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Beginnings and developments

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Wow! It's great to have you back. The quality of your writing and the eroticism of your marriage are fantastic. Thanks!


Posts: 3581 Pictures: 10 
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Welcome back! It's nice to hear more of your adventure.
Look forward to reading more!
Cuck who loves a creampie.


Posts: 187
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Before i post the following part of this, i must pay respect to the friend who has helped me describe this event, this is his writing from my details. Thanks to Mike.

If you would like this to continue i need encouragement????

Thanks Guys


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Bob got to his feet, unzipped his trousers and eased out his fully erect cock. Jackie needed no further encouragement, immediately kneeling down and taking the crown of his by-now very familiar cock into her mouth. Bob glanced at us all as he undid his shirt. He did not need to say anything; his understandable pride, verging even on smugness was writ large on his face. His message was clear. ‘I told you she was hot.’

Keith was the first to strip off completely. Having done so he positioned himself next to Bob, his intention plain for all to see. The thought crossed my mind that even though Keith had met Jackie less than two hours earlier, he was absolutely certain she would readily suck his jutting erection. And he was absolutely right too! She let Bob’s go and immediately fastened her mouth round his. I was particularly taken with the way she made eye contact with him as she alternately licked his rigid shaft and velvety crown. She then opened her mouth and tried to swallow as much of him as she could. She repeated the exercise several times and I realised that with every repetition she was taking more of his rigid shaft. One of the men remarked that Jackie really seemed to like sucking cock. He wasn’t wrong!

By now the two young eager beavers were hurriedly shedding their clothes. Neil and Tom were also undressing, but in a far more leisurely way, even to the extent of ensuring that the creases were maintained as they laid their trousers over the back of a chair. Not wishing to be the odd man out I too undressed. I had to be very careful as I eased my underpants off; I was so aroused that the merest friction would have caused me to unload.

Besides me there were six other naked men surrounding a still partially clothed Jackie. Some of the guys were stroking, but all were staring intently at the scene being played out in front of them. At seven inches I have never been anxious about my size and a quick glance at the cocks I could see confirmed that I had no need to be. Jackie, whose mouth was still busy on Keith’s glistening cock, was looking at them for a totally different reamister. She was fully aware that all this pulsating male flesh was waiting to service her and her alone. I sensed that at that particular moment, she believed her sole raimister d’être was to provide a soft warm wet haven for these rampant cocks, and to ensure these men derived every imaginable pleasure from her ever available young body. I suddenly realised that these were exactly my sentiments too. Someone said how fuckable she was and everyone else agreed. As if to confirm their opinion she casually reached out and began to caress Bob’s manhood again while continuing to lick Keith’s.

It took a moment for Bob’s words to sink in. He was suggesting that we all go next door to the bedroom where we would be more comfortable. He went on to say that if we were all very nice to Jackie he was sure we would, as he put it, all have a lot of fun. One of the guys helped Jackie to her feet and we were all making our way out of the room when Neil indicated he we should organise some more takes. I was a bit miffed for a brief moment because I did not want to miss anything but then I thought it might be a pleasant surprise for me if the others have a few moments to get themselves organised. There was a natural gravitas about Neil and I followed him into the kitchen. He had a deep voice and there was an innate authority in his demeanour. He was dark-haired, a bit taller than me, and carried no fat whatsoever. I think he must have worked out on a regular basis. I knew he had an important job (I later found out he was a regional manager for the bank, a position which outranked a branch manager) and was thus used to giving orders. But he was an alpha male in the physical sense too. He’d had his back to me in the lounge but when we were in the kitchen I became aware that he was very well endowed. He was sporting a semi-erection and even in this condition it was both longer and thicker than mine. I would have put him at close to nine inches. We busied ourselves in the small kitchen; an added complication being trying not to brush the other permister with our member whenever we had to squeeze past. We made some effort at small talk as would be expected of relative strangers, even if both happen to be naked! We were about to rejoin the others when Neil took on what I assumed to be his business expression.

