Posts: 1459
After setting the now almost empty pot back on the tray she paused behind Pops for a moment, leaning against him as she stroked his neck and shoulders. “Thanks for last night; you were magnificent, everything I’d been led to believe and more.”
He smiled and covered her hand with his own, holding it gently. “I should be thanking you; it was an extremely enjoyable experience – one I hope we can do again sometime.”
She smiled. “I’m sure we can find a way to make that happen. Thanks for being so patient with Nick too, and for letting him indulge a few fantasies of his own.”
Pops glanced at me, a twinkle in his eye, before responding. “Well, you know, it was the least I could do, seeing as how I was screwing his wife.”
We laughed, and she joined us, although she also slapped his shoulder, feigning offense. “What a terrible thing to say! You enjoyed it and you know it – I didn’t notice you getting any softer when he was sucking your dick.”
Now it was Pops’ turn to shift uncomfortably in his seat. “Uhh, no, I was just repeating something Adam said earlier, just because it sounded so silly at the time. Still does, as it turns out. Do you suppose we could refrain from going into a public blow-by-blow account – so to speak - of our night’s activities?”
She laughed softly as she slipped into her seat between the two of us. “Are you embarrassed? You didn’t seem embarrassed at the time – and there’s no reamister to be, you know. We’re all consenting adults, and we all enjoyed ourselves, although I think you wore us out. Nick is still sound arelax, and that never happens – I can never slip out of bed without waking him.”
He answered. “No, not embarrassed, just old-fashioned enough to believe that some things are best kept private.”
She smiled. “All right, I won’t say too much.” She turned to me. “Except to say that your big friend is a magnificent stallion and a wonderfully talented lover, and very, very open-minded.” She reached across and rested her hand on his thigh, just inches from where the bulge of his sex was still very visible beneath his hideous green shorts.
I nodded. “Glad to hear it. I had the utmost confidence in him. I would like to hear more details about what went on though.”
He gave me a look of warning, which could have been quite frightening if I hadn’t come to know him as well as I now did. “Just you never mind! You’ll just have to leave that to your own very fertile imagination. Anyway, I think we’d like to hear more about your little sojourn with Kristi and Tiffany – that sounds like a much more interesting tale to me!”
I laughed. “Coward! I think I’ll let the details of my evening remain cloudy as well. I learned that it was not polite to kiss and tell, after all.”
Alisha smiled. “What a gentleman – but I suspect it was not the kissing part that he most wanted to hear about.”
Pops grinned. “That would be true – depending on what portions of whose anatomy were being kissed. Ahh well, I guess I’ll just have to imagine the whole thing – which I’m quite capable of doing, I assure you.”
Alisha patted his leg. “I’m sure you are!”
I nodded. “Yeah – just imagine me performing heroically and you’ll have a pretty accurate picture. I was magnificent, if I do say so myself.”
They both laughed, as intended, before Alisha said “Good for you - but I hope you don’t mind if I ask the girls for a second opinion.”
“Uhh, no, of course not. I’m entirely confident that they will agree, but maybe I should have a brief chat with them first…”
That brought another laugh, which was interrupted by a voice from across the water, from the boat I had left just a short time before. It was Ronnie, and he and Kori were standing at the rail, his arm around her shoulders and hers around his waist. “”Hey, you guys want some company? Things are starting to stir around here, and some breakfast would be a good thing - a really good thing!” He rubbed his belly as if he was starving.
Alisha laughed. “Well, I did invite you all to join us. Do you want me to wake up Nick so he can ferry you over on our Zodiac?”
Ronnie looked around. “Nah, don’t bother. I’ll just fire this thing up and pull alongside, and we can tie the two boats together. It will be a lot easier that way.”
He proceeded to do as he had suggested; Pops and I soon had our houseboat secured to Nick’s, and Ronnie and Kori had joined us on deck, over coffee. Tiff was next to join the group, looking slightly tousled and relaxy, and very sexy as a result. She looked like she had just rolled out of bed – which, of course, she had – and was ready to roll right back in if someone made her a good offer. She came straight to me, touching me softly on the cheek, her fingers rasping slightly against my stubble, before giving me one of those patented Kristi-style hugs where her body completely molded itself to my own as she stretched up to kiss me. Kristi may, in fact, have taught her that while I was away, but if so she had proved to be a quick study.
The others gradually joined the group, the younger kids next, Faith and Sam, followed by Nick and then Grace, acting as if she had been there, relaxing peacefully all night. Ice cream wouldn’t melt in that girl’s mouth, she could play it so cool! She did favor me with a quick, knowing glance, and a subtle smile. As gatherings of this many people tend to do, various groups gelled and then dissolved, conversations started, moved, drifted, and drew to a close, and there was laughter and a sense of camaraderie, the adults enjoying each other’s company and the kids meandering in and out of the scene; Grace the young adult, self-confident, but still feeling her way in the larger, older group; Samuel, loud, somewhat cocky, moderately abrasive – a typical teenage boy, in other words - and clearly self-impressed by his opportunity to hob-nob with the adults; and Faith, young enough to be blissfully unaware of any new-found status in her presence in the world of grown-ups and content to merely be around her parents, siblings, and new friends.
I was chatting with Tiffany and Ron, about nothing in particular, when I noticed a sudden lull in the surrounding conversations as voices seemed to suddenly tail off. I turned to see what was going on just as Pops gave a long, low wolf whistle. It was Kristi, finally up and awake and ready to join the rest of us, with Trell trailing behind her, still stretching and wiping the relax from his eyes. Kristi doesn’t ever seem to just show up; she makes an entrance, an appearance that tends to draw everyone’s notice, as well as generally appreciative stares and, often, comments. She doesn’t usually do it on purpose, you understand – it’s not staged, or any conscious effort on her part to draw attention – she just can’t help it. I suppose it’s less what she does than who she is, and the way others react to her. Hell, I still react that way, as do Ron and Kori, and we’ve all known her for a long time; it should have come as no real surprise that the other, newer friends reacted as they did.
