Posts: 56
Great news! Happy New Year to you, nooo! 
Posts: 1076
Can't wait to hear how that goes!
Posts: 200
Thanks for the update nooo.
She's lookin' GREAT!
Posts: 267
We've finally gotten to talking about when my wife's next date should be. For various reamisters, it looks like the weekend of Valentine's Day will work best. The symbology of that is not lost on us, I think L had mentioned once before that he enjoyed meeting on holidays like that. Her first date with him was while we were away celebrating our anniversary. While I was sitting at work today, I decided to write an email to L since we hadn't talked in a while. I debated whether I should copy my wife on the email, or let him tell her what I wrote. Out of convenience, I let her read the email here on my computer, and after reading it, she sent it to him. Actually seeing her send it to him after reading it gave me that indescribable feeling you get inside when cuckolding is pleasurable. This is what I wrote:
L, Hi... it's been quite a while since H's last date and for some time it seemed as though our schedules and other conditions would never align. A few nights ago, she brought up the possibility of a meeting in the next few weeks and coincidentally, Valentine's Day weekend seems to be the best choice. Over the last month or so, she has mentioned some things you've talked about trying and they are intriguing. Since it's been a while since her last date, we’ll have to see what everyone's comfort level is but I didn't hear anything that I was opposed to. During your last date when we all had dinner together, I had the most unusual feeling as I got to see my wife sitting across the table from me with her boyfriend. She later told me that it made her feel aroused and somewhat dirty knowing she was with you in my presence and in public. She said that you had discussed doing something similar again this time, but with me driving to the restaurant and the two of you riding in the backseat. It will be hard to focus on the road knowing that you're having fun with my wife right behind me but I wouldn't mind trying! Since we haven't all been together often, each time I see a bit of affection between the two of you, it becomes more real to me that you are her lover. Prior to each of her dates, one of the things I look forward to is when she begins saving herself for you. During this time, she will occasionally give me relief by hand while describing the things she is planning to do with you. The encouragement you gave her to tell me that her pussy is now reserved for you has turned both of us on. I enjoy knowing that even though we are both turned on, she is choosing to wait to build the anticipation for your date. While neither of us are interested in any long-term denial, having her give me a handjob while I would much rather be inside her is wonderful ***. Watching her prepare for your dates is the same way, having mixed emotions as she is looking she so sexy and is going to have a great time, but knowing you will be the one enjoying her, not me. I also enjoyed your suggestion for her to go braless if possible. While she is too modest for anything too outrageous, the sight of her nipples protruding slightly due to her arousal is something I wouldn't ever forget. What she wears is her choice, but I continue to be amazed at what she wore out with you that one night. Well, hopefully our plans work out and we can begin anticipating another exciting weekend.
Posts: 26
From a wife's perspective... I can't tell you what will happen, but I can tell you my permisteral experience and mental struggles with the first time and subsequent times. I was gradually introduced to my husband fantasies, and although he wasn't my first (By a LONG SHOT! :giggle  Once we were married, I took a vow that I strongly believed in. That was my main struggle, even if hubs is okay with it, it's still cheating. He had similar struggles too, but the fantasy got the better of him  . We also have kids and I was worried that once we opened that door, whatever had happened couldn't be undone. The first time was an impromtu arranged by my husband and it was an acquaintance of his, so he had a definite feeling of control over the situation. But after a few more arranged encounters with him by my husband, I was given permission to text him myself. That is where things got tricky. I would say that there will be some boundaries pushed and maybe crossed in the heat of the moment, but the key is you guys constantly talking and staying on the same page. You may have to re-evaluate the situation several times before you both know where the comfort zone is. We have been a cuckold couple for 5 years now and although we don't do anything on a regular basis, it really keeps the spice in the bedroom for the both of us!!! I wish you two the best! I want to watch my wife get absolutely used and creampied by a huge cock
Posts: 267
Thanks for your insight... it is always interesting to hear another point of view. It sounds like we started quite differently (my wife did all of the searching herself) and ended in a similar situation. The part we had trouble balancing initially was the amount of time she spent communicating but we've come to a nice arrangement.
