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Adam's Journey

Rating: 181
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Posts: 1459
#1,351 · Edited by: stormydog
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Thanks Timmy - but if it came from me it doesn't qualify as psychology - psycho-babble, perhaps.

Thanks peak. I think his heart was in it, but not IN IT, if you know what I mean.

jj, I appreciate the comment. Like we talked about, Kristi is something special, but maybe with just a little bit of a dark side.

GH, thanks. Hope you and Lisa are doing well. I'll bet it's starting to get warm there already, but it should be great golf weather!

watcher and Mrs. watcher, thanks. I really appreciate the very kind words, but am not entirely sure what I did to deserve them - or if I can live up to them! Shoot, all I do is put a few words down on paper...well, not on paper, exactly, but you catch my drift. I do appreciate your support, and it has been my privilege (on so many levels!) to have the opportunity to get to know you better.
______________________________________________________________________ _________

I could feel Tiff breathing heavily as she lay on top of me, her body warm and flushed with a light sheen of sex sweat, her inhalations nearly matching my own. Her cheek was against my collarbone, the top of her head tucked under my chin. One of her hands crept up to the top of my shoulder and she gripped me there, using the leverage to move up just slightly. With her movements I felt myself slip just a little bit from her tight sex, but I was still too hard to slide completely out of her.

As she finally began to catch her breath she groaned. “Unnhh, holy crap! Now that was more in line with what I was expecting. Let me catch my breath and then we can see about finishing you up too.”

Surprised by that, under the assumption that she was aware that I had come when she did, I glanced down, but could see only the top of her head. “Umm, I don’t know how to tell you this, but you already finished me up, as you put it.”

She pushed up off my chest and stared at me in horror. “What? You came inside of me? Without even checking with me? Oh my god, this is my most fertile time!”

I heard Kristi say “Uh-oh!”, but didn’t look away from Tiff’s flashing eyes. She seemed upset. I was stunned. “What do you mean? I didn’t…I mean, I just sort of assumed…I thought…that you…”

Tiff broke down. For a moment I thought she was crying, but no; she was laughing, and I was pretty sure it was at my expense. She confirmed my suspicions. “Relax, I’m just jerking you around! You should have seen your face, that was classic! Not to fear, my well-hung friend, I’ve got the bases covered. I’ve got one of those fancy devices inside of me, I think the brand name is something like ‘PregMeNot’ or something like that.” I had to laugh – mostly in relief - at her description of what was apparently an IUD, and Tiff was still laughing at me.

Kristi seemed to find the whole thing hysterically funny as well, and I suppose I probably will too, some day. At that moment I found myself waiting – for the second time in just a few minutes – for my heart rate to drop back to a survivable pace.

Tiff leaned down and kissed me, then rose up and looked down at me, her eyes sparkling with mischief. “You’re a sweet guy, and sexy, and you do have an incredible cock, but you really are as gullible as Kristi said you were.”

I frowned, unsure how – or if – to respond. “Uhh, thank you? I think...maybe.”

She laughed again. “Did you really think I couldn’t tell when you were cumming? That thing was jumping around inside of me like a snake with its tail in a light socket! Which felt really nice, by the way.”

Kristi grimaced. "Ew, that's a disturbing image!"

I ignored her as I shook my head, still staring at Tiffany. “So you decided to pay me back by freaking me out. Nice. See if I ever let you have sex with me again!”

Tiff feigned disappointment. “Really? How about if I apologize? I was really hoping that we might get to have an instant replay.”

I eagerly agreed. “Well OK! I mean, it won’t be instant, but as soon as I can, I’m up for it – you know, figuratively speaking. Literally too, I suppose.”

Kristi chuckled as she leaned forward, pressing herself to Tiff’s back and looking down at me over the other woman’s shoulder, her fingers touching and exploring Tiffany’s naked body as if she couldn’t quite get enough of it. “Well, that wasn’t what you’d call a protracted negotiation! Way to stand firm, Adam; Good thing you’re not easy, right champ?”

I smiled up at her. “Hey, what can I say? I’m just a forgiving kind of guy, I guess.”

“You’re just a horny kind of guy.”

“Yeah, that too. Can’t I be both?”

She ignored me and turned her attention to Tiff instead. “Good thing you were kidding about that whole preggo thing, because we now have proof that he ain’t shootin’ blanks, and he really did fill you up. You should see, you’ve already got cum leaking out of you, even though he’s still in. Both of you are a big ol’ sexy, slippery mess!”

Tiff nodded. “I thought that might be the case; it sure felt like it! Mmm, cream-filled - I guess we can just slap a little chocolate frosting on me and call me an éclair.” A little light bulb seemed to go on over her head, and she turned to look at Kristi. “Hey, do you have a camera?”

Kristi frowned. “Yeah, sure – it’s around here somewhere – oh, and I’ll have you know that I used to really enjoy éclairs, so thanks a lot for that mental image!”

“You don’t look like you’ve ever eaten an éclair in your life. Is your camera digital?”

“Of course. And I have so, I love ‘em; I just have a high metabolic rate.”

My head was spinning just a bit, which may have been from the recent spike in my own metabolic rate, but was more probably from trying to follow them as they carried on two separate conversations at once. I had a pretty good idea why Tiff wanted the pictures, but Kristi was as yet unaware of her special scrapbook, her revenge collection.

The ball was currently in Tiffany’s court, so she hit it back. “Now every time you have one you’ll remember this moment. Quick, grab your camera and get a few shots of us like this, while we’re still together, OK?”

Kristi shrugged. “Sure, I suppose, but what…”

Tiff interrupted her. “I’ll explain later, just hurry, OK – before Adam goes limp and slides out!”

It was a little bit disconcerting to have them discussing me “going limp”, almost as if I wasn’t there in the room as they pointed out a male shortcoming of some sort, but then I knew that both of these women were experienced enough to just take it as a normal and natural function, a built-in limitation that most men have that requires at least a little bit of recovery time after an orgasm. Of course, that didn’t mean that they liked it!

On the other hand, I knew that they didn’t mean anything derogatory or hurtful by it, but it was still just a bit embarrassing to have it pointed out, especially in such obvious juxtaposition to their ability – and apparent willingness - to just go on and on. I’m not sure why men and women are so different on that score; it seems like millions of years of evolution might have worked out a more evenly balanced arrangement. But then, if that were the case, when would we ever get anything accomplished? For that matter, the entire process of evolution might have ceased at that point!

As I pondered the possible evolutionary ramifications of an eons-old adaptation favoring priapism, Kristi rolled to her feet and crossed to the dresser, finding our camera in the second drawer she searched. I heard the click-clunk of the lens sliding out as she turned it on, and a faint whine of the flash charging up as she moved to stand near our feet. “Oooh, this is going to make a great shot! Do you want to keep your faces hidden, or is it OK if they show in some of these?”

Tiff turned and looked back at her over her shoulder. “Yeah, show me for sure! I’ll want my husband to be able to recognize me.”

Kristi paused. “Your husband? I don’t…” She sounded puzzled.

“Just shoot, I’ll explain in a minute.”

I spoke up. “If anyone’s interested, I’d prefer to stay anonymous - thanks very much.”

Kristi started taking photos, the small flash glaringly bright in the small room, but she laughed as she shot. “You won’t be anonymous to anyone that’s seen you with your pants off big boy – but then I guess that select group doesn’t really matter.” I assume she was kidding; nobody can recognize a man just by his penis – barring anything unique like a tattoo, or perhaps a Smurf-blue cock or some weird deformity, I suppose. Lord knows we have a lifelong fascination with our penises, but they just aren’t that unique, in my humble opinion.

