Posts: 9
Oue Sexual History.
A little background.
I am 46 and so is my wife. Until recently I had not even heard of the word Cuckold but I now realise that word can be apllied to me. The following is our true sexual history, I wish to stress that I have not embelleshed or exagerated this story at all, so it may not be as extreme as some stories you may read but it is all true.
Our first experiences.
When we were aged 18 my wife (we will call her K) used to work in a bank, every friday night we would got to the pub with her workmates. We had had much to take when I noticed that my K was nowhere to be seen, I didnt think much of it an soon enough she was back. When we got home she told me that she had gone out the back of the pub with a collegue. K told me that this work mate kissed her and ran his hand up her leg and after a short time had slipped a finger in side her knickers. This act did not last to long and did not lead anyware, I think K felt rather guilty. I found that this story did not make me jelous or angry but rather turned on. Although there was no more sexual contact between K and her collegue there was much banter and flirting between them.
One year later.
We invited a young (18 years old) workmate we had plenty to take, I was spralled out on the floor K was and the couch sitting next to M. K was wearing a strappless dress. I looked up just in time to see M pulling down the top of Ks dress to expose her breasts, I was quite supprised that K did not try to stop him. M (who was a virgin) played with her breasts, he leant forward and sucked her nipples, Ks eyes were close and she was obviously enjoying it. M then pulled her skirt up and pulled her panties aside, he got down close and pulled Ks pussy lips apart an just stared at it. The next thing I can remember is that we were all in bed together. K climbed on top of of M and satrted to fuck him, I found that I got great pleasure from feeling her pussy stretched around his cock although he wasn't particularly well endowed. The next day we all acted as though nothing had happened and it was never spoken by M again. We have now lost touch with M.
3 Years later we developed partner swapping arrangement with a workmate of mine and his wife. I will not relate the details of this because ity did not really fall into the cuckold or hot wife catergory.
In 1988 K (now my wife) worked with the public service, during this time she became good friends with an older guy G, K was 26 and G was around 45. This friendship soon developed into a sexual relationship. At this time K and I were trying to have a baby so G and Ks sex acts involved condoms. K an G would have lunch together every day. I can remember that K once told me that one of her workmates confrotned her and told her that "everyone knew that they were having an affair" and they also said "what about your poor husband" I found this arousing (I still hadn't heard the word cuckold). K finaly got pregnant (to me) so the condoms came off during her liasions with G. Most friday nights I would go out so that G could fuck K in our home. I can remember the thrill I got one night when I came home a little to early, G was just leaving, I went inside an K was laying in be having just been filled with Gs cum. Thier affair continued as K became bigger and bigger. One night she had been out fucking with G at this time she was 8 and a half months pregnant, K woke up in the middle of the night and said that she was going into labour. When K was examined at the hospital the nurse that examined her aked if we had recently had sex (she was full of Gs cum). A couple of months later the affair continued. One K came home, she had been fucked by G in the back of our car. We went to lay on the the bed and I slipped a finger iside her knickers it was so sticky,I pulled her panties off and pushed my cock into her, i was so turned on by the cold sticky cum leaking out of her. This affair ended when we moved to another location.
In our new location we were befriended by an older couple. Right for the start the guy (who had the same name as her last lover, we shall call him GC) seemed to take an interest in K, this soon turned into an affair. GC apparently had a huge cock. One day K went ocer to GCs house and as she related to me later he led her to the bed, stripped her off and spread her legs, he then began to push his huge cock inside her, K had her eyes closed until he said to her "look at me when I am fucking you".
This affair didn't last long. Not much happened for a few years until one day we were in a nearby town with some time to *******, my wife suggested that we go to a local parking area, we had great sex but every so often a car would drive past, as a car drove past I lifted Ks leg up against the windscreen so that it was obvious what we were doing. I arranged with someone on the internet to be in the carpark the next time we were there. I did not tell my wife of this, when she was about to cum I said that someone was watching, she had a massive orgasm. We had a few organised experiences as well as soon nude beach experiences. Now we are both 46 K does not seem interested in such activities but I am sure that she could be seduced in the right circumstances. Lately I have become obsessed with the idea of licking cum from her pussy, I have done this twice after fucking her but we have not discussed it, I would dearly love for her to power to clean her after I fuck her or even better after someone else has fucked her.
Posts: 9
So it has been 8 years since I started this thread, perhaps time for an update. We are now both 54, K has not fucked anyone else, she hasn't ruled it out but is not particularly looking for it. I am very open with her about how I would like to see her fucked by another man. Over the past few years I have started during sex to suggest that my cock is too small to really satisfy her. K understands that she can get me very aroused by her saying humiliating things about me, she also will sometimes do this in non sexual situations. Our usual sex involves fairly standard fucking and then either an hour or so later or sometimes the next morning she will take off her her panties and rub the sticky part on my face, she will then sit on my face and demand that I clean her, of course I do enthusiastically comply. K will also slap my face whilst I am licking her, which I also love.
About 30 years ago K and I got into a quite intense partner swapping arrangement with one of my work colleagues and his wife. I wont go into the details of this as it was not really a cuck situation (although seeing her with him did give me a thrill that I did not quite understand. This workplace was quite a close group and we were always worried that we would be found out. A couple of years ago I made contact with an old workmate (not the partner swapping one) Lets call this guy A. A lives in another state but travels to my state once or twice a year. I have always got on well with A and when he is here he comes over to our place for an hour or two or we meet in a pub. We spend a lot of time reminiscing. Last time A was here K was busy elsewhere so I met A in the pub by myself. After a few beers I mentioned the couple we partner swapped with, I said that we were very good friends with this couple back then. A said "so the rumors back then were true" "What rumors?" I said, knowing damn well what he meant. He said that at the time there were rumors of us partner swapping. Having had a few too many beers I said "yep". In the next few minutes A managed to get into the conversation that he recently had a vasectomy and in the last 30 years he had had quite a few extra marital affairs. Needless to say I am hopeful that something could actually happen here. I am not sure when he will be back but a am very much looking forward to it.
Soon I will post my fantasy about what am hoping will happen next time he is here. This will not be too fanciful, I am more into fantasy to could actually happen.
Posts: 6938
It's good to revisit an old thread now and then, yours is particularly good as it's a true story, without any embellishments or frills added. Thanks for the update, I hope she fucks someone soon. Don't forget to tell us all when it happens.