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Now that she's started, I wonder how far she'll go....

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Posts: 414
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What a great series of events! And well written.

It is going to be very interesting to hear how this progresses, but as you have effectively stated yourself, their "relationship" is rushing forward and now has quite some momentum.

If I was a betting man, I would bet that one day within a month from now, she will arrive home with her breath smelling of his cum.

Be sure to let us know when it happens.


Posts: 267
#2 · Edited by: nooo
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Somehow the first post got deleted. This is a repost of it:
For years, I had fantasized about my beautiful wife taking a lover. Though we had talked about it in bed a few times, nothing more ever came of it. A few weeks ago, the company we both work for installed Instant Messenger on our computers (she works in the office two days a week and two days at home). A few days after we got IM, a coworker began sending her messages. It started innocently enough, but the first day after that she worked at home, his messages turned to asking if she was home alone. She got nervous and backed out of the conversation. That night, I assured her that if she wanted to enjoy some erotic chat, it would not only be ok with me, I'd be turned on at the idea of having a hotwife at home. She asked, “but what if it leads to something else?” I told her that the idea of her being with someone else turned me on but I didn’t know about the reality. I’d have to see how I felt if things progressed that way.
A few weeks later, I could tell she and the coworker had been getting closer. Despite her telling me that she didn't find him that attractive, the number of times his name came up in conversation told me otherwise.

Last night, she told me that if I took our flower out to play for a few hours, I could lick her all I wanted later. Before I could leave, she couldn't keep quiet any longer and sheepishly admitted her talk with J had turned dirty that afternoon. While I was gone, they continued and I had to wait patiently until that night to hear the details. She told me all she could remember little by little as we took our time making love. Perhaps the biggest surprise (other than the fact that she'd gone this far), was how assertive and evasive she was while leading him on. When he teased her about being old (she is 36, he is 25), she replied that with that age came a lot of experience. She hinted that she affairs on me in the past but refused to give any details or let him know if she was serious (she wasn't, she hasn't ever been with anyone but me). We talked that night in the afterglow about whether I'd really be ok with her taking a lover as she was seriously thinking about it.
I awoke this morning feeling aroused, a bit disbelieving that we had gone so far so unexpectedly, and a bit scared wondering what the future held for us. We cuddled tenderly for a while before she whispered if she had known how much it turned me on, she would have cheated on me a long time ago. The weight of that sat on me heavily as she had always professed her faithfulness to me. As long as I had dreamed of her cuckolding me, I knew the most powerful part would not be any of the hundred things I fantasized about, but the things I had not predicted and had no control over. Every update she has given me sends a rush of adrenaline and excitement not knowing what she will say next. I still don't know where this will lead, but it will be fun finding out.

Update: I wrote the above part yesterday morning but didn't have time to post it. A few updates since then... she came in the office today even though she could have worked from home. She showed me his messages teasing her that she came in just to see him. I am trying very hard not to ask her a million times, "what is going on now", but their conversations take place throughout the day and with the speed things began, I am wondering what progression is taking place. We talked over lunch and I told her I wouldn't pest for details as long as she kept me up to date. She also promised to cut and paste any juicy messages to me. I reiterated to her that I was more than ok with what she's done so far. I just asked that if it were to turn physical to allow me to know in advance and be able to enjoy the anticipation with them, at least the first time, I joked. At lunch, she also told me that she couldn't get to relax last night so she went to the living room and texted him for a while. Tonight, she told me she upgraded her cell texting plan this afternoon so she'd have more free texts to send to her niece, mom...... (grinning), him.

Thanks for the kind words!
We both came to bed tonight (second night since this took off) wanting to make love but tired from the days events. As we got off to a slow start, I leaned in close and whispered "you're a lucky woman that he lets you date". I was curious what her reaction would be because we never really talk dirty or roleplay. It obviously had an effect so I continued, "is this the first time someone else has touched your breasts", "do you want me to slide my hand in your panties to feel your married pussy", and "aren't you curious how big I am". Each time her chest would heave and her breath would quicken. You'd be surprised how quickly she pulled me onto her and into her hot pussy! I held on as long as I could before emptying inside her. I slid down, and licked her beautiful creampie until she had an orgasm that left her muscles aching.
Wow... what a great few days its been!