As I could not see the camera, or even very much of Kristi, I had to assume that my face was not in the photos. Tiff made it a point to look toward the camera, smiling and making various expressions of arousal. Her faked ones were not as convincing as her real ones, but she looked appropriately wanton and slutty, I suppose. She even reached back and had Kristi take a few shots of her fingers stroking the exposed few inches of my cum-slick shaft and fondling my balls, and when I did eventually lose enough stiffness that her movements caused me to slip out of her tight, slick tunnel, Kristi got a couple of shots of that too, and a couple more of my semen spilling out of her and onto my stomach.

That chore accomplished, Kristi put the camera on the dresser and Tiff slid off of me to lie alongside. Kristi joined us, flanking me on the opposite side, and Tiff proceeded to explain to her about the collection of x-rated pictures that she was building in an effort to not just humiliate her loser husband, but to convince him to finally sign the papers that would make him her ex-husband.

I could see that the entire situation piqued Kristi’s curiosity, and she rose up on one elbow to look across my body at Tiff. “Why won’t he sign the papers?”

Tiff sighed. “Because he’s an asshole, I suppose.”

Kristi chuckled. “Well yeah, I knew that already from things you’ve said about him and the things he did to you, but he knows it’s over, right?”

Tiff nodded. “Oh yes! He knows he can’t ever dare to even show his face around me or any of our friends again. Seriously, he’d be beaten to a pulp – if he was lucky!”

“Then I don’t get it; what does he gain by keeping you tied down? I mean, it keeps him just as shackled, and there’s no upside in it for him.”

I slid my arm under Kristi and pulled her against my side, nuzzling her neck and feeling her soft hair fall into my face. “You’re thinking like the broker you are babe, not like the asshole he is. You’re talking about gain, and upside, and that kind of logical stuff, and all he’s thinking about is continuing to make Tiff’s life as miserable as he can – even from hundreds of miles away. It’s how he gets his jollies; probably makes him feel like a big, tough man.”

She thought about that for a few seconds, frowning in concentration. “So does still being married to him – even if it is only technically – slow you down a whole lot?”

Tiffany smiled wistfully. “I guess not, not really. It just makes me feel like I’ve got this big weight always hanging over me, like I’ll never get to put that part of my life completely behind me and move on. You know what I mean?”

“Yeah, I think I do. I can understand that.” Kristi frowned again, and I could almost hear the wheels start turning in her head. She’s never been one to stand aside and let a deal close itself if there were any steps she could take to push it to completion, and I sensed that she had taken on Tiff’s cause as a permisteral challenge. She confirmed my suspicions with her next few questions.

“Do you know where he is?”

“Yeah, more or less. I don’t think he’d be too difficult to track down.”

“Was he any good in the sack?”

Tiff looked at her, clearly puzzled. “Why?”

“Just bear with me for a minute. Was he any good? Was he hung?”

Obviously still confused by the line of questioning, Tiff answered her. “Well, I used to think he hung the moon, but then, I didn’t have a lot of experience to draw on. Now, in retrospect, I guess I have to admit that he wasn’t all that swell.” Kristi and I both laughed at her admission – or, more accurately, at the way she phrased it. She looked at us oddly, but went on. “As far as being well-endowed, no, not particularly. Nothing like this guy here, for sure! For that matter, it wasn’t something you’d brag about to your friends on girls’ night out either. “

“Good. Do you have any pictures of him that you can give me? Nude pictures, I mean?”

Tiff frowned, trying to remember. “Yeah, I think so, somewhere. We had a few picture-taking sessions back when we still loved each other; I think I have a disc somewhere with them on it. I might even have a few on my computer still. That stuff is all at home of course, but I can email it to you.”

Kristi grinned coldly. “Perfect! You and me are about to start a serious offense campaign, and your loser hubby will never know what hit him! He’s going to come crawling to you, begging you to let him sign those papers just to get you to quit, to let up on him.”

Tiffany finally seemed to be getting at least some idea where Kristi was going with all of her questions, and she brightened, clearly intrigued. “Tell me what you have in mind. This sounds like it could be fun!”

“Oh, don’t worry, it will be. You’ll see. Do you know his email address, or is he on Facebook or anything?”

Tiff shrugged. “Well, of course I knew his email, but he may have changed it – he probably did. I’m sure I can get his email from somebody, maybe his mom or one of his old friends, but he wouldn’t be involved in any of that other stuff. He’s not very technically oriented.”

Kristi nodded. “No matter, all we really need is an email address – and those of his friends, and maybe people he works with.” She looked at me. “Hey, as long as you’re just sitting there with all your best parts out of commission for now - and really not contributing much to the conversation either - why don’t you go get us some takes?” She smiled as she said it, letting me know that she was teasing and not being unnecessarily blunt.

“Gosh, how could I refuse when you asked so nicely?! But takes, really? It’s, like, four in the morning!”

“Not ***** type takes, silly! Juice, or waters, or Cokes or something.”

“Oh. But Coke, at this hour? Yuck – I think I could take a Scotch easier.” I looked at Tiff. “Any preference?”

She gave me a smile. “Juice, please; anything is fine, whatever we have. You took a lot out of me!”

Kristi laughed. “Actually, he put a lot into you. But yeah, that kind of activity does leave one thirsty. Well, you heard the lady, what are you waiting for?”

I sat up and gave a mock salute. “Yes ma’am, as you say ma’am!”

Tiffany laughed at us. “It’s kind of nice to be waited on, that’s usually my job.”

I scooted off the bed and rose to my feet. “No problem gorgeous, got it covered. As my sweet love so gently pointed out, I’m about as useful as tits on a bull at the moment, and I can’t hope to match her vengeful creativity, so I’ll leave you two to your plotting.” I crossed to the bathroom and took a moment to wash myself off. I was a rather sticky, slippery, cum-covered mess, and didn’t want to leave a trail of drippings out to the galley.

When I re-entered the room I picked up my shorts from the chair, and Kristi laughed. “Hey, Mr. Modest; who do you think is going to see you?”

I paused. I had grabbed them more out of habit than anything, but she had a point. Everyone was sound arelax, for one thing, and for another, even if they weren’t there was nobody on-board that had not seen me naked already. I dropped them and headed for the door, but Kristi stopped me. “Aren’t you going to ask what I want?”

“Nah; you’ll get whatever I bring you, wench, and you’ll enjoy it.”

She giggled. “Ooohh, it makes me so horny when you pretend to be tough! Orange juice please – with ice.”

I shook my head and turned to leave. As I opened the door I heard Kristi ask “Do you know how to work Photoshop, to alter pictures?” Tiff must have shook her head no, because Kristi went on; “No matter, I do, and I’m good at it. However small your boy’s cock is, it’s about to get a whole lot smaller!”

I shook my head as I walked down the hall, wondering if Tiffany’s ex was relaxing peacefully somewhere, completely unaware of the cuckolds brownie-storm that would soon be released upon him.


Posts: 1914
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Geez, even the links are good Stormy. I think because we all know these characters so well by now, and this is such a great story. Good to see you back again by the way.


Posts: 492
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Howdy Storm,

Just got back on the forum after a lengthy absence. Work has been consuming me here lately, but I'm not complaining, I feel blessed to have a good job right now. Just no time for all my other favorite activities such as reading these great stories on this forum.

I feel bad for not contributing to all the well wishers along the way, but let me throw my two cents in here and tell you that I really enjoyed these last few segments. It's good to see Kristi hanging back and letting Adam be the center of attention for once. Your writing is just fabulous, I think I might have mentioned that once or twice before. Thanks for all your hard work, it's greatly appreciated.



Posts: 14692
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that was a very entertaining segment. Had to laugh out several time.

Sure would never want to piss of Kristi


Posts: 111
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Another outstanding segment. Timmy is right. I sure would not want Kristi pissed at me. I’ve got to admit I have fallen for Kristi a little dark and all! Thanks for writing.


