Posts: 596
I felt light headed, my vision was closing in. I think I might have fainted if he hadn't instructed me, 'Come here wimp. Put your hand on my slut's stomache. That's it, right there. Now take my cock in the other hand. Go ahead, it won't bite. You are gonna line me up and feel me slide into your mistress. Then your gonna keep that hand there, keep feeling this big hard cock you wife loves so much, feel it powering its way in there, pushing her insides out of the way, invading the woman you love. Then, when I cum in her you can feel my spunk hosing down her insides, covering every unfaithful inch of her insides, making a kid in her. My kid'. In a daze, I obeyed. I could feel it too! It felt like he was powering a rolling pin or a baseball bat in there. I looked at her face, sure I would see pain there but no. No pain. Her eyes were half closed, eyelids fluttering, eyeballs rolled back, mouth gaping. She was coming. Just from the feel of his cock entering her, she was fucking cumming! 'Ahgggggggg, Agh, Agh, Aghhhh, of fuck baby, I'm cumming, Ohhhhhhh, shiiiiiiit!!!' He just stood there, impassive, immobile, smiling down at her, watching her squirm, enjoying his power over her. I realised then that I'd never had that power. He could take her places I never had, never would. This wasn't a game. This was as real as it gets. As she eventually calmed down, he began slow measured thrusts into my darling wife. His hands gently mauled her breasts, teasing her nipples to bursting erectness. She wrapped her legs around him, imploring him with her moans to take her, to fill her with his manhood. 'Is that nice baby?' he asked her. 'Oh fuck yes'. My mild mannered wife hardly ever swore. It was still a shock to hear her use such language. 'I love your cock, your big hard cock. Oh, baby, where've you been all these years. I've missed having you inside me'. 'It's a good job your sissy hubby persuaded you to cuckold him then isn't it?' 'Yes, yes it is. He wanted this. I didn't know it but I wanted it too. I hope he's happy 'cos he's got it now and there's no going back'. 'Well,' he looked at me questioningly,' Are you happy wimp?' 'Yes sir, I'm very happy. I'm happy my wife is getting the lovemaking she needs'. 'The lovemaking you couldn't give her, right?' 'Yes sir, the lovemaking I couldn't give her'. 'What would you like me to do now then?' 'Sir, I....will you...I mean....' It was as if something had burst inside me. These two lovers were giving off such heady pheramones I was excited. 'Sir, please cum in my wife.. I mean my mistress. Please sir, fuck her, fuck a kid into her, make her happy, make her whole. It's what she needs'. 'Yes, do it baby. Do what he says. Fuck me. Give me your baby. I want it, I need it. He does too. We all want it. Fuck me my darling, be my real husband, fuck me pregnant with your young'. 'Don't worry I will. Even if you don't take this time we've got another two and a half weeks yet. You bitch are mine. You're gonna carry my young you fucking whore! Here it cums you slut. You unfaithful fucking whore. Another man's cum in your belly. That belly's gonna swell with another man's kid. Then, when you've dropped it I'll fill you again. I'll keep you barefoot and pregnant for the rest of your fucking life bitch!' 'Oh yes baby yes, I want all your babies all of them!' 'Fuck her sir, fuck her. She's yours sir, I know that now, she's yours'. 'Ohhhh, Fuuuuuckkkkkkkk! Ahgg, Aggh, Aggh, Fuck you bitch, Agggggghh!!!' 'Yes, yes, yes, fuck me baby, fuck me!' I could feel it too. Just like he said I would. I could feel that huge spear of flesh swelling, sealing my unfaithful wifes lips, cutting off any chance of escape for the cum that was pumping out of him in what felt like gallons! For a long time he lay on her, panting as she cuddled him, carressing his hair whispering loving endearments in his ear, 'my babies man, my wonderful baby's daddy. I love you, I love you my darling stud'. I felt like a spare part, an intruder in this most intimate of moments between a man and a woman. My woman, my wife! Now his. Surely, beyond doubt, now his. 'Come here, kneel between her legs,' he ordered. 'When I pull out I want your tongue in place. Seal her up. I don't want one drop of my cum to escape. You keep it in there, let it do its work, give it time'. As quickly as I could I covered her soaking pussy with my tongue and stayed there while he walked to her head, holding his sacred cock for her to lick clean of their combined love juices. Then they kissed and embraced. I'm not sure but I thought she might be crying softly. 'That's enough, 'he instructed me. 'You can clean her up now. Make sure you don't let any get away though. My spunk is too precious for a wimp like you to let it drip on the floor. Get every drop faggot or, so help me, I'll beat the living cuckolds brownie out of you'. It seemed like gallons. Surely no man could produce this amount of jism, it just wasn't natural was it? I felt like my stomache had replaced my wife's in being bloated with John's cum. When I finally dared to pull away I watched her pussy lips in trepidation, hoping none would leak out as she moved. He took her in his arms and carried her effortlessly out of the dinning room door. I heard them mounting the stairs as I straightened my aching legs. Looking down at the heavy oak table where another man, a man I loathed and detested, had, with my encouragement, surely inseminated my darling wife, I could see her body shape etched in sweat. Without a second thought I leaned forward and licked her delicious essence from the oiled timber.