Posts: 2117
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please continue. Have you any pics of your wife to share?


Posts: 1782 Pictures: 16 
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wow this is so hot and i love the way your wife keeps you updated any pic of this lady of yours as she sound like a hot one to me
let me know what you think of my small cock send message on this please
orban victoria


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great thread


Posts: 267
#6 · Edited by: nooo
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She told me this morning that she was watching construction workers going in and out of our neighbor's house, though none of them was especially attractive. She messaged J that she was sitting by the window daydreaming about them, not entirely untrue as her computer is by the window. She told him she wished it were warmer so the workers would be sweaty and she could take them some iced tea.
He has been telling her that he is afraid I will beat him up. She keeps assuring him that I am ok with whatever she does, but he is having trouble believing it. I have only seen him occassionally at work, only when I stop up to visit my wife as his cubicle is right outside hers. I nodded and waved as I left her area the day after they got started but that is the only contact we've had recently. She was wondering if I could let him know that everything is ok with me, I wouldn't mind doing that but it is a bit awkward to say that to someone I've only spoken to once.

Here are two fairly recent pictures to see how sexy she is...
When she dresses like this, I worship her.
When she dresses like this, I worship her.


Posts: 9
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Very nice, following this..!


Posts: 267
#8 · Edited by: nooo
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Thanks for your concern. If there is one thing we are both guilty of, it is being too cautious. We both agreed up front that if anything threatened our family life, everything would stop immediately.
She had a bit of a breakdown tonight, panicing about what kind of trouble she'd be in if his girlfriend or people in our office found out. She spent a another half hour on the phone with J and some time with me settling her nerves. After that, we spent a really tender bit of time together, discussing how far we'd come, and where we were going. If nothing else, it helped her gain some perspective on the changes in our life that have come so quickly. Also, this adventure has allowed us to share our most private inner thoughts with each other without any fear of rejection.


Posts: 267
#9 · Edited by: nooo
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We both had off today, every other Friday is our day to play together. She spent the morning IM'ing J, first apologizing for her panic attack last night, then doing some more aggressive flirting than before. She took a shower and was lying naked on the bed sending messages as I massaged her. I asked if she wanted to throw gasoline on the fire. She asked how and I turned the cell phone she was texting from around as though I was going to take a picture to send him. That got her thinking and after a while, she said she obviously didn't want to send a full body shot or anything identifying so she took this picture and sent it to him without warning. He said he couldn't believe she had done that, now he can't stand up. She responded, "I guess now you know I'm not all talk".



Posts: 2117
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Keep telling us how it its going. It seems to be a cathartic exercise for you, not just a wanking dream lol Good luck


Posts: 3581 Pictures: 10 
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Thanks for sharing your story with us! I do hope that you will soon be able to taste his cum and feel how loose he made your sexy wife.

Here's a thought...... shave your wifes pussy, then wright above it..........
4-J , take a photo and send it to his phone. I'm betting his cock will be burried in her married pussy before the ink has time to wash off.

Best wishes, and have fun!
Cuck who loves a creampie.


Posts: 184
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more please
keep updating
i wish in live close to u


Posts: 267
#13 · Edited by: nooo
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Sorry for the delay in updates, there have been some new things to report.

Friday night (the evening before my above post), we went to a sporting event that we have seamister tickets for. My wife gave J several of our extra tickets - he took his two brothers and wound up sitting a half section over from us. While I had no problem with him being there, I felt very insecure seeing them because I know they were with him one night when he was texting her and they know at least part of the story. J came over to talk to my wife during an intermission while I was on the concourse and I said a few words to him about the game when I returned to our seats.