Posts: 14692
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time for a bump


Posts: 1459
#1,357 · Edited by: stormydog
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Thanks peak, it's good to be back. It will be spotty until scheduled things work out, but I am enjoying it again.

Trf2! Hey buddy, thanks and welcome back! I was wondering what became of you, starting to get worried! I completely understand how life sometimes interferes with our pursuit of pleasure - been having a bit of that problem myself. Oh well, hope all is well with you, and thanks again for the very kind words.

Timmy and jj thanks. I realized (with some help) that over time I had made Kristi a bit unpleasant, which was not my intent. She's a strong and very smart lady, with a mind of her own, but not a total bitch! Adam wouldn't abide that.

Thanks again to all the readers and (especially) those that take a moment to comment. It is much appreciated!
______________________________________________________________________ ______

Pausing for a moment in the narrow hall to let my eyes adjust to the darkness, I took a deep breath and slowly blew it out. It had been a very interesting night thus far, certainly something that I had not expected – and recent developments did help to explain why Kristi had been less than eager for a roll in the hay when we had turned in last night. Since she had planned such a nice surprise for me, I was really glad that I had not gotten all pissy about her rejecting my advances! It had definitely seemed strange and more than a little out of character at the time though.

Thinking about how much I had enjoyed being with the two of them, I reached down and stroked my cock a few times, enjoying the heavy, rubbery feel of its post-ejaculatory thickness. I resolved then and there that when I returned to the room it would be time to commence some serious oral activities. With three of us involved I wasn’t quite sure what form those activities might take, or just who might end up with their mouth on what, but I was pretty sure that everyone would find something fun with which to occupy themselves.

As soon as my eyes adjusted enough to see in the dim light I made my way down the hall, somehow managing to avoid stubbing my toes or falling over anything. I rounded the corner into the main lounge and then into the galley, where I switched on the light over the sink so that I could see to find some glasses and to pour takes.

When I did so, I was startled by a small exclamation from across the room. “Hey! Who turned on the lights?”

As startled as the speaker might have been, her voice had much the same effect on me, and I jumped about a foot before I turned to look. There on the sofa on the other side of the lounge were Trell and Grace, both entirely naked! With her kneeling between his legs licking her lips and his erect, saliva-slick cock in her hand it didn’t take a master sleuth to figure out that I had walked in on her giving him a blowjob.

“Uhh, sorry! I didn’t know anyone was out here; I needed to get some takes from the fridge.”

Trell waved me off nonchalantly. “Nah, no problem man. We're just gettin' it on, just ignore us.”

“Uh, yeah, sure. I’ll try to hurry up and get out of your way.” I turned around and retrieved glasses from the cabinet, but as I did, a thought occurred to me. Actually, two thoughts: The first was that I was as naked as they were; the second was…”Hey, what are you doing out here? You’ve got your own room; you could have gone there you know!”

Grace just laughed. “We were headed there, but this was as far as we got.”

I nodded. “Ah, yeah, I understand. Do your parents know you’re here?”

She rose smoothly to her feet and began to advance on me, her movements sinuous and sexy. “Why? Are you planning to tell them? I am an adult you know!”

For some strange reamister I found myself backing away from her, and soon found myself stuck in a corner, backed against a cabinet. It was odd, because there was nothing even remotely threatening about her; in fact, just the opposite! I knew she was nineteen, but she looked so young and innocent and perfect that she could have as easily been fifteen or sixteen. She was smallish, and slender to the point of being willowy, with wide eyes and long, straight hair. Her breasts were not large, but on her slender frame they seemed impressively so, and her pale pink nipples, barely darker than her skin, stood at attention, tiny but proud.

Her stomach was lean and flat, tapering in below her breasts until it flared again slightly at her hips, and her pussy was smoothly shaved, with just a hint of her narrow female cleft peeking out between her thighs. Her legs were long and shapely, everything taut and smooth. She was utterly captivating, stunning, at that moment in her life where she was as beautiful and flawless and perfect as she would ever be, and it nearly took my breath away. It was just…well, she looked so damn young! Maybe that was why I’d backed away from her; whatever it was, now I was trapped!

In sharp contrast to her sweet and innocent appearance, there was something very confident – almost aggressive – in her approach. She stopped directly in front of me, less than two feet away, and with one hand and a flip of her head she tossed her hair back, out of her face. She looked directly into my eyes for a moment, her gaze disconcertingly direct, and then let her eyes travel down my body, pausing for an uncomfortably long time at my groin. I resisted the urge to cover myself with my hands and cower in shame, like the old paintings of that other Adam and his Eve being kicked out of the garden, and when she again met my eyes there was a small, knowing smile on her face.

“Do you always wander around naked?” Her smile widened, and I could see a playful look in her eyes.

I shook my head. “Uhh, no, not always. You?”

She shrugged her shoulders, and I was acutely aware of the resulting rise and fall of her firm breasts. “Whenever I can. I like being naked.”

“Yes, I can see that. Me too, but I’ve been given to understand that most of the establishments back home – you know, restaurants and stores and stuff – tend to frown on it.”

She laughed, a light, lilting sound. “Yeah, too bad, right? It’s a good look for you. You've got a great cock!”

I was aware that Trell had risen to his feet and crossed the room to where he now stood just a few feet behind her. Although I mostly had eyes only for Grace, I was also aware that his dark penis was extremely erect, pointing so rigidly upward that it curved back toward his well-muscled stomach above his heavy and low-hung ballsack. Clearly he was anticipating a quick return to where they’d been before I had so rudely interrupted! To my further embarrassment, I felt myself begin to blush at her off-hand compliment.

I rushed to cover it. “It’s a good look for you too; you’re stunning, beautiful…but you look so damn young! What are you, about twelve??”

She laughed again, and then gave her tits a gentle shake. “I didn’t have these when I was twelve! They were barely starting to bud!” Her bold, self-confident, completely unabashed sexuality seemed far beyond her years.

“All right, sixteen then. Whatever, you’re kind of freaking me out here!”

She seemed to find that very funny, and when she’d stopped laughing she said “Really? It’s just me, I can’t be that scary! In fact, I was kind of hoping maybe you wanted to join us for awhile.”

Trell seemed less enthused with that idea, and he came up behind her, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her back against him. I knew that his hard cock would be nestled between her tight little butt cheeks, and when she pumped her hips, grinding her bottom against him, I knew she liked the feel of him there. He looked at me, but spoke to her. “Don’t I get a vote?”

She glanced back at him. “Oh come on! It would be fun!”

Before they could argue any further about it, I interrupted. “As lovely as that sounds – and it does, in a freakishly scary sort of way – I have a prior commitment. I do appreciate the offer though.”

As if noticing them for the first time, her eyes dropped to the glasses I’d lined up on the counter, taking in the fact that there were three of them. “Oh. Ohh, of course! Wow, three glasses? Who’s in there with you?”

“Umm, Kristi and Tiffany, if you really need to know.” I’d had no obligation to tell her, and recognized that I was bragging – maybe just a little!

Trell grinned and gave me a high-five, which I met. “My man! You be one bad mofo!”

Grace grinned broadly. “Wow, Tiff and Kristi, both at once! I’m impressed – but try not to strain anything, OK? You could pull a groin muscle or something. You’re not a young guy anymore you know!”

I laughed. “Yeah, thanks, I appreciate your concern. I really should be getting back, before they find out they don’t really need me anymore, you know what I mean?”

They both laughed, and she waved Trell back to the sofa. As he wandered away, scratching his hip with one hand, his rock-hard erection wagging in front of him, she opened the fridge. “I’ll help you, since I’ve been giving you such a hard time and you were such a good sport. What are we having?”

“Uh, let’s see; juices, two orange, one apple, all with ice. I can get them you know, if you want to get back to what you were doing.”

