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Three Month Chastity Cycle

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Really this story is AWSOME! I cant get enough, I cant wait for the continuation. I hope it never ends.


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When my wife got home late the next day I was past myself with jealousy and frustration. She just smiled and asked if I would like to join her in the shower as a treat. She undressed in the bathroom and told me to do the same. Then, instead of entering the shower cubicle she said that since I'd been such a good cuckold I could have permission to clean her all over with my tongue before she showered. The pain from my caged and spiked cock intensified as I did her bidding. Starting at her feet I kissed and licked every inch of my unfaithful wife's warm smoothe skin. When I reached her neck I moved to start on her pretty face but she turned away telling me not to push my luck. How was I pushing my luck by wanting to kiss my wife's face. Instead she told me to get back on my knees and clean the inside of her pussy.
It smelled different and the taste was new too. I was a little put off but she grabbed my hair and insisted, pulling my tongue inside her. She was thrusting her hips at my face and groaning loudly. I felt pleased and proud to be giving her such obvious pleasure.


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I had it in my head that I was competing with the lover she had spent last night with. At least I did until she came calling out his name! As she did her pulsing hot pussy walls powerd out a thick dollop of his sperm which slid down my throat before I could stop it. The icing on the cake came when she pushed my face away, slapped me so hard it brought tears to my eyes and ordered me to thank her for the priveledge of takeing her lover's cum. As I stuttered out my thanks she turned to the wall and ordered me to lick her ass better. I wasn't sure whether she meant the red stripes his crop had left across her cheeks or her once tiny rosebud which he had roughly retaken possession of in my abscence. So I started on the stripes and then went on to her puckered anus. It must have felt good as she pushed back on my tongue and called me ' a sad little ass licker'.
'Go on get your tongue up there where my lover had his big cock last night. Shit, you are such a fucking looser. No wonder I never gave it to you. Yes, get it up there inside me. Clean out all that man juice. Swallow it you fucking wimp!'
Having been put back in my place by my darling wife I was rewarded or ***d, depending on your point of view, by being allowed to enter the shower cubicle with her to soap her gorgeous body. By the time I'd dried her I was desperate. I'd never needed relief more in my life. As I dried her tiny feet I begged her sincerely only to have her laugh sweetly and tell me to dress myself in her dirty knickers and stockings before bouncing happily out into the bedroom. Once there she had me feed at the sweet spring of her pussy once more while she laid imperiously in our bed.
'That was very nice slave. You are improving I think. Now I'm tiered so I'm going to relax now. Before I do I need to pee. I don't see why I should get out of my nice warm bed and walk all the way to the bathroom when I have a slave right here'.
As I went to protest she cut me off, 'Now you know this is one of your fantasies so stop pretending it disgusts you. You should be honoured to take my pee. In fact you should beg for it. Go ahead my big strong husband, beg your sexy wife to piss in your mouth'.
'Please maam, please piss in my mouth'.
'Silly slave. Make your mind up. First you beg me to let you cum and then you beg me to pee in your mouth. You're being very greedy, which one do you want?'
I know a trick question when I hear it and, anyway, my masochistic streak was kicking in once more. 'Please may I have your piss maam'.
'You are strange slave aren't you? Which one do you think John would choose? I guess that's why I need his cock and not yours,' she laughed. 'Oh well, it's just as well I suppose. I couldn't take your cage off even if I wanted to. I gave the key to John. He gets so jealous. Even though he's seen how I treat you and I've explained what a wimpy cuckold you are, he is still worried I might let you put that little thing inside me. I guess if it makes him feel better it's a small price to pay isn't it sweety?'
Not from where I was standing it wasn't!
'Now don't you dare spill a drop on my sheets cucky. The only man staining my sheets from now on will be John. That's it, good boy, here it comes'.
The taste was salty but not as bad as I'd feared. The flow went on and on though. Several times I found myself panicing, trying to swallow and seal my lips to her pussy at the same time. Finally it stopped and I licked the last lingering drops from her lips.
'You did very well darling. I'm really very impressed with you. I think our new relationship is going to work perfectly. Now get my dressing gown to cover yourself and lie at the side of my bed. That's were you will relax whenever the kids are not here. Unless of course John makes you relax in the spare room. Goodnight sweetheart. I love you very much'.
'I love you too,' I replied. I meant it. I'd said it a million times over the years but I don't believe I'd ever meant it more.


