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Three Month Chastity Cycle

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The next couple of months were fairly uneventfu owing to work and family commitments. My unfaithful wife made sure that she saw her lover at least twice a week. She called them maintenance visits because they were to ensure he got enough sex from her so that he would not need another woman. That was very important to her. She loved his bare cock inside her but did not want to risk infections he might pick up if he strayed from his agreement to be exclusive to her alone.
After nine weeks of chastity I was desperate. I always knew when my darling wife had been unfaithful to me because as soon as the kids were arelax she would tie me to the bed and release my bursting cock. Her lover was my keyholder now and he would only release the key after he had enjoyed her charms himself and then only after she promised not to let me cum. I think he must have got a real sadistic kick out of taking her in any way he pleased and then denying me, her husband, the same rights.
She would tease me with cruel descriptions of her hot sex with John while her fingers played lightly on my desperate organ. Over and over she would bring me to the point of orgasm before laughing and letting go. I would plead and beg for mercy until she tired of hearing my voice and told me to shut up or I'd be locked away for good. Then I'd have to suffer in silence as her fingers went to work once more. Always those nights ended with me locked once more in that damnable cage having been denied the release that every fibre of my being longed for. Once my limbs were freed I would be allowed to thank my cruelly smirking wife for her kind attention. Then she would inform me whether I would be allowed to relax in her bed or sent to the spare room. I'm not sure which was worse, a lonely, relaxless night on my own or the *** of being curled up beside her, hugging her warm sexy body knowing I could do nothing more, that my rights as a husband were gone.


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After that you can imagine how excited I was when my gorgeous spouse informed me that the kids were going to her lady's for the weekend and we were going to have some fun.
The Saturday morning saw me slaving away at housework dressed in maids outfit, wig and makeup carefully arranged by my darling wife. She meanwhile, spent the morning in bed with her favourite vibrator. She said that she wanted me to understand my place in her sex life, that, given the choice, she would rather have a piece of plastic than me and that I was more use to her as a maid.
I spent the afternoon waiting on her hand and foot while she relaxed in front of the tv. I brought her food and takes and massaged her pretty little feet between household chores. Three times she called me away from my duties to lick her unfaithful pussy. As soon as she came it was, 'Right that will do slave, get on with your work'. Then away I'd hobble, cock raging futilely at the walls of its primister!
Eventually she went off for a shower. I was ironing some of her clothes in the spare room when she came in. She looked amazing! Cream silk blouse, tight black pencil skirt with a long slit up the side, cream stockings with darker sections over toes and heels and black platforn Mary Jane shoes.
'I'm going out soon slave,' she informed me. 'John is taking me to dinner then on to a night club. It's been so long since I had a dance. I'm really looking forward to it. Then we'll be going back to his place'.
'So much for our weekend together,' I mumred huffily as I bent to drop some freshly ironed silk underware into a drawer.
'Excuse me?' she snapped. 'What was that you said?'
'Nothing,' I whispered as I went back to the ironing board, all hopes of a supremely satisfying release tonight gone.
I looked up to see her standing there, hands on hips and foot tapping the floor.
'If there is a problem you'd better spit it out right now slave. I've worked very hard to get us this far. I hope you haven't forgotten whose fantasy this was. It wasn't me that pleaded for us to have a mistress and slave relationship was it?'
'No maam'.
'I've had just about enough of you boy! If I had time you'd be over my knee right now getting a lesmister in respect from my hairbrush. As it is, John will be here to pick me up soon so we'll take up where we left off when I get back tomorrow. In the mean time you can get my boots out. All of them. Yes I know thats a lot of boots. You were the one who kept buying them for me remember? As well as the housework list I've left for you I want every pair of boots cleaned. You will lick every inch of every pair then you will polish them till they shine perfectly. Is that clear?'
'Yes maam'.
I expect you to treat them with the respect they deserve. In my absence you can apologise to them and tell them how much you love them while you clean them. I'll inspect them and your housework when I get home tomorrow. For your sake you'd better hope that I don't find any faults with your work'.
With that she strode rom the room.
A few minutes later she was back and stood watching me lick the soft leather of one of her boots. I looked up to see her raise one foot to rest it on the end of the bed. Her skirt rode up to reveal the top of her stocking and the smoothe soft flesh above it. I could have fainted with desire for her.
'Have you any idea how pathetic you are?' Were her kind words to me. 'Your wife is having an affair with another man right under your nose and all you can do is lick her boots. I can't hear you apologising to them slave'.
'I'm sorry for being disrespectful boots,' I mumred.
'I'm sorry for being direspectful boots!' I said more loudly.
'And I love you so much!'
'Why do you love my boots slave?'
'Because they are yours,' I answered.
'Not to me you idiot, to my boots'.
'I love you boots because you belong to my darling wife, because you have held her dainty feet, because she looks so gorgeous in you'.
'That's better. Now what do you think of this'.
She undid the buttons of her blouse to reveal a transparent black bra. Her nipples were clearly visible.
'Think he'll like it?'
'Yes...I mean yes maam'.
I've got another surprise for him. Want to see it?'
'Yes please'.
She dropped her foot from the bed and pulled up her skirt to reveal her naked pussy framed by the straps of her black suspender belt.
' can't......what if... I mean it's...'
'It's what slave? Too sexy? Too naughty? Too out of character for your conservative little wife? Well that's too bad. Just imagine John's reaction when he slides his hand up my skirt in the restraunt. I'll be lucky if we get to the night club won't I?'
'I want you to remember this while you clean my boots and do your housework. I want you to picture me with John, chatting, laughing, holding hands, kissing, dancing up close. Then making long slow passionate love in his bed. Your darling wife falling arelax wrapped in his arms'.
Dropping her skirt back in place and buttoning her blose she walked over to me and took my trembling chin in her delicate palm. 'Have a lovely night baby, I know this is driving you crazy, but I also know you want it, maybe even need it. Don't you?'
My throat was so tight I couldn't answer her. I could only nod my head. She smiled and turned to leave. Finding my voice I called that I loved her. She turned at the bedroom door, smiling sweetly.
'I haven't forgotten your earlier impertinance husband,' she warned softly. 'When I come home tomorrow I'll be checking your work then you'll be going over my knee. If you're good I may let you put your head between my legs and you can show me how much you missed me. After that we can have a little chat to see what we can do to help you stop these little tantrums'.
'I'm sorry maam!' I blurted stupidly.
'That's ok sweety, we'll talk about it tomorrow.'
The sound of a car horn outside jolted us both from our mesmerised state. She blew a kiss to me as she left and, with a gasp of anguish, I burried my head in the leather of my darling's boots.