“No, it’s OK. I was just sucking his cock, and we were on our second time around anyhow, so it’s not quite so urgent.” She put ice in each of the glasses, while I poured and simultaneously pondered her totally unashamed sexuality and her “second time around” remark, marveling at Trell’s seemingly never–ending ability to maintain his erection. Task finished, she stood and faced me again, drying her hands on a small towel. When she dropped it back on the counter, with absolutely no warning she reached out and grabbed my cock!

That’s a guaranteed startle maneuver under any circumstances, but with her hands frigid from the ice she’d just handled it was especially effective, and I jumped and let out an involuntary gasp. “Grace, jeez! Don’t do that!”

She laughed, enjoying my discomfiture. “Oh come on, all guys like this, right?”

Truth be told, now that I was used to her cold hand it wasn’t entirely unpleasant. Still…”Mmm, yeah, theoretically. Not now though - and besides, you already have someone waiting for you, as do I.”

“He can wait. As for you, I’m just helping your cause, right?” When I didn’t answer, she went on. “Yours is really big! That was always the worst thing about going to the nudist camps with my parents. I was always so curious why these things were so different – big and little, short ones, long ones, thick ones, skinny ones, droopy little foreskins and not – but I could never handle them and explore all the differences. Now I can!”

“Yeah, I suppose that’s true, but not this one.” I gently disengaged her hand from my cock, which had begun to harden and thicken in response to her touch despite my discomfort with the whole thing. “Seriously Grace, this isn’t right. Does your man know you’re here?”

“Why? Are you afraid of my dad?”

“Honestly? A little bit, yeah, but I have no reamister to be. I was thinking of Trell.”

She glanced at him, then back to me. “He wouldn’t hurt anyone, especially Trell. He knows I’m and adult now, and sexually active. He just doesn’t like to think about it, so we have this agreement; I sneak around and get laid, and he pretends I'm still his little girl and that he's not aware of it.”

I picked up the three glasses, two in one hand and one in the other, and moved around her. “Well, whatever works for you. You just be careful, and have fun, and I’ll move on and let you get back to what you were doing. Catch the light, would you?”

She flipped off the light and I felt her hand gently touch my arm. “Some other time, OK?”

“It’s extremely tempting Grace, but no, probably not. I wouldn’t feel right about it, I don’t think.”

I could just see her shrug in the dim light from outside. “OK. Well, too bad, it would have been fun; I've never tried one that big - yet! See you at breakfast then, I guess.”

She seemed to recover remarkably quickly from her heartbreak at my rejection of her advances. Or, it may just be possible that I had over-estimated my importance in her overall scheme. Probably the latter, I’m guessing. Whichever it was, I used the moment to beat a hasty retreat down the hall.

Approaching the door to our room, I could hear moaning and soft exclamations of pleasure, the unmistakable sounds of a woman in complete ecstasy. Juggling the three glasses, I managed to open the door and step in, elbowing it closed behind me. The source of the enticing sounds – and their cause – was quickly revealed! Flat on her back, her ass propped up on a pillow, legs up and spread wide, was Tiffany; between her legs was an unruly mass of honey-blond hair and the smooth, muscular shoulders of my own lady, who was on her knees, her arms wrapped around Tiffany's thighs, her delicious bottom toward the door where I was lucky enough to be standing.

Face-down and butt-up, she was eagerly sampling Tiff’s wet, creamy pussy, much to the obvious enjoyment of the other woman. I stood there for a few moments, struck dumb by a combination of shock and amazement, takeing in the gloriously erotic sight as my cock took on whole new life, quickly rising and standing stiffly at attention as the voyeur in me enjoyed this tableau. Kristi’s beautiful pussy was wet and ready, and it seemed to wink at me, inviting me to join in.

I glanced down at my hard penis, only to find it looking right back at me. When it too winked up at me, I knew there was some kind of conspiracy going on, and that it would be futile to try to resist, so I quickly set down the glasses and moved ahead to join the two ladies on the bed. Sensing my return for the first time, Kristi simply arched her back slightly more, thrusting her bottom higher and making herself more available to me, not breaking off the lip and tongue action that Tiff was so enjoying.

My momma having raised no fools, I quickly accepted her invitation, taking my hard cock in hand and guiding it into her hot, slick, and welcoming tunnel, moving deeply into her until my aching balls were pressed to her swollen pussy lips.


Posts: 111
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Adam is truly a nice guy. I am pulling for Kristi and Adam together. I did feel Adam was getting the short end of the stick but it is obviously by his own choosing. Once again your character building brings life to your stories.
Thanks for writing.


Posts: 4050
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Every installment is now like a visit with a group of very old and dear friends.




Posts: 158
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Thank you, the mrs. And I are on vacation again in rainy southern California. You know how we like to read your stories in bed to each other while on our yearly visits to see the relatives. This year is extra nice because our oldest flower is living here with her hubby that is in the navy.

We agree with jj, your character development really brings the story to light. Wonder how many of your male readers would have dropped the three glasses of juice to partake in a little grace and how many would have taken Adam's I vote, as Adam did but it was fun to think about..=)

thanks again for adding so much to our lives the way you do. It is amazing what one permister can do when they have such a talent like you do. You just gave me an idea stormy, talk to you soon.


Posts: 14692
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Stormy, that was fun.

Me thinketh that Adam is playing a bit of catch up in those last couple of segments. Kristi and Tiff at one time makes up for a lot pain and suffering earlier when the ranger was around.


Posts: 1459
#1,362 · Edited by: stormydog
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jj, GH, watcher, and Timmy, thanks. I'm on a very tight schedule, and so will post without much comment, but please be assured that I always appreciate your comments and support!
______________________________________________________________________ _________

I’ll always remember the next couple of hours as one of the most enjoyable and sexually adventurous – and incredible – times of my life. We fully explored each other, touching, tasting, and sharing our bodies with nothing held back, no embarrassment, no judgments made, and, most of all, no regrets.

Kristi and Tiffany shared each other’s favors as much (or more!) than they did with me, keeping each other occupied and aroused in a marathon sex session which required me to take a couple of time-outs to recuperate and recharge myself. Not that I was a mere observer during my “down time”, because I wasn’t, although the observing I did do was very enjoyable! No, I used the other things that remained at my disposal, my fingers, tongue, lips, and anything else we could think of, and before too long, with my face buried in an aroused, wet pussy and one or both of them lending encouragement to my temporarily expended cock and balls, they would re-inspire me to another round of lovemaking.

A word here about breasts: I love ‘em! OK, I know that technically that’s three words, but together they are still shorter than my second choice, which was phantasmafucking-gorical! With these two beautiful women and their four amazing breasts at my disposal, I indulged myself, playing, fondling, suckling and just generally making a complete fool of myself over their luscious endowments, and I loved every second of it! Fortunately they seemed to as well, although Tiff did start giggling while I was sliding my hard cock between her large, soft tits as she held them tightly together on me and Kristi licked at the tip of my cock each time it popped up. She thought it was very funny that I was so enjoying a nice tit fuck, plus she said that she enjoyed the way my balls dragged on her tummy as I thrust myself between her tits. That was one thing for which her tits were definitely better designed than Kristi’s!

The two of them enjoyed each other’s breasts as well, touching and tasting and commenting on the differences between Tiff’s larger, more pendulous boobs and Kristi’s smaller, firmer ones. Both professed to really like the other’s breasts more than their own, but that’s just crazy talk; I think there’s room in this world for all types of breasts, although obviously there would not be room for as many of Tiff’s as there would be for Kristi’s. They even compared notes, briefly, on the care and feeding of fine breasts, and as both were obviously expert on the subject I chose to ignore them while I played. While fascinated with each other’s breasts, neither of them was as fascinated as I was. I suppose that’s because they can look down and see breasts any time they want to, and are thus somewhat jaded. But then that’s true for me and my penis as well, and yet I remain very much fascinated by it, as Kristi would surely tell you. All I can say is that if I had breasts and a penis both, there is absolutely no chance I'd ever get anything productive done!

