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tef fulton


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“Damn, If I wasn’t married!” Lisa quietly exclaimed to her friend Jean as they sat together in a small booth during their lunch hour.

Lisa and Jean were both attractive successful attorneys in their thirties, who worked together at the same law firm. Both women were married but as their careers required long hours and dedication, neither had, as yet, started a family. The two women quickly became office confidants of sorts and loved taking the opportunity over lunch to exchange gossip about colleagues or share complaints about their husbands.

Jean, hearing her friends complaint, paused a moment from eating her salad. Jean was trying to gauge Lisa’s level of seriousness. She looked quizzically at her friend. “What do you mean, if you weren’t married?”

“Take a look at the guy eating in the corner table! Oh my God, is he gorgeous or what? If I weren’t married, what I would do to him” Lisa’s plaintiff whisper couldn’t hide the desire in her voice.

“Do you mean the one eating the lobster roll? Jean pointed discreetly with her salad fork to the corner table were he was seated.

“Uh huh, that one” Lisa mumred as she took a bite of her sandwich.

”My yes, he is very attractive.” Jean said while nodding in agreement after spotting the object of her friend’s desire in the corner. “You know ….. I’ve met him. He’s actually a client of our firm, I could introduce you, but as you said, you’re married.”

“Sometimes I wish I weren’t married. Steven can be such an asshole at times” Lisa’s exasperation with her husband was visible in her face and apparent to Jean in her tone.

“Really? You don’t mean that, do you?” Jean said as she put down her fork. “Did Steven say or do something?”

“Not specifically, no. It’s just that after eight years of being married to him, he is driving me crazy. All he does is watch sports on TV and hang out with his friends. He doesn’t do his share of work around the house and it seems like he spends all his spare time on the computer.” Lisa began unloading her frustration with her husband.

“Well, I guess some of that is pretty common after a few years of marriage.” Jean began. “What about your love life?”

“To be honest, when I see him laying there on the couch or coming home after he’s been out takeing with his friends, He just doesn’t get me in the mood. Of course, he gets frustrated when I’m not up for sex, but he never does anything romantic to make me want sex with him” Lisa then looked down at the floor as she nervously fiddled with her spoon. “I probably shouldn’t say this but he just isn’t very good in bed.”

“There must have been something you liked about him initially, Why isn’t he good in bed?” Jean asked

“Well initially, he was such a sweet guy, so malleable. I thought I could teach him how to be a good lover but he is just too passive. I need to just be taken by a strong assertive Man sometimes. You know? He never does that. Maybe he doesn’t find me attractive?”

“Don’t be ridiculous Lisa!” Jean interjected, “You’re beautiful, and I must confess I have always been a bit jealous that incredible red hair of yours.”

“Thanks Jeannie. But you have no need to be jealous with the way you look.” Lisa answered a bit embarrassed at the compliment.

Lisa then looked around to make sure no one else was listening. When she was sure nobody could overhear, she leaned in closer to Jean and whispered to her. “Please don’t ever tell anyone I told you this, but Steve isn’t very well endowed either. Honestly, I actually miss some of those Big dicked jerks I used to date before I married Steven. They may not have been husband material but at least they were great in bed!”

“I know exactly what you mean!” Jean smiled and both women giggled a bit at Lisa’s observations. “Lisa….. I am a little worried though about all the time you say he is spending on the computer. What do you think he is up to?”

“I wish I knew. He seems to want to spend more time with it than me. You don’t think he is chatting with or trying to meet other women, do you, Jean?” Lisa was beginning to be truly worried about her friends concern.

“I think it is pretty common for men to do that, yes. You should really find out what he is up to.” Jean advised. “I know of a program you can discreetly install on his laptop that will keep track of the sites he visits. You can also see if he has any suspicious files hidden on his computer.”

“Really? Are you sure it works, and he won’t detect it?” Lisa asked.

“Absolutely!’ Jean smiled and nodded. “My hubby and I had an interesting conversation after I installed it on his computer awhile back. I’ll tell you about that another time, but the important thing is he never figured out it was there until I had the goods on him.”