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Even though I knew she was bound to find some fault with my work (she always did) I went at it diligently. There was so much to do! Then, with the extra time it took to polish every one of her fifteen pairs of boots, it was getting light outside when I finally lay down on the couch and fell imediately into a deep relax.
I dreamt of her, her gorgeous face, her slim sexy body, her tiny feet, her soft hands. I dreamt she was kneeling beside me as I slept. She was carressing my face, kissing my forehead. I felt so loved, warm and secure in my adoration of her. I could smell her perfume, feel her breath against my ear as she spoke, 'Wake up slave, your mistress is home'.
With a jolt I was wide awake, looking up at her smiling face.
'I hope you finished your housework before you went to relax. You're already in my bad books remember'.
In a pathetic effort to assure her of my continued devotion I slipped to my knees and kissed her shoes. It had been two months since my last orgasm and I had high hopes that today was the day. Everything was right. The kids were away, she had teased me by spending the night with her lover and I had proved my devotion by slaving away at the housework for most of the night. Yes, today was the day I was sure.
'You can show me the boots first'.
I made to rise from my knees but she stopped me. 'I like you down there, it's where you belong. Besides, I want to laugh at your cute little but in those frilly panties as you crawl up the stairs. I think I'm getting to like seeing you in your maids outfit. In fact let's make it a rule. Any time the kids are not here you will make sure you wear it, ok honey?'
'Yes maam,' I agreed as I crawled like a dog toward the stairs.


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I had arranged my darling wife's boots ready for her inspection. She sat on the bed and pointed, 'Hand me those ones'.
I watched as she inspected them. They were polished to perfection, I was certain of that. Unfortunately, I was just as certain of how much of a bitch my gorgeous mistress could be.
'Did you lick them first slave?' she asked as she examined them carefully.
'Yes maam,' I answered from my kneeling position at her feet.
'Did you do as I told you? Did you show them proper respect?'
'Yes maam. I told them how much I love you and how much I envy them for belonging to you'. I was crawling like a pathetic wimp but I didn't care. I could almost feel her delicate fingers on my too long denied organ. Or maybe after two months she would be feeling guilty and let me inside her! Yes! Yes that's what she would do!
'In that case I'm sure you can explain to me why there is a mark on these boots. Well?'
'Shit, here we go,' I thought. I was shivering with a combination of nerves and pent up sexual frustration as I looked up into her gorgeous big brown eyes.
'I'm sorry maam, I'll do those ones again,' I suggested.
'You'll do all of them again slave and this time you'll do them properly. I warned you. After upsetting me last night I would have thought you'd be more careful,'
'I'm sorry maam'.
'You will be boy. I've had about all I'm going to take of your misbehaviour. We have an agreement and you are breaking it. This is your fantasy remember? So why are you determined to spoil it. I don't do things by half, you know that. All I ask is the same dedication from you. Or have you changed your mind? Is it all too much for you? Well?'
'No maam,' I blurted. I really did not want this to end. Being my gorgeous sexy wife's cuckold slave was everything I'd ever dreamed of and more. I hated it but I loved it. It tore me apart but I was pretty sure I couldn't live without it now. Wow! Some revelation! I really wanted this, needed it even. What about her though, how did she feel? Was she enjoying it too? She certainly seemed to be. Either that or she deserved an Oscar for best leading actress!
'You'd better show me the rest of your housework. If it's as good as your boot cleaning you are in for a hiding you'll remember for a long time. Show me wimp, now!'
I opened her wardrobe to show her the neatly arranged clothes I'd ironed and hung up with infinite care.
'Just as I suspected,' she screeched as she grabbed handfulls of clothes and threw them across the floor. 'Are you actually trying to annoy me slave or are you just fucking stupid?'
Standing in front of my recently unfaithful wife dressed in a sissy maids outfit including girly wig and now relax smeared makeup I felt like a little girl being scolded by her lady. I couldn't help thinking what a contrast I must be to the lover who had, no doubt, fucked her senseless for most of the night. I guess that was her intention. Shit, she was good!
'You can do those again. In fact you can do everything in here and get it right this time or I won't be responsible. Do you understand?'
'Yes maam, sorry maam'.
If I felt so pathetic why was my long denied cock bursting at the seams of its unyielding primister? I was getting off on the scorn and derision of my darling wife. What a proud moment for me. Fuck it! I needed to cum!
I hurried after her as she left the bedroom to inspect the bathroom. I watched as she ran a dainty long nailed finger along the top of the shower screen. I smiled confidently to myself. I knew she was a stickler for dust even where it couldn't be seen and I'd anticipated she would check there.
'What the hell are you looking so smug about?' I quickly straightened my face and stared down at the tiled floor.
'Do you think this is a fucking game boy? You think you got one over on your dumb wife is that it?'
'No maam, not at all...I...I...just...'
'You just fucking blew it is what you just did cuckolds browniehead! Get my hairbrush and pull out my dressing table stool, you're going over my knee, I've had enough of your insolence'.
I was shaking with emotion as I followed my mistresses instructions to lift my dress and lie across her knee. The excuisite feel of her stocking tops on my thighs sent an electric shock through me. I jumped when her warm hand carressed my buttocks through the thin silk of my panties.
'Calm down slave,' she reassured me softly. 'This is going to take a while so you might as well relax. That is, if you can relax with your stupid slave ass on fire,' she laughed.
The blows came slowly, spaced out for maximum effect, one on top of the other. Then, every few minutes she would release a fusilade of quickfire smacks that had me crying out and begging for mercy. My pleading was answered by a return to the slow measured cracks. Over and over until big hot tears were flowing from my eyes to wet the carpet under my bright red face.