Posts: 596
There are two bathrooms in our house, a family one and an en-suite to the main bedroom. One particular morning John, my wifes temporarily live in lover, was using one whilst I was in the other. My wife went balistic when she wanted her morning pee but had to wait! In response to her screams and banging on the door I rushed out, still pulling up my knickers. She told me to wait outside on my knees and when she eventually came out she slapped my face and asked how I dared make her wait. Then, as punishment, she presented me with the half pint glass from the bathroom that is normally for rinsing a permisters mouth out after cleaning their teeth. Now though it was full to the brim with my wife's yellow piss. 'Drink it!' she ordered. 'Drink it you little cuckolds brownie or I'll have John beat you within an inch of your life then we'll both piss in your mouth for the rest of the month!' The taste was salty and disgusting. To make it worse she refused to let me rinse my mouth so the taste haunted me all day. Later, my wife/mistress appeared ready to go out. Calmly she informed me that in future I was to ask her permission before using the bathroom. She handed me a sheet of paper telling me she was going out and I was to copy out what she had written 1000 times. Then she tapped the list of housework duties on the fridge door telling me that the lines were not an excuse to neglect my duties. 'John is staying to keep an eye on you. I'll be inspecting your work and your lines when I get back. I strongly advise you not to dissappoint me'. As she left I read through the lines she'd written. 'As my Mistress's slave, I understand that I have no right to use her toilet without her permission. In future I will get on my knees and humbly beg for her kind permission. After using the facilities I will thoroughly clean and sanitise everything I have touched with my disgusting wimpish body'. Shit, how long was it going to take to write that 1000 times. What about the housework? I made a concious effort not to take anything so I wouldn't be trapped into using the toilet in my mistress's absence. I was pretty sure that her lover was just waiting to catch me doing that. Still, by 10am I was pretty desperate for a pee. Steeling myself, I asked John if I could use the toilet. It filled me with utter offense to have to ask the man who was fucking my wife for permission to take a piss in my own house! He laughed and told me to fuck off. By 11am I was completely unable to concentrate on housework or lines. John shouted for a beer and told me to get one for myself. 'Just two guys enjoying a cold one together right?'he sneered. I refused, with thanks. He insisted and made me kneel in ront of him to take it down quickly. I was crossing my legs after that, praying for my wife to get home. I had no choice but to ask my wife's pig of a boyfriend for permission once more. 'Nothing to do with me buddy, you'll just have to hold it in till she gets back,' he laughed. I'd never felt more humiliated as I stood there in front of him crossing my nylon covered legs, frilly panties showing from under the skirt of my maids outfit. Eventually, he gave in to my pleas and agreed to ring her, warning me that she would not be happy. 'So what's new?' I thought. She told him I would have to wait but he said he was worried I was going to pee on the carpet. She said something else as he nodded his head then said goodbye and put down the phone. 'She said you can go to the toilet.' 'Yes! Yes!' my mind screamed. 'But....when you're done you have to go get your mistress's hairbrush for me. Then I have to put you over my knee and spank your ass. She said, if you're gonna behave like a young then we'll treat you like one, ok?' 'Yes sir, anything. Can I go now please?' 'I'm not finished. She also said that if your lines and your housework aren't finished by the time she gets back, she's going to take you to the cellar and cane your behind. Then, fnally, she'll be adding three months to your chastity period'. Three months? I had no idea how long I would have to wait to begin with. I assumed though that I would probably get to have a huge satisfying cum at the end of John's month of occupancy. That would be how she planned it right? If I had to go another three months after that I'd ******* myself! No way! How long did I have before she came home? 'You can go now cuckolds browniehead'. I stumred headlong to the bathroom as fast as my stupid high heeled boots would allow. The relief! Oh fuck, the relief as I sat there pissing gallons! It was as good as an orgasm! Well maybe. It had been so long I wasn't sure I could remember! Then reality sank in. I was going over the knee of my wife's lover for a hiding with her hairbrush! I'll never forget standing there holding the brush, red faced and shivering in anticipation. I think he was a little nervous too, but his nerves soon dissipated as he got into beating my wriggling ass. I had determined not to move, not to give him the pleasure of knowing he was hurting me. The trouble was, he was so much stronger than my wife. I was soon groaning and wriggling, then, to my horror, I was begging him to stop! Eventually he did and he pushed me unceramoniously onto the floor at his feet. 'Bring me another beer and quit your whining boy'. When my wife returned from her shopping trip she sat with her lover on the couch and demanded to see the results of his handywork on my still stinging ass. They both laughed at me. I was glad that I had my back to them so that they couldn't see the way my confined deprived cock was betraying me with its desperate but futile attempts to expand. What the hell kind of man was I? Later that night my mistress called me to her bedroom where she presented me with a gift. A pair of adult incontinence pants and some waterproof plastic over-pants. As I stood staring at them and wondering what the hell this cruel bitch would come up with next, she got lay down on the bed beside her naked lover and began to fondle his rapidly inflating manhood while she informed me of the new rules. 'You may use the toilet once on a morning when you get up and once on a night before you go to bed. You will be allowed one diaper only per 24 hours. On a night you will shower and put back on the same one you have worn during the day. You can get the rubber sheets we used to use for your sordid little sex games from the loft and put them on your bed. Just in case of any little accidents. Fuck, that was going to be ***! She knew very well how much the smell of rubber turned me on. In my current state of utter frustration and denial I would be driven mad! My poor cock would be twitching and aching in frustration all night, every night! I couldn't take much more of this! Head spinning and stomache in knotes, I curtsied respectfully and backed out of the room to the sound of their mocking laughter.
Posts: 437
Awesome story Blue!! Great job! 
Posts: 596
After a night of sweating between aromatic rubber sheets my libido was in overdrive. Every time I tried to think straight my mind was swamped with images of my beautiful wife, her feet, her legs, her breasts, her hair, those twinkling mocking mischievous eyes! My cock was throbbing and bobbing non stop. I felt like I was on the brink of exploding. My condition must have been obvious even to my adulterous spouse who seemed to have eyes only for her lover now. As soon as he left the house to meet some friends she called me into the bathroom. 'Loose the nappy slave,' she ordered coldly as she climbed onto the toilet seat and sat her gorgeous rump on the cistern. She was wearing a long brown suede skirt which she had pulled up above her knees revealing the shining glory of her expensive brown leather boots. Her feet rested on the toilet seat as I knelt in response to her pointing finger. Then, to my amazement and unspeakable joy, she held out the key to my chastity cage. With trembling fingers I unlocked the cage and, with some difficulty, extricated my bulging hard on. 'My, my, we are eager aren't we?' my mistress smiled. 'Move forward and raise the toilet seat. I want your little hard thing on the edge of the bowl'. She leaned back to reduce the weight of her feet on the toilet seat as I raised it a couple of inches and pushed my straining manhood through the gap. 'Now drop the seat back down'. It felt ok at first, till she started to put more weight on the seat. I looked down to see my poor deprived cock squash out sideways under the pressure of her spike heeled boots. She laughed at my pained expression before easing off the weight once more. 'What would you like to do now?' she asked softly. 'Please maam, may I move my hips?' 'Are you asking me for permission to fuck my toilet slave?' 'Yes maam'. 'Then say it!' 'Please maam, may I fuck your toilet?' Staring into my eyes she slowly pulled her skirt further up her gorgeous legs to reveal the tops of her dark brown stockings. The sight of her pale soft flesh wasa stark and erotic contrast to the dark bands of nylon clinging to her warm thighs. How I envied them! 'And now? What would you like to do now?' 'Please maam, I can't stand it! Please may I fuck your toilet, please! I'll do anything I promise!' 