He said that Jackie was about to experience a wonderful time and he asked if I was fully prepared to see her being enjoyed all of them. I answered in a somewhat non-committal way. I still had some concern, I informed him, but I would go along with it as long as she remained a willing participant. To be perfectly honest, I hoped she would be enjoyed by all even though I was aware it was my dick rather than my brain that was influencing me. However, I was reluctant to disclose this to Neil. I asked him if he and the others had done this sort of thing before. He smiled and said that it had happened a few times but this was the first time that the event had lived up to the billing. Jackie was a real stunner, he volunteered, going on to say that she had a terrific figure and that he had never encountered such an eager and willing woman. He said that he would like to have a further chat with me later but for now we had best go through with the takes as he did not want to miss having his turn with this young, willing wife of mine. Finally he stated that I would earn both his and the others’ respect if I did not interfere in any way when they were with Jackie. Bob had told him that I would not be a hindrance to their pleasure and Neil had no reamister to think otherwise. It was a most polite warning but it was a warning nevertheless. I knew it and he knew that I knew it.


Posts: 28
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Slippy02, Thanks for picking up the story again. Looking forward to hear of your further adventures!


Posts: 187
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Thanks for response always good to hear feedback, opinions and comments etc.


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Fantastic! What a great story and very erotic. Thanks!


Posts: 46
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I am really enjoying this story thank you very much for sharing your life with us. neohbi


Posts: 187
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So many views but so little comments?

Please do not be shy.


Posts: 28
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slippy, would love to hear more. especially if your wife could add some from her viewpoint (either matching the existing narrative, or ongoing). It's really a fabulous tale, and one of my favorites on the site.


Posts: 129
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I'm really enjoying this thread and hope there's plenty more to cum.

(As a much younger man I spent a lot of time in the 1980s working in financial services in Edinburgh, I met a lot of guys who were/went on to be senior movers and shakers but not a woman like Mrs Slippy02 )


Posts: 728 Pictures: 5 
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Probably so many more views than comments because it's hard to type with one hand, LOL. Yours is in an incredibly erotic story that has no doubt brought a lot of pleasure to the readers, of which I am one! I hope it continues, I check back all the time.


Posts: 187
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I rejoined the others in the bedroom to find Tom between Jackie’s legs licking at her spunk-filled opening. Bob was standing next to the bed and was wanking furiously. He was not alone; Keith and the two young guys were also similarly engaged. Bob, who alone amongst us had not yet had any release, was understandably the first of the four to unload. The other three shortly followed and Jackie’s face and tits were covered by the men’s tributes to her raw sexuality. This was exactly what Tom had been waiting for. He ceased his oral ministrations and quickly penetrated her to the full. The next moment he was eagerly licking up the other men’s spunk. Neil, who had just shafted her, and whose relatively limp and still wet cock betrayed the fact, was watching the scene with interest. He wasn’t the only one. I was also fascinated to watch someone else cleaning her up, a responsibility that had hitherto only ever been mine. It was evident that Tom was in his element. Bob was still watching but the other three had now apparently had enough. As they left the bedroom I overheard Keith telling Neil that they were planning to go to a club after they’d freshened up.

Tom did not last very long and I can’t say that I was surprised. Even though he had hardly moved his hips once he was lodged deep inside her, presumably so as to prolong his own pleasure, it was simply all too much for him. He groaned and fired his own load deep into her wanton wetness, before dismounting moments later and getting to his feet. I looked at Jackie as she lay on the bed, the only perceptible movement being the rise and fall of her diaphragm as she breathed. The clichéd expression ‘limp rag doll’ sprang to mind, albeit with one major difference. There was still a lot of cum on her upper torso despite Tom’s best efforts at cleaning her. And it wasn’t long before his own semen began to leak from the black hole that, at the start of the evening, had been her tight opening. I would imagine that most men would say that she looked like a total spunk slut. But be that as it may, I was utterly besotted with her appearance; to me she looked fantastic. I had to kiss and touch her and despite (or was it more likely because of) the fact that five different men had already fucked her and had unloaded inside her, I was unable to resist the urge to go down on her. However I was mindful that she might well be very tender after taking on such a number and I treated her as if she were the most fragile Dresden china. I could not have been more gentle as I licked the semen that continued to well out of her. Not knowing whose it might be only enhanced the pleasure of swallowing the tasty treat. As I was thus engaged Bob was fetching takes of a more conventional kind.

