Posts: 596
It began with one of our dirty weekends away. At my wife's insistance I'd been waring the cb 3000 for two weeks. By the time we got to the hotel I was just about ready to explode with pent up sexual tension. She'd told me that she had a special birthday treat for me - a cuckolding treat. A few months earlier I'd found her some willing partners on a dating site. There were three guys I'd shortlisted. The first one we chose dropped out at the last minute. The second choice was no longer available so she had to settle for third choice. Fortunately, as it turned out, my wife said, after their first meet, that he was really nice and his photo had not done him justice. On that first date I watched from the driver's seat as they kissed and petted in the back of the car. She jerked him off and he came all over the tops of her black stockings. I had high hopes after that of watching him make love to my gorgeous wife. Unfortunately they could never seem to get it together - until, I guessed, now. She had told me outright that she had booked adjoining rooms in the hotel - one for us and the other for her lover. I assumed she meant Phil but, I guess, that was the surprise she'd promised me. As soon as we got to our room I was ordered to strip and put on a humiliating french maids outfit complete with stockings and little white pinnafoir. I wasn't too keen on the idea of her boyfriend seeing me like that but my wife assured me he would not. So, there I was, on my knees, hands cuffed behind me, face burried in her smooth shaved pussy, cock straining painfully against the plastic walls of its primister, when her mobile rang. Slapping the top of my head and telling me to, 'Get on with it wimp!' she chatted a few minutes with her lover. I was immediately jealous at the loving sexy tone of her voice as she spoke to him. I loved it when my wife flirted with other men, but I hated it too. I guess you have to be a cuckold to understand that? Pushing me away she ended her conversation and told me to go kneel in the corner while she went to help her lover get settled in. It seemed like ages before she returned, thankfully alone, via a connecting door between the rooms. She immediately told me to get my sac from our suitcase. The sac is a rubber body bag with a double zip on the front. It has arm sleeves inside and is very tight once zipped. She soon had me secured and lying on the bed covered neck to toe in stretched black rubber. It was very hot inside there and straight away I could feel my body sweating inside the pvc maids outfit I still wore. I felt utterly helpless and in my wife's power as I gazed up at her smiling face. 'I'm going to my lover now slave and he's going to fuck my brains out. Would you like me to leave the connecting door open so that you can listen?' 'Yes,' I answered, cock twitching inside its primister. 'Oh dear, your manners aren't very good are they?' 'Yes please Maam,' I blurted. 'Very well then my pet. I'll just put my leather coat over your face then you can take in the lovely arroma of leather and my perfume whilst you listen to a real man shagging your wife'. I had to strain to hear over the sound of my own heavy breathing under her coat. It was amazing. I'd never heard my wife so vocal in her love making. Was she doing it to tease me or was he really that good I wondered. I heard the door closing then had to screw my eyes shut against the light as the coat was lifted from my face. Eventually I opened them to see my gorgeous wife standing there in just her hold up stockings. One hand was cupped under her pussy as she smiled, 'Ready for your birthday present sweetheart? Here it comes'. As she climbed onto the bed and straddled my chest I realised what she meant. I'd often fantasised about cleaning her with my tongue after she'd been royally fucked by some other guy, but I never really believed it would happen. No way would she have unprotected sex with anyone but me. Or so I'd believed. The sight as she removed her hand was amazing. Thick white cream was oozing from her wet and swollen lips. A long strand detatched itself and dropped down onto my cheek. It was disgusting. Fantasy is one thing but the reality was just awefull. I tried to turn my head away but she gripped my face between her strong smooth thighs. 'Happy Birthday slave,' she cooed as she sat down directly onto my face. Screwing my eyes shut and closing my lips tight I lay there waiting for her to lift up. I waited and waited. Then I realised - I couldn't breath. 'If you want air you'd better start cleaning up down there slave,' I heard her voice say, muffled and stern sounding. I hung on as long as I could, trying futilely to find some gap to pull in a desperate gasp of air but there was nothing. Eventually I gave in and stuck my tongue into her drooling pussy. Lifting slightly she allowed me some life giving oxygen. The taste was salty and a little bitter but not as bad as I'd imagined. Suddenly it was like a dam had burst and my face was covered in another mans spunk mixed with my darling wife's own juices. Then it was as if a dam had burst inside my mind too. I was licking and swallowing frantically, drowning in cum but drowning too in my own degradation. I just needed to show this amazing woman how much I loved her! Not one to miss an oportunity, my darling was soon grinding her pussy onto my face, mashing her lips over my mouth, fucking my nose with her engorged clit until, finally more hot cream was streaming into my eager mouth as she groaned her release. 'That was very nice slave,' she told me. 'But I have to go back to my lover now. Don't worry, I'll see you soon and, as a special treat I'll put your mask on for you'. The mask we use is a tight rubber one with an inflatable cock gag and two small nose holes. The neck of the mask forms an airtight seal around my own neck and is secured inside the top of the rubber sac. 'Lets just make sure you can stll taste and smell me in here as well as all that rubber shall we?' With that she opened the neck of the mask and spat inside it, once, twice, three times, before rubbing the sides together to distribute her spit evenly around the inside. Then, as if that were not enough, she leaned forward and spat in my face, another three times before sliding the mask over my head. So, there I lay cocooned and sweating inside a latex body bag, face swimming in a combination of my wife's spit and pussy juices combined with her lovers spunk. I should have been appauled, sickened I know. But after two weeks of teasing and denial I couldn't help myself. My poor cock was bursting inside its cruel primister and my hips were pumping sorry trying futilely to fing some sensation, some means of gaining the friction I needed against my long suffering cock. 'Now stop that right now!' My wife scolded. 'You behave yourself. Or would you like me to bring my lover in here, turn you over and have him use his belt on your sorry wimp ass?' That stopped me in my tracks. 'Oh and while we are on the subject of my lover, I thought you might like to know - that's not Phil in there'.
Posts: 509
GINORMOUS JERK-OFF MATERIAL...for a bitch like me!!!   The more i read about chastity, the closer i get to trying it and losing yet another aspect of my diminishing manhood!!!  i can't believe i only scored 33% gay on the gaymeter...m/b it was broken that day...giggle V V LUVVVV the spitting!!! Big turn-on for this wimp,sissy Who's Your Bitch.single,cuz not man enuf to attract a woman.
Will meet for sissy sex with yor cuck!!
