Posts: 106
I warn you this may take some time. Your comments are always welcome. Yes- its true.
I was born in 1959. Eisenhower was president and America's ideas about appropriate behavior were vastly different, remember that.
My lady was a prostitute, 24, pregnant and single when she married my step-man. They met in November, married in December and I was born in April. I have one brother, four years older than I. No one could ever say he didn't know.
He was always nice enough to me, but totally devoted to my lady. For him she came first no matter what. A fact his family REALLY resented. They, at least most of them, hated her. And her bastard youngren too by the way. She could not have cared less, and they, being no angels themselves thought nothing of taking it out on the kids.
So here I am, mister of a working prostitute, whose man figure is a weak itinerant carpenter. I didnt know until much later what the term cuckold meant. The problems she dealt that man! I spent a great deal of my early years "dumped off at his parents" We (lady, man, brother and I) lived on Oklahoma City. Stepmans parents lived about three hours away in a VERY small, VERY clanish rural community of about 500 people. Anybody that has experienced a place like that knows there are no secrets, none. My parents trick, and it worked over and over, was to come for a visit, find an excuse to go into town on some errand and not return for six months or a year. Imagine stuck with people who hate the very sight of you. Mother still wonders why I dont speak to her!
Now the stories, (That is after all why you waded though all that garbage isnt it!) They come random as the occure to me.
My lady was hot! About five three and 105 pounds. Very pretty face 34-23-35 b cup. The kind of woman that exuded sexuallity. She knew what men wanted. I always think her first thought wasnt "Would I do that" but "How much would he pay." Our house was an endless parade of men. I cant remember there not being a time when some guy wasnt knocking on our door only to be led off to her bedroom. I just grew up thinking that it was as normal as going to the bathroom. I think my brother saw it that way too. My SF(stepman) on the other hand felt she shouldnt be so open around the youngren. He was ten years older than her, about five eight and 165 pounds but somehow always seemed smaller than her somehow. We moved around alot and the walls let the sound through, if you cared to listen. Ive heard her putting him in his place more than once. On the other hand he was hung like a horse which was always her stated reamister for keeping him around. Mother was VERY vocal, wether it was her johns or SF. We, brother and I "got" to hear it all. Having been born to it I just didnt place any stigma on it.
Five years old, watching tv, brother out (he usually was). SF comes home from work: "Wheres your lady?"
"Oh" he sits down to wait.
Later, out strolls an absolutely HUGE black man. you could see SF shudder. Mother follows this guy out in her usual see-through gown, gives him a kiss allows one more feel and tells him to "come back anytime."
She turns, looks at SF and smirks.
He goes for her in a rage and yells "We dont need money that bad!"
She slaps him as hard as she could, (I "know" that slap), and laughs "I didnt charge him!" Then walks back in the bedroom.
Within ten minutes I could hear her mewing "Lick it honey he just about tore me up, I wont be able to work for a week!" "Thats it, thats a good boy!"
More Later, if you want.
Posts: 120
Hell yes, more, more...
Posts: 12
Good stuff! keep it up.
Posts: 106
I think Mother always paid the rent with pussy. As I said we moved a lot and as often as not it was after some very pissed off women showed up at our door demanding that we leave. Probably the guys wife, (You think?).
Mother had a habit of thinking out-loud. I remember one landlord that was grossly overwieght and smelled. He would show up and lady would say "Oh cuckolds brownie its him!" "Maybe I can just suck him off agin." "No that was the last two times, he's going to want to fuck me this time for sure!" Sometimes she would send one of us to the door to say she wasnt home. After awhile though she would have to pay up.
When we moved I think it was one of the few times the landlords wife hated to see us go.
My lady had a sister that was ten years younger than her. She ran away from home about the time I was born. Nodody saw her for a few years until she showed up at our house. Her name was Betty but she seldom use it. She preffered exotic names like Anistasia or Cleo. She was dynamite. Five feet nothing, 36-24-36, dark brown hair, BLUE! eyes. And like my lady, she was a prostitue. I think she gave me my first "woody" when I was still in diapers. She always flirted outrageously with any male she was around, my brother,SF, me or any one else. My lady was evil but she was satan herself. Lots of Aunt Betty stories. Heres one.
When I was about seven Aunt Betty came to stay with us. She had been living in Las Vegas for a while and was about 8 mos. pregnant when she appeared. (Betty NEVER let you know when she was comming or going). I got the feeling she was hideing out. The story as I understood it was she had gotten pregnant on purpose to reel in some sucker. The sucker turned out to be the half-wit brother of someone with Mafia connections, Oops. Anyway, baby born, baby put up for adoption, Aunt comes home to recover. Huge tits by the way(I was seven. I noticed!)
Aunty "Lizzy(my lady), my pump is broken agin."
Mother "So"
Aunty "Well.....I was thinking"
Mother "About WHAT?"
Aunty " you think I could borrow one of the boys for a while?" "Just to help out till I get a new pump"
Mother, giggleing "It would go twice as fast if you used them both!" "I dont think Larry would go for it but Davie would I'm sure, I know he went for mine as often as he could." "DO NOT tell his man!"
Aunty "Ill be discreet."
For the next month or more it became a several times daily ritual for me to suck those huge tits dry. As soon as my SF left for work, here she came. When he was home we had to sneek around, our naughty litte secret, god i felt So 'grown up'. At first she would sit on the bed and have me lay my head in her lap and feed them to me by leaning over. Before long though she had to lay down, "Because my back hurts." She always kept one hand on the back of my head to direct me but the other was in her lap. She soon progressed from fully clothed (not that there was much to start with, as often as not her wardrobe while visiting us was bra and panties, a sheer dressing gown added when SF was home) To buck naked. I could smell the scent of her wet pussy and hear sounds as she frigged it.I drove me crazy, I would have done anything for her.
My lady was the one that suggested that it was a "little unfair" that she got off while I did the work.
Aunty "Hes not old enough to cum, whats the point?"
Mother "He doesnt ejactulate thats true, but that doent mean he doesnt like to play with it. Ive caught him several times with my, and now your, panties wankin off."
After that it became standard for Aunty to remove her panties in front of me and give them to me to jerk off with while I sucked on those huge titties.
One of my fondest memories.
Posts: 1782
wow yeh more of that let me know what you think of my small cock send message on this please
Posts: 106
I think Mother always paid the rent with pussy. As I said we moved a lot and as often as not it was after some very pissed off women showed up at our door demanding that we leave. Probably the guys wife, (You think?).
Mother had a habit of thinking out-loud. I remember one landlord that was grossly overwieght and smelled. He would show up and lady would say "Oh cuckolds brownie its him!" "Maybe I can just suck him off agin." "No that was the last two times, he's going to want to fuck me this time for sure!" Sometimes she would send one of us to the door to say she wasnt home. After awhile though she would have to pay up.
When we moved I think it was one of the few times the landlords wife hated to see us go.
My lady had a sister that was ten years younger than her. She ran away from home about the time I was born. Nodody saw her for a few years until she showed up at our house. Her name was Betty but she seldom use it. She preffered exotic names like Anistasia or Cleo. She was dynamite. Five feet nothing, 36-24-36, dark brown hair, BLUE! eyes. And like my lady, she was a prostitue. I think she gave me my first "woody" when I was still in diapers. She always flirted outrageously with any male she was around, my brother,SF, me or any one else. My lady was evil but she was satan herself. Lots of Aunt Betty stories. Heres one.
When I was about seven Aunt Betty came to stay with us. She had been living in Las Vegas for a while and was about 8 mos. pregnant when she appeared. (Betty NEVER let you know when she was comming or going). I got the feeling she was hideing out. The story as I understood it was she had gotten pregnant on purpose to reel in some sucker. The sucker turned out to be the half-wit brother of someone with Mafia connections, Oops. Anyway, baby born, baby put up for adoption, Aunt comes home to recover. Huge tits by the way(I was seven. I noticed!)
Aunty "Lizzy(my lady), my pump is broken agin."
Mother "So"
Aunty "Well.....I was thinking"
Mother "About WHAT?"
Aunty " you think I could borrow one of the boys for a while?" "Just to help out till I get a new pump"
Mother, giggleing "It would go twice as fast if you used them both!" "I dont think Larry would go for it but Davie would I'm sure, I know he went for mine as often as he could." "DO NOT tell his man!"
Aunty "Ill be discreet."
For the next month or more it became a several times daily ritual for me to suck those huge tits dry. As soon as my SF left for work, here she came. When he was home we had to sneek around, our naughty litte secret, god i felt So 'grown up'. At first she would sit on the bed and have me lay my head in her lap and feed them to me by leaning over. Before long though she had to lay down, "Because my back hurts." She always kept one hand on the back of my head to direct me but the other was in her lap. She soon progressed from fully clothed (not that there was much to start with, as often as not her wardrobe while visiting us was bra and panties, a sheer dressing gown added when SF was home) To buck naked. I could smell the scent of her wet pussy and hear sounds as she frigged it.I drove me crazy, I would have done anything for her.