“Was Bob cheating on you?” Lisa asked.

“Heavens no! He is a very faithful boy” Jean answered with a smile. “He had some other issues we worked out.”
Jean then glanced down at her watch. “Darn! Will you look at the time? We both need to get back to work. Stop by my desk later, I have that program on a disk, in my office. I’ll show you how to install it.”

“Thanks Jean, you’re right. I do need to find out what he is up to.” Lisa got up and took her wallet out of her purse to pay. “This ones on me Jeannie… That is if you introduce me to that hot guy on the way out. There’s no harm in saying ‘Hi’. After all he is a client…right?”

“No I suppose not, it would be rude not to introduce you to Roy!” Jean laughed as the two paid their bill.

Lisa and Jean and gathered their coats and left their table. Jean made sure to walk past her client’s booth before they left. They only stopped to talk briefly while saying hello and introducing Lisa. Although Lisa and Roy only spoke for a moment there was something about this Man that made Lisa swoon a bit. Roy seemed to be as charming as he was handsome. As she walked outside the café, Lisa found herself hoping she might discover something on her hubby’s computer that would give her an excuse to talk to Roy again soon.


Posts: 199
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OMG Tef, A great start and I cannot wait for the next 40 or 50 chapters!!!

Thanks, You do not even realize what You do for all of us in cuckland!



Posts: 199
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hmmmmm, or maybe You do~~~!!!!!!!!



Posts: 438
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Great start



Posts: 645
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Nice start, can't wait for more.


Posts: 142
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I like it so far. Could be a great story.


Posts: 1782 Pictures: 16 
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WOW i was just getting in to this come on we need the next bit please
let me know what you think of my small cock send message on this please


Posts: 1914
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Welcome back Tef. Good set up.
tef fulton


Posts: 2099
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Lisa returned to her office feeling better than she had in weeks. The combination of her candid conversation with her friend Jean and her flirtatious encounter with the Man at the café made it difficult to concentrate on her normal Wednesday afternoon routine. After trying to work for a couple of hours, Lisa remembered a motion she needed to file that afternoon. Instead of asking one of her assistants to deliver it, she decided to serve it herself. Then she could go home early. Grabbing some of her files and the motion, Lisa walked into the hallway remembering to stop first by Jean’s office.

Lisa tapped quietly on Jeans open door. “Ummm, Jean, you busy? I just wanted to pick up that ‘program’ we talked about at lunch. I’m heading out a little early today.”

“Absolutely, I was sure you would want it so I already pulled out the disk.” Jean opened her top drawer and handed a CD to Lisa. “All you have to do is put it in the CD drive and it will download automatically. It doesn’t leave an icon on the desk top for him to find. You, however, will know to look for it in the control panel of the computer. Just go there and click the icon that looks like a pair of glasses and says security. After you download it.’

“What exactly does it do?” Lisa asked.

“Well two things mainly.” Jean began. “First it will periodically search the computer and stored emails for certain key words. Anything ‘sexual’ that might be indicative of him having an affair. Second, and this is really cool, it saves every page of every site he visits, and every email he opens. You just check it frequently and you’ll know exactly what he is up to. It will even save conversations in chat rooms. It does a screen grab every few minutes.”

“Sounds great!” Lisa said as she put the CD in her purse. “I’ll put it on when I get home. He isn’t supposed to be home until later tonight, so I should have time to install it on our computer without him being around.”

“Good luck. Let me know what you find.” Jean turned as she spoke, her attention drawn away by the ringing of her phone.


Lisa finished her errands and pulled into the garage of her condo a little after 5:00pm. As she expected Steven’s car wasn’t there. He had told her that morning that he had a client coming by the shop after work for a club fitting. Those usually took a couple of hours which would give her plenty of time to install the disk.

Steven often worked late doing golf club fittings. Her hubby had been an amateur golfer in college. While he was not good enough to make the tour, he was able to find work in the industry after he graduated. For the last seven years he had worked in a local golf pro shop selling equipment, doing club fittings and sometimes lesmisters. It didn’t pay half of what his wife made at the law firm, but he enjoyed the work.