'I can't believe this,' she sighed in mock dissappointment. 'I show you my sexy legs and ask you want you want to do. You could have asked to make love to me. That would have been the obvious thing to ask wouldn't it? That's what most men would ask for wouldn't they? John wouldn't even ask, he'd just take me, fuck me senseless and flip me over to take my ass into the bargain! Not you though. You ask for permission to make love to a fucking toilet!' 'Please maam, I'm sorry! Please may I make love to you?' 'You must be joking! I actually felt sorry for you. I was prepared to give you a mercy fuck. You'd accept a mercy fuck from me wouldn't you?' 'Yes maam, of course I would. I love you so much!' 'Too late wimp. You've shown your true colours. You'd rather fuck a toilet than your wife! Fair enough, go ahead. Go on wimp, fuck my toilet with your little toy cocklet!' The sensations of cold porsceline underneath and hard plastic above were not ideal. Certainly they were not in the same league as my darling wife's velvet pussy lips would have been but I didn't have time for regrets. I needed to cum. More than any time in my life I HAD to cum. 'Hands behind your back wimp,' she ordered as she pressed down on the seat with her booted feet bringing my thrusting to a sudden halt. 'Please maam...' 'Shut up wimp. I'm sick of hearing your pathetic voice. When John gets back I'm going to tell him how you insulted me. After I felt sorry for you too'. 'I'm sorry maam, I didn't mean to, I....' 'Thrust wimp, go on, show me what a big man you are. Show me what I'm missing. Fuck my toilet. Dribble your pathetic slime into the toilet where it belongs'. 'The sweat was pouring off me as I humped away under my darling wife's scornful mocking gaze. The embarrassment was acute but not enough to overide my desperate need. I was going to cum, I could feel it building and building. I began to worry that my poor cock might explode as the huge wadge of cum I'd built up for weeks tore out of the tiny opening at the end of my cock. 'Ahhg!' She was pressing down on the seat again bringing my desperate thrusts to a premature halt. 'What do you think you're doing wimp? Did I give you permission to cum?' 'No maam, I just thought, I...OH please maam, I can't stand it any longer!' 'You'll stand whatever I tell you to stand!' CRACK, her tiny perfectly manicured hand flashed out and knocked my face sideways. My cheek stung and the shock combined with the utter frustration brought tears to my eyes. 'Oh dear, the wimp is going to cry now! For fuck's sake. How pathetic can a man be. I can't believe I married such a pussy. I could have had a real man. A man like John. Why did I choose you?' 'I don't know maam, I love you'. 'That's your answer to everything isn't it? You love me. You are a fucking joke, you know that?' The emotions surging around my system were too much. I began to sob uncontrollably. 'Oh baby, its ok, don't cry,' she stroked my cheek lovingly. The sudden change in her demeanour had me sobbing even harder. 'I still love you sweetheart, you know that don't you?' I shrugged my shoulders. 'Come on cheer up. Why don't you show me what a big strong guy you are? Let me see you give this toilet a real seeing to. Show me how much cum you've got for me. That's it, come on baby. Fuck for me'. So I did. On my knees, in a cute little maids outfit, hands obediently behind my back, staring at my wifes tiny fingers as they played gently over the cream silk of her pussy hugging french knickers, I made love to her toilet. When I started to cum she leant forward, her weight ruining my orgasm and trapping the desperate surge of cum at the base of my cock. As she spat in my face I screamed my undieing love for her! As she eased back I watched in dismay as a river of cum flowed from my poor squashed manhood, down into the toilet bowl. 'Cage on sweety, diaper too. Your master will be back wanting his dinner soon. You don't want to dissappoint him. He's already going to be unhappy with you when I tell him how naughty you've been Come on, chop, chop. No rest for cucky slaves in this house'. As I struggled to stand, hoping my shaking legs might support me, her heels clicked across the tiled bathroom floor, her long skirt falling back down to cover her gorgeous legs. I wondered how long I would wait, before being allowed to see them again.
Posts: 596
NOT MUCH FEEDBACK LATELY. I wonder if anyone is bothering to read this anymore?
Posts: 3
come on my friend you are writing the best story in site .  Please going on
Posts: 596
It was actually a while before he came home so I carefully made inroads into persuading my wife not to tell her lover anything that would get me into trouble. I'd had a taste of how hard he could hit, in fact it still hurt to sit down, so I was in no hurry to repeat the experience. In the end she agreed that she would say nothing but, in return, I had to do something for her. She wouldn't tell me what it was, only that I would find out later that night. 'You'd better mean it when you promice me though. If you dare to back out of it I'll make damn sure you regret it! Do you understand me?' That was a little scary but, I reamistered, what could be worse than a hiding from my wife's lover? I was ironing in the basement when I heard the bell ring. My demanding wife had taken to ringing a little silver bell when she required my services. She said it was far more dignified than shouting of me. I found that it totally reinpowerd my place as nothing more than a servant. When I hurried into the lounge, wobbling on the high heeled boots she made me wear because they were so painful and so humiliating, he was laid naked on his back on the couch. My mistress wife was wearing a pale blue silk basque with blue stockings and cute little blue platform shoes. She was lieing on top of him, legs crossed trapping his hard cock between her stockinged thighs. I could see that she was knickerless and the lips of her pussy looked swollen and moist. It hit me then that she really fancied this guy. She was constantly in heat for him. Before our adventure began I was lucky if we made love a couple of times a month, and then usually at my instigation. But with him she seemed constantly horny, desperate for his cock. 'Cucky, I want you to help me,' she purred without even looking round at me. She was kissing his face, licking his lips, giggling like a schoolgirl. The bond between my wife and this man was glaringly obvious and scared me almost as much as it excited me. 'Your master wants to fuck my ass, don't you baby? I want you to get it ready fo him. Use your tongue. Come on hurry up cuckolds browniehead!' As I knelt and leant forward to lick gently at the rosebud between my wife's delectable cheeks I was painfully concious of his angry looking cock just inches from my face. I could smell him and her, their lust for each other. 'Mmmm, that's a good boy. Get your tongue inside, I want to be nice and slippery for my baby's big hard cock'. I must have togued her ass for a good five minutes or more while she squirmed and groaned sexily. My balls ached and my cock burned inside its primister. What a bitch! Giving me access to her gorgeous ass, letting me get her hot and ready, only to have someone else get the rewards of my labour! 'That's enough slave. Now get your master ready too'. WHAT? 'Have you forgotten your promise slave?' she asked, her face burried in her lover's neck. 'Perhaps you'd like another six months added to your chastity sentence. Would that help to motivate you do you think?' Trying desperately to put my mind elsewhere, seeking to justify this insane act, I licked my lips and opened wide to take the mushroom head of another man's cock into my mouth. I wasn't doing it for him. I wasn't doing it because I was gay. I was doing it for her, for my wife, because I loved her. Because I could never refuse her anything, even this. His cock was hard, hot and slightly salty. I tried to keep my tongue away from it but it was so big, it filled my mouth, hitting the back of my throat as it twitched in remisterce to the warmth of my mouth and the friction of my lips and tongue. 'That's it, good boy. Suck it. Get it nice and wet for me. I want to hear some slurping down there slave'. Like the pathetic wimp my wife had made me, I obeyed, bobbing my head and working my saliver over her lover's cock head. 'How's it feel baby?' I heard her ask him. 'Not bad,' her laughed. 'Not as good as you but not bad for a beginner'. 'You'll have to make sure he gets some more practice won't you?' They both laughed and kissed deeply as I sucked his cock, red faced and realing from the embarrassment and offense, my own imprimistered manhood mocking me with its twitching and throbbing. Finally, she told me to stop and back off. As I obeyed her my faithless wife sat up and reached behind her, raising up then settling down slowly, burrying his saliver coated cock in her beautiful ass. 'You can go now slave. We'll let you know next time we need you. And no washing your mouth out either. I want you back downstairs ironing your master's underpants with the taste of his cock on your lips. No go!'