My lady was the one that suggested that it was a "little unfair" that she got off while I did the work.
Aunty "Hes not old enough to cum, whats the point?"
Mother "He doesnt ejactulate thats true, but that doent mean he doesnt like to play with it. Ive caught him several times with my, and now your, panties wankin off."
After that it became standard for Aunty to remove her panties in front of me and give them to me to jerk off with while I sucked on those huge titties.
One of my fondest memories.
Posts: 106
I dont know how that double posted, sorry.
Ok you wanted more.
When I was about twelve, we spent a breif period living in that same small town as my SF's family. I had spent a pretty fair amount of time there already. I had several cousins around, one that was two years older than I that I idolized. He seemed to know everything and was, as a matter of fact, the one who had explained to me what my lady was (prostitute,whore) and my SF (cuckold-accurate, pimp-not accurate.) He reamistered that since my lady gave blowjobs: I should too. Like I say I idolized him and didnt really mind. At one point he would even (at first) suck me too, if only for a few seconds. Then it was my turn.
Like all the men in the family he was hung like a horse. At about eight or so when this started he was at least 6" and uncut. I found that novel as both my brother and I as well as SF were all circumsized. By the time I left home at eighteen to join the military he was at least eight and a half inches and thick. Fat in the shaft tappering rapidly to a much smaller head, no bigger really than my own five incher.
At first he didnt cum and I could suck him off for multiple "oragasims". Later he would stop me just short of cumming and let me finnish him off with my hand. I didnt really want him to cum in my mouth (My brother had told me that would make me a Queer and although a wasnt sure what that was I had heard enough men laughing about them that I didnt want to be one). At one point Cousin decided to fuck me in the ass. THAT HURT! It was after that that he agreed to let me suck him off until he came in my mouth and not "cornhole" me as he put it.
We rented a house from Uncle Bill(Cousins man) and SF worked in the City, coming home on weekends. It was the usual agreement and Uncle Bill always brought Cousin with him when he came to collect. It was usually late and he had always been takeing. I could smell the liquer as soon as he was within five feet of me. He would pat me on the head and lead my lady giggleing to the bedroom to collect. That was Cousins que to take me into our bedroom next door. We could hear everything happening in the next room and it took awhile for me to realize that they must have been able to hear us as well.
Uncle Bill always started with "Well get outa those clothes!" "I wanta see what Im payin for!"
By this time I would be on my knees before Cousins rock hard Horse cock. He would hold me by the head and say "wait for it."
Then Uncle Bill would say "Suck it!"
You guessed it. Cousin would say(just as loud) "Suck it" Then he would ram as much of his cock down my throat as I could take.
He never lasted too long. The whole time I was sucking him he would be saying how much he wanted to fuck my lady, HE after all, wasnt a Queer. He just needed to get off. His man on the other hand might go for hours. After Cousin came for the first time(and I jerked off-also standard practice), we would lay on my bed together and listen to them fuck. It wasnt long before I would be back "paying the rent" agin as it came to be called. This might happen three or four times before Uncle was ready to depart. Uncle would bellow for Cousin and head for the door. I remember once when Cousin asked "When are you going to let me collect the rent?" Uncle Bill just looked over at me, laughed and said "Sounds to me like you been collecting it for some time already!" Mother just smiled at me and winked.
Posts: 106
Any real cuckold knows about offense.
I learned what offense was early.
Watching my lady humiliate SF was like breathing to me.
He knew what she was but he didnt like it. It would have been alot easier if she had hidden things. But as much as her chosen lifstyle bothered him he stayed. Perhaps she understood best. She would berate him anywhere, at any time but they would always end up in the bed room. She was always very vocal and my brother and I would listen. I learned to jerk off from my older brother while listening to Mother fuck SF (or others.) She would tell him that she let him stay only because of his "Big dick" or because of the way his tongue made her 'sore, overworked pussy' feel. She never failed to remind him that SHE made most of the money. God he was a wimp. Not to say he couldnt be firm with brother and I. He believed in corpral punishment which it seemed all the more strange the way he let her treet him.
About ten years old:
Sunday family outing, Mother (in bikini), SF, brother and I, on our way to the home of one of my ladys richer johns to go swimming. We stop by Shepards Mall to buy some pool toys. SF begs Mother to "At least put your wrap on" before going in. That wasnt Mothers style, and "No you cant wait in the car!"
After a tour of a couple stores, where every head in the store was turned our way, my red faced SF and shameless lady were approached by Mall Security. Mother was apparently in *** of more than one Mall, City and State (Oklahoma, 1969) ordinance. "Would you step this way please."
The upshot of it was, Mother spent about 15 mins. in the "other room with the officer while we waited in the outer room.
When she walked out she was retying her top and her knees were red. The officer laughed and invited us back "Anytime."
SF was furius but never said a word. He spent the rest of the afternoon watching brother and I play in the pool while Mother stayed inside with our "Generous host."
I fell to relax listening to her tease him, while he licked her pussy, about how hard he was was at the Mall and how a 'goodboy' gets rewarded.
Posts: 106
Once when we lived out of town Mother and I went to visit Aunt Betty on "buisiness". Aunt Betty had a high-rise apartment with a great veiw of the city. She used it to entertain her clients and only somewhat reluctantly agreed to forgo bringing them home because of me. I was about twelve at the time.
I was in heaven. Here was not only Mother, whom I was used to seeing in every stage of undress but also Aunt Betty! I think I would have done my lady at the time but if she ever felt that way she never showed it. Most of the time she ignored me.
Not only did Aunt Betty not ignore me she teased me mercylessly. She would have me give her massages to "rub the aches away." Before long I was attending to her bath and keeping things neat around the apartment.
Within a week Aunty told me that Mother had been arrested for "Vagrancy" and that she was trying to get her out. Well she didnt. Mother spent thirty days in county lock-up.
That time was like heaven to me. Aunty didnt feel the need to conduct her buisness elsewhere and as long as I stayed out of sight her clients didnt either. At first she would send me out. Then she decided money for movies ect. was getting expensive. So her solution was to hide me in the closet. I think it was the way she smiled when she told me to "Be sure and dont peek" that made me start watching. After a couple accidents on her clothes she would hand me her used panties before partially closeing the closet door and opening the front door. Ive watched every conceivable type man fuck Aunty, just about all while I jerked off in her panties. I always wished it could be me but it never was. She allowed me to worship her in many ways but never by intercourse.
She did however teach me to eat pussy.
It wasnt really her fault. It was mine. I would get her so relaxed and stimulated with my massages that she "Just had to have some refief." Besides she said "With a dick as SMALL as yours" "I better learn to please a woman in other ways." God it was great! I spent hours learning just what to do to make a woman cum. She always smelled intoxicating. Whether it was hard and quick before an unapealling client showed up or long and slow when I would wake her up at five or so in the afternoon for 'morning' coffee, Aunty knew what she wanted.
Reminds me of another story that happened on that trip, but perhaps Ive bored everyone enough?
Posts: 525
This is amazing.
I would say too amazing to be true, but I have learned that truth is even stranger than fiction.
If I had to place a bet though, I would say that it IS fiction because it is so well written. If I am wrong, then you have my sincerest compliments: you have the best writing voice since Jim Thompmister!
Posts: 106
Afwmisom, thank you. My spelling is terrible and Im sure my high school English teacher would weep over my grammar. I have tried to 'write' before but perhaps as all my teachers advised "Write about something you know, lifes experiances ect."
Okay another. My visit with Aunt Betty was, as we used to say in the military, a 'target rich enviorment'.
With Aunt Betty, you, not her, were either undressed or dressed neatly. It didnt take long for me to burn through what clean clothes I had. I thought the solution would be to wash them. Not Aunty, her clothes were either laundered (outerwear) or hand washed (underwear). That soon became one of my jobs, by the way. Since she saw no sense in having dungarees and tee shirts laundered and she "Sure as hell didnt want them in with her fine silks", she decided "I should just wear her clothes." After all she was almost as tall as I. That turned out to mean her underwear for the must part. "You're not going out anyway, are you sweety?" There were times when we had to go out however.
I must have been beet red the whole time we were out. My slacks seemed awful high waisted and 'blush' zipped up the back. The blouse, she demanded I use the correct terminology, buttoned from the wrong side and had sort of "cuffs" or "folds" sewn into the chest area to accomidate her rather large busom. I only complained once. She threatened to "fill them with tissue paper and leave no doubt, rather than let people wonder." Every where we went I was sure everyone stared. They probably did. At least at the shoes. My too large feet jammed into het black flats!
