Posts: 52
amazing 34 thank you
Posts: 14692
Posts: 14692
Stormy best wishes for the Thanksgiving holidays
Posts: 1459
Timmy, GH, peak, JJ, Irish, lick buddy, Trf2, mykey, and juScuRious - and any other readers that have held on so long, thanks for your patience and persistence. I know it's been a long time, and there are reamisters, but I'll not bore you - or at least not with that crap! I do so much appreciate all of you, and your comments, and hope that all of you are having a good Thanksgiving weekend, even if that particular holiday is not observed in your country!
I sincerely thank you, hope all is well in your lives, hope you enjoy this next segment, and, especially, hope that the next one after it will not take so damned long!
Posts: 1459
I could not deny the sexual thrill that her words gave me, or that I felt as I watched his cock harden under Kristi’s full attention. She seemed to thoroughly enjoy playing with it, and seemed to focus special attention on his ample foreskin, nibbling and sucking at it and sliding it back and forth over the head of his penis, which was now as big and purple as a ripe plum. I suppose it was an interesting new toy for her, and something which I did not possess, mentally making the comparimister to the way I got a special thrill out of a woman with a larger clit as compared to Kristi’s very sensitive and appreciative (but somewhat small) little love button. It was understandable that she was enjoying playing with his soft, supple foreskin, I suppose, since it was apparently something she had not experienced often - or possibly ever.
Whatever, it was fun – and arousing – to watch her respond so enthusiastically in kind to his very evident sexual response to her. They were enjoying each other, she was still fondling and stroking me with one hand, and I was enjoying watching it and, to the extent I was, taking part. I made a conscious effort to try to relax and go with the flow. Doing so, I decided that perhaps I could help to move things along.
Pulling free from Kristi’s grasp on my cock, I stooped down to her and kissed the side of her neck as she continued to suck Pops’ enormous black cock. “One of us has far too many clothes on babe, and I think it’s you.” I unknotted the tails of her shirt and then proceeded to slide it off her shoulders. The hand that had formerly been fondling me had moved to Pops’ heavy ball sack, squeezing and kneading, but one by one she freed each hand and let me slide the sleeves off her arms. I tossed her shirt over a deck chair before expertly unclipping the strap of her bikini bra and adding it to the collection.
She looked beautiful there, on her knees in just her bikini bottom, her long honey-colored hair blowing in the breeze and her throat and upper chest flushed pink with arousal. The contrast of his thick, dark cock with her pale fingers and tanned face was stunning, and as her eyes, dreamy and smoky, moved to me momentarily, the corners crinkled up in what had to pass for a smile as her lips were otherwise occupied. Her nipples were at full attention, hard with arousal, and when Pops bent slightly to engulf her breast in his huge paw she sighed, the sigh turning into a low moan when he rolled her hard nipple gently between his fingers.
Satisfied with her current state of undress, I resumed my position in front of her, so that she was kneeling somewhat between the two of us. To my surprise and delight, she allowed his now fully hard and massive cock to slip from her lips with a slight slurp and turned to take my own hard organ into her warm and willing mouth. I failed to suppress a slight gasp and shudder of pleasure at the incredible sensation, but then again, I didn’t try very hard. She continued to stroke his cock with one hand as I became the beneficiary of the other two-thirds of her attentions, one hand and her amazing lips working on me.
She continued that way for what was probably a minute or so - but which seemed much shorter – before letting my aching erection slide slowly from between her lips. Continuing to stroke both of us with her hands, she leaned back and looked closely at what she held, back and forth between us as though comparing our cocks, both of which were straining rigidly with arousal – and chemically-enhanced arousal at that! I couldn’t help but notice that, whereas her fingers just almost closed fully around my shaft, there was a gap of almost an inch where her fingers failed to meet around his thickness.
She noticed it too, obviously, as well as the fact that he was a couple of inches longer than me. His cock truly was an impressive sight, even to me. She looked up at me, and, as if reading my thoughts, she grinned broadly. “You know sweetheart, I used to think that you were really well-hung; I guess now I’ll have to revise my standards.”
I suppose that might have hurt some guys’ feelings, maybe even crushed or emasculated them in some way, but it actually made me laugh, which made her laugh. I shook my head. “You know babe, I’m sure that I have my share of insecurities – I may possibly even be a seething mass of them – but penis size is not one of them! Pops just happens to be one of those overly endowed freaks of nature that come along every now and then, and so be it, ya’ know? Just your lucky day, I guess.”
He poked me with a thick finger. “Hey! I’m right here, OK?”
I chuckled. “Do you deny it?”
He shrugged. “I suppose not – but be nice, OK? No more of this ‘freaks’ talk.”
Kristi giggled. “You guys! The truth is, I think they’re both magnificent – even if this big black one is just slightly more magnificent at the moment.” She looked at me – or, more accurately, at my cock. “Hey, you’re leaking! Let’s not waste any!” So saying she sucked the small dribble of clear pre-cum off the tip of my cock before noticing that he had the same issue, and doing the same for him. That got her back into sucking mode as she alternated between us, and we just stood and enjoyed it; perhaps even as much as she seemed to!
We each kicked our pants off and stepped out of them, the better to give her access to everything she wanted. Watching her suck and tongue his heavy balls, his thick, massive cock laying across the side of her beautiful face as she bent under to access his dark ballsack, was a singularly unique and erotic experience, and I was so intensely aroused that I felt like I had electric currents running through me.
As she focused a little oral attention on him he groaned, a low rumble of satisfaction from deep in his chest. “Uhhhmmmm man, that be some good lovin’! How did a scrawny white boy like you manage to find a woman so beautiful, talented, and just so damn sexual - and enthusiastic about it?”
I grinned. “The rewards of clean living and a healthy lifestyle, I guess. Either that, or plain ol’ dumb luck, take your pick.”
He looked at me, his dark face serious, eye wide. “Guess I’m gonna haf’ta go with dumb luck. Sorry.” Only then did he grin, wiggling his eyebrows comically.
Kristi leaned back from him and looked up at us, tugging firmly on our cocks to get our attention. “Hey, are you guys just going to stand there and chat all day and let me do all the work while you ignore me?”
We looked at each other and shrugged, then pretended to discuss it for a moment or two before answering her. When we did, it was left to me. “Yeah, I guess that’s the plan, as long as that’s OK with you. It all seems to be working out quite well, don’t you think?”