Posts: 267
It has been a long time since my wife's last date (in June) so it is a little hard to believe that we are now one week away from her next one. Last night as we were enjoying our final time together, she told me that she is excited that she'll be enjoying another man next. She told me that she enjoys how he feels different with her and the other things that they do. We haven't done anal very often and she has reserved oral for him, so those are two things she is looking forward to the most. After I gave her a strong oral orgasm, she stroked me to the point that as I entered her for the final time, I could barely last. She said the words I'd been waiting to hear, "after this, my pussy will be off-limits to you" and "it belongs to my boyfriend now". Hopefully this week will contain more excitement as we anticipate what the weekend will bring. I am hoping that sometime mid-week when I am frustrated, she will give me a handjob while once again telling me how she is saving herself for him. Our plans for the weekend are similar to our usual arrangement. Arrive at the hotel, she'll make final preparations. Then off to lunch together and from there she'll be naked the rest of the day in his hotel room. She typically comes to my hotel room briefly before going to bed to give me an update on their day. I love seeing how tired she is from having sex all afternoon/evening. She'll return to him for the night then I'll see her just before checkout. I was just looking at some pictures from her last date. When we got to my hotel room, her panties were soaked from her excitement. I was surprised because I don't remember ever seeing her in that condition without physical stimulation. Having gone seven months without him, I expect she'll be in a similar state this time next week.  Wet with anticipation of her lover
|  Showing off the MMF anklet L got her
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Posts: 241
Great to hear of yout plans nooo. Is the timing right where L will not need a condom? Thank you for sharing all of this with us.
Posts: 267
She has not said if she has looked into the timing. They do not use condoms, he has been taking her bare and pulling out so she can finish him orally. In his reply to the email I posted above, he said depending on where our rooms are in relation to each other, she may have a surprise for me. I don't know what that means but I have a feeling if they do this it will involve his cum on her somewhere. He also said since we aren't quite ready for me to be in the hotel room with them, they had discussed calling me while they are making love. It would be pretty cool to hear that!
Posts: 828
hey nooo thanks for the updates. have a gf whos cucking me and it takes time between 'dates' i know but worth it
Posts: 200
#281 · Edited by: LesM
WOW nooo, this could be a really hot date!
Since they've been together before, they know each other's likes. So it shouldn't take much re-acquainting. These months and months apart must only add to the excitement.
I hope she gives you some good teasing in anticipation. When we shared, I was never a hardcore cuck. But loved whatever gentle teasing my wife could come up with.
Posts: 1076
Can't wait to hear how it goes!
Posts: 267
Thanks for the kind words... unfortunately, timing has gotten the better of us again. We knew my wife's period was coming sometime soon but we were optimistic that it would wait until after her date. It didn't and they discussed whether they would still meet our postpone the date. It was decided that they would wait because they felt it wouldn't be as enjoyable with the limitations on their activities. I suppose they will reschedule sometime in the near future, but I don't know when. When she first emailed me that she was thinking of canceling, my first feeling was relief. As much as I enjoy her dates, there is always a fair amount of stress involved. The more I thought about it though, the more I wish it would have worked out. They had some very interesting plans for this date and each time together pushes our comfort level a little further. She recently told me that while we at dinner together the last time, she rubbed him through his jeans until he was hard. It makes me wonder what would have happened this time as its been so long since our last visit. A few times recently, as she stroked me, she told me how much she wanted to let him have access to her body with me present. And also that she was looking forward to giving him oral, since that is something she has been saving for him. I was was looking forward to that because from the videos she gave me, she has gotten much at it in her time with him.
Posts: 241
Sorry to hear the timing didn't work out for this weekend. Hope you get to be present at least for part of the time when they next get together. That whould be really cool.
Posts: 1512
I love the wet panties. looks so good on her
Posts: 328
Nooo WOW !!  First thank you so much for keeping this thread going. I will be able to catch up with your lovely wife and you! This week. Thanks for posting and sharing. You give those of us who would like to see our wives grow and expierence all that they can be  Thank you Please give my best to your wife Meijer
Posts: 56
More photoes! (Even casual)
Posts: 241
Any news on if a reschedule will work? Their last meeting wa in June? It's almost going to be a year, how can theu stand the wait! Does your wife know you post here? If she's cool with it, it'd be interesting to hear her perspective on what she feels, enjoys, etc.. Thanks for any update and pictures you can provide.
Posts: 267
#289 · Edited by: nooo
Sorry for the delay in updating but there have not been any signifigant updates. On what would have been the night before her date, she decided to give me a handjob. She put on a new full length bodysuit that accentuated her curves and enpowerd that I was not going to be inside her. First, I gave her a masage to enjoy the soft material on her, then she turned her attention to me. As she began to rub me, she told me how much she had been looking forward to what they had planned. She said they wouldn't be able to reschedule until April, about two months away due to L's schedule. As she increased the stroking, I asked if she wanted to wait until her next date for intercourse, not really wanting that but interested to see her reaction and if she would play along. She appeared surprised and asked if I was serious. She then seemed to consider my question and said she probably couldn't wait that long. I suggested that would encourage her to make it happen sooner. I asked, if she could have things the way she wanted, how often would want to see someone else. She said she would ideally like a boyfriend she could see once a week. That frequency surprised me and I asked if that meant I would get handjobs more often if she were getting her needs met elsewhere. She said probably. For now, I guess I wait and see what she comes up with for our next adventure. She has been working out again, which always seems to make her more frisky and in control of what she wants.  Enjoying her hand
|  Love her coming at me like this
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Posts: 1076
Thanks for the pics and the update!