At home she would let me pick out my outfits and I became VERY fond of silky tap pants and camisoles. Once she put me into stockings, "You simply MUST shave your legs!" "Besides you need to practice shaving mine," garter belt and a corset!!!. She decided water balloons gave a better effect than tissue. A wig and make-up, "Just for fun." God help me but I thought this was the most "fun" I would ever have in my life! I couldnt stop running my hands over my nylons and as Aunty said "That boner you have is going to rip the snaps off the crotch of that corset!" She said "I would let you take care of that, but even after you cum you stay hard anyway!" She let me stay that way all night while she entertained clients. "If a couple of them saw you Sweety we could make a fortune!" "I wonder what your lady would say if I brought you into the trade?" "You're a little young but hell, Sweety, I was only fourteen when I started and even then I sure as hell was no virgin." Big smile (I blush) "Are you a virgin Sweety, Has anyone taken YOUR CHERRY?" I think "Yea Cousin alone pretty much took care of that!"
She loved to show me off to her friends. I was always her little "country bumpkin nephew." She was constantly giving me titty rubs or licking my ear. Once to my horror I noticebly came in my pants leaving a wet spot that seemed to please her a great deal. As it was, I constantly was rock hard and the "slacks" werent cut to allow even my tiny cock to hide. Somtimes she would tell her girlfriends that I should have been named Cognac because I was a "Fine Licker", then wink slyly. More than one asked to "borrow me for awile." Most of them were HOT so I wouldnt have minded.
One that wasnt though was Rose, or Aunt Rose as I was told to call her. She was about sixty (forty eight she told me later,yea right!), had what once was a pretty but now was a deeply lined face, made up even heavier than Aunt Betty made up mine. She had huge tits and a voice that sounded like a gravel road. She chain smoked. She ran a small hotel in one of the more threadbare parts of downtown. We went to visit about three weeks into Mothers thirty days. I heard Aunt Betty tell her she needed to leave me over the weekend while she flew to Vegas for a convention. Rose looked me over and said "I cant do that." "You know what kind of a place this is." "I got four girls workin, five if you would come back." "Where would I stash him?"
Aunty said "You dont have to "stash " him anywhere." "He just hides in the closet and, ahem, "occupies" himself." "Besides he's Lizzy's kid and she hasnt gotten out of 'county' yet."
Aunt Rose gave me another look and it made me shudder. "All right he can stay two days max." "Maybe I can find a use for him."
Want to hear more about Aunt Rose?
Posts: 106
What the hell, Im in the mood. Its funny I spent most of my adult life trying to forget my younghood. Now I dont care who knows. I must say most of the people involved are either dead or I havnt seen them in years. Mother is still alive and going strong. I send her a check every month and provide a house for her to live in. She pays me back by complaining about haw small the check is and how I dont call her enough. If she knew how much it pissed my wife off she would be happy.
Now: Aunt Rose.
Aunty dropped me off on her way to the airport on Friday. By then, three of the "girls" were there getting ready for the weekend buisness. At least one of them I had met before. Trixie, (I bet I knew a thousand "Trixies" before I left home. And probably not one since!), Gave me a big hug, about sladying me with her big tits. "So your little "Cognac" is spendin the weekend with us!" The other girls laughed. The joke had been told around I guess.
Aunty assurred them all that I could be very helpful and told me to "Mind Aunt Rose and the other girls and do as they say." Before she went back to the taxi she leaned in and wispered to Trixie and a black girl not much older than myself, "He LOVES to dress up in my underware!"
You could have lit one of the cigarettes everyone was smokeing off my forehead.
Rose told Lizza, (I kid you not), the black girl to "Take him back with her." Lizza couldnt have been a day over sixteen. She had incredibly smooth dark skin. She reminded me of a deer, long slender legs and neck, small firm breasts with puffie nipples, (probably the reamister I go crazy over "puffies" to this day!), and the kind of bubble but ass only black girls have.
I think it was the age thing, cause Lizza immediately copped an attitude. "This is MY room muthafucka." "You relax on the floor." "An I best not cetch ya wearin my panties!" "I done heard about yo candy ass!"
I was scared cuckolds brownieless. Come to think of it Ive always been scared of strong black women.
The other "girls" made over me like crazy. There was Rita, a compact little Mexican girl about twentyfive and later Mildred showed up. She was pushin forty and had a matronly air about her. I liked her right away. The other girls waited for the johns in sexy underware with sheer housecoats even Aunt Rose. But Mildred wore a grey dress that came past her knees and stockings with the seem up the back with old fashioned black shoes with two inch heels. Her whole outfit, I was to find out, was "sturdy." You could have bounced bullets off the reinpowerd cups of her 38D bra and it was the first time I ever saw a girdle. It seemed for her it was old guys or really young ones. I'd like to have a nickel for every "cherry" she took.
I was dressed as always when out with Aunt Betty. My job that first night was to empty ash trays and change the towels in the rooms and meke the beds. Usually the johns would leave a small tip for me, I thought that was nice. As the night went on it became fairly apperent that Lizza was takin a snort now and then. More than one of the johns had a bottle with them and were pretty free to offer it. I always declined. Lizza usually accepted even though It was a house rule not to. The more she drank, the meaner towards me she became. About midnight she decided I needed make-up since I was "Wearin girl clothes anyway." She was none too subtle at the job either. I happened in stages, between johns and either the others didnt notice at first or didnt care. By the time she was done I look a sight. Heavy eyeliner and lipstick, lots of rouge and eye shadow.
About two in the morning one of the johns, very takes, asked for the "flat chested one." Trixie, Rita and Mildred were all in the back and I thought Rose and Lizza would die laughing. Lizza had tears running down her face as Rose wispered to him that I was a boy. He looked at me agin and told me to turn around. I could have died right then. Rose told me to "mind my manners and turn." I did and he said "Hell I dont care!" "Ill pay double for the two of them!" By now neither Rose or Lizza was laughing. Rose hesitated and Lizza said "Deal" and grabbed me by the hand and dragged me towards the room. Rose just collected the money and told him to "have a good time."
Posts: 27
I would love to hear more
Posts: 35
oh thats hot
Posts: 196
My new favorite, please keep it going. What i am feeling is jealousy at this point. ShortSupply
Posts: 277
I love this, please tell more contdoc
Posts: 106
Sorry for the delay.
When we got to the room Lizza told me to strip. When I got to the panties Aunty had put me in, she told me to leave them on. She whistled and said "You sure are a little candy ass arn't you?" "Thats your name now,Candy." "Listen you little bitch, you do what I say, when I say and don' you ever sas me."
I said "Yes Miss Lizza" By now she was naked as well. I loved her small breasts and big puffie nipples. I was determined to prove I was just as "grown up" as her. I would show her!
The john came in. He was about 35, 5'10", and when he stripped he had several very crude tatoos on his arms and shoulders. Later I saw the letters CB and C tatooed on his ass cheeks. (Aunt Betty told me later that that showed he was the property of cell block "C", in other words a primister whore.)
He took a long pull on his bottle and said "Get over here you little sluts and get me hard!" "I aint got all night!"
Lizza led me over and told me to kneel. "Maybe you want Candy here to suck yo dick Mister?" "Come on bitch!" "Get busy!"
I had, after all, been sucking Cousins big dick for years so this was nothing new. (I was too ignorant to demand a condom, Lizza did later but she let him "do" me whithout one.) He was about six inches and cut. I started to suck him off and was eventially able to get the whole thing in my mouth. I heard Lizza cackle "I knew it!" "I knew you was a dick sucker!" "Look at him go!" "I wish my boyfriend could see this!" "Jus wait till I tell the other girls!" "Does it feel good mister?" "Is Candy a good cocksucker?"
"Hell yes he's good!" "You can bet your ass this ain't the first dick he's sucked!" "Oh cuckolds brownie! I'm gonna cum!"
"Do it!, Do it, moutherfucker!" "Cum in his mouth!" "Look at him go! He really likes this!" "Whats going on in your panties, Candy Ass?" "Is your little dickie hard from suckin on that big dick?"
I was sucking as hard as I could. The john growned and started to cum. The first spurt went straight down my throat. Lizza grabbed me by the ears and yanked back. "I want to see!" she said "I want to see you cum in his mouth!" The next spurt hit me in the face as I tryed to get my lips back around his shaft. The best I could do with Lizza pullin on my ears was just the head. Spurt after spurt landed on my tongue, Lizza was yelling "Dont swallow, dont swallow I want to see!"
The guys knees started to buckle and he fell back on the bed. As his dick pulled out of my mouth a large bit of spunk spilled out and ran down my chest, some landed on the floor. Lizza was laughing, saying over and over what a good little cocksucker I was. She then reached down and started to scoop up all the spunk and feed it back to me. "Eat all that nasty cum you little faggot!" After that I had to get down on the floor and suck up the bit that had landed there.
