Posts: 492
I was thinking the same as Peak. Those women are going to have their hands full............literally. Not to mention their mouths, pussys (what's the plural for pussy anyway?) and other orifices. Pops and Adam are going to be tearing it up for sure, add Trell to the mix and you're going to have some very busy women on that houseboat. Can't wait to see how it all unfolds.
Wonderful, fun story, Stormy. As always, much appreciated.
Posts: 158
What a great way to start the morning , I can't wait to see/hear/read what happens!
Your stories make me feel like I am there. The little woman suggested to me that she make me a protein shake that's a first, not the protein shake, the her making it for me part.....lol.
Thanks stormy for the idea, this might be fun.!!!
It's kind of an energy take for us old guys......like rock star.
She even came up with a name for it ....ROCK ON.
Guess I better get up from bed this morning and perform my husbandly duties, unassisted I might ad. Those pills are way to expensive.! We should lobby the have companies. watcherdoit4fun
Posts: 14692
Time for a bump
Posts: 492
Another well deserved bump from your buddy.
Posts: 1459
Timmy, thanks for the comment and the bump. Sure wish I had more time to work on this, but other things demand attention just now. I appreciate your support!
Gh - nope, not him! Thanks for the kind words, it is (they are?) appreciated. I'm hoping to get the next segment done and posted soon - maybe tonight. Then I think I'll take some time to catch up on my reading...
peak, that's an odd mental picture. Seems like that might hinder the runners somewhat, although it would probably spark additional female interest in track and field events.
Trf2, yes, I am looking forward to finding out what havoc their have-induced sexual prowess might cause. The ladies may decide to take to the lifeboats! As always, I sure appreciate your ongoing support!
Watcher, I'm sure you did just fine without any chemical assist. And if not, I'm sure you will have no trouble finding volunteers to assist you with pleasing your lovely lady!
Thanks all for the support! Sorry it's been so long between posts, and I hope I don't lose your interest. I hope to get one posted now, and also to be able to pick up the pace a little bit very soon. I appreciate your patience.
Posts: 1459
As he cleaned up some of the mess he’d created, he looked up at me. “Hey, pour me a coffee too, would you? When I’m done here we can go out and sit on deck and watch the sun come up over the rocks.”
I nodded and moved to comply. “So, do you like your coffee like you like your women, black and strong?”
He laughed. “Naw, man, plenty of cream and sugar; and where did you ever get the idea that my likes or dislikes in ladies were anywhere near that narrow? Although there is a parallel there, come to think of it; I do like ladies that are rich, sweet, and creamy.”
It was my turn to laugh. “Don’t we all? I guess I never had you figured for a cream and sugar guy though.”
“Did you figure I had to avoid things like that to maintain my svelte figure?”
I glanced at him. ‘Yeah, that’s it. You bet. Tell me, do you ever get tired of smaller people getting trapped in your gravitational field and orbiting around you? Seems like that would be annoying after awhile.”
He chuckled. “Be nice.” He took the cup I held out to him and led the way out onto the deck of Nick’s boat, where we took seats side-by-side, facing the nearby ramparts that would soon show their remarkable colors to the rising sun. He sighed contentedly as he leaned back in his lounger, which creaked and groaned in protest. “Man, this is the life. Good friends, beautiful, sexy ladies, good food, plenty of fine *****, spectacular surroundings, peace and quiet…I really appreciate y’all inviting me along, this has been great. I really needed a break like this.”
“Hey, it’s our pleasure! Really, it’s been an absolute treat to have you along – even Trell has shaped up to be a good addition. No offense, but I was a little worried about him at first, to be honest with you.”
He nodded. “Me too, so don’t sweat it. I figured if he got too out of line I could always drown him.”
I laughed. “Hey, the way he started out, I’d have helped you. Seems like Kori has been a good influence.”
“All of you have. He needed to see this, how people that care about each other can relate and share and all get along, and even enjoy being together. Other than his mama he hasn’t had a lot of good influences in his life.” He paused, and I could sense his sadness. “I’ve tried, but I was never around enough for us to get close, and he resents me for that too, I think. It’s been tough for him, but he’s a good kid at heart.”
