Posts: 1459
Good stuff GH, I'm still hoping that Traci and Petey can have their more intimate moment - they seem to really like each other. Thanks again.
Posts: 877
GH Congratulations on another great episode.
Posts: 492
Good stuff GH, can't wait for the next installment.
Posts: 4050
Stormy, Cuckslut and Trf2
Thank you for your kind support. I appologize for my slow production of late. The words are coming very slowly. I put the story aside several times in the past week out of frustration and worked on other stories. (I always have two or three going at the same time).
Here is what I have currently.
Posts: 4050
#305 · Edited by: goodhusband
Suddenly the playpen door flew open and Julie Gordon stormed into the room. Lindsey was right on her heels. Julie walked straight over to the bed, grasped her husband by his wrist and pulled him to his feet. Once Ricky was standing Julie threw her arms around his neck and kissed him hard on the lips.
After a moment they broke apart. Julie stared into her husband's eyes and said, "Ricky honey are you all right? I didn't hurt you did I?"
Ricky laughed. "Well you did hurt me, but you didn't injure me."
Julie hugged her husband and said, "I'm sorry baby, I don't know what gets into me sometimes."
Ricky hugged Julie back and said, "You have a divine little sadistic streak that compliments my masochism perfectly."
Julie smiled at Ricky. "Did you enjoy the whipping sweetheart?"
Ricky chuckled. "Let's just say that I found it very exciting."
Lindsey watched the interchange between Ricky and Julie very carefully. I was certain that she was making sure what the rules allowed before she approached me.
Once she was confident that it was okay, she ran over to me. She followed Julie's lead and pulled me up off the bed. As she hugged me she whispered. "Petey I am so sorry, did I hurt you very badly?"
I smiled at her. "No, my butt is still burning, but you didn't do anything to me that I won't recover from before the evening is over."
Lindsey held me in her arms and said, "Petey, I don't ever want to hurt you."
"Did you enjoy whipping me?'
Lindsey thought for a moment and then she said; "Maybe a little, Gabriel had me so excited that it's hard to be sure." She stepped back and looked up at me. "Would you hate me if I admitted that I enjoyed it?"
I shook my head. "No not at all, in fact it would excite me."
Lindsey stared at me. After a moment she hugged me and said, "Oh Petey, this is turning into a wonderful evening."
"Do you like Gabriel?"
Lindsey's face broke into a huge grin. "Petey he is so sexy. I get wet just thinking about him. I can't wait to feel his big cock inside me again.” She paused and looked at me. “Did you see him fucking me during the whipping?"
I nodded. "Yes, it was during the second break."
"Petey I've never met a man who could move so slowly and still be so powerful with his cock."
"Boys lie down on the bed. We have chastity cage keys, hot towels and salve."
We all turned. Jessica was holding three steaming towels and the small satin purse. I immediately recognized it as the purse that Traci had put our chastity cage keys into after she locked them in place.
Lorraine was standing behind her. She was holding three more towels and a tube of slave.
Lorraine set the towels and salve on the bed table and turned to Traci. "The men have all gone down to the basement. The strip club is now open. Bobby, Stevie, Mark and PW are tending bar and serving takes. Sandra is already dancing. Jessica, Julie and Lindsey can take care of everything here. We're needed in the dressing room. We have to help everyone with their costumes."
I looked at Traci. "Aren't you going to dance?'
Traci smiled at me as she stood up. "Oh yes, Lorraine and I are going to do a number together."
I turned to Lorraine. You're going to dance too?"
She grinned at me. "I most certainly am. There is nothing that could make me miss this opportunity."
Jessica took a gold key out of the satin purse. "Come on Morris honey, pull those panties off and sit down on this corner of the bed. I'm going to take off your cock cage."
Traci took Lorraine's hand. "Come on sweetie, let's go downstairs. We need to help Helen get ready for her number."
Lorraine nodded. "She's been talking about this for the past two weeks. She's very excited."
As soon as Lorraine and Traci were gone Ricky and I took off our panties and joined Morris on the bed. For the next few minutes Julie, Lindsey and Jessica turned into tender nurses. After removing our cock cages they used the warm moist towels to gently bathe our sore back sides and then they rubbed the soothing salve into our inflamed skin.
Once Julie was done rubbing the salve into Ricky's rear she laid the dry towel on the bed and tenderly rolled her husband onto his back. Ricky winked at me as his wife slid down his body, picked up his tiny penis and slipped it into her mouth.
Lindsey saw what Julie was doing and whispered, "I think it might be time for one of your special blow jobs."
She laid out our dry towel and rolled me over. Once I was lying on my back She softly caressed my petite erection and said, "Petey, this is just for you."