By this time Lizza was on the bed with the john trying to get him hard. "Get you ass up here and get him hard!" "I need some of this dick" After I got him hard (it took longer than the original blow job) Lizza made me put a condom on him and she crawled aboard. She rode him to at least one orgasm then got off. She had me lie on my back then stradled my face and had him fuck her from behind. "You know what to do Candy." "Get that tongue busy!" With him fucking her and me licking her she soon had a huge orgasm. She had been jerkin me through my panties and I thought she was going to rip it off my body when she came! It hurt so bad I was crying. She was bucking so hard the john (who was close to cumming himself) couldn't stay with her. He pushed her off, jerked the condom off and shoved his dick in my mouth just in time to cum. As I swallowed my second load she slowly released my dick.
As things seddled down she told the john "Times almost up." then she leaned in and whispered somthing to him. He laughed and said "Sure, why not?"
Lizza had me stand in the middle of the room and take my panties down. "Have you ever seen a smaller dick?" she cackled, "I think my clitty is bigger than that!" (She wasn't far off either! Her clit was big.)
"OK jerk it for us Candy Ass!" "Show us how you play with it while you suck on those dicks!" "I'll bet you stay pretty busy at school recess!" "Wank it, you little cuckolds brownie!" "Show us what you got!"
As I started to cum she leaned in and said "You might want to catch it in your other hand cause your gonna have to lick up every drop!"
It was to late. I spewed cum everywhere. The john just laughed and got dressed while I crawled around and licked up cum. If Lizza found one I missed she would slap my ass all the way over to it. She even made me lick her feet clean, saying she had "Stepped in some of that nasty cuckolds brownie."
Rose was soon knocking on the door saying "Times up."
By now things were pretty slow so Rose told Lizza and me to turn in. I spent the next hour or so sucking on those puffie nipples and that big clit. When she was finally done with me she pushed me off onto the floor. She said "I can see your little dickie is hard and you can jerk off if you want but if you do you'll have to lick up your mess!" I couldn't help it so I sat on my knees and jerked off onto the floor. She watched me with exagerated disgust then sat at the edge of the bed and dipped her toes in the cum and made me suck it off. The sun was up before we finally went to relax. Her in bed and me on the floor.
Posts: 277
Fock that was hot, tell us more contdoc
Posts: 277
Tell us more, now you know what a whore you can be.. contdoc
Posts: 106
Thanks for everyones support. To those that like it; enjoy.
I must have dozzed off. I was dreaming about a bunch of black women with huge tits and penises chaseing me around a cow pasture. They were slowly gaining on me and finally I tripped. I was crawling on hands and knees and I felt one of them poking me in the ass with her penis. I awoke with a scream only to find Lizza standind over me kicking me in the butt.
"Wake up Candy Ass!" "Get up." "Rose wants you for a job, we got to get you dressed."
She threw me some clothes to put on. I must have blushed because she started laughing. I pulled on some pink bikini panties with little bows on the sides and two red cherries in the middle. My top was a sheer pink "baby doll" nighty that barely covered my ass. Then came hot pink 4 inch heels that fit surprisingly well. When I glanced in the mirror, I felt like crying.
"Don't worry about your hair and make-up you little sissy" she said "We aint got time." "Lets go."
She grabbed me by the hand and have me stumbleing down the stairs to the lounge. Everyone was there and they all started to laugh when I came in.
"Everyone! Meet our new girl: Candi!" Lizza anounced. "Its short for Candi Ass!" "Although after what I watched her do to that john last night maybe we should call her Sugar Lips instead!"
Trixie said "No I like Candi better."
Rose had tears in her eyes from laughing but she gave Lizza a stern look and said "Dammit Lizza!" "We can't send him out like that!" "I said to get him dressed for an errand not for bed." "Trixie take him up to the closet and see what you can find." "I can't have him prancing around the neighborhood like that."
"Ok Rose I'll see what I can do." She took my hand and led me out into the hall then said over her shoulder "Lizza wait till I get back." "I want to hear all about how Candi got her name!"
My natural color was becoming 'beet' red. Trixie was hurring us along and I was having trouble walking in the heels. She finally told me to take them off. "You can wear your pretty shoe when you get back." "We gotta hurry cause they close at 3:30 and its almost 3:00 now."
I was too embarresed to explain that they wern't "my" pretty shoe anymore than these were "my" pretty panties and nighty.
We went back up the stairs and into one of the vacant rooms. Inside was a large closet full of clothes of every kind but mostly lounge wear. On the floor were lots of shoes of all styles and sizes. Trixie explained it was all things that had been left over the years by the working girls. "Pobably clothes in here from the forties when Rose first came here." she said.
She grabbed a couple things and held them up to me to check the fit. She discarded a few and ended up with a pair of white shorts and a pale blue top with spegetti straps.
"These will have to do" she said "We dont have much time." "Just leave your panties on and get into those while I find you some shoes."
The shorts were short and fit like a second skin. The top was about right and at least came down to my waist. The shoes turned out to be strappy sandles with about two inch heels.
She looked me over and nodded approval. "Thank god you don't have much underarm hair." "We can take care of that later" (Blush!) "At least you shaved your legs recently!" (Blush!) "Lets go!"
When we got to the lounge everyone told me how nice I looked, (that helped a little) and complimented Trixie on her good job.
Lizza handed me a note and some money. Rose told me to go down to the dinner on the corner and pick up breackfast. "Be quick now, they close before long."
I don't know if it was the lack of relax, only about four hours in the last thirty six or so, or my natural submissiveness, but I went. And it was the last place on earth I ever wanted to go! I don't know if any of them knew about my earlier offense or not. I figured the way things were going they wouldn't care anyway, and I KNOW Lizza would have enjoyed it.
That was one long walk. I met a few people on the street. I could tell they were stareing at me and I heard the word "queer" at least once. (I don't think "gay" was in vogue then and I wouldn't have understood it anyway). I tryed to keep my eyes down and still navigate. A taxi went by and honked then a 'wolf wistle'. I turned in at the dinner- JOES DINNER as a matter of fact. They had a bell on the door and every head turned to look. I was takeing on that "natural" beet red color agan. There was Bonnie behind the conter and we seemed to recognize each other at the same time. She laughed and I could hear others snicker. "Joe come out!" "We got a customer!" Joe stuck his head out the order window and roared with laughter. "So the little fairy came back!" "What does "IT" want Bonnie?"
"I don't know Joe," "she hasn't said"
"Well find out will you?" "I dont want a bunch of queers hanging around here!"
"What do you want Sugar?" Bonnie ask.
I couldn't speak so I handed her the note and the money. My hand shook.
She read the note and laughed. "Do you know what this says?"
"No." "I just brought it like Rose told me to."
"It says," Bonnie started to read load enough for the whole dinner to hear, "My name is Candi, isn't that cute c-a-n-d-I with a little "heart" over the I." She paused and smiled at me. (Iwanted to die) "My name is Candi!" "Ask me what color panties I am wearing!" By now Bonnie is laughing to hard to read and Joe is roaring, everyone else is laughing and I'm about to cry.
"Hell Sugar, I mean "Candi" I dont have to ask you!" "I can see your pretty pink panties as plain as day!"
I looked down in horror. Sure enough, you could see right through the white shorts and see not only the outline (panty line?) but also the little bows and especially the two red cherries. I started to sob. It was all too much! How much offense could one permister take?
Bonnie stopped laughing and looked alarmed. She told Joe the rest of the note was just the order and gave him the list. She came around the counter, put her arms around me, and led me back to the womens bathroom. The rest were still laughing.
She told me to wash my face and helped dry my tears. I could't stop crying so she hugged me close and held me. She kept saying "Its ok." "Let Bonnie hold you." "It will be alright."
After I started to calm down she told me to wait there until she got my order ready. I was afraid someone would come in (it WAS the womens restroom) but no one did. Finally Bonnie came back with my order.
"You tell Rose I said that was a dirty trick." "Even if you do make a pretty girl" "On your way now, but don't come back dressed like that Joe doesn't like it."
I hurried through the dinner and was going out the door when Bonnie said "Bye Candi!" then came a chorus of "BYE CANDI" from everyone else. I started to cry agin but felt some better when I heard Bonnie yell for everyone to "SHUT UP!"
I finally made it back to Roses where everyone was too interested in the food to pay any attention to me.
Posts: 106
I'm glad you like it.
We were all eating in the kitchenette. Rose and the three older "girls" at the table and Lizza and I on stools with TV-trays. Lizza grumred "Cause I'm black!" I just looked at it as an age thing.