Posts: 596
That night he went out to get the car, my car, out of the garage to take my wife out to dinner. She called me into the bedroom that used to be ours but she now shared with him. She was sat on the bed looking absolutely immaculate in a new cream coloured silk dress with matching leather jacket and tiny but viciously high stilletoes. Her hair shone with health and her makeup was perfect. She looked sexy but sophisticated too. As she crossed her light tan nylon sheathed legs and pointed at the floor I knelt in front of her. 'Before I go out I want you to know I'm very pleased with you'. Why did I feel such a warm rush of pride at her words? I had pleased her, my wife, my mistress. 'Tell me, how did it feel sucking John's big hard cock?' How is a man supposed to answer that question from his wife. I'd hated it. I'd done it for her. I wanted to tell her that, make sure she knew. But I also didn't want to spoil her obviously good mood. 'I'm not sure maam, it was...erm..' She smiled sweetly as if she understood my hesitation. 'Shall we just say that from now on there won't be any need for silly attempts at manhood from you? No need for feelings of jealousy? John is a man, a real man in every sense. You, my dear husband, my cuckold slave, you are a little cocksucker aren't you?' I was bright red and couldn't raise my eyes to hers. 'It would be a little silly to try and assert your manhood with another man's cock in your mouth wouldn't it sweetheart?' She was laughing to herself as she stood up. 'Make this bed while I'm out. I want it nice and fresh for us when we get back. You can put the dirty sheets on your bed, over the rubber ones. Then you'll have the rubber scent you like so much mixed with my smell. You'll love that won't you? And no using the toilet. You know the rules. I'll know if you cheated. You can go after we get back.' I felt like crawling under the bed and never coming out. She turned at the door and noticed my slumped shoulders and red face. 'Cheer up cucky boy, we've finally found something you're good at.' In a last ditch attempt to re-establish my connection to my wife I blurted the only thing I could think of. I told her I loved her. 'Not apropriate slave,' she answered. 'You can worship me. You can adore me. But love? Love is for real men. Love is for John and for me. Now get on with your housework.'
Posts: 1958
Very good story, even if it does get a bit more intense than my own fantasies go. Thanks and keep it up!
Posts: 20
Great job Blue , this one is as good as Merry Xmas Darling , already a fantastic story. Spip2
Posts: 63
Blue, This is awesome keep going with this. i wonder if she soon starts using him/her as her full time toilet?
Posts: 596
A couple of days later I'd been instructed by my wife to give the kitchen floor a serious cleaning. It had needed doing for a while so I thought, why not? I polished the ceramic tiles till they gleamed, cleaned and restored the grout and oiled the hardwood skirtings. My cruel mistress had gone for a romantic walk along the river bank with her lover. It had started to rain while they were out so they had taken a short cut home across a field. As you can imagine, their shoes were caked in mud and their coats dripped rainwater as they came in through the backdoor. I was on my knees polishing off one last little mark I'd spotted on a tile near the fridge. I'd been concentrating hard on my work all morning trying to ignore my need to pee. I had the shamefull diaper in place but I knew that the sooner I started wetting it the sooner it was going to get really uncomfortable. I already had a slight case of nappy rash developing. I'd been thinking too about my wife's behaviour. I knew she could be a real bitch when she wanted to and I loved it but I was beginning to wonder if things had gone too far. I'd convinced myself that I needed to talk to her, to make it clear she was going too far. I had to put my foot down. In that frame of mind I watched in growing anger as they both strolled across my spotless floor trailing mud from their shoes. Then they slipped off their wet coats and just let them fall in a wet heap onto my gleaming tiles. It was the final straw when they kicked their mudcaked footware across the floor towards me. I jumped to my feet in anger and shouted, 'Oh come on!' The atmosphere changed in an instant. Their giggling fell silent as they turned to stare at me. Looking into John's eyes I realised I'd made a big mistake. He was pulling his thick leather belt from the loops of his jeans as he stepped angrily towards me. I could dimly hear my unfaithful wife's voice in the background encouraging her lover to 'Teach the wimp a lesmister!' as I stammered out my own pathetic words of apology. 'I'm sorry, I didn't's justI...' Dropping to my knees I turned to my wife thinking I might have more chance of understanding there. 'Please maam, I've worked so hard on this floor, it's not fair...' She just stood there, arms crossed over her proud breasts, staring at me coldly. 'You're going to get it now slave. You've had a hiding coming for a while now. We are thoroughly sick of your attitude. Belt the little cuckolds brownie for me darling. Teach him some manners'. In a deep commanding voice, all the more sacary because of its quiet calmness, he pointed to a kitchen stool. 'Bend over the stool, drop the diaper wimp'. WHACK! He must have put his full weight into the swing! WHACK! Ahgg, I couldn't stand it! WHACK! I felt the warmth on my thighs as my long held piss squirted from my poor caged cock. 'Oh look baby,' my sadistic wife gloated. 'He's so scared of you he's pissing himself!' They both laughed as the beating continued. Four more agonising blows that had tears rolling down my face. The last one was so powerful it threw my from the stool to fall clumsily onto my formerly spottless floor. I lay sobbing and clutching my burning rear as my ***r rejoined his woman and, hand in hand the left the room. She was babbling on about what a good job he'd done, how strong he was, how much it turned her on to watch him punish me. I heard their footsteps mounting the stairs and laid there on the filthy floor, covered in my own piss, gasping to get my breath back, knowing my unfaithful wife was leading her lover to her bedroom to reward him for humiliating me. I'd never felt lower but my poor deprived cock had never tried harder to break from its primister.
Posts: 41
Posts: 41
Working to Copy to Word, Spell Check etc and turn into a PDF document that can be downloaded!