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I awoke next morning to the wonderful sound of my darling wife inviting me into her bed. As I slid in beside her warm soft body my head almost exploded with sensations. Before I knew what was happening I was crying. I tried to hide it by burrying my face in her long silken tresses but she must have felt the sobs as they rippled through my body. Saying nothing she just hugged me to her and kissed the top of my head. At first I was comforted but then the realisation hit me. She was holding and comforting me like a lady would her young. The contrast between this and the way she had acted with her lover brought on two things. Firstly a fresh wave of sobs and, secondly, a fresh flow of red to my imprimistered cock. It was sweet agony as I squirmed in my wifes arms, partly to rub myself against her smooth warm flesh and partly to try in vain to ease the pain of the spikes tearing into my frusrated cock.
Eventually she told me to stop it and lie still. With a great effort of will I managed to obey her and there we lay for a long time. Eventually we began to talk. We got up and dressed, had breakfast and sat together in the garden just talking and talking. We both admitted that our recent experience had been difficult, even painful in many ways but also incredibly erotic. We were both tentative at first but in time it came out that we had both had an incredible time and would love to continue in a similar vein. Obviously there were obstacles to us becoming a full time cuckold couple but we agreed that, whenever possible we would live my fantasy, now our fantasy, to the full. At all times when alone she would be my mistress and I her cuckold slave. When others were around we would be the normal couple we had always been. However, I would be punished severely for any liberties taken whilst in 'normal mode'.
She pointed out what a big advantage it would be for us to keep John as 'the other man'. It would save a lot of time, trouble and risk in finding guys for her to tease me with. He was a known quantity and more than happy to join in the fun. Aparantly, she told me, he even had some ideas himself of games we could play. Then my gorgeous wife pointed out how it would be an extra tease for me knowing that she had a regular lover. It would allow her to develop scenarios that would not be possible with one night stands.
I was full of questions about her past with John and her aparant love of being dominated and treated roughly but she insisted it would spoil things if we went into all that detail. I was to trust her completely, place myself in her hands and promise to obey her in everything. If I refused and instruction at any time, even if I hesitated, she would end the game. We could discuss things up to a point when we were in 'normal mode' but whilst in the game, I had to obey without question.
I was so turned on by this incredible change in my gorgeous wife I agreed. I loved her so much and our lives were going to be so exciting. No more fantasies, this was real. My cock was bursting as I asked her if she really meant it about giving John the key. She laughed as she said yes, of course. Then she explained that she thought if this was going to work I needed to be kept on a sexual high. If I got to cum anytime I wanted between game times then the situation would loose its intensity. It was not as if we could arrange a session weeks in advance and have me locked up for a week to build the tension. The game was not going to be that predictable. Something could happen at a moments notice. She wanted me on a constant high of frustration and lust for her. Hence, my orgasms would be strictly rationed. Furthermore, I would not be allowed to make love to her. It would spoil things. I had to accept that she was out of my reach. I was unworthy of her. She belonged to John.
Her teasing words drove me insane. I grabbed her and pushed her down on the couch, crushing her lips with mine, mauling her proud breasts, humping my imprimistered cock against her thigh.
To my utter frustration she reacted by going completely limp. She just lay there like a rag doll. When I paused in my pathetic attempt at seduction she asked if I was quite finished. I apologised as I sat up. She told me she understood how I must feel but that there was nothing she could do about it. Furthermore, I would be punished for my disrespect, just as soon as I'd used my worthless tongue to apologise her pussy.


Posts: 27
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Im so glad this story hasent ended...I love it all! Wish it were me!


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And so began my life of seritude to my gorgeous darling wife. I loved her before but now I worshipped her. I adored her. I ached to touch her. I longed for her attention. During our 'normal periods' when the kids or someone else was around I took full advantage, kissing her and fauning over her like a love struck idiot. I couldn't help it. I knew that as soon as we were alone she would punish me but I just couldn't help myself.
After four weeks of teasing, she told me we were going to spend the weekend at John's house. As she put it, 'I'm going to spend the whole weekend in bed with my man while you do some serious housework'. My wife had been to his house several times over the four weeks. She went during the day when I was at work and the kids were at school. He was out of work so it was an ideal arrangement. She always complained that, although he was an incredible lover, he was a complete slob and his place was a mess. 'I guess real men are too busy fucking to have time to clean up,' my wife suggested to me. 'That's where you come in my little slave'.
I was in a state of utter desperation by then and desperately hoping to get the key for my chastity cage from him. I was prepared to do just about anything to get it so the idea of a little housework did not worry me unduly.
When we arrived I was given a list of chores by him and told to change into the maids outfit my wife had brought with her. I watched through a haze of jealousy as he took her hand and led her upstairs. Halfway up the stairs she turned and stuck her tongue out at me then as she continued up the stairs her hand went behind her back and she gave me the v sign. With a shudder of pent up lust and jealousy I began to change.
The place was a pig sty and after a couple of hours of hoovering, dusting, tidying and washing up I moved on to loading the washing machine with his dirty clothes. As I picked up a pair of boxer shorts which had been dumped behind the couch I found myself pausing to stare at them and rub the fabric between my fingers. These shorts had contained the cock that my darling wife was surely enjoying upstairs right now. She had sucked it, taken it willingly into her pussy and her ass. She had given herself to the pig that these belonged to. I hated him. I hated him for taking her from me! So why was I holding the shorts to my face and kissing them ? What the hell was wrong with me? I quickly pushed them into the washing machine with the other clothes and slamed the door. I needed to cum that was all. All this chastity and teasing had me going nuts. I just needed to cum. I couldn't wait any longer.