I tried to set on the opposite side of the room from Lizza, partially because she was always tormenting me, slapping my ass or grabbing my "dickie"(smirk!) or whispering naughty things in my ear, and partly because I could oogle everyone.
It was somthing to see. The only one, besides me of course, "dressed" was Rose. She had on her usual housecoat and make-up (I never, ever saw Rose without make-up). The rest were barely dressed at all. All Lizza had on was a white t-shirt that came about down to her belly-button and white bikini style panties. I could clearly see her big puffie nipple and it drove me crazy.
Trixie wasn't wearing any make-up and looked a little harsh, not mean or anything but kinda hard, you know. She also wasn't wearin any panties. Her bathrobe wasn't well tied and she didn't seem to notice it falling open. I know she caught me trying to get peeks at her crotch more than once. A couple of time I think she spread her legs on purpose. She would catch me stareing and smile. I would blush down to my toes. I was still a virgin after all. She also had big soft titties with large areolas and thick nipples like pencil erasers.
Rita also wasn't wearing any underwear, just a very sheer black negligee. She had a stunning patch of pubic hair. Blach as coal, it stretched from her pussy all the way up to her navel. I think I could have gotten lost in there and waundered around for days or weeks! Her breasts were perfect with no sag and beautiful dark nipples. She also had on no make-up but she really didn't need any. With her dark eyes and black long black hair pulled back she was a godess! I would have done anything for her and had a hard time even speaking to her. I was smitten.
Mildred. I like Mildred the best. She had red hair, kinda styled like they did in old WW II moveis. She remminded me of Susan Hayward. She also was without panties and I could see that the red hair was her natural color. She was wearing a bra, "Honey, when you have jugs the size of mine you need all the help you can get!", and a sheer dressing gown with fake fur around the opening. She also had high heel dressing slippers with matching fur on the daintiest of feet. When I wasn't trying to verify her natural hair color I would stare at her feet. Once and awhile she would see me looking and flex her toes. God! She seemed to like me and was always giving me little hugs or squeezing my hand. She would stroke my hair and smile at me, call me "Sweety" or "Honeybunch". She also like to kiss me on the cheek leaving a lipstick mark. That became kind of a game for the girls (not Lizza though), because it always made be blush and rush to clean it off.
There was a lot of sexual tension in the air. Me of course about ready to 'pop my cork' at any moment but the girls also with their teasing. I think they enjoyed it as much as I did. They all knew (or suspected) that I was a virgin and seemed to delight in teasing me.
With all the distractions and wolfing down my burger and fries it took awhile to realize that the topic at the table was me. Rose didn't want to attract the "wrong clientel" after what happened last night. She was afraid word would get out that she had a "boy" working the line. After some dicussion it was agreed that it would be better if I was a female attendant. Dressed as a maid they thought I could blend in better and still be helpful, changing sheets, getting towels ect. I could feel my face growing redder by the minute. I glanced at Lizza and she had a positively evil grin. Someone else giggled that they would have to do "something" about my perpetually hard dickie. They all looked at me "there" and laughed. I blushed even redder. They all went into the lounge to decide on a game plan while I cleaned up.
By the time I was finished Rose hustled me up stairs where the girls were getting ready. "See Mildred first."
I knocked on Mildred's door and she said "Come on in Candi" "Hurry now we have a lot to do to get ready." I stood in the open doorway speechless. She was buck naked! She smiled that wonderful smile at me and said "Come on now we got to get in the shower!" "We both have to shave our legs, lets go!" I followed her into the bathroom and she stipped off my clothes. "Those are such pretty panties!" I didn't know wether to cum or die from embarrassment when my hard "dickie" popped out. Mildred looked at me and said "We're gonna get no where with that thing being hard all the time." before I could say anything she dropped to her knees on a folded bathtowel and swallowed my cock. At first I was stunned then with just a couple of sucks I erupted like a volcano! I screamed like a little girl and my knees started to buckle. If she hadn't eased me down I might have busted my head. It all happened so fast. When I looked at her she was smiling.
"Hasn't anyone ever done that for you before sweety?"
"No, not all the way like that." I said "I love you Mildred!"
She smiled and huged me and said "Lets go Sweety we have work to do."
She warmed up the water and we both got in. She lathered me all over and kind of sighed when she saw my hard on. "I thought we took care of that" she laughed.
"Heck" I said "I can cum for or five times in a row!"
She just smiled and shook her head and handed me the soap. "Maybe later, if you're a good boy."
I couldn't have been happier. I got to soap her big titties, they did sag some but for their size not that much really. She finally had to turn around and remind me with a giggle that she had other parts that needed washing. She washed her own pubic area "We'll never get done if you get your fingers down there!" Then I got a chance to amaze her with how well I could shave her legs. "I might have to take you home with me" I wish! Then she wanted to see how well I could do my own. I must have done ok. When it came to underarms she took over cause "its kinda tricky." First she shaved hers, then mine. Then she suprised me by shaving my pubic hair! "That will make your dickie look bigger" she smiled. I still think she was being kind and helpful and its truely a miracle I didn't erupt agin.
After she let me dry her off "Oh! that feels wonderful!" She dryed me off, wrapped me in a big fluffy towel and sent me off to Rita.
Rita was sitting at a small desk with a mirror with lights around it. (All the upstairs rooms had them.) She had on a bathrobe and black high heels! and nothing else. She had obviously just showered as well. The robe wasn't tied and when she stood and turned I could see everything. She smiled, walked over to me and led me by the hand over to the desk. She seemed to sense that I was incapable of speech in her presence. She pulled my towel away, glanced at my obvius arousal and sat me at the table. I could feel her breasts on my back as she leaned down slightly to look at me in the mirror. She smiled and said something in spanish then said in English "I'm going to do your make-up." "I think we can do a much better job than Lizza did last night, dont you?" I could only gulp and nod as I stared at her face so close to mine in the mirror. Then she did a curius thing. She smiled and nipped my ear with her teeth! I came without touching myself! I was so embarassed! Cum was everywhere and I was stammering apologies. I was about to cry. She jumped back to avoid the spray and exclaimed something in spanish, but she was smileing. She finally grabed some tissues and started to clean me and the dressing table up.
I kept stammering apologies but she shushed me with her finger to my lips and said, "I take that as a compliment!" "There is none greater Senor!" "Think no more of apologies, they are not necessary!"
After that she took her robe off, "Its in the way and you never know when an "accident" might happen to muss it." Then she told me to watch very carefully how she applied the make-up. More than once she smiled and threatened to put her robe back on because I wasn't paying attention.
Foundation, eyeliner, eye shadow, a little plucking( ouch!), eyebrow pencil, some blush and I was transformed! Rita worked fast but efficiently. "I could teach you this little one." "I worked in Hollywood for a while." "Some men there make good make-up artists and the money, it grows on treees!" "I grew up there Mijo, my lady was "maid to the stars!" "I met all the big stars." "Clint Eastwood was biggest of all" she laughed and held her hands about a foot apart.
The crowning touch was glossy pink lipstick, "not to bright, after all you're a maid not a tramp!" Then, "There you go Mijo." "If you keep your little dickie under control nobody know you are'nt a girl." Then she wrapped me up in my towel agin and sent me off to Lizza. I'm pretty sure I didn't utter a complete sentence the whole time I was there.
Lizza's door was open and she too was getting ready for work. She was dressed in red panties with matching bra and red high heels. Her top was white with spegetti straps with "Black is Beautiful" on the front. "It drives the old white guys crazy." You could pretty much see through the top and you could see the bra straps. I could definately see being driven crazy.
"Don't you look pretty!" she sneered. "I ought to make you lick my "kitty" but I'm under orders to not smear your make-up." "Git yo sorry candy ass over here!" "I aint got all day!"
She sat me down and painted my fingernails and toenails a bright pink. Then she told me to sit still while they dryed and Trixie would come and get me.
Posts: 106
Trixie finally came for me. She looked very different than at breakfast. Her blond hair was up and her make-up, although a little heavy, was perfect. She was dressed, in what I later learned was called, a bustier. Black with matching panties and sheer gown and stilletos. She smiled at me and I couldn't help telling her how pretty she was.
"Aren't you sweet." she said and bent over to check my nails. When she kneeled down to look at my toenails I could see straight down her cleavage! My "little dickie" ( it had been called that so much even I was thinking in those terms ) was hard enough to cut glass. She brushed to towl aside and looked at me. "Lizza tells me that you like boys." "But from the looks of things you must like girls too!" She frowned for a second then smiled knowingly up at me. "You're a submissive are'nt you!" "Thats why you let Lizza bullly you and do everything you're told!" "Oh Candi!" "Thats wonderful!" She hugged me into her cleavage and stroked my hair.
I still didn't really know what a "submissive" was, but if it got that kind of reaction from someone like Trixie, then thats what I wanted to be!
