Posts: 4050
Lindsey followed Angela and me into the changing room. Once we were inside she closed the door behind her and said, "I'm just going to get the two of you situated and then I'll leave you alone and stand guard outside."
Angela and I were very nervous. I think both of us were relieved that Lindsey was still with us.
"Petey unzip Angela's skirt so she can step out of it and then you need to hang it up so it doesn't get wrinkled"
As I pulled down the zipper of her skirt Angela whispered, "I've been married twenty-seven years and I've never cheated on my husband."
Lindsey whispered back, "Would you like us to stop?"
Angela shook her head and said, "Please don't."
I carefully pulled Angela's skirt down her hips. When it reached her ankles I held it for her while she stepped out of it.
While I was hanging her skirt on the clothes rack Lindsey said, "Angela you have to take your shoes off so Petey can remove your pantyhose and panties."
Angela passively slipped her high heels off. I kneeled at her feet and gently pulled her pantyhose and panties down.
She gasped when I exposed her cunt. "Petey you're the first man other than my husband and my doctor to see me naked."
Lindsey guided Angela to the chair. Once she was seated I slipped her hose and panties off of her feet and stood up and carefully laid them across the clothes rack. After that was done I again kneeled down in front of her.
Lindsey touched Angela's knee. "Spread your legs so Petey can kiss you."
Angela took a deep breath and parted her legs.
I stared at her sex. I couldn't help myself. Lindsey was shaved. Angela's cunt was covered with a thick tangle of curly brown hair.
"Kiss her Petey, do it now."
Angela gasped as I leaned forward and planted a soft kiss on her cunt. I kissed her several more times and then I extended my tongue and gingerly probed the moist cleft between the lips of her pussy. I tasted her. She tasted different than Lindsey.
I pressed my face into her crotch and pushed my tongue deep inside her. She responded by spreading her legs even wider.
I heard the door open and close. Lindsey had left the changing room. Angela and I were alone.
I started to lick her. I Wasn't being gentle anymore.
She slumped down in her chair and pressed her sex against my face. “Petey that feels wonderful."
I kept licking Angela. She grabbed my head with her hands. Her breathing was getting quicker.
I found her engorged clit. I kissed it and drew it into my mouth. I felt Angela shudder when I started sucking on it. I slipped one finger into her moist vagina. At the same time I continued sucking on her clit while I flicked it with the tip of my tongue.
I kept this up for several minutes. I could feel the tension gradually building in Angela's loins. Suddenly she went rigid and then she screamed and started to shake.
I kept sucking on her clit.
She screamed again and pushed my face away from her cunt.
I heard the dressing room door open and close. Lindsey was back in the room. I looked up. She was kneeling next to Angela holding her in her arms. Angela was crying. I watched her. After a moment Angela looked down at me and smiled through her tears. "That was an orgasm. That was the first time I've ever had and orgasm." She sighed. "My husband cums quickly and he has a very low sex drive. We haven't made love in over three years."
Lindsey kissed her cheek and asked, "Did you enjoy that?"
Angela grinned at both of us. "Oh yes, it was wonderful. I'll remember it for the rest of my life."
Lindsey reached down, grabbed my hand and helped me to my feet. As I stood up I was beaming with pride.
Angela glanced at the clock on the wall. It was almost 4:00. She quickly stood up and grabbed her panties and pantyhose. "The store manager, Mr. Reynolds will be here in a few minutes. I have to hurry and get dressed."
Lindsey tugged on my hand. "Come on Petey, let's leave Angela alone so she can get dressed. We have more shopping to do."
Posts: 4050
#122 · Edited by: goodhusband
We returned to the two upholstered chairs where we had originally been seated. After a few minutes Angela joined us. She'd put herself back together. She once again looked like a prim and proper sales clerk.
Lindsey tried on the other two dresses. All three of us preferred the first dress, so Angela hung it on the rack while we searched for a handbag to go with it. Lindsey quickly found a small sequined black clutch that she liked. Angela agreed that it was perfect so they set that aside and we went searching for lingerie.
Angela now understood exactly what Lindsey wanted and selected a lingerie set that included a strapless bra, a pair of bikini panties, a garter belt and pair of black nylon stockings.
The moment Lindsey saw them she smiled at me and said, "Court is going to love these."
I smiled back at her and said, "Yes, I do believe he will. You might want to consider wearing this set of lingerie for your next candlelight dinner."
Lindsey giggled. "I think he'd like it even better if I didn't wear the panties."
Behind us I heard Angela giggle as she said, "Oh dear, that is a deliciously naughty idea."
Lindsey and I both turned. Our prim shop clerk was grinning at us.
Angela gathered everything together and took it to the cash register. I gave her my credit card. While she was processing the bill a very handsome middle aged man entered the store and walked over to a door marked, "Office".
As he passed us he nodded to Angela. She smiled at him and said, "Good afternoon Charles."
After he went into the office Angela turned to us and whispered, "That's Charles Reynolds. He's the store manager. He's been trying to get me to go to bed with him ever since I started working here two years ago." She giggled. "I think he's going to get lucky tonight."
Lindsey winked at her. "Maybe he'll give you another orgasm."
Angela's eyes lit up. "Oh I hope so."
Suddenly she sighed and her smile disappeared.
Both Lindsey and I noticed her change of expression. Lindsey quickly asked, "Angela, what's the matter?"
"I don't know if I can do it. I'm afraid that afterwards I'll feel horribly guilty about cheating on my husband."
Lindsey shook her head. "Angela, this afternoon you just told us that you've been faithful to your husband for twenty-seven years."
"That's right."
"And he hasn't made love to you for the last three years."
She slowly nodded.
Lindsey turned to me. "Petey, tell her."
I picked up Angela's hand and gently patted it. "I love Lindsey. I try to do everything I can to satisfy her, but I know that she's a very passionate woman. She has a deep and driving need for the pleasure that she can only get from a well endowed lover. I wish that I could give her that pleasure, but I cannot. Because of that, I freely acknowledge that it is not only her prerogative, but her right to seek out other men to provide the pleasures that I'm unable to give her."
I squeezed Angela's hand. "Angela you are a very beautiful woman. This afternoon we also discovered that you are a very passionate woman. Your husband is apparently both unable and *** to satisfy your needs. As a woman, it is your prerogative and your right to seek out other men to provide the pleasure and satisfaction that you most certainly deserve."
Angela stared at me for a moment and then she turned to Lindsey. "Where did you find this wonderful man?"
Lindsey giggled. "He was a prize in a box of Cracker Jacks."
Angela laughed. "If you ever get tired of him could I have him?"
Lindsey grinned at Angela. "I won't give him to you, but I would be willing to loan him to you once in a while."
Angela looked at Lindsey. "Really?"
"Sure, why not? Petey's usually at home by himself when I'm out on a date. Why shouldn't you take an occasional opportunity to enjoy him."
"If you're really serious, I would like that very much."
"Do you have a slip of paper?"
"Yes right here."
Angela tore a page off a small notepad and handed it Lindsey.
Lindsey handed it to me and said, "Write down my cell phone number and give it to Angela."
As I was writing her telephone number on the slip of paper Lindsey laughed and said, "Usually I have him give my telephone number to men. This is the first time I've ever had him give my number to a woman."
This was in fact a lie. I'd never given Lindsey's telephone number to a man. It didn't matter. Lindsey was being creative. She was embellishing our fantasy.
As I handed the slip of paper to Angela I smiled. I was reamisterably certain that it wouldn't be long before Lindsey really was making me give her telephone number to other men.
After I signed the credit card slip Angela handed me Lindsey's packages and my credit card.
We were turning to leave when Lindsey stopped. "Angela are you going to let your boss fuck you this evening?"
Angela stared at Lindsey. There was a shocked expression on her face.
Lindsey looked at me and then at Angela. "What's wrong?"
Angela shook her head. "I'm sorry, I'm just not used to hearing the F word."