Posts: 596
What did she mean, I wondered desperately. If it wasn't her usual guy then who was it? She had obviously taken him bareback. My sweating face was swimming in the results of that. No way would she take health risks doing that with a stranger. So what the hell was going on? My thoughts were soon interupted as her cries of passion gained in volume. She never made noises like that when I made love to her. Was it for my benefit, to tease me? Or was her new guy that good? Either way my desperate cock was pressed up against the walls of its plastic primister so hard I felt sure it would crack open. No such luck. No matter how I squirmed and wriggled in my rubber cocoon it was impossible for me to gain the slightest stimulation for my sex starved organ. So far gone was I that I did not even notice the noise had stopped until I heard her voice beside me, 'I thought I told you to lie still?' 'That's better. You have to be on your best behaviour today slave. My new lover is just next door. I'll introduce you later if you behave. Now, I have a little gift for you. Well, two gifts actually. One from me and one from him'. I felt her climb onto my chest and clamp my head between her finely toned thighs. Then, suddenly, something was being pushed through one of the tiny nose hole in my rubber mask. 'Don't worry slave,' she soothed, 'It's just a little funnel. Now hold still'. Her thighs clamped my head tighter still as I felt warm liquid pouring over my cheek. Fortunately the funnel was angled down and to the side. If the liquid had gone up my nose I might have drowned. 'There you go slavey, I kept that just for you. You know how sexy you find it when I piss on you? Well now you can have lots and lots of my precious nectar in there with you. Can you taste it?' I could as some ran over my lips. It was warm and salty. Disgusting but somehow incredibly sexy! 'There, that's all for that side'. The funnel was pulled away only to be inserted into the opposite nose hole. 'Now for your secont present. This one is from my lover. Would you like to know who he is before I drown you in his piss?' My muffled cry was a mixture of disgust, lust and frustration. 'You remember John don't you?' The only John I knew was a guy my wife had dated before we met. He had been her first lover, the one who took her cherry, a fact I'd always been jealous of. 'Well, we met acouple of months ago, just by chance really when I was shopping. I agreed to have a coffee with him for old time's sake and he asked me out. I would have said no of course, but then I thought what a wonderful sexy surprise it would be for you. You do like it don't you?' Fuck! What could I say. In the end I didn't get the chance to reply as she continued. 'I know it's a bit of a shock and we have all weekend to discuss it. For now I just want you to relax. We both know how turned on you get when I tease you about having a lover. I've been looking at your internet browsing history too and it seems you get really turned on reading stories where the wife falls in love with her lover. Well, now it's happening to you so you won't need to fantasise any more. I'm going to make it a reality for you'. With that she began pouring her new lover's piss into the mini funnel. It stung as it splashed into my eye. Then, as it ran over my tightly closed lips I tried to turn my head away. 'Oh no you don't slave. I collected this especially for you so you are going to enjoy it, whether you like it or not!' There was so much warm piss inside my airtight mask I was sure I was going to drown in it. Fortunately, as soon as my wife moved her thighs to release my head it poured down the sides to collect at the back of the mask emmersing the back of my head up to my ears. Laughing sweetly she slowly tightened her thighs again making the foul liquid pour up and over my face. 'There you go my darling husband. You just lie still and enjoy yourself. It's not every slave who gets the priveledge of having his face immersed in the love juices and piss of his mistress and her lover you know. So just remember how lucky you are. I'm going back to John now. I'll see you in the morning. We need to have a little chat about where we go from here. In the mean time just keep your head still. If I find one drop of piss has leaked out of your nose holes or where ever and gotten on those sheets you'll be sorry, understand?'
Posts: 83
Posts: 27
wow you are the best story teller love your stories wish i had the flair for details keep it up
Posts: 4631
Wonderful clitty rousing stuff David
Posts: 319
EXCELLENT. Please do go on!!!!
Posts: 19
You just received an EXCELLENT vote from me!! I hope there's a continuation. 
Posts: 596
Nights sure do last a long time when you're cocooned in tight hot slippery rubber from head to toe. Believe me it gets hot in there. Not as hot as it was in the room next door though judging by the high pitched squeels and deep throated grunts that seemed to go on for hours. I felt sorry for the other hotel guests in the rooms around us. The thought of getting a visit from the manager in response to guests' complaints filled me with dread. Fortunately it didn't happen. I was just beginning to finally nod off, hoping I wouldn't drown in the mixture of my wife's and her lover's piss that half filled my rubber mask, when her voice woke me. She had the nerve to say she hoped I'd had a comfortable night and that their noise hadn't kept me awake! 'I know you're not used to me being so vocal sweetheart but then I'm not used to being fucked by a real man am I? At least not since I married you,' she laughed. I didn't think my body would have the energy but her humiliating words had my poor imprimistered cock bursting at the seams of its plastic primister in seconds. 'Now I bet you're wondering who your sexy wife spent the night with aren't you?' The question had crossed my mind! I made the mistake of grunting around the masks rubber cock gag and nodding my head. Stale piss and cum washed over my face stinging my eyes and getting up my nose causing me to cough and panic for air. 'Oh sweetheart!' my wife soothed, stroking my rubber encased forehead. 'Take it easy in there. We don't want you drowning do we? Not when the fun is just beginning'. Once I'd calmed down she climbed onto my chest and unzipped the rubber sac just enough to get her hand inside. I heard the noise of rubber gloves being stretched and snapped onto her dainty little hands then.....Oh FUCK !!! She was tapping my cage, twisting it to examine its contents. I groaned and jolted upright causing the liquid contents of my mask to flow down to my neck then wash back over my face as I lay back down. I had to stop doing that! 'Shall we take this nasty thing off now darling, so that I can give you a lovely treat for being a good boy last night?' I was nodding again and this time I didn't give a cuckolds brownie about the piss and cum washing my face. I felt her fiddling with the lock then tugging to get the tight tube to slide off my bursting cock. Oh cuckolds brownie! Freedom! It had been so long this time! Worth it though! Definitely worth it! I was in hyperspace as her long nails gently scratched at my heaving balls through the latex of her gloves. I was puzzled then as I felt her slide one then two then three condoms onto my rock hard erection. She was on the pill so we never used condoms. 'There now, it's still not as big as John's but at least it might touch the sides occassionally'. Oh Fuck Yes! She was going to let me inside her! I was going to feel her hot velvet lips carressing my long denied cock! 'Seriously sweetheart,' she was continuing. 'I have to do this. The only way I would agree to fulfill your fantasy and let another man cum inside me without protection is if I've gotten to know him well, he's had all the tests and promised to be exclusive to me. John has ticked all those boxes now and that's how your got to live your cream pie dream yesterday. Of course, the flip side of that is that he wants me to be exclusive to him in return. It's only fair don't you think? Anyway, I've got another one here for you but it would mean taking off that mask and I can't do that yet. So, instead I'm going to help you with another of your fantasies. If you behave yourself I'm going to let you inside me. You can slide your little cock inside your loving wife and feel my lover's sperm lubricating its journey. Not that you will feel very much because I'm a little stretched out but I'm sure you can use your imagination can't you?'