Lisa put her bag down in the vestibule. She hung up her jacket and went up to the room they used as an office. Sitting down, she pulled the CD out of her purse and turned on the computer. The download worked just as her friend had said taking only a few minutes. As she turned off the computer again, Lisa announced to the empty room. “O.K. little man, the trap is set, If this program finds you’re cheating on me….. You’ll regret ever marrying a lawyer. I will ruin you!”


. Steven pulled into the garage around 7:00pm. He was a bit surprised to see his wife’s car home already there. Lisa usually worked late during the week. For a moment he considered the possibility that this might be a good evening to have a little sexually encounter with his wife. They could order take out and see what happens. But then he cursed to himself. “Screw it, why bother! Lisa never has sex during the week”. As he thought about it, it seemed lately she didn’t have sex with him that much during the weekends either.

Steven for the life of him couldn’t understand why their sex life had diminished so. He was considered to be a good looking man, somewhat trim and athletic. He stood about 6 foot tall. He was aware he had a bit of a short coming downstairs, but 5 inches wasn’t so bad, was it? For his part he was definitely still very attracted to his wife. Lisa’s slender body, her wavy red hair which, when she didn’t have it pinned up at work, fell nearly down to her perfectly shaped apple bottom. She was still the subject of his many erotic dreams. Yet, her frequent rebuffing of his advances had shaken his confidence and caused him to seek other avenues of release late nights on the computer.


“Hi Lisa, I ‘m home!” Steven called out as he entered the kitchen where his wife was leaning over the sink filling a large pot with water.

“Hi Steven,” Lisa continued her dinner preparations as she greeted her hubby. She was wearing a t-shirt and very short pair of running shorts. Those shorts had always driven Steven crazy. Bent over the counter, as she was, the bottom of her incredible ass cheeks were just visible peeking out of them. “I thought I’d make some pasta and salad tonight, sound good?”

“Sure, that’s fine with me.” Steven answered without thinking or really caring about the question. What he really wanted at that moment wasn’t pasta. He wanted her…..badly. Even though recent experience had taught him that she wouldn’t be in the mood, seeing his wife posed as she was, Steven had to try.

“Do I have time to grab a quick shower before dinner? I was swinging the clubs during the fitting and I got a bit sweaty. You could join me?” Ted joked suggestively.

“Yeah, sharing a small space with a smelly man. That’s just what I want!” Lisa sarcastically shot back. “Besides, I haven’t been feeling all that well lately. That’s why I decided to come home early. I’m just going to eat and probably go to bed in a bit.

“I hope it isn’t anything serious.” Steven answered more than a little disappointed. There was always some excuse.

“No don’t worry, I’ll be fine, Go take your shower.” Lisa said as she put the pot of water on the stove. “This should be ready in about a half an hour.

Frustrated, Steven moped off to take his shower and get changed. Lisa called him into the dinning room where their meal was waiting. The two sat down to eat. As they ate both made the dull and ordinary small talk about their respective days that had become the foundation of the wall between them. A wall of civility that prevented any real communication. Neither spouse, it seemed, ever dared to speak candidly of what they were truly thinking.

As for Steven, he kept thinking back to when he walked into the house and saw Lisa bent over the sink. He was wishing he had been man enough to yank down those shorts and take her right there. But that was not in his make up. He knew he would have to work off his frustration on-line again, visiting some of his favorite sites. At least she was going to bed early so he could log on soon.

As for Lisa, she kept thinking back to that hot guy she met at lunch…. Roy. She pictured his face in her mind. Lisa ***ly licked her lips as she thought of what a girl might discover inside those expensive slacks. That is, if she were ever a lucky enough to find out. Her thoughts also bounced to what Jean’s spy program might find. Was he cheating on her? Why else would he be spending all that time on the computer?

After dinner they worked together to clean up the dishes. When Lisa finally loaded the last utensil in the dishwasher, Steven grabbed a beer and headed into the living room. As he did almost every night, Steven turned on the TV and stretched out on the sofa. Clicking the controls on the remote he switched to the basketball game. Lisa sat down across the room in her chair and started to read. As she turned the pages, Lisa looked up at him from time to time. She thought to herself, “God, it really is true! All he ever does is lay there, take and watch sports!” Disgusted with her hubby, Lisa eventually closed the book and got up.