Posts: 56
Awesome pics! 
Posts: 241
Any news? Wow, she would like to see someone once a week, how do you feel about that? Would she consider finding another to make that happen? Thanks again for all your posts!
Posts: 328
Mr and the lovely MS No
Thank you all so much for sharing this adventure with us. From my point of view it gives me hope that one day perhaps my wife will enjoy what MS No has!
Hopefully this summer will continue your adventure and open up new opportuinites for MS No and you.
Al the Best to MS No and you . Please, please keep us updated!
Posts: 267
Sorry for the lack of updates... obviously there hasn't been anything worth of posting in recent weeks.
Once a week... I have very mixed emotions on that. From a practical standpoint there is virtually no way it could be pulled off for any length of time without being discovered. From a purely fantasy viewpoint, it would be very sexy to know that my wife was getting it that frequently, provided we were able to bring some of that excitement into our time together. We generally try to be together once a week but it isn't always possible and if she were spending that much energy outside of the relationship it would be hard for us to remain connected. I love the thought of her being with another man and find it a bit frustrating that she has not been able to in quite a while. I miss the pre-date excitement and also the release afterward.
For the moment, she has been content to chat online and text. She still speaks of getting together with L sometime soon but it is always in general terms so I am not sure what is preventing that. We got quite far along in planning their last date that was cancelled at the last minute and I feel like we lost out on some great memories. From her comments, I have the impression that she is not actively looking for someone new but I would not be surprised if, sometime in the future, a flirty mood is met by an opportunity. She has teased me a couple of times over the last months with a vague email that got my heart rate racing the whole afternoon at work. Even though we are in a bit of a lull right now, I love that she has gotten into the teasing aspect of this and seems to understand better where my fantasies come from.
Posts: 200
Nice to hear from you nooo. Glad you two are still enjoying an aspect of the lifestyle. With my ex, probably 95% of our "activity" was pure fantasy, but it was very erotic and great sex -- just the two of us! 
Posts: 241
nooo, Just wanted to let you know we haven't forgotten you, and the wild adventure you and your wife share.
Posts: 267
It seems as though our adventure has taken a pause. L had been looking for a new job for some time and recently found one powerd him to relocate to another part of the country. My wife had mentioned trying to meet up one last time before he left, but with such short notice and his need to pack, there was no time.
For now, she has continued to text and talk online, but it appears that she won't have someone to meet physically. Time will tell if she decides to look for someone new to fill this void... I will certainly post the details here if (when?) that happens. Regardless, I appreciate all of the comments I've received since beginning this thread and I've greatly enjoyed sharing our details with those of you who have been following.
Posts: 1076
Thanks for sharing!
Posts: 158
No, sorry to hear about starting the whole process over again I'VE been there and done that before. It is hard to find that right fit in more than one one way.....lol.
We did have some pretty great phone sex with him the other night. My wife came while he was telling her what he was going to do to her and I next time he comes to town. watcherdoit4fun
Posts: 267
I have been getting some mixed signals lately. On one hand, she has told me that she is enjoying just emailing and texting and likes the safety of not doing something physical that could be found out. She even closed her Ashley Madimister account, saying that she felt bad that guys were spending money emailing her. Then on the other hand, a couple of nights ago she was giving me a handjob and described how much she wanted to feel another man inside her. She told me that she wished we could travel to see L for the weekend and she could see him again. Unfortunately, travel and getting away from family would be very difficult. She said she wished she had someone that was availale to meet whenever she wanted. I asked, of the people currently available to you, if you were to pick one, who would it be? She got bashful and wouldn't tell me, afraid I'd make fun of her. She finally named the guy I had expected, a coworker of hers. He is married and she does not want to cross that line but she had considered it. When I went to get something from the laundry last night, I noticed she had worn a tiny thong that day. I asked her about it and she said she wore it because she liked the way it kept her horny all day. I don't know if something will develop there, but I have the feeling that when the right oportunity comes along things will probably happen fast.  Another picture of her in one of my favorite dresses
|  she had this on (briefly) with L
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