Posts: 596
'Darling, stop that and come over here for a moment. We need to have a little talk. I know I told you to wash my underware but you can finish that later. Sit here next to me.' 'I'm sorry darling, I know I shouldn't giggle but it does feel strange with you naked except for your little chastity belt thing, while I'm fully dressed. You'd think I would be used to it by now.' 'Anyway, I have some good news and some news you may take rather badly. Don't interupt. I wouldn't have thought you would want to get me angry. I think you should apologise. Alright,stop licking my feet and sit back up here. Now, I think it's been about six weeks since I let you milk yourself. What? It's been ten weeks? My how time flies. No sweetheart, I wasn't trying to punish you. I didn't realise it was so long. I do have Martin on my mind you know. Now don't pout. He's very good to me and not many women my age are luck enough to have such a young and attentive lover do they?'
Posts: 596
'I find these tantrums of yours very irritating. You know this is entirely your fault. It was your decision and your complaining just upsets me. Don't keep apologising. My feet are getting wet from your drool. Sit up here.' 'Now, as I was saying, you remember Natalie, that nice lady doctor I met online through the cuckolding site? Well, I explained our situation. What? Why shouldn't I tell her? It's just a chastity belt for goodness sake! I don't care how embarrassing it is for you. Get back on the sofa, there's no need to start kissing my feet the minute I raise my voice. The good news is that she said you should be milked at least once a month. I know you said that, I just didn't believe you. We both know you would tell me anything to be able to play with that little thing of yours. I'm sorry but, compared to Martin's it is little.' 'Now that's not true. I didn't know that when I married you. We both know I had nothing to compare it to. It's really not important any more anyway, so can we please move on? I've decided that you can mark the day on the calender, every four weeks. That should give you something to look forward to, as well as helping me to remember.' 'The question is, how should you be milked? Now darling, you know that's out of the question and it upsets me that you would suggest it. You know Martin said I wasn't to touch any cock but his. Frankly, I don't want to, his is enough and I can't keep my hands off it.' 'How did we milk you last time? I remember. I know, I shouldn't laugh, but it was so funny. You milked yourself while I let you look at my pussy. Now don't be spiteful. I don't flaunt myself to make things difficult for you. I just forgot to wear my dressing gown after a bath. I did laugh at the look on your face though! I know you like to look at me but that's the bad news honey. Martin doesn't like anyone looking at me except him so I've agreed not to show myself to you ever again. I know it will be hard for you but I must be fair to Martin.' 'I'm shocked! You are my husband, why would I let you look at another woman's pussy while you milk yourself? That is out of the question!'
Posts: 596
'I said it's out of the question! Don't make me angry! Natalie tells me I can just milk your prostate with the chastity cage on by using my finger up your bottom. You won'y feel a thing. Apparently it just dribbles out. Stop kissing my foot darling. I don't think I'll do it that way. Not yet anyway. I'm going to let you milk yourself. Go and get the hancuffs. Don't run like that in the house. You nearly knocked over Aunt Georgina's vase. Yes I can see you got the cuffs. Now lock your ankle to the leg of the sofa. Hurry up, I have to be at Martin's in half an hour. Good boy. Now here is the key to your chastity thing.' 'I'm sorry darling, I know I shouldn't laugh but it really is so small compared to Martin's. It's not your fault, don't get upset. I have a little present for you. A pair of my panties, the pink ones you used to love. Yes of course I've worn them. You don't think I would give you clean ones to mess up do you? Now promise you won't tell Martin. He'll be angry if he finds out you were playing with yourself in my panties.' 'Well, that was quick! Martin takes ages and I use my mouth on him. A few rubs, a little spurt and it's all over for you until next month isn't it? Well get your chastity thing back on, let's have it locked away. Darling, why ever are you crying? Don't you like your new married life?'