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In an effort to remind my wife of my presence and hopefully my desperate need I poured some wine and took it upstairs for them. The door was ajar and I could hear the sound of hot sweating bodies slamming together accompanied by deep grunts and little high pitched squeals. I knocked but there was no response. Knocking louder I pushed the door open and walked in. I knew I was on dangerous ground but I was desperate.
At first all I could see was him on top of her, his ass pumping rhythmically. Her tiny bare feet were in the air on either side of his shoulders. Then I noticed the straps around her ankles. Moving to the side of the bed I stared in shock at my bound wife. Her wrists were cuffed in black leather straps and tied above her head to the iron headboard. Her ankles were similarly cuffed and tied back to the bedposts. The result was to splay her open in the most lewd fashion giving her stud full and unhindered access to her once faithful pussy.
They were both so enraptured by their passion that they had not even noticed I was there. He was gripping her long dark silken tresses tightly in both fists, one either side of her head. I thought about how she had spent over an hour that morning, washing, conditioning and setting that hair, wanting it to be perfect for him. He was licking her face between grunts and I could see his disgusting saliva glistening wetly on her forehead and cheeks. She was unable to return the favour as her mouth was stuffed with a bright red ball gag from behind which she sqealed her encouragement. A little stream of her own saliva escaped as I watched and ran down her chin. I was filled with the need to reach out and wipe it away with my thumb. To caress her gorgeous face and tell her how beautiful she looked. Unfortunately I did not get the chance as her pig of a lover leaned forward again and ran his wet tongue over her chin savouring the juices of her mouth as his cock savoured the juices of her pussy.
I must have made some involuntary cry as he turned to me, 'What the fuck do you want?'
'I thought you might like a take so I.......'
'When I want a take I'll tell you, now fuck off!'
'I'm sorry, I just.... I mean I was wondering wife said you might....'
'Your wife? Your wife is getting her brains fucked out right now. If you were even half a man you'd be the one doing it. Since you're not she has to get me to do it for you. The least you can do is leave me the fuck alone to get on with it. Now get out before I decide to put you over my knee and teach you some manners'.
He had paused in his thrusting as he spoke to me and my wife had begun thrusting her hips up at him, making little pleading sounds, begging for him to continue taking her like the slut she obviously was for him. It was this more than anything that made me hang my head in shame and turn to leave.


Posts: 501
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the male on male domination stuff is hot. Threats of spankin, having to clean his apt, amazing.


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Just as I reached the bedroom door he called me back and asked, 'What do you want?'
'Please, I'm desperate, I need to cum!'
'Oh yea? How much do you need it?'
'I can't begin to tell you. It's been so long and I just can't stand it!'
'And that's how you address the guy who controls your orgasms is it?'
'I'm sorry's just...please, if you want me to beg I'll beg. Please can I cum?'
'Please what?'
'Please sir. Please may I have the key sir? I won't bother you. I can go in the bathroom out of the way. I just need to cum so much!'
What did he say? Could it be that easy? Was he really feeling sorry for me? I guess I was pretty pathetic. I guess I just expected more of an argument.
'Pick my jeans up off the floor slave. The key is in my back pocket'.
I rushed to obey him eagerly.
'Now stand back over here where your wife, my slut, can see you. Get that cage off and lift up the front of your dress. Don't touch it now. Not till I say so. You go touching without my permission it goes back on pronto and it'll be a cold day in Hell before it comes off again. You hear me?'
'Yes sir, of course'.
'That's it. Now you just stand right there with that little pecker on display for your mistress. She's gonna get a real kick out of looking at that and trying to remember what it felt like inside her while I'm pumping her slut pussy with a real dick. Aren't you baby?'
I stood there like a complete sissy staring at my wife's gorgeous face, displaying my throbbing desperate manhood for their amusement as he began once more to impale her on the weapon that had won her heart long before I'd met her and now, I suspected, was doing it again.
When his thrusts speeded up and her eyes rolled back into her head as she came bucking and heaving against her bonds I felt sure I would cum myself without even touching my long neglected member. As it was I could not quite managed it and, instead, dribred an embarrassing pool of pre cum onto the carpet as that bastard blew his load right up into the furthest reaches of my darling's precious pussy.
Once he recovered his breath he pulled away from her. I heard the plop as his angry red cock was pulled from the swollen lips of her vagina.
'Get up here on the bed slave. If you want my permission to cum you better get your sissy mouth down there and clean up your mistress'.
No way! I couldn't stand this guy. I'd had no choice over tasting his spunk from my wife's pussy last time, I wasn't going to do it voluntarilly. No way.
'Ok get that cage back on fuck wit. Now!'
'I'm sorry. I was just getting myself ready. I've never done this before. Please I'll do it. I want to, really'.
What a proud moment for me!
'You want to huh?'
'Yes sir, really'.
'So ask nicely'.
'Please sir, may I clean your cum from my wi...erm..mistress's pussy?'
'You want my cum do you? You like the idea of sucking another man's spunk out of your wife then?'
'Yes sir please sir'.
'You think your wife will be proud of you? You think she'll be impressed with your manhood?'
'No sir, I guess not. She said I have to obey you as I do her though. So...I will because I love her'.
'Oh isn't that nice? Well loverboy, get busy. Make sure you get every drop or that cage goes right back on'.
It took a long time. There was gallons of it. I was sure it had to be more than one load in there. It was like a river running out of her. She was obviously loving it, humping at my face, contracting the muscles in the walls of her pussy, squeezing out more and more of that pig's vile fluid. He was lying beside her, kissing her and gently playing with her proud brests. My youngren had fed from those breasts and now her was taking them for his, amusing himself by nipping her nipples with his teeth and making hickies all over her chest and stomache. Finally she came sqealing his name through her gag.
My back ached as I sat up. My face felt sticky and all I could smell or taste was their mixed love juices.
He got up from the bed and retrieved my wife's silk knickers from the corner where they'd been thrown. Handing them to me he laughed, 'There you go buddy. Wrap those around your little excuse for a dick. You got two minutes to cum then I want the cage back on ok?'
'Yes sir, thank you'.
'I mean it man. Two minutes. And if I have any problems with you putting that cage right back on afterwards I'm gonna take my belt to your wife's pretty little ass and I'm not gonna stop till its locked in place where it belongs. You got me?'
'Yes sir I understand. I will I promise'.
'You got a minute and a half left boy'.
Staring at my darling's ravaged pussy I groaned and shook as I spurted my pent up sperm into her expensive knickers. It had taken forty seconds!


