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Three Month Chastity Cycle

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Next morning when I heard a car pull up outside I immediately rushed to kneel at the front door. I was hugely relieved when she came in alone. I looked up at her radient face as she paused to look down at me.
'Stand up,' she ordered. 'There is a crease in your uniform slave'.
Desperately I looked down at the rubber maids outfit I was wearing for her.
'Where?' I queried.
'Never mind where you fool. Are you calling me a liar?'
'No maam, of course not..I...I'.
'Shut up and get on your knees. How dare you stand in my presense?'
I stared at the floor not daring to look at her.
'You really are pathetic, you know that don't you,' she drawled.
'Yes maam'.
'Coffee in my bedroom, now'.
I knocked at entered as instructed, placing her coffee beside her on the dressing table.
'Please maam,' I began. 'I just wanted to apologise for last night, I..'
'I have no interest in your apologies slave,' she answered coldly. 'The only thing that interests me about you is your obedience'.
'I know maam, I'm going to make a real effort now because...'
'Are you deaf or just fucking stupid? I don't care about your effort or your apology or anything else. I thought I explained this yesterday. I own you. You exist for my pleasure. This is my game now and I'm playing it my way'.
'Yes maam, of course, I'm sorry. Please maam, I worked very hard last night to do all the housework so that we could spend some time together today before the kids come home'.
'Housework is no longer of any concern to me slave, it's your problem. From now on I won't be lifting a finger, whether the kids are around or not. I have better things to do with my time. As for spending time with you, what makes you think I would want to do that? Or that you would enjoy it if we did?'
'I always enjoy spending time with you. I love you so much. I really missed you last night'.
'Yes....I mean yes maam'.
'I didn't miss you at all. I was too busy getting my brains screwed out by a real man. However, I am impressed with your behaviour this morning so I think I'll allow you a little treat. You can apologise to me, tell me how much you love me and describe exactly what you are going to do to get back in my good books'.
' Maam, I am really soory for my previous behaviour and...'
'No, no, no. Silly slave,' she laughed as she stood and loosened her skirt letting it drop to the floor. Next came her knickers which were obviously soaked. Those she threw in my face before bending over to lean on her dressing table stool. Her perfectly shaped rear stuck straight out at me and I could see dried come on her thighs and the tops of her stockings.
'I want you to speak with your tongue in my ass. Right in, as far as it will go. I know it will slur your speach but I'm prepared to forgive that for now. Well, come on then stupid, now!'
So there I was, face pressed between the soft cheeks of my darling wife's ass, tongue shoved inside her spunk leaking hole mumbling how much I loved her. The taste and smell of her joyful infidelity made my head spin and my poor forgotten cock hurled itself in vain against the walls of its primister. Fuck I loved that woman!


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My darling faithless wife was very tired after that and had a relax while I carried on with some ironing in the basement. I was hoping she had forgiven me now and that she would be impressed with the volume of work I'd done.
I heard her heels on the stairs and almost dropped the iron when I saw her. She was wearing a tight black leather dress, cut short above her stocking tops and black leather thigh length boots with matching elbow length gloves. Her hair was tied up in a bun and her make up was strong and dark giving her a very forbidding appearance.
My mouth hung open as I stared at her gorgeous figure slowly and confidently striding towards me.
'Close your mouth slave. Put down the iron and strip off'.
She didn't have to ask me twice!
'Now come here'.
She had a pair of leather cuffs which she used to secure my hands in front of me. Securing them with a small padlock she had me reach up and hook them over an iron peg which protruded from a large wooden beam running the length of the basement. Next she took from a cupboard a spreader bar with similar cuffs at either end.
'Spread em cuckold,' she ordered.
After securing one cuff she kicked my ankle powering me to spread my legs wider. That cased my height to reduce so that I became a taught inverted v of quivering flesh. I was sweating and could hardly breath from excitement.
'Comfortable?'she asked sweetly.
'No maam, not really,' and answered feebly.
'Good, that's how I want you. I think I owe you an apology now slave. I've been so busy enjoying the attentions of a real man that I've been neglecting my duties as your mistress. Well, I intend to correct that. From now on I will be taking complete control of both you and my home. I'm going to leave you now to get comfortable. If you need anything feel free to shout. I won't hear you of course but you can shout anyway'.
I heard her walk away and then the sound of her six inch heels on the wooden stair treads. As soon as she'd gone the sheer discomfort of my position began to sink in.
By the time she returned, slapping a vicious looking blac riding crop against her boot, I was running with sweat and trembling with muscle fatigue. As soon as I caught a whif of her perfume though, all thoughts of pain and discomfort vanished to be replaced with a desperate lust, an unquenchable thirst for her touch, her voice, a moment of her hallowed attention.
Walking slowly behind me she suddenly brought the riding crop up between my legs, hitting my swollen balls. I screamed out but she ignored me, striking upward again even harder 'Snap!'
'You never question me, ever'. SNAP!
'Please...please..!' I cried.
'I'm serious now slave. Up till now we've just been fucking around'.
'Well you have,' I thought. SNAP!
'Shut up you big baby. Don't pretend you don't like it you fucking pervert. Seeing me dressed like this,being tied up and punished by your mistress. You love it don't you? Don't you?!'
SNAP'Aaaarghhh...yes....yes maam...please!'
'I won't tell you again slave, shut the fuck up!'
''m sorry...please!!!!!!!'
'You will be sorry. You will be very sorry if you don't get with the programme my little sissy. Wake up, it's real! I'm sick of playing your little fantasy games. I'm sick of telling you to do things only to have you moan and complain then do a half assed job! I'm sick of your pathetic performance in bed! From what I can remember anyway. I want to do this for real, no more fucking games! The question is, my little sissy, have you got the balls for it? Or are you going to dissappoint me yet again?'
'No maam, I'll do whatever you say, I promise!'
'So you want to be my slave, full time, for real?'
'Yes maam, yes please!'
'Then earn the priveledge'.
I heared her step back then FIRE! Blinding fire over my ass as she floggsed me six quickfire blows. I screamed, hysterical with the pain which only grows even more after she stops. I could feel the welts rising on my skin. If I wasn't hung by my arms I would have collapsed in a sobbing heep.
She pulled a chair across and sits in front of me, crossing her gorgeous legs and slooking up at me.
'Fuck you piss me off you little cuckolds brownie!'
'You need to learn and learn quickly. You can spend time like this, trussed up and flogged or you can do as you are told, work hard to please me and earn my affection, maybe even my pity. You'd like me to pity you wouldn'y you slave? If I really pittied you I might even let you play with that tiny little excuse for a cock till you have a little squirt. I bet you'd like that wouldn't you?'
'Yes maam, oh yes I would, very much..' I couldn't seem to stop crying.
She reached forward and her gloved hand lightly stroked my bruised balls.
'Ohhh please maam, I love you!' I sighed.
'I know sweety, I know. That's what makes this so much fun'.
In utter disbelief I watched her take the key from her necklace and unlock my cage. My cock sprange out like a greyhound from a starting box.
'Oh dear, this won't do will it'.
My wife stood and moved her chair to one side. Then taking my straining cock in one gloved hand she used the other to bring the crop down viciously over and over until my poor organ deflated in pain and defeat.