I heard voices and it was evident that the others had returned. I sensed they were all studying me and I briefly wondered what they might have been thinking when they saw me stroking myself as I carried on cleaning her up. This really was a labour of love for me as I worshipped at the altar of her femininity. As far as I was concerned she was never more pure than when she was full of another man’s cum. That, of course, was not how she was perceived by the others present that eventful evening. Keith expressed his opinion that she was an insatiable sexy slut. Steve and Tony agreed with him. Unfortunately they now had to go but they hoped they would get another chance to fuck her at some later date. From my low vantage point between her parted thighs I watched as the two young men kissed her goodbye and thanked her for a fantastic evening. When Keith kissed her goodbye he was unable to resist fondling her breasts once more. Keith also thanked Bob for bringing her along. But none of the three thought to thank me. Even though she was my wife and that I had been the one to transport this ‘insatiable sexy slut’ to the flat where they had all been able to enjoy her, it was as if I was not there. Perhaps they did not say anything because given what I was doing they may have felt I would have been unable to respond. But whatever the reamister, in a perverse way I derived some pleasure from my apparent invisibility. Jackie was only too well aware of my presence of course. So much so, that I realised her pussy would soon be too sensitive for me to carry on any longer so after one last lingering lick I slurped up what cum still remained from her breasts.

At this point Jackie said that she too would like to freshen up. Having been fucked non-stop for the best part of an hour and a half, it was no surprise that she was a bit unsteady when she first got to her feet. With the party now obviously drawing to a close, we four men went back to the lounge to get dressed. The moment he was fully attired, Bob disappeared into the bedroom saying that he would help Jackie get dressed. I realised that he was assuming my role as the caring husband, maybe all the more so as to continue his fantasy role as a cuckold. (I should point out that although I have now used the term ‘cuckold’ twice in relating these events, I was not aware of this terminology at the time this all took place. These comments are made with the benefit of hindsight.) There was just the three of us now. Tom thanked me for what he said had been one of the sexiest nights of his life. Neil was more circumspect and after saying it had been great fun, asked me if I had also enjoyed the evening. I told him the truth; that I had found it an unbelievable turn-on to see my wife being made use of in such a manner. He replied that if she was up for it, it was his intention to make more use of her still. He gave me one of his business cards and told me to call him early next week. Again I was aware of his quiet authority; he was instructing me to call him rather than inviting me to do so.

Jackie and Bob joined us in the lounge. She was now fully dressed with all buttons fastened but nevertheless she looked incredibly sexy. Bob was beaming when he reminded us that she had been a very good girl indeed. In answer to his prompting Jackie smiled and said that she had really enjoyed herself too. There was still some food and take left so we sat down and chatted. The three men were fulsome in their praise of Jackie. I watched her as she charmed them one by one. Listening intently to Neil, she paused in the act of putting a modest size sausage roll in her mouth. I immediately thought of the different cocks her mouth had welcomed over the course of the past two hours. I wondered if the others were thinking the same, or indeed whether or not Neil and Tom were recalling the sublime sensation they must have felt when their stiff cocks were sheathed in her hot and deliciously spunky cunt. Such musings did nothing to lessen my arousal especially as I had only come the once that evening. But I consoled myself in the knowledge that I would be able to have her once we got back to our hotel.

It was at precisely this moment when Bob mentioned to the other two that we were staying over at a nearby hotel. Neil suggested that we should move there and have a take at the bar. It seemed like a good idea to me but I reminded him that they were meant to their taking their wives out for a meal after the show. Neither Neil, nor Tom was remotely perturbed; they would simply call the hotel where they were staying and get a message to their wives that some unexpected business had come up; they should go out for a meal on their own and their husbands would see them in the hotel bar when they got back. I got the distinct impression that this was not the first time Neil and Tom had been in such a situation.

Neil asked Jackie if she was happy about them coming back to the hotel. She was fine with the decision but said that she would like to go up to her room and have a quick shower before joining them in the bar. He then held her hand as he looked straight into her eyes. He told her that he would really like her to wait and that he would be delighted to have a shower with her a little later if she had no objection. Jackie looked at me for a moment then back at Neil. That would be lovely, she told him. And with her words I knew the night was not yet over.


Posts: 28
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mmm, good to hear the story continues. waiting for your next installment!


Posts: 187
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no more instalements unless comments?/?