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I really love it, as usual... Please continue !


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When she was finally satisfied with the redness of my buttocks, my wife pushed me off her knee. From my prone position on the floor I watched through tear blurred eyes as she stood to remove her skirt. Her knickers were slid over her thighs and down her long nylon encased legs to de discarded casually on the carpet in front of my face. I stared at them in revulsion. They were heavy and wet with her lover's cum.
'Get yourself over here slave,' she called as she walked to the side of her bed and lay down. 'I have another job for and you'd better not mess this one up. It's your own fault. Belting that useless sissy ass of yours has gotten me all hot and bothered. I need your tongue. Come on hurry up! Ahh yes...that's it. I knew I kept you around here for something'.
Two orgasms later she pushed my face away saying she needed to relax. Careful not to disturb her I removed her gorgeous shoes on the pretext of making her comfortable. As I left the room I held one then the other to my face, breathing in the heady mixture of leather and perfume suffused with her special unique scent. She would want her shoes cleaned anyway, so I was only doing my duty as her slave. I took them to the spare room where I worshiped them with my tongue seeking to draw every last ounce of scent and flavour from them. The fact that she had worn them whilst being unashamedly unfaithful to me only drove me on to greater enthusiasm. Fuck, how I loved that woman!


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Sunday morning saw me on my knees under the kitchen table licking my wife's beautiful dainty feet while she ate the breakfast I'd prepared for her.
'I could get used to this,' she laughed. 'It's a pity we have to go back to normal in between games isn't it sweetheart?'
'Yes maam,' I answered dutifully. Today had to be the day. The kids would be home tonight. I'd waited two months, two whole fucking months without cumming. It was supposed to be one month. She had promised me. So when she had tied me securely to the bed and removed the dreaded cock cage I'd been in seventh heaven. I didn't even mind her going slowly, teasing and stopping whenever she thought I was close. I'd waited a long time, I didn't want it to be over too quickly. Then she'd started with the questions, asking me if I was enjoying being her slave. Did I think John was a good choice, was I enjoying being cuckolded. Did I still love her even after she had been so unfaithful to me.
Of course I'd answered with resounding yesses. In my increasingly rare and short episodes of sanity I actually had some fairly serious reservations. With her delicate fingers working their excuisite magic on my long suffering cock and balls though, all that dissappeared. All I knew was that I loved her, ached and yearned for her, was prepared to do anything or suffer anything just to feel her touch.
Then she had dropped the bombshell. If I loved her, really loved her, I would prove it. I would give up my orgasm and wait. I would wear the damned cage for another month. 'You think my fingers feel good now baby, think how they will feel after another month of chastity!'
What was I supposed to say? That I didn't love her that much? That I couldn't wait another few weeks to please her? I gave in. In the heat of the moment I agreed to wait and, in seconds her warm hand was replaced with a shockingly cold bag of ice. Soon the cage was back on and I was eagerly exploring her unfaithful pussy with my tongue while she told me how much she loved John's big hard cock more than mine.
Her voice jolted me from my daydream and I emerged from under the table as instructed.
'I've been thinking sweetheart. This game we play, you do enjoy it don't you?'
'Yes maam, of course I do'.
'Why though? What do you enjoy the most?'
Some question!
'I enjoy you teasing me, being a complete bitch to me, treating me like you don't love me, like I'm just a slave to you. I love worshipping you, yearning for you to notice me, to touch me, to give some tiny sign that you love me, while all the time you appear to give all your love, all your attention to someone else'.
'It turns you on doesn't it? It drives you nuts to see me with another man. It must be even worse...or should I say better, when that man can use me and use me in any way he sees fit and I just ask for more'.
'Yes it is. I hate it when he is rough with you. I want to jump in and stop him. I want to hold you and protect you'.
'So why don't you?'
'Because I know you are doing it for me, to tease me, to drive me insane with love and desire for you'.
'You're right, I do it for you baby. Having said that though, I have to admit, I am really starting to enjoy it. You don't mind that do you?'
'No, of course not. The one thing that stops our games being totally perfect is the fact that I know, in the back of my mind that you're really doing it for me. I worry what it must cost you to play the part I want you to play. If I could be sure that you are enjoying yourself as much as I am....if enjoying is the right word? Maybe I should say...If I could be sure that you were getting as much out of our games as I do, it would be the icing on the cake. I could relax and feel free to enjoy without any feelings of guilt'.
'That's very interesting, thank you for opening up to me like that sweetheart. I really do love you, you know that right?'
'Of course, and I love you...more every day'.
'That's nice baby. So nice in fact, I'm going to reward you'.
Yes, I thought, finally!
'Your reward is the knowledge that I'm not doing it just for you anymore. I've been struggling with feelings of guilt since our weekend away with John. I really like him and I love how he treats me. I love even more what it does to you. So, my faithful little slave husband, I want you to understand that, from here on, this is my game. I'm not playing it for you anymore. Consequently, I'm not playing by your rules any more, I'm playing by mine. Any objections?'
'No maam,'
'You might want to take a minute to think about that. Once you agree there's no going back. I intend to make your life a pure hell of sexual frustration and offense. There will, because of our normal daily lives, be some limits. However, I intend to minimise those limits. I can be very imaginative, as you know. So make very certain that you want this'.
'I love you. The more of a cruel bitch you are the more I love you. I want to play your way. I'll do whatever you say'.
'Yes, promise'.
'Good, then why don't we start right now. I don't feel as if you have been taking me seriously enough husband. When I go out with my lover I expect to come home to find that my instructions have been the letter. I will not accept anything less than total devoted obediance, do I make myself clear?'
'Yes maam'.
'Excellent. You will understand then that I must punish you for your slacking last night. Not to mention your impertinance. How long is it since I allowed you to cum slave?'
'Two months maam, well, nine weeks actually'.
'Really? Nine weeks! You must be desperate to squirt you little dribble of slave slime are you?'
'Yes maam, very desperate.....totally desperate'.
'And when do you think you might be allowed that chance slave?'
'I was hoping today maam, because the kids come back tonight and...'
'Silence! When I ask you a question I expect a short and respectful answer, not a pathetic drivvel'.
'Sorry maam'.
'Tell me, my dutiful husband, what would you expect to have to do to earn your releif?'
Fucking two months of teasing, wasn't that a high enough price, I thought but didn't dare speak.
'I could give you a lovely orgasm with my tongue maam, and kiss your beautiful feet....and beg if you want me to'.
'Yes, I do want you to'.
'Please maam, may I have this cage off to cum?'
'Is that it? You don't seem very desperate to me. Try again. This time with my foot as far in your mouth as possible'.
'Please maam, I'm sorry. I really am desperate. I love you so much. I ache for you to touch me, or even just to smile at me. I love you so much. I just want.... I mean I need to cum for you,' I mumred and dribred around her dainty toes.
'For me? Your cumming would be for me would it? Is that what you said?'
'Yes maam'.
'In that case I think I'll wait. I'm not in the mood. You may ask me in...oh...lets say another month'.
What!? Oh fuck no, no way!
'I could make it two months if there's a problem?'
My stomache had sunk and my heart was pounding in my ears.
'You need to understand sweetheart, I meant what I said, I'm playing for me now. I know how desperate you are and how much you were looking forward to cumming today. It's very hard for me to deny you but I have to. I need you to take me seriously and I need to get used to being totally cruel to you. It's not easy you know'.
It wasn't a walk in the park for me either!
'Now calm yourself down, take your mouth off my foot and go lie down on the floor in the lounge. Lie in front of the couch. I'm going to sit on your face while I watch tv. You are going to give my lots of loving tongue. You're going to prove to me that, no matter how cruel I am to you, you will still love and obey me, still worship me as your mistress. Go on, off you go. It's going to be a long afternoon. I have two movies on dvd to watch and I don't intend moving until they are finished. Don't look so down honey, it's only one measley month. If you are really good maybe I'll relent and take a day off your sentance for every time you make me cum.Wow, I wonder how many orgasms I've had over the two months you've been chaste for me? And I wonder how many I'll have had, on John's big cock and on your slavish tongue, by the time I let you cum?'