Posts: 596
'Ok here goes, I really hope this is all you hoped for sweetheart'. I felt her lift and move forward then suddenly, the heat of her sacred place engulfed me. I wanted desperately to thrust away but her weight pressing down on my hips wouldn't allow it. 'Is that nice darling?' she cooed. 'It's been a while for you hasn't it? Well you enjoy it baby, you've got another two minutes'. What? Two minutes for what?! 'You should think yourself lucky I managed to persuade John to let you have that. He's really very jealous and possessive of me. He hates the idea of sharing me with you. To be fair to him you can understand that can't you? And you have to think about my feelings too. I'm not a slut. I'm a respectable woman. I'm also a one man woman. I can't be relaxing with two men at the same time. It just wouldn't work for me. I couldn't cope emotionally. So, if you want me to keep cuckolding you then you are going to have to accept that your access to me is going to be very limited. That's the only way I can do it and the only wat John will. Anyway, enough talking. You have one minute left to enjoy your beautiful wife's pussy then it's over. As long as I'm seeing John you will never be inside me again. Enjoy your last minute baby'. As she said that she leaned forward to stroke my rubber shrouded face and an electric shock of sensation hit me as her pussy slid up the length of my cock. I groaned out loud. Then, as she sat back down I cried out my muffled protest. This was my wife. The games were supposed to be for us. Ok, for me mostly. Involving another guy was just to tease. I couldn't give her up. I couldn't even contemplate never being inside her again! 'That's it sweetheart, times up'. I felt her lift from me and suddenly the warmth was gone. I'd never felt so desperate, so deserted, so horny!
Posts: 596
Unconciously my hips began humping thrusting my desperate condom encased cock into fresh air. I just couldn't help myself. 'When you're quite finished!' my wife scolded me. @you really are quite ridiculous aren't you? A couple of weeks of not being allowed an orgasm and you're falling apart. No I'm not going to sit on your little cock again. Not now and probably not ever, so calm down or I'm off next door. You wouldn't catch John wrapped up in a rubber sac gaged and bound and refused pussy. When he wants a woman he takes her, just like he did with me all those years ago and just like he did again two months ago'. Two months I thought? That made a lot of sense when I thought about it. It would be about two months since we had last made love. Since then she'd kept finding excuses. She was tired or not feeling well or not in the mood. Ha! Now I knew why. She'd been so infatuated with him even then, she wanted nothing to do with me. How stupid did I feel? I'd been right too, it was the John I'd thought, her first real boyfriend who'd taken her virginity at the tender age of sixteen. I was crestfallen. Suddenly I wanted out. I didn't sign up for this. 'Oh there, there baby,' my treacherous wife soothed me. 'It's ok don't you worry. I still love you'. She had sat down on the bed beside me and begun fondling my softening cock. Shit! Why did she have to do that. I was rock hard again in seconds. 'Let me make it better for you baby. I'm not leaving you or anything. I'm just taking our little game to the next level. It'll be fun, you'll see. No more trawling the net for dates. No more dissapointments for you when a guy doesn't turn up. I have the perfect candidate now. We can play our game all the time. It will be so sexy, such a rush, I know it will. Just think how you are going to feel at work trying to consentrate when you know I'm in our bed with John. You can help me shop for sexy underware to wear for him. You can watch me getting ready to go to him. You know how much that will turn you on!' 'I can even stay out over night sometimes. You'll be at home putting the kids to bed then quietly going about your housework hoping I'll send you a teasing text message or bring you a picture home of John and I together. When I come home you can beg me for permission to kiss my feet to show how much you love and adore me. I'll inspect your work and when I find faults, which I will, I can put you across my knee and spank you till you're sorry'. The sound of my darling wife's voice, the unbelievably sexy things she was saying! It was as if my every fantasy was coming true. She was playing with my mind as her tiny fingers played with my cock. I couldn't stand it, I was going to cum! Then as I began to thrash about like a rubber slug in the throws of glorious agony - suddenly her hand was gone! 'Sorry sweetheart no can do. Not yet. I need to talk to you first'. Talk? She had been talking hadn't she? 'If this is going to work for everyone then I'm afraid a few minor sacrifices will have to be made. I can't do this with just anyone. It has to be someone I really fancy and can trust. John fits the bill but he is adamant that, if he is to remain exclusive to me, then he must be able to see me more often. I don't see why that should be a problem. We had to keep things hidden to begin with but now you know about it you can help me. So far I've always met him at a hotel during the day. Now he can visit me at home while you are at work and the kids are at school. I can meet him for meals and nights out anytime I like. You can drop me off and pick me up.' I was having doubts again and she must have seen my cock softening. I felt her lie beside me and I caught a teasing whiff of her perfume through the tiny nose holes in my rubber mask as she used one hand to begin once more gently teasing my long suffering cock. Her other arm went under my head and she pulled me toward hers kissing my forehead through the taughtly stretched latex and whispering in my ear, laughing as she heard her and her lovers piss and cum sloshing around inside the mask. Fuck but her hand felt so good! So good I thought I was actually going to pass out from the shear overload of sensation! 'Maybe I could spend the odd weekend at his place. What do you think baby? You could tell the kids I'm at a friends helping her decorate or something. You'd do that for me wouldn't you sweetheart?' Right then - at that very moment I knew I would. Anything! Anything at all, just don't stop touching me, don't stop ever! 'Just think how sexy it will be if, when you drop me off, we let you watch us in bed together for a while. Not too long, we don't want to spoil you. Just long enough so that you can see how good we are together. So you have somthing to think about till you come back to collect me and my soaking well filled pussy'. Shit, I was loosing it again. I never needed to cum more in my life. Yet, at the same time, I desoerately did not want this feeling to end - ever! Again she left go to run her latex covered nails up and down my tightly encased thighs. 'Imagine how you'll feel when I insist on spending special days with him. My Birthday. Valentine's day. How sexy will that be? How much of a bitchy Mistress will that make me? Will I measure up to your fantasies do you think?' Fuck yea I nodded !!! Then she was carressing my cock again. 'I could, if you like, go on holiday with him Yes, a week of sun, sea, sand and sex! Now that could be just what I need. How much would you miss your little wife then sweetheart, huh?' I was already there again. Right on the edge but she was going so slowly, hardly touching! And the damn condoms were insulating me against the exquisite sensation of her fingers! 'Well, baby, what do you think? This was your idea originally remember. It's your fantasy. Are you sure you want it? I'm not going to do this against your will. Are you in or out? Shall I go next door and tell John to leave? Or shal I go and tell him I have my husband's total agreement to take him as my lover? Full time, permanently. That you agree to his terms. That I'm his now and you are no more than my servant. I want to know baby. Stop or go?' Not stop, I thought desperately. Not stop, don't ever stop! I need, I neeeeed, oh FUCK I neeeeeeeeeeeeeeed!!!!!! I don't know how she managed to make sense of my desperate muffled drowning squeals and grunts but I guess she did. I'm not even sure if I agreed. I know I was trying to tell her not to stop, but did I mean not to stop her affair with John or just not to stop stroking me? Either way, I got one and not the other. She immediately released my cock which was dribbling pre-cum as she freed her arm from behind my head and jumped off the bed. 'Right then slave, lets get you out of there and showered. I think it's time you met the new man in your Mistress's life and we need you presentable for that.' I was still trying to hump the hand that had deserted me, still gasping and groaning my frustration. Suddenly I got a shock as she dumped the contents of an ice bucket in my lap. 'That's quite enough of that from you slave. You are going to have to learn a little more control if I'm going to keep you on as my servant. Now let's get that cage back on and then I can release you.'