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Bob phoned for a taxi to take us back to the hotel. When it turned up the driver realised he could not take all five of us so he contacted his base and requested a second cab. It was no surprise that Neil immediately took control. He told Jackie, Bob and Tom to take the first cab whilst he and I would wait for the second. It was a weird sensation when I watched the cab drive off with her sitting in the back of the cab between the two men who had recently shafted her. I wondered if she would be fingered on the way to the hotel. (I later found out she was. She told me that whilst we were still in sight, both men had slid their hands up the inside of her thighs and that she had even made it easier for them by discreetly parting her legs. The journey was too short for her to do much in return but she had nevertheless gripped their dicks through their trousers. And, when they arrived at the hotel and Tom was paying the fare, Bob had offered her his finger to lick clean. And she duly obliged him too!) But then again it had been a weird night altogether. And it was no less weird listening to Neil expounding on my wife’s sexual qualities while we waited for the taxi.
She was, in his words, a truly delightful young slut and what’s more she was beautifully tight too. He must have been aware of how much I loved to hear such praise because I am sure I positively beamed at his words. Yet, bearing in mind his size, I did find myself wondering if she would remain in such a perfect condition if he was going to screw her on a regular basis. He must have been reading my thoughts because he baldly stated to me his intention to fuck her at every opportunity and asked what I thought about it. My raging hard-on predicated my response. I told him that I would have no objection and would be happy for her to carry on having fun for as long as she wanted. He must have already been aware that I was excited to an unbelievable degree by her sexual adventures; nevertheless I still thought it necessary to tell him. He wanted it and I wanted it but what about Jackie herself? If one applied logic, one would have to ask why a young nubile twenty-two year old married woman should want to have regular sex with a man maybe twice her age, even if he did happen to be rather well-endowed. I think I knew the answer. Over the preceding months I had encouraged her to fulfil any sexual desire she might already have, and in so doing had awakened in her desires she had been hitherto unaware of. But now that she was, I sensed that life would never be the same again. I knew that she would give her consent to Neil, or indeed to anyone else who wanted to fuck her. My only comfort was in the certain belief that she would never go behind my back.

I suddenly realised Neil was talking to me so I turned to face him. There was a world of experience in his eyes as he told me that in the light of my comments he was planning to take control of her and that he expected my support in making whatever arrangements were necessary. He went on to say that he intended to start by fucking her at our home. Such was my intense excitement that I did not notice his supreme self-confidence or even pause to consider a measured reply. He had no sooner voiced his expectation than I was assuring him that he could count on my full support. He smiled and then instructed me that when Jackie and I were next alone I should inform her that he would be taking a professional interest in my business and that he would therefore be making permisteral visits to me where he could offer such advice as was necessary. Since he worked for the same bank we were with, this was actually not so far from the truth. His work did involve the monitoring of the bank’s customers and, as there was an auditing aspect to this role, such visits were usually carried out without the presence of the relevant branch manager. As Neil was informing me that he usually travelled to our area a couple of times a month, the cab finally appeared. As we got into it I thought that this arrangement would actually be quite useful in that there could well be benefits accruing of both a permisteral and professional nature! The journey, completed in virtual silence, took next to no time but as we were stepping into the foyer of the hotel Neil reminded me to call him the following Monday.

We went into the bar and found the others already seated round a low table. My erection returned the moment I saw Jackie, not least because her skirt had ridden up so as to reveal the merest hint of stocking tops. But it was also very erotic to see her laughing and chatting with the two men who already had such intimate knowledge of her delectable young body. Neil and I joined them immediately as Bob signalled that he’d already got the takes in for us. Bob drained his glass and I was about to get another one for him when he asked Jackie if she was ready for round two. She nodded in affirmation and Bob then told us that it was time for us all to go upstairs to the bedroom. However rather than all leave the lounge at the same time Neil and I decided to wait a couple of minutes so I passed Jackie the room key. It was interesting to note that as they made their way to the lift, Bob had his arm around her in what can only be described as a proprietorial manner. Anyone seeing them and noticing her wedding ring would have assumed that they were husband and wife. However two minutes later and gently tapping on the bedroom door were her real husband and the man who was planning to take control of her, just as if he were her husband.