As I said, she wasn’t doing anything extraordinary, simply walking across the deck of our boat to where she could cross to where we were gathered, but then it’s rarely something she does; it’s usually just the way she looks and the way she moves with a feline grace, a physical presence that people instinctively recognize as something very special, and there was no denying that in this instance.
Her hair was still somewhat wet, obviously from showering, and it hung rather limply from her head, in lank curls slightly darker in color than her usual shimmering golden-honey locks. Rather than detracting from her beauty, that situation only seemed to accentuate her many other attributes while also making her appear softer and more vulnerable, and far more approachable. She had chosen a red bikini, nothing too daring or revealing but still, on Kristi…well, you get the idea. She had pulled on a long-sleeved, white, gauzy top over her bikini, and had the sleeves rolled up neatly to just above her elbows; she had not fastened any of the buttons, but instead had the tails tied up in a knot just below her sternum, exposing her taut tummy.
It was simple, but very effective, and that simple get-up seemed to somehow draw the eye to her, first to the exquisite planes of her beautiful face and her perfect lips, then next to her exposed cleavage and firmly-muscled belly and on down, over the red bikini bottoms and the suggestive flare of her hips to her impossibly long, graceful legs, tanned, lithe, and toned, the muscles working magically beneath the flawless skin as she approached, crossing to the gap in the rails where the boats touched. Looking down to be certain of her footing, she stepped across onto the boat where we were all watching her before looking up – and finding all eyes locked on her!
She hesitated uncertainly, her own eyes going from face to face, seeming somewhat disconcerted to find herself the center of attention. She stopped on me, cocking her head and looking at me quizzically. “What?”
I just chuckled and shook my head, amazed again at how a woman who so clearly knows how to use her beauty when it suits her can, at other times, be so completely oblivious to the effect she has on people! Pops laughed. “’What!’, she says, as if she didn’t know! Gotta love that, right? You, girl, you’re the ‘what’ around here. I mean, my god, look at you!”
Ronnie nodded, agreeing. “Yeah, it’s almost as if she doesn’t know how the carnal Geiger counter spikes when she’s around. I, for one, will never get used to it. Hate to say it pal, but your girl will always cause me to have impure thoughts, so you’re just going to have to live with that knowledge.”
Tiff’s eyes were registering Kristi’s appearance as actively as anyone’s, a small smile on her lips as she looked her over, and she picked up where Ronnie left off. “Wow! Yeah, I’d do her – oh wait, what am I saying? I already did!”
That brought a general laugh – with Kristi joining in - but a low groan from Ronnie. “Ohhh, damn, please, please tell me that we have video of that – Adam you did shoot some video, right? No? Well, that’s just a damn crime, that’s what that is!”
Kristi crossed to him and took his chin in her hand. ”Maybe, if you behave yourself, we’ll do an encore just for you.” She kissed him, a quick press of her lips to his that I knew left him wanting more. She’s good at that.
His eyes went hopefully from Tiff to Kristi and back again. “Really? You’d do that, just for me?”
Tiffany smiled, leaning against Kristi and resting her head against the taller girl’s shoulder. “Well, not just for you. We enjoyed it quite a bit too, didn’t we?”
Kristi nodded, smiling lasciviously. “Very much – maybe we can get Kori to join in and just let the guys, uhh, spectate, and salivate – and whatever else that rhymes with that that they might care to do.”
Laughing, I nodded, joining the fray. “You bet – I’m a card-carrying spectator, and salivator, and…uhh, rhymer, for that matter - so you know I’m game. For now though, let’s remember that there are kids present and try to keep things on a slightly higher plane.” Reminded of that fact, they glanced around, as did I; we needn’t have worried, as Faith was busy pestering her older sister over something while completely ignoring us, and Sam, although looking our way, was not hearing a word we said. His eyes were locked on Kristi, his boyhood lust-crush in full bloom. He had it bad, that was obvious, and all I could do about it was admire his excellent judgment and refined taste, something rare in one so young and hormone-saturated.
Then again, in his current state, any of these beautiful women outside of his own lady or siblings would have been more than fine with him, I’m sure – and I may have even been too quick to drop his family members from consideration, judging by the lust-crazed gleam in his eyes!
Posts: 111
Stormy, It’s great to be back on the boat. Pop’s Psychology 101creats a lot of deep thoughts. The interaction between your characters is outstanding. It is what sets your stories way above the rest. There are so many sub plots that you could take many of these characters to stand on their own. I for one will have withdrawal when you wind this story down but would look forward to spin offs. I am deeply in love with Kristi as I suspect many of your readers are. JJ.
Posts: 4050
Glad to see you writing again. An excellent description of Kristi and a great group of people on the boat. I can't believe there is anyone who wouldn't be eager to join them.
Posts: 14692
thanks for giving us a treat. This really great writing.
Posts: 1914
Nice to see so many old friends again Stormy. Its as if they were never away. Bittersweet to see them in a way, knowing some of them may not be seen again. Good though. Thanks for giving them to us ...
Posts: 1459
jj, thanks. I struggle with the dialogue between groups of people when the numbers get to be more than 2 or 3. Good to hear that it works for you, that's very reassuring. As for Kristi...well, I saw her first!
Thanks GH, and likewise - good to have you writing again too! I have had a hankerin' lately to do a little boating. Maybe this explains it!