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When I opened my tear filled eyes she was holding up a round tube which she hinged upen to reveal the inside dotted with blunt spikes.
'This is called an Iron Maiden slave. I think it will make a lovely change from your cage. You do apreciate me letting you out of your cage don't you?'
'Yes maam,' anything had to be better than that damned cage.
I felt her pull on my cock and balls then the cold metal closed around the base of them to be padlocked in place. She had one more surprise to go. I looked down straining to watch as she slid a much smaller metal band up my deflated organ till it sat just behind the head. Using a hexagon key she slowly tightened little metal studs which were spaced evenly around the band's perimeter. Both devises felt heavy but not too uncomfortable.
Walking behind me my gorgeous wife reached around with both leather gloved hands to fondle my cock. I was in heaven for the few seconds it took for my erection to grow. Then, suddenly, pain, excruciating pain as my inflating flesh was stabbed by the pins of both hellish devises.
'What's the matter baby? Don't you like me stroking your little thing any more?'
'Please maam, it's agony!'
'Would you like me to stop it hurting baby?'
'Yes maam, please!'
I felt the fire brand of that damned crop across the back of my left thigh. CRACK! The right thigh.
CRACK! Back to the left.
Six strokes each then she moved round to give the same hearless treatment to the fronts of my thighs.
Through my cries for mercy I can hear her laughter. The bitch was laughing as she beat me.
Finally finshed she dropped the crop onto the chair stood right up in front of me. I could feel her breath on my face, smell her heady perfume boosted by the heat of her body.
'Useless piece of cuckolds brownie,' she spat in my face. I couldn't take it in. Suddenly my demure gentle wife was a merciless hellcat. I loved it! But I was far from sure I could handle it. Suddenly I realised I was crying again.
'Oh poor baby,' she cooed, taking my quivering chin in her hand. 'This is for your own good, I hope you understand that. I hope you apreciate the way I'm training you to be a good husband, all the trouble I'm going to.'
'Yes maam, I do,' I answer, eyes down not daring to look her in the face.
'Well, if I'm really honest, I have to admit, it does get me a little wet doing this to you, so I guess I get something out of it too. And the red stripes on your but are very cute. I should whip you again for making me mess my panties you bad boy! Perhaps when I come back. I'm going upstairs now to watch tv and then I think I'll ring John and tell him how our little chat went. You'll be ok there for a while won't you sweetheart? Good boy. I'll see you soon. Bye'.
She kissed my forehead before turning to climb the stairs. The sight of her gorgeous untouchable body, the thoght of how cruel she could be, visions of her talking to her lover on the phone, laughing and informing him of how she was breaking me to her will had my cock bursting upward again. Then the cruel spikes reminded me of their presence and I cried out for her as the light went out.


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Dear Blue:

Freaking A dog, you are the MC DADDY of all those who pimp for this lifestyle.

I could SO see myself fucking/dating this hot nasty slut who uses her cucky-wuss. Great writing, great characters, and most importantly it just feels realistic, even when its extreme.


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My increasingly cruel bitch of a wife said when she came back that it had only been an hour but it felt like ten! I begged her to remove those infernal spiked rings and was more than happy to agree that, if she did, then the chastity cage went back on.
'It's one or the other sweety. You see, you thought the cage was as bad as it could get didn't you? Well now you know different. You also know now that I have no qualms about beating you and beating you severely. If you ever dare challenge my authority those welts on your ass and legs will seem like nothing compared to the ones I'll give you. Understand?'
'Yes maam'.
'Good. And if you are ever stupid enough to ask for the cage to be removed you know what it's going to be replaced with. right?'
'Yes maam. I won't ask I promise'.
'Good boy. You know I had to hurt you don't you? I had to show you, to prove to you how far things have gone. I think you understand it's not a game now don't you?'
'Yes, I do. I do understand, and I love you more than ever. I'll do whatever you say. I just want to be with you, to show you how much I love you'.
'You worship the ground I walk on don't you baby?
'Yes maam, I do. I always will'.
'Good. Remember that. Remember also that I love you too. It may be a little harder for you to remember that in the coming months but I want you to try. Will you try for me?'
'Yes maam, I'll remember'.


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This story has GOT to be the single greatest thing ever posted on this site. Absolutely amazing!


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It was such sweet *** lying beside her that night. I don't think I got a wink of relax. We discussed it the next morning and both agreed that we should relax seperately, at least until she let me cum. Then, hopefully, the feelings of frustration would be reduced and I would be more able to function normally.
While she was in a talkative mood I decided to ask her when that might be. She just laughed and said I would have to wait and see. When I complained of my utter desperation and my need to have some date to look forward to she said it was up to me. As soon as my behaviour towards her and her boyfriend was to her satisfaction I would be rewarded accordingly. How long that took would be up to me. She said that she had some ideas to take things to the next level and if I was fully co operative it would not only allow everyone to enjoy the situation to the full but would also score me many points toward my desperately awaited release. I asked her if, once I'd been allowed to cum, we would go back to our 'normal' life. Part of me wanted her to say yes but there was a wickedly masochistic part that yearned for her to refuse. I wondered if that latter part would still be so strong after I'd cum.
In answer she asked me what I would preffer. I told her I honestly didn't know. There was a lump of ice in my stomache and a shaft of steel trying desperately to form in my caged up cock when she asked me if I would like her to decide for me.
'Do you trust me to know what you really want baby? Do you you love me enough to let me decide your future?'
What could I say but 'Yes, of course'. She was so good at backing me into a corner.
I didn't have as long to wait as I'd feared. My wife had decided to have some work done in the basement. It was already kitted out as a laundry room but she wanted to add a toilet and shower. I did most of the work myself, eager to please her. The final item she required was a bed. She found some ex-primister steel bed frames on the net and had me collect it and buy a thin mattress for it.
Once the room was finished she confirmed my suspisions that this was to be my room.
'You're going to be spending a lot of time in here sweetheart. I'm going to tell the kids that mommie has a bad back. Thats why I need daddie to relax in seperate bed. Also, it explains why you will be doing all the housework. Oh, and the cooking of course. I think that should tie things up very nicely in terms of a cover story don't you?'
'Yes maam'.
'Well aren't you going to thank me?'
'Yes, thank you maam, it's an excellent idea'.
'I should think so. It's going to turn up the heat very nicely I think. You are doing all the work around here as well as holding down a full time job. Your reward is to be denied your wife's bed, your wife's body, even your wife's affections. You can only stand and watch as all of those things go to another man. Now, how sexy is that? Tell me I don't know how to be a total bitch to you. Tell me now that I can't take every fantasy you've ever had about me and make it real. Well?'
'Yes maam, you have done an amazing job. I never dreamed you would or could go this far. It's tearing me apart but it's got me so horney I can't think of anything but you. I love you so much!'
'Of course you do silly. I love you to. I love you for letting me do this to you. For giving yourself to me. I have never felt so loved by you, so worshiped and adored by you. I didn't know it when we started but I wanted this, needed it just as much as you did. In our own way we have created the perfect relationship. I love it and I love you. I always will. Now I want to show you how much. Strip off and lie face down on your new bed. I'm going to tie you down and flog you senseless. Not because you've done anything wrong, but because I want to, it amuses me to see you suffer. Come on now, quickly. You can have my dirty knickers to suck if you're good. And don't worry about the noise. We both know not much sound escapes from here. Feel free to scream, or beg, or just cry. I don't mind. In fact it gets me hot. You do want to get your wife hot don't you?'