“Well, Ronnie and Kori seem to see something in him – beyond the obvious, I mean – and Grace strikes me as a bright girl, and she took to him instantly. Maybe it’s just you and me.”
He looked at me in surprise. “No, he likes you. He’s maybe a little intimidated by you, and by how devoted you and your lady are to each other, but I think he really likes you. He's just not quite sure how to take you.”
That surprised me. “Hey, I just followed your lead. I talk to him as an adult and don’t cut him any slack when he acts like an ass. If he’s OK with that, apparently you’re on the right track. Maybe it’s just your glowering, intimidating presence and massive bulk that keeps him on edge.”
He looked at me sideways and then shook his head, chuckling. “You’re on fire today; I can tell you got laid last night.”
I laughed, stretching luxuriously. “Mmmm, several times, actually. I could get used to that kind of attention.”
“You probably shouldn’t count on that. Kristi strikes me as the type of lady that knows what she wants, and as much fun as she had planning your surprise I think she’s probably more about self-gratification. No offense.”
“No, you’re probably right. But then…” I trailed off, but he seemed to know what I had been about to say.
“Yeah, I know – you enjoy her self-gratification almost as much as she does, right? Her fucking around turns you on. Go ahead, it’s OK to say it; first of all it’s pretty obvious, and second, it’s not as weird as you think it is. A lot of guys enjoy that particular kink, call it cuckolding or whatever.”
“I guess. It still seems weird to me, but I do have to admit that I enjoy the hell out of it. It’s always with very mixed feelings though.”
“It should be; that’s part of it, I think.” He paused, as if considering how to explain his thoughts on the matter. “Look, we all love to watch a beautiful lady enjoying sex; an entire multi-billion dollar industry is built on that premise. The difference here is that she happens to be your beautiful lady, which to some guys just makes it that much more permisteral, and that much more exciting. You're still a voyeur, but now you're a part of the action, of the story. If you like it, and she obviously loves it, where’s the harm in that?”
“I can’t seem to help being jealous of the intimacy she shares with other guys. It hurts at the same time that I’m so aroused I’m practically shaking. It’s anger, arousal, jealousy, enjoyment, fear, love… a whole bunch of crap mixed up in one big mess. Sort of like that juice you made.”
He laughed. “Never miss a chance for a cheap shot. Trust me, you’ll be thanking me later.” He paused. “Kristi is something really special, you know that?”
I couldn’t argue with that! “Yeah, I do know that.”
“I hope you don't mind, but Tiff told me a little bit about the two of you, some of what you had told her when she drove you down to the lake the other day. About your back-story, how you and Kristi came to pass. It seems like sometimes pure serendipity brings together people that are just right for each other, maybe the only other permister in the whole known universe who is that perfect for you. Do you feel that way about her?”
I nodded. “Absolutely. It just felt right from the moment I met her. How much of the universe do you suppose is known?”
He glanced at me before shaking his head. “Thirty-seven point three percent, as of last Thursday.”
I stared at him. “You can’t possibly know that!”
He shook his big head. “Of course not, idiot; it’s unknowable. It’s as good a number as any though, right? After all, seventy-eight point six percent of all statistics are made up on the spot anyway.”
When I laughed at his come-back, it earned a deep chuckle from him. “Hey, I’m glad you caught that! You’d be amazed how many people just nod knowingly when I use that old joke, as if I’d said something truly profound. I was afraid I was going to have to retire that one.”
“You probably still should. It's well past retirement age.”
“Ahem! Look, as I was saying before you got sidetracked; your Kristi is something special. She’s gorgeous, sure – stunning, actually – and sexy and smart and funny, all that stuff. But she’s also hopelessly, helplessly head-over-heels in love with you. That woman worships the ground you walk on.”
His words surprised me, and even fetishd me up just a little bit. “Well, I hope that’s true. I know it is for me. I guess her desire to bring other men into our sex life is just hard for me to figure out, if what you say is true”
“Trust me, it’s true. You should see the way she watches you when you’re not looking; her eyes follow you around, and she has this expression of wonder, like she’s shocked that something so good somehow showed up in her life, like she can’t quite believe her good fortune. Now permisterally, I don’t know what she sees in a skinny, wise-cracking white boy like you, but there’s no accounting for tastes.”
