Posts: 28
When I was 17 my girlfriend went on trip to spend the summer in Europe. We were quite close and I was really sad to have to spend the summer alone.
After she left, I began hanging out with one of her best friends, Ruth. she was a 16 year old israeli who grew up in the States. She was absolutely beautiful, exotic looks and an unbelievable body. She was attempting to become a model. She was in the process of comprising a portfolio and going on shoots etc.
We started spending most of our summer together, telling each other how much we both miss my girlfriend. We'd go out for cofee, go to movies at night and hang out at her house during the day when her parents were at work.
She'd share with me her pictures. One day as she was showing me one of her shoots, a topless picture fell out. She was very embarrassed but quickly pointed out that it was no big deal since we were great friends. She told me she did it for the "art" and it was not to be published anywhere. Needless to say, I had a raging hard on while looking at the rest of the shoot, now that the cat was out of the bag so to speak!
By the end of the summer we were making out. I got as far as getting her shirt off and playing with her tits, but she'd stop me each time and tell me how guilty she felt because of my girlfriend.
My girlfriend then came home with the news that she had met an older man who was on the same tour as she was and that they had a brief fling! Here I was sitting at home getting blue balls because of her, while she was srewing around with somebody twice her age! Needless to say, we broke up shortly after that.
I, however, kept in touch with Ruth. Ruth and my ex-girlfriend grew apart over the next year and the next summer was a different story.
Now Ruth was continuing to pursue her modling career as well as attending cosmotology school. We started to hang out again over the summer and she would practice giving me facials and once I let her cut my hair. If you've never had a facial, let me tell you it's the most relaxing thing you've ever experienced. It's a facial massage with cleansers and then she would apply hot towels for a few minutes, and then another product that she would massage was absolutely incredible.... She would also be doing this barefoot in very short shorts and a tube top!
Her touch and attire would drive me over the edge. I'd have a huge hard on the entire time. I had to reciprocate in some way so I'd offer to give her massages.
She'd let me massage her with her shirt off but she'd keep on her shorts. They were gym shorts with a slit up each leg that she cut. I'd massage her back, feet, thighs and try to let my hands creep up over her ass. If she was relaxed enough, she'd allow me to turn her over and do her front. On those occassions she'd let me rub some cream into her breasts and do the front of her thighs. I'd pay particular attention to the inside of her thighs and she'd let out a soft moan and tell me that I was making her horny, but wouldn't let me go farther. Evidentially, letting me go farther would ruin our friendship!!!
Throughout the summer she would keep practicing on me things she needed to work on at cosmotology school. She begged to give me a manicure and a pedicure. I let her do it but it was rather humiliating.
During this summer our friendship really devolved into just platonic friends. She would tell me how happy she was to have a friend like me and praised the virtues of not feeling the pressures of a romantic relationship. I was secretly devastated but couldn't let on.
She was now free to engage me in what I deemed girl talk. She began telling me about who she had a crush on and what she found attractive in a man, (she loved muscles).
At 18 I was 6'0 and 145lbs with long hair, (1980). I was very athletic and played football, basketball and baseball, but had no muscule whatsoever. I was embarrassed to go to the beach as my arms and legs were skinny and my ribs showed.
At the end of the summer it became very clear, I was her best friend and that was all.
I then left for college and she was entering her senior year. I didn't get to see much of her but we kept in touch. The next summer she somehow managed to move out of her parents house and get a studio apartment. Her modeling career was beginning to get her some work and she had a day job cutting hair. She was now trying to get into movies. She had made some connections and actually was invited to the playboy mansion several times in LA. She said Heff was the sweetest man.
I was going to college about 90 miles away and about once a month I would spend the weekend back home and come in during the holidays. Once in a while, during these times, I would stop by late at night to see Ruth. Our friendship began to fade away to just include these visits and the visits consisted of catching up while I was inevitably giving her a massage.
She would strip down to her bra and panties which were usually see through and tell me how successful and busy she was. Always bragging about how she'd turn heads at the clubs, at the playboy mansion, how she met this and that producer, how she was interviewing for casting in a movie, (she actually did get a small part in a B movie), what rich successful young businessman she was dating. She was pretty much living the life of the jet set at 18-20.
As I would massage her she began directing me to do certain spots, and not the fun ones! Feet and shoulders were her thing. She'd smoke a ciggarrette while lying on her stomach relaxing and bragging. She'd reluctantly let me undue her bra and pull her panties up her ass because it was unspoken that I had to get something out of this experience...but I promise you, it was only after over an hour of massaging her back, neck, shoulders and feet that I was allowed to explore her a little bit.
She'd basically be arelax by this point and I would sit there feeling very insecure about myself touching her tits and thighs. After I tired, I would let myself out, she'd wake up just long enough to give me a kiss and get herself together to lock the door.