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By the following weekend I had gone two months without any sexual relief. I was desperate to bring up the subject with my cruel bitch of a wife but didn't dare. She had made it clear that if I so much as hinted about getting out of the damned cock cage she would take whatever time I had been locked away, double it, then add it on to my existing sentance.
Imagine my joy then when, out of the blue, she shouted down to the basement for me. I couldn't help thinking, for the thousandth time, 'This is it!'
I found her in the lounge and I knelt in front of her when she pointed to the floor.
'Lift your skirt sissy,' she ordered coldly. 'Mmm, your little thing looks all cozy in there doesn't it. I was thinking of letting it out for a little while but perhaps I should let relaxing dogs lie'.
'Please maam!' I blurted.
'Excuse me?' She sneered as she fiddled with my cage, pulling at it and tapping it with her long fingers.
'Nothing maam, I'm sorry!'
Shit, had I blown it again?
'I've been thinking slave, it must be very difficult for you never knowing just how long you're going to be squashed up in this thing before I take pitty and let you out. Perhaps it might help you to improve your attitude if I gave you a set schedule'.
'Yes maam!' I beamed. 'Only if it pleases you though'. I added lamely.
She laughed at that. I just felt pathetic. Pathetic and desperate. Two such endearing qualities in a man.
'What are you thinking slave,' she queried.
'I was just thinking that I'm pathetic maam, and desperate. I don't deserve such a beautiful wife'.
So it was possible to be even more of a wimp!
'You don't need to crawl slave. I've already decided. You will go three months between reviews'.
Three months! No fucking way!
'Or I could just forget it and let you wait indeffinitely. Maybe you would be lucky sometimes and get to cum after a few weeks. On the other hand, if I'm otherwise occupied, perhaps you might have to wait a year, or even more'.
Shit, no way. What should I do? Take the chance of indefinite periods of chastity or accept the riddiculous but at least fixed three months?
'Please maam, I will go with whatever you decide,' I copped out.
'Good boy. Three months it is then. And because you've been so good and made me so happy I'll pretend you've done three months already and not two. How would that be?'
'Oh yes, thank you maam. I love you so much maam. I'm going to work even harder to make you happy, I swear'.
'Yes, yes, enough grovelling for goodness sake. You must understand that there are no guarantees. If we get to the end of three months and I don't feel that you've worked hard enough to please me, or you've done something to upset me, then I'll deny you and you'll wait a further three months for another chance. Is that clear?'
'Yes maam. Please maam, have I pleased you enough this time?'
'As a matter of fact you have baby. Although you have been a little naughty sometimes, but I'm going to overlook that just this once. Be warned though, I don't intend to be so lenient in future'.
'No maam, of course not'.
I was shaking with excitement now. I felt like I was going to explode!
'I have a little present for you sweety, to mark the beginning of your new sex life, if you can call it that,' she laughed.
My beautiful wife presented me with a small box which I opened to find inside an ornate egg timer.
'It's an antique,' she smiled. 'Do you like it?'
'Yes maam, thank you,' I answered, trying to hide the puzzlement in my voice.
'Let me tell you what it's for,' she began, leaning forward in her seat to kiss my forehead.


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After explaining the purpose of her gift, my gorgeous wife had sent me down into the basement to get on with some ironing. Every two minutes I was looking at the clock and willing the hands to move faster. Finally it was eight twenty five and I rushed upstairs to present myself to my darling wife in the lounge. Shaking like a leaf and on the verge of tears I curtseyed respectfully and waited. When she looked up from her magazine I presented her with the egg timer.
Smiling sweetly, she took it and inverted it, placing it onto the coffee table in front of her. I had to bite my lip to avoid crying out my joy and relief when she took the key to my chastity cage from her necklace and handed it to me with the words, 'You may prepare yourself slave'.
How I didn't fall and break my neck rushing down the basement stairs in my five inch heels I don't know. At the bottom I quickly removed my maids uniform and chastity belt, leaving me in just hold up stockings and Mary Jane shoes. I rushed over to the newly instaled toilet which sat against one wall. There were no walls around it as I amm not allowed any privacy.
Standing with hands on my head I stared at the wall not daring to look down at my bobbing cock in case I spurted right then and there. I heard my darling wife's heels on the stairs but continued my respectful stare at the wall. She had not taken any pains to dress in anything special, just the usual 'loafing around' jeans and t-shirt that she used to wear for housework. She even had on a pair of pink latex washing up gloves. I couldn't help being struck by the fact that she was approaching what was, for me, a momentous occassion, as if it were nothing more than a mundane chore for her. An annoying but necessary task to be gotten out of the way as quickly as possible so that she could move onto something interesting and enjoyable. My heart ached when I thought about the careful hours she spent getting ready and making herself gorgeous and sexy for her lover.
The words, 'Lid up boy,' shocked me from my painful reverie. I quickly raised the lid and put my hands back on my head, penis pointing straight up over the toilet bowl. I couldn't help wondering how much of the five minutes worth of sand had already sifted down into the previously empty half of the egg timer.