I sighed as I felt Lindsey put my penis into her warm, moist mouth. When she started sucking me I looked to my right and saw Jessica sucking Morris's stubby little cock. I smiled at my new friend and he smiled back at me. Then I closed my eyes and enjoyed Lindsey's blow job.
Ricky, Morris and I all came quickly. As the girls were putting our cock cages back on us, Morris laughed and said, "I guess we just reestablished why these three beautiful women all have dates with other men tonight."
Jessica giggled at her husband's joke and said, "Hush now, you know very well that out of all the wonderful cocks I get to suck, yours will always be my favorite."
Morris grinned at me.
Once our chastity cages were back in place and locked, Jessica collected the keys and put them back in the satin purse. As she set the purse on the table next to the bed she said, "Boys, don't let me forget where I put this. We want to be able to take your cages off when the party is over."
Morris laughed and said, "I assure you my dear that all three of us have the location of that purse well fixed in our minds."
Ricky nodded. "Yes, that is a treasure whose position we will not soon forget."
Julie looked at her husband. "Who said that?"
Ricky grinned at his wife and said, "Me."
Julie grabbed her husband and started dragging him out of the room. "Okay wise guy, just for that I am going to suck Aaron's cock and have him cum all over my feet and then were going to make you lick it all up."
Ricky laughed. "Life grants nothing to us mortals without hard work."
"I suppose you made that up too."
"No, a Roman poet named Horace said that a little over 2000 years ago."
Julie shook her head in exasperation. "Remember there's a dungeon in the basement. We could make a nice long stop there before we go into the strip club."
Ricky winked at his wife. "Methinks the time has come for well reamistered silence"
Julie rolled her eyes. "Did some old Roman say that too?"
"Nope, that was me."
Julie kissed her husband's cheek. "Richard Norman, you make me laugh."
Ricky hugged his wife. "That's a good thing because Aaron Carter makes you cum."
Julie sighed and said, "He most certainly does." She giggled as she pulled her husband out the bedroom door. "Come on Footboy, it's time to remind you about the meaning of the word, cuckold."
Posts: 4050
#306 · Edited by: goodhusband
As we crossed the living room we could hear the strains of Madonna's "Material Girl" reverberating through the floor. The throbbing music excited us as we walked down the basement stairs.
When we entered the basement strip club Lindsey grabbed my arm and started laughing. "Petey, this is fantastic."
I'd seen the club earlier in the day, so I had some idea about what to expect, but then it was empty. Now it that it was occupied and in full use I was also amazed.
My eyes were immediately drawn to the stage. April was dancing. All she was wearing was a scanty pair of bright red panties. Her boyfriend Roy was sitting at a table directly in front of her. He was sipping a glass of scotch. April was obviously performing for him. Roy smiled at her as she teased him by pulling at the elastic waistband of the tiny triangle of lace that concealed the beguiling spot between her legs.
We all watched as April stared into her lover's eyes while she inched her panties down her hips. Everyone in the room held their breath as she slowly exposed the bare lips of her smoothly shaved pussy.
April smiled when she saw her lover's eyes focus on her exposed sex. She may have been dancing in a room filled with people, but it was obvious that she was performing for her boyfriend and only for her boyfriend. I searched the room for April's husband. I quickly found him standing behind the bar mixing takes. He worked quietly and efficiently while he watched his wife brazenly dance for this other man. There was a look of envy in Mark's eyes.
Nelmister, Gabriel and Aaron were all standing at the bar takeing cocktails and watching April's performance. As soon as they saw us come into the strip club, the three of them smiled and walked over.
Jessica turned to us. "All right slaveboys, it's time for you to go to work. Our men want us back and they're coming to claim us right now."
As Gabriel approached he gave me a polite nod and then he extended his hand to Lindsey and said, "My dear let's find a table so we can relax and enjoy the show."
Lindsey kissed his cheek. As she took Gabriel's hand she turned to me and said, "I'll see you later Cutie."
Posts: 1914
Your pain is still showing GH. I think your guilty feelings about the whipping put that blowjob in there. And a wonderful touch it was too. Made the reconnection wonderfully. I suppose I'm trying to say I liked it !! Thanks.
Posts: 492
GH, those last two segments were great. Sorry to hear that you're struggling. Here's hoping that the words will start to come more easily for you, I really love this story.
Are you other stories issued yet, or are they just in the preliminary stages?
Thanks again.
Posts: 4050
#309 · Edited by: goodhusband
Peak and TF2
Thanks for your ongoing support. Sorry about whining. When you write a long serial, it drains you. It is easy to get worn out. When that happens, the words don't come as easily.
TF2 I have several stories that I occasionally work on. I'm writing an extension to "The Party". I occasionally add to "Ginger and Mikey". I am working on a story inspired by the "Around Her Finger" books and web site. I also have a story about a man whe falls in love with a woman who turns out to be a high priced escort. I can't post these, because if I get too many stories going at the same time it becomes overwhelming. I write for fun, posting the stories actually takes some of the fun away. It adds pressure to write and I start worrying about how the stories are being recieved.