Posts: 596
Darling, what are you doing down here in the kitchen? You know Martin doesn't like you in the house when he's here. I know it's cold in the garage but that's the way it is and you're not allowed to wear clothes when you're at home. Martin will get very cross if he finds you in here. Lucky for you he's arelax after fucking me three times last night. I know I never used to use language like that but Martin likes me to use it and I find it exciting. You should hear the two of us!' 'Don't be ridiculous dear. Of course we're not trying to turn you into a dog. Just because you have to relax in the garage when he's here. There's a little mattress and a blanket isn't there? You can relax while you wait for Martin to finish with me. Now shut up! You're getting me angry going on about this dog thing. All right, I did ut a collar on you and locked it. That's Martin's little joke and you know I have to do as he says. ' 'I can't unlock it silly. Martin has the key. He was laughing when he took it from me and then he fucked me doggy style, calling me his little bitch while I went Woof Woof. He just knows exactly how to make me feel so hot!' 'Enjoying this? How can you say that? I'm making the best of it, the best of a difficult situation. Now stop sidetracking the conversation Why are you in here? To see me? Why? Oh dear, is it four weeks already? Let me have a look at the calender. Well, look at that. A big red circle round the date. I know I said a milking every four weeks but I've been so busy for the past few days. Can't it wait until tomorrow? One day won't make any difference will it? Don't whine darling, it's so annoying! Oh all right then! Get your handcuffs out of the drawer and get back in the garage. Put them on while I get the key for your chastity belt.' 'I know I took ages sweetheart, but Martin started to wake up. I had to suck him off to get him back to relax. Lock your ankle to the car bumper. Here's the key for your belt. Look, I will get very cross if you keep trying to look up my dressing gown! Remember, Natalie said I don't have to take the chastity thing off to milk you.' 'That's better. So you should appologise too. Now, stop kissing my slippers and take the chastity thing off so we can get this over with. I wasn't laughing. It was just a smile.Can you blame me? I've just spent an hour slurping on Martin's huge man-cock and now I see your tiny thing. Is it hard yet? It's difficult to tell!'
Posts: 596
'I don't know why you keep on asking! I can't touch you, Martin will simply not allow it. No I don't have any of my panties to give you. I told Martin about last time and he was very cross. I had to promise him never to do it again.' 'We don't laugh about you at all. Goodness, you are so paranoid! Look can't you just use your hand? I can understand you want it to be special. Silly me, I thought only having it once a month would make it special. Oh, for goodness sake! Let me see, I put some old clothes out here for the charity shop. Here you go, an old white slip. Yes you can use it. I don't wear it any more so off you go. My, it's cold in here.' 'What? You've finished? I must admit, I missed it. You were so quick! Oh well, put the cage back on and give me the key. Was it good for you? Just another four weeks to go stud.' 'Bother, I forgot to bring the hancuff key. Well, I'm not coming out here again so you'll just have to wait until Martin goes home. Snuggle down on your blanket. I'll pull it nearer for you. You can keep the slip to remember your little moment of passion. I'm going back to Martin now. Good grief, I don't know why you have to have a little cry after you get to spurt these days. I must say you are very strange.