Lindsey grinned at Angela. "Lady, you have got to loosen up. Talking dirty is fun." She leaned forward and whispered. "If you do decide to let Charles fuck you this evening promise me you'll suck his cock first."
"Do you do that?"
Lindsey giggled. "Yes and I love it."
"Aren't you worried about germs?"
"Honey, our mouths are the dirtiest part of our bodies. You're going to be exposed to more germs when you're kissing Charles than you will when you're giving him a blow job."
"Oh dear, I've never even considered doing that; but now that you bring it up, the idea really is kind of exciting."
"Yes, and if he has a big cock it's really really exciting." Lindsey leaned over the counter and whispered. "Petey wasn't worried about germs when he licked your cunt in the changing room was he?"
Angela looked at me. I smiled as I slowly shook my head and said, "Nope."
She thought for a moment and then she grinned at us and said, "Okay, I'll do it. Tonight I'm going to let Charles..." She hesitated and then she just blurted it out. "Fuck me."
She winked at us. "And before he fucks me, I'm going to..." She took a deep breath and built up her courage. "I'm going to give him a blow job."
Lindsey grinned at her. "Are you going to feel guilty when you go home to your husband tonight?'
Angela laughed and said, "Fuck no! The mister of a bitch has been giving me bad sex for twenty-seven years. I don't owe him anything."
Lindsey glanced at the clock. It was 4:15 and we still had to buy shoes. "Angela we have to go. Will you call me tomorrow and let me know what happened with Charles?"
Angela smiled. "Yes, I'll do that." She paused. "This afternoon the two of you have made me feel like a teenager, thank you very much." She looked at both of us. "If you would let me, I'd love to be friends with you."
"Petey and I would like that to. I'll ask Court if we can invite you over for a candlelight dinner next week."
"You mentioned Court earlier. Who is he? And please tell me more about candlelight dinners."
“Court is our friend. Petey lives with him. He's very handsome and he has a really big cock. He likes older women and he has a passion for blow jobs. Petey makes the candlelight dinners, they're incredibly romantic."
Angela giggled. "Oh dear, this all sounds absolutely magnificent. I'm not sure how I'll explain to my husband that I have to go out for the evening, but I'll think of something." She looked at us. "Please invite me."
I smiled at her. "I'll talk to Court. We have to get his permission before we can make any plans." Lindsey grabbed my arm. "Come on Petey, we have to go. We're running out of time and we still have to buy shoes."
Lindsey dragged me out of Maxine's.
There was a small shoe store on the other side of the mall. Angela had recommended it. We quickly found a pair of black patent leather, open toed, high heeled pumps. They complimented Lindsey's new dress perfectly.
By the time we got back top the car it was just after 5:00. If Lindsey was going to be in the bathtub by 5:30, we were going to have to hurry.
Posts: 112
More very nice work GH. As I mentioned in the past, I did share this with my girlfriend. As soon as she's done reading it, she's promised to provide feedback for you. I hope to have it this weekend.
As always, keep up the great work.
Posts: 779
ohh this story is shaping up sooo good GH, you have got so much talent in bringing it all together so nicely. It's brilliant! mmm....are we going to get to see Lindsay's cute painted toes in her new open toed high heel pumps??? oh GH you'll have me waiting in front of the screen now!
Posts: 2106
Wonderful, gh! While a young cuckoldress is super, there's something very, very arousing about a more mature experienced Woman, especially if She has a dominant streak! While Angela doesn't exactly fit that mold, one can always fantasize. Great job. priss
Posts: 1459
Wonderful GH, this story is really going to some great and unexpected places. It's a fun and exciting read!
Posts: 492
Love this story GH. Thank you.
Posts: 112
GH, My girlfriends comments after reading it was: "Very well written, erotic, and VERY hot!! I look forward to reading more." 
Posts: 4050
Thank you for your support and please thank your girlfiend for her kind comments. I am trying to write stories with a broad appeal, so I am very interested in hearing reactions from female readers.
Thankyou, your kind comments are what keep me writing.
Petey does get to paint Lindsey's toenails in the next segment. He also gets to kiss them. He is a lucky fellow.
Thanks for the support
Isn't writing fun. Someday we should collaborate
I'm not sure exactly where I'm going with Angela. We both obviously have a fascination with older women. I guess that's appropriate since I'm an older man.
Angela is going to become part of the story and I think we are going to see her gradually blossom into a wonderful dominant hot wife.
I am a little worried. As you are about to find out in the next few posts this story is getting very large. It's going to be interesting to see if I can complete it befoe the end of Barak Obama's first term.
Priss I always appreciate your support.
Thank you
The next post is written. I still have to proof read it. I hope to be able to post it at 12:00 pm tomorrow GMT (7:00 am EST)
Posts: 4050
#130 · Edited by: goodhusband
It was 5:20 when we walked into the apartment. Court was already at home. He was sitting in the living room reading a book.
When he heard us open the door, he set his book down and looked up. He saw that I was laden with packages and said, "It appears that you had a successful shopping trip."
Lindsey ran over, jumped into his lap, threw her arms around his neck and kissed him. "Petey and I found the most incredible dress. Thank you so much, it's the most beautiful dress I've ever owned."
Court looked over at me and smiled. "Petey, I restate my previous observation. Having this beautiful lady around the apartment certainly does add zest to our lives."
As I set the packages on the dining room table I said, "I thoroughly agree, but I don't have time to sit and chat. I have to hang up this dress and start Lindsey's bath. As soon as that's done I'll be back to get each of you a cocktail."
Court grinned at Lindsey and said, "I see that our little buddy has already morphed from friend Petey to slave Petey."
Lindsey giggled. "Yes he has and you and I are going to play some very kinky games with him before we have to leave tonight."
I carried Lindsey's new dress to my bedroom. After I hung it in the closet I walked across to the bathroom and started the water running in the bathtub. Once that was done I returned to the living room. The moment I entered the living room I stopped. Lindsey was on her knees between Court's legs. His pants were open and his erect cock was out. She was giving him a blow job.
When she heard me come into the room Lindsey took Court's cock out of her mouth and turned. "Go to the kitcarbonsmudgen and make our cocktails while I thank Court for the new dress. I'll have a margarita and Master Court will have his usual martini."
Lindsey put Court's cock back in her mouth and started sucking him again. I was apparently dismissed.
I went into the kitcarbonsmudgen and made the two cocktails. After I was done I put them on a tray and carried it out to Court and Lindsey. When I walked back into the living room Court was already fastening his pants and Lindsey was sitting on the couch next to him. She was licking her lips.
As I set the tray on the coffee table I commented, "That didn't take very long."
Court nodded. "We both have a big evening of sex ahead of us. That was just a little appetizer."
I shook my head. "I'm beginning to think I'm living with a pair of rabbits."
Court smiled at me. "From the little bit that Lindsey just told me about your afternoon I gather that you're not exactly a celibate monk yourself."
I laughed. "I see that the gossip has already started."
Lindsey stood up. "Petey bring my cocktail. It's time for us to adjourn to our bedroom so you can undress me. As soon as I'm naked, all three of us will move into the bathroom where you can bathe me while Master Court sips his martini and watcarbonsmudges. We can both tell him about our afternoon adventure while I'm in the tub."
Lindsey walked out of the living room.
I looked at Court and shrugged and then I picked up Lindsey's margarita and followed her to the bedroom.
Court quickly caught up to me. "I notice that "your" bedroom has now become "our" bedroom."
"Yes, I heard that to."
"Sounds to me like we have a new roommate."
"Makes me happy, are you alright with it?"
Court laughed. "Frankly Petey I don't understand how we ever managed to survive without her."
Posts: 4050
#131 · Edited by: goodhusband
As soon as we entered my bedroom Court walked up to Lindsey and said, "Petey has something to say to you."
Lindsey turned to me. "What is it Petey?"
I wasn't expecting Court to do that. I panicked. I was suddenly tongue tied. I tried to talk but all I was able to say was, "I umm well..."