Timmy, thank you. I have been remiss in not following your great story recently, but not for lack of desire I assure you. I do look forward to catching up on it, and soon, I hope.
peak, thanks. It is good to read along with the lives of old friends. It's also good to hear from them from time to time in the comments and messages. It's always very good to hear from you - and I've been loving your caps recently, so thanks for those too!
Posts: 1459
As the initial awed reaction to Kristi began to dissipate and everyone accepted that this was the same woman that they had been talking to and laughing with just last night, things began to move toward getting breakfast together – no small undertaking for a group of a dozen people, several of them renowned for their appetites! Pops, as always, was in the middle of it; when there was food to be prepared he always seemed to jump in with both enormous feet. When he first did this I had felt a little guilty, as though we were taking advantage of the fact that this was his profession and expecting him to do it all, making this very much a busman’s holiday for him. I had come to understand, however, that he did it because he loved it and derived a great deal of satisfaction and pleasure from cooking – well, that, and he always had a very attractive woman or two volunteering to help him. I’m sure that fact didn’t hurt either!
As the bustle of preparing food, setting tables, getting out miscellaneous condiments, fixing takes, and all the other usual mealtime rituals took place, I began to notice a very unusual dynamic in our little group. I’m sure I was not imagining it, but it seemed to me that we all related to each other on a very open, very comfortable, almost intimate level , far more than could usually be expected among a group of people that had known each other for only a few days – or, in the case of Nick and Alisha and family, only since yesterday.
It was amazing to me, and somehow a little bit emotional to see how open and at ease we all were with each other. I had been in many situations that brought complete strangers together – some of which had been more comfortable and worked out better than others – but I had never seen a situation where all the barriers had seemed to fall so quickly. In thinking about it, I could only attribute the difference to the fact that we had all been so open with each other about our stories, and, of course, to the very casual, relaxed and open sexual intimacy that had occurred between various groups and couplings. Even those with whom we had not shared any sexual intimacy had been a part of talking about – and in some instances good-natured ribbing about – our various liaimisters.
I had never been a part of a group so open and at peace with their sexuality as the group here (Nick’s reservations about Grace’s activities notwithstanding), and it seemed to have drawn us all closer together, forming and cementing friendships of the type that usually take long acquaintance to develop. If this was what shared intimacy could bring about, Kristi and my other friends were right – I should have let some of my own walls and barriers down a long time ago! It was a very weird realization for me, something I never would have expected - but I liked it!
As heaping platters of food began to find their way to the table and we all started to load up plates, I was fortunate to find myself seated between Kristi and Tiff, in a slightly less intimate reprise of last night’s ménage. I say ‘slightly less intimate’, because, once the two younger kids had tagged along after Grace and Trell, who retreated to the upper deck to be away from all of us older folk, one or the other of these lecherous women, in tag-team fashion, seemed to be constantly groping me beneath the table! Without the Viagra that Pops had slipped me I would not have been able to control my physical response; with that in my system I developed an extremely hard and incredibly persistent erection almost at once, and it stayed that way throughout the meal. They seemed to find a great deal of pleasure and amusement in that fact, and it wasn’t long before everyone at the table was aware of my condition.
It was embarrassing, of course, but I found that I was not nearly as humiliated by my lack of control as I would have been just a few weeks ago. In fact…”Hey, I know y’all think this is the height of humor – and I don’t mind being the source of the fun, really I don’t - but if one of you ladies will be so good as to fondle Pops just a bit, I have it on good authority that he’ll develop this same condition – only more so.” I knew that he had as much of the have in him as I did, and also that Kori, who was on his left, did not need a lot of encouragement; her hand slid under the table and into his lap, and soon she was grinning delightedly at what she had discovered.
I did my best to go on eating, trying to ignore the constant touching and teasing taking place below. The food was outstanding, heaps of blueberry pancakes with warm blueberry syrup laden with thick chunks of blueberries; bacon and sausage – you could choose either or both; warm, deliciously fragrant cinnamon rolls with thick frosting; fresh fruit, including strawberries, cantaloupe, papayas, still more blueberries, and pineapple all sliced together into a big bowl, and of course rich dark coffee, cold milk, orange and apple juice, and just about any type of mixed take or cocktail that anyone would care to take at breakfast time.
It was apparent that Pops had thoroughly enjoyed raiding Nick’s obviously well-stocked pantry, and that they had given him carte blanche to do so. It was a gourmet spread fit for royalty, and I intended to take full advantage, even if there were two fair maidens (or perhaps just horny wenches) doing their best to distract me. Plus, I had realized when I started eating that last night’s activities had left me famished; it seems that trying to keep two beautiful, young, healthy, horny females satisfied must take a lot out of a guy, and I clearly needed to replenish my resources and rebuild my strength!
As we all ate, and the girls started to notice and appreciate the quality of the fare, they began to focus in more on that and less on me – which, somehow, was both a disappointment and a relief! I stayed hard for an amazingly long time even after they quit touching me, no doubt due to the effect of the Viagra in my system, and by the time I finally began to lose my erection I was about finished eating. Well, that’s not exactly true; I was finished in the sense that I was stuffed to the gills, so full I thought I might burst, but I still didn’t completely quit eating. All of us, as a matter of fact, were so full we were miserable, but there was still food - excellent food - left on the table, and we continued to pick at it, a little here and a little there. Trell and Samuel had each come back twice from above to refill their plates – and between us we had made a good dent in what was prepared, but it was just all too good to stop and leave it on the table!
I freshened everyone’s coffee and then split a cinnamon roll with Kristi, who groaned but took it anyway, and as we worked on that and the gluttony slowly tapered off, the conversation picked back up.
