tef fulton
Posts: 2099
#41 · Edited by: tef fulton
Steven delayed as long as his aroused state allowed him, before making his way into their home office where his computer awaited his arrival. Hoping his wife was arelax; he closed the door and turned it on. In a few moments, the screen filled the room with a soft light. He quickly logged onto his usual chat room while simultaneously opening another window to search his favorite cuckold sites.
It didn’t take but a few moments for someone to double click on his nick name ‘Subhub5’ from the chat room. A private chat window popped up on his screen. The nickname in the box was ‘Seekacuck’. The name sounded like it might be a woman instead of some guy looking for pictures or another hubby looking to chat with like minded cuckolds. Steven quickly responded.
Seekacuck: Hi,
Subhub5: Hi, how are you?
Seekacuck : Good, a/s/l I am a mwf, 35yo. Are you a cuckold?
Subhub5: 34 y.o. mwm in NJ, Sadly, still a wannabe.
Seekacuck: LOL, well at least you know your place, Why are you still a wannabe?
Subhub5: My wife is too uptight sexually. She would never go for anything like that. Are you looking for a cuckold?
Seekacuck: Sort of, I do have a cuckold husband at home, but love to chat with and help to train other hubbies.
Subhub5: Really? Wow! I could use training. Becoming a real cuckold has been my fantasy for some time. Why do you seek out guys like me if you have a cuckold at home?
Seekacuck: I feel I owe it to other wives. I want to help them and their soon to be cuckold hubby’s discover the lifestyle I have come to relish. By the way, I bet your wife isn’t as sexually uptight as you think. Does that 5 mean 5 inches?
Subhub5: Again, sadly yes.
Seekacuck: Some part of you must already realize that the problem likely isn’t your wife being uptight, but instead that you’re a WIMP with a small penis. Right?
Subhub5: Do you think so?
Seekacuck: Of course, You must already you know could never satisfy your wife, or any woman, with that tiny thing between your legs?
Subhub5: I have to admit you’re probably right about that. My name is Steven, by the way.
Seekacuck: Good Boy Steven. It’s important to admit your ‘shortcomings’. You may call me Ms. Jean.
Subhub5: Thank Ms. Jean. What should I do?
Seekacuck: Well if your wife seems “sexually uptight” it probably means she isn’t getting what she needs in bed from you, Right? Subhub5: I hate to confess it, but yes.
Seekacuck: Why do you hate to confess it? It’s just the truth. If I decide to help train you, you will need to be honest, even if the truth is a little humiliating. Understand?
Subhub5: Of course I do Ms. Jean.
Seekacuck: Good boy, so if she can’t get what she needs sexually from you, where should she get it?
Subhub5: From another man?
Seekacuck: Almost right, from other REAL MEN, Do you understand?
Subhub5: Yes, Ms. Jean, from a guy other than me.
Seekacuck: Not just ‘a guy’ she needs sex from Real Men, not wimps. She should have as many MEN as she desires. You will have to learn to derive your sexual pleasure in other ways.. You do want to make your wife happy?
Subhub5: Yes, I feel it is a husband’s duty to make his wife happy.
Seekacuck: You show promise as a cuckold hubby Steven. Have you told your wife of your feelings?
Subhub5: No! She would think I was a pervert or something.
Seekacuck: Don’t be so sure. You do agree that you need to be her faithful cuckold, correct?
Subhub5: Yes, I want it more than anything!
Seekacuck: If you want my guidance I can give you some suggestions on how to break the ice with your wife. What’s her name?
Subhub5: Her name is Lisa, Ms. Jean. And yes, could you please help me?
Seekacuck: If you want my help you will have to do exactly as I say. I don’t waste my time with fakers. Understand?
Subhub5: Yes! I agree. Anything, if it will help make us a cuckold couple!
Seekacuck: Mmmmm, I like your enthusiasm. Don’t worry, I have a lot of experience with this. If you do what I ask you WILL be a cuckold soon.
Subhub5: What should I do first?
Seekacuck: I want you to go to an adult store. You are to purchase some items, if you don’t already own them. Is there a store near you?
Subhub5: Yes, There is one I pass on the way home.
Seekacuck: Have you two ever watched porn together?
Subhub5: Yes, a few times, in hotels and such.
Seekacuck: Good, you are to buy at least a couple of movies and bring them home Friday. They have to be about cheating wives who have sex with really well hung studs. At least one of them should be interracial. The movie plots should ideally involve the wives cheating with their husband’s approval. Understand?
Subhub5: Yes, I can do some research and find some movies like that. Anything else?
Seekacuck: Yes, does she have a dildo?
Subhub5: Lisa has a small vibrator. She uses it frequently.
Seekacuck: With a micro-penis like yours I am not surprised. But, I want you to get her a ‘10 inch long, very thick dildo’. And Steven…… it must be BLACK. Understand?
Subhub5: Yes, but why black?
Seekacuck: Never mind why, just buy it. I want you to make dinner for her. Buy her wine and roses. It is important that you do everything. She must not lift a finger. You set the table. After you finish, eating tell her you have a naughty surprise.
Subhub5: The surprise will be the movies and the toy?
Seekacuck: Good boy! Yes, you’re getting the idea. If she has watched porn with you in the past we know she won’t be offended. I want you to hide that 10 inch dildo nearby. When the movie gets going, I want you to offer to go down her. Does she like when you do that?