Court smiled and said, "Our buddy is trying to tell you that he would be very happy if he could share his bedroom with you."
Lindsey stared at me for a moment and then she said, "Really?"
I took a deep breath. "Yes, please live with us, please live with me."
Lindsey ran over to me and threw her arms around my neck. "Yes Petey, I would love to live with you."
She turned to Court. "You're okay with this?"
He smiled. "I'm not only okay with it, I'm excited about it."
Lindsey giggled. "Oh you just want to have me around so I can give you blow jobs whenever you want them."
Court laughed. "Well that is a nice bonus; but the truth is, Petey and I both love having you around here. You're now our friend. Lindsey even if you never gave me another blow job, I'd still want you to live here.
Lindsey kissed me. "Baby, I'll be right back." She ran over to Court, threw her arms around his neck and kissed him. "That's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me."
While she was holding Court's hand she looked at me. "I'm going to love living with the two of you." And then she paused. After a moment she said, "Petey I'm still going to have social obligations. Are you going to be okay with that?"
I shook my head and said, "Absolutely not."
Both Court and Lindsey stared at me.
"I think we need to be up front with each other and start calling them dates."
Lindsey sighed. It was a sigh of relief.
I smiled at her. "I don't want you to hide anything, I want you to tell me everything."
"Do you want to know who they are?"
"Are you sure? Most of the guys I go out with go to Kelroy. You know some of them. Won't that make you feel bad?"
"It might, but I think that's part of being a cuckold."
Lindsey thought about this for a moment and then she smiled. "Oh my, this could be fun."
I laughed. "I was hoping you'd feel that way."
Court sat down on the edge of the bed and looked at Lindsey. "This has turned into kind of a special evening. I feel bad that we're going out and leaving Petey at home."
Lindsey nodded. "I feel that way to."
I put my hand up. "Whoa, what's going on here? Lindsey you've been so excited this afternoon that you could barely sit still. You have your heart set on going to Baxter's tonight." I looked at my friend. "And Court, you never miss a Thursday night at Baxter's." I shook my head. "No we can celebrate on another night. Court, I want you to take Lindsey to Baxter's and make sure she has a wonderful time. When you get home I'll be waiting up and both of you can *** me with all the intimate the details of the wonderful sex you had tonight."
Lindsey walked over to me and put her arm around my shoulder. "Baby are you sure?"
I grinned at her. "Yes, I am absolutely sure."
"I really did want to go to Baxter's tonight."
Court stood up. "Okay Petey, I promise to show her a very good time and tomorrow night we can have a little party here in the apartment." He turned to Lindsey. "Do you have a date tomorrow night?"
"Yes, but I can cancel it. It's with Rob Whitman. He's not even taking me out to dinner. Were just going to his apartment so we can watch television." She laughed. "That really means were going to his apartment so he can fuck me."
Lindsey looked at Court. "Tomorrow night is Friday night. Don't you have a date?"
Court nodded. "Yes, but it's with Joanne. Her husband is going away for the weekend. She's probably going to want to spend both Friday and Saturday night here."
"How will she react when she finds me here?"
She knows all about you. She's very anxious to meet you."
"Does she know you're fucking me?"
Court smiled. "Oh yes." He winked at both Lindsey and me. "In fact, I think tomorrow night's party should be a candle light dinner for three served by our very obedient slave, Petey."
"Are you saying that you're planning to keep both Joanne and me happy tomorrow night?"
Court laughed. "Between my cock and Petey's tongue, I think we should be very capable of keeping both you and Joanne smiling all evening long."
Lindsey took a deep breath. "This is starting to sound like a wonderful dinner party."
Posts: 4050
#132 · Edited by: goodhusband
I hate to interrupt this discussion, but if the two of you are going to make your dinner reservation at Baxter's we have got to get our new roommate into the tub.
Lindsey giggled and said, "Our slave is getting a little bossy."
Court nodded, "He is, but as usual I think he's right. It's time for you to get your cute little ass into the bathtub."
Lindsey turned to walk out of the bedroom. As she was leaving she wiggled her butt and said, "If you think it's so cute, why don't you give it a big kiss before I get in the tub."
Court shook his head. "No that's Petey's job." He leered at her, "But one of these evenings I'd love to fuck it."
Lindsey stopped for a moment and then she looked back at him. "No one's ever done that before. Will you promise to go slow?"
Court slowly smiled at her and said, "Yes, I promise to go very slow and be very gentle."
Lindsey gasped. "Now I have something else to look forward to this weekend."
Court and I followed Lindsey into the bathroom. I quickly undressed her and carried her clothes back to our bedroom. As I was leaving, Lindsey called to me. "Slave when you return I want you to be naked. A good servant should never be clothed while he's attending to his goddess."
Once I was in the bedroom I set Lindsey's clothes on the bed and tore off my own clothes. When I returned to the bathroom Lindsey was already sitting in the tub and Court was perched on the edge of the vanity. Both of them were sipping their takes.
For the next few minutes I lovingly bathed my goddess while she told Court all about Angela and our afternoon adventures at Maxine's.
Once she was done telling the story Lindsey asked, "Court can we have Angela over for a candlelight dinner?"
Court laughed. "Of course we can. You know all about my penchant for older women."
Lindsey stood up. As I was drying her off she said, "Petey I think we are about to introduce Angela to a whole new world of erotic pleasure."
Once she was dry Lindsey stepped out of the bathtub and waited while I gently toweled off her feet. As soon as I was done she said, "Petey fetch my makeup bag."
As I was running into our bedroom I heard Lindsey say to Court, "Why don't you go take your shower and start getting dressed while I put on my makeup."
Court was sliding off the vanity when I returned with Lindsey's makeup bag. As he walked out of the bathroom he said, "That's a good idea. I'll be right back. Don't do anything too exciting while I'm gone."
Lindsey laughed. "I'm just going to be putting on eye shadow and lipstick."
He stopped and looked back. "Are you going to be naked while you're doing it?"
"Well yes."
"That's pretty exciting."
Lindsey shook her head. "I can see that living with boys is going to be a real challenge."
Posts: 4050
#133 · Edited by: goodhusband
As soon as court was gone Lindsey looked at me and said, "Get down on your knees slave. Watch how I do this. I may eventually decide to make you start doing it for me."
I obediently kneeled on the floor next to Lindsey and paid close attention while she put on her eye makeup and lipstick. I noticed that she was applying a little more makeup than usual. I suspected she normally did this before she went out on dates.
As soon as she was done she turned to me. "Let's go into the living room so I can be comfortable while you put a fresh coat of polish on my toenails."
Lindsey walked out of the bathroom. As she was leaving she called over her shoulder, "Petey my nail polish is in the little pink bag in my makeup kit. Bring it with you."
I opened Lindsey's makeup kit. There was a small pink bag in one corner. I brought it with me."
Lindsey was sitting on the couch when I entered the living room. She was resting her feet on the coffee table. She was still naked. Her legs were spread. I stopped and stared. I couldn't help myself. I was momentarily mesmerized by her beauty.
Lindsey giggled when she saw me staring at her. "I hope I have that same effect on the men at Baxter's tonight."
She gave me a second to enjoy the view and then she said, "Petey, we need to do my nails so they have time to dry. Come over here and kneel at my feet."
Lindsey's voice was all that was necessary to jar me out of my trance. I smiled and responded immediately.
Once I was kneeling at her feet Lindsey took the little pink bag from me and opened it. She took out a bottle of red nail polish and said, "I'm going to do my fingernails. I want you to watch carefully, because when I'm done you're going to do my toenails."
Lindsey started polishing her nails. She was just finishing her right hand when Court walked into the living room. Court had just finished showering. His long brown hair was still wet. He was wearing a pair of boxer shorts and nothing else.
For a moment he watched Lindsey paint her finger nails and then he said, "I've never lived with a girl before and I have to say that I'm already enjoying it."
Lindsey laughed. "Are all boys this easily entertained?"
Court and I nodded and simultaneously said, "Yes."