I laughed. “Skinny is a relative term.”
“Yeah, and you’re relatively skinny. Look, the thing with her and other men… don’t you suppose that somewhere along the line maybe she got the sense that you might enjoy it?”
I nodded. “Yeah, I’ve thought a lot about that. There were some signals that I probably sent without really intending to. Other things too, like the way we would both get turned on and end up having mind-blowing sex when she’d tell me about some of her earlier sexual experiences, or when other guys would hit on her when we were out at a club or something.” I paused, realizing how that had sounded. “Don’t get me wrong, it pissed me off at the time, but it also made me constantly think about how hot she is – and when she’d go dance with them, and I could tell they were rubbing their hard cocks against her… Well, let’s just say that had an effect on both of us.”
He laughed at my demurral. “Yeah, it would! You’re observing the whole lust-desire-sex-mating ritual thing in action, but it’s your woman they want to mate with. I’m guessing that knowing her body was responding to their advances probably made you even hornier.”
I laughed. “Well, you know Kristi. All you have to do is mention sex and she’s wet and ready, nipples erect, so yeah, feeling their hard dicks rubbing against her would have her practically dripping; once she’s in that kind of mood there’s no telling what she might do. And yeah, knowing that her little panties were hot and wet – assuming she was wearing any – definitely affected me.”
He growled that low chuckle of his. “Just talking about it is affecting me.” He reached down and rubbed the growing bulge in his grotesquely green shorts. “Maybe that Viagra is kicking in, but I believe just thinking about that girl’s wet little pussy would give any man a boner. No offense.”
“None taken – I can’t argue with you when you’re right, but it would be a little weird for just the two of us to be sitting out here with raging erections if anyone else were to show up.” As we had talked about Kristi I had also felt my body begin to respond to the mental images of her aroused body.
He grinned. “Good point. I’ll try to control myself, and you do the same.”
I agreed, and we sat silently for a few minutes, enjoying the peace and beauty of the place as we allowed our momentary excitement to pass.
What he said next caught me flat-footed. “Is it going to bother you if I take a run at her later today?”
“You? At Kristi?”
He nodded. “Well yeah; that is who we were talking about. I mean, if you don’t want me to just say so, I can respect that.”
“Uhh, no, it’s not that.” I paused to collect my thoughts. “I mean, I think she’d be disappointed if you didn’t. In fact, she’ll probably just come after you if you don’t make the first move. You just caught me by surprise is all. Partly that you asked at all, and partly the timing; I wasn’t expecting it.”
“So you’re OK with it?”
“I guess – although being OK with it is kind of another whole weird dynamic for me. That is sort of what this trip has been about though, is me trying to get over myself – and you did bring Tiff along to share, which is pretty special.”
He laughed, relieved. “Yeah, she is special - but in truth, she brought me. So you don’t think maybe Kristi might back away from me? I sometimes get a weird vibe, like maybe she’s got a little racist thing going on.”
“Kristi? No, no way!” I laughed. “She’s the one permister I’ve ever known that I honestly think doesn’t even see it; she just flat does not understand the whole racism problem at all. What you’re probably sensing is her complete indifference to what color you might be, so you won’t have that whole ‘black mystique’ thing working in your favor. You’re probably used to a lot of white women having this…mmm, let’s call it curiosity, which sort of gives you a head-start. She says she doesn’t get it, why some women have such a fascination with black guys, and that guys are just guys. You’ll have to get her solely on your own merits, race aside. Or at least that’s my take on it.”
He nodded. “Huh! I’m not sure I like that; my blacksnake mystique is one of my best come-ons.” He chuckled. “This whole level playing field thing kind of sucks if you want my opinion, but if what you say is true it is kind of cool. I’ll take it as a challenge; maybe I can change her mind.”
"What, and make her a racist?"
"Not about that! Crap man, are you always this obtuse, or are you just testing my patience?"
I laughed. “A little of both. About you having any luck with Kristi, I'd have to rate your chances as pretty good; she has seen you naked, so that’s one pretty big point in your favor – you know, speaking of your own merits.”