Posts: 152
Bless you Blue for the writing you do!
I would love to dom you and sex up soem guys wife, make her my whore just like this story.
It seems there are many more cucky wannbes than dom men here? Is that how most of you see the readership.?
Posts: 596
Finally the end of my wife's boyfriend's invasion of our home was nearly over. He had gone out with some mates. I'd been ordered by my wife to kneel at the front door and see him out. I had to kiss his shoes and beg him to come back soon as my mistress would miss him. I was more than a little curious and extremely excited afterwards to find myself naked and tied down to the bed in the spare bedroom. My back was sweating against the rubber sheets and my cock was twitching inside its primister as I lay waiting and wondering what my cruel bitch of a wife had in mind. When she finally came back into the room I stared in rapture at her beauty. She was wearing a black bodystocking with thigh length black gleaming boots. As she slid onto the bed between my legs I realised I had stopped breathing. Her hands and lower arms were sleeved in long black leather gloves that felt like heaven as she idley rad them over my shivering thighs. Closing my eyes in a rapture of frustration I drew in a deep breath laced with the scent of her perfume and the heady aroma of new warm leather. She laughed as my hips began to dance sorry driven by the long denied desperate need of my cock to feel the hallowed stimulation her beatiful body could afford me if only she would have mercy. I cried out in desperation and opened my eyes as I felt her move away. 'Patience slave,' she advised coldly as she left the room. The seconds were minutes, the minutes hours as I lay struggling not to spontaneously ignite with frustrated passion for my darling unfaithful spouse. I think I actually laughed out loud when she finally returned to take up her position between my legs once more. She had with her a large lifelike dildo which began to vibrate as she ran it over my thighs. When she allowed it to touch the hard wall of my chastity cage the sensation was like an electric shock! I could feel my cock pulsing as the precum flowed from the tip. 'Please don't let her make me cum in this damned cage. Let me out. Let my poor cock expand, let me have a hard-on. Please, let me cum like a man!' 'That looks nice,' she smiled. 'Mind if I try?' I raised my head from the pillow to watch her take the dildo from my cage and rub it between her thighs. The body stocking had a convenient slit that allowed her to slide the latex shaft inside her. Teasing me must have really turned her on as its considerable length disappeared into her belly. 'Oh yes, it does feel good doesn't it ? I think I'd like to cum with this inside me, looking down at my tied helpless slave. That would be nice. But....I'm being so naughty, so selfish. I was intending to let you cum. How long has it been? Shut up, I don't really care how long it's been since I let you cum. You're my slave. Why should I give a fuck? You have been good though haven't you?' 'Yes maam, I've tried to be'. 'And you would like to cum for me wouldn't you?' 'Yes maam, very much!' 'Even if I leave the cage on? Do you think you could cum with your little thing all squashed up in there?' 'Yes maam, if you want me too'. What a fucking wimp I sounded, even to myself! 'Ok, I have an idea. I'm going to let you decide. Only one of us is going to get to cum from these lovely vibrations. You can decide which of us it will be. Be quick though, I'm nearly there already. If you hesitate you're going to be too late'.
Posts: 596
It was a trick question right? If I took the selfish option she'd get mad and I'd get nothing, except maybe a hiding from her 'new man'. So, if I played the self-sacrificing slave, what then? Maybe she'd be so pleased with me..... 'Please maam, I want you to cum. You deserve lots of orgasms, as many as you want. I don't deserve any'. 'What did you say? You WANT......' 'I'm sorry maam, I meant I would like'. 'I think you can do better than that slave'. 'Please maam, please cum. Please enjoy your orgasm. Please take it, deny it to me and take it for yourself. I'm nothing, I don't matter. You are so beautiful when you cum. I love you maam!' 'What a gentleman you are sweety. I really intended to let you cum you know. Right up until what you just said. I thought it would be fun to make you cum in your little cage. I thought you'd like it. Oh well, I guess I was wrong. You've really become my little slave haven't you?' 'Yes maam,' Shit, I'd just talked myself out of cumming. What the fuck was I doing? 'Alright, since you've been good. Watch. Watch me cum'. She had started to rock back and forth, one hand holding the vibrating dido in place, the other reaching up to tease her protruding nipples through the nylon mesh of her black body stocking. Her eyes closed, head tilted back as her white teeth bit into her lower lip. A sigh of pleasure. A groan of abandon. 'Help me slave, encourage your mistress,' she gasped. So I did. I told her how beautiful she looked, how incredibly sexy she was, how I worshipped her. I told her I would be happy never to cum again if only I could see her like that, in rapture, transported, her impressive beauty magnified a thousand times by her obvious state of lust. 'Oh baby....I'm cumming. I'm cumming for him, not for you. I'll never cum for you again. Oh fuckkkkkk! Oh, oh, ohhhhhh, I want him to ffffuck me now! You useless fucking spineless....OHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!' 'Wow, that was something wasn't it?' 'Yes maam, you were very beautiful'. 'Well I hope it was worth your sacrifice. Not that I give a cuckolds brownie mind, ha!' I lay panting and sweating feeling almost like I'd experienced her orgasm through her. 'I'd better get myself tidied up now,' she said happily as she slid off the bed. 'John will be home soon. I can't wait to see his reaction when he sees me in this outfit. Better not tell him you saw it first though slave. I think you might find he wouldn't apreciate that'. Why the fuck would I tell him? 'Lift up now, it's going to be long night for you and we don't want any more accidents do we?' My wife slid my diaper under me and secured the adhesive tabs in front. As she gently kissed my forehead I was struck by the feeling that I was her baby. She wasn't even seeing me as a man. Not even a sad wimp of a man. I was a young to her. A young put to bed so that mommy and daddy could have some cuddles. Then, as if to reinpower the notion, she produced from a drawer an old pair of baby monitors. 'We don't want you to get too lonely do we slave? I'll put this one here on the bedside table and I'll take the other one next door. That way you can listen to see what your master thinks of my outfit can't you? I'f I'm feeling really generous I might even leave it on for a while so you can get your pervy little thrill listening to your wife get the fucking you can't give her from a real man. Night night baby. Sweet dreams'.
Posts: 21
Blue, I just discovered your story today and it is truly superb. It contains all the wonderful elements of the cuck/chastity fantasy plus all of your bonus contributions. Thank you so much for sharing your awesome writing talent. I just love how adeptly you weave all the involvement from the bull with wifey encourging him. More trips to the woodshed with the belt. Great stuff. This is by far the best I've read on this subject. The offense is delicious. I cant wait for more pregnancy attempts. Perhaps hubby should be charged with tracking her ovulation and such. I just can't say enough how great this is. Keep up the good work.