She looked surprised for just a moment before she realized that we were yanking her chain, and then her eyes narrowed and she grabbed us each by the balls and squeezed – and none too gently, I might add! “You might want to re-think that, boys – and remember, I have your most important and tender assets in my hands.” She tightened her grip enough that I winced, and I heard Pops suck in his breath.
He crumred first, but then his balls were bigger than mine and she had them pretty well in hand. “OK, OK, uncle! I give, let’s just be a little careful with the jewels, all right? And we did pay you copious compliments, if you’ll recall!”
She rose smoothly to her feet – without loosening her grip – and stood between us, looking from one to the other. “That’s more like it. Perhaps it’s time for us to retire to the boudoir, so that you each may show your appreciation in a more, shall we say, tangible way.”
Unable to make the turn and lead us away by our balls, as I suspect she wanted to do, she released us and began to turn away – at which point Pops scooped her up in his arms as if she weighed no more than a small young, lifting her crossways, arms under her back and behind her knees. He stood there holding her, his shirt open, revealing a chest as wide and dark as that of a water buffalo – his heavy scrotum and rampant sex also more than adequate for a creature of that size - and looked over at me. “The lady makes a point. Let’s take this little show back to the bedroom, shall we?”
Moving effortlessly despite carrying her, he crossed to the door that led into the main salon and thus back to the staterooms, while I stood rooted to the spot and watched them go. At the door he turned, and they both looked at me. His eyebrows went up. “You coming?”
I shook my head, suddenly feeling very odd, very uncomfortable with the idea of tagging along behind while he carried my fiancée back to our bed for sex. It didn’t seem like something any normal guy would do. “Uh, I don’t know. Maybe I’ll just let you two go.” When I heard my own voice saying those words, I was struck by the fact that that also did not seem like a normal response. Too late though, since I’d spoken out loud!
Kristi’s eyes searched my face for a moment, and then she tapped Pops on the shoulder as she leaned in and spoke softly into his ear. He bent and lowered her feet to the deck, and she crossed to me, ***ly moving in that sexy, sinuous way that she has, her small bikini bottoms merely highlighting her near-nudity. Sometimes she’s so beautiful it almost hurts to look at her, and never more so than when she is aroused, excited, and ready for an extended period of lovemaking. Over her shoulder I was aware of him waiting in the doorway, his massive erection standing straight out from his body in anticipation.
She stopped in front of me, inches away, and laid her hand on my chest as she looked up into my eyes. “I thought you were going to be OK with this.”
“Well, I am, I guess. I’m just not sure I want to be a part of it, so maybe it would be better if just the two of you went on.”
She cocked her head, still staring straight into my eyes. “The thing with Lee worked out all right, and last night, with me and Tiffany, you enjoyed that, right?”
“Well yeah, of course, but maybe I just don’t want to make a habit of it. Besides, you can tell me all about it later.”
She smiled. “Yes, you’d probably like that, huh? You know though, even though you say you don’t want to be a part of this, one part of you clearly does.” Her hand slid down my stomach and wrapped around my still achingly hard cock and she squeezed, as if to emphasize her words.
I grunted softly, her touch sending an electric jolt through me. “Yeah, well, you know I have very little control over that. It seems to have a mind of its own.”
She stroked me. “Maybe you should just follow its lead and forget what that other mind is telling you.” Over her shoulder I was aware of Pops leaning on the doorframe with one hand while slowly stroking himself with the other, his huge hand wrapped around his equally massive cock as he slowly masturbated, patiently awaiting the outcome of our discussion.
“No, I think maybe I should pass this time. You go ahead though, I know you’ve been looking forward to this, and I can tell how turned on you are.”
She looked down at her erect nipples, and at her chest, which was still flushed pink with arousal. “Yes, I’m sure you can; nobody knows me like you do. Adam, are you sure? Are you really sure that this is going to be OK with you? You know I’ll stop if you say the word, right?”
I believed her, and that made me feel somewhat more at ease. “Yeah, sure, go ahead; what the hell, it’s just sex, right?”
She tilted her head to the side and gave me her best mischievous grin, shrugging slightly. “Well…” She looked back toward Pops. “Adam wants to know if it’s just sex. What do you think?”
He pretended to be dumbfounded, perhaps even stunned. “Just sex? Just sex? Son, with me it’s never ‘just sex’, and you should know that!” He dropped into the black patois that he sometimes used for effect. I don’t know what it’s supposed to be exactly, other than humorous, but to my untrained ear it sounds like a cross between plantation and street. “This gonna be some fi-i-i-ne jungle lovin’ boy, yo’ lady gonna be givin’ the old blacksnake moan, don’cha know, wonderin’ how she ever lived wid’out dat big black cock for so long! You know how dey say once you try black you never go back? Well, yo’ little pink worm might make her squirm, but once she have Pops, she ain’t gonna stop! She gonna be addicted to gettin’ black dick-ted, if you know what I mean. Just sex! She-e-e-it, you crazy boy!”
His jive bullcuckolds brownie, coupled with the fact that the entire time he was talking he’d been emphasizing his point by waving his big black cock around, had both of us laughing at him – as he’d no doubt intended. It served to break the tension that had been building up inside of me. Kristi looked at me for a moment before reaching up to stroke my cheek. “So, does that sound OK to you?”
It was a ridiculous question on its face, and I laughed. “Hey, you know – how could I possibly ask you to pass up an opportunity like that?”
She smiled. “You’re so good to me! You can still come along, you know. I know you want to.” She glanced down at my rigid sex.
I couldn’t totally deny that – not with my cock standing straight out in front of me! “Well…sort of, I guess, but no. You go ahead.”
“You’re sure?”
“Just go. Have fun.”
She wrapped herself around me and gave me one of those soul-shattering kisses, the kind where I can actually feel a part of her life power enter my body. I also noticed that she ground herself against my hardness, her body already in full arousal mode. She broke off the kiss, but remained molded to me. “Come join us if you change your mind.”
“I probably won’t do that, but thanks.” As she began to pull away, I grabbed her arm, stopping her. “Wait a second, you forgot something.” I knelt in front of her and hooked my fingers under the waistband of her tight little bikini bottom, and tugged it down past her hips and down her legs, holding it as she stepped out, and leaving her as naked as the day she was born – albeit much better developed and incredibly hot and sexy rather than cute and cuddly. “There, now you’re ready.”
