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Day and Night

Rating: 14


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Don was nineteen years old and lived with his parents in their impressive villa situated on the outskirts of town.
The university student was home alone that afternoon and as the sun was shining he decided to take a stroll in the rambling back garden which had a large lawn surrounded by mature trees and shrubs.
His parents were comfortably well off and were proud of their property which stood on an exclusive site backing on to pleasant woodland.

He sat down on the garden bench and relaxed. It felt good to feel the heat from the warm summer sun and he closed his eyes and tried to imagine a situation where he was making love to his beautiful next door neighbour. It was a daydream which he had repeated many times over the last few months.

As he lay there he heard a noise coming from the direction of his neighbour’s garden.
He tiptoed over, hiding behind the tall privet hedge which separated their properties and peaking through the foliage he saw Mrs Kay hanging out her washing on the clothes line.

She had her back to him and he couldn’t help noticing that every time she bent down to get something from the clothes basket her short skirt rode up exposing her beautifully proportioned legs encased in shiny nylon stockings and topped with a flash of naked thigh.
The sight of this excited him, especially since she was unaware that he was there.
He was immediately sexually aroused and he could not help stroking his stiffening penis through his trousers as he watched her.
God she was gorgeous and he adored her, in fact he had adored her from the very first time he had seen her.

The Kay’s had moved in next door a couple of years ago and he had noticed that she seemed so much younger than her husband.
Mr Kay was a wealthy lawyer and was indeed much older than his pretty young wife.
Don wondered how balding Mr Kay had been lucky enough to marry such a beautiful woman. Surely she had been able to take her pick of any handsome young man that she fancied and yet she had picked old and balding Mr Kay. Surely the fact that he was very wealthy wasn’t the only reamister.
In fact, Robert, Mr Kay, was only in his early forties but that seemed pretty old to the nineteen year old Don.

As he continued to watch the peep show before him he realised that she was now pegging up her freshly laundered underwear.
He watched transfixed as she pegged up two pairs of nylon stockings, two pairs of sexy nylon knickers and a short silk slip, then with a toss of her deep ginger red hair she turned away and disappeared inside her house.

Don stood there for a few minutes before going back in to his house dreaming of how good it would be to make love to the beautiful Mrs Kay.
He imagined her standing before him dressed only in those stockings and knickers begging him to make mad passionate love to her.

Later on that evening he was in his room studying. It was getting dark so he got up to close the curtains when he noticed that Mrs Kay’s washing was still on the line and was being severely buffeted by an increasingly violent breeze.
Standing there in the dark he had a terrible thought, why didn’t he climb over the garden wall and take a pair of those wonderfully sexy knickers. She would assume that they had simply blown away in the high winds.

Ten minutes later he was back in his room and clutched in his hand was the softest silkiest pair of expensive ladies knickers that he could ever have imagined.
Breathless with excitement at what he had done he closed his eyes and pressed them to his nose inhaling the scent of the gorgeous Beth, Mrs Kay.

Beth Kay was a very sophisticated and sensuous young woman well aware of the effect she had on men.
She had met Robert at a cocktail party and they had immediately hit it off. He was not the most handsome of men but he had a good sense of humour and was a perfect gentleman with impeccable manners.
Although she at twenty five was much younger than him it didn’t seem a problem and she had happily accepted his offer of marriage only three months after they first met.

Their marriage would probably be described as perfectly normal by the casual bystander but very soon they found that they had a slight problem.
Robert was not the greatest of lovers he was unable to maintain a meaningful erection, suffered from premature ejaculation and was unable to do it more than once. On top of all that he had a particularly small penis. At just over three inches it fell far short of what Beth needed to fulfil her growing sexual appetite.
They had not had sex together until their wedding night and that had ended in tears of frustration for both of them.
The question now was how to make the best of a disappointing situation.


Posts: 1914
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Welcome back Greenman. I'm sure this is going to develop just as well as your others. Look forward to it. Good set up.


Posts: 4631
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Welcome Greenman more please


Posts: 274
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Thank you peakmb and doorstopper I hope you continue to enjoy my story as it unfolds.



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After a frustrating couple of years trying to make things work for both of them, Robert realised that something drastic had to be done to save their marriage.
He loved Beth very much, in fact he worshipped her and he knew that she loved him too, he didn’t want her to feel powerd into cheating on him.

Lately when having sex together he had been fantasizing about Beth having sex with really well endowed men and he found that thinking about that increased the strength of his erection.
Soon he found that unless he fantasized about this he could hardly raise a worthwhile hard-on at all.
It had become an obsession which he had to deal with.