Saturday night (same night as my above post), she was doing a bit of takeing, trying to avoid dealing with the anniversary of the tragic passing of a family member. She hardly ever takes, and virtually never to the point of being buzzed. She was really lit and was sending J a bunch of messages and flirtatious pictures she found online. He asked for another picture of her. In her condition she didn't want to take any new pics, and instead took cell phone pics of some previous pictures I've taken of her.

Yesterday (Sunday) and earlier today things seemed quieter, or at least g-rated. Tonight, he was pressing her to explain what she meant when she said I was "ok with it" and "encouraging her". I suggested she tell him that I gave her permission to do whatever pleased her, that way it distanced me from the situation, given that he works with us. They began a flurry of text messages after that, I haven't yet heard what all they discussed. I have a feeling that once he realizes that she is the only thing placing limits on what they do, their talk will turn serious rapidly.

This has been such a roller coaster. On one hand, I am thrilled that she is acting on something I dreamed about for years. On the other, I worry that I've introduced something that will bring about negative results or be out of my control, then I think my imagination is getting the best of me and they are just playing around. We've made love five of the last seven days, way more than normal (twice a week would have been a good week previously) and one of the days we didn't was because I begged off. I'd already masturbated earlier thinking we wouldn't have time later and that night she was all over me. I powerd her to wait and the following day she was an natural when we had some time alone. I have yet to figure out if I am in charge of this situation or it is in charge of me.

I like your idea Cuckold4one. When I described her in a post above as texting him on Friday while naked, one detail I left out is that I was doing some close trimming around her pussy as she texted him. While I was doing it, I imagined myself helping her get ready for a date and that was a powerful feeling I won't soon forget. I won't encourage her to send a picture as you've described until I've decided I am absoutely ok with this because I know that will draw them together with majestic power.


Posts: 61
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This thread is really hot. You are experiencing what many of us have been dreaming of for years! And she seems beautiful! Go for it and keep us posted!


Posts: 267
#15 · Edited by: nooo
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I wish I could share some of her text messages here, but they are hard to read, even on her phone because you read one side of the conversation then click, click, click to get the other side. I do have a bit of IM they were sending yesterday and I'll post it below.

My stomach was in knots all morning. Last night after she clarified our situation, they were busy texting for a long time before bed. I know at one point he asked what she was wearing (purple silky pajamas) and then she took a few more random angle shots as a tease. I really assumed that now that he has heard that she is uninhibited by me that things will escalate rapidly. She said they did send some barbs back and forth today but nothing has really changed. I had a long two hour meeting this morning and spent virtually all of it trying to figure out if I were asked right now whether I wanted this to really happen or not. I honestly can not decide, it is the weirdest thing. On one hand, if she tells me it has been fun playing but her morals won't let her act on it, I will probably breathe a huge sigh of relief, give her a long hug and have a tiny bit of regret it won't be happening. On the other hand, actually preparing her for a lover and then seeing the telltale signs afterward would be the deepest thing I ever experience sexually, but I am terribly scared of the unknown aspects of this and of things that will undoubtably arrise. One thing I have realized is if they do this, and if it goes well, they will likely want to try it again. This could open the door to an open-ended arrangement. During my agonizing meeting, I came to the conclusion that I can't decide which path I would take, but I'd probably be a whole lot more calm if I knew where this is headed.

text between them yesterday, wrapping up details of the weekend...

My wife [7:49 AM]: So how much trouble are you in because of me?

J [7:50 AM]: we got in a little fight last night haha

My wife [7:51 AM]: Ouch...sorry. Tell her I won't text you anymore

J [7:51 AM]: don't be crazy she has to grow up

My wife [7:52 AM]: What did she say?

J [7:54 AM]: that i'm obsessed with you... and i talk to you more than i talk to her
but she says that about all chick friends that i have...

My wife [7:55 AM]: Oh, cuckolds brownie!