I entered the bedroom to find Bob sitting on the bed with my wife. She was already minus her dress but still was still wearing her basque, stockings and skimpy panties. Her full soft breasts were on display and even though the room was pleasantly warm, her nipples were quite prominent. He told me that not having done so up to this point he was now going to fuck her and that Tom would then have sloppy seconds. Before I could say anything Neil interjected. In a tone that brooked no argument he said that he and Jackie would take a shower together once Tom had finished with her. Bob got up to undress stripping off both shirt and trousers instantly. His boxer shorts quickly followed. It was amusing to note his rigid cock bobbing up and down as he hopped on one foot whilst removing his sock from the other. Once naked he knelt on the bed and presented his cock to my dear wife, who wasted no time in taking him into her mouth. Neil, Tom and I were also undressing albeit without the urgency shown by Bob. I was again struck by Neil’s dimensions; there was no doubting that he was the alpha male. Bob indicated she should release him which she did with what appeared to be a degree of reluctance. But she readily assisted him when he removed her panties and promptly complied with his instruction to be on all fours, her favourite position, as he well knew. As the now naked Neil and Tom stood either side of the bed, she raised her delectable derriere and awaited penetration. I was suddenly struck by the realisation that Bob’s would be the seventh dick she’d had inside her that evening. Whether or not the same thought occurred to him he decided he’d tease her by making her wait for it. She squirmed on the bed, a signal that she was impatient for him. How he was able to exercise such self-restraint was beyond me. The moment I saw her puffy red labia lips and the short hair either side matted with dried spunk I would have been unable to control myself and would have had to penetrate her instantly.

But Bob was made of sterner stuff. Even though he was now kneeling behind her with his cock-head touching her opening he still made no effort to sink his cock into her welcoming wetness. Jackie could no longer restrain herself and it was she who took the initiative, pushing herself backwards so as to impale herself on it. It was no wonder that Bob, who was now lodged all the way inside her slimy canal, looked like the cat that had got all the cream. But even Bob had his limits and he could no longer resist his natural urges. He began to fuck her, slowly at first, but then with increasing speed and powerfulness, his vulgar onslaught causing her to groan softly. I just held my rigid cock, afraid that I could so easily come, as I savoured the erotic spectacle being played out in front of me. I wasn’t the only one either. Neil was slowly stroking his thick length whilst Tom was actually masturbating.

I don’t know whether Bob came first whether Tom did. It might even have been a dead heat! But suddenly both men were in the throes of ejaculation. Bob’s was safely contained within Jackie’s well-used pussy but Tom’s was flying everywhere. Whilst a couple of strands had spattered onto Jackie’s hair there was some on the pillow and the top sheet.