Posts: 501
"I'll inspect your work and when I find faults, which I will"
awesome, shes such a dominant bitch
LOVE the denial you build up. You're amazing.
Posts: 1914
I think Ronald Reagen said it best, "There you go again."
Posts: 596
As soon as tha cage was in place she helped me stand and unzipped the rubber sac. It was a good thing she'd put towels down for me to stand on as the built up sweat poured out. I had to keep the mask on as she led me to the shower. Once inside the cubicle I pulled it off and the stale piss gushed out to run down my body. Removing the rubber maids outfit I lathered myself up and stood for a while luxuriating under the hot spray. My wife passed in the rubber sac and told me to wash and dry everything. When I eventually emerged from the bathroom my wife was nowhere to be seen. I found a note on the bed telling me she had gone for lunch with her lover. She suggested I order room service and have a nap. She had also left me a blue viagra tablet with instructions to take it with my food. At first I thought about ditching it. My cock was beginning to stir again anyway. Being caged was *** enough without adding to the fire. Then it occured to me that maybe she was going to give me the chance to make love to her. Perhaps she just wanted to make sure I would be nice and hard for her. After all, if I was going to be compared to her lover I might need any help I could get. With that thought I got a glass of water and downed the tablet before phoning for room service. Two thoughts occered to me as I waited. The first thing I wondered was would the waiter know about the noise that had been coming from the visinity of this room and next door last night? If so would he think it was down to my prowess as a lover? Ha! I thought. I should be so lucky! My second thought was that the viagra had been a mistake. My poor deprived cock was expanding to the limits of its primister again. That's when a sharp pain made me realise that my wife had fitted the spiked security ring inside my cage. It was designed to ensure that it was impossible for a man to pull his cock out of the cage. It was an effective measure which had the added side effect of making any attempt at an erection extremely painful! What a bitch!
Posts: 596
After my food I decided to lie on the bed and get some much needed relax. I picked up my wife's furry slippers from the floor and cuddled them as I drifed off. I was missing her dreadfully and desperately yearned to be near her, to touch her, to feel her arms around me. Unfortunately, since she was out somewhere with her boyfriend, cuddling her slippers was the closest I could get. I could see her beautiful face as I closed my eyes, laughing at his jokes, smiling and holding his hand. Oh no, the spikes were doing their job again! Surprisingly I did eventually drift off to relax and woke as she came in. 'Who told you that you could lie on my bed slave? And what are you doing with my slippers?' 'I was just...' 'You were just being naughty is what you were just doing. How dare you touch my things without asking?' 'I'm sorry,' I stammered, 'I, I... it's just that I was missing you.' Her face softened to a smile as she sat on the bed looking up at me standing in the position I'd jumped to when she shouted at me. I felt like a little boy being scolded by his lady. Then, when she pointed at the floor beside her feet, my feelings changed to those of a pathetic wimp as I knelt looking down at her expensive leather platform court shoes because I was too embarrassed to look her i the eye. I felt so pathetic I almost burst out crying when she reached out to stroke my head. 'Silly boy, you have to learn your new position. I can't have you behaving like my husband anymore. You're not. Well, not in anything but the legal sense. John is my husband now. You know that don't you? You agreed it was what you wanted, what you'd always fantasised about'. Did I? 'But I can't help missing you,' I whined. 'I know, I miss you too sweetheart but we both have to be strong. I have to be especially strong and you're not making it any easier'. 'I'm sorry, I can't help it. I ache to hold you. I need to cum so much!' 'That's enough!' She said standing up. You're going to spoil it if you keep on like this. Is that what you want? You can have it if you do. I can go next door and tell John it's over, I don't need him anymore. Then I can come back, take off your cage and we can fuck the afternoon away. But understand me, if we do that I will never play this or any other game with you again. I won't be messed around. You pleaded for me to do this and now all you can do is whine and complain. That's not fair and I won't have it. So decide once and for all. What's it to be?' The thought of getting the damned cage off and jumping into bed with her had my poor cock impaling itself on those cruel spikes again. It was very very tempting. The trouble was I loved our games. A part of me yearned to be teased and humiliated by this wonderful woman. I needed it on a very deep level. So deep I wasn't sure I could live with the surety of knowing I would never have those excuisite feelings again. Before I knew it I was apologising profusely and begging her to continue as she saw fit. 'That's better. Don't worry baby. I'm going to make it so special for you, I promise.' She kissed my cheek as I heaved in the heavenly scent of her perfume. 'Now go to my suitcase and look under the clothes. You'l find my cane. Bring it to me and get yourself bent over the end of the bed'. I must have looked shocked as she continued, 'I will not have you questioning me or dissobeying me or pleading without permission. If this is going to work then you need to learn your place quickly. I think we'll start with six and see how well you take those. Head down boy, arse up and not a sound. Unless you want John to hear what a wimp you are letting your wife tan your hide for you'.
Posts: 1830
Thanks for the wonderful story.
Posts: 1975
more please!
