Posts: 4050
As long as I'm alive this story will not fall off the first page until long after it has been completed.
Posts: 1459
OK, this is getting old! I got another heads-up from a reader that some segments had been dropped, and this time I don't even know how many. Apparently everything I posted between March 24 and May 26 of last year, 2 months work, (pages 40-41) is gone, and that was before I switched over to working in Word and saving my posts. I did take some time off during that period, but basically everything from when the new boat showed up to when they made the plans for the picnic is gone, including the introductions of all the new characters.
I need to again rely on your help to try to re-post these segments, and I'm not even sure it can be done. If anyone has the missing parts, please PM me and we can figure out how to get them to me so that I can try to add them back in by editing my other posts. As before, your help would be much appreciated - and thanks John, for the heads-up!
P.S. Also seem to be missing a segment or two between June 9 - 17 of last year, where page 41 flips to page 42. Too bad this site is having so many problems with reliability issues, because it's otherwise a fun place to write. I'm saving everything now, but it's still a pain to have to monitor old segments and constantly replace dropped posts. Hope it doesn't become more trouble than it's worth or writers will quit making the effort!
Posts: 1459
Ok all, thanks for the help! I received several generous offers to bail out my dumb butt, and all are much appreciated! jjthom generously supplied the missing segments, and I was again able to edit them back in, though it was a near thing with one large segment replacing what used to be two! Thanks jj, I really appreciate your help with that - and your kind comment above! I did have a good holiday, and hope you did as well.
Trf2 thanks, it was a good bit of time off, and the holidays were very relaxing and enjoyable. Hope the same is true for you.
GH, I know! And to hell with the male readers - I don't want to let go of her myself! Perhaps a sequel will be necessary. Thanks for the comment - and for both the act and the sentiment of your recent bump, I do appreciate that!
Timmy, thanks. It's been fun getting to know you this past year through your comments as well as your writing and caps. Happy New Year, and many more! Thanks for dropping a line and for the bump!
Posts: 1459
When I arrived at the platform at the rear of the boat, she stood on the deck looking down at me, making a big show of the fact that she had nearly finished drying herself. Fine, let her act a little cocky – I had what was undoubtedly the best view of anyone on the lake at that moment, and I was enjoying it immensely! She put her hands on her hips and smiled down at me. “Hey slowpoke! Where have you been? I was about to go to bed without you.”
I shook the water from my hair and face before I answered. “I’m glad you didn’t, this old tub just wouldn’t have looked nearly as inviting without you right there as decoration.”
“Well aren’t you the sweet thing – slow, but sweet! I brought you a towel.”
I climbed onto the deck and took it from her. “Thanks. You cheated, you know that, right?”
She was all wide-eyed innocence. “Me? Whatever do you mean?”
I laughed. “Well, first, you got a head-start – but worse than that, you left me with a severe handicap that hindered both my running and my swimming.”
She smiled. “That’s the price you pay for being such a hung stud. I see that situation has resolved itself.”
“Mmm, yeah.” I looked down at my shrunken and wrinkled equipment. “Cold water will do that.”
She thrust her firm little tits forward and looked down at herself, her nipples puckered and hard. “Isn’t it funny how the same thing that makes me look like I’m all horny makes you look like you might never get horny again?”
“Yeah, it’s a mystery – or perhaps even an enigma, possibly a conundrum. It may take awhile, but I’m pretty sure it will return to normal eventually. It always has in the past.”
She raised her eyebrows. “It had better!”
“Will you still love me if it doesn’t?”
She pretended to hesitate. “I don’t know… I suppose I would, you are pretty lovable after all, but you just wouldn’t look right with that pale little wrinkly worm. I’m used to seeing a pretty nice hunk of meat hanging there!”
“You could rub it, or blow on it or something. That might speed the process.”
She laughed. “Very subtle! Did you think I’d fall for that weak ploy?”
I shrugged. “I was hopeful. I thought maybe we could pick up where we left off on shore…”
She leaned against my chest and kissed me, her hand finding my shrunken junk and squeezing me. “Would you be terribly disappointed if we put it off until morning? I’m awfully tired – and besides, maybe by morning it will have come out of hibernation and be ready to play. It usually is in the morning.”