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I had been informed that it should take five minutes for all the sand to swap ends. Five minutes! That's all I was to be allowed after two months of teasing and frustration. Five minutes! A single kiss with her lover lasted longer than that! What could I do? Five minutes was better than nothing and there was no doubt that that was the alternative. Then, just to add to my anxiety, she had informed me that, if she was not back upstairs seated comfortably and dialling her lovers number before the sand ran out then my next period of chastity would be doured. Six months! Six fucking months! I felt like crying again. What the fuck had I allowed her to do to me?
My fears and anxieties vanished with her next words, 'Condom, slave'. I had already removed one from its packet and placed it ready on the toilet cistern. Trying not to fumble in my haste and waste precious seconds I rolled it onto my turgid organ. The feel of my own hands on my sensation starved cock sent a jolt of electricity through me. What was it going to feel like when she touched me!?
Condom in place I quickly put my hands back on my head and reported, 'Ready maam'.
From behind me my unfaithful wife took my bursting desperate cock between thumb and index finger. With her other latex gloved hand she cupped my swollen blue balls. Then without ceremony she gave me two quick pulls. I groaned out loud and she laughed. That was the final straw. My frustration and offense joined with the backload of sperm in my twitching balls to make a mad dash for freedom. As soon as my hips thrust forward in involuntary spasm her hands were gone. I heard her laughing more as she stepped away to watch me hump at thin air. How I found the strength not to grab my poor cock and jerk it to some real satisfaction I'll never know. I guess her training and conditioning were really taking their toll.
The sense of frustration was mind blowing. If you've never been in that position you can never understand the yearning and love I felt for my laughing bitch of a wife as I stood there, tears of love, devotion and longing frustration rolling down my cheeks as I poured my soul into that condom. I called out her name, telling her I loved her while she stood, arms crossed over her chest, eyes sparkling with amused cruelty.
I felt totally unrelieved of sexual tention. In fact my frustration felt multiplied ten fold as a consequence of having been so near and yet so far from a real satisfying orgasm.
I had no time to ruminate on my fate as my wife unceremoniously whipped off the condom and dropped it into the toilet bowl. 'Toilet paper,' was her next command. I quickly pealed off some and handed it to her before returning my hands to their place on my head. Treating me like an object she quickly wiped the excess sperm from my cock before discarding the paper into the bowl. As I stood there in utter bemusement she flushed the toilet and I watched two months of acheing desperation wash away. I couldn't grasp that it was over. I felt emptied yet tatally unsatisfied. With a shock I realised that I was now more desperate for an orgasm than ever!
'You are dismissed slave'. I somehow remember to curtsey and say thank you maam before hurrying to replace the damnable cage and my tight fitting humiliating uniform.
Running up the stairs and into the lounge I feel a surge of relief when I see the last grains of sand still falling. Once again I curtsey before lifting my skirt to show my darling spouse my chastity cage. Pulling at it to check its security she says coldly, 'Get back to your ironing'.
'Yes maam,' I replied meekly. 'Thank you maam'. I know I have to be very sincere and not rush my words, but I know too that the very last grains of sand are falling too quickly. The timimg does not stop until I am back at work, iron in hand.
When she casually waves me away I turn on the spot and rush out of the lounge and down the stairs to the basement. Picking up the iron I call out loudly, hoping she can hear me through the door I left open at the top of the stairs.
'Ready maam, ironing now. Thank you maam!'
Worry over whether I have made it in time, whether she has heard me, whether she will stop the timer or let it run out of shear cruety served only to further deflate any possible enjoyment of my long awaited moment. Its all over in less than five minutes. No slow sensual strokes of my poor engorged penis, no gradual winding up to a crescendo with an explosive orgasm followed by a relaxed post-coital winding down to savour the effects and tingling sensations as the orgasm lingers and slowly cruises through all the pores and nerves of my body.
No. My time has come and gone. Five minutes every three months. That was it, all I had to look forward to. Five minutes then back to ironing while my beautiful mistress relaxed upstairs with a glass of wine, savouring her power over me, enjoying her cruelty, basking in my love and devotion as she picks up her phone to dial her lovers number.


Posts: 29
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Great Story. Please continue.


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Just got back from holiday. Lot more to come soon!


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Thanks subcuckinseattle - high praise indeed! It's really gratifying to know my efforts are apreciated by someone. To answer your question I'm not a writer yet though I have been aproached by a couple of publishers. I'm hoping to get into it as soon as I can find the time. Thanks again though.


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Four weeks later my hopes of a similar release were dashed when my darling wife told me she didn't have time to waste on me. She was in a hurry having spent longer than she anticipated at the hairdressers and consequently running out of time to get ready for a night out with her lover. She knew that tonight was my night for relief. I'd worked so hard to earn it. She didn't understand, this was important to me, vitally important, hugely important. She was just shrugging it off like a minor detail. It wasn't a fucking minor detail! I'd suffered for four weeks. I'd served her literally on bended knee. I'd put up with the frustrations, the offenses, the teasing. She'd been getting her brains fucked out at every oportunity day and night while I'd taken care of housework and young minding, still finding time to help her prepare for him, show her love and devotion, make her every whim my command! Now, finally it was my turn and she didn't give a fuck! Five minutes! Five fucking minutes after suffering like that for four weeks? Come on! Why did we start this? It was about the chemistry it generated between us wasn't it? It was about intensifying our relationship. It was about getting mind blowing orgasms wasn't it? So where the fuck was mine?!
She could see from my reaction that I was pissed. She always gave in when I got angry. Always.
'Who the fuck do you think you are talking to?' Her crack across my face threw me to the floor from my kneeling position.
'You need to remember who's in charge here you useless fucking wimp! Yes that's exactly what you are. A spineless fucking sissy who can't satisfy his wife.'
My anger turned to offense under the onslought of her vicious assessment. I lay on my side rubbing my red and sore cheek as hot tears formed in my eyes.
Seeing my state she seemed to calm down and sat down on the edge of the couch leaning forward so that our faces were only inches apart. Even through my anger and offense, even through my tear blurred vision, her beauty took my breath away.
'Listen sweetheart, you need to understand something. When a man and woman, a real man that is, when they make love they take pleasure in each others orgasms. When John cums in me I love it. It feels so manly, so potent, so romantic. That's how it's supposed to be. That's how it is with a real man. You're not stupid honey. You know as well as I do that you can never be a real man, not any more, not after everything we've done. Maybe neither of us realised just how far this was going to go when we started but it's what you wanted isn't it? It's what you always asked me for, what you always fantasised about, right? You know it's true so deal with it'.
That brought on a flood of tears as I seemed to realise for the first time what I'd done. And it was me. I'd persuaded her, encouraged her, begged her even. As my loving wife what was she supposed to do?
'I know it's hard for you babe,' she laughed suddenly, 'No pun intended, but you have to understand that your orgasms do nothing for me. I have no intention of ever allowing you to put that little thing inside me again. Even if I did it would be too small to give me any pleasure and you'd end up dribbling your little bit of slime as soon as you touched me wouldn't you? Wouldn't you?'
'I could try harder,' I answered pathetically.
'You're not listening sweetheart. I don't want you to try harder. I want you to understand that the only male orgasms with any importance are the ones that give pleasure to women. In our case that means John's. Yours only give you pleasure. Are you suggesting that your pleasure is more important than mine?'
'No maam, I just...'
'Are you suggesting that, as your mistress, as a hot wife, as the woman you adore more the more she frustrates and humiliates you, I should attach any importance at all to your ability to cum?'
'No maam'. How could I argue with that?
'Good boy. Now dry your eyes and get upstairs. I want you to help me to make myself sexy for John'.
As I mounted the stairs my wife swatted my panty covered ass from behind. 'Don't think I've forgotten your impertnance slave. I just don't have time to deal with it right now. When I get home tomorrow we'll have a little session with mistress riding crop I think. Then we'll have a little chat to decide how much time I should add to your chastity period for being so naughty'.
Oh fuck! Tears again. I rubbed angrily at my eyes as her laughter followed me to her bedroom.


