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Diana's love

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"Can I see you in the other room?" she had asked Alex before they had disappeared. Alex was clearly unsettled by my presence during his time with her, and I thought she was looking to have a private word and put him at ease.

As the minutes slowly ticked by and they didn't return, I began to wonder what I should do? Should I just let myself out? Shouldn't I say something first? I played with the empty glass in my hand for several more minutes before deciding to find them and offer some excuse for leaving.

I got up from my seat in the living room and found my way with the empty glass to the kitchen. "Diana?" I called out tentatively. Nothing. "Dee?" I wasn't going to yell and my soft voice never carried far.

I moved into the hallway. The short hallway was anchored by the living room and the family room. Off an adjacent door in the family, another hallway led to the bedrooms and one bathroom. How far had they gone?

I needn't have worried. As I came to the end of the first hallway, I stopped speechless. There was Diana underneath Alex on the small couch. They were locked in a fully clothed embrace. Though I stood out in the open at the entrance of the room, I didn't sense that they'd seen me. I heaved a deep breath as I drank in their body language. After a few moments her legs widened and he slipped between them. Their kisses grew deeper and any discomfort he'd felt earlier about my presence was gone.

His hands gradually left hers and moved to her breasts. Their bodies began to writhe together, when suddenly she pushed his hands away and sat up. Then she swung one foot and pushed him back, still holding his hand. Rising, she continued to tug his hand.

As she led him past me into the second hallway, she looked up at me and said, "Don't follow us." Moments later the bedroom door clicked shut behind them. I waited motionless for what must have been seconds but felt much longer. I turned for the front door, my face flush, my ears pounding as I imagined what was happening behind that closed door.

* * *

Our young guest was unable to rejoin us for dinner for several weeks. School had started and he was away. I would occasionally come home to find Diana on the phone with him. I watched the trees turn color outside the window as the fall wore on. She was growing impatient for his return as the greens became tipped with reds. When it seemed the whole world had turned crimmister there was still no word on Alex's return date. And finally as the yellows shuffled in and her mood became more somber, he called to say that he'd be able to break away the following weekend. Instantly, she seemed spontaneous and happy.

The week passed quickly. He would only be able to see us the Sunday afternoon for lunch before returning to his college. Saturday she went shopping for the makings of a special meal for Alex. That night seemed to pass impossibly slowly. When she wordlessly pushed me away a second time, her look was simultaneously pleading and contemptuous.

For me, the dishes were too soon cleared. She walked gracefully to his seat at the head of the table and reached for his hand while leaning in for a kiss. I thought he was going to retreat but instead he leaned up and greedily met her lips. And then both their mouths opened while still locked together. He eyed me carefully while doing this.

I saw him reaching to tug at the end of her blouse. She was a little hesitant but he pressed harder to her mouth, and soon his hand was on her breast. Their heads tossed from side to side for a few moments as he groped her.

And then he pushed back his chair, and calmly looking at me, took her hand and led the way to the bedroom.

I waited nervously at the table until I heard her soft moans. My heart racing, I sipped the last of my wine. My ears were now flush and hot as I heard her cry out just once. I knew well the sharp intake of breath that must have preceded that out of my sight. Over the next minutes, her sighs built into moans and the moans built to a crescendo. I sat at the table unable to move and tried to keep my breathing slow and even for fear of letting out my own anguish, and the fear of missing her cries of passion.

I don't know how long I sat there. She returned wearing a pale blue robe, leading Alex by the hand. She gave him a lingering kiss by the door. I looked up and he called out, "Goodnight!" to me.

I swallowed hard and managed to power the sounds from my mouth. "Goodnight, Alex." And the door shut behind him.


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Diana's love
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