Lindsey shook her head.
Court walked towards the kitchen. "I need another martini." He turned to Lindsey. "Would you like another margarita?"
Lindsey shook her head. "No we have a big evening ahead of us. Do you guys have any diet sodas"
I started to get up. "We have some Diet Coke in the refrigerator."
Court held up his hand. "Pete you stay where you are. You have a higher calling right now." He disappeared into the kitchen.
Lindsey finished painting the nails on her left hand. When she was done she handed me the bottle of polish and said, "Now it's your turn."
I took the brush out of the bottle and very carefully started painting the nail on the big toe of her right foot. I have excellent dexterity so it really wasn't very difficult for me. As soon as I finished her big toe I moved right on to the next one.
Just as I was starting to paint Lindsey's second toe Court walked back into the living room carrying a martini and a can of Diet Coke for Lindsey.
He handed the soda to Lindsey. As he sat down in his favorite chair he said, "Petey I would have brought you a take, but since you're in slave mode right now I didn't think it was appropriate."
I chuckled and said, "That was good thinking. A slave should never be allowed to take with his superiors."
"Hey, not all the time. Sometimes I want to be able to take with you Petey."
Court nodded. "Good point Lindsey. Okay, the rule is revised. When we're playing the slave game, a slave is not allowed to take with his superiors."
Lindsey smiled. "I like that rule much better."
For the next few minutes we took turns making up rules for the slave game. Most of the rules were silly, but a few of them were obviously very exciting for all three of us.
When I finished painting the toe nails on Lindsey's left foot I handed her the bottle of nail polish while she inspected my work.
After a close examination Lindsey looked at me and said, "Petey, you did a really nice job. Will you do this for me all the time?"
I bowed politely and said, "Yes Mistress Lindsey, I would be honored to do it."
Lindsey just stared at me.
After a moment I started to get uncomfortable so I asked, "Is everything all right?"
She sighed and smiled at me. "Yes Petey, in fact everything is absolutely wonderful."
She glanced at the clock. It was just after 7:00. She stood up and quietly said, "I guess it's almost time to go." She turned to Court. "We'd better go finish dressing if were going to get to Baxter's by 8:00."
Court nodded but he didn't move.
Suddenly Lindsey sat down again and shrugged. "If Petey can't go I don't want to go either."
Court shook his head. "I feel the same way." He thought for a moment and then he looked at me. "When were finished eating would you be willing to wait in the bar while Lindsey and I are playing?"
My eyes lit up. "Yes, yes please."
"You might have to wait for as much as two hours."
"Do they have a television?'
Court nodded. "Yes they do and it's always tuned to a sports event."
Lindsey looked at Court. "Could he really go with us?"
Court smiled. "Yes, in fact I don't know why I didn't think of this earlier; but there's often a large group of married couples there on Thursday nights. After dinner the husbands all excuse themselves from the table and adjourn to the bar while their wives hook up with other men and go out to the parking lot. I've partied with a couple of the women. They all seem to be very nice people. The husbands might even be willing to let Petey join them while we're with our playmates."
Lindsey turned to me. "Petey, please say you'll go with us."
I started to say yes and then I stopped. I remembered the laundry. I sighed. "I would love to go, but I have to stay home and do the laundry tonight. All three of us are almost completely out of clean clothes."
"Can't you do it after we get home? I'll stay up with you. While were waiting for the clothes to get done I'll tell you all about the fun I had at Baxter's."
Court stood up. "I'll stay up to. We can make it into a late night party."
I smiled. Court and Lindsey were good friends. "Thank you, I would love to go."
Suddenly Lindsey got quiet.
Court looked at her and said, "What's the matter Lindsey?"
She sighed. "I'm worried. Petey so far you've only seen me with Court. He's our friend. When I find my playmate tonight we won't just disappear into the parking lot. I'm going to spend part of the evening flirting and dancing with him. That's part of the fun of dating for me. Will you be able to handle it when you see another man with his hands all over me?"
I smiled at her. "Yes, I think it will be tough, but if I'm going to be a cuckold I'm going to have to learn how to handle that. We might as well start tonight."
Court started to walk to his bedroom. "It's settled then, let's go get dressed." When he got to his bedroom door he stopped and looked back at me. "Petey those husband's dress casually. A knit shirt and a pair of slacks should be just fine. You're going to not going to Baxter's tonight as a a stud, you're going as our slave."
Posts: 4050
#134 · Edited by: goodhusband
Lindsey grabbed my hand. "Come on Petey, we have to hurry."
As soon as we got to our bedroom she said, "I know you were looking forward to dressing me tonight, but I'm not sure we have enough time. You go take a shower and I'll start getting dressed."
I was a little disappointed, but I knew Lindsey was right. I ran into the bathroom and took a shower. As soon as I was done I dried off and returned to our bedroom.
Lindsey was laying a pair of tan slacks and light blue golf shirt on the bed for me.
I stopped when I saw what she was doing and laughed. "This is backwards, I'm supposed to be laying out your clothes tonight."
"I know, but we don't have much time. I think you need my help right now more than I need yours. Besides, I have a little surprise that I hope you'll just love."
"What is it?"
"I decided not to wear my new lingerie tonight."
"Why not?"
"I don't need it."
I stared at her.
Lindsey smiled. "Petey, all those older women at Baxter's will be wearing sexy lingerie tonight. I'm young, I have smooth soft skin. Those middle aged men will go wild over my bare legs and polished toe nails."
I was beginning to understand. Lindsey was of course, correct.
"There's more."
"Tell me."
"I'm not going to wear my new panties either." She giggled. "Think about how my date for the evening will react when he lifts up my skirt and feels nothing but my smooth shaved pussy."
I took a deep breath and slowly exhaled.
Lindsey grinned at me. "It is a pretty exciting thought isn't it?"
I nodded. "You're right, it is." And then I paused. After a moment I said, "It's too bad we spent all that money for the lingerie if you're not going to wear it."
Lindsey shook her head. "Oh I'll wear the garter belt, nylons and brassiere for you and Court, and the panties are going to get used tonight."
"I thought you said you weren't going to wear them."
Lindsey leered at me. "I'm not, you're going to wear them."
My face turned beet red.
Lindsey walked to our dresser, picked up the panties and brought them over to me. They were French cut black lace bikinis.
As she handed them to me she said, "Petey remember I read those cuckold stories you showed me. The husbands in those stories all wore panties while their wives were out on dates. Sweetie, it's part of the fantasy. You have to do it." Lindsey giggled. "I also think it will be incredibly hot if I know you're wearing them while you're watching me make out with another man."
"I also read those stories and I agree, you have to wear them."
I turned, Court was standing in our bedroom door.
I was mortified.
Court shook his head. "Hey buddy, you don't have to be embarrassed. This is kinky, but you just happen to be living with two people who love kink."
Lindsey laughed. "That is so true. Petey, you can't imagine some of the things I've done in the last year."
I stared at her.
She grinned at me. "I have lots of bedtime stories to tell you and I promise to tell you all of them if you agree to wear these panties tonight."
Court stepped into the room. "No, Petey you're our slave. We're ordering you to wear them."
Court had a huge smile on his face. He wasn't threatening me. He would never do that. He was my friend. He was playing the slave game.
I took a deep breath and stepped into the panties.
As I pulled them up Lindsey giggled and said, "The perfect outfit for a cuckold slaveboy."
Court looked at his watch. "We have five minutes before we have to leave. You two finish getting dressed. I'm going to go call Baxter's and let them know there's going to be three of us for dinner."
Court turned and walked out of the room. As he left he said, "As soon as the two of you are ready, come into the living room."
Lindsey and I quickly finished dressing. At 7:30 the three of us were stepping into the elevator.
Posts: 1914
GH, I feel somewhat honoured to be the first here. Prissy usually beats me to it. Well, when I say, beats me .. I'm sure you do.