He laughed. “Being endowed by my creator with certain inalienable size does sometimes come in handy – as you well know. You sure you’re OK with it?”
I shrugged. “It’s up to her. It’s always up to the ladies, isn’t it? That seems to be how this system is rigged. Besides, I like you, and the fact that you’re so up-front about it, and I trust you to not hurt her.”
He looked shocked. “Hurt her? Never! Now, I might spoil her so that she’s never satisfied with some skinny little white boy again, but I’d never hurt her. You know what they say, ‘once you try black, etcetera, etcetera’.” He reached out and playfully punched my shoulder as he said that, nearly toppling me out of my chair.
I rubbed my arm. “That’s OK; we don’t actually know any skinny little white boys. And really you're just sort of a dark brown, so I’m sure she’ll be fine.”
He grinned, and we again sat silently for a little while, enjoying the place, the moment, and each other’s company. Kori eventually walked out onto the deck of the other boat and waved at us, then called across to let us know that the others were beginning to stir, and that she was going to go prod them along so that we could all get together for breakfast. After she’d gone back inside he again started the conversation with something which seemed purely out of the blue.
Posts: 14692
Stormy, a very interesting conversation. Thank you.
Hey I know it sucks when real life interferes with our fun but don't sweat it. I'm sure your fans will keep you on the front burner.
Posts: 1459
Thanks timmy - I had to do it in segments, so here's another. You're right about real life sucking sometimes, which I suppose is one reamister people read our stories, right? Maybe that's a good thing after all. ______________________________________________________________________ ________
“You’re kind of in a unique position, aren’t you?”
“Sitting down? It’s not that unique, really.”
He groaned. “Don’t make me come over there and sit on you!”
I laughed. “Sorry. OK, I’ll bite; what are you talking about?”
He paused momentarily, organizing his thoughts. “This whole situation, with you and Kristi – and, to a lesser extent, Ronnie and Kori. You’ve got this great girl that just happens to enjoy entertaining other men occasionally, which she does on her own initiative. Ronnie, on the other hand, had to talk Kori into experimenting with that lifestyle because he likes it, and it plays into his own mildly submissive tendencies and feelings of inadequacy.”
So far he had not said anything that was breaking new ground. “Yeah, I guess that’s all pretty accurate, although it’s a little tough for me to think of Ronnie like that. Kori seems to have taken to it pretty well though, once he convinced her he was serious about it. So?”
“Well, think about it; you’re right next door, they know you well, and you’re a pretty big, tall, good looking masculine guy with a big cock – the classic ‘boyfriend’, or ‘bull’, as they’re called in the cuckold world - but they didn’t involve you in their fun and games. They took that pleasure elsewhere, and even took great pains to see that you didn’t know about it. Why do you suppose they did that?”
I chuckled. “Well, like you said, they know me well. They probably thought I was already screwed up enough. Besides, once Kristi came along it would have been pretty pointless; I was totally wrapped up in her.”
“But you knew them long before she came along, right?”
“Well yeah, but I was married part of that time, and then in mourning over that marriage when it ended. They helped me get through that, but not by having me relax with Kori!”
He nodded thoughtfully. “Maybe it’s as simple as that. Permisterally, I don’t think so. I think maybe Kori sensed that you were not the strong, dominant type that would play their games in a way that would satisfy Ronnie’s needs. Do you think you could step in and take command of them, maybe push him around just a little and take her and just use her, make her your slut, and fuck the cuckolds brownie out of her in front of him or make him lick your cock clean when you were finished?”
I snorted derisively. “No! I don’t think that’s what they want anyway, and it would be way too weird to even attempt it! Look, I had sex with her the other night – for the first and only time ever – but it wasn’t like that. She instigated it with her teasing, which is something she loves to do, and I thought I would die when Ronnie walked in on us, but it turned out OK. It wasn’t like what you just described though.”
“No? Well, maybe next time. It’s what they want, trust me. I’ve been in a lot of these relationships – as you witnessed at the café – and it’s usually what they want, a strong, more dominant male to take charge.” He looked over at me. “When you fucked Kori, did Ronnie suck your cock at all?”