“I’m going to bed. Good night Steven.” Lisa announced to her hubby.

“Alright, I’ll join you later; I want to finish watching this game.” Steven said as he watched his wife leave and head off to their bedroom.

Steven waited until half-time to make sure his wife was arelax before he went to log onto the computer. . Little did he know that his wife had set a trap for him. As the soft glow of the screen lit up the darkened room, Steven felt that familiar longing. He sat alone contemplating both and Lisa’s constant denial of his desires and his feelings of sexual inadequacy. There were places on line where conflicts like his were addressed. He typed in the letters that were so familiar to him, the letters that his wife’s spy program would soon record.

tef fulton


Posts: 2099
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Thanks for the encouragement folks. I apologize if the set up is going a bit long. I am trying for a bit of realism and the plot seems to require it. As you might guess things are about to get a bit more heated in the next couple of sections. They should be up in a couple of days (if not sooner)

Thanks again


Posts: 4050
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You have me hooked already. Take all the time you need to set this up. It just makes the eventual sex even hotter.




Posts: 438
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Wonderful story.......


Posts: 1782 Pictures: 16 
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wow again this is so cool
let me know what you think of my small cock send message on this please


Posts: 1830 Pictures: 4 
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Very nice........


Posts: 53
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Keep going!
Happiness is being cuckolded and kept under lock and key by my beautiful wife.


Posts: 50
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Really one of the best I've read so far. Good white space too, makes for easy reading!


Posts: 47
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great start... wish you plenty of time for creative juices to flow..
tef fulton


Posts: 2099
#18 · Edited by: tef fulton
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Steven woke up early and headed off to work before 7:00AM, He left for work early so that he could finish re-gripping the clubs that he had fitted the prior afternoon. They needed to be ready before his client arrived.

Hearing the door close as he left the house, Lisa decided it was time to start her day as well. Kicking off the covers, she slipped a red silk robe over her naked body. Lisa had never liked wearing clothes to bed. She spared no expense in buying the softest sheets and fluffiest warmest down comforters she could find. To her, there was something deliciously decadent about slipping into bed without any clothes. Since they had no youngren…. and Steven never complained, Lisa always felt, why not?

Lisa walked downstairs and made herself a pot of coffee. At the same time she also put a bagel in the toaster. She wasn’t expected in the office until 9:30AM on Thursdays, so she had a little time to herself before she had to shower and leave.

“Now let’s see if Jean’s program really works.” Lisa said to the empty room as she gathered her bagel and coffee and headed off to their home office.

Lisa placed her coffee on the desk where their computer sat waiting to spill its secrets. A button pushed, then a few clicks and she was logged on. Navigating to the control panel she quickly found the spy programs icon and clicked……

Up popped a navigation guide. The guide showed Steven had visited several sites and had downloaded some materials. The program had also detected sexually related materials on his hard drive. It also indicated that he was in a java chat room for over and hour.

“Damn he has been a busy boy, hits on all three! Now where have you been…and with who? Lisa mumred to herself as she clicked the option to check his surfing history.

The site he visited the longest was ‘’ Lisa was confused. She didn’t understand exactly what this was all about. From back in her college literary classes, she recalled that a ‘cuckold’ was a man with an unfaithful wife. There were also a number of other cuckold, hot-wife and interracial sites listed. But since he spent most of his time looking at Cuckoldplace, she decided to start there.

“What are you doing looking at this site Steven? What have you been hiding from me?” Lisa thought as she began to read through the stories and pictures and entries contained in the forum. She couldn’t believe what she was reading, and seeing. Wanton wives, very well hung studs, many of them black. Did this many men really enjoy having their wives have sex with other men? These wives even flaunted their infidelities! They humiliated their husbands over their inadequacies, and controlled their sex lives completely.

“Inadequate size, hmmmmm. Well, you certainly have that in common with these other cuckold losers posting here Stevie boy” Lisa laughed as she sipped her coffee. “I wonder…. Is this really what turns him on?”

