in bed with me, and began gently stroking me. She told me she'd decided that she would like to meet one of the guys she has been talking to next week for lunch or dinner. He recently told her that his wife had given him the ok to see other women as long as she didn't get many details, and that apparently fueled my wife's interest in actually meeting. We discussed our options and tried to come up with a plan. It seemed to us that lunch next Friday would work best, as we'd both be off work. That way I could help her get ready, either go with them for part of their meeting or let her go alone, and have some time with her afterward. She assured me that they only intended to have lunch to see if they clicked, but just taking that step opens the door for many other possibilities. Even though my wife has been talking in definitive terms about going through with this lunch date, she has given me indications that she occassionally has hesitations with actually meeting. I share her feelings, part of the time I want to encourage her to act on the opportunity and other times I don't want to get started with something that could potentially be long-term. She set aside time to make love to me this afternoon, one week prior to her next potential date. I didn't ask whether there was symbology in the timing, not really sure I want to get started with the cooling off period of a week before each date again... especially as this possible new lover lives only a half hour from here and could become more frequent than her first.
Posts: 158
These post are fantastic, please keep going
Posts: 267
My wife is going to meet M for the first time tomorrow, but for the past week or so I haven't known what to expect. There have been a few outside scheduling factors that made it seem as though the meeting might not happen. Now that we are a day away, it likely will be happening. Last night, I asked her for some time together before we went to relax. She offered me a handjob, saying she preferred to save herself until later. As she stroked me, we discussed the possible outcomes of tomorrow. The plan is that she and I to go to tavern for a take around noon. Shortly after that, M will meet us there for lunch. When it is appropriate, I will leave, allowing them time alone. She has been emphasizing that it is tomorrow is just to see if they click, but she also expressed an interest in taking a ride in his new car so he can run his hands up her legs and she can feel his bulge. I asked what she was expecting if they did hit it off and she said they'd be able to meet in the near future for more. He had a vasectomy years ago and that will give her new options if it gets to that level. After this point in our conversation, it was not clear how much of what she said was real and how much was to tease me. She told me that she has been considering meeting P (the other local prospect) for lunch next week to see which one (or both) of them she'd prefer to begin a physical relationship with. I asked what would happen if both were good and she replied that I might have to wait a while for a turn with her as there might not often be an opportunity that was outside of one week of her next date. I questioned if she intended to continue the one week prior rule even if she were meeting them more frequently than she did with L (once a month or less often). She said she probably would because she enjoyed the power it gave her knowing how desired she was.
I found that quite interesting because more than ten years ago I stumred upon the website Real Women Don't Do Housework (http://ladymisato.atspace.com/index.html). I found the content - the idea of giving control of our sexual relationship to my wife - all at once enticing and terrifying. I showed it to her one night and was surprised that it was met with relative indifference. Knowing her permisterality, I expected she would have enjoyed the control it could give her. In hindsight, I would guess it was too far from where we were at the time. It came again up from time to time, but only in passing. More recently, there has been a slow evolution in our relationship and I have been hearing her say things that I never would have expected. Usually, I know she means them, but other times she is only saying them for effect knowing they trigger some of my deepest desires. I don't usually question which is the case, instead preferring to enjoy the moment without spoiling the intent. She has said on more than one occasion that she knows what makes me tick and I often wonder how different our relationship will be sometime in the future. It has been quite clear that if we didn't have family obligations, we could live a much more adventurous lifestyle, but we are enjoying what we can do within our limitations.