Posts: 596
Even though I was expecting it, the first blow made me jump. My wife shouted at me to get back in position. The second cut was harder, right across the tops of my legs. I stood up rubbing them and gritting my teeth in pain. 'If you don't get down there right now I'm going to make it twelve!' she shouted. I wanted to tell her to keep her voice down but didn't dare. The thought of her lover listening next door was so humiliating! Once I was back in position I felt her soft hand gently tracing the red lines on my ass and legs. ' Slave,' she whispered as she bent to speeak into my ear. 'If you stand up again or rub your sissy ass or do anything except stay still and take your punishment I'm going to go next door to get John. Then sweetheart, I'll have him tie you to the bed and beat your ass till the cane snaps. Do I make myself clear?' Her voice was so cold. I'd never heard her speak like that. One thing was for sure - she meant it. I thought about calling a halt again, in fact I was just about to stand up and say my piece when I felt her dainty fingers dance over my ripe blue balls. That was it! I was lost again. So, like the big brave guy I am, I burried my face in the sheets to muffle my cries as my darling wife delivered four more cuts to my ***d rear. Wiping my eyes on the bed sheet I went to stand up. 'Where do you think you're going?' she asked sternly. 'Get back down there. I haven't finished yet. I think another six will do the trick'. No way, no fucking way, I thought as I stood and turned to face her. 'You do want to be good don't you?' she smiled as she moved up close and brushed her lips over mine as she brushed her fingers over my aching balls. My cock had shrunk during my beating but it was instantly back to filling every millimeter of its damnable cage as I breathed in her perfume and felt her long red nails tapping the lock. 'You do want me to be happy don't you?' she continued. 'I've gone to so much trouble to make this weekend special for you. Surely you can let me have a little fun too'. Why was I listening to this? Why was I obeying her like a puppy dog, retrieving her cute little fluffy slippers from the floor and taking them back to the end of the bed where I bent over and resumed my position? Why was my cock bursting with pent up lust as I burried my face in her footware? The sound of her cruel laughter only made me adore her more. Even the pain of six more strikes laid on top of the original six failed this time to deflate my caged manhood by the tinyest degree.
Posts: 596
'You can get up now slave,' she ordered. 'Make sure your maids outfit is dry and get it on.' I had no problem with that. The smell and feel of the rubber outfit was a real turn on. My mind filled with thoughts of making love to my gorgeous wife dressed in the humiliating outfit had me almost passing out with pent up lust. Even the biting pain of the spikes in my cage did nothing to abate my lust. Her next words di though. 'I'm going next door. When you are properly dressed to suit your station you may knock at the connecting door. You wait until I tell you to come in'. She was gone before I could protest. I sat there on the edge of the bed, one leg half way into a rubber stocking wondering what the fuck I'd gotten myself into. What the fuck had she gotten me into?
Posts: 596
I decided I'd put on the maids outfit then shout my wife back into the room. I'd explain to her that things were going too far. No way did I want some other guy being involved in humiliating me. The thing was she had seen my internet browsing history. She knew the sites I visited, the stories I read. In was actually a major turn on for me imagining that I was a sissy cuckold slave to my gorgeous wife and her stud lover. Unfortunately, I didn't think I could cope with turning fantasy into reality. Once dressed I stood at the closed connecting door for several minutes trying to decide how I was going to handle this. I could knock and shout for her to come back in here but what if he came too? I could ask her to come alone but would she listen? Would she push on regardless in the belief that I just needed a little encouragement to let myself go? Was that the case? Did I really want to do this deep down inside? Did I need it? Shit, no way! I would just walk in there and tell him to get out. Then I'd drag her in here and give her the fucking she deserved. O oh. Not dressed like this I couldn't. So, I'd get changed. Then I thought about how dissappointed my wife would be. After years of encouraging her, trying desperately to get her to enjoy the dominant wife role, she seemed to be finally getting there. Would her knew permistera survive the setback of my refusal to obey her? Finally, I gritted my teeth and powerd myself to knock before I changed my mind. I heard my wife call for me to go in. I kept my eyes on the floor as I stepped into the room. Even so, I knew my face was bright red with embarrassment. 'Don't just stand there slave,' my wife complained. 'Come closer so I can introduce you. Slave, this is John my lover. You remember me mentioning him don't you. He was my first. I was devastated when he dumped me. Fortunately for me he's divorced now so he has plenty of time to make it up to me don't you babe?' 'You bet I have,' he answered. His voice was deep and confident. I glanced up to see him sat on the couch beside my wife, one arm around her shoulders. She was resting one hand casually on his thigh. They were both smiling. Hers looked sweet but his seemed full of contempt. I couldn't blame him really could I? 'John sweetheart, this is my sad excuse for a husband. I got lumbered with him because you left me. It's all your fault so you better be ready to work hard to make it up to me'. 'I thought I showed you last night how hard I can work,' he laughed. She laughed too and leant in to kiss him. I glanced up again and caught sight of her tiny hand rubbing gently over the front of his jeans. 'Slave turn around and lift your skirt. I want to show John my handywork'. Shit, could this get any more embarrassing? 'Wow, nice spacing girl,' he laughed. 'I learned it from you darling,' she answered. I wondered what she was talking about. 'Ok, now turn back round so John can see your cage'. Oh well, I did ask if it could get any more embarrassing didn't I? If I was red before I must have been purple as my faithless wife explained how the cage stopped my little thing getting hard and made it impossible for me to make love to her. 'He can't even cum by wanking with that thing on you see. I'll give you the key too sweetheart, so you can be certain that I'll never get a moment of weakness and give him a mercy fuck. I'm all yours now babe'. They were kissing again, tongues wrestling, hands exploring, all while I stood there trying to get her words straight in my mind. They paused to whisper to each other and laugh. They kept glancing at me so I knew I was the subject of their cruel amusement. It was all so intense. I was light headed. It felt like I'd become a character in one of the stories I'd read. It was just so unreal. I couldn't believe my cock was trying so hard to expand. I'd never been so confused, so embarrassed or so horny in my life. When they finally tore away from each other to tell me to come closer something snapped inside me. The embarrassment was gone. I just wanted to please her and, yes, even him. This over confident pig who had fucked my darling wife probably better than I ever had. I felt completely inferior to him. My wife was clearly enfatuated with him so why shouldn't I be too. She was my mistress. Not part time anymore. For real. I was her devoted cuckold slave. I loved her more than I could ever say, more than I could bear. If he made her happy then I would serve him too. Anything for her, anything!
Posts: 596
As I walked toward them I couldn't help staring at the rumpled bed and picturing my stunning wife laid there with him as she was last night. Cuddled up in his arms, happy and contented. It broke my heart but threatened to shatter my cock cage. Then I noticed on the bed, some bondage gear. Straps, a ball gag, a leather crop. 'They are not for you slave, don't worry,' my wife laughed. 'They are mine. John used them on me last night. We used to enjoy our bondage games didn't we sweetheart? It was John who introduced me to rough sex and boy, have I missed it'. I was shocked. I had no idea she was into that. She had always been so dominant with me. Never once had I even considered asking her if we could swap roles. Now I was faced with the knowledge that my wife of twenty years had a side I had never experienced and probably now, never would. I felt betrayed, jealous and even more turned on. So, with vivid pictures of my darling wife tied to the bed being cropped and fucked by this man, this lover from her past, I dropped to my knees at her feet. I did it automatically because it felt right. She was showing me my place in the new order of things and I could only accept it with joy, with love and with devotion.
Posts: 130
This is the best story I've read here in ages! More please!
Posts: 319
Marvellous story, absolutely SUPERB! Please, do carry on!