I was having trouble maintaning my composure and I kind of groaned. Trixie reacted fast. She pushed me away and got up. I would have thought I did something wrong except she smiled at me and said "No accidents!" "I'm already for work." "Rita told me that you somtimes "let go" without warning." I was starting to turn red agin. "Thats ok Candi, (that name was to haunt me for years!) we can take care of that!" "Stand up and face the mirror, no leave the towl." "She squirted some hand lotion in her palm from a bottle on the dressing table and stepped behind me. As I watched in the mirror, she rubbed her hands together and reached around both sides of me. Her breasts were pressing into my back, her face was next to mine and her hands, those wonderful hands, were grabbing my newly shaven dickie and balls. I shuddered and she stopped moveing. She whispered "Listen very carefully Candi." You are not to cum until I tell you to, you understand?" I nodded. She grabbed my balls a little tighter and kind of twisted. It didnt hurt so much as it took my mind away from cumming. My eyes got big in the mirror. She twisted a little harded then reached out her tounge and licked my ear. I would have lost it right then if it wasn't for the discomfort of my balls. She gauged my reaction and smiled.
"Now little one, I am going to teach you a valuable lesmister." "Every lover you will ever have, will, even if its yourself, will want to cum." she started to stroke me slowly. "The longer it takes however, the greater the pleasure." Stroke, stroke. "So the trick is to keep them right on the edge as long as you can." I start to shudder, she gives a little twist, ouch! "If you practice." Stroke, stroke. "You can control them for as long as you want." Stroke, stroke, TWIST! "As a submissive its about the only control you have." Slow stroke. "Do you understand?"
"I think so." I said. Really I was finding it hard to concentrate on anything except my dickie. It was as if my whole world was collapseing onto that one point. I could sense my eyes start to roll back in my head and my knees getting weaker as she slowly stroked my dickie and massaged my balls.
She whisered "You have so much to learn little one." Then she blew lightly in my ear the stuck her tounge in. With one final stroke she said "Now baby!" "Cum for Mamma!" "NOW!"
I exploded like never before in my life! Spurt after spurt left my dickie and splattered all over the table and the mirror. It was a good thing she had me as a shield. She was holding me up and laughing. Finally I regained control and was able to stand on my own.
She hugged me from behind and kissed my cheek. "You better clean that up before Lizza comes back!" "Get your self together baby and meet me at the closet and we'll get you dressed."
She turned to leave and I said, "I love you Trixie!"
She turned back and smiled, then looked at my spent dickie. She winked and said "Well HE does, for sure!" "Come on now, we have work yo do!"
Posts: 106
Sorry if this is too long. It was the most influential point in my life. I was starting to awaken to my "self". All the elements of what made me.....Me were there: abandonment, submissiveness, Alpha-females, Craving affection and acceptance. And hey! Nobody forgets the first blowjob they get, right?
I truddled off to "The Closet" still wrapped in my big fluffy towel. Trixie was looking things over with a critical eye. One section of the closet contained several costumes and (blush!) "props". There were cheer leader outfits, a cowgirl outfit complete with white cowboy boots with white tassles and white cowboy hat, belly dancer, school girls, french maid, nurse and more, even a nuns outfit. "Rose dosn't like that one much, she's Catholic." Trixie mussed. "She doesn't really like role playing and props, says they take too long to set up and even though it costs the johns extra its not worth it." "You have to be kind of a VIP to get that treatment."
She pulled out one of the french maid outfits. "No..... That won't do." She turned to the other section and came out with a white blouse and navy blue skirt. Then she rummaged around in a dresser and came out with a white camisol (YES!), white panties and a white girdle like thing with straps hanging down for stockings. "This should give you a little shape" she said "and stocking will be easier than pantyhose when you have to pee." "Besides, I can see that we are going to have to hide that "always hard" little dickie of yours." We both looked down at the same time, she smiled, I blushed. Some black flats completed the ensemble.
She took me back to her room to dress. I was so excited. She stood behind me and we both watched in the mirror as I dressed. I loved the feeling of silk and nylon against my skin. She had to help me with the girdle thing but once it was on it did give me hips and a smaller tummy . It also came down low enough that when she tucked my dickie ("Concentrate Candi!") up under the edge it did hold it in place. Then she helped me with the skockings ("Careful or you'll get a run!"). The camisole came next (Did I mention I have a thing for camisoles?) then the skirt and blouse. You could see the straps of the camisole and whe Trixie tweeked my "nips" you could see them too. The skirt was kinda tight and it was hard at first to walk in. "You have to stand up straight, Candi." "Shoulders back and take smaller steps." "And don't try to hold onto your dickie all the time!" "Its not going to run away!" Last she tied a silk scarf around my head "Rosie the riveter" style and combed my bangs down.
"You look adorable!" she said. "Well I think this will work." "Try not to talk and don't make eye contact if you can avoid it, hell what am I saying?" "You are already the most submissive little princess I know!" Laugh. "Lets go sweety, its show time!"
Posts: 106
No comments? I'm starting to wonder if anyone is out there.
I was more than a little shaken. I passed Mildred and a john in the hallway. She looked a little concerned. Trixie was in the lounge when I got there. She took one look and said "Lizza!" Then she took me across the hall to the kitchen. There was a mirror and everyone kept a few essentials, lipstick, ect. for touch-ups.
"Here sweety, you have cum on your mouth!" "Rinse out and let me fix your lipstick." "I should tell Lizza that subbies get a thrill out of offense." "Maybe she wouldn't torment you so, but then agan, I'll bet it makes your little dickie hard, doesn't it?" I blushed. "I thought so." "Well honey you got to be careful you don't catch something." (catch something? what?) "There you go, good as new."
Things were starting to pick up agin. At one point Trixie mentioned she was starting to run low on underwear and gowns. I mentioned that Aunt Betty had taught me how to handwash her underthings. Trixie beemed and made a big deal out of it with the other girls. They said they would pay me a dime a garment to do their clothes and I could use the kitchen sink so I would be handy for my other duties. Trixie showed me a line on a pully in the upstairs stairwell they used for drying. So on top of everything else I went into the handwashing buisness.
About eleven o'clock I was washing clothes when Rose and Mildred came in. Rose was saying "I don't know, Mildred, maybe we should use Lizza." Mildred said "If Candi doesn't mind, I would rather work with her, besides Lizza is buisy and we can't keep the professor waiting." "Ok" said Rose "I'll leave it up to you and Candi."
I wasn't sure what "IT" was but I would have done anything for Mildred.
"Well, sweety, its like this." "The professor is a special kind of john." Its not sex really, but it will hurt a little." "You see he likes to see naughty school girls get spanked!" "He's been a client of Roses a long time and she tries to keep him happy." "I don't think he's even a professor, but he pays well and he's harmless." "Are you up for it,sweety?"
My eyes got big and I gulped. "Will I get to keep my clothes on?" I asked.
"Well, you'll have to wear one of the costumes and it has to be on your bare butt so it will be tricky." "He mustn't know you're a boy." "I think I can handle it" she smiled. "Trust me, and I'll try to go easy on the spanking."
"Ok, Mildred, I trust you" I said "What do you want me to do?"
She hugged me and smiled. "Lets go get ready."
She had me wait in her room while she visited "The Closet". "Strip down to your panties, I'll be right back." She brought back one of the school girl costumes, sheer white blouse, short plaid skirt, white knee high socks and brown flats. "I brought the smallest cup bra I could find." She put it on me then decided that my nipples showing thru without it was a better effect. She left the scarf on. "I wish yor hair was long enough for a pony tail, oh well." Then she stripped down herself. God I loved to see her naked! She was dressed surprisingly quickly in heavy duty bra-girdle, stockings and a black dress that came below her knees. Black shoes that looked kind of like mens shoes but smaller of course and about two inch heels. A little rouge on my cheeks and we were ready.
When we got to the room she checked me over one last time. For once I didn't have a hard-on in her pressence, I was to scared. I tremred a little. She said "You wait here a couple seconds then knock. I'll tell you to come in." "When I ask you questions you just nod, ok?" I nodded. "You'll be fine" she said and went in. I looked down the hall and there was Lizza standing in the lounge doorway shaking her head and laughing. I knocked and was told to come in.
Posts: 8
wonderfully inventive, like old 19th century erotica. Femdom cuckold couple
Posts: 8
wonderfully inventive, like old 19th century erotica. Femdom cuckold couple
Posts: 106
I do hope I'm not boring everyone.
I woke up a couple hours later. Something was tickling my ear. When I opened my eyes I could see Rita smiling at me. I was laying on my side being cuddled from behind by a very naked Mildred. I felt warm and safe. One look at Rita kneeling beside the bed in black bra and panties sent a surge of excitment through me.