Speaking of my penis, I came four times in just over three hours (not that I was keeping track - or bragging); once in Kristi; twice, including the initial time, in Tiff; and once as the two of them put in a team effort of sucking and licking my aroused and aching sex – like I said, not that I was keeping track. I had the opportunity to enjoy bringing each of them to several orgasms, several while fucking, but most often with my mouth on one or the other of their eager pussies. Tiff was delighted to discover how good it felt to have Kristi, me, or both of us go down on her after I had released a load inside of her! I’m always amazed to discover how many women have never experienced that particular pleasure, but I’ve ceased to be surprised by how much they enjoy it when it finally happens, and Tiff was no exception. The thunderous orgasms she experienced as either – or both - of us enjoyed her creamy sex thoroughly rocked her world!

As for me, I loved her hard, jutting clit. It looked for all the world like a tiny penis sticking out hard and horny, so it was a little weird to take it between my lips and suck on it the first time, but when I saw and felt her reaction I instantly forgot any reservations I might have had and became a huge fan. Any time I have a chance to give a woman that much pleasure, and to experience first-hand her physical response, hell, I’m all over that! Suffice to say, her prominent and demanding clitty got a lot of attention!

Kristi, I think, got a huge sexual charge out of the fact that another woman was going down on her – or perhaps Tiff was just a natural at eating pussy – but whatever the reamister, she had crashing, momentous orgasms as Tiff buried her face between those long, sleek thighs and tongued her sex, so much so that Tiff had to hang on and ride the waves of Kristi’s ecstasy. She came so hard on one such occasion that I backed away, withdrawing my cock from her mouth for fear that she might bite down in the throes of her orgasm. Afterwards, as she gasped for air, there were actually tears running down her cheeks; fortunately, I had seen her do that once or twice on other spectacularly successful occasions, and I knew they were tears of happiness and release and not something to be concerned about.

My final orgasm – for that night, anyways – came as I kneeled behind Tiffany, thrusting into her doggy-style as I looked down at her round, shapely ass and my wet cock sliding in and out of her. I was pretty well used up by then, not sure that I would be able to stay hard, much less come, and the creamy slipperiness of her pussy, while incredibly sensual and erotic, did not provide much friction to my cock to urge me along. Kristi solved the problem, pushing me to the edge by kneeling alongside of me, our lips and tongues wrestling with each other while with one hand she reached under Tiff’s stomach and diddled her big clit, and with the other reached between my legs from the back and roughly fondled my balls.

When she sensed that I was about to come she thrust two fingers, wet and slick with the juices of Tiffany’s pussy, deeply into my ass. She held me there, vigorously fucking my ass with her fingers, my cock buried balls-deep inside of Tiff as it spasmed and pumped, the powerful muscle contractions making my cock swell and twitch within Tiff as she came simultaneously. I had cum a lot the first time, flooding Tiff’s pussy with semen, and a pretty large amount the second time, coating their lips, cheeks, chins, and tongues as the two of them sucked me. The third time, later, inside of my Kristi, I think there was substantially less volume; it did not flow out of her as it sometimes does, and when I went down on her after, although I shared with Tiff, there did not seem to be as much creamy goodness as usual.

This last time, deep inside of Tiffany, my ejaculate may have just been a couple of small puffs of dust, but my body didn’t care, and I had a powerful, gut-clenching orgasm that left me drained and gasping, the root of my sex aching with exertion. In short, I knew I was done, finished, exhausted, and when I slid my worn-out cock out of her and collapsed on the bed, gasping for air, I took a small dose of good-natured use from the two of them for being such a wimp, fading limply after just a few hours!

Oddly, when they curled up alongside of me, it was the two of them that went instantly to relax. Apparently I wasn’t the only one worn out, despite their taunts! It turned out that I was the one that couldn’t go to relax, and I lay there, exhausted but fully awake, still in awe of the experience I’d just shared with these two amazing women. I listened to them as their breathing became slow and even, and knew that they were soundly arelax, and when I noticed that the sky outside of our window was beginning to show just the slightest hint of morning’s light, I went ahead and got up, careful not to disturb them.


Posts: 492
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Wow, titty fucking, creampies and a well placed female digit (digits?) when climaxing. Stormy, it's like the trifecta of fucking. Good job Adam, you did us proud. Brings back many fond memories from my distant past.

And the part about loving B(.)(.)BIES, you put that in there just for me, didn't you? Much appreciated and couldn't agree more.

These last two segments have been some of your best work ever Stormy, and I really enjoyed them. The little encounter with Grace was very enjoyable and proves what a stand up guy our Adam really is.

Love the characters, love the story line, life is good. Looking forward to the next segment to see where you're going with it.

Thanks again Stormy.



Posts: 14692
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Yeah Adam got HIS! Thank you Stormy


Posts: 1914
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I was going to say you have no idea how powerful those images of taking both Kristi and Tiff at once can be. But of course you can, you even thought of it first. Although I'm sure a few of us had the same idea. Thank you for giving me one of my favourite dreams ..


Posts: 111
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There is just one thing to say. WOW!
It just keeps getting better!
Can't wait for more!


Posts: 4050
#1,367 · Edited by: goodhusband
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I think you need to try to include more sex in your stories. Of course if you did that the Supreme Court would be powerd to intervene.

My friend, you have just reaffirmed your position as Emperor of Erotica.

Thank you



Posts: 158
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I like that title , it just sounds right! It couldn't have been bestowed by a more s*******ed craftsman than goodhusband. So shall it be written, so shall it be done!

The mrs. Thanks you for the second story we have woken up to on our vacation. What I nice surprise! She also said that the more she reads the more she wants to hear more. This is the cycle we all deal with when we listen to authors like yourself. She also said that she thought that tiff and Kristi should have had two Adam like characters for themselves. I guess I have created a fuck monster, next thing she will want is a whole room full of men to keep her

Going to sea world today, wish us luck I hate crowds.


Posts: 1459
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Watcher - you guys be sure to try to sit in the front row at the *******er whale show. Trust me.


Posts: 158
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I don't trust you anymore! I enjoyed my seats at the back, thank you very much!!!!!!

However, I had two rotten teenagers with us that it would have made my year to see them get a soaking....

I always get a good idea once my opportunity has pasted, maybe next time


Posts: 38
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Dear Stormy,

been out of the loop for awhile, for several reamisters, and now I'm completely in awe on your recent instalments. Breathtaking to learn one can express the spirits not of only sexuality and humor but also sympathy, friendship, even so complex a phenomenon like love, with words. And you may take the "one" literally: you are the number one absolutely. Your writing s*******s are far beyond anything measurable.

I wish you joyful and relaxing Easter days. Keep up your excellent mood, both for yourself, and of course, in reflex, for us readers who profit from the inspirations you are obviously collecting in your everyday life. Take care!



Posts: 1459
#1,372 · Edited by: stormydog
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Trf2, I actually did think of you when I put in the special boobies section. I know you're a huge fan of knockers, and I sure can't knock that! Glad you're back and reading - wish I was doing more writing!

Timmy and jj, thanks for the comments. It's good to know you're enjoying the story, and I appreciate you saying so!

peak, we can all dream, right? As long as we are, might as well do it right!

GH, thanks! And that title? It is much classier than the Prince of Porn, I suppose... As for the Supreme Court, I think they have enough on their docket right now.

Watcher, glad you enjoyed your vacation. Disappointed that you missed out on that memorable front row experience, though. Can't believe you continued to stay current on the story, even while on vacation! Now THAT'S dedication!