She giggled. “More ready, you mean. I’ve been ready for quite some time now.”
I leaned forward and softly kissed her taut belly, about halfway between her navel and the top of her smooth, feminine mound. The faintest hint of her sexual perfume, her own particular soft musk, hit my nostrils, and I felt my cock throb in response to her potent arousal. She put her hand on my head and pushed gently, encouraging me to go lower, which I eagerly did. I kissed my way slowly down her lower abdomen, to her mound and down, to the front of her narrow cleft, the heady scent her arousal now stronger, my senses buzzing to it.
She raised one foot and put it on the middle bar of the deck railing, opening herself to my exploring tongue, and I took full advantage, sneaking my way in to find her extremely hard and extremely hot little love button, slick and sensual with her own sweet honey. I caressed it with my tongue, and then flicked it gently, and was rewarded with a soft, gasping “Ohhh!”, and a powerful tremor of arousal that shook her whole body. She used her hand on the back of my head to press my face to her, and at the same time thrust herself against me.
I did what I knew she wanted, and she came. It wasn’t one of those earth-shattering, eyes-rolling-back-in-the-head kind of orgasms, just a small one, but the way it fell like a hammer blow, the unexpected suddenness of it, caught us both by surprise, I think, and that made it all the more thrilling. Gasping with the sudden shock of it, she pushed me away. “God! I don’t know where that came from, but I hope there are more of them there, wherever it was!”
I smiled up at her, my lips wet with her arousal, the erotic taste of her fresh on my tongue. “Knowing you – and I do – I’m sure there are. Was that a good enough appetizer, or do you want more?”
She ran her fingers through my hair. “The perfect appetizer. Now I have to decide whether to stay with your talented tongue, or go for his magnificent cock. Hmmmm…”
I was pretty sure I knew which she’d decide, but Pops saved her the trouble, crossing to us and once again scooping her up in his arms. “Enough of this fooling around! Damn, kids, I was horny enough before you two put on your live porn show – I dying now!” His dark cock was enormously stiff and erect, the thick veins bulging, its fleshy hood skinned halfway back from the swollen purple head. Truly an intimidating weapon, which I was sure Kristi did not find intimidating at all, but clearly he was intensely aroused and not just saying so!
I was too, my own erection throbbing, aching, almost painfully stiff, and pointing skyward now, no longer sticking straight out in front of me. As he crossed to the door into the main salon, carrying Kristi, she caught my eye and winked at me, and smiled, and for some reamister that seemed to make it all OK. They disappeared indoors, leaving me standing there alone with only my own hard cock to keep me company. I looked down at it. “Yeah, I know pal. I let you down, right? Well, bear with me, I’m getting there – I know you only think about one thing, but I have to consider what’s best for both of us, all right? So, you know, shut up and go back to relax while I try to figure this out. I’ll call you if I need you.”
I glanced around self-consciously, hoping nobody had overheard me talking to my penis. I didn’t want to spend the rest of the trip trussed up in some closet because all my friends were afraid of me! Fortunately we were alone, but my pal was having none of that “go back to relax” nonsense and remained as hard as stone, tingling, a stream of clear pre-cum oozing out and dribbling down my shaft. It felt as though, with only about two or three strokes, I could launch a quart-sized stream of semen over the railing and into the lake, but I somehow resisted the powerful urge to make that happen, sighing instead as I waited for my arousal to subside enough to don my trunks and go join my other friends on the deck above.
Posts: 14692
Stormy you hit this not just out of the ball park but into the stratosphere. Damn, that was HOT
Posts: 4050
That was definitely worth the wait. It was hot with a little cuckold angst woven into it. I loved it.
Posts: 1459
Timmy and GH, thanks. I actually had fun writing that last half or so of that segment, which was nice. It seemed like it had not been fum for awhile now, but that was mostly because outside pressures kept putting too much pressure on my time.
I think (hope!) that maybe that situation is resolving itself, and I plan to get back here more often to both write and enjoy other people's efforts. I can't tell you how much your support and patience mean to me, so I won't try. I'll just say thanks!
Posts: 111
Stormy, I just returned and caught up. Your story is something that I look forward to and I know it is because of the outstanding character build. Kristi is great and you bring the her love of Adam and his love for her to the forefront so well. I read this early today and wanted to comment before you posted again. I will continue later today. Just want you to know that it is greatly appreciated! JJ
lick buddy
Posts: 277
only on pg 27 .............hope to catch up soon 
Posts: 492
Stormy, welcome back once again. I hope that things in your permisteral life ease up and allow you more time to visit. I'm kind of in the same boat, very busy with permisteral issues right now, but still stop by occasionally to see if any new segments have been posted.
This isn't exactly how I was hoping it would go, but I know I'm in the minority. If GH liked it, then that's good enough for me.
Great to see that you're doing OK.
Posts: 38
Hi Stormy,
good to know you're back again. I've enjoyed your installments during last months as I always did, just didn't stop by as often as I used to. Yes our time is consumed by permisteral matters for longer and in more intensity as we would want to sometimes, but that's life - and life it is which you so masterfully put in words in The Story. I worship this one as others do with The Book of Books, probably not in the same way but with more enthusiasm as many of the Believers apparingly do. Hope I don't hurt the feelings of your religious readers, however would one expect to find so many of them here? - Forget about the nonsense my mind is bearing. I'm very much looking forward to the next developments. My best wishes for all which frames, forms, and shapes your life!
Cliffa Cliffa
Posts: 1459
Thanks y'all for the comments. I really appreciate the support, and will return later to respond more completely and deservedly to each of you, but for now I thought I would quickly post the next segment before I head in to work. I hope you'll forgive my rudeness for the time being, and I'll get back to you later! ______________________________________________________________________ ______
It was a strange feeling, being there alone on the deck, knowing that Kristi and Pops were off to enjoy themselves (and each other!) in what would undoubtedly be very intimate ways while I stood there questioning just about everything – but most of all, myself. I don’t know if ‘disconsolate’ is the right word, because I wasn’t sad or angry, or depressed about it, just deeply confused. I think it was more just a case of being completely at loose ends, momentarily in limbo while I waited for my erection to fade. And it did, slowly, despite the haves in my system, gradually drooping to horizontal and then lower, shrinking and softening slowly but remaining thick and rubbery, sort of half-erect even after ten minutes or so had passed, and leaving me with a dull ache of longing and desire low in my crotch, my prostate undoubtedly swollen with unreleased fluids.