That was true, but I’d have been lying if I said I wasn’t disappointed, and it really was out of character for Kristi to pass up an offer of sex. Generally she is extremely agreeable on that score! “Really? I guess we could, it’s not like it’s been a long time since either of us got laid, but I must say, I’m surprised! I had this warm, dark place in mind where I could put it…”
She smiled and patted my chest. “If you’re referring to our cabin, that’s fine, you can put it there.”
“I was thinking of someplace a little warmer – and probably darker – but also tighter, wetter, and much better tasting.”
“Oh. You’ve tasted our cabin?” She looked at me expectantly waiting for a response, but I just shook my head. “Really Adam, I am pretty tired, and maybe a little hung-over. I promise, in the morning I’ll let you have your way with me – whatever you want. Don’t pout, all right?” She kissed me again.
“I’m not. OK, morning it is. I’ll set the alarm for five.”
“Not if you want to fuck me you won’t!”
I laughed. “Lazybones…slug-a-bed!”
“Horndog! You big bully!” She stepped back quickly and snapped me with her towel, a stinging pop on my right thigh just inches from my cold and shriveled genitalia.
“Ouch! Oooh, now you’re in trouble!” She let out a small squeal of laughter and took off across the deck toward the door with me right behind her. I caught her as she fumred opening the door and got her squarely on her sweet bare cheeks with a resounding towel-snap of my own, and she let out a laughing curse of surprise and pain as she shot through the door, her butt tucked under to avoid further insult. She gained a step on me as the closing door bumped me sideways, but by the time we crossed the threshold into our cabin I was again right on her heels. I gathered her into a low, flying tackle that launched both of us into the center of the bed, where we wrestled and groped for a couple of minutes, tickling and touching.
We eventually ended up with me on top, laying partly across her with my arm under her back as I looked down into her deep, smoky, beautiful eyes. We were both breathing heavily from our exertions, and I gently brushed a long stray strand of her honey-colored hair from her face. She smiled softly, and it sent arrows straight to my heart. I kissed her, slow and sweet. “Have I told you lately how much I love you?”
Inexplicably, her eyes filled with tears. “Not lately enough. I love you more.”
“Not possible. Are you crying?”
“No, I’m just overflowing with the juices of life. You know how easy it is to get me wet.” She sniffled a little as she spoke.
“Mmm, yeah, but I prefer the other way. Sure you’re OK?” I’ll never understand women; oh, listen, I understand why they cry when they’re happy – I just don’t understand why they can’t understand how uncomfortable that makes us, and then do something about it!
She reached up and brushed my hair back from my forehead, and then gently caressed my face. “I am so very OK; in fact, I can’t remember ever being more OK! Just hold me, all right?”
“It would be a pleasure and a privilege.”
She sniffled again as she laughed. “Cornball. You’re still not getting any, you know that, right?”
“Let me clarify; you mean just for right now, correct?”
She laughed again. “You’re relentless.”
“And don’t you ever forget it!”
We rearranged ourselves so that I could hold her in my arms, her body curled into the curve of my own. Her hair was still slightly wet, though my much shorter cut had dried, and it was cold at first when it fell across my neck and chest. It quickly warmed with the heat of our bodies, and within minutes I began to realize that I was extremely tired, exhausted by the short but eventful night before and a very busy day. Perhaps passing on sex tonight was not all bad, although it would have been difficult to explain that to my cock, which had slowly hardened against her warm, firm bottom. Kristi was already arelax, her breathing deep and even, and that was about the last thing my mind registered before I too slid down the slope into ***ness, the red supply draining from my brain to my groin probably partly responsible.
It was some time later, I wasn’t sure how long, that I woke up to the sensation of her moving away from me and felt the bed move as she rose to her feet. I raised my head and was just able to see her slim form in the dim light. “Are you all right?”
“I was trying not to wake you. I just have to pee; go back to relax.”
“What time is it?”
“A little after three. Go to relax, I’ll be back in a couple minutes.”