My wife [8:02 AM]: I won't text you anymore or not nearly as much if she's upset.

J [8:02 AM]: it's fine!! i'll deal with her haha

My wife [8:04 AM]: Alrighty then..............

J [8:04 AM]: so... M doesn't know that you sent me those pics, right?

My wife [8:06 AM]: I'm just thankful she didn't see the picS! Ouch....was a little takes at the time...........

J [8:06 AM]: Hahaha!!
whoa... so M knows you sent that?!?

My wife [8:07 AM]: no......a little takes.......

J [8:07 AM]: oh... thank god hahaha

My wife [8:08 AM]: Told you my side was fine. wouldn't do it if it wasn't.

J [8:08 AM]: so he wouldn't care that you sent me that?

My wife [8:09 AM]: No.

My wife [8:11 AM]: I don't take much and when I do....common sense does not exist.

J [8:12 AM]: i'm just having a hard time beleiving M wouldn't care that you sent that...

My wife [8:12 AM]: Ask him!

J [8:13 AM]: no thanks
I'm just having a hard time beleiving you
i think you're b-s-ing me... just so i don't panic...

My wife [8:16 AM]: He's not jealous. He knows our marriage is solid and nothing to worry about. I swear to you!
It is actually is helping us as screwed up as that sounds.
I don't know what to do to convince you.

J [8:18 AM]: well then i'm glad to help

My wife [8:18 AM]: Yeah, but I'm causing hell on your end!

J [8:19 AM]: nope
so... what else do you have to send...?

My wife [8:23 AM]: Nothing until I'm takes again...


Posts: 267
#16 · Edited by: nooo
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Advice, suggestions, congrats, they are all welcome! I enjoy posting here because this is probably the only place I'll find like-minded people (at least ones who will admit it).

We have talked about how it would have been much nicer if this had started with someone outside of work, but this opportunity presented itself with someone she already knew and trusted. I fully understand what you're saying about her working with him, but this situation is slightly different in that she only works in the office two days a week and I work in the same office all week. The awkwardness is already there, for me at least as I saw him two or three times in passing today. I think if it ever were to become real, he and I would probably have to address the fact that I know and am fine with them. My wife and I would certainly have at least one serious talk about everything to be sure we were completely sure of ourselves.
My wife and I both woke up early and spent some time in bed cuddling and talking things over this morning. We really have become so much closer and in a bunch of ways I feel I have been stepping up my attention to her. She told me they were still just flirting around and hadn't talked about anything serious, but the tone of their talk deepens slightly from day to day. After our talk, she left her cell phone in the bathroom "accidently" for me to see their messages from last night (normally the phone is never more than 1' from her). There wasn't anything too serious, but it did turn me on to see the familiarity between them. I still can't figure out what is with him. When I was 21 (I said in the first post he is 25, she has since told me otherwise), if any woman from 18 to 45 told me she was available I would have immediately tried to find out how soon and how often.

Tonight, we just had a talk. She was telling him this afternoon that she is enjoying their conversations and it is just that for now but that some of the things he said made her wish for more. Hearing that made me realize that she and I need to have a thorough discussion about whether or not we can really go through with this as she is opening a door that will quickly lead to more. I told her if we decided to go through with it, it would be the largest turn-on for me, but at the same time the unkown terrified me and we wondered if it was better to leave it where it is. I hate to be indecisive with what I tell her, especially since this was my idea originally. She told me that nothing would ever happen unless we were both ok with it. She's been texting him for the last hour, I am wondering what she'll tell me they are up to.


Posts: 61
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If she is 36 and he is 21, then I cannot see that there is any big risk that you will loose her to him. The only risk could be that he may tell others at the office about his luck. That may or may not be a turn-on to the two of you? Keep us posted! Hot thread!


Posts: 267
#18 · Edited by: nooo
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She has clarified to him right from the start and several times since then, that we are solid and happy with no plans of splitting and anything that happened had to remain casual.

