Posts: 596
'First I'm going to put a condom on your little willy. You know why? Because, you lucky slave, you're going to get the chance to put that tiny little thing inside me. Isn't that wonderful? You have John to thank for that. Remember he still ownes me until tomorrow. So he's aloowing you to put your little thing into his woman isn't he? So you just make sure to let him see how grateful you are. I know you don't like condoms but that was his condition. You can't expect to have the same rights as him now can you?' 'There we go. Oh look at him standing up all straight and stiff. He looks like a little toy soldier on guard duty doesn't he? Oh, now he's twitching. I think we'd better move on before you have an accident hadn't we?' 'Ok head strap off and mask too. There'. The air was cold on my face and the sudden light caused me to screw my eyes shut. When I opened them her beautiful face was staring down at me. Oh cuckolds brownie! He came up beside her and put his arm around her. As he helped her onto the bench she straddled my hips and took my pulsing cock in one hand pulling her thong to one side with the other. 'Ok darling up you get,' she said to him. As he faced her and mounted my chest I noticed with horror that he was completely naked. My gorgeous wife was still wearing her latex dress. As I felt my long denied manhood slip easily between the hot lips of her pussy. Instantly I forgot about him. I closed my eyes and entered heaven. As I opened them hoping to make eye contact with my darling wife my vision was filled instead by the sight of her lover's hairy ass descending onto my face. 'Remember your promise slave,' I heard her warn. 'Show John how grateful you are for this great priveledge. His his ass and thank him'. Fuck! You would think that would be enough to wilt my poor erection wouldn't you? But it didn't. As my treacherous spouse sat there laughing at me my cock twitched harder still every time her stomache muscles contracted.
Posts: 596
Surely I couldn't cum like this! But even as my feelings of offense reached hitherto unknown peaks I realised she had more for me. 'Sit on his face baby. I'll give you a nice suck. Slave, slave can you hear me?' 'Yes maam'. 'I want your worthless tongue in my lovers ass do you understand? Right inside as far as it will go. My baby's going to have the best orgasm ever with my lips around his cock and your tongue up his ass. You, on the other hand, are going to have the worste orgasm ever, that is, if you manage to cum at all, because I'm not going to help you. The only thing I'm going to move is my head on my lovers big cock. You'll have to make do with the thought of what he's feeling. How good is your imagination cucky?' So there I lay. My desperate cock inside the unmoving velvet folds of my unfaithful wife's pussy and my face wedged between the slippery sweaty, hairy ass cheeks of her lover. As her sucking took him to the edge his sphincter muscles spasmed around my aching tongue. His hips thrust upwards granting me little gasps of air as he came with a deep satisfied groan. After maybe twenty vulgar thrusts he was done. His ass sank heavily onto my face, blotting out all light and air. As I began to panic the sweet sound of my darling wife's laughter reached my ears and the pulses of her stomache muscles once more worked their magic. Groaning the last of my air into her lover's unyielding ass cheeks I came......and came.....and came. I thought I would never stop. I felt like I might die like that but I didn't care. My only regret was that I wouldn't get the chance to tell her how good it felt and how much I loved her. Then suddenly the spell was broken and cool fresh air hit my face. Like a drowning man I gasped it in, suddenly glad to be alive. He climbed off me and kissed my wife before leaving. She sat smiling down at me before carefully dismounting and walking after him. 'Please maam,' I called. 'I love you'. 'Good slave,' she answered. 'Good cucky slave'.
Posts: 53
SOOOOOOO f'ing good!!!
Posts: 596
I must have drifted into an exhausted relax as I was woken by my wife releasing me. I wanted so much to hold her but she laughed and insisted I shower first. I guess I was a bit of a mess. She was waiting for me in bed when I came out of the bathroom. As I climbed in beside her I was shaking with emotion. 'He's gone now baby, gone for good. I love you so much'. That had us both crying as we desperately hugged and kissed. The exhaustion of our long game kicked in and we both fell, almost instantly, into a deep relax. The next morning I decided, before picking up the kids, to make love to my gorgeous wife for the first time in months! I wanted her so much! She came on my fingers as we kissed then again on my tongue. When it came time to penetrate her hot wet pussy though, I realised there was a problem. I'd been rock hard throughout our petting but now the moment had arrived, my erection vanished. My wife was understanding and loving but somehow that just made it worse. For months she'd been fucked senseless by a huge seemingly ever hard cock. Now she was reduced to my pathetic limp half size member. I tried everything and so did she, but I couldn't get the thoughts out of my head. How could I ever compete with what she was used to now? What had we done? Over the next couple of weeks we tried again twice, with no success. I did my best to please her in other ways but my inability to perform had me desperate and ashamed. Then one night, after another failed attempt she took my cock in hand and, instead of consoling and reassuring me, she began to humiliate me. 'I guess we really did a number on you didn't we. Some husband you are. Maybe I should get my lover back to show you how to do it'. Bingo! I was as hard as steel! She went on stroking me, pushing me away when I moved to get inside her. 'You don't deserve to put that little thing inside me. You're pathetic. I wish I had John here instead of you'. That was it! Finally, she gave in and let me mount her. I was spewing semen as soon as my twitching cock touched the velvet lips of her pussy! As I groaned my release my lips sought hers but she turned her head away, rejecting me, driving my passion to new heights as I thrust desperately against her beautiful unresponsive body. Afterwards, as we lay together, I apologised. She just laughed and snuggled up to me saying everything was fine. I knew it wasn't though, not nearly, not at all.