The bed seemed colder without her in it, and I pulled the sheet and the single blanket up to my shoulders as I rolled to my other side, near the edge of the bed. As the warmth built around me I drifted back into relax. I must have been dozing lightly, because I felt her come back to bed even though I didn’t wake up enough to acknowledge it. When she slid across and pressed herself to my back for warmth it felt very nice, despite her cool skin, and she warmed up quickly.
As she got warm, I felt her hand sneak across my right side as she put her arm over me while trying not to wake me up, and when she found my chest her fingers plucked lightly at the light covering of coarse hair before finding my right nipple, which she gently teased with her fingertips. As she was doing that, I felt her other hand slide over my hip and onto my stomach before pausing to explore my navel as it made its way lower, where she found and grabbed my flaccid cock, wrapping her fingers around the base of my organ.
I was awake enough now to enjoy this and to appreciate that it held promise of better things to come – but also to suddenly realize that unless Kristi had undergone some magical, mystical change into one of those many-armed Hindu goddesses such as Lakshmi or Kali, or one of the others, that she could not possibly be laying on her side, pressed to my back, and still have two hands – both of them right hands, now that I thought about it – touching me at the same time. I wasn’t too alert, but I could not recall a time when draining one’s bladder had ever resulted in growing extra arms.
“Uhhh, Kristi?”
“Yeah?” She sounded further away than she should have.
“What’s going on?”
“Nothing, you’re probably just dreaming.”
That was a possibility, but it all seemed very real. I put my hand over the one on my chest and held it for a moment, until she spread her fingers and let me intertwine mine with hers. From very close to my ear an unexpected voice said “Hi!”
She laughed that light, musical laugh of hers. “Can’t fool you for a minute, can we?”
In truth, they had done a fine job of fooling me, and now I found myself completely at a loss. “What…umm, I mean, why…” I paused and tried to gather my thoughts. “What are we doing?” Now, with the knowledge that it was Tiff and not Kristi that was pressed to my back, I became aware of the differences, primarily her much larger, softer breasts mashed against me, but also the very different – but still very sexy – flavor of her in the air. I don’t know if it was hormones, body chemistry, pheromones or what, but there was a very fine and exciting something filling the room, clearly the product of the two very sexy, healthy and aroused beauties that now shared my bed. It was a heady and intoxicating brew!
They both laughed at my muddled response even as my mind began to cope with this new information, and my heartbeat quickened. It was Kristi that answered. “It was my idea. You were so good last night, with Lee, that I thought you earned a special treat.” Tiff chimed in. “Guess I’m your special treat; I’ve never been anyone's special treat before!”
I grunted. “Huh! Bet that’s not true.”
She laughed again. “Aren’t you sweet!” Kristi’s hand left my cock – which, by now, was standing fully at attention – and came up my body until it found mine and Tiff’s, still locked together. She separated our hands and took Tiffany’s in her own, pulling it lower on my body until the two of them found my aroused sex, whereupon she placed Tiff’s hand on me, the two of them stroking me together until Kristi dropped her hand lower to cup and fondle my balls.
While Kristi played with my balls Tiff continued to slowly stroke and touch me, her hand exploring up and down the length of my rigid shaft, until she finally rose up and pushed the blanket and sheet down so that she could look over me at what she was holding, visible in the pale moonlight that washed in through the window. She laughed softly. “Adam, you have to promise me something; if you ever come out to our ranch for any reamister, you have to keep your pants on at all times. If my stallion Achilles ever got a glimpse of this thing, he’d be so depressed!”
Posts: 14692
a great segment well worth the wait. Loved that last line.
Posts: 158
I would like to say that I have read the above segment but my better half wants me to read it with her tonight. Thanks as always to a great writer and an even better pen pal and friend. If I can ever repay you for all the fun and happiness you have brought into our life I would gladly do it. Really, if you have a book out, tell me and I will buy it! I already know the answer to that question as well as a feel for your motivation. I am just glad you do what you do and that you do it so well. Your added bonus to me is that I am learning more about myself and my motivations...........strike that last word. I get the feeling you are a much better man than I. Thanks again for teaching, educating, whatever you call it. The best can entertain and make those around them better for their experiences.