Alisha looked around at the table, seeing that all of her guests were more than satisfied, and smiled happily. “This was so much fun! I’m so glad we decided to pull in here by you – we almost didn’t, because we didn’t want to intrude on your peace and quiet with our rowdy bunch, but it’s turned out just wonderful. I feel like I’ve known all of you forever!”
Pops waggled his eyebrows at her. “Well, I’m certainly glad you showed up – and not just for the food, although that’s certainly one of my favorite pleasures. Just one of them, mind you.”
Alisha giggled, and Nick snorted, caught off-guard with a mouthful of coffee. I think he may have passed some of it through his nose, but it left him in a fit of coughing and obligation as he tried to recover his composure.
I stepped in as he struggled. “Well, you know, I was thinking about that earlier. I’ve never seen a group of …well, strangers, really, come together so quickly and so easily. It just seemed like we were all so at ease with each other almost right away, and that whole feeling seems to have only increased the longer we’ve been around each other – even though it’s been less that twenty-four hours. Why do you suppose that is?”
It wasn’t exactly a rhetorical question, but neither was it directed at anyone in particular. My loose premise received a couple of nods of agreement and the question itself a couple of shrugs before Alisha took it upon herself to try to answer me. “Well, I don’t think it hurt anything that we were all so open with each other, and that we seemed to be spilling out our life’s secrets before we had barely shook hands. I think that kind of openness breeds trust, which tends to breed friendship.”
Pops nodded. “True enough, but that answer raises another question; Why did we all start sharing so openly, so quickly? That’s not exactly normal behavior, or standard group dynamics.” He chuckled. “Anyone feel like they’re chasing their tail yet?”
Ronnie took his challenge. “Hell, that’s an easy one; women – and beautiful women, at that!”
We all looked at him, waiting for him to expand on his statement. He didn’t keep us waiting long. “Let’s face it folks – it’s always women that bring out the softer side of us guys, and beautiful women have the ability to do it faster than anyone. Two guys could know each other for years, and the most they may have ever learned about each other is what beer they each prefer or whether they cheat at golf. Women are by nature more open and trusting, and more willing and able to share their troubles and experiences; that rubs off on us to some degree, and with a beautiful woman - like any one of our little female contingent, for example - a guy is far more likely to bare his soul than in any other situation I can think of. It just sort of follows that these ladies were the driving power behind the way we all meshed so nicely.”
That was not only an exceptionally long speech for Ronnie, it was also unusually insightful. He’s not always wisecracks and rough edges; he has his moments, which is one of the reamisters that people find him so lovable – once they get to know him.
Pops nodded. ”I suppose that’s true – not to mention extremely well-put. Nicely done, Ron.”
Alisha nodded. “Yes Ron, and thank you for that. But for me the most moving moment was Adam talking about him and his friend Izzy, and what he had done for her and her husband – and Kristi accepting it and loving him for it.”
Kristi nodded. “Yeah, that story got me too, the first time I heard it – which, come to think of it, was only a couple of days ago.”
That got a laugh from all, and a look from Alisha. “Really?”
Kristi nodded. “Yes, but that’s OK. I’ve gotten over the surprise and accepted it. Turns out it wasn’t all that hard.” She paused, looking at Alisha. “Maybe his story affected you more powerfully because of your own problems conceiving youngren – and maybe because you were adopted yourself. It all kind of ties together, if you think about it.”
Alisha nodded. “I suppose, but the truth is I rarely think a lot about being adopted. I grew up in a loving family with parents that loved and cared about me.” She shrugged. “It all seemed perfectly normal to me.”
Pops nodded, but pointed out “Maybe, but it’s also possible that you running away like you did was something of a subconscious reaction to having been adopted, maybe a sense of abandonment by your birth parents.”
Alisha laughed. “Possibly, my magnificent black Dr. Freud, but I might point out that there were an awful lot of kids out there that had run away from the homes of their birth parents too.”
He chuckled. “Point taken. A psychologist, I’m not. Did you ever try to look up your birth parents?”
She shook her lovely head. “No. I didn’t want to intrude if I wasn’t wanted – and besides, I had parents that I loved, and who loved me; somehow it would have seemed like a betrayal of them. The only thing I ever was told was that it was just my very young birth lady, mostly on her own – the man, also very young, had basically bolted; his parents very much wanted him out of it – and that she had me when she was only fourteen and put me up for adoption so that I would have a chance at a better life than she could offer me. I suppose that’s noble, but still, sometimes you wonder.”
Kristi nodded. “Yeah, but from the other side of that argument, my mom had a baby when she was very young too, and put it up for adoption. She said it was the hardest thing she ever had to do.”
I stared at her. “You never told me that!”
She shrugged. “It never came up. She used to use it as a precautionary tale for me when I was growing up, to make me think about the consequences of what I did. I guess she didn’t want me to get knocked up like she did. Babies having babies and all that, you know.”
The bells in my head, which had rung faintly from time to time since meeting Nick and Alisha, were clanging loudly now. “Do you know what she had?”
Kristi nodded. “Yeah – a baby, like I said.” When I shook my head impatiently, she laughed. “Sorry – it was a little girl.”
“And she lived in Colorado at the time, in the Denver area?” I could tell by the hush that others had started to tumble to where my thoughts were going. Pops was watching us, frowning slightly, and Ronnie’s eyes were ping-ponging back and forth between Kristi’s face and my own. Nick was rubbing his chin thoughtfully, and Tiff was simply staring, open-mouthed. Kori had her hand over her mouth, and tears had already, prematurely, sprung to her eyes.
Kristi nodded again. “Yup; she left for awhile later, but then came back.”