For the second time in as many minutes he had shocked me. “No! That would have been too weird; I’d have gone softer than a piece of gum on a hot sidewalk, I think. Besides, I can’t believe Ronnie would want to; he’s a pretty strong, macho guy really, and very successful.”
He shook his head. “In life, sure. A lot of these guys are. But in the sack they want something different, a chance to let someone else take charge while they step down and just enjoy themselves. The chance to do something entirely out of their everyday realm of experience, even to the extent of total submissiveness or even offense, for some of them. That’s my Psychology 101 course talking you understand, but it makes sense to me“
“I suppose that’s true. I mean, I’ve even seen it up close and permisteral, a little bit; I just can’t claim to understand it.” When he asked me to clarify what I meant by having seen it permisterally, I gave him the short version of my experience with Rick and Sue, and how Rick had seemed to want – or even need – that sense of being subservient and submissive in order to really get off.
He nodded understandingly as I finished relating that experience to him. “See, that’s what I mean about you being in a very unique position. You’re not like Rick or some of the guys that are with the women that I play with – or even Ronnie or Nick for that matter. All of them want something more, some feeling of being in the less dominant position, but of still being involved in their wives’ – or even the boyfriend’s - pleasure. You pretty much just like to watch, right – maybe jerk off a little bit?”
This conversation was becoming little too permisteral – and a lot too embarrassing – but we had been frank and open with each other up until now, so I decided to stay the course. “Yeah, I guess. There’s just something very exciting about it, almost irresistibly so. I don’t know how to describe it, but it’s a very powerful, intense sexual experience. Emotional too, really.”
He nodded. “No, I think I know what you mean, you don’t need to describe it. How about when you’re batting from the other side of the plate?”
“Uhh, I don’t think that’s what being a switch-hitter means in sexual parlance. I think that would be more along the lines of Nick’s preferences.”
He chuckled. “We’ll make up a new category; you can be the switch-hitter of cuckolding. I’m not sure that’s ever been done successfully, it requires a whole different s******* set, and a whole different mindset. The thing with Rick and Sue – how did that work for you?”
I smiled, remembering that evening. “It was good – different, for sure. You’d like Sue; when was the last time you met a woman that could swallow your cock all the way down to your balls?”
His eyes widened. “Seriously? Obviously I’m going to need to meet this woman!”
I laughed. “I thought that would get your attention. I can’t guarantee she could do that successfully for you, since you’re a freak of nature, but she sure gobred up my whole offering pretty handily!”
He laughed. “Close enough! That’s a very impressive s******* she’s got there.”
I nodded. “You have no idea – and it turned her on tremendously to do it too!”
He grinned. “That’s always a good sign. How about uh, what’s-his-name, um, Rick?”
“I don’t remember that she sucked his dick, not while I was there, but he was a lot smaller; I’m sure she could have easily done him if she’d wanted to.”
“No, bonehead! I mean did Rick suck your dick, or touch you in any other way?”
“Oh, that! Well, yeah, he sorta did. Uhh, that was weird.”
He roared with laughter. “You’re so damn uptight it’s hilarious! Tell me what happened – and how does someone ‘sorta’ suck your cock? Either he did or he didn’t.”
I paused, remembering exactly how it had come to pass. “Well, he wanted to, plainly, but I was not at all comfortable with the idea. Sue wanted him to also; for some reamister she was very turned on by the idea of her husband sucking another man’s cock. Unfortunately, that other man happened to be me.”
He laughed again. “Yeah, just a bunch of dumb rookies feeling their way around.”
I chuckled. “Yeah, I guess that’s pretty accurate. Anyhow, she was pushing him to do it, and he was extremely aroused by it all, his little dick was hard as a rock. She was sitting on top of me, facing away, and she called him over to lick her pussy while I was screwing her, and pretty quick I came inside of her and he dived in for some clean-up. That’s sort of how it started.”
“So he did the clean-up on both of you?”
“No, not really – although I think he would have - but when I went back a little later for some sloppy seconds we ended up doggy style, and he wanted to be under us, involved in the action up close and permisteral, and, well, it just sort of happened.”