Posts: 596
Over the next few days I thought long and hard. I loved my wife so much and wanted, above all, to see her happy. She said she was but I couldn't help wondering. When her parents took the kids away for the day I decided desperate situations called for desperate measures. I told myself I was doing it for her but I think I knew the truth. I needed it too. Oh boy how I needed it! I could think of nothing else! So, I walked into the lounge where my wife was on the phone to friend. As she looked up she paused in her girly chat then suddenly said, 'I'll call you back Sue, something just came up'. I was standing in front of her dressed in my maids outfit. Dropping to my knees I crawled forward to kiss her delicate perfectly painted toes. 'What's all this about?' She asked me. So I explained. How I'd been wrong to think nothing had changed. It had. I had. So had she. The experience had been too intense. We couldn't go back, we couldn't pretend it never happened. So we talked. Her sitting comfortably and me on my knees in front of her. I swore my love and devotion and explained my desperate need to see her happy. By happy I meant fulfilled, as a woman, sexually. She was just to beautiful, to hot, to be wasted on a man who couldn't even get an erection for her. She was upset at first and kept telling me she didn't mind, that she only wanted me to be happy, that she loved me so much! Eventually I made her understand. The only thing that could truly make me happy was to see her happy. Then I admitted how much I needed the offense, how the frustration she'd subjected me to was painful but so adictive. She eventually admitted how much it had turned her on to do the things she'd done, to treat me like a worthless slave. Finally, she said she would think about it. She said it was too big a decision to rush into. A chill filled my inards and my cock hardened as she warned me, 'If we both decide to do this you have to understand something. It would be for good, permanent. It's too powerful, the feelings and emotions. I walked away from it once because I love you so much. I don't think I could walk away from it again. Not even if you begged me. Do you understand?' 'Yes I do. I love you so much,' I replied. 'We'll give it a couple of weeks to allow us both to be sure, ok?' 'I'm already sure, but, if that's what you want, I'll wait'. 'Ok. Now, while you're suitably dressed why don't you make me some lunch. Then there's the ironing to do and that kitchen floor could do with a polish'. So much for waiting, I thought. 'It's your own fault. I can't resist bossing you around when you're dressed like that. When you're finished the kitchen floor why don't we spend the rest of the afternoon in bed. I'll put my maids uniform on too. We can pretend we're a couple of naughty lesbian maids'. Wow, what a woman! I felt so lucky to have her. She was so wasted as a vanilla housewife. My resolve was further strengthened. We would do it, I was sure. She would take her rightful place as my cuckolding godess and I would be her devoted, frustrated, humiliated and used slave. For ever.
Posts: 116
Very well written!
Posts: 596
No questions or suggestions guys? I hope I'm not boring you all. Oh well, I'll just answer that last one of my own and leave it there I guess. How often do I get relief? My wonderful wife and her jealous lover decided that I should have to get permission from both of them before I can enjoy draining my backed up load. He decided that I have to beg her for permission with his cock in my mouth. She teases me with, 'Sorry honey I can't make out what you're saying. Try again. If you weren't such a little cock sucker I might be able to understand you'. Then she decided I have to beg him with my tongue in his ass. It gets him hard straight away so my unfaithful wife is usually on her knees in seconds, slurping away at his monster. With such stimulation at both sides he is hardly going to be interested in my muffled pleadings! If I'm lucky, when he's gone, my mistress wife will order me to the bathroom. There I have to turn on the shower, cold water only, before standing over the toilet bowl and wait for her. She usually goes off to get changed. She'll have been wearing something sexy for him and she likes to make it clear that I am not worth such effort. So, dressed down, or sometimes just in an old dressing gown and worn slippers, she'll eventually join me in the bathroom where I stand, shivering with pent up excitement. She wears a pair of yellow rubber washing up gloves, the only time she has any use for such items as I do all the washing up. Without ceremony she unlocks my cage before standing behind me, reaching round and giving my bursting cock a few quick disinterested pulls. After weeks of frustration and teasing that's all it takes. As soon as she sees the signs, my groans intensifying, my hips thrusting sorry...she leaves go and comes around front to watch me dribble uselessly into the toilet bowl. My eyes closed I cry out my love for her as she coldly spits in my face. In my state of utter subjucation to her I welcome her saliver and the disdain it signifies. Without delay I am immediately ordered into the shower. It's freezing! She likes to have me turn it on in advance so that it takes away any small amount of enjoyment I might get from my release. She's right too. It's hard not to think about that freezing water as the sound of it fills the bathroom while my mistresses expert hand does it's reluctant work. Coldly and efficiently my darling wife has miked me and coldly and efficiently the freezing water robs me of my rare erection together with any chance of post coital relaxation. As I stand under the streaming jets watching my poor deprived cock shrivel I can't help thinking about the warm embraces, the soft loving kisses, the gentle words of love that her lover enjoys after he has cum inside one of my beautiful wife's welcoming holes. I'm not allowed to touch myself so, once dried, I have to stand and watch my mistress lock my cock away once more, depriving me of the most basic of rights and smiling coldly as she does so.