No sooner had Bob dismounted than Neil was helping Jackie to her feet and leading her to the bathroom, saying that he wanted to shower with her. That may well have been the case but his impressive erection attested to the fact that he had other things in mind too. I was actually disappointed albeit only briefly. I had anticipated cleaning up Bob’s fresh load but it was not to be. I heard the sound of the shower running and went to the bathroom door. The two of them were in the shower together and with it being plain glass, I could clearly see them kissing. But what I found most enticing was the sight of Jackie still wearing her stockings and suspenders. Neil must have sensed my presence because he turned to me and told me leave the bathroom and to close the door behind me!
I experienced a rather strange sensation as I left the bathroom with my tail between my legs. In fact that is a singularly inapt metaphor because my ‘tail’ was still very hard and pointing skywards. A part of me felt I ought not to have meekly obeyed his instruction. Who the fuck was he to tell me what to do? And yet there was a rationale behind my decision. He was older, probably wiser, bigger in stature and was certainly far better-endowed than I was. But it wasn’t just the obvious reamisters. His turning me out was somehow turning me on! Why should that be? He had indicated earlier that he intended to be in control of Jackie, and by implication, that would also involve a degree of control of me. Did I have a latent desire to be under his control? Such thoughts only served to keep me fully erect as I rejoined Bob and Tom
They were both cleaning up their softening cocks using the cleansing tissues that Jackie had thoughtfully brought with her. Tom was also making a passable attempt to mop up his cum from the pillow and sheet. I suddenly realised that he had unloaded on my side of the bed and on my pillow too! I untwisted the cap from a bottle of still water and poured it into a couple of clean glasses and my used teacup. They sat on the bed with their glasses whilst I took a chair. We were all still naked but whilst their cocks were now flaccid, mine remained resolutely erect and although it was illogical I did feel somewhat embarrassed by it. Bob did not help matters when he remarked that he had been amazed by how eager Jackie had been that evening. Tom agreed and went on to say he had never met such a willing slut before. There was now no sound emanating from the bathroom and I wondered if my wife was occupied sucking him, getting him ready to fuck her for a second time. That was indeed the case although I only found that out later when Jackie and I were finally alone.
Ten minutes later the bathroom door opened and the two of them appeared. Jackie was wearing a towelling robe whilst Neil was naked. He began to dress whilst first Bob and then Tom went into the bathroom to clean themselves up. As soon as Tom was dressed Neil said that they ought to leave at once. He went on to say that it would not be too clever of them to leave their wives waiting any longer for their return. I accordingly phoned reception to request a taxi on their behalf and was pleased to note as I glanced in the small mirror that my erection was at last beginning to subside.
I fetched the other bathrobe and put it on so as not to be the only one without clothes. We all engaged in some small talk before the desk rang to say the taxi was here. Neil and Tom got up to leave. They both kissed Jackie goodbye, Neil availing himself of the opportunity to slide his hand inside her robe and fondle her breast as he did so. Bob departed a short while later, after kissing her in a genuinely affectionate manner. As he got to the door he smiled and said that he hoped she would now be able to provide some immediate relief for my persistent erection!
Jackie and I lay on the bed, our robes open and as we talked I was gently stroking her breasts. Her hand was loosely holding my again fully erect cock. I asked her how she was feeling. She had a broad smile on her face when she told me she was absolutely worn-out before adding that she had loved every minute of the night’s events. My hard cock was sufficient evidence, but I still told her that the same applied to me. I then asked her what she and Neil had got up to in the bathroom. It was just as I had imagined. She had sucked his cock after they had showered and then he had fucked her. Rather than take another shower he had then washed any incriminating evidence from his cock in the hand basin, mindful that he was soon to rejoin his wife. I commented on the fact that he did have quite a sizeable cock and Jackie nodded in agreement. I asked who she had liked the best. She said that they had all been good but if pressed she would probably go for Bob who was both a nice permister as well as a considerate lover. However Neil was so powerful and she had felt so full when he was deep inside her she volunteered that he ran him a very close second. That was more than enough for me and I began to unload all over her soft soothing hand.
It was no surprise that she was soon fast arelax. I lay alongside her pondering on what had happened. I felt very protective of her even though or probably simply because, she had been with the six other men. She looked so innocent in relax yet this same woman had hungrily devoured every cock that had been presented to her. She had admitted to being worn-out yet I knew that she would have happily taken each of the men again had the circumstances allowed it. I resolved to tell her about Neil’s plans for her over breakfast the following morning. I guessed she would be more than pleased to hear that he wanted to have sex with her on a regular basis. I know that I was!


Posts: 1972
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We know that you were too!


Posts: 120
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Interesting to read that Bob hitherto a main architect of Jackie's transition from wife to slut appeared to almost play the cuck role while facilitating these strangers use of your wife. I have used many wives with their husband's knowledge and co-operation. Most I used once or twice only but there were a few that I used over lengthy periods of time and these I introduced to others for their use. Occasionally other "bulls" invited me to share a wife they were using. On such occasions they, like me when I invited others to share a wife I was using, liked to remain in control rather than play the sub cuck but it seems to suggest that the line between cuck and bull is narrower than many think. The common link is the enjoyment of well used submissive cunt. I noticed also that my relationship with the husband was a critical factor in whether I used and shared a wife long term. We needed to get on well although they needed to defer to me when I wanted the wife. I wonder whether wifeusers and watchers are a throwback to an earlier time of group living and the emergence of alpha males? I have given me wifeusing experiences a lot of thought over the years to see whether I could make sense of it but still have not reached any definite conclusions. I do know however that couples like Slippy and Jackie have given me, and others, a lot of pleasure over the years an however far fetched some accounts seem I have seen enough not to rule them out completely.


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thank you wifeuser scot for your comments, and you know how close you were to having the use of my wife?? do you not?


Posts: 120
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well 'est la vie or as so many scots ladys have said "whats for you will no go by you"


Posts: 28
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One of the best serializations I've read. Thanks for sharing your amazing adventures with us.


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This story is a great read. It touches on so many erotic aspects of the cuckold life. I look forward to more installments.