Posts: 596
I don't know who was more desperate for him to come home, my wife or me. I heard his exclamation and her laughter, some fumbling as he dropped his trousers then a deep groan from him before a rhythmic pounding noise. No build up, no foreplay, he just jumped her and fucked her senseless. 'Oh baby,' I heard her sigh. 'I need you so much. Fuck me, make me feel like a woman. I love it, I fucking love it!' 'Fucking cockteasing bitch! I'll fuck you alright! You fucking slut! I'll fuck your brains out you little whore!' 'Yes, yes! Fuck my brains out! Fuck me unconcious! I want it! I need it!' I needed it too. Boy did I need it! But all I had was a thwarted hardon in an unforgiving cock cage. No stimulation, no sensation, nothing. But that didn't stop me from thrusting my hips, fucking fresh air as another man fucked my wife. The biggest difference? He was driving towards a satisfying conclusion, shooting his cum into a hot and gratefull pussy. Me? I was driving too, towards insanity! It sounded like they were ***ing each other when they came. Screams, threats, pleas, groans and growls. I'd have given anything to be able to see them! I had only the darkness of my lonely empty room though. In the aftermath, when they finally had their breath back, there was a lot of soft kissing, whispers and satisfied sighs. In a way that was more painful to listen to. Even though I couldn't make out the words, these were they sounds of two well matched lovers, comfortable with each others bodies, physically and emotionally close in a way I'd always believed my wife and I were. Now she had it with someone else. What had I done? The coldness sinking to the bottom of my stomache was replaced instantly as the red tried once more, in vain, to rush into my cock. He was inside her again. This time though, the urgency had gone, to be replaced with a slow, sensual intimacy. 'Baby, you know what you do to me'. 'I know. I want him to know too.' 'He does. How could he not?'' 'Good. A man should know when someone else is in love with his wife'. 'Oh baby! You never said that before. Oh darling! I love you too'. 'Like you love him?' 'No, not like I love him. He's my husband. Not much of a one maybe, but he's the man of my youngren. You're my lover, my man'. 'So what if, after this month, your pregnant?' 'Then you'll be the man of one of my youngren too. Now love me baby, just love me! I need you so much, oh John, I just want to feel like this forever, I'm cumming baby, I'm cumming for youuuuuuu!' How was I supposed to react to that? I felt scared, angry, frustrated, humiliated. I writhed on the rubber sheet, sweating, pulling futilely at my bonds, humping futilely at the air, tears running down my face. How long I went on like that I don't know. I wanted to cry out, shout for her, demand she stop this, but that would just make it worse. They would come in and he'd be stood there holding her, looking down at me and laughing. I couldn't stand that. The look of pity I would see in her eyes would be too much. So I suffered in silence until, eventually exhausted, I fell arelax.
Posts: 596
I woke with a start to see him standing over me, grinning in triumph. I thought I was dreaming. It was just as I'd imagined except my unfaithful wife wasn't there. Lifting a finger to his lips he shushed me before I could make a sound. 'You don't want to wake her cucky boy. You wouldn't want her to see this would you?' As her lifted a leg and mounted my chest I was suddenly aware that he was naked. His proud cock was at full mast, mocking my own imprimistered feebleness. Shuffling forward he wiped his rock hard weapon against my still wet cheeks, using my tears to lubricate the wide head of his cock. He'd been holdng one hand behind his back until he brought it in front to reveal a clear plastic bag. Swiftly and deftly he whipped it over my head and pulled it down till it covered the top half of my face.
Posts: 596
'It's up to you mate,' he smiled. 'You beg me for air or you can beg for my cock. What's it gonna be?' I just shook my head. Pressing his hardon against my face he pulled the plastic bag down and gripped the edges causing an almost airtight seal around my neck. Immediately I was gasping for breath. 'Alright! Alright!' 'Go on,' he smirked, lifting the front of the bag. 'Please give me your cock'. 'Oh I think you can do better than that........or perhaps not'. 'Alright, stop! I'll do it'. 'You'll do what?' 'I'll suck you'. 'Not unless you ask nicely'. 'I said I'll do it you bastard!' 'I think a lesmister in respect is called for. Shall we say fifty whacks of my belt. You remember my belt don't you?' 'What do you want from me?' I gasped in defeat. 'Oh, just everything. Your wife, your respect, your devotion'. 'Why?' 'Why? Because I can. Because that's the way she wants it. And because that's what you want too, isn't it'. 'You're loosing the plot, you're a nut case!' 'On the contrary my little cocksucking friend. I've already broken your wife. Now I'm about to break you. But I can only do it if you want me to. So open wide. I feel the need to dump a load down your throat'. I'll never know why.....but I did. Maybe I was scared, maybe I'd had enough and just wanted to get it over with, I don't know. I took his disgusting weapon which tasted of my darling wife. I sucked it, licked it, begged for it, thanked my master for the priveledge. He went on laughing right until the end when her took a painfull grip of my hair through the plastic bag and jammed his cock in my throat, calling me a fucking useless cocksucking slut as he jetted his scalding spunk directly into my stomache. I couldn't breath! I was panicking, wrestling at my bonds, face blue as he went right on taking his pleasure. Finally sated he pulled back allowing me to cough life back into my lungs. He slid off me to stand panting at the side of the bed. 'I've gotta do that more often. Fuck man, you are nearly as good at that as your fucking slut wife!' Pulling the plastic bag off my head he patted my cheek. 'I'm off to get some nice warm cuddles from your wife now. You have a nice night you hear? Oh, before I go...' Quickly he pulled loose the tabs on my diaper, exposing my poor cage cock. Then taking in hand his own softened but still impressive weapon, he began pissing over my groin. He must have pead a gallon before he finally stopped, wiped the drips against my thigh and re-fastened my diaper. 'Just a small token of my esteem cocksucker'.
Posts: 596
On the last day of my wife's lover's stay I was a bundle of nerves. The previous night they'd gone out together. She'd spent all day getting ready and she looked stunning. My heart and my poor restricted cock fought for pole position in the 'about to explode' stakes as she had me follow her to our garden shed. The sound of her sexy heels on the pavement, the swishing sound as her nylon encased thighs rubbed together, the sight of her tight little ass straining against the silky material of her skirt! Fuck I wanted her! I needed her! What I got was my wrists tied to a wooden roof truss and my ankles secured to a spreader bar. It wasn't too uncomfortable at first but I knew that by the time they got back it would be a different story. 'You're staying here tonight slave. I don't want you in my house. Not tonight. You understand don't you?' What I understood was that I would be in agony by tommorrow morning. Maybe she was just teasing, building the atmosphere, the tension for our last day of playing the game. When they got back she would want me in the house. She'd want to tease and frustrate me, make me watch them together right? Wrong. As I waited for them to return I was constantly on edge, jumping at every sound. What if some worthless scum decided tonight was a great opportunity to steal our lawnmower. He'd be in for a big surprise when he powerd the shed door open and found a man tied to the roof truss wearing a sissy maids outfit and frilly knickers over a diaper. Then what? Shit this was serious! She should never have left me like this. It was such a relief when I heard my wife and her lover return. I almost forgot for a second the aches and pains in my back and shoulders. They soon returned though, with a vengance!