Sighing, I reached for my shorts, only then realizing that I still had Kristi’s tiny bikini bottoms clutched in my fist. I looked at the miniature triangle of cloth stupidly, wondering how it had come to this, and then, without thinking, raised it to my face and felt the moisture of the crotch against my nose and lips as I inhaled her erotic scent. That was the last thing my aching groin needed, and I winced as the scent of my lover’s arousal rushed a jolt of electricity straight to my tender package, my cock jumping as I tensed against the rush!
Oh well, what’s one more ache, right? Shaking my head, I slowly slipped into my shorts, taking care to wipe the pearl of pre-cum off the tip of my cock first so as to not leave a wet stain, and to tuck everything in carefully rather than just letting it flop in. I seemed a bit too tender for that! I looked around before heading upstairs, not really sure what I was looking for. Maybe I was just making certain that there was no remaining evidence of what had transpired, of how I had let Kristi leave without me. The two parts of her bikini, lying on the lounge chair where I’d dropped them, and Pops’ gaudy shorts alongside on the floor pretty much told the story, but lacking a better idea of what to do with them, I simply left them there.
I trudged up the steps and walked out onto the upper deck and over to the helm, where Ronnie (not surprisingly) was handling the captain’s duties. I think maybe he’s a frustrated 18th century sea captain or pirate or something, the way he loves to drive the boat all the time! Kori was stretched out near him on one of the lounge chairs laid out flat, face-down and entirely naked, soaking up some sun. She seemed to be arelax, but that didn’t stop me from admiring the view. Her cute little butt is eminently admirable!
Tiff had pulled a chair up near where Ronnie sat and had her feet up in his lap, where he seemed to be giving her a foot-massage even as he steered the big houseboat across the lake. She was topless, but not totally naked, her white bikini bottoms still in place. Her large nipples were conspicuously erect, a sight I doubt I will ever tire of, and her eyes were closed as she luxuriated in Ronnie’s attentions. Ron was also shirtless (although I failed to notice the condition of his nipples) but had on khaki shorts – the crotch of which Tiff was burrowing into with the toes of one foot while Ronnie massaged her other.
I walked quietly up next to them and put my hand on Tiff’s shoulder; to my surprise, she didn’t even startle. “Hi guys, what’s up?”
Tiff opened her eyes and looked directly into mine. “Ronnie is – you wanna feel?”
“Mmm, tempting as that is, I think I’ll take your word for it.”
She laughed as she dug her toes more vigorously into his crotch, rubbing at his apparently hard little dick. Ron groaned appreciatively, and then turned toward me. “I’m just getting me a little foot-job here, but feel free to join us – she has two feet, my man - no waiting.”
She gently kicked him in the belly with the foot he’d been massaging. “Hey, you can’t just go offering my services to any old guy that walks by! What do you think this is? Besides, if Adam joins us, I’d need both feet just for him, and where would that leave you?”
Ron nodded. “Good point. Go away, man; can’t you see we’re busy here?”
I chuckled. “Don’t worry, I wouldn’t dream of butting in. Is Kori arelax?”
Before they could answer, she did so herself. “She would be, if certain people would shut up.” She rolled onto her side and propped herself up on one elbow. “Jeez, what does a girl have to do to get a little peace and quiet around here?”
Tiff turned and looked at her. “I think fucking all the guys into a coma would be a good start, as Grace apparently did with Trell. I’ll bet we could do it too, especially if we get Kristi to help us.”
Kori laughed. “You’re probably right; speaking of Kristi, where is our girl?”
I hesitated, and Kori looked at me sharply. “Umm, she and Pops are together... you know, just having a little fun, I suppose.”
Now all three of them were looking at me, something odd in their expressions. I don’t know if it was concern, pity, or curiosity, or if maybe I was just imagining things, but I didn’t much care for the feeling it gave me. It was embarrassing, maybe even slightly humiliating, even though I had no sense whatsoever that they were scornful or thought less of me in any way. That construct, the idea that my friends would view me as some wimpy cuckold, was entirely in my own head - and I knew that, but that didn’t make it any less real.
Kori was the first to speak. “And how do you feel about that?”
The question was so directly out of a Psychology 101 course that it made me laugh, which was a good thing. It broke the tension. “Seriously, K? How do I feel about that? Well, let me think… I guess I’m not exactly turning cartwheels, but I haven’t slit my wrists yet either. I mean, it’s OK, I guess. They’re just playing a bit, getting to know each other better.”
Ronnie piped up next. “Really, that’s all? Well, that’s a relief! Man, if I was hung like Pops, and I was alone with Kristi, knowing how horny she is, I’d be fucking her until her eyes rolled back in her head and she begged for mercy!”
Good ol’ Ronnie, he always knows just the right thing to say. Tiff stared at him, apparently shocked that he would be so crude and tactless, as Kori jumped down his throat. “What a terrible thing to say! Why do you always have to be such a butthole?”
I could only laugh ruefully as I shook my head. “No, K, it’s all right. I’d have been shocked if he had said anything else. I mean, let’s face it, Ronnie has always had a knack for cutting to the heart of the matter, I’ve known that for a long time, and I’m sure he’s right. They’re having sex, all right? I mean, that’s kind of been the theme of the trip, right, and I’ve known from the beginning that it was likely to happen. So, yeah, I guess I’m pretty OK with it.”
Tiff was still watching my face closely. “He won’t hurt her, Adam. Pops can be a very gentle lover – he can also be a raging bull, if the occasion and the partner call for that – but really, he’s very considerate.”
I smiled at her. “No, I’m not worried about him hurting her. He seems like a really good guy, and I trust him with her. Actually, he’s a little on the older side for her; I hope his heart is strong, or Kristi may end up hurting him!”