After a while of this she began to tell me that she didn't have time late at night, but if I wanted to come over around 6:00, we could spend some time together catching up. What this apparently meant was that I was to come over while she got ready to go out on a date or to the clubs.
She would try on clothes for me like I was a girlfriend, and talk to me while she did her nails. She then asked me to do her nails and when I refused, really began to become distant and detached. Needless to say, I relented and found myself being instructed in how to give a professional pedicure. I would wash her feet and then massage them and then paint her toe nails. She was sworn to secrecy!
While I was either massaging her or painting her nails she would tell me about her date or who she was interested in that month. They were all rich and successful and interesting, he ownes a bar, this ones a trader, you have to see his penthouse, etc... I would have to leave before he came to pick her up. Before I left she was incredibly hot. She'd have on something short with high heels, she'd be all made up and I promise you, she was playboy material...she'd give me a peck on the lips and thank me for helping her get ready after an "exhausting week", leaving me hard, sore and frustrated.
Pretty soon she began telling me of her exotic vacations. She and her girlfriend had taken a Cruise and did a 3 way with some great looking guy in their cabin. She just wanted the experience but didn't really like it because she wound up waiting too much for some attention while her girlfriend was on the receiving end.
She told me that she told her girlfriend about me and what we do together and told me that her friend semi jokingly said, I would love that! She'd like to invite her over one day when I'm around. She asked me if that was ok because it would be double the work for me!
At the time I didn't know what a cuckold was and I wasn't enjoying the work. I was a horny college guy that would do anything to see and feel her tits and ass! The offense wasn't really profound because it was just me and her and nobody else knew. I mean I knew that Ruth was using me and somehow enjoying teasing me with her body but I was getting something out of this as well so it was worth it.
As I thought about it I began to appreciate the offense I would feel to meet this girl. Having her know that I'm basically a servant that Ruth enjoys to tease. I said no thanks to having her friend join us.
The next thing I know its Christmas break. Any pussy I was getting at school was gone and I was horny as hell. I called Ruth and received the usual response, you can come by around 6 but now it was, my friend will be here. I refused the first time, but it became evident that there would not be any further time she'd let me come by without her friend being over there.
To be continued.... I don't know if this interests anybody, but I swear its all true. Let me know if you'd like to hear more.
Posts: 204
dam right im interested. please continue. thanks for giving my teenie weenie some feeling eezdaze
Posts: 256
keep it going!
Posts: 62
be free to continue!
cheers prologue
Posts: 5
id love to hear the rest//// I love your wife
Posts: 119
damn good story. Please continue.
Posts: 438
great story so far....please continue Tony 
Posts: 28
Part II
It must have been the third time I called Ruth over that winter break when I realized that either her friend moved in or she wasn't offering anything without her. In actuality, my feeling at the time, which I still believe to be correct, was that she became bored of the massages and wanted to see how far should could push me.
To this day, I can't tell you why I agreed. I knew it would be a bit humiliating but I think it was the prospect of getting to lay my hands on two girls and play with their thighs, asses and tits at the same time was somehow intoxicating. This coupled with the fact that I was unbelievably horny. Actually, I think that Ruth's sexiniess trumped all of these rationalizations.
Ruth was just gorgeous. She was around 5'6, about 125lbs., she had a really full C cup with these inverted nipples, until you made them hard. Her face would cause people to just stop in their tracks...she looked a lot like Angela Jolie, thick lips and high cheekbones. She had an olive skin tone.
She had very shapley thighs that ran up to a pretty round ass. I always loved full thighs, not fat, but full, I hated skinny thighs. I just loved the look of a womans thigh from the side when she was crossing her legs. You can see the muscle on the bottom leg and with women with shapley thighs, it gets to be very thick but defined. I also loved the fact that when I was massaging her thighs, as she was laying on her back, I would be kneeling in front of her, and would raise her ankle to rest on my shoulder. I would then run both of my hands down from her knees to her upper most thigh.
I loved the fact that her hamstrings would be hanging down when I took the pressure off and let her knee bend. The bottom part of her thigh, loose and shaking almost swinging to my touch in its relaxed state, and then with just a move of my shoulder, all the slack would dissappear and it would be tight as a guitar string, usually accompanied by her sighs of contentment and absolute relaxation.
I would firmly and methodically place my hands around each thigh lubricated with lotion and run them up as far as they could go to her pussy. I would then make sure to run my fingers on the area between her pussy and thigh, this would drive her crazy...but quite often cause her to caution me and reinpower my boundaries.
Sorry, to be continued...(hard to write during work!)
inferior male
Posts: 2
PLEASE keep going! I am loving this! You are a lucky guy.
Posts: 10
This is an excellent story...please continue...:>)
Sean Davis
Posts: 42
Posts: 781
amazing story!