Cliffa, it's very good to hear from you again! I wondered what became of you, and was kind of worried about your well-being. I appreciate your very kind message; as you say, I do take encouragement from the people that take time to read and comment, and it is always very uplifting to hear that someone is getting pleasure from reading all this mess! Thanks so much.
______________________________________________________________________ ___________

I made my way into the bathroom, closing the door before I turned on the light. I then took a few minutes to clean up a bit, washing my face and using a soapy washcloth to remove some of the residue of our lovemaking session from various and sundry parts of my body. I chose to defer a morning shower under the assumption that I would probably find myself in the lake sooner rather than later, and instead tried to run a comb through my hair, which looked…well, it looked like I’d been rolling around in the sack with two horny women for several hours. Pure coincidence, I’m sure. The comb didn’t seem to help a lot, but again, the lake surely would.

After brushing my teeth I doused the light and crept back out into the bedroom, where I paused to admire the feminine forms cuddled up together on the bed. Soft and curvaceous in repose, they were still lovely, sexy and sleek. Kristi moaned softly and raised her head, apparently waking and noticing that I was not there. Seeing me standing there, admiring them in the dim light, she raised her hand to motion me closer. I crossed to the bed and knelt alongside, leaning forward to kiss her. It was a long, slow, languorous kiss, sexy in its way but without the urgent sexual need that so many such kisses inspire.

When we parted, I leaned close to her ear and whispered “Thank you for last night.”

She smiled, sexy and slow, her drowsy, satiated sultriness only adding to her beauty. “Did you enjoy that?”

We were keeping our voices to a low whisper, trying not to disturb Tiff, who seemed to be totally lost in relax. “Oh god yes! Do you really have to ask?”

“I’m so glad; you deserved it, you’ve been so patient with me and my kinks.”

“I’m starting to discover that I enjoy your kinks. If this is the reward I get for enjoying myself, how can I go wrong?”

She stretched to kiss me again, then “I love you so much.”

“I love you too, more than you’ll ever know. Why don’t you go back to relax for awhile? I’m wide awake, so I guess I’ll stay up. I’ll get out of here so I don’t disturb you.”

“I am still kinda tired. Some big stud wore me out! You don’t mind if I stay in bed?”

“Nah, relax good. Later, OK babe? Love you.”

“Mmmm, love you more.”

I rose and turned away to find a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, and by the time I’d pulled them on and turned back Kristi had snuggled up tightly against Tiff, resting her head against the snoozing cowgirl’s shoulder and her cheek against the side of Tiffany’s lush breast. Tiff automatically brought her arm up around Kristi’s shoulders, pulling her close, and Kristi’s hand slid down Tiffany’s flat stomach to cup her sex, the heel of her hand resting on Tiff’s mound as her fingers formed themselves over her pussy, covering the other girl’s formerly downy, but now wet and matted pubic bush.

I had intended to dress and leave, to perhaps go out and get a pot of coffee started, but I had to pause to admire this lovely scene! Tiff moaned softly as she breathed out, and her legs parted slightly at Kristi’s touch, as if even in relax she was welcoming the intimate contact. Kristi pressed her middle finger into the wet heat between Tiff’s swollen pussy lips, and, content, settled into relax. Barefoot still, I walked quietly around the bed to view this inspirational tableau from every possible angle. They looked so beautiful together, relaxed in relax, so natural and right in the dim early morning light.

Kristi, laying on her side, had her upper leg slightly drawn up and when I stood behind her I could see the narrow, protruding lips of her sex, protruding pouty and wet between the backs of her thighs, a small trickle of our earlier lovemaking juices still visible as it dribred from her. My mouth watered, but I didn’t want to wake her just to enjoy a bit of creamy pleasure - not that she wouldn’t have welcomed it, but I knew it would not lead to another round of sex since I was totally limp and exhausted. Besides, they just looked so peaceful! Spotting the camera still on the dresser where Kristi had left it, I had the inspiration to take a few pictures of them like this, before sneaking out. The flash didn’t seem to disturb them in the least, and I left with a big smile on my face, knowing I’d have those photos to look back on, a fine reminder of a great night that would last long after the dull, satisfied ache in my balls had faded away!

Out in the main salon I was only half-surprised to find Trell and Grace curled up together on the sofa, sound arelax. For some reamister it seemed that I was the only insomniac stalking the boat in the wee hours, not a situation I was particularly happy with. They seemed peaceful and happy however, even Trell’s ever-aroused sex apparently satisfied at last as it drooped in a rare state of repose. I debated about just throwing a blanket over them and letting them relax, but thought better of it and instead crossed to where they lay and gently touched Grace’s shoulder.
She startled awake, momentarily disoriented and confused before recognizing me standing over her. “Wha…what? What’s wrong? Is it morning?”

“Ssshh, relax! Nothing’s wrong, but yeah, it is starting to get light. I thought you might want to get back soon, you know, if you want to keep up the pretense for your man’s sake.”

She stretched luxuriously. “Mmmmm, yeah, I suppose I should. Wow, that was a fun night! You should have joined us.” She was completely unconcerned about her nudity, and demonstrated no sense of modesty, false or otherwise. I found that easy innocence very attractive.

I shrugged. “Yeah, well, you know…”

She laughed. “I know; you were otherwise occupied. You told us. Did you have a good night?”

It was my turn to chuckle. “I suppose you could say that. It was memorable.”

She laughed again, a light, girlish sound. “Good. Trell sure loves to fuck!”

“Yeah, I’d heard rumors to that effect.”

Trell stirred at that moment, letting us know he’d been listening by joining the conversation midstream. “I like to fuck?? What about you, girl? You wore me out!” He grabbed his flaccid cock with one hand and flopped it back and forth. “I think you broke it – I may never get hard again!”

I laughed. “Color me skeptical. Grace needs to get back to her boat, before everyone else gets up. Are you going to be a gentleman and see her to the door?”

He groaned. “Sure, if I can still walk. Day-um, this girl loves sex!”

She laughed. “True! It’s fun!”

She rose smoothly to her feet and, to my immense surprise, quickly wrapped her arms around my neck and planted a big kiss right on my lips, pressing her slender, naked body against me. I automatically met her tongue with my own, before thinking about what I was doing, and when she broke off the kiss I tried to cover my shock. “Wow! Good morning to you too, Gracie! To what do I owe the pleasure?”

She wrinkled her nose. “Only my parents call me Gracie. I just felt like kissing you because you seem like such a nice guy – and you have a big cock. You do know that if you become friends with my family, I will get in your pants someday, right?”

I laughed. “If that’s a threat, it’s not a particularly scary one. I guess we’ll see, right? Now go home, young lady!” I accompanied that order with a quick smack on her bare bottom. She yelped in surprise, but then shook her cute little tush at me and egged me on. “Oooh yes! Spank me you big, mean man, spank this naughty little girl!”

I laughed. “Oh, Lord, I should have known! Go on now, git!”

They headed out on deck, Trell trudging tiredly alongside of Grace, who seemed to still be filled with energy, as I turned to the galley and the important business of making coffee. By the time I’d poured the water into the reservoir and clicked the power on he returned, looking both tired and chilled, his eyelids heavy and his skin goose-bumped, his flaccid sex drawn up into a tight little package. I laughed. “Cold out there?”

He nodded relaxily. “Yeah, a little, but she just got right in the water and swam across. I’m going to bed.”

“Are you planning to come to breakfast? We’re invited over to the neighbor’s place, remember.”

He paused, considering, before nodding. “Yeah, I guess so. I suppose it would be bad manners to bail on it after last night, but that girl wore me out!”

I chuckled. “Yeah, they’ll do that – even for a young stud like you. We’ll wake you up before we go, but you’ve got an hour or two, I suppose.