I've read through again and I would like to say (apart from again how good it is) that I have noticed what I think is a change in style. This story just appears to be more planned, more together, tighter than ever before. It has all the rythmm of a train, running straight and true towards its goal. Are you writing it differently ? I'm just interested.
Posts: 4050
#136 · Edited by: goodhusband
I understand what you are referring to, and I think I understand why it has ocurred. You may notice that I am now only posting once or twice a week and when I post it is a lenghty post.
I used to try to post daily. The new system gives me more opportunity to rewrite and rethink the details of the story before I post it. When I posted daily I was committed to it the moment I posted it. At times I actually had to write myself out of mistakes.
Not trying to post daily has also allowed me to spend more time editing my posts before you see them.
Thank you, your comments are alway insightful and I appreciate hearing them. At times I think you understand my writing better than I do.
Posts: 2106
Awesome, gh! Now that peak mentioned it, your story does seem more focused, not so, i don't wanna say haphazard, but parts of your earlier stories seemed to be written on the fly, so to speak, with no goal in mind. i don't care what you're doing, just keep it up! lol. Thanks for such great entertainment! priss
Posts: 4050
Thanks Priss
I hope you'll enjoy this next section. I know I enjoyed writing it, I feel like I'm visiting old friends.
Sorry the section took so long. I've been slowly working at it all weekend. I should be able to post segments for the next several days.
Posts: 4050
#139 · Edited by: goodhusband
As soon as we stepped off the elevator and walked into the parking garage, Court tossed me the keys to his Cadillac Escalade and said, "Slave's drive."
When we got to his car, I opened the back door and held it while Court and Lindsey slid into the back seat.
As we were pulling out of the parking garage Lindsey snuggled up to my roommate and sighed, "This is the way to live."
Court put his arm around Lindsey and said, "Petey get on the west bound interstate."
I nodded into the review mirror. "Yes sir."
Once we were on the freeway and into the flow of the traffic I glanced in the rear view mirror. Lindsey's head had disappeared. It was obviously below the seat. I was quite certain she was giving Court a blow job.
We rode in silence for a little while and then Lindsey's head popped back into view.
Court handed her his handkerchief. As she wiped off her lips he said, "Thanks, that's a nice way to start a trip."
We traveled in silence for a few minutes and then Lindsey said, "Tell us more about the group of married couples you mentioned earlier."
Court thought for a moment and then he said, "They're usually a group of twelve to fifteen people. I think twelve of them are married. They always eat dinner together and then the husbands excuse themselves from the table, retire to the bar and watch while their wives hook up with other men. The husbands always sit off by themselves in one section of the bar."
Lindsey looked at Court. "I don't understand."
"The bar is the gathering place for the men who are at Baxter's looking for dates. The husbands are always careful to sit off by themselves. Except for one of them, he's a very athletic looking black man. After dinner he always joins the men who are looking for dates. He almost always hooks up with another woman."
"So most of the husbands are like Petey?"
"I think so. Before this week, I never really paid much attention to the husbands. I've hooked up with a couple of the wives. One of the wives, her name is Brenda has a real thing for younger men so we've gotten together several times."
"Do you think the husbands will let Petey join them in the bar?"
Court nodded. "I expect they will. They all seem like very nice people. If they're there, I'll ask Brenda to talk to her husband about Petey."
"Are you going to try to hook up with Brenda again?"
"I don't know. It depends on who else is there and what Brenda wants to do."
Court paused for a moment and then he said, "Petey take the next exit and go north."
I moved over into the right lane. We got off the freeway and turned north onto a narrow two lane highway. It was dark and lined with trees. We passed several small lakes. The houses in the area were all large and very expensive. Baxter's was in an extremely nice neighborhood.
After we'd gone about two miles Court said, "Take the next left."
As soon as I turned I saw bright lights up ahead on the right. It was a large neon sign that said "Baxter's Supper Club, Dining and Dancing"
As we approached the restaurant, I noticed a driveway on the left side of the building. It led to a large covered entrance.
"Turn in here and stop next to the door."
I pulled in, the driveway was very narrow. The restaurant was on the right. There was a 12 foot tall chain link fence on the left. We stopped in front of the covered entrance. A doorman walked out to the car.
Court lowered his window. "Hi Jerry."
"Hey court, I didn't recognize you in the back seat."
He looked at Lindsey and me. "Who are your friends?"
"This is Lindsey Sommers." "Hi Lindsey, I'm Jerry. Welcome to Baxter's"
"And our driver is Petey Solomon."
"Hey Petey, nice to meet you."
"I nodded. "Nice to meet you to Jerry."
Jerry turned to Court. "I've never seen you bring friends to Baxter's, usually you come by yourself. Are you just planning to have dinner tonight?"
Court shook his head. "We are planning to have dinner, but after dinner Lindsey and I both plan to find a couple of playmates and spend some time in the parking lot."
"What about Petey, doesn't he want to get in on the action?"
Lindsey started giggling. "Petey's our servant. He doesn't get to play around at Baxter's."
Jerry stared at me for a moment and then he looked at Court and Lindsey and smiled. "You guys should get together with that group that comes here ever Thursday night. I think you might have a lot in common with them."
"You mean Brenda and her group?"
"Yes, the three of you seem to be playing the same game they play."
"Are they here tonight?"
"They haven't arrived yet, but it's Thursday." Jerry looked at his watch. "I'd be very surprised if they didn't show up in the next half hour."
He reached for the car door, "Why don't the two of you come inside and get a table while Petey pulls your car around to the back."
Court shook his head, "Thanks Jerry, but we'll stay with Petey. He's never been to Baxter's before. I need to show him where to park." He laughed. "I also want to know exactly where he leaves the car."
Jerry grinned. "I'll bet you do." He stepped back from Court's SUV, "Have a good time tonight."
Court nodded to Jerry and turned to me, "Follow the driveway around back."
We followed a narrow road for about 50 feet. The tall chain link fence was on one side, the restaurant was on the other side. It was immediately apparent that it was impossible to get into the parking lot without going by Jerry.
After we got to the far side of the restaurant we made a right turn and entered a small parking lot. There were a number of open spaces. I started to pull into one of them."
Court stopped me, "Not here Petey, follow that road through the trees."
We drove to the far side of the parking lot and followed a narrow lane through a small grove of trees. After going about fifty feet we came out in another small parking lot. It was surrounded by another tall chain link fence. There was a dense woods on the other side of the fence. Someone had strung Christmas lights in the trees surrounding the lot. The lights and the tall overhanging boughs gave the parking area a magical quality.
I pulled the car into an open parking space. There were several other cars parked back here, but the closest one was at least 15 feet away. As we got out of the car I could hear crickets chirping in the surrounding woods. I looked around, I felt like I was in a fairies glen.
Court took Lindsey's hand and motioned to me. "Come on Petey, let's go inside."
He led us to a much smaller restaurant door about 30 feet away. Next to the door was a small security shack. There was a young man in the shack.
As we walked towards the door, Court filled us in about the back parking lot at Baxter's. "Vince, he's the owner of this place; he understands his business very well. This parking lot is a little haven for illicit sex. Vince owns all the land around the parking lot. It's solid woods. No one is going to come near this fence. The evening dinner crowd all park where you were going to park at first and they all use the front door. The people who park back here all plan to use their cars for fun and games."
As we approached the small door a young man stepped out of the security shack and nodded to Court. "Hey Court, it's nice to see you here tonight."
Court smiled, "Hi Phil, how are you doing?"
"I'm okay. It's Thursday night and it's one of the first warm evenings of the spring. We're expecting a big crowd. There should be a lot of action out here tonight. I like being busy."
Court nodded. "I understand. It makes the time go faster."
"It sure does. Hey Court, who are you're friends?"
"These are my roommates, Lindsey and Petey."
Phil nodded to Lindsey and me. "Nice to meet you."
He turned back to Court. "I don't usually see you bring friends to Baxter's. Are the three of you just here for dinner tonight?"
Court shook his head. "No, after dinner Lindsey and I both plan to hook up with a partner and visit your parking lot."