Posts: 175
Great Story! Please continue A. Smith
Posts: 28
I'm sorry that its been so long since I've continued the story....
So, its a cold winter saturday, the Saturday before the next sememster was to start again so I'd be leaving to go back to school on Monday. I get a call from Ruth at about 4:30. Want to come over, I have a few hours before I have to go out.
I felt pretty lucky flying out of my house, the feeling of bordome to excitement in just one minute was sending my head reeling. On the drive over it occurred to me, she didn't say anything about her friend being there, maybe she gave up on the idea.
Ruth opened the door, it was a studio apartment so I could immediately see this average looking blond sitting on the couch with an amused condesending look on her face.
I say average, because she had an ok looking face that she used a lot of make up on to look pretty, a "decent" body, thin enough, perhaps a bit too thin, flat chested, thin moused hair. If I'm not explaining her very well, let me try again, she's the stuck up flashy blond with the hot clothes that when you really look at her, isn't that hot at all....the kind that because she's blond and has the attitude, gets plenty of attention and it goes to her head....ok enough of that!
I'll continue in a bit, let me know if your still interested.
Posts: 781
yes please!
i love your story and painitng the toenails toetally subdued...Also intrigued in this blond girl, i so hate these type of girl even though i am very sub to all women?!?
Posts: 28
Ruth's friends name was Kim. Kim was holding a glass of red wine and smoking a ciggarrette. She was dressed in a tee shirt and gym shorts, with bare feet. As soon as I walked in, Kim introduced hereself by blurting out, "Hi Marc, we've been waiting for you" and then giggling while looking at Ruth, "I hear your going to help us get ready to go out".
I was a bit stunned and humiliated, I just looked at her and didn't know what to say. I felt so ackward. I saw Ruth flash her a glare telling her to shut her mouth. It served only to confirm their converstation before I arrived.
I could feel the red rushing to my face. I never agreed to anything and the way she said it with that amused look on her face coupled with her inside joke with Ruth made me decide to just leave. Just as I began to turn, I felt Ruth begin to pull at my jackets zipper. She began cooing saying, "Kim's getting a bit takes, if you haven't noticed", "It's so great to see you!" "Please give me your jacket and have some wine".
Posts: 277
Tell us more contdoc
Posts: 28
I sat at the end of the couch, lit a ciggarette and had a glass of wine. I leaned forward so that my elbows touched my knees in a overly confident, masculine pose, trying desperately to regain some machismo.
Ruth was acting really sweet, telling Kim what a special friend I was and how cool it was to hang out with me last summer. She managed to re-build my self esteem a bit until Kim just knocked it back down about 20 minutes into the small talk, "I heard you do toes, I really need my feet done" and then starts laughing. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm just getting a little takes here, I'm sorry guys".
I guess that glass of wine really helped because although the feeling of offense was washing over me, it wasn't an angry feeling, I just kind of took it...Ruth must have noticed it too, she slid over to me and sat in my lap putting her arms around my neck, "oh, poor Markie, Kims being such a bitch, I'm sorry, we'll make it up to you, I promise", her voice so pouting but with a little playful condesention at the same time. Even though I couldn't see Ruth's face, I could feel Ruth's eyes locked with Kims while she spoke, providing yet again, another warning to her friend.
Ruth continued to sit in my lap sensing that I was just taking it and not getting angry, she stroked my hair and rubbed my neck a bit telling her friend, "he gives the most unbelievable massages" and I taught him how to give manni and pedi's didn't I?" "He'd be the best boyfriend you could imagine"!
"I wonder what else he knows how to do" challenged Kim, "You can't be the best boyfriend unless you know what you're doing" she smiled. "Oh, I know what I'm doing" I replied firmly. Looking back at it I can now see how simply Kim manipulated me by planting the possibility of real sex in my mind.
Ruth then finally pounced and layed down her hand, "well, we have to get ready to go out now, you can either leave or help us".
I had finished my second glass of wine and was feeling very relaxed and horny at this point. I was looking at Ruth's bare legs and feet as they lay across my lap. I could smell both girls scents they used some sort of body wash or perfume, I couldn't tell, but it smelled extremely sexy, I didn't want to leave, I wanted to watch them get dressed, I wanted to touch them and massage them, play with their tits....I wanted to...
"If you stay, you have to do as you're told" Kim rather rudely blurted out sounding as if she didn't care either way. I looked at Ruth who was getting up from my lap fully expecting her to soften the language and tone of Kim, but she didn't. She just piled on a bit, "There's tons of guys who'd ******* to be here right now", "We trust you not to say anything".
Again, what the hell did that mean, "trust me not to say anything", pure manipulation!
Posts: 58
This is really getting good! Looking forward to more. Thanks!
Posts: 371
Very good story.... too bad it did not continue