Subhub5: Yes! I just did it for her tonight and she came hard. But, for some reamister she said she was too tired to give me any relief.
Seekacuck: Aww, poor boy. She really left you with blue balls after you licked her to orgasm?
Subhub5: She did, and I am incredibly frustrated right now.
Seekacuck: Lisa sounds like my kind of girl! We’ll get back to that in a ‘sec’. Don’t play with yourself yet, understand?
Subhub5: Yes, Ms Jean.
Seekacuck: When you are both watching the movie, I want you to be focused on pleasing her. As she gets excited I want you to bring out the 10 inch dildo. It should be about the size of the REAL MEN she is watching. Ask her “if she would like to feel what the woman on the screen is feeling”.
Subhub5: That is a wonderful idea!
Seekacuck: Of course it is ‘cucky’! Now, if she says she does, then slowly insert the toy. Do it to the rhythm of the stud on the screen. After that thick 10 inch dildo has stretched her out a bit. I want you to tell her how beautiful she looks being full. Say your sorry you can’t fill her like that. Finally, when she is close to orgasm tell her you wish you could see her take one that big.
Subhub5: I don’t know if I can say that, wouldn’t she get mad?
Seekacuck: Trust me. If she doesn’t react well, then just explain it away as a game, or as role-playing. But, if she gets excited by what you say, you may be on your way to being a cuckold.
Subhub5: It is a wonderful idea! You are brilliant Ms. Jean. Will I be able to talk to you again afterwards? I will need more guidance.
Seekacuck: You will need more ‘training’ cuckold. And yes, I will give you my email before we are done. I want you to send me an email tonight before you go to bed telling me just how much you appreciate my help and what kind of cuckold you wish to be.
Subhub5: Certainly, I will do it right away.
Seekacuck: Good boy, I will look for it. Saturday morning after you have performed the tasks I commanded, you will write me again and tell me how she reacted.
Subhub5: I will. Ms Jean…..Ummm, You asked me not to play with myself….. I want to obey you, but I am very horny, my wife teased me quite a bit before she went to bed and this conversation hasn’t helped.
Seekacuck: You are such a baby! Cuckolds need to learn to get used to teasing! Still, I suppose since this is our first chat, I suppose it would be O.K. if you get yourself off. That is provided you do it the way I dictate. Agreed?
Subhub5: Anything you say Ms. Jean!
Seekacuck: LOL. Remember those words ‘cuckold to be’ they may come back to haunt you. O.K. first, I want you to get a coffee mug from the kitchen then come back to the computer. Next, I want you to log on to site called ‘cuckoldplace’ heard of it?
Subhub5: Yes, I have been there frequently.
Seekacuck: LOL, I thought you might know it. Find the captions section, Maybe check out those of Ms Cix. I love her stuff! They should be perfect for you. I think she has some naughty new ones up. Read and look at them as you stroke yourself. Think of being a cuckold as you view the captioned images there. When you’re ready to cum I want you to shoot your load into the coffee mug.
Susbhub5: Wow! Really? What do you want me to do with it then?
Seekacuck: I want you to put the mug in the refrigerator tonight. Get up early, before your wife does. I want you to make you and your wife coffee. You know what you will use for cream in YOUR cup, right?
Subhub5: You want me to put MY coffee in the mug I cum in tonight?
Seekacuck: Exactly, you won’t feel like swallowing it tonight, so am having you wait until morning. You haven’t been trained to crave cum yet. This is my way of getting you to start learning to swallow it. It shouldn’t be so bad in coffee right?
Subhub5: I guess so. I’ve never swallowed cum before Ms Jean.
Seekacuck: We’ll be doing a lot of things you’ve never done before little man! After you pour the coffee into your mug make sure you take all of it in front of your wife at the same time she takes her coffee with real cream. She won’t know what you’re doing, but I love the symbolism of it!
Susbhub5: It sounds a kind of humiliating Ms Jean, but I want this and I will obey you.
Seeekacuck: Good boy, I have to go to bed now. Make sure you write me an email tomorrow and tell me all about it. And tell me what images you looked at to get off.
Subhub5: I will Ms Jean.
Seekacuck: Don’t forget and I want another email after your ‘movie night.’ Don’t leave out any details. I will email you after your email. And Steven, I will be able to tell if you don’t’ obey. Understand?
Subhub5: Yes Ms. Jean I will do all you ask,. Good night and thanks.
Seekacuck: O.K., I cant wait to hear how it goes “cucky”
With that line sent, Jean then typed in and sent her email address. “Lisa is going to love this!” Jean thought to herself as she made a quick copy of their conversation before logging off. “We should be able to think up a couple more surprises for you tomorrow Stevie.” Jean was very pleased with the way the plan progressing.
For Steven’s part, he did exactly as she asked. After rushing downstairs to grab a coffee mug he found himself looking at the cuckold captions that Ms Jean had suggested. He found the captions to be incredibly erotic. The way those wives humiliated and cuckolded their hubby’s. Those men were so lucky!
After his wife’s teasing and his surprising chat with this Ms. Jean, it only took Steven only a few minutes to shoot into his mug. For the most part, he thought that the chat room encounter was just a game. Still, for some reamister he did as Ms Jean asked. As he hid the mug, its bottom coated with his thick cream, behind some leftovers. He had no clue how real and how humiliating things were about to become.