Posts: 27
OMG thats the HOTTEST story Ive ever read...You Must continue please
Posts: 596
My wife's responce to my show of utter devotion was to laugh. It made me grit my teeth with offense but I found myself even more turned on as I stared at her perfect tiny feet wrapped in silk stockings and cocooned in the soft quality leather of the expensive court shoes I'd bought her to wear on our special weekend away together. 'See, I told you he'd be fine. You are fine with this aren't you sweetheart?' she asked me, leaning forward so that I felt her breath on the top of my bowed head. 'Ye maam'. It just came out! I was calling my own wife maam! 'That's a good slave,' she cooed. 'You are doing just fine and you're making me very happy. You know I love you don't you?' Funny way of showing it, I thought. Then again, that was a little unfair wasn't it? This was my fantasy we were living out. How many times had I asked her for this? Pleaded with her to take control, to really go for it and own me, use me, be my mistress. Well I was getting it now wasn't I ? 'I love the way you submit to me slave. You even took a beating for me didn't you? I can assure you it won't be your last either'. That was pretty embarrassing in front of her boyfriend. If he thought I was a bit of a wimp before he must be sure of it now. 'To dress in such a wimpy embarrassing girly outfit and kneel there in front of the man who spent last night making love to your wife, a man you've always been jealous of, even hated a little. That really shows me how much you must love and adore me baby. In fact, I think you deserve a little reward. First though, one little thing. I'd like you to tell us how much you love me and why you want to be my cuckold slave'. The mention of a reward had my head spinning and my cock straining at the walls of its primister harder than ever. What to say though? I didn't want to blow it, I needed desperately to cum but I couldn't think straight. I felt like such a wimp kneeling there extoling my love for my wife as her lover sat smirking. She was right, I did hate him. 'Ermmm, I just, erm, I love you...' 'Just a minute sweety. I want you to look at John while you speak. I could feel my face burning as I raised my gaze to his chest, not having the guts to look him in the eye. 'I love my wife very much. She is so beautiful and I just want to make her happy, to worship her, to do anything she wants, to give her everything she desrves. The thought of her being with another man tears me apart but turns me on so much I... I can't explain....' Her hand caught my eye as she slid it into his, their fingers intertwining. 'I just want to serve her, to make her happy', I finished lamely. 'That's very nice sweetheart. Now tell John how you feel about him. The truth. If you lie I'll be very angry. Shit, what could I say? I decided to follow my unfaithful wife's advice. 'I've always been jealous of you, because you were her first. When she teases me about you she always sounds so infatuated with you. Now I've seen you together I feel more jealous than ever. I feel... angry, frustrated, impotent, but .... more turned on than I've ever been in my life. I.... I hate you too', I mumred. Wow What an alpha male I was! At least my darling wife seemed impressed. She even clapped her hands. 'That was excellent slave,' she congratulated me. I didn't feel proud though. Her calling me slave seemed to push me away, to isolate me. I felt subdued, put down, like they were on a level way above looking down at me with contempt. Shit why did I ask for this? Because it made me ready to explode with sexual tension that's why! 'You really deserve your reward slave so let's just get the last part over with then we can talk about your lovely sexy reward. There was more?! 'Sweetheart, I mean slave, I want you to ask John to be my lover. Tell him you will do anything and everything you can to make sure I spend as much time with him as possible. Make him see that you are not a threat, that you will never interfere or try to spoil our relationship. Ask him to take me as his, to make love to me anywhere, any time anyhow he wants to. Explain how you want me to be exclusive to him, to belong to him. Tell him you accept that you will never make love to me again as long as he is in my life. Tell him baby, tell him for me and mean it'.
Posts: 596
I did it. I said all the things she told me to. What choice did I really have. I needed to cum so bad! After that we could sort this out. She could take me in her arms and tell him it's just a game. We could thank him for playing and go back to our room right? 'That's very good. You're making me very happy slave. Here is your reward. When she handed me the key to my cock cage I dropped it in the excitement. I felt like a complete looser fumbling around on the floor in front of my wife and her lover. Even when I found it I was trembling so much I couldn't get it into the lock. It wouldn't fit! She'd given me a dummy key, the bitch! How could she do that to me? No, wait, it was in. I turned it and gingerly pulled the spiked ring off before sliding the tube off my bursting cock. It took a few tugs to get it to come off. It was as if the tube was hanging on, not wanting to be separated from its captive. Through a haze I heard my wife speaking. I couldn't concentrate to take in the words, I had to focus hard as she laughed and repeated, 'I said, what would you like to do with that little thing?' 'Make love to you....maam....please,' I replied hopefully. 'Silly slave, you know that's not going to happen,' she laughed. Yea, I had a feeling, but she did ask what I would like to do. 'I'm John's woman now sweety you know that. Surely you don't expect me to relax with two men at the same time do you? I'm not a slut you know!' she said, anger creeping into her voice. I had to recover the situation quickly, get back on her good side. 'Sorry maam, it's just that I love you so much. Would you, I mean...could you please touch me, make me cum with your hand, please...maam?' As I looked up at her imploringly she turned to her lover as if to ask his permission. With a smirk he slowly shook his head. Turning back to me she suggested coldly, 'Perhaps this was a bad idea. Maybe we should just get you back into your little cage where you won't get into trouble'. Oh cuckolds brownie, no, I thought ! 'Please maam, I'm sorry, I didn't mean..... I could just rub it against your leg, I'd be gentle you wouldn't know I'm there I promise. I'll be really quick.......please maam, I just need to touch you....I'm sorry....' 'Alright, listen,' she broke in, crossing her gorgeous legs. The whisper of silk against silk almost made me lunge forward to hump against her leg! With an impressive effort of will though, I managed to hold back and watched enraptured as she leaned forward to slide the black leather court shoe from her dainty foot. There was a sucking sound as her tiny silk wrapped foot appeared. She had the tinyest, cutest feet I'd ever seen. The shoes had cost me a small fortune but they'd been worth every penny. The six inch heels and hidden platforms powerd her already gorgeous feet into a exquisite angle an, at the same time, accentuated her beautiful calfs. 'I wore these in bed last night. John loved them didn't you baby?' I knew the look of superiority I would see on his face if I looked up and was glad that I couldn't manage to tear my gaze away from her shoe as she held it towards me. 'Why don't you put your face in here and tell us how it feels'. She didn't have to ask twice. The smell of new leather, warmed by her dainty foot almost made me pass out! 'Speak slave,' she ordered. 'I can smell you maam, I mean... the leather is so warm, your perfume, your smell'. 'Yes, but how does it make you feel?' she pushed. I couldn't stop myself shaking as I answered her, 'Light headed, like I'm seeing stars, tingling all over,' I mumred from inside her footwear. 'Would you like to touch yourself while you smell my shoe slave?' 'Oh yes!' 'Remember your manners slave'. 'Please maam, please may I?' 'Ask John'. 'Please sir, please may I?' Why had I called him sir? I hated him. Oh fuck it ! Who cared, I just needed so much..... 'If I let you do that you'll make a mess on the carpet slave, I know you will. If I'm going to allow it then you must use this'. I looked up to see her dangling a used condom in front of me. I could see the substantial deposit of thick white cum inside it. 'John and I made this especially for you. Of course he doesn't need to use protection. I like to feel him inside me skin to skin and I love it when he coats my pussy with his virile seed. We decided last night though, to use a condom just once so that you could use it afterwards. Isn't that nice of us slave?' 'Yes maam. Thank you.' 'Erm,' she coughed suggestively. 'Thank you sir,' I added quickly. I had often fantasised about sliding into my wife's gorgeous pussy after it had been filled by another man. The idea of doing it with a condom instead was a bit of a come down and hardly the same but I guess she was putting me in my place......again. 'First though,' she smiled as she slipped off her wedding and engagement rings. She handed them to me with the full condom and told me to drop the rings inside. 'I want you to show us that you accept the fact that my need for John's cock, his cum, overides any silly ideas of fidelity that these rings might once have signified. Drop then in there with John's lovely cum then slide it over you little thing. I want to see how loose it is'. I did as she asked in a daze of lust and frustration. 'Ha, look at that,' she sqealed. 'You'll have to grip the end tightly around the base of your little cock so it doesn't leak. At least it gives you some idea of why I need John doesn't it? That's why I've never forgotten him. It's also why I had to think of him every time you made love to me. Well, it was either that or fake my orgasms and you wouldn't have wanted me to have to do that would you?' 'No maam,' I remisterded glumly. If I wasn't so desperately horny I think I would have cried at her cruel words. As it was, they just got me hornier still!