I continued to question her. “Do you know how old she was when she had that baby?”
“Yeah, about fourteen or fifteen, I think. She didn’t have me until she was forty, and she used to kid about bracketing her young-bearing years with one at each end and lots of goofing off in the middle.”
Alisha had gone silent, totally, and was staring at Kristi, who seemed to be the only one not catching on to where this was leading. She’s usually not a dense permister, but the significance of this seemed to escape her.
Ronnie broke into our Q & A session to pose one of his own. “You don’t seriously think…nahh, no way! Do you know what the odds against something like that are? I mean, two people bumping into each other out here in Middle-of-Nowhere, Utah – or are we in Arizona – and then discovering something like that? No way! That’s a million-to-one bet – stuff like that doesn’t really happen!”
Looking at Kristi, I could almost see the little comic strip light bulb going on over her head, the moment was so clear. “You’re not saying…you don’t think that Alisha and I are sisters?”
I shrugged. “I don’t know; half sisters, maybe. Look…”
It was Kristi’s turn to shake her head impatiently. “No, of course not actual sisters – my parents didn’t meet until they were both in their twenties – but still, that’s just insane!”
Tiff joined in, putting her hand on my shoulder. “She’s right Adam – just because Alisha was adopted, and Kristi’s lady put a baby up for adoption, that’s still an enormous leap to get to what you’re suggesting. I’m sure it’s just coincidence is all.”
I went on doggedly. “No, I realize all that – I’m just saying, what if? If my math is right, the time spans are about right. And I’ve had this nagging feeling, there’s just something about the two of you.”
Pops nodded. “Yeah, I’ve seen that too. Sometimes there are some eerie similarities, but I figured I was imagining it.”
Nick agreed. “I’ll admit to a few déjà vu moments since yesterday myself – but still, I think Tiff and Ronnie are probably right. It’s the longest of long shots, easily a million to one, like Ron said.”
Kori had been watching silently, a shocked look on her beautiful face. I think maybe she was the only one that was on my side, that had seen what I saw, and was willing to consider the possibilities. She finally spoke. “Well, we need to consider it, don’t we? It may all be just circumstantial evidence – probably is, I suppose – but there must be some way we can find out.”
Nick nodded thoughtfully. “Well, when we get back we can start searching the records, do a little research…”
Kristi interrupted him. “I know of one way we can narrow it down. My lady was always very convinced that she did the right thing – the only sensible thing – and she never doubted her decision to give up her baby. She didn’t hide the facts from us and she’s always been at peace with it. That said though, there are two days every year when she would get very quiet, when she would remember.”
As she spoke, her eyes met Alisha’s, and they stayed locked on each other, excluding the rest of us. She went on. “On two certain days she always spends a little time by herself, and I know she cries, sometimes. Those two days were Mother’s Day, and August tenth.”
The relevance of the first was obvious, but the significance of the second date escaped me. It was apparent, however, that the date meant something to Nick and Alisha, because his eyes widened, and she went very pale, almost ghostly white. Her eyes still locked on Kristi’s, she raised one trembling hand to her face, her fingers touching her lips. In a soft voice, almost inaudible, she said “August tenth is my birthday.”
Kristi looked back at her, her eyes deep, dark pools in her own suddenly pale face. She nodded and, her voice barely above a whisper, said “Yes. Yes, it would be. Oh my god!”
We all sat frozen in the moment, Kristi and Alisha staring at each other, seemingly unable to tear their eyes away, until in one abrupt movement Kristi was on her feet, her chair flipping backward onto the deck, and suddenly the two women were in each other’s arms, both of them sobbing uncontrollably.
We sat staring at them, all of us caught up in the emotions they were sharing. Well, all of us except Ronnie apparently, because he was the only one that could find his voice. "Well I'll be damned! It looks like I may need to recalculate those odds just a bit after all!”
Posts: 14692
WOW - what a surprise and a truly great segment.
Thanks Stormy
Posts: 492
Wonderful job of writing, as always Stormy. Thank you so much for keeping us entertained with this amazing journey. I love this band of characters.
Posts: 33
Wow, outstanding! Just outstanding. Brought tears.
The touch on the lips...
Posts: 14692
time for a bump
Posts: 14692
back to the top
Posts: 1459
Thanks all, I know these are kind of different segments, and not what you might have expected to find on this site, but I am moving the story forward, albeit slowly. I sure appreciate your comments and support of my weird story-telling - and especially your patience. I'm impressed!
Posts: 14692
Storm - you still have it. It doesn't matter how much of a break you take.
It's all there - the drama, the humor.
Thank you.
I'll be hanging around no matter how long it will take for the next segment to show up.
Posts: 1914
Stormy, Strange things happen on the water sometimes, it can seem like an episode from The Twilight Zone until you realise that its stranger than that. I can't see a better excuse myself to cut the vacation short, run a couple of DNA tests and visit an old but soon to be very happy lady back home. It could quickly turn into an excuse for a quick family wedding and certain people driving happily off into the sunset ...
Or am in the wrong program altogether ..
Great story, great writing. I missed you. Don't be a stranger.
Posts: 492
Great stuff Stormy, but of course, I'm not the least bit surprised. Leave it to you to come up with an interesting twist like that.
OK, enough of the nicey, nicey, let's get these broads banging like old screen doors. I'm interested to see how Adam is going to handle Kristi swinging on Pop's big dick. Hopefully Adam's attention will be taken up by one of the other ladies in the group while that's going on.
Just kidding, you're awesome, love the story.
Take care, and thanks
Posts: 4050
Just absolutely outstanding. There's nothng else to say other than thank you
Posts: 158
Love your story even more, twists and turns make it even more real.