Posts: 46
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Why nobody post any comment ? Really this story is my favorite, please continue !


Posts: 27
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Yes i too love the story, Cant get enough I should comment more. I love it Please Continue!


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Thanks guys. It is a real boost to receive some favourable feedback. Finding the time to write is often difficult and knowing that there are people out there who appreciate my efforts is a real bonus. Please keep the comments coming. I love to see comments about which parts really 'Hit The Spot' and get you super turned on. Look forward to hearing from you and, I hope, others.


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After another four ekks of chastity I was about to burst with pent up sexual energy. Seeing my darling wife every day, living with her like a normal couple whilst all the time knowing she was out of bounds had me tied in mental knots. I couldn't relax and hardly managed to eat. I had to power myself to concentrate on things other than her. The slightest sight of her smoothe sexy legs, the faintest wiff of her heady perfume had me in raptures of frustration. Seeing her get ready and go out to meet him was ***, I hated it, but, when she returned I couldn't do enough for her. Her happiness was all I existed for.


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She forbade me to pester her for release but I did it anyway. How could I not?! She always had an excuse though. The kids would be back soon or her lady was on her way over. Always some reamister for not having time for me. She had time for him though. I'd come in from work and she'd kiss my cheek on the way out to be with him. She's run her finger over my cage as she looked up at me with those big green eyes. 'Not long now baby. Soon be time to let you out of this thing. Just be patient. I'm gonna make it so special ok? Gotta go now though. Just because you can't have any doesn't mean I have to suffer too does it? See you soon my chaste little baby'. Then I'd watch her hips wriggle down the drive, her long legs accentuated by her too short skirt and stupidly high heels. She looked like a slut, a very sexy slut, his slut, not mine.


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Finally it was time. She had taken the kids to her lady's for the weekend. I got all excited and pestered her until she lost her temper and made me assemble the dog cage in the spare room. Naked on hands and knees in the cage I cried out with relief as she removed the cage. I didn't even resist as she took my overfilled blue balls in her hand and stretched them back between my legs to secure them in the damnable spreader bar. It locked behind my thighs rendering me immobile within the tight confines of the dog cage. Then she secured my ankles togother with a leather belt before tighing my hands behind my back and securing them to the top of the cage. Closing the door she walked round to the front of the cage pulling up a stool to sit on while she removed her shoes and pushed her dainty painted toes through the bars for me to lick.
'John will be here soon slave so you just be a good boy and kneel there all quiet in your little cage while I get fucked by a real man. Maybe I'll bring him in here so he can see what he's up against for my affections. That should put him at ease don't you think?' she laughed as she stood up to leave. 'I'll leave my sexy shoes here for you to look at ok?'
'Please maam,' I begged, 'Please may I cum?'
'Oh of course you can sweetheart. I'm not a complete bitch, I'm your wife. I love you you silly thing. I know you have needs and I guess by now they must be pretty strong right?'
'Yes maam, very strong!'
'Ok then, why don't you go ahead and have all the orgasms you need while I do the same with John.'
'But how....I can't move.....I need...'
'What you need my little slave boy is to learn some respect. I've told you this is not a game. Well, it is, but its my game, not yours. Everything that happens from here on happens for me, for my enjoyment. The sooner you stop being so selfish and start focussing on that fact the sooner you get out of that cage, ok?'
'Yes maam, I do respect you I swear I do!'
'Actions slave. I want to see your respect in your actions not your words'.
'Yes maam, I understand. I'll try really I will. It's just so difficult seeing you and not being able to..'
'I know sweetheart, I know. Don't get so upset. It's going to be fun, you'll see. Just think, I could make your three months of chastity a regular thing. How do you think you would manage on four orgasms a year? Ha! I'd have trouble managing on four a week! In fact, I have four a day sometimes don't I? I could make you wait three months and then allow you inside me for sloppy seconds after John. Would you like that baby?'
'Yes maam, if it made you happy'.
'You see, you are learning already. I love you so much when you're a good boy. Now I have to go, I'll see you later. Don't do anything I wouldn't do'. The sound of her laughter mocked my tears of frustration.