As she read, she was at first relieved. Her hubby didn’t seem to be having an affair. But she as she browsed further, she felt mixed feelings. The power these wives had over the spouses, the freedom they exercised was intoxicating to her. But she also felt anger. She was furious that he was hiding this from her. She couldn’t believe he wanted her to have an affair. Didn’t he love her anymore? Apparently the man she married wasn’t’ a man at all. Her hubby was a wimp. A cuckold wimp who was excited by the thought of his wife in the arms of another man. Another man, it seems, who would be much better endowed. A Man who would fill her and please her in ways he never could.

There were too many hits on the spy program to check all the places he visited in time to leave for the office. Before she closed the program off. Lisa decided to check one last thing. His chat history. The conversations recorded from last night were mostly with men who shared his cuckold fetish. She noted when he logged on that he used the nickname ‘subhub5’.

“I can guess what that means, Mr.5 inches” Lisa sneered as she closed the windows on the screen and shut off the computer.

Lisa’s mind was in a jumble. Entering her bathroom, she pulled aside the shower curtain and turned on water. Stepping back, she loosened the tie to her robe and let it slip to the floor. The silky material caressed her body as it fell, puddle like around her manicured feet. Lisa’s nipples were thick and stood proudly erect in the coolness of the bathroom air. Stepping into the tub she felt the warm water dance over her chilled body.

Her hands spread body wash over her moistening flesh. Soapy fingers moved in and around her neatly trimmed red bush. She began to feel a familiar but unexpected tingle. Lisa found herself remembering some of the images she had viewed. One particular captioned image, popped into her mind. It was of a wife being penetrated by a lover’s huge cock as she teased her hubby who sat helplessly nearby. She felt her hand lingering on her clit. The moisture she felt there wasn’t just coming from the shower. She was excited!

Surprisingly, she found herself thinking of an old boyfriend, Scott, who she had known in college. He had been a jerk and cheated on her but he had the biggest dick she had ever seen. She closed her eyes and squeezed her breasts with both hands. Lisa imagined it was Scott in the shower with her now, fondling her breasts. Her right hand slipped down and she began to toy with her hungry pussy. Lisa’s breathing grew quicker and deeper. She roughly inserted two then three fingers as she imagined her former lover penetrating her. Within moments, like a volcano, she erupted!

Taking a few moments to regain her composure as she toweled off, Lisa began to wonder if there wasn’t something in this fantasy of her husbands. When was the last time she had cum like that? Her thoughts flashed to the man she met at lunch yesterday, Roy. Would it be possible to have her cake and eat it too? How could she be sure? For now, Steven had what he thought was the anonymity of surfing the net. Could her hubby accept the reality of being a cuckold, the offense? She would have to have lunch again with her friend Jean today. There would be much to discuss about her discoveries.


Lisa’s morning was a jumble of phone calls, emails and memos. The first thing she sent, however, was an intentionally vague inter-office email to her friend.


Interesting ‘discovery’ issues on that case we talked about yesterday. Let’s have lunch. I need to discuss the new developments.

. Jean, upon receiving the email, had a pretty good idea that Lisa wasn’t talking about a case. She meant the spy program. Jean quickly replied that she would be happy to join her for lunch at 1:00PM. Jean couldn’t wait to find out what dirt Lisa had found on her hubby. She always felt that Lisa had married beneath her. While Steven was attractive enough, he just wasn’t a Go-getter. He lacked ambition and was, in her mind, kind of a loser.

Finally, lunch time rolled around. The two women again found themselves seated in the same booth they shared yesterday. Making small talk for a few moments until they could place their orders, Lisa waited until she felt they wouldn’t be interrupted or overheard to tell Jean what she had found. Not knowing where to start, Lisa just blurted it out. She confessed that her husband wasn’t cheating , in fact it seemed that he was excited by the idea of ‘her’ relaxing with other men. She told Jean that the computer was full stories and pictures depicting scenes of cuckolding.