Posts: 596
When this cruel ritual began I was allowed five minutes of stimulation from her tiny rubber encased fingers. It had been just a week since I'd cum, I was so nervous and keen to please her......I failed to cum in time. My wife, in her wisdom, decided that meant I didn't need to cum so often. I had to wait two weeks for my next oportunity. That time I came in four minutes. She decided then that she obviously did not need to waste a full five minutes on me. I was informed that, in future, failure to cum within the time allowed would result in the period between milkings being doured. If, on the other hand, I was stupid and disrespectful enough to cum early, then my allotted time would be halved next time. So, after being allowed five minutes and cumming in four, my next session would be reduced to two and a half minutes! I didn't make it. I kept loosing focus, glancing at the alarm clock my mistress stood on the shelf above the toilet. I couldn't fucking concentrate for worrying about the time! So, next occassion would remain two and a half minutes but I would wait four weeks for it! I was determined to ignore the clock next time. All I had, after four long weeks of frustation, was two and a half lousy minutes! I had to get the best out of them! I would have done it too. At two minutes I could feel the sperm boiling in my blue sore balls. I just had to hold on for another few seconds! Then.....her fucking cell fone rang. The bitch actually stopped and answered it too! I could tell it was him. He must have known. The bastard couldn't even allow me two and a half minutes with my wife! I was actually glad of the freezing jets of water as they covered my tears of frustration and cooled my fruitless anger. As my darling wife coldly refitted the damnable cage I contemplated eight long weeks of chastity before I could hope for just two and a half minutes of my beautiful wife's attention!
Posts: 596
You won't be surprised to hear that I didn't last the full two and a half minutes, so.....yea, you guessed it. I had eight more unbearable weeks of being deprived of my darling wife's attentions before I could hope for just seventy five seconds of her attention. Seventy five fucking seconds!!! I did it though. I swear I timed it perfectly. I didn't cum too soon or too late. Right on the tick of seventy five seconds my poor unloved cock began to spurt its frustration. Still my wife wasn't happy. Instead of allowing me to get what enjoyment I could from my ruined orgasm, she shouted at me and pushed me into the shower. My cock was dribbling onto the bathroom floor as I stumred to the shower cubicle, which only served to make her more angry. I was in trouble and I knew it. She made me wait in trepidation for a couple of hours before she called me to the lounge. As I knelt humbly at her feet she ignored me until the programme she was watching on tv was finished then her cold stare transfixed me. 'I won't have you breaking my rules slave'. 'Please maam, I didn't, I promise!' 'Cumming after your time is up is a serious offence slave and will be punished very,very severely. If you lie to me it will be even worse for you. Did you spurt your worthless slime after your time was up?' 'No maam, honestly It started well before the time was up, I promise!' 'Good. I'll take your word for it.' Phew, that was lucky, I thought. I had no desire for a serious hiding from my wife or, worse still, her lover. My ass was still sore from the beating he gave me nearly a week ago for not doing a satisfactory job lickng the tyres of his car clean. 'However, since, by your own admission, you came early.....'. What? 'You know the penalty slave. You may, if your behaviour is sufficiently goo to warrant it, approach John and I with a request to have your pathetic little dribble in eight weeks time. If we are generous enough to allow it... you will have thity eight seconds'. What the fuck?! 'It should really be thirty seven and a half, but I'm too soft on you aren't I? Pardon?' 'Yes maam, thank you maam'. 'Anyway, the clock doesn't register half seconds. Now get out of my sight before I change my mind and punish you anyway'. So, that's where I am. Beingteased and humiliated, ***d and frustrated every minute of every day.. for eight weeks. For what? Thirty eight seconds. Can you imagine that? Can you even begin to understand the despair that fills me with...or the longing lust it generates within me for that woman?! You know the really soul destroying bit? The thing that has me constantly feeling like I'm going to actually explode with sexual tension? It's not just a one off. Even if I can time my sad excuse for an orgasm well enough to keep her happy....the most I will ever have is thirty eight seconds every eight weeks! And what if I fail! What if I can't cum quickly enough...then it's sixteen weeks before my poor abandoned cock will see dailight again. If I cum too early? The next time will be nineteen seconds! Could you cum in nineteen seconds? Even after sixteen weeks of chastity, could you? Spare a thought for me next time you cum. Next time you enjoy a full blown orgasm. Inside a tight warm pussy or just between your own fingers. Enjoy it like I never will.