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I heard her running upstairs and calling to him, 'Give me five minutes to get myself tidied up sweety'.
I watched from my position behind the door as he walked over to the window and, to my horror, used the expensive curtains to wipe off his now limp but still impressive weapon. Stuffing it back into his trousers he did up his flies. There was a smug grin on his face as he turned around and I found myself hating him but admiring him at the same time. He was a complete pig but he knew how to get what he wanted from a woman. He had to be good, very good. My sweet, innocent, conservative wife became a total slut when he was around. I was still struggling to get my head around how she could be so transformed. It was as if I didn't know her.
She called for him as she reached the bottom of the stairs and he left the lounge to meet her at the front door. Without a word to me they were gone. I got a damp cloth and went about scrubbing the stains from the curtains. Then I went upstairs to find my wife's knickers on the bedroom floor where she had left them. They were soaked with her lovers cum and I realised she must have used them to clean her well fucked ass before tossing them casually down. She knew I would find them and wash them then dry and iron them for her. She didn't even have to ask me to do such things now.
On her dressing table were some scrunched up tissues damp with more of her lover's juices. As I picked them up I thought about how casually she had given in to him. How he had used her, taken her without even bothering to drop his trousers. She had spent so much time, hours making herself perfect for him, wearing that precious dress that had meant so much to her and I. She had looked so gorgeous, so utterly, stunningly beautiful and he had shown his apreciation by bending her over the back of the couch and fucking her gorgeous ass, dumping his load into her bowels, far up inside her, in a place I'd never been. He had no real apreciation of her. He didn't care how much time and attention she had devoted to looking her best. He didn't understand what a goddess she was. To him she was just a cum dump, a slut to be used for his own purposes. Worse still, she loved it, yearned for it, revelled in his casual use of her.
Watching myself in her dressing table mirror I raised my darling wife's soaking silk panties and pushed them into my mouth. I had to close my eyes as ripples of extasy raced up my thighs, through my groin and into my stomache. With images of my darling bride dancing, laughing and kissing her brute of a lover as she must surely be doing by now, I sucked greedily on those hallowed knickers.


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Between our weekends of teasing and denial play my wife returned to normal. She was the perfect wife and lady. Sometimes I would find myself wondering if I had just imagined the whole thing. If this was reality then what she did with her lover had to be imagination right? Or was it the other way round.
I would be jerked back from my daydreams by a casual whisper in my ear as I held her in my arms, watching the kids playing in the garden. 'You're going to pay for these cuddles slave'. Or, 'John is not going to be very happy about you touching his property like this cucky'. Or, 'I met John today before I picked the kids up from school. I can feel his cum running down the inside of my thighs. It's a good thing I'm wearing this long skirt'. Or, 'I love our life now don't you baby?'
She even began to allow me into her new bed. Her favourite position was to lie spooned up behind me with one arm over my hips. I would feel her warm breath on the back of my neck as she idly fondled my chastity cage, 'I love you so much, you know that don't you? My darling husband. You have made me the happiest wife in the world. And we owe it all to this cage. I just wish we had locked you up years ago. I don't think I'm ever going to get tired of this game. I hope you like having your little thing locked away all tight and cosy, being teased and denied, humiliated and frustrated. You do like it don't you baby? I hope so because I don't think I can stop now, not for a long time, maybe not ever. Goodnight sweetheart. Have lovely dreams about me'.


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A couple of weeks later i was worried that I might be about to shatter my darling wife's perfect world. On very short notice I'd been made redundant. The chances of my getting another job quickly were not good so I was surprised and pleased when she announced that she had arranged an interview for me for the next day. She said that she had spoken to the man in charge and he had been very interested in the details he gave her.
So next day I arrived with my cv for my appointment to see a Mr Brown. I was ten minutes early and he kept me waiting a further twenty minutes so I was a bag of nerves when his secretary finally ushered me into his large private office. I held out my hand to shake his and froze. It was him! My wife's lover! If this was their idea of a joke it was in very poor taste. I was getting ready to storm out when he asked me to take a seat.
'Is this some kind of joke?' I asked.
'I never joke about my work. You wife said you needed a job, I have a vacancy, that's it. I take it you do need a job? Then have a seat before I change my mind'.
Hesitantly I sat down and opened my briefcase to remove my cv.
'That won't be necessary.' he smiled. 'The vacancy is perhaps not entirely what you are used to and certainly not something for which your cv would be relevant. I need an office boy'.
'Excuse me!?' I blurted. I was a highly qualified engineer. I was not and never had been an office boy!'
'I know, I know. It's not exactly what you had in mind. However, it is a job, a secure one, that has to count for something right? I'm sure it would be a considerable relief to that gorgeous wife of yours to know you are going to be able to keep a roof over her head. Perhaps you should consider too, being a woman, how long is she likely to hang around when the money runs out?'
I resented that remark. My wife would stick by me of course. Wouldn't she?
Your duties will include some general office cleaning, making the tea, fetching and carrying, running errands, that sort of thing. There are twenty members of my team plus me so I'm sure we can keep you busy. I know it's a bit humiliating for you but, from what your wife tells me, you enjoy that anyway don't you?'
I just looked at him. Why was I surprised she had discussed me with this man. They had to talk sometimes, they couldn't be constantly shagging. Nevertheless, I felt strangely betrayed.
'The salary, I think you'll find, will be very generous for such a lowly position. Probably a little more than you were getting from your previous employers. Of course, at your wife's request, it will be paid into her account. I'm sure she'll give you a small allowance. I think she's planning to spend most of the rest on sexy underware. You should be pleased, I'm sure she'll let you see it before I fuck her in it'.
His direct manner and course language had my face a bright scarlet colour.