Posting at Literotica has also created complications. At this site the rule of thumb is the kinkier, the better. At Literotica my stories are more appreciated for the romance in them. Since I always post my stories here first, I end up being a bit torn as I write them.
Posts: 4050
#310 · Edited by: goodhusband
I quietly watched Lindsey walk away holding hands with Gabriel. The masochistic cuckold in me was excited, but another part of me was already yearning to be with her. I was just starting to wallow in my own misery when I felt a tug on the back of my shirt.
"Hey Cutie, your hot little girlfriend and her lover are going to want something to take. As soon as they sit down, you'd better get your cute little butt over to their table and see to their needs."
I turned around. Maddie was standing behind me. There was a malicious grin on her face. "Feeling a little sorry for yourself? Get used to it Cuckboy, you're a slave. This is your lot in life." She smirked at me. "For the rest of your life, real men are going to enjoy all the favors that beautiful woman has to offer while all you get is an occasional kiss and maybe a blowjob on your birthday."
Maddie started laughing. "Hop to it pussyboy. Your Mistress and her lover are going to want a little refreshment before they get down to some serious fucking."
I stared at Maddie. At first I was a little shocked by her aggressive manner, but I quickly grasped what she was doing. The wonderful session in the playpen had lulled me into complacency. She was giving me a firm reminder me about who I was and where I was.
I bowed politely, "Thank you Mistress Maddie, I appreciate your guidance. I'll get right to work."
Maddie stared at me. I think she was trying to gauge my sincerity. I stood perfectly still in front of her and submissively stared at the floor. I wanted her to understand that my sincerity was genuine. I really did appreciate her little nudge back to reality.
After a moment she smiled at me and kissed my cheek. As she kissed me she reached down, placed my hand between her legs and whispered; "You're welcome Cutie. It's the least I could do to thank you."
She pressed my fingers into her naked sex. "I'm still wet from hearing you wince in pain every time your Mistress hit you with her whip." Maddie wasn't kidding, her cunt was soaking wet. This was a woman who was very aroused.
Suddenly I heard Jamal's voice through the speakers, "Put your hands together for April; let her know how much you enjoyed her performance." I glanced over at the control table. Jamal was acting as the D.J. this evening.
The room erupted into applause. Everyone was clapping except the cucks. I followed their lead. We were slaves, April's performance was not meant for us.
April waved to everyone as she picked up her brownietered clothes. I glanced back at Mark. There was a look of pride on his face as he watched his naked wife acknowledge the cheers and applause from the room.
Posts: 4050
Maddie slapped my butt. "Wakeup Pussyboy, April wasn't dancing for you. We have men in here who need takes, get to work!"
"Yes Mistress Maddie."
I walked over to the table where Gabriel and Lindsey were seated. Lindsey was perched on her date's lap. She was giggling. Gabriel was tickling her with one hand while he fondled her left breast with his other hand.
I didn't want to interrupt them, so as I approached their table I positioned myself so I was standing in Gabriel's view. This way I could maintain a respectful distance while I awaited his summons.
For several minutes the two lovers ignored me while they laughed and toyed with each other. Finally Gabriel looked up at me and said, "what do you want slave?"
I curtsied politely and then I said; "Sir, could I bring you and Mistress Lindsey like something from the bar?"
Gabriel nodded. "Yes slave, that would be very nice. I'll have another glass of Chivas Regal. I take it with one ice cube. My lady will have a glass of champagne."
I curtsied again and said, "Yes Mr. Vaillant, I'll take care of it right away sir."
As I walked to the bar Jamal's voice echoed over the P.A. system. "And now ladies and gentlemen, The Hot Wife Cabaret is proud to present the lovely Helen."
The room again erupted into an uproar of cheers and applause. The combination of holy water and sex had everyone excited. It was becoming a pleasantly rowdy crowd.
Helen emerged from the curtain at the side of the stage. At the same time I noticed Lorraine and Traci discreetly slip out of the dressing room door. They both obviously wanted to watch Helen's performance.
I stared at Helen. She was at least twenty-five years older that I was, but at that moment I thought she was one of the sexiest women I'd ever seen. I was familiar with the term MILF and as I gazed at this older woman I had to believe that she was the perfect example.
Helen was wearing a woman's gray tweed business suit. Her jacket was buttoned and covered a very conservative looking white silk blouse. Her long reddish blond hair was pulled back into a tight bun and she was wearing a pair of black horn rimmed eyeglasses. From the waist up she looked like a prim business woman on her way to a day at the office.