“Hmmm, I was afraid it might be something like that.” Jean began, “I didn’t believe Steven could actually be with another woman. I hope you don’t mind me saying this, but I always felt he is too much of a wimp to try anything like that.”

“So why did you loan me the program then?” Lisa asked.

“Well he was clearly up to something spending all that time on the computer.” Jean answered. “You had a right to know what your hubby was up to, right?”

“Well, yes. I wanted to know” Lisa nodding her agreement as she stirred her coffee with a spoon. “But do you think it means he doesn’t love me? I mean why would he want me to relax with other men?”

“I have a confession to make to you, Lisa.” Jean looked around nervously to see if anyone was with earshot before continuing. “When I used that program on my husband, Bob’s computer, I found much the same thing you did. That’s why I suspected your hubby might be up to something similar.”

“You’re kidding!” Lisa sputtered obligation on a bit of coffee that went down the wrong way. “Bob’s is into watching too, what did you do when you found out?”

“Well let’s say he never knew what hit him. For some husbands it is the ultimate fantasy” Jean giggled a bit then looking directly at Lisa, “Your hubby very likely not only loves you, but given half a chance he would probably worship you”

“Do you really think so?” Lisa asked.

“Let’s just say I know a little bit about cuckold types. My Bob is one.” Jean’s expression made it clear she was not joking.

“My god, you’re serious! Does that mean Bob let’s you relax with other men?” Lisa asked as Jean now had her complete attention.

“Do you remember Roy from lunch yesterday?” Jean asked. Lisa of course had thought of him many times in the past few hours.

“Of course, it was me who pointed him out to you, remember? Lisa answered.

“So you did. Well, he isn’t just a client…… He’s one of my lovers” Jean quietly confessed to her friend.

“You lucky bitch!” Lisa’s jealously evident in her tone. “Is he is as good as he looks?”

“Better. But, you’re not ready for that yet.” Jean cautioned. “You need to make sure that Steven won’t object if you decide to take a lover. You earn a lot more as an attorney than he does making golf clubs. We need to make sure you don’t end up paying ‘him’ alimony if he were to divorce you for infidelity.”

“Damn, you’re right. I am glad one of us is still thinking like a lawyer.” Lisa laughed and took another sip of coffee. “How do I do that?”

“You said he was in a chat room last night?” Jean asked.

“Yes, it’s an interracial site with a chat room, if you can believe it” Lisa said shaking her head.

“Oh, I believe it.” Jean put her hand on top of Lisa’s shaking hand to comfort her. “Do remember the website address and name he logged in under?

“Yes, it was ‘dark….’something, I have it printed out in the office. He logged in under the name “subhub5” Lisa’s whispered.

“Really?” Jean giggled softly. “I think this might be easier than it was with Bob. Submissive husband, huh, and ‘5’, you poor girl! If that means what I think it does!”

“Sadly, it does.” Lisa confessed as they both laughed.

“Let me have the website when we get back to the office. Jean began as she proposed her plan. “You go to bed early tonight, but give me a buzz before you do. I’ll log on to that chat room and have a little talk with Steven, or should I say ‘subhub5’. I won’t tell him who I am or that we set this up. I think by posting as an anonymous cuckoldress, I should be able to get some interesting confessions out of him. Then we can plan your next step. What do you think?’

“Sounds like a plan.” Lisa agreed but quietly wondered where this would all lead. Her marriage would no doubt be changed. And this woman, her friend Jean, she seemed to have quite a secret life too. But, as if compelled by powers or urges beyond her control, the plan was hatched.

“By the way Lisa, I have a belated birthday present for you in my office, I think Steven will appreciate it too.” Jean added somewhat mysteriously. “Stop by later so I can give it to you.”


Lisa got home a late that evening. She had a number of files she had to work on. It was well after 9: 00pm when she pulled into the garage. Steven had ordered take out Chinese food and was once again on the couch watching a ball game and takeing a beer. As she put down her brief case, she thought, “Would it hurt him to cook a meal once and awhile?” Well, At least he had saved her some.

“Is this food for me?” she called out from the kitchen.

“Oh, you’re home. Yep! I saved some for you” Steven called out from where he was laying on the sofa not bothering to get up and greet her for fear of missing an important play in the game.