Posts: 130
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Greatest story ever! Thanks so much! I can't wait to read more.


Posts: 119
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Very Hot. I'm loving this. Please continue.


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It was no fun putting the chastity cage back on but I knew he meant what he'd said so I did it. For a couple of days I felt pretty low. We went back to 'normal' and life went on as it does. Soon though, the feelings of lust and frustration returned and I began looking forward with increasing desperation to my next permitted orgasm.
After three weeks I was desperate and when my wife tied me to the bed and removed the cage I was extatic with joy. Unfortunately she just used a soft tape measure to take some intimate measurements, droped a bag of ice in my groin, took the measurements again then locked me up. As I began to protest she muffled my pleadings with her soaking unfaithful pussy demanding I bring her to orgasm the only way a sissy slave could. Afterwards she told me that she was ordering a new chastity belt for me, made to measure and much more secure. I was informed that there would be no cumming for me untill it arrived.
Six weeks later I found myself tied down again as my darling spouse removed the old cage and carefully fitted the new one. It felt ok to me but she was not happy. She removed it and sent it back for adjustments. I had to spend another three weeks of frustration in the old cage before it came back. This time she was satisfied and I was overjoyed at the immediate prospect of a much overdue orgasm. However, my loving wife said I needed to spend another couple of weeks in the cage to make sure everything was ok before she would remove it and let me cum. I could not help protesting loudly and angrily but to no avail. She just left me there tied to the bed in the spare room. After a few minutes I could hear her gutteral cries from the master bedroom as John took what was denied to me her husband.
For two weeks she teased and taunted me, challenging me to try to remove that damnable belt. She offered herself completely to me if only I could free my tightly encased cock. I tried all ways. In front of hr and in private but it was no use. I had to wait until she decided to free me.
So, after fourteen weeks of desperate frustated chastity I stood naked outside my wife's bedroom door. John had cuffed my arms behind me, placed a blindfold over my eyes and removed the chastity belt. With a warning that the slightest sign of dissobedience would be punished with six months of chastity and the promise that I was about to be allowed to do anything I liked to my darling gorgeous wife, I followed John into the room.
Once inside her ordered me to my knees and then to lie on my front. My engorged cock dug into the deep pile carpet as he tied my ankles together and pulled them up, bending my knees, to secure my ankles to my wrists. I felt like a trussed turkey as he turned me onto my side denying my desperate cock of even the priveledge of the carpet's embrace.
When the blindfold was removed and my blinking eyes became accustomed to the light I was shocked to see my wife. She was laid in a similar position to me, tied as I was but gagged with a red ball gag too. John was laughing at my shocked expression. He pulled up a chair and sat near to my wife crossing his ankles and resting his shiny black boots on the side of my wife's gorgeous ass.
'She's all yours loverboy,' He laughed. 'Just as promised. You can do anything you like to her. It's not like she can stop you anyway is it? Go ahead, I won't wait all day. Shuffle over here and get busy'.
Feeling every inch the pathetic wimp he obviously took me for, I shuffled awkwardly towards my darling wife. She tried to shuffle away from me until he told her to lie still. Why was she pulling away? Stupid as it seems I felt like some pervert trying to power myself onto some beautiful stranger who was clearly disgusted by my attentions.
As I drew nearer my mind raced trying to decide how I was going to get inside her. I was panting with lust and my poor cock was throbbing with pent up desire. I was like an natural desperate to get at some bitch in heat. At first I went to her front but her pussy was made innaccessible by her tightly clamped thighs. I tried to get behind her so that I could slide into her from behind but her tied feet were in the way. I was exhausted and sweating profusely, still conscious of the mocking laughter of my wife's vile lover. In desperation for some means of contact with my wife I settled for her trussed feet. Lying behind her I rubbed my pulsing organ against the smoothe tops of her tiny feet. She could not move them as they were pressed tight against her buttocks. Any intention I might have had to take my time and savour the moment I'd waited for so long was forgotten about. I thrust weakly and innefectively only three times before I felt the spunk surge from my overfilled balls, through my straining shaft and over her pretty feet. Her sounds of disgust mingled with her lover's laughter as I cried out my love for her.


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"However, my loving wife said I needed to spend another couple of weeks in the cage to make sure everything was ok"

This is such a great touch.

Loved this cruel move by his master.