Posts: 501
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Workplace domination is sooooo awesome


Posts: 46
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Yeah I agree with Razor.

And the tease and denial thing is my favorite I think... The fact she brings him to the edge every night without orgasm during months... That's so fucking cruel, even worse than if he were kept in his cage all the time. I just love when she teases him about how many orgasms she have and will have with her lover, while he will just have nothing but frustration.

I love this story, please continue !


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My wife was really excited about my new job and insisted on hearing all the details of my interview. I thought she would be upset when I told her about the disrespectful way he had spoken about her but I was wrong. She just laughed and asked me how I'd felt having another man talk about my wife like that. I wasn't going to tell her about being made to beg his cock for the job but she already knew. Obviously they had planned it together.
'Oh baby,' she sighed. 'This is just awesome! John is so on board with this now. I hope you are ready for all the cruel and nasty things we are going to do to you. Don't worry, it's going to be fun. Come on, as a special treat you eat my pussy while I phone your new boss to thank him for being so kind'.
She had me strip naked, tied my hands behind my backand had me lie on the couch. My head was on the edge of the seat, my neck bent to allow my back to rest against the back of the couch. My legs from the knees down, hung over the back of the couch. I laid there upside down as my darling wife dropped her knickers and picked up the phone. She knelt facing the back of the couch, her obviously moist pussy above my face. I heard her ask to speak to him then darkness descended. It was a hot day and her thighs were slippery with sweat as she clamped them to the sides of my face. Dutifully I put my tongue to work as she rocked gently back and forth using my like a sex toy with no concern for my needs. My poor deprived cock was trying desperately to expand. When I felt the long nails of her free hand raking my thighs I cried out futiley into the folds of her pussy. I don't know if it was my efforts or the conversation with her lover, or maybe my sorry predicament, but in just a few minutes her hot pussy was melting over my face, dripping like an over ripe fruit.She grasped my blue swollen balls as she came ignoring my cries of pain.
When she finally lifted off me she told me to lie in front of the couch. She went to take a shower and returned dressed in a silk nighty and short matching dressing gown. Her feet were cozy inside her soft fluffy slippers. She had me move away from the couch so that she could sit between it and me. To my utter joy and amazement she held up for me to see, the key to my cage. Smiling broadly she unlocked and removed it. Lifting her soft slippered feet to place them over my face she pressed play on the dvd remote. I could not see the tv but it sounded like a porno movie.
'Now baby listen carefully. I'm going to relax and watch this movie that John gave me. He says there is some stuff in it he wants to try with me. If you are a good boy and lie very very still I'll play with your little thing while I do. I'm warning you though, one move, one sound out of you and the cage goes back on, do you understand?'
'Yes maam, thank you maam, thank you'.
All thoughts and worries about my new job and about my wife's relationship with my boss were banished as soon as I felt her delicate fingers gently touch the underside of my burstingly hard cock. I had never been this hard or this turned on, never!
'Just remember sweety, nobody said you can cum. You need to get used to the idea that I can tease you any time I want to, for as long as I want to. That does not give you the right to cum. Your days of cumming whenever you feel like it are over'.
'Oh fuck!' How was I going to hold off? I could feel the backed up spunk boiling up already!
'I mean it baby, no cumming. I'll be very angry if you do. I'll try to help you by stopping when you get close, ok? But you have to help me too. You have to tell me when you can't control yourself. Be warned though, I do not want you constantly interupting the movie. I want to see you exercising some self control. And no begging. I'm not in the mood for it. You speak only to warn me. Is that all clear?'
'Yes maam, please maam....I love you so much!'
'I love you too baby, now be quiet'.
For the whole movie I gently kissed her dainty soft slippers and tried to hold off as long as possible between warning her I couldn't control myself. By the end I didn't know if I wanted her to stop or go on forever. I was exhausted both physically and mentally by the time she left go of my poor desperate cock, released my bound wrists and told me I had exactly five minutes to shower, refit the cage and present myself at her bedside. She told me not to expect much relax as she kifted the bed covers and spread her legs telling me to get my naughty slave tongue to work.


Posts: 1830 Pictures: 4 
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Lovely story, you naughty slave.


Posts: 1958
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Just wanted to drop a note to say this is really a great story. I'm not so into the whole public/workplace offense thing; as they say, "to each his own", but the whole teasing and denial aspect is absolutely fantastic!


Posts: 46
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I can't wait to see where the situation goes !

And I also love the teasing an denial aspect. Please continue !