"Petey's our servant. He doesn't get to have sex. He'll have to wait in the bar while Court and I are out here partying." It was Lindsey. She'd just kind of blurted it out.
I glanced over at her. She was grinning at me. It was obvious that we were going to be playing our slave game while we were at Baxter's. It was also apparent that everyone at Baxter's was going to know about our game.
Phil looked at me and then he looked at Lindsey. "You guys must be friends with Sandra and Julie's group."
Lindsey didn't know what to say so she looked at Court.
He shrugged and said, "I've partied with Brenda a couple of times, but I don't really know any of them very well. We're kind of hoping that tonight we might be able to get to know them a little better. It would be nice if Petey could hang out with the husbands while Lindsey and I are out here."
Phil smiled. "That shouldn't be too difficult. Stevie, Bobby, Ricky, Mark and PW might be the five nicest men I've ever met. Everyone here likes them. When they come in I'll mention that you guys would like to meet them."
Lindsey looked at Phil. "We wouldn't want to impose on them."
Phil chuckled. "You've obviously never met Julie Gordon. She loves meeting new people. She used to be a coffee shop waitress and with her sweet permisterality I have to believe she was a great one."
Court put his arm around Lindsey's shoulder. "Thanks Phil. We'd better go inside. Lindsey and I will see you later."
"I'll be here. Petey, it was nice to meet you."
"It was nice to meet you to Phil."
I opened the door and held it for Court and Lindsey. If my role was to be their servant, I was going to be a good one.
As we walked in Court said, "Phil makes sure that nothing bad happens in the parking lot. The thing he worries about most is peeping toms."
I looked around, we were in the bar. The bartender looked up when he heard us come in the door. As soon as he recognized Court he smiled and said, "Hi Court, nice to see you here tonight. Can I get you a martini?"
"Thanks Mike, but not right now. I have some friends with me tonight. We're going to go into the dining room to have dinner. I'll be back to visit you after dinner."
Mike waved. Court waved back and then he turned and led us into the restaurant.
Posts: 4050
#140 · Edited by: goodhusband
I looked around as we walked across the restaurant. Baxter's seemed to be divided into two areas, the dining room and the bar. The dining room was about six times the the size of our living room. The bar appeared to be about half the size of the dining room
The entrance to the restaurant was at one end of the dining room. The bar was at the opposite end. There was a small dance floor just to the left of the entrance to the bar.
At the end of the dining room nearest to the main entrance, there was a grouping of six large tables. Several of these tables were currently occupied by couples eating dinner together.
There was another grouping of tables at the end of the dining room near the bar. These tables were set up so they were surrounding the dance floor. There were several large tables in this group, but there were also at least a half dozen small two permister tables. It appeared as though someone was deliberately trying to divide Baxter's into two separate restaurants.
At the bar end of the restaurant someone had pushed three of the larger tables together. It was set up for fourteen people. There was a small "Reserved" sign in the center of the middle table.
There was a maitre 'd station near the main entrance to the restaurant. A distinguished looking middle aged man wearing a dark suit was standing next to it.
Court walked up to him and said, "Hi Mel."
He smiled when he saw Court. "Good evening Mr. Phillips. We have your table ready for you."
Mel picked up three menus and led us to one of the large tables next to the dance floor. As we sat down he set a menu in front of each of us and said, "Robert will be your server this evening."
We picked up our menus and started looking at them. After a moment Lindsey said, "This is an expensive restaurant."
Court smiled at her. "Don't worry, I can afford it. Order anything you want. I've had the fillet. It's very good."
Lindsey looked at her menu and gasped. "The fillet is $42.00."
Court grinned at her. "Yes and it's excellent."
"Oh my, I've never eaten a dinner this expensive."
All three of us went back to reading our menus. After a moment our waiter appeared.
"Good evening, my name is Robert. I'll be your server this evening. Can I get you something from the bar?"
"Court nodded. "I'll have a martini." He turned to Lindsey. "They make a wonderful daiquiri here."
Lindsey looked at me. "I've never tried one, are they good?
I shrugged. "I've never had one either. Let's both try one."
Lindsey giggled and said to Robert. "Petey and I are both going to try your daiquiri's, is that okay?"
Robert smiled. "Yes ma'am, I think you will like them."
Robert went to the bar to place our take orders.
After he left Court set his menu down and said, "I'm going to have the prime rib."
Lindsey set her menu down and said, "If it's really okay, I'm going to try the fillet."
Court smiled and said, "Yes, I was hoping you would try it."
They both looked at me.
I set my menu down and said, "I'll follow your lead and have the prime rib."
Court picked up the wine list and handed it to me. "We're all having beef, so why don't you select a wine for us."
He turned to Lindsey, "Since Petey has been doing all of our grocery shopping, he has become quite good at selecting wines. I now always defer to his judgment."
I smiled. "A good servant learns how to take care of his master."
Lindsey giggled and said, "I don't think I've ever had as much fun in my entire life as I'm having right now."
Posts: 4050
#141 · Edited by: goodhusband
Robert returned with our cocktails. We were just starting to order when we heard a commotion in the bar. All three of us turned to look. A large group of attractive men and women were passing through the bar on their way to the restaurant. They were all chatting with each other and obviously having a good time.
They walked directly over to the tables marked reserved and sat down. As soon as they all were seated Mel, the maitre 'd and another waiter came over and started taking take orders.
Robert finished taking our dinner orders and brought them to the kitchen. At the same time Mel and the other waiter went to the bar with the large group's take orders.
Court, Lindsey and I sipped our takes and talked quietly, but while we talked all three of us were trying to steal covert glances at the large group.
There were fourteen people seated at the table; seven men and seven women. All seven of the women were very attractive and everyone of them was alluringly dressed in a style that was simultaneously elegant and seductive. Three of the women seemed to be in their mid to late twenties. The other four appeared to be about ten years older.
Two of the men were quite tall. They were both very handsome and well groomed. One of them was a slender African American. He was nattily dressed in a blue blazer, white dress shirt and striped tie. The other man was much older. He had a thick head of dark wavy hair that was just beginning to turn gray at the temples. His weathered face and noble features gave him a distinguished appearance that suggested wisdom. He appeared to be very fit for a man his age and was elegantly dressed in a well tailored dark gray pinstripe business suit.
The other five men reminded me of older versions of myself. They were all slender, slightly build men with delicate features that were almost feminine. All five of them were dressed in light colored slacks and knit golf shirts that were a variety of pastel shades of pink and yellow. Their outfits actually looked more feminine than masculine.
Several of the women were huddled together whispering. Suddenly one of the older women stood up and started walking over to our table. Court noticed her immediately and stood up to greet her.
"Hello Brenda, it's nice to see you again."
"Hi Court. When we were coming in, both Jerry and Phil told us that we had to meet you and your friends. We're all dying of curiosity to see what all the excitement is about. Why don't the three of you join our group, all of us love to meet knew people. I'm sure we can get Mel to make some more space at our table."
Court smiled at Brenda and said, "Thank you, I'm not sure we're all that exciting, but we would love to join you." He paused and took a deep breath. "I also have a favor to ask of you."
Brenda nodded. "Let's get you moved."
She turned to her table and called to one of the men in the pastel golf shirts. "Bobby honey, be a dear and go find Mel. Tell him that we want him to make space for three more people at our table."
Bobby got up and scurried off to the bar.
Brenda turned back to us. "Why don't you come over to our table. We can make introductions while we wait for Mel to set up your places."
Posts: 2106
Wonderful, gh! you're right, it's like meeting a group of long lost friends! i can't wait for more. Thanks! priss
Posts: 4050
#143 · Edited by: goodhusband
Thanks Priss
I'm having fun with this. It took me quite a while to make the final decision to take the story in this direction. It is going to lengthen it significantly, but what else have I got to do?
Stick around, I'm proofreading the next post right now.