They laughed, and Tiffany assured me that he would be just fine, thanks. Kori was still looking at me, not entirely reassured by my verbal assertions that all was well. That’s the thing about Kori; she may be the most empathetic permister I’ve ever known, the most sensitive to the feelings of others, and the most soft-hearted when it comes to trying to ease the pain and suffering of anyone that she senses she can help. She reads Ronne like a book, of course, but they’ve been together a long time, and even bone-headed ol’ Ron is sensitive to her feelings after all their years together. No, with Kori it’s definitely a very unique permisteral trait.
Very soon after I first met her and Ronnie I had become aware that she always seemed to know what I was thinking, if I was a little down, for example, or whatever the case may be, and made it her duty to cheer me up, or provide a sympathetic ear, or somehow just to know what I needed. She tuned in on Kristi’s innermost feelings very quickly when she entered my life too, and the two of them, as a result, bonded as quickly as you will ever see two grown women do. But I’ve seen her do the same thing with total strangers, stopping to help when someone is in need in some way, and somehow knowing and recognizing it, even when another permister might have walked right past. It’s a sixth sense, and I’m sure it’s one of the things that pushed her into doing the charitable work that she’s so devoted to.
I had come to rely on her abilities, and to sometimes lean rather heavily on her caring nature, especially after my divorce and before Kristi entered my life, which was a dark time for me. When we would have long discussions as she would cut my hair for me, or over a cup of coffee or a take by their pool when Ronnie was off to work and I was whiling away my downtime at home, I often unburdened myself to her. That’s not usually a part of my nature, but with Kori it just seemed so simple, so comfortable and easy. She’s a great listener, which I suppose is a big part of it, but the way her empathy comes out so quickly, even with strangers, tells me that it’s something much more than that.
The fact that she’s beautiful doesn’t hurt, of course; not too many people shy away or shut down when approached by someone as naturally beautiful and warm as Kori, and her smile is an instant ice-melter. But it’s more than that; it’s the way that she knows they need someone, and then the way that she seems to know what they need, whether just someone to talk to, some guidance or suggestions, maybe to be put in contact with authorities that can provide further help, or perhaps something that one of her own organizations can provide - or even just a hug and to know that someone cares. It’s an amazing gift, and she shares it so very well.
Now, however, she had her empathetic powers focused on me, and I wasn’t quite sure that I was ready for that! I tried to sort of “casual” my way out of it, changing the subject and inquiring if anyone needed a take or anything, but Kori knew better and had no intention of letting me off the hook. “Adam, stop it and come over here!”
I obediently crossed to where she was laying, and sat down on the edge of the chaise lounge alongside of her, her thighs against my hip. I was very conscious of her nudity and the warmth of her skin where it pressed against me. Momentarily at a loss for where to put my right hand – her ass or the back of her thighs would have been the most natural spot, the way we were arranged – I eventually settled on her lower back, where the smooth suppleness of her sun-warmed skin sent a tingle through my body. If I had thought that her back would be a less intimate location, I soon discovered otherwise! I was a little bit surprised that I could feel such a strong jolt of desire for my best friend’s wife, what with my own woman off with another man, and my buddy – her husband – sitting right there, but it was undeniable.
She was still on her side, facing me, propped up on her elbow, her lush breasts and the front of her smooth cleft plainly on display, but she showed not the slightest awareness of any of that. Instead, her eyes searched my face for a moment, reading me, and she gently placed her hand high on my inner thigh before speaking, a strangely intimate and near-sexual gesture that somehow came across as something else entirely. “Adam, you’re not really OK with this, are you?” When I didn’t answer, she gently prodded me. “Why didn’t you go with them? Did they ask you not to? Did you want to?”
I shrugged. “I don’t know. I mean, no, they didn’t ask me to leave, they were fine with me joining them – in fact they both seemed surprised when I bailed out. It was more a spur of the moment thing. It just didn’t feel right to me, you know?”
She laughed softly. “You know how much I love you, but you’re such a putz sometimes!”
I chuckled. “A putz? What’s that supposed to mean?”
“It means you, you big dummy! You’re a putz! You wanted to go with them, didn’t you?’
I had, but still... “Well, yes and no. Part of me did, but it just…I don’t know. It was weird, it didn’t feel right at the time.”
She traced her fingers over the bulge of my sex, on the outside of my shorts. “I’ll bet I know which part of you wanted to…” She wiggled her eyebrows at me mischievously before sliding her hand back down to my thigh. “Now you’re having second thoughts, right?”
It was futile to deny it; K would know I was lying. “Well, yeah, actually; I’ve been having them since the moment they walked away. Dumb, right?”
She nodded. “Oh yeah, absolutely! Probably really dumb, but first, what are you having second thoughts about, her being with Pops at all, or you not joining in the fun?”
I hadn’t thought about that, and I had to stop and consider for a moment – and again, I knew I needed to answer honestly. “Well, a little bit of the first, I guess, but that’s only natural. Mostly the second, though, and that ain’t natural at all!”
She laughed. “Oh, stop! Of course it is! Sweetie, natural can only be what feels right to you, you can’t keep trying to pattern yourself after what you think society expects from you! Not if you ever want to be truly happy, anyway. If you enjoy a little kinky sex once in a while, and it doesn’t hurt anyone else, what’s not natural about it? You need to stop tying yourself in knots all the time.”
As was so often the case, Kori not only made a lot of sense, she made everything seem so simple! I sighed. “I suppose you’re right. Oh well, too late now that I’ve pooted in the churn.”
Kori giggled, and Tiff and Ron, who had been sitting silently alongside, still engrossed in each other but obviously overhearing our conversation, both laughed and looked at me. Ron snorted, shaking his head. “What the hell does that mean?”
I laughed too, their reaction amusing me. “I don’t know, really. It’s something my grandman used to say when somebody screwed up big-time. He was born and raised on a dairy farm, so I’ve always assumed he knew something about churns. I guess it means I screwed up, right?”
Kori shook her head and rubbed her hand on my leg. “Not irrevocably – why don’t you just go and join them?”
She made it sound so simple – and I suppose it should have been, really, but… “Oh, I don’t know. That would be kind of weird, don’t you think? Not to mention that it would make me look kind of weak and indecisive. I just wouldn’t be comfortable walking in on them at this point, in any event.”
Ron, still watching me, raised his eyebrows. “Dude, you are weak and indecisive!”
Kori again admonished him. “Ronnie, hush!”