"Wake up Candi" Rita whispered, "Wake up and play with me!"
I nodded and slowly got out of bed, trying not to wake Mildred. I couldn't resist holding the covers back for a long look at her naked form.
Rita giggled and whispered "Thats naughty!"
Mildred stirred slightly so I replaced the covers. Rita took me by the hand and led me out of the room and down the hall to her own room.
First she gave me a big hug and led me into the bath for a shower. There is something about a woman unhooking her bra that drives me crazy. I have never mastered the technique but women seem to come by it natually. We hopped in the shower and for the next half hour giggled and soaped.
After we dried each other Rita huged me and asked "What would you like for the especial treet I promeesed you? My brave leettle soldier!" "Perhaps you would like the "blow job?" "Or maybe I use my hands?" She kissed me on the mouth before I could answer, If she had kept her tongue in for another second she wouldn't have had to do anything! She broke the kiss and left me panting like I had run a marathon. "So. What can Rita do to reward your bravery?" "Tell me."
I dropped my eyes. I was better at being told what to do than telling others. "Could we.........uh, well?"
"Jes?" she arched her pretty eyebrows. "Ask for anything, except the loss of the vigin, and it is yours, Senor!"
"Could I, would you let.......uh, COULD I LICK your ......uh, you know, uh your, uh.....?"
She smiled and laughed "You want to leeck my poosy?" I nodded. "But that is no reward for you! that is reward for me!"
I dropped my eyes and blushed.
She hugged me and said "Such a Caballero!" "A true gentleman!" "Always the lady first!" "Of course!" "I understand!"
She took my hand and led me to the bed. She sat on the edge and spread her thighs. She pulled me to my knees before her and whispered "As you wish" then with a hand on the back of my head she pulled me forward. "There little one, leeck my poosy! Leeck it all you like."
I smelled her aroma. She smelled wonderful. With my nose I nuzzled her soft forest of pubic hair. I had been dreaming about this. She made a soft cooing sound and reached down and gently spread her lips. Inside it was wet and pink. I looked up at her as I stuck out my tongue. She smiled and kind of nodded. Then looking into her eyes I licked from as far down as I could reach all the way up to her clit. When I touched it she shuddered and whispered "Oiee!" and fell back on the bed. I closed my eyes and started to lick. First the lips on each side then up around the clit. Then down at the bottom where her moisture was seeping. Having tasted it, I couldn't get enough! I stuck my tongue as deeply as I could into her "poosy" and slurpped. She jumped a little and started to wiggle around on my face. I think thats when she changed from doing this for me into enjoying it for herself. I licked my way back up to her clit and wrapped my lips around it and sucked. That made her jump and yell "Oieee!" With my shoulders I inicated she should put her legs on my shoulders. As I slid my tongue lower to catch the dew that had formed on her lips I could feel her heels digging into my back. Agin and agin I worked my tongue from top to bottom. I was trying to make this last as long as possible. A couple of times when she was real close I could feel her useing her heels and trying to wiggle her clit onto my tongue but I managed to hold her off. At one point when I realized that some of her juice was escaping I put her heels on my shoulders and licked up the moisture that had leeked down onto her butt. I circled her ass hole with my tongue and by her squeels and gasps I knew that she knew what I was about to do. She reached down and made a half hearted attempt to pull my face back to her pussy but gave it up as I stuck my tongue as deep as I could in her ass hole. With a long load wail she gave it up. Her knees splayed apart and she kind of swivled her hips. I spent a good five minutes rimming her ass with my tongue. It became one long continuous wail, growing louder in intensity. Finally she couln't take anymore. She grabbed my hair with both hand and pulled as she swivled her hips down. My lips found her clit, as she intended, and her hands held me in place as she ground into my face. I started to suck, then lick her clit, back and forth, back and forth. With a scream that could be heard on the street she came! It seemed to last forever. She was grinding her pussy in my face, holding me by the hair and murmuring incoherently. She released me, spent. I wasn't done. I gently started to clean up all the excese juice from her lips and even her ass hole. Then I moved up and touched her clit once agin. She jerked back then pulled me forward as I sucked on it having another small orgasm. Then she pushed me away for good and lay panting.
I caught a movement out of the corner of my eye and saw Mildred standing in the doorway. She smiled at me and held her finger to her lips and backed away.
Rita, goddess that I worshiped, sat up on her elbows and looked down at me. "Never, Mijo!" "Never have I known such a man!" "How can one so young know how to give such pleasure?" "It is Milagro!" Then she crooked her finger at me and patted the bed beside her.
I lay down beside her. She rolled and just wrapped herself around me. She kissed me like no ever had before. Then she looked into my eyes and said "It would do me a great honor to be your first!" "I will break my promise to the girls for you." "If you wish it, I will make love to you!"
I was so happy I amost cried. I nodded emphatically. She smiled and told me to lay back. Then she slid down and started to take me into her mouth. No! I thought. Thats not what I meant! But she brushed my hands away and whispered "not to worry." She slid her warm moist mouth over my dick and I came like a gyser in seconds.
I must have looked a little disapointed as she smiled and wiggled up beside me. "Do not worry Toro Bravo!" "I will give you your gift, but I want it to last!" She leaned in and kissed me. I could taste my cum. I was still hard and she reached down as she kissed me to verify it. When she felt it she chuckled as she kissed. "You lay back and let me teach you" she breathed.
Then she straddled me and lowered herself onto my hard cock. It was so warm and wet! Much better than a mouth. She took my hands and placed them on her breasts. She smiled down at me and it was understood by both of us that a great moment in my life was occuring. I think she waited to see if I was going to shoot agin. When I didn't she slowly srarted to squeeze my cock with her pussy muscles. I gasp! She smiled. Then she rocked forward and stuck a nipple in my mouth. Ever so slowly she began to rock, grinding her clit into the bone above my cock. after a minute she switched breasts and raised up to the very head of my cock before collapsing down agin. Another gasp from me and a grunt from her. Then more grinding. Switch breast, raise, lower, grind, repeat. This went on for about ten minutes, she would stop when she sensed I was getting close. Then she looked into my eyes and started a motion with her hips that only a woman (And not all women) can do. Very fast with her inner muscles milking my cock, we came! Not just me. She came too! I don't know who was screaming the loudest. She stopped moving and laid her head on my chest, continueing to milk me with her pussy, and making little cooing sounds. I held her and ran my hands over her back and butt and stroked her hair. I was thinking how much I loved her as we fell arelax.
Posts: 106
She woke me up with kisses and tweeking my nipple. I think I was hard before I was awake.
I was hopeing for a repeat but she fended me off and jumped out of bed giggleing.
"Get up you lazy Cholo!" "I want to take some pictures." she sqealed "Come on lets play!"
She grabbed her camera off the night stand and ran naked out the door. I jumped up and followed. She whirled at Mildreds door and asked "Do you think she's up?"
"I think so" I said. I didn't tell her she had been watching us.
She knocked softly.
Mildred came to the door in a sheer dressing gown and those furry high heeled slippers I loved.
Rita was like a little girl. "Mildred, can you come out and play with us?" she giggled. "We want to play dress up with the closet.
Mildred looked out at the two giggleing and laughing fools we were and laughed. She nodded and smiled and asked "Am I over dressed?"
Rita just squealed, tweeked my nipple and took off, with me close behind trying to grab her.
We spent the next two hours dressing up and taking pictures. I was in most of them with either Rita or Mildred. We had so much fun. First Rita would dress me and try to match my outfit, as if we were twins. My favorite was "school girl". Mildred looked hot in the "cowgirl" outfit. White boots with tassles, tight brown hot pants ("I'll never get them off!"), little cowboy hat and the best part, the bra was too small for her to wear so her big tittie were hanging out of the black and white cowskin vest! She was hot! Rita had a hard time getting a shot of us in that one that the have store would develop. Rita looked good as a belly dancer. They said I made a "cute little nurse".
Rita and Mildred dressed up in leather bra and panties and took turns posing with me over their knees, ect. while pretending to spank my bare bottom with a riding crop. Mildred did the dickie thing between her thighs and really did give me a couple swats. Rita said "I think he likes that!"
Mildred laughed and said "You should get Candi to tell you about the professer sometime." I blushed and tried to wiggle myself to an orgasm but Mildred laughed and pushed me off."What are we going to do with him?" she laughed.
I had ideas but I didn't say anything.
Finally with the film almost gone Rita said "It time I got going." "My bus leaves soon and I need a shower." She gestured to her pubic area and winked at me. I turned red.
It dawned on me that she was leaving and I started to cry. I begged her to stay but to no avail.
"I must go Mijo." she said as I held her and sobbed. "I have to be in Tulsa tomarrow, then Kansas City next week, then Omaha, then Denver." "I have six brothers and sister to help support, I must work Mijo."