Posts: 4050
#144 · Edited by: goodhusband
Lindsey and I stood up and followed Court to Brenda's table. Court was about to introduce us when Mel and Bobby appeared with two waiters. There was a flurry of activity as Mel and the waiters rearranged the places and added three chairs to the table.
As soon as they were finished Mel turned to Brenda and said, "Madam will this be satisfactory?"
Brenda nodded and said, "Yes Mel, it will be just fine."
"Very good madam. I'll be right back with your cocktails."
"Thank you Mel."
Brenda turned to the other members of her party. "I think most of you know Court Phillips. He's a regular at Baxter's. I've spent several very pleasant evenings with him." She looked at a gorgeous blond sitting across the table from where she was standing. "Jule's if I remember correctly, you've spent at least one evening with Court."
The blond nodded to Brenda. "Yes I have and it was a very memorable evening." She giggled. “He has truly amazing recuperative powers.”
A buxom blond sitting across from Julie leaned over to the woman sitting next to her and said, “Maddie that means he can get it up a lot of times in one night.”
The woman she'd called Maddie glared at the buxom blond, stuck out her tongue and made an exaggerated show of rubbing her eye with her middle finger.
Julie ignored the scene across the table and said, "Hi Court, it's nice to see you again."
Court made a slight bow. "Hi Julie, it's nice to see you to."
Brenda looked at Lindsey and me. "Court will you introduce your friends."
"Yes, this is Lindsey Sommers and Peter Solomon. Petey has been my roommate for the last two years. Lindsey is his girl friend. She's just in the process of moving into our apartment with us. Lindsey, Petey and I are all students at Kelroy College."
Brenda smiled at us and then she said, "Please allow me to introduce the rest of our group."
She gestured toward the younger woman sitting to Julie's left. "This is Sandra Monroe. Sandra is in her last year at the University Law School. The cute blond sitting across from Sandra is April Hansen. April teaches English at Elias Moreland Senior High School. April graduated from Kelroy two years ago."
April and Sandra both smiled at us. There were still twelve more people to introduce so no one wanted to interrupt Brenda until she was done.
She nodded to the blond sitting next to Sandra. "You've already met Julie Gordon. Madeline Conrad is the brunette sitting across from Julie. That's Roxanne Mitchell sitting next to Madeline. Maddie, Roxie, Julie and I all go to Maple Hills Community College."
Madeline was the brunette who just flipped off her friend. Roxanne was her buxom friend.
Brenda paused to catch her breath and then she continued. "Traci Dylan is sitting next to Julie. Traci used to be a cocktail waitress at the Goldenrod Supper Club. She recently started working part time for our husbands."
Traci looked at Brenda. "Bren, you can be honest."
Brenda nodded. "Traci also works as an escort."
Next to me I heard Lindsey gasp. She covered it well. I was quite certain I was the only one who actually heard it."
Brenda moved on quickly. "Jamister Mathews is seated next to Traci. Jamister is our city's foremost trial lawyer."
Jamister laughed and modestly shook his head when he heard Brenda's description.
Brenda ignored him and continued. "Jamal Wright is sitting across from Jamister. Jamal is finishing his surgery residency at the University Hospital. He graduated from Kelroy with April and he's engaged to Maddie."
Jamister was the tall older man in the gray pinstripe suit. Jamal was the African American in the blue blazer. I'd already heard of Jamal. He was the best basketball player to ever attend Kelroy.
"My husband, Bobby Adams is sitting next to Jamal. Bobby is an accountant. Stevie Wagner is sitting next to Jamister. Stevie is a stock analyst and he's married to Sandra. Richard Norman is sitting next to Stevie. Ricky is an English professor at Maple Hills. He's married to Julie. Mark Peters is sitting across from Ricky. Mark used to be a banker, he's married to April. That's William Oliver sitting at the end of the table. Everyone calls Willie PW. PW just finished his PhD in economics at the University. PW is Roxie's husband. Stevie, Bobby, Mark and PW just started their own investment firm.
Brenda turned back to us. "And I'm Brenda Adams. Won't you please sit down."
Sandra motioned to a place that had been set between Julie and Traci. "Lindsey, why don't you sit here. Court please sit down between Roxie and Jamal and Petey, why don't you join our husbands at the other end of the table."
As I sat down it was apparent to me that there was a definite pecking order to the seating arrangement and it was obvious that with the exception of Jamister, Jamal and Court; this was a group that recognized female supremacy.
As soon as Court, Lindsey and I were seated Robert appeared with our cocktails. After he set them down he said, "I'll hold your salads until we bring the salads for the rest of the table."
Court nodded. "Thank you Robert"
At the same time, two other waiters arrived with the cocktails for the rest of the party. I noticed that Stevie, Bobby, Ricky and PW were being served soft takes.
Once everyone had their takes Maddie stood and looked at the table. "We always begin our evenings at Baxter's with our traditional toast." She held up her Manhattan and said, "To a world in which everyone recognizes and accepts their proper place."
I little thrill rippled up my spine as I realized the significance of the toast.
I watched Lindsey as she took a sip of her Daiquiri. She noticed me looking at her and smiled as she took a second sip of her take. It was clear that she also appreciated the full meaning of the toast.
Posts: 1914
Good grief. I have to warn you GH. The Grand Unification Theory defeated Einstein and everyone since. Time and space just might not bend enough to get all this String Theory together. May the strong and weak powers be with you !!
Mind, it is going to be one hell of a ride seeing you try. Good luck mate, and good comments elsewhere too.
Posts: 1459
Incredible GH, this is just so much fun! It is getting so complex and detailed, I don't know how you do it, but I'm loving it. Thanks!!
Posts: 2106
Ditto! priss 
Posts: 4050
Thank you gentleman.
I can't remember when I have enjoyed writing a story as much as I am enjoying this one.
Posts: 4050
Everyone took a moment to get settled and then Sandra turned to Lindsey and said. "When You were introduced Court told us that Petey was your boyfriend."
Lindsey nodded. "That's right."
"Are you just here for dinner or are you planning on taking advantage of the late evening fun that's unique to Baxter's?"
Every eye at the table was focused on Sandra and Lindsey.
Lindsey smiled politely and said, "Are you asking me if I'm planning to find a hot guy and go out to the parking lot with him for a little after dinner entertainment?"
Sandra laughed. "Yes that's exactly what I'm asking."
Lindsey grinned. "The answer is a most definite yes."
"Is Petey planning on doing the same thing?"
"You mean is he planning to hook up with a hot guy and go out to the parking lot?"
Everyone started laughing.
April shook her head, "Sandra she's obviously a Kelroy girl."
Sandra smiled. "Yes I'm beginning to figure that out."
Lindsey held up her hand. "I'm sorry that just popped out. I apologize, I didn't mean to be rude."
Julie patted Lindsey on the shoulder. "That's okay honey, in this crowd going for the throat is viewed as a sign of good character."
Maddie looked at Lindsey. "Jules is correct, but the question is still on the table. Is your boyfriend planning on taking another woman out to the parking lot after dinner?"
Lindsey shook her head. "Absolutely not, Petey is going to be a good little boy and wait patiently in the bar while I'm out in the parking lot."
Brenda clapped her hands together. "I am starting to like this girl."
Roxanne leaned forward. "Lindsey, please don't be offended when I ask you this question. Every woman at this table is an avowed slut. When you were introduced, Court also told us that you'd just moved into their apartment. Are you relaxing with Court?"
Lindsey winked at everyone. ""No I relax with Petey, but I will admit that on the way over here tonight I gave Court a blow job in the back seat while Petey drove the car." She giggled. "And Court did fuck me three times last night."
Brenda shook her head. "No doubt about it, I like this girl."
Sandra nodded. "I agree, she is definitely a slut."
Julie giggled. "Lindsey, Sandra is my oldest friend. We live together. We're like sisters. Please believe me, that is the highest compliment she can give to another woman."
Lindsey grinned at Sandra and said, "I'm honored."
Maddie looked at Lindsey. "So how does Petey feel about all of this?'
Lindsey shrugged, "Who cares, he's my cuckold slaveboy."