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My treacherous wife and I got such a kick out of that experience we decided to make it a regular thing. She wanted my locked away in the cock cage full time. She said it would be a huge turn on for us both if I was only allowed to cum once for every ten times her lover came inside her. She said that he was ten times the man I was so he should get ten times the orgasms. Also she thought it would provide me with some very effective motivation. I would be keen to help in any way I could to facilitate her sexual exploits with him because every one would bring me closer to my own longed for release. That idea really tickled her and had the effect of turning my stomache to ice but my cock to iron! What an incredible situation! To be powerd to further my own wife's unfaithfulness in order to obtain what should be mine by rights anytime I wanted it!
So for three weeks I waited. I put up with her going out some nights to meet him while I looked after the kids. I even accepted, reluctantly, his visits to our home during the day when I was at work and the kids were at school.
After two weeks I was sure his total of ten must have been achieved and then some. That's when my darling spouse informed me that, of course, the times he came in her ass or her mouth didn't count!
After the third week I was desperate. So many times I'd watched my beautiful bride get ready and, with a quick peck on my cheek and a casual, 'Don't wait up,' leave our home looking stunning to spend her time with him. I'd suffered the gut wrenching agonies of extreme jealousy when she texted me at work to say he was inside her. Then, I'm not proud to say, I'd find myself texting her back asking her to let him cum in her pussy so that I could get another point closer to relief. Quite the big strong husband wasn't I?


Posts: 405
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Hot hot hot.

please continue!


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For the fourth week we had arranged for the kids to spend five days away with their grandparents. The idea was to give us the oportunity to play for a couple of days and end with me being allowed to cum. Unfortunately John got word that he had to go away for the week. I was a little dissappointed but presumed we would carry on without him. He called on the first morning the kids were away to leave a couple of gifts for us. I had no idea what they were and my teasing wife just smiled when I pushed her for clues.
The first item turned out to be a mesh dog cage. It arrived in John's car boot folded flat and I watched as he assemred it in the spare room. The other gift was wrapped in a bag but looked like a narrow bar of chocolate, or so I thought. John was in a hurry and just had time to give my wife a deep snog n the hallway on his way out. I stared in open lust from my spying position in the lounge doorway as their passion grew and they explored each other's bodies over their clothes. Eventually John shouted of me, 'Come here cuckold'. I joined them in the hall where he instructed me to get on my knees, lift my wife's skirt and pull down her knickers. 'Now get your tongue in there and get my slut ready. I might just have time to dump a load in her unfaithful pussy before I go'.
My cock was straining fit to explode from its primister as I obeyed quickly. It had been a while since I'd seen them together and my jealousy was taking a back seat to my libido. Besides, the sooner he finished and left the sooner I got my overdue reward for over three long weeks of chastity.
I hardly needed to bother with my tongue. She was soaking wet and shivering with lust. He must have felt the same way as he soon pushed me away and slammed into her, humping her like the natural he was. She had her back pressed up against the wall as her legs came up and wrapped around his waist.
'You love this don't you bitch?'
'Yes, yes I love it, I love your cock!'
'You're just a cock hungry little slut aren't you?'
'Tell him. Tell your useless fucking wimp of a husband what you are'.
'I'm a cock hungry slut!'
'I'm a whore, I'm John's whore. I love his big cock insde me. I need it! I want it all day every day!'
'What do you think of that cucky boy?' he asked me.
'I don't know .... sir'.
'You don't know huh? Watch this'.
His thrusts suddenly doured in speed and ferosity. My poor wife cried out in anguished ecstacy, clinging to him with arms and legs as she kissed his lips and opened her gorgeous mouth to willingly welcome his urgently probing tongue.
'Look at her. She's fucking desperate for it aren't you whore? She belongs to me now. I fucking own her. Don't I bitch?'
'Yes, yes...just fuck me ppp...please I'm gonna.... ohhhhhhhhh.....Aaahhhh, fuck.....fuck....fuck......eeeeeeaaaa....oh oh ohhhhhhh'.
'Who told you to cum bitch? In future you ask permission. You're just a cum dump whore. A cum dump, a fucking cum duuuuuump! URGGGGGGH.....URGGGGGH......URGGGGGGGH....urgggggh........urggggggh'.
'Right I've gotta go'.
My wife was holding his face, trying to kiss him.
'I don't kiss cum dumps. If you want kisses you earn them'.
'Earn them, how baby? You know I'll do anything you like. What do you want?'
'For a start I want his chastity cage key. If I have it I can be sure you won't go soft and let him out before it's time'.
What? Wait a minute, I thought. It was time. I'd already waited over three weeks. He'd cum in her a lot more than ten times since my last release, he must have.
'Ok baby no problem, here take it'.
The treacherous bitch! I'd looked forward to this week. When would be the next chance when the kids weren't around?
'Good girl,' he smirked. 'Now make sure he relaxs in the cage in the spare room. Every night when the kids are not here'.
In a way I didn't mind that bit. It was a huge turn on! Being locked in a tiny cage like a dog. Unable to gain release until my unfaithful wife saw fit. It would be a relief too not to have to relax with her. It was driving me nuts lying there cuddled up to her gorgeous warm body, cock straining inside the tight confines of its primister every night.
'Don't worry babe, he's going in there as soon as you leave,' she promised him.
'I want the board used as well. Try it while he's washing the floor or something. You can use it with the dog cage as well'.
Now what was he talking about I wondered?
'Oh don't worry sweetheart, I'm looking forward to that part,' she laughed.
'Good, I'll see you soon. Be good....on second bad, be very bad,' he laughed as he went out slamming the door behind him.
'Don't just kneel there daydreaming slave, get over here and clean up your master's mess. Then we are going to have some fun. We have five days. Five days of *** for you. Five days of fun for me. And before you ask, I don't know when you will get your orgasm. To be honest I don't care. It's up to John now isn't it?'