From the waist down, she looked like a slut. Her tweed skirt barely covered the cheeks of her gorgeous ass and was far too short to conceal the stays of the garter belt that held up the lace tops of her black nylon stockings. Her shoes created even more of a juxtaposition. The patent leather spike heeled pumps she wore were a far cry from the sensible flats that a normal business woman would have worn with her expensive wool suit.
The speakers around the stage started reverberating with the sounds of Wilmister Pickett singing "Mustang Sally". Helen began moving to the heavy beat of the music. She was a good dancer. She had a trim, athletic body and she moved with a graceful easy rhythm.
I noticed that Stanford Burke, Helen's date for the evening was now sitting at the table that Roy Thomas had been occupying while April was dancing. Apparently each woman's escort got to watch her performance from the front row center table. The wives were sending us a very clear message; tonight they were not performing for us.
Helen took one turn around the stage and stopped in front of Stanford. She stared directly into his eyes and unbuttoned her suit coat. Once the jacket was open she paused for a moment and then she pulled it off, tossed it to the back of the stage and started dancing again.
I smiled when I saw the outline of the black brassiere that Helen was wearing under her white silk blouse. The symbolism was perfect. She was telling us that a debauched slut was lurking under this prim exterior.
She made another quick turn around the stage and returned to Stanford. She smiled as she looked around the room and then she grabbed the front of her blouse and violently ripped it open. She quickly removed the tattered blouse, tossed it onto her suit jacket and made two more turns around the stage. On her first turn she pulled off her horn rimmed glasses and casually flipped them at her blouse and suit jacket. On her second turn she pulled two pins out of her prim coiffure and let her long reddish blond hair fall loosely around her shoulders.
"Cutie are you supposed to be getting something?"
I turned. It was Mark. I was so distracted by Helen's performance that I forgot I was supposed to be getting takes for Lindsey and Gabriel.
I shook my head. "Yes, thank you; I need a Chivas Regal with one ice cube and a glass of champagne."
Mark quickly the poured the takes and put them on a tray. While he was working he smiled at me and said, "She's pretty hot isn't she?"
I nodded. "Yes, she certainly is."
As soon as Mark was done I carried the tray over to Lindsey and Gabriel. As I approached their table I glanced up at Helen. She was standing in front of Stanford. Her brassiere was unclasped. She was holding the cups in place with her hands. Suddenly she lasciviously licked her lips, pulled the brassiere away and shook her exposed breasts.
Everyone in the room hooted and whistled. Helen continued shaking her naked breasts while she took another turn around the stage.
I quickly delivered Gabriel and Lindsey's takes. As I was setting them on the table Lindsey whispered, "Petey isn't she wonderful?"
I nodded. "Yes Mistress Lindsey, she is."
Lindsey shook her head. "Everyone is so good. Petey I'm afraid to go up there. I'm worried that I'll make a fool out of myself."
I smiled at her. "Mistress, you're a beautiful woman and a wonderful dancer. I don't believe that you could ever make a fool out of yourself. I will be watching your performance. I'm a slave, so I won't be allowed to clap or cheer; but you can be very confident that I will be an extremely devoted fan."
Gabriel laughed. "And I will be another devoted fan."
Lindsey sighed. "I'm so lucky to have the two of you." She thought for a moment and then she said; "Petey, while I'm dancing would you sit at the center table with Gabriel? I'd feel so much better if I could see you right in front of me."
I shook my head. "I would love to, but I don't think they'll let me."
Gabriel nodded. "I'm sure they won't, but I can order him to kneel next to my table while you dance for me."
Lindsey looked at me. "Petey will you do that?"
I smiled. "Of course I will." I laughed. "It would be an honor."
"Oh Petey, that would make me so happy."
"If it's acceptable to Mr. Vaillant I promise that I will be kneeling next to his table the entire time you're dancing."
Gabriel softly said, "I'll make sure that he's there."
I looked at Gabriel and said, "Thank you Mr. Vaillant."
He nodded. "It's quite all right Petey."
I smiled at both of them. "I think I'd better get back to work." I winked at Lindsey. "I suspect that you and Mr. Vaillant might enjoy spending a little time getting each other into the proper mood for your performance."
Lindsey giggled. "Cutie for a slave, you really are quite perceptive."
Lindsey slipped off of Gabriel's lap and unzipped his trousers. As she took his huge erection out of his pants she said, "This bad boy has been poking me in the butt for the last twenty minutes. I think it must be begging for a little attention."
I smiled as I backed away from their table. My girlfriend had a passion for big cocks.
"Cutie come over here."
I turned. Roxanne was calling me.
I walked over to her table. She was cuddled up to her date. Brett was fondling her naked breast. His pants were unzipped and his cock was out. Roxanne was slowly stroking him while they watched Helen strip.
I curtsied. "Yes Mistress Roxanne, what can I do for you?"
"Cutie, my lover needs a beer. Would you please fetch a Heineken for him."