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The following night I was so horny I was going crazy. The kids were in bed and my wife was lieing on the couch in her cute fluffy dressing gown and matching slippers. I was taking the oportunity to try to explain to her how desperate I was and looking for a way to break it to her gently that I really couldn't go on any longer. She shushed me and had me lie beside her on the couch. As we lay there face to face I felt her fiddling with the lock on my chastity cage then, suddenly, it was off! My heart leapt and my cock thrust upwards into the softness of her dressing gown. I was transported to another realm when I felt her long red painted nails brushing lightly over my sensation starved manhood.
'Poor baby,' she whispered. 'Have I been really cruel to you? Have I made you wait too long?'
'Yes!' I gasped. 'Please!'
'Don't worry sweety, mama's going to make it ok, you'll see'.
With that she lifted her leg and slid off one slipper. It felt warm and soft as she slid it over my fit to burst organ.
'I know it's been a while baby but I want you to listen for a minute, ok?'
'What?' Listen? How could I listen in this state? My entire being was contained in the overstretched nerves of my cock. My poor brain could not muster the spare processing capacity needed to hear, much less comprehend!
'When I say go you'll have exactly ten thrusts with your little toy, ok? Ten baby, remember that. If you're naughty and cum before you reach ten I'm going to pull off the slipper and ruin your orgasm. Then, I'm going to put you over my knee and use my hairbrush to blister your ass. Finally, I'm going to put your cage back on and leave it on for a very very long time. So long it will make the periods you've waited so far pale into insignificance. Do you understand me?'
'Yyyyes...maam, I..I...think'.
'On the other hand, if you don't manage to cum by ten, the cage goes back on until I decide to take it off again. That could be tommorrow, next week, or next month, who knows?'
'That .... that means I have to cum exactly on ten?'
'Oh, my baby is so clever aren't you sweetheart? Yes, that's exactly what it means. Now, on my count,'.
Fuck! That felt so good!!!
'Please maam...'
'Shhh. Two.....Three....'
'Oh fuck, please..!'
'We'll have non of that language thank you!'
'I'm sorry maam!'
'I should think so. You should have more respect for your wife slave'.
'I do respect you maam, honestly!'
' Get on with it. Four...slowly boy, slowly! Five'.
'Please maam, I can't...'
''ll do as you're fucking told boy! Seven...'
'Oh, no...I can't, please...I....please maam!'
'I'm so sick of your whining slave! Eightnineten. There, its over! Now get up and go fetch some ice. And be quick about it. I want that cage back on right now. Then you can fetch my hairbrush. You are going to learn that when I say shut up I mean it. And don't expect me to be giving you another chance to spurt your worthless slime any time soon either. I am so annoyed with you! You complain that I don't let you cum, then, when I give you the chance to, you complain again. Get a move on, I am really going to give it to you boy!!!'


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So much for persuading her to end the game. I wasn't giving up though. I had to be careful. She had really been mad at me. My ass was on fire and I couldn't sit on it all the next day at work. I had to keep trying to find things to do to keep me on my feet. Then the boss called me to his office. My faithless wife had phoned him and told him to make me show him my red and bruised buttocks. I don't know which was redder, my face cheeks or my ass cheeks as I left his office to the sound of his mocking laughter.
It was my wife's birthday the next week and I decided to make that my target date. I would arrange something special, surprise her. Then, once she was in the right mood I'd explain how I'd enjoyed our game but just wanted it to end now, to hold her and make love to her as my wife. Yes, that's what I'd do.
I managed, at great expence to get hold of two tickets to see her favourite theatre show. As soon as I got in from work I sat her down and, smiling proudly, presented them to her with a hearty 'Happy Birthday darling!'
Excitedly she opened the envelope and gasped at its contents. 'Oh baby, that's fantastic!' So far so good I thought.
'Oh but I've already agreed to go out with John'.
Oops! Oh well, time he was put in his place, right?
'Darling,' she cooed. 'Would you mind if I gave one of these tickets to John. You know you've seen the show with me before, but John hasn't. I think he would really enjoy it. It's just for this once. I can go with you next time. It would be really rude, after I've already agreed to go out with him, to cancel at such short notice. You don't mind do you?'
'I suppose not,' I sighed.
'Excuse me?'
'I mean, no, I don't mind......maam'.
'That's better. Now lets go and find me something sexy to wear. Come on, you can pretend to be my girlfriend helping me choose an outfit for my date'.


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I went through the motions of helping my wife get ready to go to the theater with her lover John, using the tickets I'd bought for her birthday, but I think she could see I wasn't happy. Eventually she sent me downstairs to do some housework.
I was hoovering when she walked into the lounge later. She looked stunning. Sophisticated but sexy too. The thought of her spending her birthday night with another man was incredibly erotic and my treacherous cock was stiring hopefully even as my mind was telling me to protest and stop this. For once my mind won and, switching off the hoover I began.
'Look, I don't want to spoil things for either of us but I think...'
She'd walked over and put her finger over my lips.
'I can see you're not happy baby,' she smiled. 'Follow me'.
She led me into the hall and to the front door. Pointing at a small pile of clothes she spoke in a cold voice I'd never heard before.
'There are some normal clothes for you. Take off your maids outfit and put them on'.
'But....what...I mean...'
'Do as I say!' she barked. 'Then get out of my house!'
'What do you mean?' I moaned, all bravado having deserted me.
'I mean I want you out of this house. We both know that because of the kids there is no way any court is going to give the house to you. Besides, when John finds out you won't even have a job, so you'd better find some way to pay my mortgage and support me. It's the least you can do. Now go!'
'I don't understand baby. I don't want to go'.
'Oh so you expect me to go do you?'
'Of course not,' I was crying now. 'I don't want either of us to go'.
'Well you should have thought about that before you started spoiling everything shouldn't you?'
'I don't understand. I just wanted us to be back how we were. I love you so much!'
'Oh really? You love me do you? So how come you are so determined to spoil things for me. I wasn't the one who pleaded and pestered for these cuckolding games was I? I wasn't the one who begged for it to be real, to be totally mine to control. You said no limits. You pleaded with me to try to enjoy it. You said I could do anything I wanted and you wouldn't complain. Didn't you?'
'Yes, I know, it's just that I miss you. I miss us. Even when the kids are here you are so cold and teasing'.
'Which, I believe is exactly what you asked for'.
'Yes but..'
'No buts. No excuses. No explanations. I have put too much into this to stand by and watch you destroy it all because you can't control your little ego or your equally little cock. You have one choice. It's my way or the high way. You choose, but make it quick before I phone the police and have you locked up for the night'.
I stood there shaking and crying like a baby as she turned and walked back into the lounge. How had we gotten to this? What the hell was I supposed to do now?'
I followed her and, kneeling in front of her as she sat on the couch, begged her forgivness.
'An apology isn't enough I'm afraid. I want your word that this will never happen again, ever'.
'Alright I promise'.
'I promise I will never complain or dissobey you ever again...maam.'
'And the game ends when slave?'
'When you say so, maam'.
'When I say so, and don't you ever forget it. If you ever twist or complain again, if I ever get so much as a slight suspision that you are not totally happy and devoted to me as your mistress you will be out, for good'.
'I know, I promise maam, honestly'.
'Good. Now get me a glass of wine, it's my birthday. And dry your eyes. When John gets here I want you to give him the tickets, on your knees. Then you can ask him to have a lovely time with your wife. Perhaps you might like to sing happy birthday to me too, so John can see what a devoted husband you are'.