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As Slippy has alluded to our paths crossed some time ago. Unfortunately I never had the use of Jackie, I was busy running a small stable of wives and did not get round to her not realising just how special she was, but Scotland is often described as a large village where it is difficult to stay annonymous if there is anything about your behaviour to set you apart from the crowd. I used a lot of wives in the 80s and early 90s and was aware of a few other "busy" wife users. Slippy and his wife were mentioned to me enough times for me to be confident that while everything we have read so far might not be 100% true, lets call it poetic licence, Jackie drained a lot of balls in her heyday. I suspect that she was Scotland's most active "hot wife" or if you prefer cuckold's spunk bucket for many years.

So for those of you who get an extra buzz from reading fact not fiction, this is very definitely a first class one handed read. Enjoy. Try not to stain the monitor


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I have to admit that I did feel rather nervous when I phoned Neil the following Monday morning. I gave my name and was put through at once. He told me that he could visit me the following week and gave me a list of documents that I should have available. He actually sounded quite officious and even more so when he instructed me organise it for Jackie to have a take with him following our meeting. I was aware that I had a raging erection when I put the phone down; a most incongruous condition given that I had been speaking to someone from the bank! But then again Neil was not a typical bank manager.

I told Jackie that I had been in contact with Neil as soon as I got home but I left out the details until we went to bed that evening. She was delighted that he wanted to see her again and volunteered that she would take the day off work to prepare herself for him. There was no doubting that his wanting to screw her turned her on just as much as it did me. We talked over the scenario and agreed that we would all come back to the flat after we’d met for take in the bar of a nearby hotel.

The meeting with Neil took place as planned and I could tell right from the start that the business was likely to benefit from his advice. We reviewed the finances of our operation in some depth and my colleagues later complimented me on my iniative in getting such professional support. I inwardly smiled when I wondered what they would have thought had they but known the real reamister for Neil’s sudden interest in our company. It was now about half past three in the afternoon and there was just the two of us in my office. Neil began to put his papers into his briefcase and said that we had done enough work for the day. He was looking straight at me when he stated that we ought soon to be meeting up with ‘my hot slut’ as he referred to her. I was immediately erect but fortunately managed to conceal the tenting in my trousers before my secretary entered the office. She heard him telling me that he had another appointment at a local hotel and asking me for directions. I had already informed that I was also due to see someone myself that afternoon so it came as no surprise to her when I suggested to Neil that he follow me because the hotel was on my route. Having found a plausible reamister for both Neil and I to leave together, I have to admit to feeling somewhat pleased with myself. However, as soon as we got to the car park, Neil told me that he wanted to fuck Jackie in private at our place and that I should therefore find a reamister to go back to the office once we’d had a take at the hotel. What’s more it was an instruction, not a request.

I got into my car with yet another raging hard-on. Why should this have excited me so? Twenty minutes later Neil and I were in the bar of the hotel and were eagerly waiting for Jackie to appear.


Posts: 113 Pictures: 2 
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I just found this thread, haven't yet finished reading to the end, and I've already cum twice - fantastic! Full of insight, truth and reflections of our own story. Keep up the good work. I need a rest before I read anymore of it.

Writer and decadent


Posts: 187
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Thanks Rotter.

Having read your own account so far i can appreciate it too.


Posts: 163 Pictures: 6 
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Slippy02, this is one of the most erotic threads on the site. I'm going to ask my active hot wife to read your account, as I have tonight. I expect it will lead to the next level for us. Thank you for taking so much time to document your experience!

Keep us cumming!


Posts: 187
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Thank you for the response.

very much appreciated.

If anyone would like to respond through private Messages, also welcome?

A very, very, good friend has helped me in this explanation and i have offered to name him but as at this point he wants to remain secret.

He has done similar to Rotter's friend and made some experiences into situations which while not entirely accurate, very close to reality.

Thanks to all who read and appreciate


Posts: 1972
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Quoting: Herz4fun
Slippy02, this is one of the most erotic threads on the site. I'm going to ask my active hot wife to read your account, as I have tonight. I expect it will lead to the next level for us. Thank you for taking so much time to document your experience!

I completely agree!


Posts: 187
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Hi, I am depending on a fiiend from here to complete the details and hopefully this will happen if there is still interest??
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