Posts: 501
Brilliant, my cock is the hardest its ever been
Posts: 3047
Great great story! Every time I read it I just get TOTALLY aroused!
Posts: 596
So there I was dressed in a rubber maids outfit on my knees in front of my gorgeous wife and her lover. My desperate cock was twitching inside his used condom, drowning in his thick white spunk. Even though I did as she suggested and gripped the open end of the slack condom tightly around the base of my own cock, some of his juices escaped to run down over my blue balls. There was so much room inside the stretched condom that my wife's wedding and engagement rings slid from the tip and down the side of my cock. 'Ok sweety, now listen carefully. We are going to let you play with your little thing but you must follow the rules. You keep that condom gripped round your little boy cock with your right hand but you don't move it. You use the index finger of your left hand to rub little circles on the underside. Yes that's right. I want you to play with yourself like a girl. Be careful though. You are not allowed to cum unless you have permission from both of us. Is that clear?' 'Yes maam,' I gasped. I felt like I was on the edge already and I hadn't started yet. How I was going to hold off cumming for more than about ten seconds I had no idea! 'I'm warning you slave, do not dissappoint me here. You can stop anytime you like so there is no excuse for you making a mess. If you disresect me on this I will not be responsible for John's actions. He won't have me disresected will you baby?' 'Now you may put your face back inside my shoe while I hold it for you. That's a good slave. Show me how much you love me, kiss the innersole. Gently now. Show your mistress how you worship her. Good. Now you may rub your little thing for me'. After so long in the cage the sensation was exquisite. The juices inside the condom worked as a lubricant and, as I was leaning forward to immerse my senses once more in the heavenly aromas of my mistresses shoe, the rings slid forward so I was able to use the smooth wedding band under my finger to send shockwaves of delight through the diamond spot on my twitching cock. Diamond rings and diamond spots. Warm leather and expensive perfume. A soft slippery condom that had recently been so deep inside my darling wife's most intimate place. Deeper than I'd ever been. Drawing cries from her I'd never drawn. Filling her, giving her sensations I'd never given her and never would. Shit, I was there already! 'Please maam, may I cum?' 'Yes sweetheart but only if John agrees'. 'Please sir may.....' 'No you may not'. Oh cuckolds brownie! Where I found the strength of will to stop I don't know. I was sweating and gasping for air as I knelt there. I'd never needed to cum so much in my life! But a small sick part of me was glad he'd stopped me. I wanted this feeling to last forever. I was takes on lust, high on offense. 'Start again slave,' my wife's sweet voice urged. Knowing that I had only seconds to play with and believing him to be the stumbling block I decided to ask him first. 'Please may I cum sir?' 'Yes you may'. 'Yes! Yes! Yes! Just a formality now. 'Please maam may I cum?' 'Have you never heard the phrase 'Ladies First' slave? No you may not cum. You may never cum again if you don't learn some manners'. I had to stop again and listen tohim laughing at me. She shushed him and kissed him to quiet his mocking laughter. 'Be serious darling. This is an important part of his training. You know it's for everyone's benefit'. 'Sorry babe. I'll try but he is so fucking pathetic'. Shit! I hated him even more for that. Then the real body blow came. 'I know he is baby but he has his uses you know that. He's going to be our devoted slave. You'll have me anytime you want me with a free servant thrown in remember?' 'Yea ok, sorry. Carry on I'll try not to laugh at him anymore. On one condition. We get rid of him soon so I can get my cock inside you again. The way you are treating him is getting me rock hard'. 'Oh yes, it is isn't it,' she laughed. I glanced up to see her long red nails tapping at a formidable bulge in front of his jeans. 'Right sweety come on, face back in my shoe where it belongs. Let's see that finger working'. So, for the third time I entered the subspace of slavery to my gorgeous goddess. In the right order this time, I pleaded, 'Please maam, please may I, please?' 'If you swear to be my humble slave, to obey me in everything, to accept John as my lover and your may show me you devotion by washing my wedding rings in your cum. You may squirt your inferior slime alongside John's so that it can worship his thicker, stronger, superior love juice. ' Shit, I didn't have more than a couple of seconds to do this! 'Please sir may I cum?' 'Do you accept that I've taken your wife from you?' 'Yessss....sir'. 'Do you accept that I own her, she belongs to me body and sole....that she always did'. 'Yes sir...please, I can't wait!' 'Do you acknowledge my right to do anything I like to her or to you?' 'Oh please.....' 'Answer me you fucking wimp faggot!' 'Yes sir. yesssss, yesssss....PLEASE !!!' 'Lick the inside of my shoe slave,' my wife instructed harshly. 'It's the closest you will ever get to me now. Lick! Taste me, smell me! Cum for you master and mistress, now!' I was jerking around like some sort of string puppet gone mad. Every muscle in my body was in spasm. My world closed down to one tiny point of sensation. I felt myself falling, sinking into my darling wife's shoe. I wanted nothing more than to be there, where her tiny sexy little silk covered foot had been. I tried desperately to get my tongue forther inside, down to the end where her dainty painted toes had been. I imagined them curling in extasy as she came on his huge cock. I could hear the sound of her beautiful voice crying out his name as I cried out hers. I was coming, emptying my lust, my love, my devotion into the slack overstretched condom, coating her rings, making a mockery of the vows she had made when I'd placed those rings on her elegant finger. She must have slid her other shoe off as I felt her stockinged foot on the back of my head giving me further assurance of my new status in her life. I must have lost consciousness for a few seconds. When I came to her stockinged feet were on the floor in front of me. Her shoe had been dropped from my face. With a huge effort I managed to lift my head to take in the scene of my faithless spouse blowing her lover. He must have been as turned on as he said because he was clearly cumming already, gripping her hair in both hands and calling her his 'fucking whore'. I should have been angry but I didn't have the energy. As his orgasm subsided my eyes dropped to her gorgeous feet. I wanted nothing more from life but to kiss them, to suck her tiny painted toes, to show her my devotion. Somehow I knew though, that such a priveledge would have to be worked for now. I knew too, that it would be all the sweeter when eventually achieved.