He would not be deterred. “I don’t mean always or anything like that, but in this case he is. You are, man! It’s not like you; you’re usually one of the more centered and decisive people I know, but this has really knocked you off your game. Time to get back on the horse, don’t you think?”
Ignoring the fact that there was a mixed metaphor in there somewhere, he had a point. I had really been just a little off-kilter ever since the moment I had walked in on Kristi in our bedroom with some stranger, and even though we had gotten over that hump (and I mean that literally!) I was still just not entirely comfortable with the new paradigm. The problem was not so much with Kristi’s desires, or the fact that she thoroughly enjoyed sex with other men as it was with the things that I had been powerd to learn about myself. I never would have imagined, just a few short weeks ago, that I would find the idea of watching my lover, my fiancée, my future bride fucking other men to be so damn exciting! There was no denying it at this point; I loved the idea of her being so wildly sexual and wanton, and being a spectator as she made love to others – or even just hearing about her escapades after – was intensely arousing for me. Being cuckolded was something I had discovered – entirely by accident - that I enjoyed!
Posts: 111
Stormy, Another outstanding segment. I keep saying the same things in that your character build makes the story. These are extraordinary people who any of us would love to meet and interact with in our lives. These are your characters that you have built as the author. I must admit that this story has made me stop in deep thought. This isn’t just a good story it is a great story. I look forward to each additional segment and the anticipation is worth the wait. Writing should be enjoyable and at your own pace. Thank You, jj.
Posts: 14692
I can only second JJ's thoughts.
Thank you Sir.
Posts: 1459
jj, thanks for both the current comment and the previous one. I think I may have mentioned before that I built the characters out of the traits of various people I've known over the years, no doubt creating an idealized version that has all the good stuff but none (or at least not too much!) of the bad. I suppose that's the only way to create characters that are real enough to be likable but still have a story that's interesting enough to be readable and enjoyable. I'm sure GH, Timmy, and others must do the same with their great stories - I'm not sure how else it could be done! Thanks for your kind words and support; knowing that people are reading and enjoying the tale is what keeps me coming back.
Timmy, thanks, glad you enjoyed it. When other good, popular writers comment on a story it always feels kinda nice! I've been derelict on that myself lately because I haven't been reading much, but things are leveling out and I'm starting to feel like I can finally stop and smell the roses (or whatever) again. I have some catching up to do, but I do so look forward to it! I read a lot of books (something I do when I go to bed at night, or can sometimes do while I'm working, unlike these stories) and there are certain authors that I've read everything up to date, which allows me to impatiently anticipate their next new book coming out. The anticipation of catching up on "Reflections" is like that.
lick buddy, I admire your stamina and your determination, and hope you are enjoying yourself. Drink lots of fluids.
Trf2, good to hear from you again. I pity you your jumred permisteral life at the moment, but I can relate. As far as the story is concerned, don't assume too much on its direction from one or two segments. After all, who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? Glad your still reading and enjoying after all this time. I feel like we've known each other forever, at this point, and I appreciate that.
Cliffa, you wax philosophical! I'm glad you're hanging in and stopping by to read still. That my meager efforts and unpolished prose can bring enjoyment to so many people is a great pleasure - and a great mystery - to me, but I'm very gratified that it does. Please read and enjoy, drop a note when you like or when you can, and know that I appreciate hearing from you!
Posts: 1418
Exccellent as always Storm. It's very interesting how Adam's self-discovery is evolving.
Posts: 492
Hey Stormy. Yes, my lady in law now has full blown dementia, my poor wife is going crazy trying to keep up with her. Thank God for the angels in the nursing home, I don't know how they do it. Mom's mood will change from sweet old lady to complete bitch in about a nano second. I know she doesn't mean the things she says, but it doesn't make them any easier to take. Enough of that.
You know from my previous comments that I've always been on Adam's side. Just me speaking permisterally, I'd take Kori and Tiffany and line them up side by side bent over the railing of the boat and just keep banging the cuckolds brownie out of the two of them until Kristi came up from her little party with Pops and could catch me in action. Paybacks are a bitch, Baby. That would teach her to go off and leave me alone with two gorgeous, horny women.
But that's just me. You know I love this story.
It has been a long time hasn't it? We started together back on the houseboat and here we still are together on the house boat.
Thanks for keeping this story going.
Posts: 4050
#1,459 · Edited by: goodhusband
Each segment is always worth the wait.
Thank you again for writing.
lick buddy
Posts: 277
Posts: 1459
Zinc, GH, and lick buddy, thanks. It's been fun writing again, and the fact that y'all are enjoying it is a big part of that!
Trf2, sorry to hear that your wife - and as a consequence, your family - have to go through that. My man is in the same condition, dementia but not diagnosed as Alzheimers, and it's been rough. Mostly on my brothers, who live in that area and have had to deal with most of it, and God bless them. I live several hundred miles away, and it's been hard enough for me to watch his decline. The only blessing is that he is generally not aware of how bad it's gotten. Alzheimers does eventually (and mercifully) eventually ******* the afflicted permister, from what I understand, but dementia can drag on seemingly endlessly, which we all know is not something he (or anyone) would want. The angels at the nursing home indeed! A huge thanks to all of them. Anyhow, I feel for you and your family, and I'm sorry to be such a downer, but just wanted you to know you're not alone.
On a lighter note, the residents of the floating sex castle are up to their old tricks - and maybe a few new ones - and I have the next segment just about ready to post. That will be the last until after New Year's (or longer if the Mayan calendar is correct!) so I hope you enjoy it. I'd also like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and wish you and your families the very best. Thanks for sticking with me through a very jumred and hectic year, and may the next one treat all of us just a wee bit better!
Posts: 1459
On a separate note: If watcher or Mrs. watcher are still reading along and see this, please drop me a line. You have my email, and if not you can PM me here. Your email is dead, and haven't heard from you; just hoping all is well, you're both OK, and I did not inadvertantly say or do anything to offend. Happy holidays!
Posts: 1459
I’m sure their advice was well-intentioned and probably quite sound, but it just wasn’t going to be that easy. My jumred up head was making sure of that! I sat there for a moment or two, thinking about what they’d said, my fingers idly stroking the supple curve of Kori’s spine. With my mind lost in thought, my fingers apparently took on a life of their own, and I next became aware of them when Kori moaned softly. “Mmmm, that’s nice, but don’t light a fire unless you intend to stick around to tend it.”