I world read anything of yours even if it was an instruction manual to build a ticket ship to the
Great job as always and perfect timing.
The watchers
Your timing is great we are on vacation! ..... watcherdoit4fun
Posts: 1459
Timmy, thanks, I truly appreciate it!
Thanks peak, I've missed being here. I do have a few twists and turns left, but I'm winding down. Not coincidentally, so is the story. Glad you're still hanging in, it's been a l-o-o-o-ng time!
Trf2, thanks for the comment,and for your staying power as well! As so many times before, again you prove prescient. (Don't worry, that's nothing bad. I looked it up to be sure.)
GH, thanks. I've told you before what your comments mean to me, so I'll just say: You're very welcome!
watcher, the support of you and your lovely lady mean a lot to me, as does our friendship. Thanks. I'll mail you that instruction manual I wrote, but be very careful on lift-off; I haven't yet worked out all the bugs.
Hope to get a new segment up soon - thanks for you patience!
Posts: 1459
Wiping the surface of the bar down with a towel, Pops frowned. “You know, it may turn out that partaking of my special little morning concoction was a bit rash. I wasn’t planning on being stuck here around these kids until lunch time.”
I nodded morosely. “Yeah, I was just thinking the same thing. All dressed up and no place to go, so to speak. Oh well, best-laid plans, right?”
He nodded. “Hey, best-laid was an important part of my plan! Looks like it’s not panning out too well.”
Tiff looked from me to him and back again. “What the heck are you guys talking about?”
I looked at Pops – who grinned sheepishly – before replying. “Well, it seems that Pops thought it would be a good idea to let modern chemistry aid our recovery – on the sexual front, I mean - and he slipped a little something into our morning juice. Of course, we thought we’d be on our way by now, just us and all you horny women, so-o-o-o, well, you know.”
She looked at him, shaking her head. “What, like Viagra or something?”
He nodded. “Not ‘like Viagra’ – actual, real, honest-to-god Viagra. My bad, I didn’t tell Adam I was slipping him a Mickey, but I thought he’d appreciate it.”
“And hey, I suppose I would have! But now, here, it seems like a waste – plus, I’m popping a hard-on every time anything even slightly makes me think of anything sexual – which, around here, is pretty much all the time. I will say, this stuff certainly works on me!”
Ronnie was laughing. “So, both of you have the pecker-hardener haves on board but no good way to make use of your enhanced abilities? That’s just plain funny right there!” I was glad he was deriving so much enjoyment from our unfortunate situation. That is what friends are for, after all!
Tiff was laughing too. “You poor babies, those big old cocks all hard and ready at a moment’s notice and you can’t do a damn thing about it. Oh well, it’s your own fault for taking us for granted and trying to be sneaky– I guess you’ll just have to suffer for awhile.”
Pops snapped the towel at her, missing by inches. “You know, if you had even a shred of compassion, the slightest bit of human decency, you could step up and help out a poor, unfortunate fellow traveler.”
I put my arm around her shoulders and pulled her to me. “He’s right, you know. You have it within your power to relieve our suffering - a simple act of human kindness that would make you feel so good about yourself…”
She pushed away from me, breaking my grasp. “Just forget it! In the first place, I’m still perfectly satisfied after last night – kind of tired, actually – and secondly, those kids you just mentioned are roaming around here somewhere, like you said. I’m afraid you are just plain out of luck, boys.”
Pops shook his head, chuckling. “Tiffany, baby, how very unlike you to turn down a little romp with two well-endowed studs!”
She nodded, laughing and relenting slightly. “Well…true, I suppose. Let’s just say I’m not turning it down flat, I’m just pushing back the timetable a little bit. In the meantime, try not to think sexy thoughts.”
I snorted. “Hmmph! Yeah, that’s sure to work; that’s like telling a fish not to swim – or Ronnie not to be a butt!”
He poked me in the ribs. “Hey, leave me out of this! You guys got yourselves into this situation all on your own, but you’ll probably survive it – if your brains don’t die from lack of red flow.”
Tiff, laughing, went to Ronnie and put her arm around him. “I’m going to stick by you, since you’re the only non-satyr in sight.”
He put his arm around her and pulled her close. “Don’t underestimate me my dear, don’t underestimate me.”
Fortunately, the morning passed fairly swiftly and uneventfully. We drank a little, talked and enjoyed each others’ company a lot, swam, went down the slide on Nick’s boat, and played with the kids – Trell seemed to have mostly gotten over his fear of deep water, or else the lure of being near Grace just proved more powerful, because he swam and used the slide with the rest of us – and eventually gathered together for lunch.
Kristi, Alisha, and Kori had been in close conference all morning getting to know each other and making plans for future get-togethers. Because Kristi and Kori were already so close, I suppose, Alisha seemed to easily accept Kori as something akin to a sister as well; it sure didn’t hurt that the two of them had hit it off from the first either, I suspect, but it was interesting to watch that relationship bloom and grow. Then again, Kori is pretty easy to love.
After what should have been a simple lunch of sandwiches and chips, but which had somehow turned into a much more lavish spread including hot hors d’oeuvres, an antipasto platter, fruit, and various other temptations, it was time for us to part ways with our new friends – and family! There were tears, of course (not from me – or at least not many!), and promises to see each other again soon. These were real promises, ones we knew we would be keeping, not the hollow ‘we’ll do lunch’ types of promises so often made and quickly forgotten.
After hugs all around, I stood with Kristi at the rail as Ronnie got us under way, and watched the other boat recede into the distance as we got out of the beautiful little bay and onto the surface of the big lake. We waved until we rounded the point and could no longer see them. I had expected Kristi to be sad or even somewhat devastated by the parting, less than twenty-four hours after the big revelation, but instead she seemed charged up, excited, and even mildly euphoric.