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The first night was spent curled up inside the dog cage naked. My wife checked on me twice. The first time she visited my whole body was a mass of aches and cramps but they all vanished as I looked up at her. She was wearing a tiny white silk baby doll nighty, white hold up stockings and tiny white platform slippers. She teased me by asking if I'd like to join her in bed. She said she was lonely and needed a man. Then she pretended to remember my chastity cage and berated me for being useless to her. She said I was a complete wimp for letting some guy walk off with the key leaving me unable to perform my marital duties.
The next time she came in I asked her to let me out. I said I couldn't stand it any longer. I had pains everywhere. She just laughed and said I'd better get used to it. Then she showed me her vibrator and said that, given the choice she preffered it to me. She lay on the floor beside the cage where I could see her and played with her toy until she came. Then she left her cute sexy slippers there on the floor out of my reach as she went off to her nice, warm, comfortable bed.
The next day found me on naked hands and knees scrubbing the kitchen floor. My wife said she would try to persuade John to unlock my cage as soon as he returned at the end of the week if I did a good job. I was almost finished when she came in humming happily to herself.
'That looks like a good job you're doing there slave,' she complimented me. 'In fact, I think maybe I've been a little soft on you. Lets make it more interesting'.
Cuffing my hands behind my back she showed me the other 'present' her lover had left for me. 'You know what this is sweety? Let me show you'.
I heard her kneel behind me and jumped as she reached between my legs and grabbed my swollen balls in her dainty hand. I cried out as I felt her pull them between my legs. 'Shh, stop making such a big deal you big baby. Trust me. You are gonna love this'.
I felt something clamp around my balls and rest up against the back of my thighs. Then I remembered a picture I'd downloaded from the net a few months ago. She must have seen it and arranged with her lover to get one. It was a board which was hinged to open up lenthwise and lock shut with a small padlock. It had a hole in the centre so that it could be opened and then closed to trap a mans balls. It was designed to sit behind the thighs of a man in kneeling position just as I was. The effect was to render the vicim completely helpless, unable to stand or move an inch from his kneeling position on pain of ripping his own balls off.
'There you go sweetheart. I wasn't sure I could get it on with your cage in place but I managed it. What do you say?'
'Thank you maam. Please can you take it off now. I can't move'.
'How dare you be so ungratefull. It stays on until you finish my floor. Now get on with it'.
'But I can't move. How can I finish the floor?'
'I'm getting a little tired of your whinning slave,' she warned me as she retrieved the scrubbing brush from the bucket of dirty soapy water. 'Here,' she said, powering it between my teeth. 'I'll give you ten minutes to finish. If I'm not satisfied its a good hiding for you. Now get on with it'.
I tried to move but a stab of pain shot through my groin freezing me on the spot. No way could I move anywhere. I spat out the scrubbing brush and awaited my punishment. I knew it was not going to be fun but at least I could get this damned ball clamp off. I'd never felt so exposed and helpless.
My punishment was the worst I'd ever had from my normally gentle wife. Without a word she stuffed my mouth with her still warm knickers before cutting into my ass with a thin bamboo cane. I couldn't help but jump as it struck which only sent further pain stabbing through my stretched testicles. I cried and begged her to stop. Eventually she did and I felt her soft dainty hands lifting my face from the floor and pushing it between her spread legs as she lay down in front of me. As I lapped at her firey unfaithful pussy I revelled in my abject devotion, my utter humility. I had five days to spend with my beautiful horny wife and this was how she wanted to spend them. I wanted it too and she knew it. I don't know which of use was louder. Her as she cried out her lover's name or me as I cried out hers.


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LOVE it how the master slowly took control of his chastity



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The rest of those days waiting for my wife's lover to return passed in haze of frustrated lust and teasing ***. I was banned from her bedroom except for when she called me and demanded something. There were no please or thank yous just simple demands, often consisting of just one word. Wine, food, bath, massage, kiss my feet, lick me. Eventually even the words were done away with to be replaced by gestures. A wave of her empty glass would have me hurrying to fill it. Then she would berate me for not anticipating her needs. Constant interuptions would have me hurrying to get housework chores complete. Then a simple glance at her watch would be enough to tell me I had failed her again. Out came the cane or the crop and over I bent.
Lifting her skirt at the back while she stood checking her perfect reflection in the hall mirror meant I should get my tongue busy on her ass. Sliding it up her nylon encased legs while she relaxed on the sofa meant an orgasm was required from my eager tongue.
The more she demanded the more I strove to please her. The more I tried the more disgusted and dissappointed she seemed to be. The weird thing was that, far from hating it, I loved it, I revelled in her scorn. The more she denied me her affection the more I yearned for even the slightest sign of it. I was desperate to prove my love to her. My poor caged cock strained constantly against its unyielding primister. My blue balls ached with pent up lust. Any semblance of self respect quickly dissappeared. I begged her. I found a hundred reamisters why she should let me cum. All to no avail. She just laughed and told me not to be silly. Her lover had the key so she couldn't free me even if she wanted to. Sometimes she succumed to my pleading, cuddling me and consoling me, promising me that, when it finally came, my orgasm would be all the better for waiting. Then, with tears of love and frustration making their humiliating tracks down my face I would drop to my knees and kiss her dainty feet, eager, desperate even, to hear the instruction to get my worthless tongue busy on her unfaithful pussy. Sometimes she pushed me away and told me to get on with my housework. Other times she smiled and the ache in my balls would be matched by the ache in my heart as I looked deeply into her large brown eyes whispering, 'I love you,' before slipping my head once more between her smooth warm thighs.