Posts: 267
#319 · Edited by: nooo
I really can't say that I am surprised by the outcome of our day Friday... Thursday night, we had a general idea of what we wanted to do Friday, but hadn't solidified where or exactly when. It seemed a little strange to me that M hadn't pressed to get the details worked out. Friday morning she received a message from him that his wife had been admitted to a local hospital in the early hours of the morning due to kidney stones (he previously told my wife that his wife had given him permission to see other women as they weren't sexual with each other). We have no way to know if the medical emergency was true or not, it seemed like a long way to go for an excuse to get out of the date, but who knows. I had the feeling all along that the date would not go as planned, even though we had gone through the motions as if it were. So as I mentioned earlier, there was a second local guy who had also been pushing to meet for lunch or takes to get to know my wife. She asked if I thought she should extend an offer to P to meet and when I didn't answer right away, she began rubbing me. Within a few minutes she had me nearly begging her to ask him. She sent him a message asking about his day and if he was free for lunch. He said he was very tied down with work but he would find out if he could slip away for a while. While we waited to hear from him, we continued playing with each other. Finally he came back and said he was beyond frustrated because even though he'd been dying to see her in permister, he simply could not do it this day. We were both so horny that I told her I'd drop her off at his house (he works from home) if he could just get free for a little while. In the end, I had the afternoon to enjoy my wife in a state of great arousal, so I can't really complain. We were a bit surprised that neither of her local options came through, but from what I've read here that isn't unusual. If the first guy was telling the truth, that is understandable, but the second one makes me wonder. If I had been attempting to get together with a woman for at least two months and she suddenly tells me she is willing and horny, I'd find any possible way to make it happen.  Still very aroused, trying to work on her second option.
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Posts: 241
Man, I hope these guys aren't time wasters. It's incomprehensible to me that they wouldn't leap at the chance to get together with your beautiful wife! Why the second guy couldn't take an hour out of his busy schedule is beyond me too. I hope you two have better luck next time.
Posts: 9
Wow if the local guys will not come through, I'm willing to come out for a visit... .great picture just wants to make you drive right in... i sent you a pm
Posts: 328
Hey No
Wanted to say hello it has been awhile. THank you so much for continuing to post updates . YOur journy, your lovely wie and you, have provided inspirationa ndhope for those of us on the same journey
All the Best
Posts: 86
Awesome! Amazing story moving through the years! Nooo please continue writing!
And more creampie pics please : D
Posts: 267
My wife is apparently still in frequent contact with both M and P and intends to meet one or both of them when we can make it work. Last night she put on a pair of spandex leggings knowing that within minutes I'd have my hands on her. As I massaged her legs, she began rubbed my crotch. She said that she'd been talking to M about the team we have seamister tickets to and he expressed an interest in joining us occassionally for a game. We often have friends and family in our section and as she stroked me, my wife said she would get off being able to talk to a lover in front of our family as though he were just one of my friends. I told her it would be even better if they could have just been intimate before the game and as we talked, they could share the secret that he'd just fucked her. Additionally, both M and P have had vasectomies. She is looking forward to the possibility of letting them fuck her until they cum deep inside her, then returning to me with wet panties. The below picture is from our night together a few weeks ago - at the time we thought this was one week prior to her first date. Normally, she keeps herself shaved for me as I greatly enjoy her that way. When I noticed she hadn't shaved, I asked why. She told me that she wanted to make sure that when she shaved for her date, she wouldn't have any left over razor bumps and could get a nice smooth shave. Immediately after taking this picture, she turned over and urged me to fill her from behind. As I did, she continued talking dirty and urged me to empty into her cheating pussy.
Peter C
Posts: 6921
nooo: my wife said she would get off being able to talk to a lover in front of our family as though he were just one of my friends. I told her it would be even better if they could have just been intimate before the game and as we talked, they could share the secret that he'd just fucked her. That would be awesome, having to sit there with your wife's lover in front of your family, especially if he didn't know you knew he'd fucked your wife before the game. Peter C
Posts: 506
@nooo....Great post...how bout having her place her wet creamy panties in your shirt pocket so you could smell the combined scent of her lovers interlude! Win some...
Lose some...
Few are rained out
Posts: 24
great thread! best of luck in your continuing adventures...
Posts: 1076
Great thread! Please share any updates!
Posts: 241
Your thread is my favorite, any new news?
Posts: 2117
Please contiue