One evening in bed he casually remarked that perhaps they should look for a suitable lover for Beth.
She was horrified and told him that she could never do that and anyway who would want to make love to her, she was a married woman after all.
Robert tried to explain that he did not want her to fall in love with another man but only to meet someone who could give her the sort of sex which he was unable to provide her with.

Over the course of the next few months Robert continued to plead and beg her to give it a chance promising her that he would not interfere and that she would be in complete control of the situation.

One evening as they were preparing to go out to a dinner party Beth was sitting at her dressing table brushing her hair.
Dressed only in her underwear she looked absolutely adorable.
Robert emerged naked from the bathroom just as she stood up to adjust the seams on her nylon stockings, captivated by the scene before him he dropped to his knees and bending down he lovingly kissed her feet.

“I adore you my darling I want to serve you and be your slave forever.” He said.
“Do you really mean that Robert?”
“Yes but only as far as our sex life is concerned. I want you to take charge and more than anything I want you to take a lover.
You know in your heart of hearts that is going to happen sooner rather than later.
I do not want you to have to cheat on me I want you to tell me when you have a liaimister, what you do, how much you enjoyed it, you will, you’ll see.”

Beth paused before speaking. “Kiss my feet again and beg me to do as you wish.”
This was an order, he could tell by her tone of voice.
He wasted no time in obeying her and as he kissed her silky stocking clad foot she lifted her other foot and pushed his head down on to the carpet. This movement caused him to turn over on to his back. Looking up he found that she was now standing with her feet on either side of his head and he was gazing up at her silken covered pussy.
His mind was in a whirl all his dreams seemed to be coming true all at once.

“Well slave I think you had better get dressed or we will be late for dinner.
This obviously turns you on, your little cock looks as if it is about to explode. I think I might just enjoy our little game.”

Over the course of the next two weeks they played out their fantasy to the extent that every morning before rising Beth would play with Robert’s little cock before sending him to prepare her breakfast which he served to her in bed.
Beth provided Robert with a short black nylon slip with a frilly white apron to wear whilst he performed this menial task.
Beth was very careful not to allow Robert to have an orgasm as this would have broken the spell at this stage of their game.

Evenings at home usually involved Robert carrying out Beth’s instructions and generally doing whatever she ordered him to do.
These did not always have a sexual content although she did dress in her riding gear which she knew he liked.

Her jodhpurs and riding boots were constantly being kissed and lovingly caressed by her besotted and soon to be cuckolded husband.



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The following day, after Don’s man and lady had gone into town, he was feeling quite guilty about what he had done then he thought that it if he returned the knickers to Beth it would give him a rare opportunity to be close to her and the presence of her knickers would add a measure of intimacy between them.

For the rest of that day Don wrestled with his dilemma unable to decide whether to keep them or return them.
That evening, Thursday, he was alone in the house, his man attended his Rotary club meeting and his lady dined out and enjoyed the late night shopping.
Around eight thirty pm he finally decided to go out into the garden and throw Beth’s knickers below a shrub or bush in her garden.

As he approached the dividing hedge he looked over towards the back door of the Kay’s house just to make sure that the coast was clear and that no one would see him throwing the knickers back.

His eyes just about popped out of his head when he saw a shadowy figure peering into the Kay’s lounge through a space in the curtains which had been pulled closed.
Standing completely still he tried to think what he should do. Should he shout out asking the man what he was doing there or should he go back into his house and phone the Kay’s and tell them that they were being spied upon.

Before he could decide the man moved closer to the window and his face became clearly visible lit up by the light emanating from the room.
Don was astonished to see that it was Mr Kay standing there and whatever it was that he was watching held his full attention.
Both men, Don and Mr Kay, stood rooted to their respective spots for more than half an hour before Mr Kay suddenly scurried away up the side of his house.

Don quickly stole along the side of the hedge in time to see Mr Kay disappearing out of the front gate and down the street.
He didn’t know what to do or think.
It was then that he remembered that Mr Kay, as a fellow member should have been at the same Rotary club meeting as his man. What was he doing here at this time?

What about Mrs Kay was she alone or did she have someone with her?
Running back into the house he lifted the phone and dialled the Kay’s number.
“Hello.” He heard Beth’s voice, a little breathless he thought. “Who is this?”
Disguising his voice Don said “Could I speak with Mr Kay please.”
Beth replied that she was sorry but Mr Kay was not in as he attended his Rotary club on a Thursday evening. Before she could say anything else Don thanked her and said that he would contact Mr Kay at his office in the morning then hung up.

Don sat at the front bedroom window which gave him a view of the street and from where he could see anyone entering or leaving the Kay’s front driveway.
He didn’t have long to wait for quite soon he saw tall man leave with his coat collar turned up shielding his face. His car must have been parked very close as he heard it being started up and watched as it made it’s way down the street towards town.