Posts: 596
Next morning I could have cried with joy when my wife opened the shed door. Her boyfriend was with her carrying a dining chair and a carrier bag. Setting the chair down in front of me he handed my wife the bag and proceeded to release my ankles from the spreader bar. Oh the relief! I almost dropped to the floor when he undid my wrists but somehow managed to retain my balance on shaky legs. 'Knickers and diaper off slave, now,' my wife ordered as she sat gracefully on the dining chair, crossing her gorgeous legs. As I slipped off my knickers I dared to glance quickly into her eyes, hoping for some sign, some flicker of connection between us. There was none. She'd become so good at this. Perhaps too good? That worrying thought could not compete though with my excitement. I needed this to be over. I needed to hold her, talk to her, here her say she loved me. More than anything though, more than I'd ever needed anything in my life....I NEEDED TO CUM !!! 'Now before we start husband, lets be clear about something. It would be no problem at all for me to ask John to tie you back into that uncomfortable position and leave you here the rest of the day. In fact, I'm seriously considering it. Do I make myself clear?' 'Yes maam, please don't, I couldn't stand....' 'Shut the fuck up! You are so fucking stupid! Last chance and I mean it. You do exactly as I say, nothing more, nothing less and you keep your stupid sissy mouth shut, right?' I nodded my head quickly. 'Good. We both know what your mouth is for don't we sissy? And it's not talking is it?' she laughed. 'Now, I'm bored with you already. Amuse me'. 'Maam?' 'Dance for me. A nice girly, sexy dance. Sing a misterg too. Let's think, something cute....I know, how about On The Good Ship Lollypop. Come on slave, let's see a cute little Shirley Temple impression. If it's really good perhaps I might feel like rewarding you'. Red faced and staring at the floor I sang in a stupid high pitched voice as I lifted my frilly skirt and skipped around the garden shed while my treacherous wife and her bastard of a boyfriend laughed till tears rolled down their cheeks. Well, at least it took my mind off the need to cum! 'Right that's enough. You do that far too well slave. Now stand in front of me. Feet together, hands behind your back'. As I stood there still not daring to look my gorgeous wife in the eyes, John tied my ankles together with garden twine. My knees were next, then my wrists. Being so vulnerable under my goddesses cruel stare had my balls aching again as my imprimistered cock fought its forever loosing battle to find space to reach even a semi erection. Suddenly my wrists were jerked painfully up behind me so I had to bend forward. As I did my wife reached into the bag she'd been holding and brought our a handfull of her underware. I'd noticed that there hadn't been any for me to wash for the last few days but had thought it was just her teasing me by denying me even the priveledge of washing her worn knickers and stockings. I'd underestimated her as usual. She'd been saving them up. Reaching under my chin she lifted my head to allow her to stuff several pairs of silky worn knickers into my unresisting mouth. As she tied them in place with stockings and pulled several pairs of shear pantyhose over my head I drank in the taste and smell of her like a man lost in the desert for days would take in water. Surely I would burst with pent up love and frustration for this woman! 'There now, that should keep you quiet while your master punishes you for me. John darling do you mind?' 'Not at all. What shall I use?' 'There are some bamboo canes over there in corner babe'. 'Now slave, I want you to understand, this is for your own good. You need to be punished for failing me as a man and as a husband. It's because of you that I've had to go out and find a real man to do your duties for you. Are you sorry?' 'Mmmm Mmmm'. 'So you should be. Now John darling would you please beat my husband's ass'. 'How many?' 'Oh just keep going. At least until he's prepared to apologise to us both and promise to do everything he can to make it up to me'. I'd do that now, I thought, they didn't need to...AGHHHHH! 'Now don't be such a baby. Carry on darling'. Fuck! Aghhh! .....Aghhh! 'Stop struggling stupid, there's nowhere for you to go'. Pleading through my gag of cum stained knickers I tried to calm myself. That lasted until the next crack of the cane. My writhing head was grasped by my wife who pulled it down onto her lap, holding it tightly. Such long denied contact from the woman I loved transformed my anger into resignation. Unashamedly I cried, bawled like a baby into my darling wife's pantyhose. 'There there sweetheart. It's ok. Let it all out. Cry for me. Show me how sorry you are. You'll be good from now on won't you?' I nodded my head vigorously in her lap as she stroked my nylon encased head. 'That's right. And if you ever feel like being naughty I want you to remember this beating. I want you to remember what happens if you don't please me'. 'John darling, continue please'. Oh no please, I thought. 'Shush now slave. It's not over yet. I want this to mark the beginning of your total surrender to me. I want you to give yourself to me and to John. You're our cucky slave now and we can do anything we like to you. Remember that'. 'Keep going baby. Another half dozen or so should do it. Then I'd like you to do the top of his thighs too'.
Posts: 596
I'd never felt pain like it! I'd have done anything to stop it, anything. When the cuts finally stopped I was so grateful. It's stupid I know, but, if I could, I'd have gladly dropped to my knees and kissed my wife's feet in gratitude. She pulled the pantyhose from my head and releaved my aching jaw by pulling her now sodden panties from my mouth. 'There you go sweetheart, its over now, all done. You've learned your lesmister haven't you?' I didn't have a clue what lesmister she was talking about but I agreed anyway. 'Are you sorry?' 'Yes,' 'Pardon?' 'I'm sorry maam'. 'What about John?' 'I'm sorry sir?' 'Good boy. You'll try to be a good litle sissy slave for me now won't you?' 'Yes maam'. 'Tell John'. 'Sir, I'll be a good sissy slave for you both'. 'You know what will happen if you don't come up to scratch right?' 'Yes maam, you've shown me'. 'Are you being smart with me slave?' 'No maam, honestly, I'm not'. 'I can have John lay a few more across your naughty backside if you like'. 'No maam, please, I didn't mean anything, I'm sorry, I love you, I mean it, I'll do anything you say, I love you so much'. 'What about John? Do you love him too sissy?' 'Maam, please I....' 'I would like it if you said you did, it would make me happy'. 'Yes maam. Yes I love him'. I mumred. 'I don't think he heard you sweety. I think he's a little worried you might be angry with him for taking me away from you. Not to mention for beating your ass black and blue'. 'No maam, I'm not angry'. 'I know you're not sweetheart, it's him you have to convince'. 'Please sir, I swear I'm not angry with you'. 'For?' 'For taking my wife from me and beating my ass'. 'You mean you enjoyed it?' 'Not really maam'. 'But you accept his right to do it?' 'Yes maam'. 'And you love him for it'. 'Yes maam'. 'Tell him then stupid!' 'I....I love you sir'. 'Fucking faggot,' he laughed from behind me. 'OH John baby, be nice. The poor dear's been through so much. Haven't you baby?' 'Yes maam, but I don't mind. I just want to show you how much I love you'. 'I know you do baby. I want to show you too. John, would you loosen his ropes please. I think it's time I gave him his treat. Unless you'd rather I put your gag back in and have John give you another hiding?' 'No thank you maam'. 'Sure? He could show you how much he loves you'. 'Please maam, please!' 'I'm just kidding baby. But be warned. You've made promises I expect you to keep. If you step out of line I'll have my man give you beating that will make what you just had seem like a walk in the park. Is that clear?' 'Yes maam, very clear, thank you'.