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So there I was, naked except for my cock cage, kneeling at the front door face soaked in salty tears awaiting the arrival of my wife's lover. He laughed when he saw me and I could feel myself going bright red with embarrassment. My treacarbonsmudgerous spouse came skipping down the hall and threw herself into his arms. As they kissed deeply I felt fresh tears forming in my eyes and slipped away quietly to get them takes.
I was told to dress normally and accompany them to the restraunt. I was thrilled to sit there watching them chat and flirt, ignoring me completely. I had high hopes of being allowed to watch them make love and then being freed to finally gain some much needed relief for myself once we got back home. You can imagine my dissappointment then when he gave me the key to his appartment and told me to get over there and clean up. He said there was a big bag of washing for me to get through.
I think my wife could see that I was as close as I'd ever come to rebelling. I'd had enough. I was desperate to cum, to hld her, to feel her love once more. To hell with him and his washing!
Disengaging herself from her lover, my darling wife sent him upstairs saying she would follow him. Then she sat on a dining chair and had me kneel in front of her. I couldn't help staring at her new brown leather boots. We had chosen them together the day before. They had cost me nearly a weeks wages but it was worth every penny to hear her tease me as we left the shop, telling me they were not for me they were for him. I could help her choose them and pay for them, even see her try them on, but he would get to make love to her while she wore them. For him, just for him. I couldn't walk straight all the way home as my poor cock tried to burst from its unyielding primister!
My eyes widened as she unzipped one and pulled her stockinged foot from the soft embrace of the warm leather.
'Oh look sweety, my stocking toe is crooked'. The dark part of the stocking that covered her dainty toes had slid to one side.
'Be an angel and put it right for me would you? You wouldn't want me to be anything but perfect for my lover would you?'
'No maam,' I mumred as, with shaking hands I adjusted her stocking.
'Not that he'll see them straight away,' she mused. 'He'll probably want to take me with them on first. Men have such a facination for boots don't they slave?'
'Yes maam. Please maam, may I kiss you foot?'
'Yes you can, because you asked so nicely. Be careful though. When John eventually slides these boots off he won't be happy to find you've dirtied them with your saliva will he?'
'Good boy. Now lets carbonsmudgeck the other one. Then I'm going upstairs to make love to a real man while you, my faithful darling husband, go to his flat and do your duty. And you'll do it well because you love me, right?'
'Yes maam. Of course'.


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I had to work through the night to get his place even half decent and I was arelax on the couch when my wife and her lover turned up. She woke me with a slap across my face which must have left a red hand print. 'What the fuck do you think you're doing? You lazy piece of cuckolds brownie! Get up and make us some breakfast. Now wanker!' I loved it when she spoke to me like that. It just made me melt into a puddle of submissive adoration for her. I took the risk of kissing her shoes and apologising before I scampered off to the kitchen.
I have attached a picture of them that John had taken earlier at my house. They had breakfast at the kitchen table with me under there kissing her feet and sucking those perfect little toes. Then they gave me the picture to look at while they went to his bedroom.



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After staring at it and torturing myself with fantasies of being able to free my desperate cock and hump it against her gorgeous legs I crept along the hall to listen at the bedroom door. I could hear her crying out and him saying 'Shut up bitch and take your punishment. In future you remember who ownes you. I don't want that wanker touching you. Not even to kiss your feet'.
After another couple of cries from her there was silence and then a deep groan from him. 'Yea, suck it bitch! Show me what a little whore you are'.
I couldn't stand to listen any more and crept away.
About half an hour later he came out of the bedroom. He was naked apart from a pair of my wife's silk french knickers. That really hurt. It was such a strong sign that he had taken her from me, that he owned her to the extent of wearing her things. Until then that had been a rare privaledge reserved only for me. I hated him for that. I hated him even more when he tossed down in front of me another photo.
'That's how to treat a woman slave. That's what your wife needs. If you were man enough to give it to her she wouldn't need me.'
I could have cried as I picked up the photo in shaking hands and stared at it. 'By the way,' he laughed as he turned to leave the kitchen. 'After the third stroke she said she loved me'.