Her words drew me back to earth. “What?” I realized that my hand had wandered off, of its own volition, and that I was now ever so lightly running my fingers up and down the crack of her sweet little ass. The feel of her soft, warm skin and its tiny little hairs as my fingers traced the line where her cheeks met had seemingly so captivated some remote corner of my brain that I had, entirely unintentionally, now managed to get Kori at least slightly aroused – not that that’s a particularly difficult thing to do! “Oh, sorry, I didn’t mean to tease. My mind was a thousand miles away, and I guess my hand thought I was touching Kristi.” I laughed self-consciously as I began to draw my hand back, but she grabbed my arm and pulled my hand back to her backside.
“I didn’t say you had to stop – as a matter of fact, I was just starting to really enjoy it! I was just saying, don’t expect me to let you stop once you get me started!” She cocked her head and looked at me, a small smile playing about her lips. “Were you really touching me the way you would have if I was Kristi? I kind of like that, the fact that you’re so comfortable with me that we can be intimate like that, and you and just go ahead and touch me the way you would with her. That’s nice, I’m glad you’ve gotten that comfortable with all this.”
I shrugged. “Not all of it, I guess, but you’re right about one thing; I do like touching you.”
She moaned softly again, and raised her upper leg slightly, a sign of her arousal that I took to mean that she wanted me to continue to touch and explore. So I did. The way she had rearranged herself, my fingers now were able to explore the floor of the valley whose walls I had previously been confined to, and I let them wander down the cleft of her ass until my pinkie finger found the tight little rosebud of her anus. I caressed it lightly, intentionally teasing now, and was rewarded with a shudder and another soft moan. “Mmmm, oh god! Just so you know big boy, you’ve now passed the point of no return.”
“Well, if that was the point of no return, then what’s this?” I moved my hand so that my pinkie finger slid forward to the opening of her pussy and my ring finger took its place on her tight little asshole. Her pussy was hot as a desert, moist as a jungle, and as I teased her opening with a feather-light touch, she shuddered again and moaned, her fingertips and nails digging into my thigh. Slowly her hips began to move in that involuntary but oh-so seductive and unmistakable style that men have recognized since time began. My friend Kori was by now intensely aroused, and was obviously more than ready for something far beyond my light teasing!
As for me, her arousal and my explorations, the feel of her, were producing a similar result – or at least the male version thereof. My cock had almost fully hardened and was tenting out the leg of my shorts where it lay down my left thigh. From her angle Kori was able to see right up my pants leg, and soon noticed the fact that the swollen head of my erect cock was less than an inch shy of the hem of my shorts. She smiled and glanced up at me, wiggling her eyebrows lasciviously before reaching out and pushing my shorts back so that she could touch me. Already intensely aroused again after my earlier letdown, her touch was electric, and it was my turn to groan as she formed all five fingers around the head of my penis and tugged at it gently. Hearing me, she giggled. “Does that feel good?”
“What do you think?” I glanced over at Ronnie, still not entirely sure, I suppose, that this was going to be all right with him. As intimate as Kori and I had been over the years, before this trip it had never been sexual – or at least not beyond teasing and innuendo – and so this was still a new ground we were breaking. Turns out I was worrying needlessly; Ronnie had raised Tiff’s foot to his lips and was lovingly sucking her toes, sometimes one-by-one and other times two or three at a time. Somewhere along the way he had opened his pants, and Tiff had his very slender but very stiff little dick pinned between the big and second toes of her other foot, although at the moment she appeared to be just holding him there, not moving or masturbating him in any way. Her head was back slightly, her eyes closed, and she was gently biting her lower lip as Ron made love to her toes.
I remembered her intense reaction on the beach when I’d done something similar, the day she’d dropped me off, and realized that she’d discovered something new that she seemed to enjoy very much. As I watched he ran his tongue very slowly up the sole of her foot, from heel to toe, and her toes curled as she shuddered and arched her back, using her own hands to cup her ample breasts and stroke her large and very erect nipples. I realized that Ronnie, despite his one obvious shortcoming, was something of a sexual artist, and that Tiffany, as putty in his hands, was currently his medium of choice. He seemed not the least bit concerned about whatever his wife and I might be doing.
Kori watched me watch them, and then squeezed my cock to get my attention. As you might expect, it worked. “Hey, I’m over here stud!”
I shook my head, grinning. “No, I know. I just was wondering what Ron might think of all this.”
She glanced at him. “He seems more than happy.”
“Yes, I can see that.”
“You’re still not though.”
She was making a statement, not asking a question, but I answered anyway. “Mmm, I don’t know. I want to be, but…”
“But you’re still obsessing on what Kristi might be doing.”
“Yeah, I guess. Sorry.” It was disconcerting, the way she could read me, but it was about to become downright scary.
“Adam, why don’t you just go and join them?”
I hesitated. For some reamister it was just not that easy, and it was frustrating that I couldn’t make Kori understand that. “No, I don’t want to walk in on them. That would be awkward.”
She just looked at me for what seemed like a very long time before gently shaking her head. Her eyes softened as she spoke. “Sweetie, it won’t be like the last time, when you walked in on Kristi cheating on you. There are no lies, no sneaking around this time, no cheating. You know everything, and you even gave them your approval, right? It won’t be at all like before, no pain, no hurt – I promise.”
See what I mean? Somehow she knew something that I had not even allowed myself to know! Like a giant gong ringing in my head, I knew she was right. I was terrified of the pain of reliving that awful moment, of re-visiting what has to rank as one of the very worst moments of my entire life. The idea of walking in on Kristi in the throes of passion with another man, of opening a door and seeing that, it was something I just couldn’t bring myself to do. I was very afraid, after the way I had reacted on that awful day, of what I might feel, of what I might say. I couldn’t go through that again. Never again.
I didn’t know what to say, so I looked away from her and out across the lake instead, a huge lump in my throat. She reached up and took my chin between her thumb and fingers and turned my head back so that I had to face her. Neither of us spoke; we just sat and looked at each other, and I somehow knew that she knew exactly what I was thinking. After what seemed like an interminably long silence I shrugged and, shaking my head slightly, looked away again.