I squeezed her. “Well, you seem to be taking it well! I thought it might be hard for you to part so soon.”
She hugged me. “Oh, it is, but my gosh! This whole thing is just so incredible, so amazing – and to think, I almost didn’t come along on this trip! That would have ruined everything!”
I nodded. “On so many levels! Just what you and me have discovered about each other for one thing, but also so much more. I’m really glad you came.”
“Me too. I guess things happen for a reamister, huh?”
“Well, some things anyway. Speaking of which, are you at all horny?”
She laughed. “All you ever think of is sex! Good thing I happen to love that in a man – and yes, I am. Have you ever known me not to be?”
“Hmm, let’s see…yeah, you know, there was that one time…no, never mind; I’m thinking of someone else. No, now that you mention it, I’ve never known you not to be. Good thing I happen to love that in a woman, huh?”
She laughed. “Good thing – what did you have in mind?”
“Well, to be perfectly honest for a change – on Tiffany’s advice – I have about a dose and a half of Viagra in my system, and if I even hiccup I seem to get a boner. I was trying to surprise you."
She stared at me for a moment. “You… what? You took Viagra? When?”
I explained about Pops slipping it to me unannounced, and that he was now in the same situation, and how we had not been anticipating staying around Nick and family for half the day. She seemed to find the whole thing quite hilarious. It must look different from the outside looking in. Fortunately, despite her enjoyment at my expense, her hand slid into my shorts and found me, and with minimal coaxing or manipulation I was soon hard as a rock and achingly rigid.
She unbuttoned and unzipped me, freeing me from the unfriendly confines of my shorts, and looked down at what she had found. I have to admit, it looked pretty damn impressive with that little bit of extra assist from the world of medicine, thick and swollen, shockingly hard and pointing skyward! “Wow, that’s quite a proud cock you’ve got there mister! Mind if I suck on it a little bit?”
“I thought you’d never ask! Please, by all means…” She dropped to her knees, and, as a prelude to taking me into her mouth, began to lick up and down all surfaces of my hard shaft and suck at my balls. I groaned in ecstasy, a sound repeated moments later – with a small gasp of pleasure thrown in – when she suddenly engulfed the head of my cock in her warm, wet mouth. To call the sensations exquisite would be to damn them with faint praise!
She giggled slightly, the sound muffled by my cock in her mouth, when she heard me making appreciative noises. Sliding me from her lips with a small slurping noise, she looked up at me, smiling, her eyes deep and smoky with her own arousal. “You’re making sounds like you’re about to come – surely you’re not, not already!”
“No - oh no, not yet – and stop calling me Shirley! This feels just feels so good, w-a-a-a-y too good to let it be over that quick! You’re an artist – have I ever told you that?”
She laughed. “Mmm, yeah – pretty much every time I give you a blowjob. Fortunately for you, I’m a sucker for flattery…both literally and figuratively, now that I think about it. Oh, and stop with the bad puns or I’ll quit.”
That made me laugh, as her quick but sometimes odd sense of humor often does. “Oh. Well, in that case you’re gorgeous too, a veritable goddess, and brilliant, and funny, and sweet, and generous, and gorgeous – wait, I already said that – I have a lot of adjectives though, so let me know when you get tired of hearing them… no more puns though, I promise.”
Laughing, she stopped my babbling by taking me back into her welcoming mouth, applying a gentle suction as she moved her lips up and down my aching shaft. She manipulated my balls with one hand, gently squeezing and fondling, as she stroked the lower part of my cock with the other. She knows me, and exactly how to touch and stroke and fondle to give me the most pleasure. While there is certainly something to be said for the excitement of sex with somebody new from time to time, there is really no substitute for a sexy, loving partner that’s been around long enough to know all of your likes and dislikes, all of your tastes, all of your most sensitive and erogenous zones, and all of your erotic thoughts and fantasies – and exactly how to press all the right buttons each and every time. Kristi was all that and more for me!
We were alone on the lower deck, everyone else (except Trell, who had decided he needed a nap and retired to his room) having decided to hang around with Ronnie where he sat at the upper helm, at the bow on the upper deck, guiding the boat. Still standing on the open deck, male equipment out with Kristi attached to it, seemed like a fairly exposed and compromising position. “Umm, much as I hate to break your rhythm, do you think maybe we should go to our stateroom?”
Again she slid my rampant penis from her lips – apparently I never know when to shut up – and looked up at me. “No, I’m enjoying the breeze, and the sun; don’t worry, I guarantee you won’t be lasting long enough to sunburn this thing. There’s just something really special about outdoor sex though, don’t you think?”
I was in no position to deny that! “Mmmm, yeah, especially with you. The sun, the wind in your hair…you’re just amazing, you know that?” She just smiled and then licked me again, making me shudder with pleasure. “Mmmm. What if someone comes down though?”
She merely shrugged. “So? At this stage of the trip, it’s not anything they haven’t seen before, right? Just keep an eye out for other boats so we don’t get arrested.”
She had a point; the group on the boat was about as intimate with each other as we could get. There was no big risk of shock or offense if any of them caught us in the act! I resolved to shut up and watch for other boats, as she had suggested.
The next few minutes passed in quiet bliss, just the soft sound of the wind and the sight of it ruffling her golden locks, small waves lapping at the hull, the vibration of the motor, and the occasional soft, wet sound of Kristi’s lips and tongue working avidly at my cock. If this is what heaven is like, I’m ready!