He stumred wearily down the hall, and I crossed to the door and stepped out on deck. It was a cool morning, although not truly cold – but then, I wasn’t stark naked either! It was calm, virtually dead calm, by far the calmest, most still moment we’d had since arriving at the lake, where it had seemed there was always at least a moderate breeze blowing, and often-times strong winds. There were just a very few fading ripples to mark Grace’s recent passage through the water, gradually losing strength with distance out on the surface of the lake, and here, between the two boats, slowly dying as they reverberated back and forth between the two hulls. As I watched, those last few ripples faded and flattened, and the surface of the lake became glass, a polished mirror reflecting the slowly brightening sky and the colors of the surrounding rock formations, which night had stolen, gradually being returned by a the arrival of a generous sun.

I watched the wind and water-sculpted shapes of the cliffs and bluffs that lined our small bay in their mirror-image in the water rather than looking at them directly, enjoying the way the water softened them, turning them into an impressionist’s version of reality, the new day’s light on the rock playing in colorful reflections on the still-dark water. It was beautiful, magictic, and something that I burned into my memory, knowing there was no way I could ever do it justice by trying to capture it in photos. I let my eyes follow the false image of the shape of the cliff to our west back to the shore, where the reflection met its reality; the line where one ended and the other began was difficult to distinguish, as the line between fantasy and reality so often is.

It was peaceful, utterly peaceful, and I took the time to just enjoy that solitary peace and quiet, and to think back about the previous night’s activities. Naturally, that brought a smile to my face; I was still tired, both from physical exertion and from lack of relax, but it was a very small price to pay for the amount of pleasure received! It had certainly been an unforgettable night, one to which this beautiful morning seemed the perfect aperitif – or, more accurately I suppose, a digestif, but nobody’s ever heard of that!

My thoughts turned inward while my eyes and my mind soaked in the spectacular surroundings, I was startled from my reverie by the deep grumble of Pops’ voice. “Well, I’m surprised to see you standing upright this morning.”

He was standing at the rail of the other boat, resplendent in bright green shorts and a wildly printed red and orange shirt in some seemingly-Mexican pattern that would have clashed with anything, but which was especially awful with those particular shorts. As usual, the shirt was unbuttoned, showing his dark, broad chest and barrel-like stomach. It struck me that anything less than the tree-trunk legs that protruded below his butt-ugly shorts would probably not have supported the rest of his impressive bulk.

I was surprised that I had not heard him come out on deck, and that his movements on the boat had not set up any tell-tale ripples in the water, but then I recalled how gracefully and effortlessly he seemed to be able to move that big body around. I smiled at him and gave a small wave. “Mornin’ Pops. Guess I could say the same, huh?”

Due to the total stillness of the morning, we were easily able to converse in low tones, even though over twenty feet of open water separated us. His return chuckle was a low growl. “You have no idea! That lady is a tigress in sheep’s clothing.” He looked at me for a moment, and then shook his head. “You can’t possibly expect me to believe that you wore out both of those young ladies!”

I laughed. “Hey, I’m here and they’re both relaxing – what does that tell you?”

“Hmmm. Well, my guess would be that you couldn’t get it up any more, so they booted you out so they could be together without you in the way.”

I shrugged. “Not far off, actually. They are relaxing now though – or they were when I left. As for me, I may never get it up again, but it was worth it! I’ve got coffee made, if you want to come over.”

He looked down at the dark water and gave an exaggerated shiver. “Brrr, no thanks!” Tell you what, why don’t you come over here and I’ll mix up a special batch of my patented morning pecker picker-upper, guaranteed to put the lead back in your pencil. I suspect we can both use it.”

I considered his offer. I don’t have a lot of faith in the aphrodisiacal qualities of food and take, but his offer piqued my curiosity. I shrugged again. “What the hell, why not? I’ll be there in a minute - find me a towel, would you?


Posts: 14692
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Very, very nice. Gentle and soft just like that morning on the lake.


Posts: 4050
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Every segment you post makes me smile. You've created a wonderful set of characters and have them interacting with each other in a manner that's so very pleasant.

Thank you



Posts: 1914
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I was playing 'Easy like Sunday Morning' in my head while reading that. It was so evocative. I'm sure we have all had moments in our lives like that, peaceful, still, graceful, before any of the cares of the world have intruded on a new day. Precious few perhaps, so all the more valuable. They are the touchstones that keep us sane sometimes. Very well done. Thanks.


Posts: 158
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What a beautiful picture you painted with your so eloquent words. You carried me back to my youth and the breathtaking mornings on the lake. You make me want to take the family back to those days.

To bad it is always so dang hard to go back and still have those old feelings. Guess that's why I take so many pictures and videos.

Thanks for making our memories of our vacations and our lazy mornings so much more memorable. I just wish I could thank you in the words that I feel for you and your talent. Thanks simply thanks from me and the mrs.

We love your stories!!!!!!!! :D:D:D


Posts: 1459
#1,377 · Edited by: stormydog
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Thanks for the comments y'all, I appreciate them! I need to post and run, but I'll try to get back to you later.
______________________________________________________________________ ________

I turned to go back inside for a moment, debating with myself whether or not to turn off the coffee maker or leave it on under the assumption that somebody else would surely be getting up soon. My minor dilemma was solved when I spotted Kori at the counter, her back to me, pouring coffee into two mugs.
I walked quietly up behind her and slid my arms around her waist as I kissed her on the neck. “Good morning beautiful, how are you doing today?”

She leaned back into me, turning her head to give me a quick peck. “I’m good! How about you? Did those two vixens wear you out?”

I shook my head. “Why was everyone but me aware that was going to happen? I had not the slightest inkling!”

“That’s because you’re not too bright, sweetie.” She laughed. “You know I’m just kidding you, right? No, Kristi plotted that whole thing while you were off throwing rocks with the kids. Did you have a good time?”

I laughed. “What do you think? Oh, and we were skipping stones, not throwing rocks.”

“Whatever. I’m glad you had fun; you earned it, after all we put you through leading up to it.”

I wasn’t sure why she said “we”, when it had really been Kristi testing my limits, but then I recalled her more or less powering herself on me (not that I resisted overly much) on the night before we picked up Kristi, the night I had been so horrified about Ronnie catching us in flagrante delicto, and I let her comment pass. “Oh, it was definitely fun! You should have joined us.”

She giggled. “Now you’re just getting over-confident. I was going to say cocky, but that’s a given. Actually, Kristi wanted me to join in, but I figured you might find the two of them to be adequate – and besides, I wanted some private time with my favorite guy. He’s wonderful about my fun and games, but I don’t ever want him to start feeling neglected.”

“You’re a good wife. And yeah, they were adequate, as you say.” I laughed as I made air quotes around her chosen adjective. “More than adequate, actually; still, the more the merrier, right?”

“Sure babe, whatever you say. Who am I to spoil your delusions of grandeur?” She nodded toward the counter. “I poured you some coffee.”

“Oh, I thought you poured that for Ronnie! I just told Pops I’d come over there and join him for…well, he claims that he’s got some special penis rejuvenation formula or something that he’s planning to whip up. I have my doubts, but I figured it was worth a shot.”

She laughed. “Oh, definitely! Don’t let me keep you, by all means go and play with your new friend.”

I chuckled. “Thanks mom. Seriously though, why don’t you come over and join us? We seem to be the only ones awake so far.”

She shook her pretty head, smiling softly. “No, I think I’ll take a pass. I don’t seem to have your compulsion to roll out of bed and into the lake.”

“It’s not a compulsion, just a situational thing. Dang, now I feel like I ought to stay here with you; I do enjoy our little private times together you know.”