Posts: 29
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Great update. Please keep going. This story is one of the best ever published here.


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please more degradation for him!!! you are a hit man!!!!


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I heard he coming home later that night. His deep voice told me that she wasn't alone. I stayed put in the basement listening to their footsteps on the stairs as she gigglingly led him to her bedroom. I was awake for a long time trying to get images of my gorgeous wife out of my head. The new spiked ring she had fitted to my chastity cage made any growth in my poor deprived cock really painful but did absolutely nothing to stop it trying futilely to shake off its restraints. Most of my days and nights were spent trying to occupy my mind with something that would give me break from the pain and frustration. Just as I thought I was getting somewhere she would say something or do something or dress a cirtain way or just be there! Fuck! The feelings were so intence I was going mad!
Next morning I was polishing the coffee table when she came downstairs. She was wearing only a pair of grey stockings and her lovers white shirt. It was way too big for her and she looked so small and delicate. I ached to hold her and the offense of seeing her wrapped in his worn shirt had my poor cock impaling itself once more on the spiked ring of its primister.
Her relaxy smile melted my heart as she sat on the sofa and told me to stop what I was doing and pay attention.
'I have a wonderful surprise for you sweetheart. Mom has asked if she can take the kids on holiday with her next month, for the whole month. I thought it would be an ideal oportunity for us to take things to the next level'.
Next level? What the hell was that?
'You do want us to go to the next level don't you baby? You're not bored with our little scene are you?'
Hell no! One thing was for sure, I cirtainly wasn't bored!
'I've aske John and that wonderful man has agreed to move in with us. Isn't that wonderful. We can live out your fantasy for a whole month. He can be my husband and you can be our slave, our servant. It will be amazing don't you think?'
She had lifted her long nylon encased legs onto the sofa so her tiny feet were just below eye level for me and just a few inches from my face so, no, I wasn't thinking. Not clearly anyway. Not the way I should have been before agreeing to my wife moving another man into our home.
Seeing my longing look she laughed and wiggled her toes. Oh fuck!
'Please maam,' I blurted, 'Please may I kiss your feet?!'
My wife was talking about living with another man as her husband and the best I could manage was to beg permission to kiss her feet! That shuld give you some idea of the state I was in!
'Silly slave,' she giggled. 'You are so in lust with my feet aren't you? Well that's how I feel about John's cock! So no, you may not kiss my feet. I don't want your sissy spit all over my stockings do I? I'm going back to bed now and, if I know my lover, which I do, he's going to want to make love to me. I'm his woman. These stockings are for him. When he's finished with them, and me, I might take them off and let you suck them clean before you put them in the wash. You'd like that wouldn't you?'
'Yes maam, thank you!' I stammered pathetically.
'On the other hand I might not. I'm not sure how happy I am with you. Your responce to my good news didn't seem very enthusistic'.
'I am enthusiastic, really I am. It was just...a bit of a shock'.
'I'm a shocking wife all round aren't I slave?'
No arguing with that!
'I tell you what. Why don't you compile a little speech for John. He's a little nervous about taking such a big step. Mostly, I think, because he's not sure how you will take it. When he gets up you can give him your speech and reasure him it's really what you want. That you're comfortable with it. That you are happy to accept him as my husband and as your master. You can do that can't you sweety. For me? And for the chance to suck my stockings? I might even let you lick my shoes clean. In fact, I could make it a rule couldn't I? Every time I wear a pair of shoes you have to clean them inside and out...with you tongue. Yes, I think I'd like that. It would really reinpower your position in my home wouldn't it? I think I'll have you do the first pair in front of John so he can see what a good slave you are. He has to get used to the idea that you are just a sevant in this house. To be used for our convenience and humiliated for our amusement. And, I do mean our. If John is going to be my new husband then he is the man of the house. As such he will have the same rights as I do to use you and punish you for any reamister he sees fit. How does that make you feel slave?'
How did it make me feel? Like a complete looser. A wimp. A faggot. All those things and more. But right then, staring at her gorgeous wiggling red painted nylon covered toes I didn't care. I didn't give a flying fuck! I couldn't stop this now even if I wanted to. I felt broken to the iron will of my tiny petite little wife. It was more relief than anything else. I was hers. I had no will, no cares but to serve her, to make her happy, to win even the tinyest sign of aproval from her. I felt myself sinking, drowning in the sea of love, lust, frustation, offense, yearning, and devotion that she had cast me adrift in. I loved her more then than at any time before. For that feeling alone I would gladly drown!


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#108 · Edited by: asehpe
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#109 · Edited by: asehpe
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Blue179, maybe I've spoiled your story, and I'm really sorry if I did. But I saw this happen so clearly in my head after I read your story, I simply had to write it. Please tell me if you're dissatisfied, and maybe we can find a way to delete that.

Oh, of course, I meant Sallinger's book (The Catcher in the Rye), not Steinbeck's. That's what I get for writing on a sudden wave of enthusiasm...


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I vote for deleting it and getting back to Blue's story. How fucking depressing.


Posts: 29
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Great story. Please don't stop. This new twist is great.


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asehpe I can apreciate that you were inspired to add to my story but I think it would have been better if you had done so on a seperate thread. Your direction is not my direction, your fantasy is not my fantasy. I'll continue my story now, I hope you and others enjoy it. If you want to continue yours please do it on another thread so as to avoid confusing anyone kind enough to read it.