I nodded. "Yes Mistress Roxanne. I'll bring it right away."
As I walked to the bar I glanced up at Helen. She was standing at center stage pushing her unfastened skirt down her hips. I had to stop for a moment and watch. It was quite an erotic site.
As soon as the tweed skirt hit the floor Helen stepped out of it and in one quick motion kicked it into the air. She caught it with one hand, held it high above her head and strutted around the stage.
When she returned to center stage Helen stood in front of her date. Except for her garter belt, nylon stockings and high heeled shoes, she was now completely naked. She flashed a wry smile at Stanford, lasciviously licked her lips and then brazenly rubbed the cleft of her soothly shaved pussy with two fingers.
The crowd went wild. Helen bowed. Jamal's voice boomed over the loud speakers. "Put your hands together for the magnificent Helen."
Everyone stood and cheered. Helen took one victory lap around the stage and then she quickly gathered up her clothes and disappeared through the curtain.
Posts: 877
GH Another great episode. I cannot wait for Lindsey's turn to dance and what Gabriel might get Cutie to do while she does.
Posts: 4050
Thanks Cuckslut
I'm also curious about what's going to happen.
Posts: 4050
#314 · Edited by: goodhusband
Jamal was introducing Brenda while I was getting Brett Ryman's beer. As I was bringing it to him I noticed that Quent Tyler was now seated at the center table.
After I delivered the beer I discreetly glanced at Gabriel and Lindsey. Lindsey was on her knees between Gabriel's legs. She was sucking his cock. Gabriel's eyes were closed. He was obviously enjoying himself.
As I walked by them Gabriel opened one eye and whispered. "Considering her age, your girlfriend is really quite talented. She seems to have an artistry and passion for giving head that most women don't generally acquire until they reach their mid thirties."
Lindsey took Gabriel's cock out of her mouth and grinned at me, "Did you hear that Petey? Gabriel thinks I'm a prodigy." She giggled. "If that's true, I should have a master. Petey would you ask Gabriel if he would be my master?"
She stared at me. I hesitated, I wasn't sure what I was supposed to do.
"Cutie you're being disobedient. Do I need to whip you again?"
I shook my head. "No Mistress Lindsey."
"Then do as your told."
I turned to Gabriel. He was smiling. He was enjoying this little game. "Mr. Vaillant, would you be willing to serve as my Mistress's teacher?"
Lindsey shook her head. "Not teacher Cutie; say master, a protegee requires a master."
I started over. "Mr. Vaillant, would you be willing to serve as my Mistress's master?"
Gabriel smiled at me and said, "Cutie, I would be honored."
Lindsey giggled. "Now that we have that resolved I'd like to get back to my training. I think Master Gabriel and I may have to follow a very rigorous practice schedule."
I laughed and said, "This looks like a tough job, but I am certain the two of you are up to the challenge."
Gabriel grinned at me. "Petey I am so glad that Jessica called me. This has turned into a very enjoyable evening, and I am not just talking about the sex. The two of you are very entertaining people. You both like to laugh and have fun. Those are wonderful qualities. I would like it very much if the two of you could meet Marie."
"Petey, Marie is Gabriel's wife. She's in Paris right now."
I smiled at Gabriel. "I think we would both love to meet your wife. Will she understand the nature of our relationship?"
"Petey, Marie has a boyfriend."
Gabriel nodded. "Yes, we enjoy an open marriage."
"When will Marie be back? Maybe the two of you could come to dinner at our apartment. Petey is a wonderful cook."
I smiled to myself. While we carried on this conversation, Lindsey was slowly stroking Gabriel's erect penis.
Gabriel was amazing, he exhibited remarkable control as he calmly answered Lindsey's question. "She will be back at the end of next week. We would love to come for dinner, but don't you need to check with your roommate?"
I nodded; "We do, but I doubt it will be an issue. Court loves dinner parties."
"Could you come for dinner next Saturday?" Lindsey was very excited.
Gabriel smiled at my girlfriend. "I have to check with Marie while the two of you check with Court. He shrugged, “but I would think that would be very nice."
He turned to me. "Petey I assume you will be serving as our slave for the evening."
"Yes, I'm quite certain that will be my role."
Gabriel nodded. "Marie has a dominant streak that she rarely gets to exercise. I suspect that the two of you might be able to play some very exciting games with each other."
A little shiver rippled up my spine. "Yes, I think I would be very open to that idea."
Lindsey stared at me and then she started to laugh. "Petey you slut, are you planning to cheat on me?"
I shrugged. "No Mistress Lindsey, I'm just being practical. Marie and I might have to find something to keep us occupied while your busy training with Master Gabriel"
Posts: 1914
Ooh, another new one. I think you're going to need a new notebook to keep up with all this lot GH. This is certainly turning into your tour-de-power, even if it is causing you some grief at the moment. As I'm sure your wife may remind you though from time to time. Your pain is my gain .. and I for one appreciate it !!