My hat is off to you. watcherdoit4fun
Posts: 4050
That last segment was a very pleasant read. It made me smile. Writing a hot sex scene takes s*******, but I think writing a scene that makes the reader feel good takes even more s*******.
Thank you very much
Posts: 492
Welcome back Stormy, and Happy New Year. Glad the Holidays were good to you. Same here, we actually got down to Florida for some warm weather and a little golf and Disney. Had a great time with the exception of the 17 hour drive straight through that we decided to do on the way home. Way too old for that stuff. I agree with GH, that last segment put a smile on my face.  Glad you're back, looking forward to the next chapter in this amazing story. TrF2
Posts: 111
Time for a bump. JJ.
Posts: 14692
Hoping that all is good with you.
Posts: 1459
Thanks all, for the kind words. You may have noticed that I changed the title of the story to the same thing it is at Literotica. Always hated the "Unwitting" title I originally gave it, which was awkward at best and quickly became inaccurate as well, but didn't know I could change it! Turns out it was easy; hope it doesn't cause too much confusion.
Timmy and Watcher, thanks my friends. Both of you have been very supportive, and your own writings, caps, and/or emails have been a much appreciated and welcome escape. Glad I can reciprocate with the stories!
GH, that holds true for you too, probably even more so. Glad you got a smile out of it, and thanks again for all of your support. Hope your break is going well and the little white ball is flying true.
Trf2, welcome back, and glad you had a good time in Florida. Nice to leave winter behind for awhile, yes? I think you may be the one still commenting that has been with me on this story the longest; all I can say is thanks, it is appreciated and you've helped me keep going.
About that; I've been a little bummed and a lot burned out lately and have not been doing any writing, or even much reading, for awhile now. Kind of feel like maybe I'm starting to get my second (or third) wind, so may be back soon. Or maybe not, but I hope you'll bear with me a little longer either way. I'll try to let you know. Thanks again for your support!
Posts: 1914
Stormy, This story truly is Adam's Journey, one we have all shared and been a part of for almost 4 years now. It deserves the respect to be left alone until you are ready. And so do you my friend. Get yourself right, we can wait. Just don't forget to lean on us if you need to ..
Posts: 7
Please let me echo what I believe is the consensus, "you write when you are ready". It is a journey for all of us and you are the most excellent tour guide.
But still longing, RidgeRover
Posts: 14692
Stormy, I second what Peak has said, you know how to get hold of me outside this forum.
We'll make sure you don't sink to the second page.
Posts: 111
Stormy, Anticipation is part of the fun, and boy are we having fun. Seriously I have enough reading material to last a lifetime. Your stories are special and give me something to look forward too. If you wrote and posted them all at one time what would I have to look forward to tomorrow. You have indicated that you enjoy writing. If you wrote it all at one time what would you have to look forward to tomorrow. You have a true talent and I can assure you that we will be here when you have recharged your batteries. Life is short, so you best enjoy it while you can. JJ.
Posts: 111
Posts: 14692
Posts: 1459
My thanks to each of you for your concern and understanding, and for your patience. It was time to get back, emotional batteries recharged. (I've switched to electric to save the planet - I used to be coal-fired.)
I'll just paraphrase Ray Stevens rather than trying to explain any further:
Now ladies and gentlemen, without further ado it gives me great pleasure to bring 'em back to you, been gone a few weeks, but getting rave reviews it's Adam and Kristi, and the rest of the crew! ______________________________________________________________________ _____________
Tiff has great nipples, larger and more protruding than Kristi’s if not quite so quick to respond to the slightest provocation. In addition her larger breasts were more subject to the powers of gravity than my lady’s high, firm ones, and the way they suspended so beautifully over my face made them irresistible. I didn’t kid myself that her position was anything other than one hundred percent intentional; Tiff knew exactly what she was doing - and also, I suspect, how I would respond. I’m sure I didn’t disappoint, as I immersed myself in her lovely tits, my only regret being that I was limited to what I could do with my lips and tongue - or other parts of my face - as she still held my hands pinned above my head.