She sent me off with Mildred while she got ready to leave. We waited in the kitchen where Rose was takeing coffee and chain-smokeing. I was sobbing the whole time. Mildred tried to comfort me and even Rose seemed to have sympathy for my plight. Rita came down with her bags and Rose called her a cab.
"Let me go with you!" I pleaded.
"No, Mijo!" "It is impossible!" she said. "Now dry your eyes and be the brave soldier who fought for me!" "I want to get some pictures with all of us." "How will it look if you are crying?"
When the cabbie came up Rita had him take the last couple shots of all of us together in the lobby. Then she kissed me one last time and was gone. We were both crying.
I don't think I ever got over Rita. I don't know if she ever came back to Oklahoma City or not. She did write to me over the years and I to her. She ended up marrying some big shot in the movie buisness and still lives in the Los Angeles area today.
She did send copies of the pictures and an 8x10 studio glossy of herself in a slinky black negligee signed: "TO CANDI, YOU WILL ALWAYS BE MY TORO BRAVO! LOVE ALWAYS, RITA
There was also a t-shirt with: HOTEL GREENBRIAR (that was the actual name) on the front and SECURITY in the back.
I still have all of it hidden away, my wife insisted I thow them out but I couldn't. I take them out once and awhile and remember.
After Rita left I had to get ready for Aunty to pick me up. It was to be a long wait. We waited till after midnight. I was starting to get that 'oh, no not agin' feeling. She never did show up and I didn't see her for almost a year. She never mentioned it.
Mildred would be spending the week, as Trixie had last week. Buisness was usually 'one girl' steady during the week. Rose didn't do buisness on Sunday. She caught up on paperwork and Mildred taught me how to paint nails. That gave me a chance to worship her feet. "You like my feet Candi?" she would tease and flex her toes. God! Did I!
They sent me in to straighten up the kitchen while they talked in the lounge. I heard Mildred ask Rose what she was going to do about me. The conversaition went back and forth. Child Services was mentioned and that scared me. Then they decided to see if Aunty swowed up. "I know her," Rose said, "She'll be back eventially but who knows when." Mildred said she didn't mind watching over me and Rose said "Its not that." "He's a hard worker and he pulls his weight." "But this is no place for a kid." Mildred kind of laughed and said "He's a natural though." Rose said "He should be, he's Lizzys mister!" Then "I think Lizzy is getting out of 'county' soon." "We'll give it a week and see what happens."
After that they sent me up to bed, "You can bunk with me pardner" Mildred said in a fake Texas drawl, making me remember the cowgirl outfit. Sometime later I felt her warm naked body next to mine. I hoped I could stay here with her forever.
Posts: 106
Ester woke me about six AM. "Missy Rose tol' me you was to hep' me long as yous heah." she whispered "Now get yo skinny white ass out of bed and don'cha be wakin' Miss Mildred!" "She needs her rest."
I tried to hide my hard dickie but she just grabbed it like a handle and led me out into the hallway.
"Heavens sake young" she smiled "It aint very big but it do stan' proud!" "Where is yo clothes?" "Ever' time I sees yo, yo's naked!"
"Mostly they give me stuff to wear out of "the closet" I blushed.
"Well don' yo has any boy clothes?"
"No, Aunt Betty didn't send any with me." I stared at the floor.
"I declare! Whats this worl' commin' to!" she shook her head "Lets see ifn we can find yo sumtin' in the closet then."
Somtin' was yellow pantys and white tank top. "I do like to see yo pretty little fanny as yo works!"
Then we went down stairs and got busy. Mindful of what Rose said about pulling my weight and Child Services, I put extra effort into it. We stripped all the beds and pushed them aside. Then we stripped and waxed the floors. Then we scrubbed the toilets and washed down the showers. It was hard work. Ester didn't sit takeing coffee this time. Finally we turned the mattresses and made the beds. Ester showed me how to make "Hospital corners". By noon we had finished the rooms. Ester said I was a good worker and that it would have taken her all day to do it alone. Then we moved on to the lounge, lobby and hallway. We had a big pile of laundry and I was running the vacum with my back to the entrance when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I shut the vac down and turned. There was a man standing there watching me.
He was in the middle of saying "Hey little missy, I'm here to....."
That was when I turned and he looked down and saw I was a boy. I turned red and dropped my hands to cover myself.
He chuckled and said "Well I'll be damned!" "I've seen everything now!" "I come to pick up laundry and I find me a little sissy." "Wait till I tell 'em about this!"
Ester came in about then. "Git yo ass in gear Candi!" Then she gave him a cold eye and said "Missy Rose's buisness aint none o yo concern!" "Yo put the clean laundry in the linen closet and yo takes the rest like yo's sposed too and yo be on yo way!" "We's got work t' do!"
He colored up a little but he moved. I wanted to thank her but thought I should just get busy instead.
We were finished by 2:00. She even let me wrap a towel around me to empty the trash. No one saw me, that I know of.
When I got back she repeated the shower thing though, including cleaning me "down there". Agin after she dryied me her dress was wet and her big nipples were hard. We did this everyday and I slill don't know if it was anything sexual or not with her. Maybe I was so much smaller than her she thought I couldn't wash myself. Dunno.
Rose told me to get dressed and sent me off to Joe's for breakfast. I was wearing the clothes Aunty sent with me. Slacks, blouse and flats, I looked like what I was, a boy dressed in womens clothes but it wasn't as obvious as last time.
Bonnie smiled when I came in. "Very butch today!" she giggled. Joe looked out and growled "I said I didn't want "HER" in here!" Bonnie yelled "Shut up Joe!" "Candi's ok."
Then she took my order an chatted with me as I waited at the counter. She was full of questions about Rose's place and the girls. What they wore, how many men came in, what were they like ect.
It occured to me she was very currious. I told her that Rose and the girls were real nice to me. (I didn't mention Lizza!) I told her that she should stop by and meet them.
She turned red and said "Oh no!" "I couldn't go in a place like that!" "I'm a good girl!"
By then my order was ready and I couldn't ask what she meant.
"Bye Candi, maybe I'll see you tomarrow and we can talk."
We ate and I went off to get some relax before we opened for buisness. I was dissapointed when I woke to find that Mildred was already showered and ready for work. She had me shower then helped me with my make up and "uniform". I did most of it myself.
Monday nights were usually slow. Rose had me set up a card table in the lounge and her and three of her old cronies played canasta and chain smoked while I waited on them. There was the couple that owned the cuckold water store that was on the ground floor of the hotel building. There was another woman named Hazel, about fifty or so that was all dressed up with a low cut gown and lots of cleavage. She wore lots of jewelry and perfume. She laughed a lot and kept saying how "adorable" I was.
"Were did you find him Rose?" Hazel asked while feeling my butt.
"He belongs to one of the girls." Rose said, "She's in county so I let him stay here."
"One of the girls, huh?" Hazel said and gave me a pinch "Does he have any talents beside serving tea and cookies?"
"Well if the screams I heard last evening are any indication, I would say he's a pretty good "push". (I didn't know what a "push" was) Then she went on to explain about what she heard coming from Rita's room. "I'd say he takes after his lady."
"Maybe I could use his services later." Hazel said and winked at Rose. "Harrys been dead over a year now."
All Rose said was "Poor Harry." the others nodded.
About eleven o'clock I went from serving tea to highballs. I'd say within an hour they were snockered. Whenever Mildred would get a client Rose would take care of the lobby, then when Mildred was done, she would take over and Rose would return to the game. After they started takeing Hazel would grab me as soon as Rose left and sit me on her lap. Her hands were very busy and she would rub her big titties on my back. The other lady would giggle and make lewd suggestions. Before long she was copping feels as well. The man didn't seem to care one way or the other. When Rose would come back I would wiggle free and go straighten up the room that Mildred and the john had used.
By two o'clock the party started to break up. They were all takes and Mildred had already called it a night and locked up. Rose went to let them out and Hazel said to the couple "You go head, I think I'll have one more." The woman giggled and said "Lets go honey. I'm sure Hazel can get a cab."
By the time Rose came back Hazel had me in an embrace and was kissing me. I could taste stale cigarettes and scotch.
"I've got to have him Rose!" she lisped, "It's been too long!"
Rose just looked at me and said "It's up to Candi, I'm takes and going to bed." "If you want to spend the night pick a room." then she went out.
Hazel kissed me agin and said "What do you say Candi?" "Do you want to earn some money like your mommy does?" She took my hands and put them on her titties and sqeezed, then she slowly pulled up my skirt and fondled me through my panties. "You are such a naughty boy!" "Say yes and make an old women happy!"
I kept feeling her tits and nodded.
She sighed and kissed me agin then led me down the hall to an empty room.
Posts: 196
I can hardly wait for the next installment! ShortSupply