Posts: 596
'Darling, you've done a very good job on the kitchen floor, except for that spot there. Give it a good scrub. And don't think I can't see you trying to look up my skirt. Apology accepted, now stop kissing my shoes and scrub that mark off my floor while I make some tea.' 'I wasn't laughing dear, but your bottom does look cute wiggling away in those frilly pink knickers Martin bought you.' 'Ah, there's nothing like a nice cup of tea. I need one to wake me up. As you know Martin took me to the restraunt last night, you know, the one that used to be your favourite. He made me give him a blow job in the car park then he was ready to go again as soon as we got home.' 'Yes, I know what day it is sweetheart. I can see the red circle on the calender. Hard to believe it's been four weeks since your last little spurt isn't it?' 'In a minute, just let me finish my cup of tea. Why don't you go and get the handcuffs. What have I told you about running in the house? I'm going to get very annoyed if it happens again!' 'Alright stop kissing my boots, I don't want to spill my cup of tea. Now, we're going to do it a little differently this time. I want you to take off your knickers and cuff your hands around the dining table leg. Yes I know you won't be able to use your hands silly. No, not that way. Put your hands in front so you're kneeling. That's a good boy.' 'Now, I'm afraid I have some bad news for you. And stop looking up my skirt! Martin has taken the key to your chastity belt. I'm sure it's his idea of a joke as he knew your milking day was coming up. Of course I told him silly. I tell him everything. He insisted on taking it and you know I can never refuse him.' 'Oh, there's the dorr bell. Don't look so frightened sweety, no one's going to hurt you. It's not Martin, he's away on business today. You just sit tight while I answer the door.' 'Darling, you remember me telling you about Natalie? She's the doctor I've been talking to on the net. She's been cuckolding her poor husband since the day they were married. Is'nt that wonderful? Anyway, she's the one who told me it was important to milk you once a month. Don't look so embarrassed darling, she's a doctor.' 'You'll have to explain this to me again, Natalie. I'm not sure I understand how this works.' 'So you just massage the prostate and he spurts? I see. And it dribbles rather than spurts so he doesn't feel anything, not a thing? That's a pity but never mind.' 'Lean forward dear and push your bottom in the air so the doctor can get at it. No, I don't want to do it, Natalie. Martin doesn't want me to touch him at all. You don'y mind doing it do you? Thank you. I shouldn't laugh but it does look funny when you grease his bottom like that. Oh, your finger just slid right in! Those gloves are not like the rubber ones he uses for washing up. Oh I see, they're latex ones.' 'Gracious me, look at that! The sticky stuff is just dribbling out. Darling, look at your mess coming out of your little thing. And with the chastity cage still on! Did you feel it dear? No? Oh, what a shame. Well, never mind.' 'Thank you Natalie, it was so good of you to pop around like that and show me how it's done. Could you come back next month? Oh, thank you.'
'Well, that was easy wasn't it darling? Next time we won't have to handcuff you so think of the time we'll save. Here's the handcuff key, now clean up that little pool of your mess from my floor. Darling, why the tears? Grown men don't cry when they see the doctor, especially for a little thing like that. Now come along. Get on with the cleaning.'
Posts: 18
Wonderful writing, bravo! please continue.
Posts: 9
Blue 179, this is NOT your story! It is a story written by the famous NESSUS! You should give credit when you post stories from other authors. The original was posted on altarboy a long time ago. The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!
There are other Nessus stories at altairboy (free)and there is more information on the stories of Louis Nessus at The hyperlink is visible to registered members only! Also the stories of his former partner, Natalie.
Blue 179, passing yourself off as writing something written by another is really low!
Posts: 596
soldier, I did not claim the story was mine, I merely thought it might be apreciated on this site. I will continue to post here - sometimes my own stories sometimes not, as long as anyone reads and enjoys them. I reproduced this one from memory so it may not be exactly as originally written. I did not take any notice of the author's name at the time so I could not have given him credit even if I'd thought of it - which I did not.
Posts: 596
Watch out for my other stories guys.
Posts: 331
Great story. It reminds me of how women have reamistered away what little maleness i pretended to have!
Posts: 30
#12 · Edited by: kraut_47
"soldier, I did not claim the story was mine, I merely thought it might be apreciated on this site."
That is so lame... a ridiculously lame excuse.
Sure, you did not claim. But neither did you give Nessus the honor of even mentioning his authorship.
Technically this is called plagiarism (*)
I'm with soldier: What you did was low. And your attempt to justify it was even lower.
(*) the verbatim copying or imitation of the language, ideas, or thoughts of another author and representing them as one’s own original work ( which you did implicitly by not mentioning Nessus.
Posts: 40
Blue, it is quite alright to post other people's stories, BUT always give the attribution. Those author's put a lot of time and effort into their creation and they should always be recognized for their work.