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I kept the speach short and to the point, delivering it to his smirking face and over the noise of my wife's muffled giggles. I was embarrassed and unhappy but betrayed once again by my straining cock fighting its cage for the right to expand.
When he left my mistress rewarded me by allowing me to stand at the side of the couch where she reclined reading a magazine and sipping a glass of chilled white wine. I had to hold up the front of my girly uniform to allow her access to my damnable cage. The feelings that washed through my entire conciousness as she idley toyed with the lock, twisted the tube and scratched at my swollen sensitive ball were more than I can describe. Soon the inevitable happened and a small river of precum flowed from the drain hole in the tube, dripping onto the carpet.
'Aghhh, you filthy pervert. Stop that right now! Get on your knees and clean that up. You're a disgusting natural. What kind of man stands there drooloing like that? Go on lick it up cuckolds browniehead. And don't you ever ask me to touch that thing again if you can't even control yourself. You don't see John dribbling slime everywhere do you?'
'No maam, sorry'. John hadn't been locked in chastity for months with no real release for his pent up frustrations had he? He got to shoot off whenever he felt like it. Into my wife! I thought those things but I didn't dare say them. I just cleaned the carpet and ran, cupping my still dribbling cock cage in my hand, to the bathroom where I used toilet roll to dry myself off.
My frustrations were at a height I thought could never be surpassed until my darling wife took to having me lie on the floor in front of the couch as she watched tv. She said I was her footstool. She would remove her shoes or slippers and rest one foot over my face while she used the other to tease my caged manhood. It was agony! Staring u at her tiny cute little toes, begging for her permission to kiss and lick them as my cock strained like never before at the walls of its primister.
She wouls sit there aparently unperturbed, watching tv or talking to her lover on the phone. I would get so close! So fucking close! Then she'd stop and tell me to get on with my housework or, sometimes she would get turned on by my pleading for mercy, she would stand, drop her knickers and sit down on my face. Her full weight would be pressing my head into the floor as she straightened uot her legs and rested them on my chest and stomache. It made it very difficult for me to pleasure her and impossible for me to breathe. Both were clearly deliberate on my part as, when she was finally satisfied, I would be berated for my poor efforts and, naturally, she would be obliged to beat my defenceless rear with her heavy wooden hairbrush while I blurted my tearful apology and promises to try harder.
I was in one no win situation after another. Nothing was fair, nothing was constant. The rules changed by the minute without explanation or warning. I was desperate to please her, desperate to avoid the next beating and, more than anything, desperate to cum!


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During the week leading up to my wife's lover moving in with her for a month she decided it would be a good idea to set some ground rules. I thought that was an excellent idea until she explained that all the rules would be about me and my behaviour..
In collusion with her boyfriend she came up with a list. It had been decided by them that I should memorise the list and be ready to repeat it on demand. To help me in this task my demanding spouse presented the list to me and gave me 24 hours to learn it word perfect. After that she would test me, over and over again, until I had everything word perfect. To encourage me she would administer one whip of her crop to my ass for every mistake or hesitation. Then she changed her mind and decided that I should learn to accept punishments from her as part of my daily life as her slave, with unacceptable behaviour punished over and above the normal beatings she would give me just to remind me of my place.
So, next evening, there I was, bent over touching my toes, frilly knickers around my ankles, trying desperately to remember my lines. One whack would be my reward for a well remembered rule, three for a mistake.
'You may begin slave,' she whispered in my ear.
'I promise to worship my mistress from afar, and will never try to touch her without permission'.
whack! 'Excllent dear. Do go on'.
'I promise to regard my mistress's word as law, giving instant and unquestioning obedience with never a hint of complaint'.
whack! 'You have been working hard haven't you sweety? Carry on'.
'I promise to trust my mistress completely and devote myself, erm....'
'Ahhggg, sorry, Ahhgg, ahhgg!'
''Heart and soul, sweety, remember?'
'Yes, I'm sorry. I promise to trust my mistress completely and devote myself, heart and soul, to her happiness without any regard to my own needs or desires'.
whack, 'That's better. Next?'
'I promise to think only of my mistress's sexual gratification and devote myself to helping her achieve it in any way she chooses'.
'Ahgg, please maam, Ahgg I got it right, Aghh!'
'Yes you did slave but I'm not happy with your tone of voice. I want to hear some comittment from you. These are not just words. This is your life now, our life. Show me you mean it'.
'I promise to accept, I mean respect..'
Whack, 'Aghh!'
'Silence boy, I'm sick of your whining. Have some respect, take your well deserved punishment in silence'.
'Please maam, I can't remember which one comes ne......'
'I promise to respect....'
'You are making this very hard on yourself slave'.
'Please maam, I've got it now! I promise to accept and never question my mistress's right to take a lover and engage in any sexual activities she chooses, at any time she chooses, in any place she wishes'.
whack, 'Better'.
'I promise to respect my mistress's lover and obey him as I would her'.
'I thought that rule was deserving of some reinpowerment slave. After all, if you break it, it might be John dishing out the punishment and I suspect he can hit a lot harder than I can. Wouldn't you agree?'
'Yes maam'. Shit, that was the hardest part. It was bad enough him taking my wife's body and her affections from me. Over the next month he would be taking everything else. Now I had to deal with the possibility of having to submit to a beating from him. Fuck! That was going too far wasn't it? I mean, come on!
WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, 'I don't expect to be kept waiting by an insignificant piece of dirt as you slave'.
'Sorry, sorry maam! I promise to accept with gratitude ....'
'WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, 'I'm getting tired of this slave. I gave you half a dozen words to lear, some rules to help you over the next month, out of the goodness of my heart and you can't even be bothered to fucking learn them. You ungratefull little cuckolds brownie!'
'I'm sorry maam, I did learn them, it's just..'
'Get back in position, how dare you stand up! It looks to me as if you need to learn more than the words of your promises. You need to have a good think about their meaning. I'm really annoyed now! I've worked so hard to put this next month together and you are spoiling it already!'
I looked round quickly because I could swear I heard a quiver in her voice as if.....Yes, she was crying. I straightened up and turned to apologise and comfort her.
'What the fuck are you doing? Get back down there now!'
'Please maam, don't cry. I know you've worked hard. I'm sorry. I'll try harder, I promise. Don't cry, I can't stand to see you unhappy'.
'Can you blame me for being unhappy?'
'No maam, I'm sorry, really'.
'Yes, promise. I'll try much harder I swear'.
'Because I love you and I'll do anything to make you happy'.
'Yes, anything, I promise'.
'You might come to regret that promise over the next month. In fact, I'm going to make sure you do, ok?'
'Anything you say darl...I mean, maam'.
'Bend over and don't make a sound'.
'Now that we both have something to cry about, you may continue. Two more I believe'.
'I promise to accept with gratitude any punishment my mistress sees fit to bestow on me. I will never complain and never question those punishments regardless of their severity, their longevity or their seeming unfairness'.
whack, 'Now we're getting somewhere'.
'I promise to accept the absolute right of my mistress to treat me in any way she sees fit and to have me perform any task she desires. I will revel in the discomfort, frustration, pain and offense that those tasks might cause and be grateful to her for them for the rest of my life'.
'Good boy. Now, I want you to keep practising those until you have them perfect. You can recite them to John on his first night as my live in lover. Woe betide you if you make any mistakes then, do you understand?'
'Yes maam'.
'We'll practice them together every morning for the rest of the week, so I suggest you give it your best effort. Otherwise you are not going to be able to sit down by the time he moves in. Ha, ha, ha'.
'I'm glad you've cheered up maam'.
'Did I ask you to speak?'
'No maam'.
'Bend back over, right now. I think we'd better go through your rules again right now. You were obviously not paying attention the first time. Lets make it two whacks for a correctly read and heartfelt rule and six harder ones for a mistake, a hesitation or any lack of enthusiasm shall we? Pardon?'
'Yes maam, thank you maam!'