A common theme in stories I read is the wife allowing her lover be the first to do something with her or doing something with him she doesn't do with her spouse. I guess I had a taste of that today. When I came home from work, I could tell she had something to share but I waited until she couldn't keep quiet any longer (she sucks at keeping secrets).

They were flirting while she was home alone and she said something about him rubbing her. He replied he'd love to rub her all over, etc. There was a several minute pause before her next response in which she said, never mind, I took care of it. He asked if she had really taken care of herself and she said she got so turned on thinking about what he told her that she couldn't help it. I've often wondered when and how often she masterbated but never really asked as I was didn't really want to offer up what I was doing. I can't believe she told him she took care of herself that openly.

She did give me a bit of bad news last night though. I was describing how I envisioned their night, were it ever to happen. She told me there was no way she could have me part of her getting ready. For one thing, she said she feel terrible thinking about me home alone, and she would be so nervous that their first time would have to be more spontaneous than that or she'd chicken out. That bummed me out, as I pictured half of the fun would be shaving her, helping her dress, then seeing her off ready to make love.


Posts: 267
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That was kind of my thought, as we said before, if it happens once it will more than likely happen again and she will hopefully be less inhibited then. It did take a little of the excitement away, as I was thinking we could get some new lingerie especially for the event.

It has been hard to read her the last day or two... but I know her period is due any day now. That will probably put things on hold for a little while. She has been giving me mixed messages, on one had saying they are still just fooling around and far from acting on it, then I see the progression of their talk. I asked her what would happen if they wind up in the elevator together (a quick kiss and grope is something we like to do when the work day gets too boring). She said he is still kind of bashful with her in permister despite talking a lot braver when texting.

One other thing, she's been working hard to take off her winter weight the last few weeks. She is trim and curvy for her size, but usually puts on a few (5~10) pounds during the cold months. I first noticed shortly after they began messaging that she seemed to be a little thinner, then a few days later it was more obvious. She has been motivated to get her body back and at the rate she is going, within couple of weeks she'll be at the best I've seen her in several years. The picture of her in the boots above is from two years ago, and she is probably a little more trim than that today. No, she's not trying to get ready for anything. Or is she?


Posts: 683
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I am enjoying your thread very much. It sound to me that she is enjoying the attention she is getting from a younger man. It makes her feel wanted, sexy, etc in a different perspective then with you. As a result she is making herself even more attractive with the weight loss even though she would have done that anyway. This is providing her that extra incentive. She sounds a bit nervous taking it from the texting to in permister but it also appears it will occur on her term. When appropiate assure her your support in taking this step and you are only thinking of her joy as well as you are not looking for something extra only for her to be pleased. This may assist in her comfort level initiailly for some physical fun with her BF and eventually allowing you more of a role in their relationship. Look for you next update and if you have any other pics to share would love to see them.


Posts: 267
#21 · Edited by: nooo
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Thanks, I am glad people are interested and this isn't too tame to be interesting here. I remember seeing a similar story on a related website about a year ago and I remember clearly being able to feel the angst of the writer as the details of his wife's affair unfolded day by day.

You are absolutely right, she is really enjoying the newness of another (younger) guy making her feel sexy and wanted. Tuesday morning, I talked her into putting her hair up to go to work. She also decided to wear some knee high boots and she was quite impressed with the level of attention she got from several guys in her department, including J (she said he spent quite a bit of time describing where he'd most like her boots.. on the floor next to his bed, on his shoulders, etc).

One of the things we discussed a long time ago was that I had been with 6 or 7 women before her, but her only sexual experience has been with me. She has been saying that is one of the things that turns her on the most - to imagine what it would be like to make love to someone new.

mred4682 - I am envious that you are able to watch your wife. Ideally that would be my preference, but it would be too inhibiting for all of us. I have not yet felt comfortable having my wife tell him that this turns me on as well, so she has explained that I am fine with whatever she wants to do. If it were someone I didn't see from day to day, I wouldn't mind being up front with the situation. By coincidence, J arrived at our company cafeteria just behind me at lunch time today. I made a bit of small talk before he walked away uncomfortably. If things were to happen with them, I think he and I would have to make peace with the fact that I know and approve.