Posts: 46
This story is just perfect. Thanks blue and please write more ! (a sequel to this story or a new one)
Posts: 19
Thanks so much, I've adored this story, all the way. I love the attention to offense - you had to lick your Master's tyres clean - fantastic!
Posts: 9
what an amazing story you are living. You are so lucky to have such a Mistress/wife and Master.
Please continue your story.
I do have many questions to ask. Here are a few: a) do people/family/friends in your family know about the true nature of the relationship? What do they think? How do you handle it? b) what will happen if your Mistress and Master want to live together in the future? Has this been discussed? c) have your kids figured anything out?
Regards, sklavos
Posts: 596
sklavos, thanks for the questions which I'll answer in reverse order. No, the kids know nothing and never will. They are our top priority and will remain so. I'asked my wife about the possibility of leaving me for her lover. She said quite simply, why? She has everything. A secure loving home life with a devoted husband and lovely kids. Also she has a dominating lover who drives her wild in bed. She wants both. Why would she give one up. On top of that, she says that a large part of the reamister she gets so hot with him is that she thinks of what she is doing to me. If she left me she couldn't do that. Her two relationships depend on each other. Finally, the only permister who knows anything about our lifestyle is her lady. She actually caught my wife in bed with John. Maybe I'll tell you about it some time.
Posts: 9
Thanks for the reply. All I can say is that you are lucky and you have the best of both wolrds. The fact that your Mistress is not willing to jeopardise the family and that She knows that She (and you) have the best of both worlds is tremendous.
I would be very interested to hear about what your lady in law saw and what she thinks.
i also have the following questions to ask: a) what is your relationship with your Mistress' lover? Is He officially your Master? How far could things go with this relationship? b) apart from your Mistress' plans, how do you want the situation to evolve in the future? Do you want further changes to be made or for things to stay as they are? c) you mentioned that all accounts and assets are now in your Mistress' name. How does that affect your day to day life and how will it affect your future?
Many thanks, sklavos
Posts: 596
I'll be happy to answer your questions soon. For now here is a pic my unfaithful wife sent to my phone. She told me she was staying the weekend at John's place and had bought a new outfit for his enjoyment. I guess this is it!
Posts: 9
wow... Your Mistress is a Goddess and I understand why you worship Her. I also understand your pain and lust, Her excitement knowing that She has the best of both worlds, Her lover's desire to keep things going for ever.
I will wait for your answers.
Regards, sklavos
Posts: 21
Blue, This was an outstanding story. It had all the terrific elements of the lifestyle and then some. Where your story really excells over other ones is your excellent character development. I just love how you involve the bull in the offense and discipline of the cuck. I hope in the sequel you will expand on that theme even more. I cant wait for your next writing!!!
Posts: 178
I guess the basic question for a situation like the one you depict here, blue, is how this situation could keep itself in the long run. The kids will grow up enough to notice what is going on sooner or later, and your communication lines with your wife seem to be pretty much non-existent by now (I even wonder how you could ask her if she ever would leave you -- unless you have out-of-character moments, how would you ever dare ask her a question?...).
A psychologist who works with alternative lifestyles once wrote here in this website (in ValGal's thread, Losing interest in hubby) that dismayingly often relationships in which the submissive partner wanted to be an insignificant little ***d nothing to the dominant partner ends up actually losing the dominant partner's respect and therefore also any need (i.e. the 'I get hotter thinking of what I'm doing to you' becomes non-hot once the submissive have no dignity left -- it's no longer a real offense, just his/her nature), so that the relationship ends up failing. The most successful ones seem to be those in which communication lines and respect for each other's true selves is always kept at a healthy level.
But as far as fantasy goes... I have nothing to complain.
Posts: 9
how are things going? Any updates? I know that I am dying for an update.
Posts: 596
I've decided not to update here - sorry. Instead my wife is going to take over. Watch out for a new title under my name.
Posts: 152
Thanks Blue. I hope you don't get upset if we feed her more ideas on how to humiliate, debase, and torment you Of course given what you two already got going on, I guess it will be pretty hard to top what she is doing already. Thanks for all your writing, and for sharing all your suffering, anguish, and PASSION with us!.
Posts: 793
Very good writing