“He sucked you off?” He seemed very interested – and it was readily apparent that he was hard again, his vicarious enjoyment of the tale creating a significant tent in his pants. Barnum & Bailey should have tents as large!
“Not…well, not just like that. He was licking her pussy, and my balls a little, and I slid out of her at one point and he started sucking me. It was a weird situation, but very arousing. When he used his hands to guide me back into his wife it pushed me over the edge; he touched so gently, and it was just such an incredibly erotic gesture. I couldn’t help it, I started cumming buckets.”
“Yeah…and so?”
“When I finally pulled out of her he started sucking me, getting the last of my load. He was obviously very into it.”
He shook his big head, grinning. “And you let him?”
“Well…” I paused, a little embarrassed to admit that I had actually enjoyed it at the time. “He was so aroused by it all, and he obviously wanted to do it. I had just fucked his wife, after all; it seemed like the least I could do…”
He again roared with laughter, to the point that he had to wipe away tears of mirth. “The least you could do! That’s rich, my friend, I’ll have to remember that one! Oh my god, I think I hurt myself – don’t make me laugh like that!”
“Well, you know, it didn’t seem polite to deny him…”
That drew further paroxysms of laughter. “Oh, stop, stop! You’re *******ing me! Polite…polite, he says! You’re going to make the strangest bull ever!”
He was right of course. I hadn’t really intended it to sound ridiculous, but to say that allowing him to blow me because I was fucking his wife was “the least I could do” was, in fact, entirely ridiculous. That realization got me laughing too, and for a few moments we both just sat and laughed until tears ran down our cheeks.
We were still going at it, caught up in one of those moments where we just lost it and our laughter fed off each other, when a soft voice interrupted from behind us. “Hi guys – what’s so funny?”
It was Alisha, carrying a small tray with the coffee pot, a mug for her, and the cream and sugar on it. Neither of us was able to speak well enough to tell her what was so funny; we pretty much just ended up pointing at each other, and for some unknown reamister that also struck us as being very hilarious. She just shook her head, smiling, and waited us out.
I did finally manage to get up and offer her my seat, and then dragged over another chair such that she ended up sitting between us, the tray of coffee fixin’s on a small, portable plastic table that I had also brought over. She poured a cup for herself, and then rose to pour for both of us, topping off and heating up our cups. She looked good, petite, soft and sexy in a very pale pink robe that seemed to wrap twice around her slender frame. Her hair was mussed from bed, showing that she had just gotten up, and her face looked somehow very sexy and alluring without any makeup whatsoever.
There were small lines radiating out from the corners of her eyes, and shallow parentheses at the edges of her mouth, the characteristic marks of someone that loves to laugh and enjoy life; her eyes looked soft and alluring, slightly relaxy but sparkling with intelligence and life, and genuine affection when she looked at Pops – and, to my surprise, at me! Her lips were full and soft and kissable, and when she bent to kiss Pops good morning and then surprised me with a kiss of my own, I discovered that they felt every bit as nice as they looked.
Posts: 158
Thanks for the new segment your timing was perfect, the mrs. And I just woke up, (yesterday was our anniversary). We hiked some of the beautiful canyons near our home, had a nice steak dinner at one of our favorite restaurants and then as usual I was to tired to put a nice ending on the festivities. Now I'm up and awake and your segment has arrived.......now the games may begin.
Thanks stormy we have come to look so forward to your stories, thanks watcherdoit4fun
Posts: 1914
Another lovely passage Stormy. You write about my friends so well ..
Posts: 14692
just another great segment in Adam and Kristi saga or should I say "soap opera".
Posts: 4050
That conversation with pops was outstanding.
Posts: 33
I have enjoyed this story for how many years now? Stormy I should have complimented you long before this and more than once.
When I'm feeling stressed or horny and need an escape your new segments always hit the spot.
It's interesting to see how adam is progressing. His mix of swinger, cuck and bull is interesting to watch, and I can relate to it!
Posts: 111
Stormy, I‘v been out for a couple of weeks and it is great to come back and find two new additions. Your site is the first that I checked. I sure hope Pops does not change Adams outlook on life. Kristi’s description of Boy Scout fits him well. You’re the writer and I’m going where ever you take us. Also I’m still deeply in love with Kristi. Your character build has been highly successful. Thanks Stormy JJ.