Posts: 4050
Thanks Priss,
I always enjoy hearing from you. I hope you are doing well.
Your friend
Posts: 492
You're on a roll now GH, wonderful writing. As I mentioned before, it's the friendly interaction between your characters that I enjoy so much. Thanks as always.
Posts: 4050
Thank you,
Posts: 4050
#319 · Edited by: goodhusband
Aaron's voice boomed over the loudspeaker. "Everyone put your hands together for the magnificent Maddie."
I looked up at the stage. Maddie was gathering up her clothes. Jamal was on his feet applauding. I smiled, he obviously loved this woman.
Sandra leaned over. "Cutie it's time for us to leave so that Mr. Vaillant can move to the center table."
Gabriel turned to Sandra. "Cutie is coming with me."
"He can't sit at the center table."
"He's not going to sit, he's going to kneel on the floor next to me."
Sandra thought for a moment and then she stood up. "I guess that will be alright, but wait here for a moment."
She walked back to the bar. A moment later she returned. She was carrying a dog leash. She leaned over and attached it to my collar. "He can kneel next to you at the table, but he has to be leashed. Why don't you move over to the center table. I'll have your take brought over and I'll bring Cutie."
Sandra glanced around the room. PW was standing next to the wall. She snapped her finger and said, "Slave come."
PW responded immediately. He was well trained. As soon as he got to the table he curtsied and said; "Yes Mistress Sandra, how may I be of service to you."
"Bring Mr. Vaillant's take to the center table while I lead this slave over."
"Yes Mistress Sandra."
PW picked up Gabriel's take. As soon as he was gone Sandra said, "Cutie heel."
She led me to the center table. By the time we arrived, Gabriel was already seated.
Sandra handed my leash to him and said, "He's now your responsibility. Promise me that he will remain on his knees during Lindsey's entire performance."
Gabriel smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'll see to it. Thank you Sandra."
Sandra nodded and then she turned and walked away.
After she was gone Gabriel leaned over and quietly said, "Well we're here."
"Yes we are."
"Thanks for the scotch."
I smiled. "You're welcome. I thought you might enjoy it."
He chuckled. "I am."
We were both quiet. After a moment Gabriel said, "You know you didn't have to do it."
"I know."
There was more silence and then Gabriel asked. "Why did you?"
"I just told you, I thought you might enjoy it."
"Yes, I heard you; but why would you care? I'm holding on to a leash that's attached to a collar fastened around your neck and I'm going to fuck your girlfriend tonight."
"Yes I know."
"Some men might have spit in my take."
I was quiet for a very long time. Finally I said, "I'm here because I choose to be here."
"I don't understand."
"Yes I know, that's why you're sitting in the chair and I'm down here on the floor."
Now it was Gabriel's turn to be quiet. Finally he said, "Aren't you jealous?"
"No, but I am envious."
"I don't understand the difference. I think you're splitting hairs."
I shook my head. "No, not at all. To be jealous means that you're afraid that someone you love, loves someone else more than they love you. Envy means that you wish you had something someone else has. Tonight I very much wish that I was able to make love to Lindsey like you're going to make love to her, but I'm not at all fearful that she loves you more than she loves me."
Gabriel thought about this. After a very long time he asked. "Petey how old are you?"
He chuckled and said, "For one so young, you're very wise."
I smiled at Gabriel. "Sir, you're also very wise and very kind and that's the reamister I brought you the scotch."
Posts: 4050
#320 · Edited by: goodhusband
"And now the Hot Wife Cabaret is proud to present our own Kelroy College Coed, that sultry sorority sister we all know and love, the luscious Lindsey."
I turned. Jamal was back at the D.J. table. When he saw me looking at him he winked. He was having a good time tonight.
Suddenly Cyndi Lauper's, "Girl's Just Want To Have Fun." started playing and Lindsey stepped through the back curtain. She was dressed as a caricature of a classic college coed. Helen, Jessica and Lorraine had obviously had fun creating her costume.
Lindsey's blond hair was pulled back in a traditional pony tail. She was wearing an outrageous pink cashmere sweater with a cartoon French poodle embroidered on the front. They'd added a wool plaid skirt that was just barely long enough to cover the cheeks of her gorgeous rear, white bobbie sox and a pair of black Mary Jane sandals.
Everyone clapped and cheered as Lindsey took her first turn around the stage. Once she completed a second turn she stopped in front of Gabriel and me and stared directly into Gabriel's eyes. She lasciviously licked her lips and pulled her sweater up exposing an old fashioned white brassiere. She gave everyone a second to ogle her sexy underwear and then she flashed her date a wicked little wink, pulled her sweater back down and took another turn around the stage.
