This is my story. It’s all completely true.
I used to be a dominant man. I had a good job, well-paid, several people under me, and was used to giving orders and having them followed. In relationships, and my first marriage, I was the man, I wore the trousers, I was in charge, even though I preferred my women to be “tigers” rather than “mice”, if you see what I mean.
Eight years ago, at the age of 40, I got divorced. The reamisters are too complex to go into here, and aren’t really relevant. My ex-wife cleaned me out, getting the house, car, everything but my books and clothes. Two months after my divorce, I was made redundant from my job, and I haven’t been able to get a full-time job since. Not entirely sure why, as I was good at what I do, am well qualified, have a great CV, and years of experience. I guess employers prefer younger people, as they don’t have to pay them as much...
Anyway, while I didn’t go so far as to sink into depression, my circumstances made me feel a bit of a loser, and I guess I lost a bit of that dominant streak. Five years ago, after a few attempts at getting back into dating, I met a girl. She was 26, slim, curvy, beautiful, highly-sexed, a real Alpha Female “tigress” with her own business, and we had lots in common. We began dating, the sex was fantastic, and to cut a long story short, we eventually married three years ago.
Once we were married, things began to change. Always a dominant girl, she began to get even more so. At first, I resisted, and our relationship began to turn into a battle for dominance, often ending in rows and fights, although we always made up. Despite the rows, we still were very much in love. In an effort to find a happy balance, we sought out counselling, and it was suggested to us to maybe try out some different aspects to the sexual side of our relationship, in order to release the underlying tension between us. My wife dived into this with enthusiasm, and did lots of research, and we began getting more varied in our lovemaking, trying light forms of BDSM, having sex outside etc. All pretty tame stuff really, but it made a huge improvement to our relationship.
Eventually, my wife expressed a desire to penetrate me anally: the thought got her really wet, and although it wasn’t something I’d even considered before, I agreed to experiment. Accordingly, she bought a couple of small toys, and we began incorporating them into our sex life. To my surprise, I really enjoyed it. There was something about just relaxing and giving up control to another that I found strangely stimulating and fulfilling. The actual sensations I received from having my anus penetrated and prostate rubbed were mind-blowing, and my orgasms from it were just incredible. We both soon became addicted, and sex quickly turned away from penis-in-vagina sex to toy-in-anus/tongue-in-vagina sex.
My wife has always loved me going down on her, and I loved doing it. She actually ejaculates when she cums, and I love making her cum this way: she tastes delicious, and I could quite happily spend hours lying between her legs, just takeing her nectar. I found I seemed to get more pleasure pleasing her than pleasing myself. After a few months of this, my wife bought a strap-on (a big purple thing, with a vibrating egg that fits against her clitoris), saying she wanted to fuck me properly, rather than inserting toys into me by hand. Although the idea felt a bit “gay” to me at first (I’ve never had any gay thoughts or desires in my life), I was by this time so into being penetrated that I couldn’t refuse her. All I can say is “WOW!” That first time she fucked me was just incredible. I had the most intense experience of my life, it felt like every synapse in my brain was firing all at once, with flashes of light, I couldn’t think, all I could do was experience it in the moment, and that moment seemed to last forever. We both came simultaneously, me groaning and soaking the bed with more sperm than I would have believed I had in me, and feeling her hot fluid splashing over my buttocks and running down over my balls, while she screamed in ecstasy... God knows what the neighbours thought!
She fucked me every night that week, and by the end she told me that was how it was going to be from now on. I had no complaints, but to be truthful, I couldn’t have argued if I’d wanted to.
It’s kind of hard to be dominant with someone who’s just fucked you in the arse: the dynamics of our relationship changed, with me becoming more submissive, and she becoming even more dominant. I found myself doing more of the housework, as well as the cooking, and running errands, while my wife bossed me around. A short wile ago, we would would have had huge fights about this inequality, but I now found myself being quite content with how things were working out, we both seemed to be happier than ever before and our relationship was really harmonious.
My wife then bought a few books (Elise Sutton etc), and she began researching the whole idea of female-led relationships. This opened up new avenues for her, and she really began to blossom as she put into practice some of the ideas she got from the books. If I expressed any doubt about any aspect of her plans, a good fucking in the arse would always reduce me to a quivering, completely agreeable wreck. She bought some extra items, a riding crop, paddle, some bondage gear etc., and began experimenting with corporal punishment. I don’t enjoy this like some do, it’s not something that actually turns me on, but it turns her on a lot, and so I submit, as I like to please her. It doesn’t always form part of our lovemaking, maybe only 3 or 4 sessions out of every 10.