Brenda laughed. "She's one of us! She is most definitely one of us!
Maddie looked down the table at me. Suddenly she got up and walked around the table so she was standing directly behind me.
She leaned over my shoulder and started gently caressing my chest with the finger tips of her right hand. At the same time she softly nuzzled my ear with her lips and whispered, "You're a little cuckboy slave aren't you?"
My entire body started to tingle with excitement. I breathlessly answered, "Yes Mistress Madeline."
Maddie licked my ear. "Very good cuckboy, from now on you will use that title whenever you address any woman at this table."
"Yes Mistress Madeline, I understand."
Maddie stood up and walked back to her chair. I was thankful when she left me because I was so excited I was on the verge of ejaculating. I would have been mortified if I'd made a mess in the front of my trousers.
As Maddie was sitting down she said, "He is adorable." She looked at Lindsey, "Could I have him? Please give him to me. I promise to be good to him."
Lindsey started giggling."I thought you were engaged to Jamal."
Maddie smiled. "Oh I am. I don't want to marry little Petey, I just want him as a slave."
Everyone started to chuckle.
Brenda shook her head. "Maddie honey, you can't have Petey. He belongs to Lindsey."
Maddie sighed. "I know, but it never hurts to ask."
The entire table broke out in laughter.
Once everyone quieted down Lindsey said, "That's the second time today that another woman has asked me to give Petey to her." She looked down the table at me. "Babydoll, it's becoming apparent that you're a chick magnet."
Everyone started laughing again. This was a fun group of people.
Suddenly I noticed Robert standing behind Brenda. "I don't mean to intrude on your conversation, but if you are going to be finished with your dinner in time for the evenings festivities you really should order now."
Brenda smiled. "Thank you Robert.” She looked down the table. “Is everyone ready?"
There was a general murmuring of agreement so Brenda turned back to Robert and said, "Yes that will be fine. You can take our orders now."
Robert waved. Two other servers appeared. The two new servers took everyone's dinner order while Robert took another round of take orders.
As he was taking April's take order she said, "Robert there seems to have been a mistake."
Robert looked at her. "I'm sorry madam, I don't understand."
April smiled, "There's no reamister you should, and it's not your fault. Actually, no one is at fault, there's just been a slight misunderstanding. One of our slaves was served an holy wateric beverage by mistake. Our slaves are never allowed to take holy water when they're in the presence of men." She motioned towards me. "Would you please take Petey's cocktail away and bring him a soft take." She turned to Lindsey. "What would you like us to order for him?"
Lindsey thought for a moment and then she said, "Diet Coke." She obviously remembered that we'd served her a Diet Coke in the apartment this afternoon.
Julie chuckled. "He's going to fit right in with our husbands. That just happens to be the beverage of choice for the slaves in our house."
Robert picked up my daiquiri and carried it away.
After he was gone Lindsey looked at the other wives and asked. "Don't you ever take with your husbands?"
Sandra smiled at her. "Yes dear, all the time. We love our husbands. We're not only married to them, they're our best friends. We do everything with them. This is just something we do when we have parties or we're at Baxter's"
Court nodded. "Lindsey, it's not too different from one of the rules you and I made this afternoon."
"Yes, I remember. We decided that Petey's not allowed to take with us while were playing the slave game."
Lindsey turned to April. "I'm surprised that you were so open with the waiter."
"Because I referred to our husbands as our slaves?"
"The people at Baxter's are quite familiar with our life style."
Posts: 4050
#150 · Edited by: goodhusband
Sandra turned to Lindsey. "Just before our waiter arrived you were going to tell us about another woman who asked you if she could have Petey."
Lindsey smiled. "Oh yes, are you familiar with Maxine's Dress shop?"
The women all looked at each other and nodded.
Brenda said, "Yes, we are very familiar with Maxine's. It's one of our favorite places to shop."
"Well Court told Petey to take me there today so I could buy a new dress for tonight."
Julie asked, "Is that the dress you're wearing now?"
"We love it. All of us commented on it when we first saw you."
Lindsey blushed and said, "Thank you.” And then she continued. “Anyway, there was this clerk there named Angela."
Sandra looked at Julie. "Isn't Angela the woman who generally takes care of us when we go to Maxine's."
"Yes I thinks so." Julie turned to Lindsey. "She's an older woman, very attractive. She's always impeccably dressed."
Brenda snickered. "Jules, how is she dressed?"
Julie held her head up in a show of exaggerated dignity and said, "impeccably."
Brenda shook her head. "Jules honey speak English. Some of us are still in our first year at Maple Hills."
The entire group started chuckling.
Julie looked down the table. "Ricky, tell them that a good vocabulary is sign of an intelligent permister."
Jamister Mathews reached around Stevie and patted Ricky on the back. "Little Buddy, as your attorney it is my duty to advise you to remain absolutely silent. You may be married to Julie, but we both know Brenda is capable of ripping your balls off."
Ricky shook his head. "I'm not going to say a word."
Sandra patted the back of Julie's hand. "Honey just ignore Brenda. She'll eventually see the light."
Roxanne threw her hands up. "Hey I want to her the rest of Lindsey's story. Let the poor girl talk. And by the way Brenda, I'm in my second year at Maple Hills and I agree with Jules. Angela does dress impeccably."
The entire table burst out laughing. These people were obviously very good friends.
April nodded. "I'm a high school English teacher and I think Julie's vocabulary is impeccable."
Brenda shook her head. "All right, I stand corrected. Jules, Angela is always impeccably dressed." She turned to Lindsey. "Honey tell us the rest of your story."
"Petey and I decided to have some fun. While I was trying on the dress he told Angela that we had just decided to get married. When I came back I made it clear that I was buying the dress for a date with another guy."
Sandra poked Julie. "Jules they were playing shock the sales girl."
Julie grinned at Lindsey. "It's one of our favorite games. There are lots of variations. Sandra, Stevie and I once played shock the Realtor. That was really good time."
Sandra laughed. "Jules I remind you that you might have found that game particularly enjoyable because you just happened to be sucking the Realtor's cock while we were playing with him."
Julie shrugged. "Well I suppose that might have made it more exciting."
"Girl's!" There was a look of exasperation on Brenda's face.
Julie giggled and said, "Sandra, I think we'd better stop talking."
Brenda was rubbing her forehead. "Lindsey go ahead and finish your story. I'll try to keep the blow job twins quiet until you're done."
Julie looked at Sandra. "The blow job twins? I like the title."
Sandra nodded. "It does have a nice ring to it and it really is quite an honor considering the fact that the title was bestowed by her Royal Highness the Empress of Fellatio."
Suddenly Stevie cleared his throat. "If the two of you aren't quiet I'm going to instruct the Chancellor of the Exchequer to cancel your credit cards."
Sandra gently elbowed Julie and said, "Jules this is serious."
Julie nodded. "We'd better be quiet."
Both women folded their hands, placed them in their laps and sat up perfectly straight.
Brenda smiled at Lindsey. "My dear, I think you can now continue."
Everyone listened quietly while Lindsey told them about Angela's increasing curiosity about our lifestyle. There was rapt silence by the time she got to the part of the story where we went into the dressing room so I could go down on Angela. When she explained to them that I licked Angela to her very first orgasm, everyone was nodding their head and looking at me with silent approval. I was feeling very proud.
The entire table applauded as Lindsey completed the story by explaining how Angela had promised us that she was going to let her boss seduce her that evening and when he seduced her she was going to give him her very first blow job.
As soon as Lindsey was finished telling her story Sandra looked at her and said, "Honey how old are you?"
"I just turned twenty-one a month ago."
Sandra patted her on the back. "My dear I congratulate you. You are an inspiration to all of us. In less than one hour you transformed a prim and proper middle aged woman into a cock sucking hot wife slut."
Brenda laughed and held up her glass. "To Lindsey, our new Princess of Promiscuity."
Everyone was grinning as they held up their glasses and cried, "To Lindsey."