Posts: 492
The conversation between Pops and Adam gave us an insightful look into what Adam has to deal with on this journey, well done Stormy. Cuck, bull, or voyeur, he seems to wear a lot of different hats depending on the situation, and they all fit him rather well.
As always, I can't wait for this next bang-a-thon on the houseboat. How will Adam handle watching his lovely Kristi being impaled on Pop's monstrous manhood? Or will he be too busy with Tiffany/Kori and/or Alisha to even notice? Will we get to see the submissive side of Nick or Ronnie? Better yet, does Adam have a submissive streak in him as well? Stay tuned folks.
The coaches are on the sidelines, filling in their lineups. I have mine already made out, I'm curious to see how it matches up with what you come up with. Doesn't matter, I know that no matter what, it will be fantastic when you're done with it.
Gentlemen and ladies, start you engines. Let the banging begin. Oh the humanity.
Thanks Stormy
Posts: 14692
Posts: 111
Stormy, This is my all time favorite story and we can not let it get off the front page! JJ.
Posts: 1459
watcher, peak, Timmy, GH, jj, and Trf2, thanks for the very kind words and all of your support, including the story bumps. It is appreciated, and it's the reamister I keep going - well, that, and I usually enjoy writing - but y'all are great!
mykey, thanks so much for speaking out and breaking the silence! Your support is duly noted, and hugely appreciated! As for waiting, I did the exact same thing, lurking for months or maybe even years before posting comments and thank-yous - and it was totally free to join back then! I don't know why I did that, in retrospect. This is usually a very friendly site with a lot of like-minded readers and posters. I felt bad once I started commenting, for having taken the generosity of others for granted for so long without saying thanks, but you know what? To a man they have all been very welcoming and gracious, and now that I write a little bit I better understand the importance of the reader comments - so thanks very much for yours, and welcome aboard!
As for the story, I am a bit writer's blocked; I know where I want to go, but can't decide how to get there, and several start-stops have been the result. Frustrating, to say the least, especially at this busy time of year. I'm thinking about using theolder emails I have on hand from "Laura" to add a segment or two there, in hopes that maybe that will break my block here. We'll see. Thanks for bearing with me!
Posts: 33
Hey stormy
Yeah I go through months at times of not updating my blog. Sometimes the muse is there, sometimes not. Don't worry man we will be patient.
Maybe a bit on Laura would be good. A change for you?
Posts: 111
Stormy, Once again time for a BUMP! JJ.
Posts: 111
Stormy, Time for a bump! JJ.
Posts: 7
I can wait only because it is well worth it. But it ain't easy. RidgeRover
Posts: 7
Just because I check 3 or 4 times a day doesn't mean I' m addicted- does it?
K Hyde
Nobody could possibly compete.
I'm convinced you need a summer's break from one of the greatest novels ever! (And that you'll get back to it.)
Posts: 3
Stormy: You are the man! Looking forward to the next 48 chapters of the best erotic story ever written. The waiting is ***! But who other than Adam can't fully appreciate that?  Justletsc
Posts: 111
Stormy, Time for a bump! Treading water can be tiring but the anticipation makes it all worth while! JJ.
Posts: 14692
time for a bump
Posts: 14692
sure got a bumpy road 
Posts: 14692
back up to the top
Posts: 1459
mykey, jj, RidgeRover, KHyde, Timmy, 2epP, and anyone else that has commented or bumped this story up, thanks. It is incredibly kind of you all to be so patient, concerned, and involved in the story, and to drop by occasionally to leave words of encouragement and to look for updates. Your friendship and patience are much appreciated, and I really do miss the opportunity to read and post here as much as I used to, but for now it can't be helped, and I apologize for that.
On that front, below is a new chapter! My plan (such as it is) is to work as diligently as possible to draw this journey to a (hopefully satisfactory) close, possibly finish my other (Laura) story if it continues to move ahead, maybe work on a few other ideas I have cooking in my little peabrain, and then do a sequel with many of these same characters - because I like them!
Anyhow, thanks again for all of your support. It means a great deal to me.