Gabriel leaned over and whispered, "That was meant for us."
I shook my head. "No sir, she was staring at you. The flash was meant for you, the fact that she was doing it for you was meant for me."
Gabriel laughed. "Petey, this is a very complicated relationship."
"Yes sir, but it is fun."
Gabriel laughed some more. "Well I'm certainly enjoying my end of it."
Lindsey returned to center stage, stopped in front of us again and seductively wiggled her hips as she pulled her pink sweater over her head. Once it was off, she tossed the sweater to the back of the stage, pushed her brassiere covered breasts together with her upper arms and bent over giving Gabriel a very nice view of her cleavage.
He clapped his hands together, leaned over and whispered, "Petey she is magnificent."
I nodded, “Yes sir she is.”
Lindsey started to circle the stage again, but this time she stopped halfway around. For a moment she stared at us with her hands on her hips and then she amazed everyone in the room by turning a full cartwheel. While she was upside down her short skirt flipped up exposing her tiny white thong panties.
The whole group stood up and started applauding as Lindsey gracefully landed on her feet at the front of the stage. I wanted to join them, but I'd promised Sandra that I would remain on my knees throughout the entire performance and I felt like I needed to keep my word.
Once the room was quiet Lindsey playfully pulled up the front of her skirt and gave us another peek at the tiny triangle of white lace that concealed her pussy. She teased us for a moment and then she turned around and wiggled her cute little ass while she unzipped her skirt and let it fall to the floor. As she stepped out of it, she kicked the skirt to the back of the stage and stood with her back to us while she seductively swayed her hips to the heavy beat of the high spirited music. She danced for a moment and then Lindsey bent over and shamelessly thrust her gorgeous rear at us. She continued wiggling her bottom while she slipped her fingers inside the waist band of her tiny panties and slowly inched them down to her ankles. My girlfriend's new position provided everyone in the room with a wide open view of her naked ass and pussy.
Rather than attempt to cover herself, Lindsey brazenly looked back at all of us through her parted legs and winked. Then she balanced herself with her left hand while she pressed the two forefingers of her right hand into the cleft of her pussy and lasciviously massaged her clit.
I heard Gabriel take a deep breath and then he leaned over and whispered. "She is incredibly limber."
I nodded. "Yes sir, she is. She told me she was a gymnast in high school."
He quietly stared at my girlfriend. There was a wondrous expression on his face. I'm certain that he was imagining what it was going to be like to take this supple young woman to bed.
After fondling herself for a moment, Lindsey placed the palms of both of her hands on the floor and rocked forward so she could keep her balance and then she kicked her panties off. Once they were free of her feet she swept them up with her right hand and stood up. As soon as she was standing she raised her castoff underpants over her head and triumphantly pranced around the stage.
When she passed her pile of discarded clothing Lindsey dropped her panties and returned to the front of the stage. She clapped her hands and twirled around two times, Now her only clothing was the antique bra. There was something incredibly sexy about watching Lindsey dance bottomless while her small breasts were still modestly concealed under the straitlaced brassiere.
She danced for a moment and then she moved to the side of the stage, pressed herself against the dressing room wall and wrapped her arms around her back. As she made love to the wall her fingers gently caressed her back like they were the hands of a s*******ed lover. We all watched in rapt silence as this faux paramour deftly unclasped the back of her brassiere.
Lindsey slipped her left hand under her unfastened brassiere and fondled her nipple while she lewdly licked the index finger of her right hand. The symbolism was obvious, Lindsey was tonguing her lovers erect cock while he fondled her bare nipple.
The entire room erupted into applause. Lindsey grabbed the cups of her brassiere, held them securely in place and spun around. Once she was facing us she strutted to the front of the stage, pulled the bra away and exposed her small breasts. She took a quick bow and then she pranced around the stage twirling her brassiere over her head and shaking her tits like a veteran exotic dancer.
Except for her Mary Jane sandals and bobbie sox, my girl friend was now totally nude. I sighed as I watched her stare into Gabriel's eyes, lick her lips and wickedly pull on her exposed nipples. Next to me I heard Gabriel take a deep breath. Lindsey's lascivious display was obviously having the desired effect.
I was torn. Part of me was incredibly proud of my girlfriend's magnificent performance, but pangs of envy also tore through me when I realized that the girl I loved had just done this erotic striptease to excite another man. I knew that I should be enjoying the climax of Lindsey's wonderful show, but at that moment the only image in my mind was Gabriel pumping his huge erection in and out of my girl friend's cunt.
I smiled as I realized that this was a preview of my life with Lindsey. While I dreamed of the day she would become my bride, I had to accept the fact that I would always be her cuckold and she would always be my hot wife. Whenever my true love danced, it would always be for the pleasure of another man.