She rubbed my leg for a moment before changing her rubbing motion to a couple of soft taps instead, taps which had a sense of finality about them, as if she’d reached some kind of a decision. It turned out that she had, and she struggled to sit up with me still leaning over her. “C’mon Adam, I’m not going to let you do this. I’ll go with you, OK?’
I looked at her, surprised. “You’ll go with me? Why, to hold my hand?”
“Well, it really wasn’t your hand that I was planning on holding, but if that’s what butters your toast…”
She made me laugh, as I’m sure she’d intended to do. “What, we’re just going to go bust in on them, just like that? Is that the idea?”
She frowned slightly. “Unless you have a better one – and I’ve seen no sign of that - then sure, why not? You obviously won’t do it alone and if you don’t you’re just going to sit around here and mope – and anyway, the more the merrier, right?”
“Mmmm, I think I’ve heard that somewhere, yeah. Are you sure you’re doing this for me, or do you just want to go and see what’s going on for your own voyeuristic enjoyment?”
“I don’t believe that the two are necessarily mutually exclusive.” She wiggled her eyebrows lecherously, again making me laugh.
“You’re crazy, you know that?” I glanced over at Ron and Tiff, who were still thoroughly engrossed in each other. “Do you suppose they will even miss us?”
She grinned. “They’ll probably never even know we’re gone, but…" she raised her voice "hey, you two lovebirds, do you think you can spare me and Adam for a little while?”
Ronnie’s eyes flicked to us for a second, and then away as he stayed focused on Tiff’s foot, running his tongue slowly from one side to the other under the curl of her toes. Tiff turned her head and slowly, languorously, opened her eyes. She looked at us vacantly for a moment, lost in her pleasure, before her eyes seemed to come into focus. “What? You’re leaving?”
Kori laughed, shaking her head. “Well, that answers that question. Yeah, we thought maybe we’d go and join Pops and Kristi for awhile – if you think you can get along without us.”
“I think we can manage.” Tiff looked down at Ron for a moment. “He’s really very good at this. Perhaps I should reward him in some way. Hmmm…” She tugged on his hard little cock with her toes to get his attention, and he looked up at her. ”Hey, stud, how do you feel about anal sex?”
If her foot in his crotch hadn’t, that definitely got his attention, enough so that he let her wet toes slip from his mouth as he stared at her, his eyes narrowing warily. “Uhh… giving, or receiving?”
That got a round of laughter from all of us, but especially from Tiff, who responded. “Giving, silly! There are some definite advantages to a man that is, umm… less than well-endowed.”
Kori giggled. “Oh, I like that! Maybe I can use that in the future, like for introductions and things; ‘Hi, I’m Kori, and this is my less than well-endowed husband Ron, nice to meet you’ – I think that would be a lovely greeting!”
Ron chuckled. “It’s a damn good thing I’m not insecure, or that might have been hurtful. As for your suggestion, young lady, I believe I could make myself available for that.”
Tiffany practically shivered in anticipation. “Oh good! Maybe we should go wake up Trell; I can think of a way that I could very much enjoy both of you at once - if you don’t mind grinding balls with him, that is.”
I had risen to my feet and extended a hand to Kori, helping her up. As she rose, she replied for Ron. “Oh sweetie, my Ronnie doesn’t mind that at all! I mean, if he enjoyed sucking on Trell’s balls while he was cumming inside of me – and he did – he sure won’t object to a little DP/scrotum rubbing action.” She looked at Ron. “Will you babe?”
“Not at all, sounds like fun to me!” He noticed me staring at him – something I had been doing, I think, since Kori’s revelation about Ronnie sucking on Trell’s nuts while that horny little bastard pumped Kori full of cum. I didn’t mean to stare, but it was tough for me to imagine Ron doing that! Plus, I'd thought I was past being shocked at anything anyone might do. He stared right back at me. “Hey buddy, don’t knock it until you’ve tried it!”
“Uhh, no, I’m not – knocking it, I mean. I guess that’s fine, as long as you enjoy it. I think I’ll take your word for it though, if it’s all the same to you.”
He shook his head. “You say that now, but your day will come, when everything is just right, the situation is perfect and you’re so damn horny that just about anything goes. That’s how it happens - you’ll see.”
I shrugged. I highly doubted it would ever happen – not to me – but I had to acknowledge that there was a glimmer of truth to what he said; I had already done any number of things when in a very highly charged state of arousal that I would never have imagined myself doing otherwise; erotic things, fun things, most of them recently. “Probably not, Ron, but who knows, right?”
He nodded. “Yeah buddy, who knows?” He paused, looked at Tiff for a long moment, and then back at us. “Ok, you two can go away now – this young lady has made me a very interesting proposition which I really ought to pursue right now, before the window of opportunity closes. Have fun!”
And with that we were dismissed, as Ronnie again focused his attention with laser-like intensity on Tiff. Kori insisted on separating me from my pants before we took our leave, claiming to feel under-dressed in her nudity while I still had on clothes. She quickly had me as naked as she was. At that point she led me away, off to face the dreaded moment of opening the door to see what Pops and my beautiful fiancée were up to – and K had been serious; she most definitely did not lead me by the hand – and that was fine!
Posts: 4050
That was a great segment. The angst of Adam, the wisdom an understanding of Kori, Ron the resident cuckold kissing a woman's feet while another man played with his wife's pussy and Tiff enjoying Ron's submissive attentions and then rewarding him with an opportunity for a little anal sex. That was some very hot story telling.
Posts: 492
Thanks for the kind words.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Posts: 14692
thank you for a very enjoyable segment. I don't know how you do it but each one seems to be better than the previous one.
Merry Christmas and a Happy and healthy New Year.
Posts: 111
Stormy, Once again Adam is struggling not knowing if he wants to watch or just be told about it after the fact. Kori is good for him and will keep him in the game. I love the interaction of your characters. I hope you and yours have a great Holiday Seamister! JJ.
Posts: 1914
Stormy, I really admire the fact that even after all these years on this story and its breaks, you can still maintain the consistency of Adam's essential character as well as all the others. But Adam's is the most difficult, everything else feeds off him, the other main players were all introduced through him. He also has that most difficult balance between being a bull and a cuck, and wanting both. Brilliant. Thanks once one.
Posts: 14692
bumpidy bump
Posts: 492
Happy New Year Stormy, hope you had a nice one.