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Sure, blue179, I understand. As I said, I simply could not prevent myself. If there's a simple way to delete those two installments, let me know.


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On the day my wife's lover was to move in my wife/mistress had me remove all signs of my presence from her bedroom. I had to take clothes, shoes, aftershave, even our wedding picture, and store them in the cellar. When he arrived he was carrying a sports bag full of his things. My wife greated him by throwing herself into his arms and wrapping her legs around his waist, covering his face in kisses. Then, as they went into the lounge to enjoy the champagne and nibbles I'd prepared for them, I took his bag and proceeded to put away his things. His clothes replaced mine in the bedroom, his toothbrush dropped into a glass beside my wife's in the en-suite bathroom.
Once finished I presented myself to my mistress and new master in the lounge as instructed. Red faced and kneeling, I recited my list of promises. Some he grinned at, others he just laughed out loud. My wife smiled proudly as I recited every humiliating sentance word perfect.
Later, as I washed dishes in the kitchen, I felt her gaze on my back and turned to see her watching me. She smiled and congratulated me on an excellent start as slave to her and her lover. I didn't know what to say so I just smiled back.
She pulled out a stool from the breakfast table and sat down. 'Come here,' she instructed me softly, pointing at the floor in front of her.
'Are you excited about the next month slave?'
'Yes maam, I suppose...'
'You only suppose? What's wrong? Having second thoughts?'
'No maam, it's just...I feel shut out, like I'm loosing you'.
'Silly slave, you'll never loose me. You belong to me. You always will, tht's a promise. This month can be the high point of all your fantasies. You are giving up any and all rights as my husband, as a man, even as a human being. Now don't tell me that doesn't turn you on'.
'Yes, it does. More than I can tell you'.
'Then trust me. Give yourself to me. Everything. Hold nothing back. Understand?'
'Please maam, I love you'.
'I know. That's what makes all this possible. Now, no more discussion, no more time outs. We are your master and mistress. You are our slave. No rights for you, no consideration. You exist to serve. Tell me.'
'I exist to serve you maam'.
'And master John'.
'Good boy'.
'Please maam, may I kiss you. Just once, then I won't ask again'.
'Of course you can. You can kiss my feet. The bottoms, not the tops. You have a lot of work to do before you earn the priveledge of kissing the tops'.
As she held her feet off the floor I had to crawl forward and twist my neck to kiss the bottoms of the new silk and feathered mules she had bought especially for her month as John's wife. I had been hoping for her face but in my frustrated, confused, humiliated state any contact with her was worth any cost to me.
'Right now, I intend to be the perfect wife to my new husband, I suggest you be the perfect slave for us. That way everyone gets what they want. To begin with I think I'll go and let your master know that you just asked me for a kiss. I don't think he'll be very happy do you? In fact I'm counting on it. It's important that everyone understands their roles from the word 'go'. John can take you to the cellar and give you taste of his belt. It will be an excellent oportunity for him to gain confidence as master of the house. Also, my betrayal of you will assure him of my devotion to him and assure you that he is my priority now. You are nothing.'
'I think I'll ask him to give you extra too. Then I'll demonstate my trust in him and my total lack of concern for you by leaving him to beat you whilst I go upstairs and wait for him in bed. Knowing what he is doing to you downstairs while I wait all cosy between the sheets will be such a turn on! Then I can reward my gallant knight for defending my honour, can't I?'


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After telling me to stand up and bend forward over the kitchen table, my mistress wife flounced into the lounge to betray me to her lover. I could hear them talking for a while then I heard her going upstairs. Dressed my sissy maids outfit I shivered in anticipation of what might happen next. I didn't dare look up but I heard him come into the kitchen and stand behind me.
'Lesmister number one for the little cuckold,' he began confidently. 'Your slut wife is mine now. You don't touch. You don't ask to touch. Got it?'
'Yes sir,' I mumred. My mind was swimming with conflicting emotions. I felt betrayed, humiliated, embarrassed. Also, though, I felt frustated, desperate and incredibly horny!
'Lesmister number two,' He went on. 'You break my rules I put you in a world of pain'.
The sound of his leather belt sliding through the hoops of his jeans was followed immediately by a searing hot pain across my buttocks. I knew it was coming. I'd tried to steel myself, determined not to give him the pleasure of seeing my pain. So much for that idea. I screamed out straight away. Again after the next welt. Again, even louder after the next one laid red hot across the tops of my legs. I realised then, with a mixture of horror and resignation, that my unfaithful darling wife would be upstairs now, listening to what her strong masculine lover was doing to her pathetic wimp of a husband. I wondered how much it was turning her on. My poor deprived cock swelled against the unremitting walls of its primister as I thought about her hot faithless pussy glowing and swelling with lust as she stroked its wetness in preparation for her brave domineering lover's return to her arms. Boy how good would he feel sliding his hardness into that hot sweetness. As the sixth and final blow landed I wondered if I would ever feel that sensation again. Our so called game had gone on so long. How much longer could it last? How much longer did she want it to last? How much longer could I stand it?
That night I was called to their bedroom where he gave me the office keys. 'I'll be having a nice lie in with my wife tomorrow so you can open up for me,' he laughed as she snuggled up to him.
Over the next few days it became the norm. After a lonely night in the cellar I caught a bus in early to open up. When he eventually arrived, in my car, I had to take him coffee. He would sit there behind his desk, a big smirk on his face. I then had to endure his taunts about how good my wife was in bed, how warm and comfortable he had been while I was up and out in the cold waiting for a bus.
Later, she would phone me full of praise for his manhood, telling me what a marvellous idea it had been to have him move in. Finally she would demand to be transferred to his line and I would sit staring at my phone, shaking with pent up lust, mind wirling with images of them together!