We now have sex about 4 or 5 times a week. Most of that consists of me going down on her beautiful shaved pussy, sometimes, if she feels like it, I fuck her with a dildo while licking her clitoris. On these nights, there will be no release for me. Once or twice a week she will fuck my arse. I’ve now been moved to relaxing on the sofa-bed in the living room, leaving the bedroom just for her. This suits both of us, as we both get a better night’s relax relaxing alone. And it somehow feels more “special” when I am allowed into her bedroom. As time has gone on, my wife has introduced more rules. I now do all of the cleaning and cooking and shopping; she doesn’t lift a finger. It amazes me that I love pleasing her like this: just a few years ago we would have been fighting like cat and dog over this. I love getting up early and doing a few chores, making her breakfast in bed, massaging her shoulders or feet, or even kissing her pussy, while she wakes. I haven’t had my penis in her vagina for two years now. She said that I will be allowed to fuck her again when I’ve got myself a job and am bringing in more money. She said that we can go back to a “normal” life then. Until then, she’s the one in charge, and, as she puts it, “She does the fucking, I do the cooking!” Somehow, I doubt that she will stick to this, as she loves our new arrangement so much, I don’t think she will want to give it up. And if I’m really honest with myself, I don’t know if I want to go back either. She’s turned me into a proper little “housewife”, and I’ve never felt so fulfilled and happy. Her friends are all jealous, and have all jokingly commented on how “broken in” I am. I don’t think she’s told them our secret, but then again, you know how girls love to talk

I’m not in chastity: I’m allowed to wank as much as I want, on 3 conditions: 1) I have to ask her permission, 2) I have to kneel before her to do it, and 3) I have to catch my sperm in my other hand and lick it clean. At first, I hated this, but as time has gone on I’ve got used to it, and now don’t mind the taste at all. Sometimes, if I’ve been really good and done all my chores to her satisfaction, she allows me to cum all over her beautiful big breasts, and lick it all off afterwards. In practice however, I don’t wank very often now: the orgasms I get when she fucks me with her strap-on are just so incredible that the orgasms I get from just penile stimulation are somehow now more of an “anti-climax”, not very fulfilling at all. I’ve also noticed, as penile sex has dwindled to zero, and masturbation to almost zero, that my penis and balls have shrunk, and my erections aren’t as firm as they used to be. I also don’t get erections as often as I used to either. There was a time when this would have bothered me greatly, but I really don’t mind now. All my sexual desires and sensations seem to have transferred to my arsehole and prostate. I now long to be fucked, I beg for it, I love it so much, and miss it terribly if she declines to do it for any reamister. She always tells me earlier in the day if it’s going to happen, to give me time to douche myself an hour or two beforehand, maybe shave myself down there if I need to (she likes me to keep it bare all round my cock, balls and arsehole), and I find my arsehole twitching in anticipation of the pounding it’s going to get.
At the beginning of this year, my wife made me sign a contract to the effect that I will be her devoted and faithful slave, while she is allowed to have sex with whoever she pleases. Although she enjoys restraining me and beating me, she knows it doesn’t turn me on as much as it does her. She therefore told me she intended to get another slave as well as me, someone who she could beat to her heart’s content. She placed an advert on a website, and was contacted by several men, of which she finally selected one. He’s young, about 22 or 23, good-looking, fit, well-endowed, submissive, and a virgin.
Over this past year, their relationship has developed, starting online at first (for safety’s sake) and finally progressing to meeting. When he comes round, I’m given some pocket money, and told to make myself scarce for 8-10 hours. I go off to town and wander round the bookshops and museums, waiting for a call to say it’s OK to return home. The night before she sees him, she fucks me hard, and any doubts or reservations I may have, or jealousy I might feel, just evaporate. Being fucked, I’ll agree to anything, I just can’t help it.
It’s become apparent that this young man is only a submissive virgin because he lacks self-confidence. If he had self-confidence, he’d probably be a young stud with girls falling over themselves to snag him. So far, he’s only licked my wife, usually after being tied up and beaten, and doing some light chores around the house (which is a welcome break for me!) However, her plan is to “train” him to be a young stud and to take his virginity. She advises him on grooming, what to wear, how to conduct himself with a lady, and they go on regular “vanilla” dates, to restaurants and cinema etc. She doesn’t want a “bull” though, she still wants to remain firmly in charge: it’s this that makes it so thrilling for her, she never wants to be submissive to any man, she has to be the boss at all times. She knows that eventually this young man will “leave the nest” when he’s ready, and go off to find his own woman to worship, and she hopes that she’s trained him to be a perfect husband that any girl will feel incredibly lucky to have. I sometimes wish I’d met a woman like her when I was his age: maybe my first marriage wouldn’t have ended in divorce if I’d been trained properly too. Not that I’m complaining though! I feel incredibly lucky to have met this wonderful woman, and to have been given a second chance at true happiness. I’ve never been so fulfilled in all my life. I love her more with each passing day.
As for being cuckolded (even the very word excites her: she loves teasing me about it), if you’d asked me about it 2 or 3 years ago, I’d have reacted very badly. Now, I’ve been brought to the point where I not only accept it as her right, but my duty. I haven’t even met this young man yet, and I doubt I will. As I write this, she’s gone over to see him again today, and will be staying the night with him. I don’t think tonight’s the night, she would have told me, but it’s getting close. I don’t have any doubts about her love for me, nor mine for her: I know our relationship is strong enough. She won’t leave me, as it’s the thrill of cuckolding and dominating me that keeps everything fresh and exciting for her: without me, it just wouldn’t be exciting for her. Besides, every other aspect of our lives together is so wonderful, we’re best friends, she just wouldn’t get that with anyone else. Although she loves the idea of her “toy-boy”, she still prefers my maturity when it comes to a “proper” partner.
I find the thought of her young, big-cocked stud fucking her incredibly exciting. Knowing how good she is in bed, and what I’m missing, makes it seem even more so. The thought of being told to “clean-up” when she comes back is something that I would once have found disgusting: now, I can’t wait! She’s already told me that this this my destiny, my future role. My only regret is that I won’t actually see them fuck, and I won’t be able to clean up immediately afterwards, while it’s still fresh. Nevertheless, I’m really looking forward to pleasing her when she returns. God, I love her so much!
Anyway, I’ve already spent too long writing this: I’ve got millions of chores to do, and the home has to be completely spotless when she gets back tomorrow, or I won’t get fucked. I’ll post again when there’s been some progress.