Posts: 1914
Wonderful GH. I thought leaving the bra on was nice touch. I know I've said it before but you sometimes seem at your best when you're anguished. And you are at your best. These are such great characters. It's a pity we don't get proper films about such themes. Your group would make a wonderful movie.
Posts: 1459
GH - One upside of being away for awhile is the opportunity to return and read several new episodes of your story at one sitting. Of course, if I had more self control I could do that without being away, but thus far that has proved to be impossible. Each demands to be read as soon as it is discovered I know I've said it before, but thanks again. This is a GREAT story, subtle, complex, and very, very sexy.
Posts: 4050
Thank you, these characters are the reamister I continue writing. It's a way for me to keep them alive.
Thank you, I have similar feelings about your story. When I get done posting this next installment I plan to read your next installment.
Posts: 1914
I know we all get to a certain age and then sometimes wonder what we would do if we had our time over again. I suspect that Petey, with his wisdom before his years is a little bit of that character for many of us. I know I would feel his pain if he was troured. I just love this story GH, thanks again for sharing it with us all.
Posts: 4050
#325 · Edited by: goodhusband
I have written several responses and have deleted them all. Your comment speaks for itself.
I am editing another segment right now and should have it posted in a few minutes
Posts: 492
Great stuff GH, thanks as always.
Posts: 1459
Thanks GH, great writing! I love the way Lindsey and Petey are so in tune that they seem to know each other's every thought, and that Court, despite everything, is really Petey's friend and confidant - and the flashes of your sense of humor are always a treat! The truly cruel,violent, or "out there" stories rarely capture my interest for long, just not my cup of tea, but this is very entertaining.
Posts: 4050
Thanks Stormy
Posts: 4050
Stevie was waiting for me when I got to the bar. He smiled and said, "What do you need Cutie?"
"Speedy, Mr. Phillips would like a martini."
"Coming right up."
While Stevie was making Court's cocktail everyone stood up and started to cheer. At the same time, Jamal's voice filled the room. "Put your hands together for the alluring Joanne."
I looked at the stage, Joanne was picking up her clothes.
I glanced over at Gabriel and Lindsey. They were on their feet cheering. Mr. Vaillant's trousers were open. His huge erect penis was jutting obscenely out in front of him. I smiled, it was strange to be in a room full of people where this behavior was not only not shocking, it was the expected norm.
Stevie set Court's martini on a tray in front of me. As he set the take down he said, "They're all wonderful aren't they?"
I smiled, "Yes they are. We're very lucky men."
Stevie looked over at Jamister and his wife. "I don't know about us, but their dates for the evening certainly are lucky men."
I followed his gaze. Sandra was sitting on Jamister's lap. Her back was to him so that she was in a position to see the stage. She was now naked. She was casually playing with Jamister's flaccid penis while he fondled her small breasts. I remembered that a few minutes ago Sandra was sucking Jamister's cock. She must have made him cum and now she was waiting for him to get another erection.
I turned back to Stevie. He was watching his wife and her lover. There was a smile on his face.
I winked at him. "You love being a cuckold, don't you."
He laughed. "Yes Petey I really do."
Once everyone sat down again I picked up the tray with Court's martini and started over to him. As I was walking across the room Court stood up and moved back to his old table. I quickly changed direction and followed him. My timing turned out to be perfect. He was just sitting down when I delivered his take.
He smiled at me. "Thanks Petey, I can use that right now."
I was about to say something when I noticed the dressing room door open. Joanne stepped out. All she was wearing was a navy blue g string. Court and I both stared at her in silence while she walked over. She was absolutely gorgeous.
When she arrived at the table Joanne smiled at me and said, "Hi Petey did you enjoy my dance?"
I grinned at her. "Mistress Joanne, I thought you were absolutely magnificent."
Joanne shifted her gaze to Court. I watched while my roommate and his girlfriend lovingly stared into each other's eyes. After a moment Joanne asked, "How about you lover boy? Did you enjoy my performance?"
Court slowly nodded. "I thought you were wonderful."
Joanne climbed onto his lap, put her arms around his neck and kissed him on the lips. As they kissed she said, "I wanted you to like it so very badly."
Court kissed her back with an intensity that I've rarely seen from him.
For a moment I stood by watching while my two friends passionately kissed each other and then I suddenly became embarrassed. I felt like I was violating their privacy. I understood that it was an odd reaction. These two were just kissing. I was surrounded by couples brazenly engaged in fellatio and intercourse, yet the intimacy Court and Joanne were sharing seemed to be much more permisteral and intense than the flagrant sex acts that engaged the others.
I discreetly left. As I slipped away I wondered if Joanne was falling in love with Court. Part of me hoped it was true, but another part of me was concerned. Court was my friend. I wanted him to be happy, but Joanne had a husband. This was a situation where someone was going to get hurt.
Posts: 1914
Still real, still brilliant. Thanks once again GH.