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At the end of the first week they decided to go out and cellebrate. My wife spent half the day getting ready. She wore a brown leather skirt with a cream silk blouse. Dark brown stockings and cute little brown leather strappy high heels completed her outfit. Her makeup was perfect and her long hair shone with health and vitallity. I'd never seen her look more beautiful and my heart ached with longing for her.
After leaving me a long list of chores to complete, they left for a romantic meal and a night of dancing. It was the early hours of the morning when they returned. I heard them go upstairs. Creeping to the top landing I could hear his deep voice and her squeals of delight. I couldn't see them but I didn't need to. My imagination gave me a full hd picture of what was going on. Unconciously my hands strayed to my caged cock, pulling at it, tapping it, carressing it. It was a futile attempt at gaining some form of stimulation, anything to feed my sex starved libido!
I hurried to hide as he came out of the bedroom to go downstairs. My darling wife called and I rushed to her side.
'That was quick,' she laughed. 'I hope you havn't been evesdropping slave?'
'I said nothing as I dropped to my knees in awe of her beauty. She had lost the leather skirt and her stockings. As she sat on her dressing table stool I could see the garters of her basque hanging out from under her rumpled and torne blouse. Her glorious breasts were free of the basque and hung through the tear in her blouse. As I noticed the love bites covering them both I almost swooned from jealousy. She crossed her legs and I noticed she had put her shoes back on. She knew how much I loved her tiny exquisite feet in sexy shoes and I felt a wave of love for her wash over me as I realised she must have put them back on for me. Without thinking I begged her for permission to kiss them, sure that would be what she wanted. I almost cried when she frowned and pulled them under the stool away from me.
'Naughty slave,' she scolded. 'You know you are not allowed'.
Seeing my anguish her expression changed and she reached out her hand to me. I struggled to swallow as I saw in her dainty hand, her worn stockings and tiny silk knickers.
'Go ahead, take them,' she smiled.
Gingerly I reached out for them, bringing them immediately to my nose. My senses realed and was sure I would pass out as her glorious scent filled my consciousness!
'Off you go now. Be a good slave for me'.
'Yes maam, I will!' I smiled back at her, feeling , for the first time in so long, the connection between us.
As I went towards the bedroom door, her lover, John, walked in carrying a tin of beer. He was completely naked and sporting a semi erection. I couldn't blame him for that but my stomache sank once more at the realisation of what I'd lost to this man, what he'd taken from me. I couldn't look him in the face so I stared at the floor, negotiating a path around him. As I swept quickly by him I heard him sneer, 'Fucking wimp!'
I cringed and hurried out, disgusted with my fear of this man. Yes, I realised, I was afraid of him. Not just of the beatings he could give me but of the way he could so effortlessly deny my wife to me. As I scuttled along the landing I heard, 'Get back here and close this door, NOW!'
I hurried back and grabbed the door handle then froze at the sight before me. My darling, beautiful, untouchable goddess was on her knees before her lover and her master. Her hands rested on the front of his thighs as her sweet red lips slid up and down his rock hard apendage. He stood, head tilted back in extacy, one hand on his hip the other holding the beer can which he rested on top of her head.
Fearing his wrath if he saw me staring I shook myself out of my stupor and quietly closed the door. For several minutes I stood shaking with frustrated lust for my dear, darling wife. Finally, fearing I would drive myself insane, I steeled myself and sauntered off along the landing and down the stairs. No way was I going to be able to relax. I had to occupy my mind somehow. So I quietly went about ironing the clothes of the man responsible for my plight. The man who had taken my wife from me and turned her into his devoted sex slave.


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About half way through the second week I came home from work to find my wife laid on the our dinning table. She was completely naked apart from an incredibly slutty pair of clear plastic platform shoes. The soles were about three inches thick and the heels must have been six inches at least. A clear plastic strap secured her dainty feet to them. These were not walking shoes, these wee out and out 'fuck me' shoes!
Her lover John came in from the kitchen equally naked and sporting a disgusting hard on which he was encouraging with slow strokes of one hand while he scratched his bare ass with the other. A real class act! What the hell did my wife see in this bozo, I wondered. What the hell was I thinking? Eight inches, maybe nine? That's what she saw in him. Along with his cavalier matcho confidence I guessed.
'Get changed into your uniform then get back here. Make it snappy,' he ordered me.
In a panic I rushed down to the cellar and stripped off my work clothes. I was going to be included in their love making for once, or so I hoped. I quickly donned my uniform of maids outfit, black stockings and painfully small spike heeled boots. Then I noticed on my bed a long black wig. Had my wife left it there? Was I supposed to put it on? Would I ruin my chances of watching them fuck if I ignored it and went upstars without it? Or would I be punished for putting it on without permission?
Quickly I decided to put it on. I had a small mirror on the wall and checked my appearance. I looked like what I was - a pathetic wimp in drag. Even so, I felt a shiver run up my back at my enpowerd femininity. My wife was slowly turning me into a woman. Or at least turning me away from being a man. My cock strained against its primister as I stared at my image and ran my fingers over my smoothe stockings. Shit I didn't have time for this now.
Gingerly mounting the stairs in my ridiculous booties, I stumred back to the dinning room.
'There you are sissy,' he greeted me. 'Hey, maybe we should call him that from now on. Unless you can think of a better name? Shirley maybe? Lulabell? Something that reflects his status, and his sexuality of course'.
They both burst out laughing at that!
'I don't think so baby,' my wife answered. 'I'm not going to name him anything. I don't have a name for this table, or the oven, or the tv. They are just things. I use them. I don't get attached to them or need to consider their needs. They don't have any. They are here to serve me. So is he. I think of him on the same level so why would I need a name for him?'
'Well,' he laughed, 'You have a name for your car don't you?'
'Yes honey I do, but I'm quite attached to my car'.
Ouch! That hurt! Even after all that had gone before, that really cut deep!
My wife's legs, from her kness down, were hanging off the edge of the table and she opened them as he stepped forward between them. Looking at me, cock in hand, he said he had a treat for me.
'Tell him what you did today,' he ordered my wife.
'I flushed my pills down the toilet,' she answered, looking across at me.
Tell him why,' he prompted.
'Because I want to feel you inside me, feel your cock, your cum, your very essence, filling me, penetrating me, with nothing between us, real or representative. I want us joined, as closely as a man and woman can be joined,' she answered carefully, looking up at him.
He was smiling in triumph at her as he asked, for my benefit I'm sure, 'What about if you get pregnant?'
'Then...' she paused to turn her beautiful face to me once more, 'Then my love, I'll be having a real man's baby'.
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