Posts: 3
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excellent story please continue with more degradations....!!!!


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I did it too! Even though part of me wanted to die rather than spend another second humiliating myself in front of that bastard. How I behaved in front of my wife was one thing but doing it in front of her lover was quite another. Unfortunately, as she had demonstrated to me, I had little choice. The really amazing thing was that, after a few minutes, the pain reduced. My embarrassment was still accute but looking at their faces, his smirking in a superior fashion and hers with a little smile of encouragement, perhaps even pride, I began to understand why she was putting me through this. My previously shy and shrivelled cock began to stir and I ached to cry out my love for her.
Suddenly though, without a backward glance, she was gone. Unusually, she had not even left me a list of chores to be completed in her absese. So, more to take my mind from my worries over having upset her and my desperate sexual frustration than anything else, I set about cleaning the already gleaming bathroom. That led to the kitchen for washing dishes, including my wife's wine glass which still bore the outline of her lips in deep red lipstick. I licked hungrily at the place where her gorgeous lips had been as my imagination ran riot thinking about her gluing those unfaithful lips to his, her tongue darting between his teeth, teasing him. Shit, I had to get on with some work!
I decended to the basement to load the washing machine and do some ironing. By two in the morning I had to accept that she was not coming home. In a state of desperate longing I went to her bedroom. It used to be our bedroom but strangely I no longer thought of it that way. I realised that I didn't even want to think of it that way.
In a daze I touched her pillow then bent to sniff it. Picking up a pair of her shoes I fondled them lovingly before kissing them and imagining her tiny stockinged feet filling them. Stockinged feet that were no doubt wrapped tightly around her lover's back right then.


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I was pathetic and I knew it. She was right. I had asked for this, begged for it even. My main stipulation was that I should have no control and no say, that she should feel free to ride roughshod over my feelings. I'd wanted to be used by her, used, ***d, humiliated at her whim. So why had I complained? She'd been so mad at me and it was all my fault. I had to get a grip. So what if it looked like she was enjoying herself? Hadn't that been my dream? That she would get so into her role that she would begin to enjoy herself. That she might actually come to get as much out of our games as I did. That way she would be as keen to play them as I was. So, once again, why the fuck was I complaining?
To be fair to myself, it was a lot harder than I'd thought. The idea of her being with another guy was a huge turn on. The reality was even better, but I was just so jealous! My stomache went into knots just at the thought of her giving herself to him. The frustration of being denied orgasm just added to the mix of unfathomable emotions rushing through my brain. I had gone from a guy who was pleasuring himself at least once a day, probably to the detriment of my relationship with my wife, to a chastised cuckold who was lucky to be allowed one orgasm a month! At the same time she had gone from an undemanding faithful spouse to a raging inferno of sexuality. It was unbearable but, at the same time, so incredibly erotic. My chastity, my subservience, my abject acceptance of her power to tease and frustrate me had turned my wife into an unimaginably sexual creature. If I were to withdraw my devotion, my slavery, where would that leave her? What would she then become. I was not sure if I could go back to the way we were but I was pretty sure she could not. So, if I wanted to keep her I would have to accept the price. It was a price I had set, so know I would have to steel myself and pay it.


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I had the chance to belong to my beautiful wife in a way that few men can even imagine. Indeed in a way that I could previously only dream of. I was hers, I belonged to her. But I had some work to do to convince her of that. Wheter or not I continued to suffer the bitter sweet agony of denial or was granted a mind blowing orgasm at her behest was out of my control, as it should be. She owned my sexuality and so she owned me. Besides, though I hated it at the time, the long waits always paled into insignificance when relief was finally granted. Even when minimised or ruined altogether, they were so powerful, so beyond anything I'd previously experienced. As for the rare touch of her delicate fingers on the intimate parts of my body? I would give anything, go through any ***, to experience a single second of that feeling!
In short I had to continue. We had to continue.


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As an act of love and devotion I cleared a space at the bottom of my wife's wardrobe and climbed in. Closing my eyes I sat there breathing in the scent of her perfume, the leather of her coat and shoes. Smiling to myself I acknowledged once more that she was right. She was always right. Tomorrow I'd show her I understood that. From now on no more complaints. Whatever she wanted from me I would give with all my heart, at any cost. She would soon see how serious I was and how much I loved and adored her. If restricting my orgasms was what it took to please her then, so be it. If she needed a more powerful alpha male to make her happy, no problem. I just had to hold onto her, show her I was hers. She was the mistress, I was merely her slave. The secret to our mutual happyness was mine to give her and I was filled with a sense of purpose.
I fell arelax holding a pair of her stilletoes to my chest, the smile still on my face.
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