Posts: 501
First off, I should say that this isn't cuckolding. I don't know if I should post this here or if ruined males would be better(since it ruined my male ego lol). Most stories are offense related as much as actual cuckolding, and my story of my experience with this vid is humiliating, so I'll post here too...
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Now, I'm a well built guy, lift weights a lot. I'm not slouch by any means. Given my undersized cock, my muscles are how I maintain a high degree of confidence. As much as I love cuckold fantasies and imagining/reading about real men with superior cocks subjecting me to their will and taking my wife/gf, I know I'm stronger then most of these big dicked twirps lol. So for me, this cuckolding stuff likely is NOTHING but fantasy, although after my experience with this vid, I realize my expectations can be proven wrong and fantasies made into reality.
I saw the title and thought, 25 pounds? That should be easy. I've curled 60 pound dumbells, I do shoulder raises(front and lateral) with 50 & 40 pounders. Of course, I primarily lift heavy weights for low reps, hardly do any endurance strength training(cuz it's not as fun lol). So right off the bat I likely misjudged the difficulty of this.
It didn't help that this woman is by no means some freakshow bodybuilder. She looks more like a fitness/figure competitor, you know those super athletic, strong former competitive cheerleaders and gymnasts who take their s*******s to the stage. Now, I know these types of girls are strong as hell, but I always assumed they were just strong for their size, or strong for a girl, pound for pound strength you know. I looked at this woman in the vid before hitting play and thought, "lol, if she can go 2 minutes, this HAS to be easy. I'll destroy her".
Now, I should admit that I get turned on by femdom, by seeing a woman beat a man in an athletic/strength contest. So part of me kinda hoped I'd lose, just for fun lol. But I viewed this as more of an outlandish fantasy, like when you watch a clearly staged mixed wrestling vid in which some tiny, petite girl dominates a decent sized male. Again, there was NO way this woman would beat me, my confidence couldn't have been higher.
Anyways, I get my 25 pounder, I stay seated in comp chair like her and as soon as she starts I confidently do as well. Immediately I realize I underestimated this, holding a 25 pounder straight out is difficult. Still, I felt I was a real strong guy, "so it's tough, no biggie, I'll just have to put some effort into it".
25 seconds later my arms are shaking, she appears to be dancing to the music. I'm starting to worry, I can't believe how hard it actaully is. I tough it out, but can't help my arms from trembling under the weight. My chest and shoulders burn, meanwhile she is smirkin arrogantly at the camera, as if she's amused by my pathetic attempt. I can't believe this, "how is this possible" I think as I grimace and try to hold out.
In desperation, I try to roll my head around and adjust my body as she does, thinking maybe that's the trick to doing this, but to my horror it makes it harder. At this point my mind is officially blown. How can she look so relaxed? How does she look this comfortable. How are her inferior female pectoral muscles and shoulders not giving out like mine? How is this possible that this woman is this superior to me? I try not to accept defeat, although deep down I know I can't win. That former fantasy I had about being defeated begins to feel like reality, but instead of it being fun I feel nothing but pathetic and humiliated. I'm only at the 50 second mark, and my arms are shaking almost uncontrollably.
But then there's a flash of hope, she goes from a state of meditation, eyes closed, head nodding confidently, smartly breathing in and out, and then at the 1:02 mark, to A GRIMACE! Unfortunately, just as I begin to think I might actually have a chance, that it's not over, that I can regain some confidence and pull through, I feel my arms dropping. I try my hardest to hold on, to steady my arms, to stay strong and firm. But there's no hope. As she shows her very first signs of MINOR fatigue, I am powerd to drop the weight.
1:07 seconds into the video, as I watch this superior female strength goddess give yet another cocky, confident smirk directly at me, I put the weight down with a sigh of exhaustion and pain. As my arms and chest burn as bad as I've ever felt them burn, I continue to watch, completely emasculated, my male ego in pieces, as this beautiful woman continues to hold out amazingly for another 51 seconds.
I'm going to try it with a 20 pound dumbbell here shortly. I don't know if I want to though, I can't imagine how humiliated and emasculated I'll feel if I can't even beat her when I'm holding 5 pounds less.