Posts: 596
My dream-like state was broken by the sound of her voice telling me to sit up. As I raised my eyes to look at her she was patting her long brown hair back in place. He was laid back on the couch eyes closed and a satisfied grin spreading from ear to ear. I was suddenly struck by a pang of jealousy so strong it almost made me cry out! In twenty years of marriage she had accepted my cock into her delicious warm mouth twice. Both times she was reluctant, one of the times I'd had to get her takes and neither time had I cum in her mouth. Now here she was obviously happy to commit such an intimate act with him. 'Where are your manners slave?' she asked quietly. As I turned to answer her I noticed a small trickle of her lover's cum running from the corner of her mouth. Either she didn't know it was there or she was deliberately leaving it to torment me. 'Thank you maam,' I mumred. After a short silence I realised she was waiting for more. 'Thank you sir'. I was tired and confused now and just wanted this to be over so I was glad when she told me to go next door, take a shower and wait for her. I was also to knot the condom with her wedding rings still in there and put it somewhere safe. As I stood under the warm spray thoughts of my unfaithful wife filled my head. More thoughts of my own humiliating behaviour intruded to produce a kaliederscope of fantasy images that soon had my cock back to full hardness. As I reached down to carress myself there was a tap on the shower door that nearly made me jump out of my skin. 'I hope you're not playing with yourself in there slave,' my wife warned. 'Here put this cage back on'. That was going to be a problem. The cage was tight anyway, but no way could it accomodate my cock in its current inflamed condition. My explanation to my wife was met with an angry retort to turn the shower onto cold. Eventually I had everything in place and locked. As I stepped shivering from the shower cubicle my wife stood waiting. Without a word she checked the security of my cage. Satisfied she stepped back and cracked me across the face. 'No erections without permission slave, remember that. Now put your normal clothes on and knock when you're ready, I'll be next door. The first time I knocked I heard his voice tell me to go away and come back in ten minutes. My libedo was fully returned by then and I sat imagining what sexy surprises my beautiful faithless wife might have in store for me next. At least I would not have the embarrassment of wearing that damned maids outfit in front of him. My second knock was answered with his instruction to enter. When I did I stood there dumbfounded, jaw hanging wide open at the sight that greeted me. The room had a large desk for the use of business travellers. My conservative little wife was naked and bent forward over the desk. Leather cuffs and straps, the ones I'd seen on the bed I presumed, secured her wrists and ankles. As she lifted her head to look at me I could see her mouth was filled with a bright red ball gag. Her lover stood behing her wearing nothing but a superior grin, one hand tapping a black leather crop against his leg as the other slid up and down his huge purple veined cock. It was a scene of pure debauchery. The kind of picture I might have downloaded and used in my own masterbation fantasies. It was, however, made totally surreal by the presense of my darling wife, the lady of my youngren, the proud schoold governor and head of the local parents association. 'Ah there you are,' he smiled still stroking that loathsome weapon. 'Your wife wants you to pack your things and go home. She's spending the last night of your 'weekend away' with me. Don't worry I'm going to take really good care of her'. I couldn't believe this. I looked to my wife for confirmation. Her nodding head confirmed his instructions. How could I leave her with that pig. Who knew what depraved ideas he might have. She was helpless before him. Seeing my indecision he went on,' She also said that if you don't do as she said the game is over. You promised, remember?' I suppose I did but I had no idea..... 'Before you go hand me that lubricant from the bedside cabinet would you'. Like a complete zombie I did as he asked. 'That is some piece of ass right there don't you think?' he asked, slapping my wife's gorgeously curved rear with his turgid cock. 'In fact why don't you help me out hear. It would be kind of symbolic don't you think? You can lube her up for me. Thats right, squirt some on there and rub it in. Make sure you use plenty, from what she tells me that cute little rosebud hasn't been stretched since I last did it'. What the fuck?! I'd never taken my wife's ass, never even thought of it. Well, ok, I had thought of it but I knew there was no way she would let me. It was digusting. I wouldn't dream of degrading her like that! 'Now use your finger to get some up inside, that's it'. For the first time I felt my darling wife's sphincter open to receive my finger. Her ass ring felt tight around my finger, there was no way it could possibly accomodate that cock, no way! 'I know what your thinking cucky boy but I've been there before. I'm surprised you never tried it. She loves it don't you babe?' 'Mmmmmm!' my wife confirmed as she wriggled her ass wantonly on my finger. My wife was a complete slut for this man! The realisation hit me like a truck doing 80 mile an hour! I didn't know her at all. After twenty years of marriage, I had no idea. 'Ok you better get out now cucky,' he warned me as he squirted more lube onto his jutting manhood and smeared its formidable length. 'Maybe next time I'll let you lube me up too huh?' He laughed as I made a hasty retreat. I turned at the door to see him raising that vicious looking crop high above his head. 'I told you to get out slave. Go on, go home. I'll drop your little slut wifey off at home tomorrow. Don't expect her to be able to sit down for a while though,' he laughed as I left and pulled the door closed behind me. Tears blurred my eyes as I hurriedly packed. The muffled sounds of pain, or was it extasy, from next door had my poor imprimistered cock despeately impaling itself on the spikes of its cage. I should have been feeling angry, scared, betrayed. But all I could think about was my darling wife tied down groaning like the commonest slut, taking cock like a whore. Fuck, I needed to get this cage off. Whatever it took I'd do it, anything to be able to cum, anything! How was I going to be able to wait? I couldn't even think straight. Tomorrow seemed years away. She would let me cum tommorrow wouldn't she? When her dropped her off she could continue to play the part of a complete bitch. I could worship her, cry my love for her as I spurted on her stockinged feet. Then it would be over. Right?