Posts: 596
She was smiling and dangling the key to my cock cage. In her other hand she held a rubber mask. 'Here we go sweetheart, looks like today is your lucky day. John's given me permission to free your little thing for a short while. He has two conditions though. One, you have to wear the mask.' No problem, I thought. 'Two, you're not allowed to cum'. Oh fuck! Oh cuckolds brownie no! You have got to be kidding me! 'He said he might give you permission later but if you have a silly accident he's going to take you out to the shed to finish what he started. So, its up to you, what do you want to do? Cage on or off?' 'Off.....Please'. 'Ok, mask on first though. I've got a surprise inside for you. Or rather John has. He was in need of a nice cum. I think beating you had him all heated up. So, anyway, I jerked him off into your hood'. She was rubbing the sides of the mask together as she explained its contents. When she opened the end to show me the inside it was disgusting. It looked like he'd cum a gallon in there. My stomache heaved at the thought of my head being in there. I had no choice though as, with a giggle, my treacherous unfaithful bride spat twice into the mask and whipped it over my head. It had a soft inflateable gag which slid inside my mouth filling it with his taste. My eyes stung as his cum coated them. I felt the gag being inflated till my jaws ached then a last strap went over my forehead taking away my last vestige of liberty. My excitement was at fever pitch as I felt the zip open over my groin and heard the key slip into the lock of my chastity cage. She had a bit of a struggle to pull it off and then....freedom! It felt so good! Then OH FUCK YEA!!! Her nails! Her long shiny manicured nails were running lightly from base to tip of my rock hard cock. I'd never experienced such a wave of intense pleasure. I have no words to describe it! I cried out unintelligably. I wanted her to know how it felt. I wanted to know how I loved her! Then, with a giggle, she stopped. 'Uh uh, no accidents remember?' Panting and sweating I struggled desperately to forse my misfiring brain into some semblance of sanity. Then she started blowing on my cock. Her hot sweet breath sent spikesof sensation shooting into my groin. This was going to be a long day. Fine. I wanted it to last forever. I wanted to die like that, at the very peak of sensation, every nerve at fullest capacity! If only I could cum, what kind of orgasm would that be? Surely worth any punishment any pain! 'No you don't silly slave. You hold it in. Be good now, you hear?' 'Uggggghhhh!!!' What the fuck did that mean? No idea. I was way past making sense!
Posts: 8
more! more! ALAN
Posts: 21
Absolutely awesome!! This last section was so super hot!! I re-read section 6 five times. You are an awesome writer. The charachter development and all the psychological components are Simply masterful. Is your work on literotica or anywhere else?
Posts: 116
This was great. Hopefully, more to follow? 
Posts: 596
Thanks for the comments guys - it's nice to be apreciated. There are two more parts to go :- The Reward & The Aftermath. Watch this space!
Posts: 596
The sweet *** went on and on. My body was swimming in sweat inside the rubber body bag as every muscle strained futilely against the unyielding straps that held me down. My head was awash with my own sweat, my wife's spit and her lovers cum but that just turned me on more. As I screamed unintelligable sounds around my inflated rubber gag I didn't know if I wanted this to stop right now or go on forever. I swore my love for her, threatened to fuck her to death, begged for her mercy, swore I would split her in half with my cock........just as soon as she was kind enough to release me.......please? Her answer to each and every threat and entreaty? Laughter! Giggles! That just drove me on to threaten her more, to tear harder at my bonds, to scream louder my muffled words of love! 'Oh poor baby,' she whispered in my ear. 'It's been so long for you hasn't it?' I tried to nod, remembered I couldn't, so grunted affirmatively and. I hoped, endearingly. 'I bet you'd do just about anything for me right now wouldn't you? What would you do huh? What would you do for me if I let you cum?' A torrent of entreaties and promises flowed from my plugged lips, all of it unintelligable. 'I can't understand you sweetheart. Don't you want to cum?' 'Oooh! OooooooH! OOOOOOHHHH!!!' 'Let me take some air out of your gag. Now what are you saying?' 'Please maam, I love you, I'll do anything you ask, anything you say, I promise, please maam I...' 'Shhhh now that's enough. I can just leave you here for the night if you're going to misbehave. I can get some ice and put that cage right back on you know'. 'Sorry maam, sorry'. 'I should think so. Now, am I to understand that you would like to cum? That you will do anything I say to earn the priveledge.? Well?' 'Yes maam, anything...please'. 'Alright. As well as being a waste of space as a husband, you're also a very naughty slave. But, I'm in a generous mood so......But, remember your promise. If I get the slightest impression that you are about to go back on your word or complain or show any sign that you are not enjoying every second of my generosity, I won't hesitate. The cage will go back on and stay on. Then I'll have John turn you over and thrash you till you pass out. Do you fucking understand me?!' 'Yes maam'. Oh Oh, where the hell was this going now? I just wanted to cum for fucks sake!' 'Good boy. You know you're my best cucky slave don't you?' She was stroking my face through the tight latex mask. I was melting to her touch, physically and mentally. I loved her more than ever. This incredible woman who stood 5 feet 2 inches tall to my 6 feet and weighed maybe 7 stone to my 14. I could swat her like a fly. So how was it that she could have me on my knees with a glance. She could have me in tears with a word or a touch, just as she was now. I was glad of the mask as hot tears of love joined the spit and sperm covering my sweating face. 'Ok here's what we're going to do'.