I have looked all around for any pictures to share. Unfortunately, she doesn't like to take too many... I have some I've taken over the years, but most are either not flattering angles (now that she is looking really good), or too tame. Here are a few I can share. These shots were from Saturday when she was takes-texting J. I laid in between her legs for quite a while, massaging them and rubbing her through her panties.
texting J
texting J
my favorite place
my favorite place


Posts: 15
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you are a lucky man. can't wait to hear what happens


Posts: 184
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how old are you guys ?


Posts: 61
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***** MILF!


Posts: 267
#25 · Edited by: nooo
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About our ages - I am 39, my wife is 36 and J (her boyfriend ) is 21. We love joking with each other like that, about him... this morning I was telling her that I was lucky to have such a great wife, so pretty and loving, even if she isn't faithful.

mred- maybe I don't like surprises as much as most people - I am enjoying every step of this but if I could know what the final outcome was going to be, I'd really be able to relax and get to appreciate all of it more completely. I have been so tense at times trying to figure this out. What makes it especially difficult to predict is if I were betting on her past history, I'd put my life savings on this never being more than a flirtatious event. On the other hand, I never would have predicted that she'd: send dirty messages to a coworker, be getting turned on by his advances, send him pictures of herself... especially not taking ones herself to send to him, or admit to masterbating while thinking about him.

She was telling me this morning that her weight loss was definitely related to the young guys in her office. When she realized that even at 36 she could have them paying attention to her, it motivated her to look her best now while she still can. I am amazed at the subtle changes in her. She has dressed slightly sexily sometimes in the past, usually with a tight skirt or boots but now she really makes sure she looks her best. Most of the shirts she has been wearing to work recently show off her cleavage well. She is only 5'-0", so having a slightly low cut shirt really puts her round breasts on display nicely.
She usually ends her period really horny since she's gone nearly a week without sexual relief. I am trying to fuel her fires this weekend and I am anxious to see how she lets it out in a few days. I am planning on being encouraging and supportive of whatever she comes up with and see where this swing takes us.


Posts: 24
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Great story hearing this unfold. I hope things continue to go well for you.

Your wife is incredibly beautiful and I love her choice of clothes. You and J are very lucky!


Posts: 267
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Thanks, ev61_3... I love seeing her in stretchy and shiny clothes because they make her curves look great!

mred4682 - I have told her that she is good to keep going as she sees fit and we'll continue talking as they move on to make sure we're both ok with what is happening. As far as me actually telling her I want them to do it? I have said it is up to her and I will enjoy seeing where this will take us. So far I haven't had to push any (and I am not sure if I want to) because she seems to be letting this advance as she feels comfortable. I do have a feeling that any day now he will begin asking seriously if and when they will do anything physically. That is when we will have to resolve ourselves to a decision about how and when and where it could happen.

I didn't think I'd have anything interesting to update yesterday as my wife told me that they were just doing their usual flirting during the day. We had just about fallen arelax when her cell phone vibrated - J wanted to continue a discussion they began earlier about what he'd like to do with "her tight little sexy body". I was spooning closely against her alternating between running my hand over her body and holding her breasts as they messaged back and forth. When he began talking about paying close attention to her orally, I could feel her nipples tighten into hard nubs. We laughed that there was no hiding the effect he just had on her. As they wrapped up their discussion, she rolled over and relieved me with a nice hand job. She is really good with her hands.
A few years ago, we played with teasing and denial for a while. She enjoyed reading in bed so I'd give her a massage each night then hold her as she read. She'd often reach back and masterfully bring me to the edge before stopping. It was delightful ***... after the first time she did it, I pressed tight against her (rock hard) all night and her every movement gave me a shockwave of excitement. The next day at work, my thoughts were only about her. She repeated that several days in a row and by the time she released me I would have done anything for her. She refined her technique and got to where she could build me to a great edge as quickly or slowly as she wanted. We still play with this occassionally, mostly on nights when I am horny but for whatever reamister we aren't both going to have sex (I prefer to only have an orgasm on a night when we both can have one).