At that moment, any doubts she had about the deviousness of her plan with Jean were erased. Things had to change. Maybe this would be the start. Lisa was sick of Steven not lifting a finger around the house. She had had enough of him not satisfying her needs. Looking at him sprawled on the sofa in his sweat pants and t-shirt; it was no wonder why that she’d lost interest in having sex with him. She was determined that she would call her friend Jean tonight and set him up. Before she did, however, she wanted to up the ante a bit.

Lisa was aware that she hadn’t had sex with Steven for some time and that he might well be a bit frustrated and horny. As cruel as it might be, she decided to tease him a bit before she went to bed. Lisa hung up her work suit and tossed her underwear into the hamper as she changed. Opening Steven’s closet, she pulled out one of his white button down cotton dress shirts and slipped it over her naked body before she left the bedroom..

Walking through the kitchen, Lisa grabbed the carton of take out food. As sensuously as she could, she proceeded to saunter into the living room. While Steven had been focused on the game he couldn’t help but be distracted by his wife’s breasts as they swayed freely under her borrowed shirt. The two mounds seemed to dance happily with each stride she took. Even in the soft room lighting, her nipples were clearly visible under the fabric as they pushed against it suggestively. He bit his lip in frustration as her soft naked legs made their way across the room to the ottoman next to the couch. Finally, stopping to sit, she crossed her legs, tucking them under her perfect bottom, in a manner that made him moan audibly. She knew she had him right where she wanted him.

“Mmmmm, they do make a good sauce at Wang’s don’t they?” Lisa said as she took a spoon full of the sesame chicken, slowly licking the spoon with her long pink tongue.

“Ummm, yes ‘you’ look…..I mean, ‘it’ looks delicious. “ Steven’s nervous Freudian slip proving to Lisa that her tease was having its intended effect.

“I had such a long day at the office. My feet are so sore.” Lisa stretched out her legs in his direction, landing both of her feet on his lap.” You wouldn’t mind rubbing them for a bit for me would you, dear?”

While Steven wasn’t especially into feet, he always felt his wife had particularly beautiful ones. Lisa took pride in every aspect of her appearance and her feet were no exception. She made it a habit of treating herself to a regular pedicure. That night, her nails were done up with a vibrant red polish. Her small and perfectly shaped toes wiggled in his lap as he began to massage them. It wasn’t long before Lisa felt his small cock begin to stiffen in his sweat pants.

“Does that feel better dear?” Steven asked, hoping he was pleasing her.

“Oh yes, it definitely does, but would you mind if I put my feet down while you massage them, it’s a bit uncomfortable having them up like this” Lisa asked knowing if her feet were on the floor, Steven would have to be on the floor too. She wanted him at her feet.

“Certainly, I can do that. “ Steven said as he slid from the couch to the floor.

Lisa then moved from the ottoman, to the sofa. She stretched out her feet again towards him. From his position on the floor, Steven could no longer see the television nor watch the game. What he was able to see from his position on the floor, was that his wife wasn’t wearing panties! He was therefore reluctant to complain about the circumstance he found himself in. Steven also noticed one more thing…….his wife was wearing a gold anklet that he hadn’t seen before.

“That’s a lovely anklet, dear; I don’t think I have ever seen you wear one before?’ Steven remarked. He had long ago read, on his cuckold sites, that a married woman wearing such an anklet was a sign that she was available to other men. The thought caused his erection to twitch in his pants. Steven, however, was quite sure his wife wouldn’t be familiar with any of that.

“Yes, it was sweet of Jean to give it to me today.” Lisa explained. “She said she meant to give it me for my birthday last month but it slipped her mind until we had lunch today.”

“Yes, that was nice of her.” Steven said as continued to massage her feet.

“Stevie……can I ask you something? Lisa cooed in her sexiest voice.

“I really am very tired, but what your doing with my feet feels so good. I was wondering….. Would you mind giving me little cum tonight?" Lisa implored her hubby using her most sultry voice.