Half an hour later he saw Mr Kay arrive home in his Mercedes and watched as he entered his house.

What was this, had he imagined everything that had just happened.
Did this mean that Mrs Kay, Beth had a lover?



Posts: 1914
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You are as bad as Stormydog Greenman. Is there a new rule about teasing us poor readers? Still a nice set up. I can't wait for the beef.


Posts: 274
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Don quickly made his way outside and carefully squeezed through the dividing hedge into the Kay’s garden.
He tiptoed across the lawn and made straight towards the window that Mr Kay had been peeping through earlier.

At first it appeared that the room was empty then he saw Beth sitting in a large easy chair.
She was staring towards the door which led to the hallway.
It was then that he realised that the sash and case window was open at the top and he could hear clearly a sharp knock on the door.
Beth stood up and he saw that she was wearing her riding outfit and that she had a riding crop in her hand.
“Come.” He heard her sharp command.

Immediately the door opened and to Don’s utter amazement Robert, Mr Kay entered crawling into the room on all fours and stark naked.
He crawled across the room until he was right in front of his beautiful wife.
Not once had he lifted his eyes from the floor.

“You may kiss my boots.”

“Thank you Mistress.” He replied.
Mr Kay began kissing up and down both of her boots and as he bent right over to administer to her insteps she suddenly whacked his bare behind with her crop.
It obviously hurt him as he let out a howl but he did not stop grovelling at her feet.
“Stand up, now!!” she said loudly.

As Mr Kay struggled to his feet Don got his first sight of his neighbour’s manhood.
He was surprised it looked so small and yet it wasn’t much smaller than Don’s own penis which he had always been ashamed of.

The beautiful Beth sat down and motioned for Mr Kay to remove her boots.
He undid the zip fasteners and facing away from Beth took one foot between his legs and pulled gently removing the boot which he laid neatly at the side of Beth’s chair. He did the same with the other boot then knelt at her feet with his head bowed.

Beth stood up and said something to Robert that Don couldn’t hear but she must have instructed him to remove her shirt and jodhpurs for that is what he did, lovingly.
Don watched as Mr Kay gently stripped off the tight fitting jodhpurs exposing Beth’s shapely legs and bottom. As she stepped out of the garment she took Robert by the back of his head and pulled his face in to her crotch grinding her hips so that his nose and mouth were mashed against her hot steaming pussy lips which could be seen clearly through her fine see through knickers.

Robert rubbed his face into her hot cunt but kept his hands folded behind his back, it was obvious that he was not allowed to touch at this stage of their game.

Don marvelled at the magnificent sight of Beth, the object of all his erotic dreams acting out a sex scene in front of his prying eyes.
She stood there looking utterly voluptuous dressed only in her nylons, flimsy knickers and thin silky bra out of which bulged her lovely breasts.

“Take them off but be careful not to ladder my nylons.” Beth ordered her excited husband.

“Yes mistress, thank you mistress.” Don heard Mr Kay reply before he obediently began removing Beth’s knickers using only his mouth and teeth.

He had done this before but it was still difficult and it took him about five minutes to get them down her legs and finally off.

Beth returned to the easy chair and sitting down with her bottom right at the front edge she spread her legs wide exposing her gorgeous hairless pussy.
Don was mesmerised by what he was seeing and could not help rubbing his little cock through his trousers.
Oh what he would give to be in Mr Kay’s place right now.
He watched as Mr Kay knelt down and then heard him ask if his mistress would allow him to worship her and to give her pleasure as he carried out his clean up duties.

Beth gave him the permission that he longed for and closed her eyes as his tongue started to flick her clit. He sucked and licked and kissed for quite awhile until she started to squirm before having an intense orgasm.

Don had never seen or heard a woman in heat before and worried that she was having a seizure.

A few minutes later, after she had recovered, she pushed her husband on to his back and as he lay there on the carpet she started to rub his little erection with her nylon clad feet. She rubbed the soles of her lovely feet back and forth teasing the twitching little knob until all of a sudden Robert let out a loud groan and a stream of hot semen spurted from his penis and landed on her feet and ankles.
Almost immediately she grabbed her riding crop and whacked Robert’s now wilting little cock.
Standing over him she shouted “You bad, bad boy Robert, clean that up immediately, do you hear?”
Moving quickly Robert was soon licking up his own semen from off his wife’s soiled nylon stockings.

Don could not make out what Beth said next but she left the room leaving her husband to clear up.

Don knew it was time for him to get back to his own house where he would try to remember all the mind blowing things he had just witnessed.

One thing was certain, he would forever more be affected by what he saw that night.
The seeds of female domination and voyeurism had been firmly planted in his fertile imagination.
Rating: 14, 4 votes.
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Day and Night
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