My blissful reverie was interrupted by the sound of the door from the main lounge opening outward onto the foredeck, where we were. Looking over my shoulder, I saw Pops emerging from the interior room, his broad shoulders and barrel chest seeming to fill the doorframe from side to side. When he saw us he chuckled, but made no attempt to withdraw and leave us to our pleasures. Instead, he crossed the deck to stand right alongside of us and stared down at the action taking place. “I should have known I’d find you here – or somewhere anyway, doing something like this! You dog!”
I shrugged. “I was horny – and she was willing. You’re partly responsible, you know.” Kristi ignored us and kept on sucking. Permisterally, I think being watched just makes her hornier!
Pops laughed. “Thank you – and you’re welcome. Told you you’d appreciate it later.”
“Mmmm, you were right. Took awhile though.”
“Better late than never.” He never took his eyes off of Kristi’s warm, swollen, suctioning lips. “Son, that’s a big ol’ cock – you know, for a white boy – and a beautiful woman worshipping it. I don’t suppose you two might like a little company? Maybe show a little kindness to a horny, fat, old black man…?”
I winked down at Kristi before looking across at him. “Oh c’mon – you’re not that old.”
He grumred “I notice you didn’t correct me on the ‘fat’ part of that! So, what do you say?”
I looked at Kristi, leaving the decision up to her, but was almost certain what it would be. To my immense surprise, she looked up at me and freed her mouth to speak. “Well, I don’t know. It’s good with me if Adam is OK with it; great, actually – sounds like fun. Adam, is it all right with you?”
She had caught me off guard; I hadn’t honestly expected to be consulted, although, given the serious conversations we’d had on the subject, I suppose I should been better prepared with an answer. As usual, the sexual thrill of the idea sent shocking little tingles through me, those sudden waves of arousal and sexual excitement, but at the same time I knew that any so-called normal guy would have refused, and I couldn’t deny the little pang of jealousy, offense, and hurt that I felt, knowing that Kristi was eager to share herself with another man.
Still, with all that, I knew what my answer would be. I nodded. “Sure, I guess – if you want to. I mean, we’re all friends here, right – and this is all just fun and games anyway, right, so, I mean, sure. I guess it would be fine.”
Pops looked at me, frowning. “Your enthusiasm is underwhelming.”
“No, I don’t mean it like that…it’s just…it’s still kind of weird for me, all right?”
Kristi reached over and grabbed him through his ugly green shorts, squeezing his thick cock with the hand that just moments before had been fondling my balls. “Don’t worry Reggie; whatever he lacks in enthusiasm, I’ll try to make up.”
He groaned appreciatively. “You know I hate that name, but as long as you keep doing that you can call me anything you want!” He looked at me. “You good?”
“Yeah. Yeah, sure, I’m good.”
Receiving my OK, even if it wasn’t overwhelmingly positive, he nodded, and then reached down and grabbed the elastic waistband of his shorts and tugged it way down, reaching in to fish his package out into the light of day. With his cock and balls thus exposed, he let the waistband ride up beneath his heavy scrotum, where it held his enormous balls up for presentation to Kristi even as the dark, thick length of his huge flaccid cock hung down over them, swinging slightly as he let it fall.
It was an impressive sight, there is no denying that. Easily seven or eight inches of soft but very thick, very dark cock hung there, the skin slightly wrinkled and ready to be stretched out. His thick foreskin drooped over the bulbous head of his massive organ and formed a little dark puckered tip, making his thick cock look as though it came to almost a funny little point at the end.
Kristi ran her fingers very lightly up the length of his shaft, and I saw it twitch slightly and begin to thicken. She leaned over and licked him, the tip of her tongue exploring the puckered, fleshy tip of his penis, and I couldn’t take my eyes off her face. She licked his cock up and down as it visibly grew under her tender attention, and then gently seized his supple foreskin between her teeth, nipping and tugging lightly at it, and stretching it out a little bit before allowing it to slip from between her teeth.
She looked up into my eyes, her own sea-green eyes smoky and sparkling with arousal. “This is going to be so much fun. God, I am so fucking wet!”
Posts: 14692
Thank you Sir for another wonderful segment.
Posts: 4050
I'm so glad that you're back writing this story. The characters are pleasant and engaging and no one paints word pictures like you do.
Thank you
Posts: 1914
Stormy, If this is your idea of an ending, it looks like it's going to be explosive. In fact more a bang AND a whimper.
I have to agree with GH too. Clarity. Good.
Posts: 111
Stormy, Another great segment. You have built characters that we would all like to be on a boat with. You have brought them all to life. The detail makes them real. I thank you for your writing and look forward to each additional entry. Greatly Appreciative, JJ.
Posts: 31
Stormy. You keep adding wonderful characters to the mix. I don't know who to expect next. You still have : "Rain" back at Adam's house and "Izzy". Keep the great writing coming. I took someone's advice and tried to write my own story. I keep thinking things and forgetting then when I write, leaving holes in story, I'll keep trying.
lick buddy
Posts: 277
 wow I have a lot of reading to do .
Posts: 33
Is she or isn't she the sexiest girl ever?!
Sorry for the long delay, just had to say, still reading and enjoying. Still wish I were there. Thanks for writing!
Posts: 492
Oh boy, here we go. Hang on to your hats and get out the "Caution Slippery Floors" signs. Kristi's about to get "spit roasted" by those two huge cocks. Let's see how Adam handles this new development.
Glad you're writing again Stormy, my God, has another summer already passed us by?
Thanks for keeping this story alive, I love it.
Let the banging begin.
lick buddy
Posts: 277
Wow ,so much to catch up too . Ican't read fast enough
lick buddy
Posts: 277
Thinking I might want to be in Adams shoes !