“I would love to, of course!” Steven whole heartily agreeing! He could not believe his luck!He was finally going to get some, and during the week no less!

“Only……. I am too tired to reciprocate tonight; I was hoping we might just use that wonderful tongue of yours?” Lisa could see his frustration and disappointment. She wanted him worked up for his ‘chat’ on line with Jean later.”You don’t mind do you? I promise I’ll take really good care of you tomorrow, o.k.? Please?”

“You’re really are too tired? Can’t we take care of each other?” Steven implored.

“You know how hard I work at the firm,” Lisa now used a more authoritarian tone. “I promised you I would take care of you Friday. Come on, don’t make me beg! I need to cum tonight. Besides, it’s your own fault for being so good at massaging my feet.”

Ted was frustrated as hell. Despite this, something about her demanding that he please her while he was remained denied really excited him! She was acting like the demanding bitches in the stories he read. He didn’t want to discourage her. She did promise him relief tomorrow. Besides, he could always take care of himself after she went to bed. He couldn’t wait to get online and chat about this!

“Of course Dear, I understand. You know I love getting you off this way!” Steven smiled at his wife and she smiled back at him.

He was smiling because of the domineering way she was treating him. He had always hoped her demanding lawyer permisterality would find its way into the bedroom one day. Lisa, on the other hand, was smiling because she beginning to like the feeling of having her cake and eating it too.

“Yes sweetie, I know you do.” Lisa purred as she slid her bottom to the edge of the sofa. “Your tongue does make up for some of your shortcomings.”

As her hubby began to lick, Lisa felt an air of triumph. She couldn’t believe he would agree to such a one sided proposition. Maybe, Jean was right, this might be easy. Lisa began to grind her hips against his tongue. She was like a woman possessed. Steven struggled to keep up with her movements. Several times, however, as she neared climax his tongue lost contact with its target.

Lisa aggressively grabbed a fistful of his hair and simultaneously wrapped her legs around his shoulders locking him in place. She rode his face like it was one of her toys. Lisa closed her eyes and thought of the real possibility of having other ‘bigger’ men….soon. Finally, she began to shiver and shake. It was the hardest she had cum in years. She was learning that there was something powerfully erotic about all this.

tef fulton


Posts: 2099
#19 · Edited by: tef fulton
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“Good boy Stevie! That was wonderful! We’ll have to do this again very soon!” Lisa smiled, while suppressing a laugh as she looked down at her frustrated hubby.

Lisa gathered herself and slinked out of the room, her ass swaying slowly and seductively as she left. When she got into her room, she closed the door and quietly picked up her cell phone. She dialed Jean’s number.

“Hey Jean, its Lisa...” She whispered into the phone,” he should be on line for that chat room soon, I am afraid I left him with a severe case of blue balls.”

O.K., you’re a naughty girl Lisa.” I’ll let you know what happens tomorrow. Good night.” With that Jean hung up. Lisa stripped off Steven’s shirt and slid, as always, naked under her bedcovers.

A few minutes later, a very aroused and frustrated ‘subhub5’ logged on to his favorite site and ……into the spider’s web that his chat room would become.


Posts: 175
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Here we go again, Great story so far. Please continue!
A. Smith


Posts: 1830 Pictures: 4 
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Holy Cow this is great! It's a dream so many of us have. Tef, you are a natural storyteller. I'm glad you chose to write this rather than continuing "Half Open Marriage". Damn fine work. Thank you.


Posts: 256
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Posts: 1914
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Wonderful Tef. Thanks for writing it.


Posts: 142
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Fantastic so far. One the better stories i have read on here. Might be the best.


Posts: 438
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Fantastic, Fantastic, Fantastic


Posts: 492
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I like the way this story is developing, looks very interesting. Thanks for all your efforts.


Posts: 4050
#27 · Edited by: goodhusband
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I cast my vote with the others. This is a good story.

Thank you,



Posts: 1459
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Great story tef, really developing well. Thanks for sharing!


Posts: 79 Pictures: 2 
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Great work tef can not wait for more.

cuckold sissy wendy white aka tinyboywayne


Posts: 32
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Great story. Hope u post more soon
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