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Later on my wife's lover shouted for me to join them upstairs. 'Yes!' I thought. 'Finally I get that orgasm!'
He was waiting for me outside the closed bedroom door. 'You can undress here,' he said.'And, just as promised..' The key! Thank goodness.
'Now when I open the door she's all yours. No restraints for you this time. Take as long as you need. The only condition is that once you've cum the cage goes back on. No excuses, no delays. Your wife was very insistant on that and, as her lover, I have to say I agree. Now do we have your word?'
'Yes, of course'. I couldn't wait. My clothes were off and dumped on the floor. The cage was off and my desperate organ was so taught I thought it might explode. I just hoped I could last long enough to do justice to my long wait.
'Ok, go get her tiger!'
As I walked into his bedroom my eyes drank in the beautiful creature I'd married twenty years ago. She was dressed in white basque, white stockings and red shoes. The shoes were a perfect match for the ball gag that filled her gorgeous mouth. She was tied to the bed just as I'd seen her before when I'd made my pathetic requests to her lover to let me cum. He'd refused me and I'd ended up jerking off into a pair of her knickers as you'll remember. This time though, she was all mine. She couldn't go anywhere even if she wanted to. It wasn't exactly what I'd hoped for. I wanted to feel her hold me, to kiss her lips, to hear her tell me she loved me as I slid my aching manhood inside her unfaithful pussy. None of that was going to be possible but, hey, here was my chance to take the upper hand. Tied as she was I could do as I wished. I could master her like he did, prove to her that she didn't need him.
I climbed eagerly onto the bed cock in one hand as I reached out with the other hand to run my fingers up her stockings to her thighs and on to her......Wait, what the.......Her pussy was filled to overflowing with a black latex plug. Exploring further I found her ass equally well occupied.
'Oh, I forgot to mention,' John laughed. 'It goes without saying that anything I put into your wife stays in her until I say otherwise'.
'But how can I...I mean where...'
'I suggest you use your initiative slave. You can't cum in her so....'
'Shit, I was so looking forward to getting my cock inside her hallowed warmth again. It had been so long. The trouble was that I didn't have the time to argue. Just the sight of my darling spouse laid there like had been too long, too much teasing, I was liable to spurt my essence into thin air anytime.
Her face! That would show her. I'd shoot all over those beautiful delicate features! As soon as she realised what I intended she shrieked through her ball gag and turned her face away. I could have powerd her. Held her face in position or grabbed her hair, wrapping her long dark tresses around my burning cock and squirting away. Boy would that feel good! Somehow though, I couldn't. I just didn't have it in me. What kind of man powers himself on his wife?
Ok, her pussy then. I'd shoot all over her wet lips, up over her tummy, filling her belly button with my seed.


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'Whoa there cowboy,' her lover laughed. 'Let me show you how it's done'. He quickly undressed and, as he mounted the bed I was immediately struck by the size difference in our equipment. I'd never thought of myself as small but he was big! He knelt beside her head and took a hanfull of her silken hair using his other hand to guid his cock. She showed absolutely no resistance as he slapped her face with it once, twice, three times before pushing the now leaking bulbous head into one eye then the other. Then he rubbed it over her stretched lips coating them and the rubber ball gag in his pre cum.
As I watched in envy and jealousy he left go of her hair to maul her tits, freeing them from the cups of her basque and twisting the nipples till she squirmed and cried out. He just laughed and slapped them over and over leaving red finger marks on her delicious soft flesh.
As he began jerking his cock in earnest he switched his aim to her face. I knelt there in a trance as this bastard slapped my wife's face calling her a slut and a whore as he shot his impressive load across her lips, up her nose, into her eyes and on up to her forehead. Finally spent he wiped his softening weapon in my darling wife's hair. It was a show of utter domination and I wilted in its glare. My long denied erection deserted me as I looked down at it in despair.
'Let that be lesmister to you,' he sneared. 'Your wife knows who is in charge here. Now you do too don't you?'
I could only knod.
'I'm going for a shower and a well earned take. You can take out the dildoes one at a time and clean her up. I filled her to the brim in both holes. Make sure you get it all, I don't want any on my sheets. Once you've cleaned up my mess you can have her. That's assuming you can get a hard on. Leave her face though and leave the ball gag in. You can look down at your darling little wife's beautiful face covered in my spunk as you hump your pathetic little cock into her stretched out pussy. Oh, and use a condom, there's a used one on the bedside cabinet. I don't want your pathetic excuse for a cock going bare inside my woman. You'll have to be carefull it doesn't slip off your little thing though. Don't be too dissappointed, I guarantee you are going to find it hot, really hot,' he laughed as he grabbed his clothes and left.
He was right. There was gallons of his salty thick cum inside my darling's pussy and her ass was equally used. My tongue was aching by the time I finished.
He was right about the condom thing too. It was hot, really hot. After cumming in it he had dropped a dollop of Deep Heat Cream or something in it. I was just beginning to cum, thrusting into the warmth of my dearest darling in a futile attempt to get some reaction from her impassive face and immobile body, when the cream took effect. The result was me pulling out and running to the bathroom. Tears of frustration running down my face as my too long denied cock spilled its backlog of sperm into the condom. I wanted to rip it off but feared retribution for spilling my seed onto the floor. I managed to make it into the shower. The relief was short lived as I realised my loss. By the time I got back to the bedroom John had taken my place. In glaring contrast to her behaviour with me, my faithless wife was groaning, sqealing and crying out through her gag, thrusting her hips and wrenching at her bonds while her lover ravished her, casually and expertly.
'Cage on slave,' he laughed. 'Remember your promise'. Then you can kneel at the side of the bed. I'm going to have another tidying up job for you real soon'.


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Here is a pic of the shoes she was wearing at the time. Later that evening she sat in the lounge and let me take this. Then I was allowed to lick and kiss them while she sat deep snogging him. Their only stipulation was that I must not touch her stockings or her cute little socks, only the shoes.
When they went to bed she slipped them off and left them for me to lick clean inside too.
I love her so much!



Posts: 18
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love those high heel shoes !!! great story thanks


Posts: 17
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superb story; thank you so much


Posts: 17
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superb story; thank you so much


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this story is awesome. One of my faves!
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