She started this morning by sending me a picture of her cleavage to see what I thought of it before she sent it to J. Shortly after she came into the office, he told her she needed to be a good girl today because the way she was dressed was giving him thoughts that would get them both fired. She had her hair up again, a lower cut shirt with a satin tank top under it, a medium length skirt with thigh-highs and boots.

I still find it unusual (but enjoyable) when she has me help her with the wording of her messages to him. I enjoy helping her find the words she is looking for and also helping her decipher what he means sometimes. I have been trying to give her a little more room for privacy instead of asking what she is sending him and she's been good about giving me the interesting things they discuss. She was telling me last night that she is enjoying the idea of being with someone new but she sure she wants it to be him (not quite her type, but possibly doable). Maybe that is a good thing because if not, I'm sure they would undoubtably be lovers by now.


Posts: 267
#28 · Edited by: nooo
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Well, nothing signifigant has happened lately. Two mornings ago, we were talking in bed and she said as much as I want this to happen, she doesn't think he is going to be confident enough to act. She said for as strongly as he talks while messaging, in permister he is not as brave. Surprisingly, this has almost made her more determined and last night she was saying what do I have to do to get him to do me. I asked if she thought that meeting him outside of the office to get something to eat or something like that might help to break the ice. Seeing this new side of my wife is amazing. She also told me last night that she wishes she had known sooner that I would be alright with her dating. We had talked about it in bed a few times but she assumed it was only for the moment. It is a turn on to see her lost in thought texting or talking to J. She and I are closer than ever and at the same time, she is acting independently more than ever. I keep looking at how perfect her body is now that she is toned up and imagine how much fun a new guy will have with her.
Yesterday my wife was not working at all. Out of nowhere, J sent me an IM about something I am involved in outside of work. We talked for a while and I did my best to hint that she is enjoying his company and he is good for her without blatantly saying it over the company computers. I am hoping that our talk will help relieve him of guilt if that is what is holding him back.


Posts: 267
#29 · Edited by: nooo
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I have brought up the idea of Ashley Madimister or AFF but at this point, she is very leary of meeting someone online. This situation with J just presented itself to her nicely and in a non-threatening way. I haven't written it off yet, as they are still very close, I'm just not sure where it is going.

Over our 16 years together, there were a lot of times that our love life was rather unfulfilling and disconnected (mostly in the early part of our marriage). Over the last 3~4 years, we've made a lot of progress finding what works for each other and this recent step of her looking outside of our relationship for romance has brought us to an entirely new level. She got out of bed this morning to ride her excercise bike while I was still resting. An hour later, this stunning woman came back into the room with tight spandex workout clothes and sweat in her cleavage. She climbed on top of me powerfully and I laid there in amazement looking at how she'd been transformed, both in body and attitude. I am going to be so proud to hear her tell me every detail of the first time a new guy slides inside of her.

We spoke at length again last night and the one thing I have been trying to figure out is what is different about me to be pushing for this. Initially, it was a deep-seeded fantasy to think about her with someone else, but now that there is the potential for it to really happen, I wonder what is it about cuckolds that they enjoy what 99% of men would get violently mad about? For the last week, I have had my mind made up that I really want her to do this and I have felt like a kid waiting for his birthday party and get excited at her every update.
Trying to find clothes J will enjoy seeing her in at work
Trying to find clothes J will enjoy seeing her in at work
I am a very lucky guy...
I am a very lucky guy...


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#30 · Edited by: nooo 
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Now that she's started, I wonder how far she'll go....
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