She smiled and stretched up to give me another kiss. “Me too, but we’ll have lots of opportunity for those after we’re back home. Why don’t you go ahead, and I’ll take this cup of coffee to my favorite number one lover instead. Bringing him a cup of coffee is the least I can do after last night – I hope his tongue isn’t too sore to enjoy it!”

I laughed. “Lucky guy! I’ll see you at breakfast, OK?”

“Of course! Have fun sweetie.”

We parted ways, and I went back out on deck. I had decided to strip down for the short swim so that I wouldn’t have to sit around in wet trunks for the first part of the morning, and I quickly did so and slipped into the water, swimming with one hand and a good kick while I held my shorts and t-shirt above the water with my other hand. It wasn’t far from our boat to theirs, and when I came alongside I tossed my clothes onto the deck and climbed aboard.

Pops was standing there, leaning on the railing, and he tossed me a towel. “No offense, but I’d be perfectly OK if I didn’t see you naked again for quite some time.”

Busy drying myself, I nodded. “Yeah, likewise. Just trying to keep my clothes dry. Thanks for the towel, by the way.”

“No problem - still, we need some rules about the guys having to stay dressed more, I have no need to see my nephew’s little tallywhacker sticking out all the time either; the same rules won’t apply to the ladies, of course.”

The thought crossed my mind that only from his ludicrously endowed perspective would anyone call Trell’s larger-than-average cock little. “Of course it wouldn’t; that would be crazy! As far as Trell is concerned, I think you’re just jealous.” I held my fingers up, about an inch apart. “I think he’s about this close to being priapic, the little jerk.”

He laughed, that trademark deep grumble. “Now who’s the jealous one? Put your pants on and come on inside, I was just getting started on my special brew.”

I dressed for the second time already that day and followed him inside. On the counter were a blender and a machine I didn’t recognize, an assortment of fruit and vegetables, and a bottle of orange juice. My attention was captured by the unknown appliance. “What’s this thing?”

He just looked at me for a moment, as if I was totally hopeless. “It’s a juicer. Philistine! I can’t believe you’ve never seen one before.”

I grinned. “What can I say? I’ve never been a big fan of late-night infomercials, and as far as I know juice comes in bottles, already juiced. Why go to all the extra work?”

“Huh! Pay attention and I’ll show you. Good thing Nick sprung for the high-dollar boat with all the options.” He proceeded to run an assortment of the various produce through the machine, first chopping up some of the bigger stuff. When it had done its work and the trickle of mixed juices produced made up about a cup and a half of oddly colored liquid which drained into the machine’s reservoir, he poured it into the waiting blender. I had seen him juice carrots, celery, tomatoes, two apples, some greens that I thought might be spinach, and a couple of other things, and to the toxic-looking liquid that had resulted he added a significant shot of orange juice and some ice cubes, and proceeded to blend the whole mess into a thin slush before pouring it into two tall glasses.

I looked at it with considerable trepidation. It was of a color not found in nature, with a little bit of icy, bubbly froth at the top, and smelled somewhere between orange juice, fresh-mown grass, and a barnyard, and it made my stomach do an unusual lurch. It was apparent that he expected me to take it!

He held out his glass in a toast. “Here’s mud in your eye!”

“Yeah. Pretty sure I’d rather have it in my eye than in my stomach, thanks.”

“Hey pal, it can’t work its magic on your nether regions if you don’t take it.”

I sniffed it again. “Are you sure I can’t just rub it on?”

“Don’t be such a baby; take up!”

“You first.” I thought this might be an elaborate joke he was trying to play on me, and wanted him to prove this mess was actually consumable. He tilted his head back and downed half of his glass in a couple of big gulps.

He smacked his lips noisily. “Mmm, delicious! Your turn; if it helps, bear in mind that if I take it and you don’t then I’ll be the one with the big stiff dick getting all the good lovin’ today while you sit around all droopy and depressed.”

“That is a good motivation – almost good enough to get me to take this stuff. Oh well, here goes!” I copied his method, holding my breath as I slammed about half the glass. When I stopped and took a breath, I grimaced and coughed slightly, and he laughed.

“So? How was it?”

It wasn’t great, but it hadn’t been as bad as I had feared either. “Well, it wasn’t as high on the gag scale as I thought it would be.”

“Words to warm the heart of any chef. Do me a favor and don’t ever become a restaurant critic, OK?”

“Not much chance of that happening. So what is it about this mess that supposedly works sexual magic? It’s sure not the taste or smell!”

He laughed. “Finish it first, then we’ll figure that out.” Simultaneously we both tilted our glasses up and chugged the remaining potion. The second draught wasn’t any better than the first, but thankfully it wasn’t any worse either.”

I shuddered as I set the empty glass on the counter, noticing the evil-looking residue that filmed the sides of the blender and our glasses. “Ugh. No offense, but I don’t think I’ll be adding that to my morning take rotation.”

He put his glass down near mine. “Wait and see, you may change your mind.”

“Doubtful. Got any coffee?”

He nodded toward the counter near the window, where a nearly full pot sat on the warmer. I crossed and found a mug in the cabinet and filled it, hoping to wash the taste of his unusual juice out of my mouth. “So, again, to what do you attribute the supposed recuperative powers of your concoction?”

He stared at me in feigned confusion. “I beg your pardon?”

“Which ingredient is the pecker-picker-upper?”

“Oh, that!” He frowned thoughtfully. “Well, in many ancient cultures - and some current ones - the thinking is that any food which resembles the human sex organs must carry certain powers to enhance sexual prowess, so I suppose it could be the carrots; they’re rather phallic-looking.”

“What kind of weird-ass phalluses have you been looking at?”

He laughed. “Well, you know, if you stuck your dick in a pencil sharpener. And if it was orange, of course.”

“Maybe for that Ernie character on Sesame Street, but I’m not buying that the carrots do anything special; well, for my eyes maybe, but not for my dick.”

“Well, I didn't put in any cucumbers or zucchini, so if the ancients are to be believed it must be the carrots; anyhow, it’s all stuff that’s good for you, that helps your circulation and all that crap. That has to be good for sexual health, right?”

“So it’s a long-term proposition then?”

“Well, if healthy living and being surrounded by gorgeous, scantily-clad women doesn’t do it, what will?”

There was a grain of truth to that, but still. “And here I thought you were pushing some quick miracle cure for the limp noodle.”

“Oh, that! Well, I suppose the Viagra might help with that!”

I stared at him. “Viagra? You haveged me?”

“Sure, three tablets ground up in the blender. That means we each got about one and a half, everything else being equal.”

“I can’t believe you haveged me, without any warning!”

He laughed again. “Don’t worry; I’m not planning to take advantage of you or anything. It’s for your own fun and games; think of it as a recreational have – and bear in mind that you’re competing against my nephew. And me for that matter, and I’m certainly going to take advantage of modern chemistry!”

“Still, a tablet and a half is an overdose. What if I get one of those four-hour erections you hear about?”

“Then you’ll be the life of the party. Relax, would you? You’ll be fine, those ladies will work off any excess erections you might get, trust me.”

I knew he was probably right, but still, it was kind of annoying to be haveged like that. I had enjoyed the results of my little Cialis experiment a few days previously, however! I decide to take a wait and see approach.


Posts: 14692
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Ah yes better living through chemistry.

Great segment Stormy. Thanks managing a bit of time to keep us happy and wanting for more.


Posts: 4050
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I'm wondering if you're not that well known comedian, Carrot Dick. And now a Viagra sketch, Storm you are outdoing yourself. As always it was wonderful.




Posts: 1914
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Pops and Adam on Viagra. Now that's what I call an unfair advantage. Good job they are not sprinters isn't it. First part to cross the line and all that ..

I know you like your diversion stories Stormy, and they are good, but this is .. Well, it's a classic. Thanks.
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