I paused in my worship of her breasts only long enough to ask if we could possibly have a little more light in the room. Dedicated voyeur that I am – and, fully aware of the splendor that was these two women and how long the odds were against anything like this ever happening to me again – I didn’t want any of my senses to be left out of the fun. Tiff freed up one of her hands just long enough to reach across and turn on the reading light on the nightstand, and I complied by not trying to escape while she did so. It wasn’t much light, one of those wimpy fluorescents that claim to equal about sixty watts but which look more like six, but it was enough. In the soft, dim light Tiff looked like a goddess.
I know that Kristi did too, but I couldn’t really see her around Tiffany; she, in the meantime, had unwrapped herself from my lower body and was slowly and very lightly running her fingers up and down my straining cock and over my balls, which felt full and swollen with arousal. I was very hard, and very sensitive, and if she continued to do what she was doing I would soon be ready to climb the walls. She knew from experience that this was something she could do indefinitely without much danger of me losing control – there just wasn’t enough real stroking to make me come – but she also knew that the sensations she was creating were enough to curl my toes and reduce me to begging her for relief. It was a form of light, playful *** that we both very much enjoyed, and one she had not done for quite awhile.
Over my own heavy breathing I heard Tiffany suddenly gasp and felt a spasm run through her body. Kristi laughed. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to surprise you! You have an amazing clit, it’s so big, and the way it was sticking out it was just begging to be touched. Are you OK with that?”
Tiff moaned softly. “Oh god yes! Like you said, you just surprised me; please don’t stop.” Another shudder of arousal ran through her body.
Kristi laughed again. “No, I won’t. This is a really fun little toy; I’m so jealous!”
The realization that Kristi was lightly stroking me with one hand while touching Tiffany in such an intimate way from behind with the other sent a thrill through me. I was a little bit shocked that Kristi had so quickly taken to touching another woman, but I can’t say I was disappointed! This was shaping up to be a very promising night – or what was left of it.
Kristi, my hard cock in her hands, must have sensed my suddenly increased arousal. “Hey big boy, you’re getting awfully hard there! You’d better not let this thing go off already; you really need to think of this as a marathon, not a sprint!”
I took a shuddering breath as she slowly ran her fingernails up the hard ridge on the underside of my shaft. “No, I understand – just remember that you’re the one with her hand on the tiller. It’s up to you to make sure we don’t go there and, you know, run aground, as it were!”
They both laughed, and I chuckled ruefully. “You know, I heard some comedian get asked one time if his biggest fantasy was to have two women at once. He just shook his head and said ‘Oh yeah right – that’s just what I want to do, wake up in the morning with TWO pissed off, disappointed women instead of just one!” That got a laugh from both of them, which was what I’d been hoping for; I needed the sexual tension dialed back just a notch or two or I’d pop my cork and be living that guy’s worst fears before I knew it!
Tiff released my hands and moved back just enough that we could briefly kiss. It meant that I was no longer in a position to lick and suck at her luscious tits, but with my hands freed I was able to continue playing with them; they made two very nice handfuls of female. She nuzzled my neck, moaning softly. “Mmm, this is so nice! You think you’re going to be able to handle the two of us all right?”
I kissed her again, our tongues doing a brief tango as I gently rolled her firm, fat nipple between my fingers. “I’m more than willing to give it my best shot – and besides, I’ve got a few tricks up my sleeve.”
From behind her, Kristi said “That would be very reassuring if, you know, you actually had any sleeves!”
Tiffany giggled. “She has a point. In the meantime, how would you feel about putting your trick up my sleeve?”
I laughed, and she gave a small giggle of embarrassment at her own brazen words, a giggle which suddenly turned into a gasp and then a low moan. “Ohhh god! I didn’t mean you!”
Kristi chuckled evilly. “You want me to stop?”
“Nooo! No, please don’t! Oh god, that feels so good. Mmmmm, uh-huh, ohh yesss!”
I felt a slightly shocked thrill of arousal to realize that Kristi had apparently put her finger – or fingers – into Tiff’s pussy! As much as I was enjoying touching and being touched, a part of me would have been just as happy to sit back and watch the two of them play together. With luck there would be time for that later, maybe after they had worn me out – something I knew they were entirely capable of doing!
On the other hand, some small, stubbornly perverse part of me wanted to tell Kristi to go sit off to the side and just watch, as she had asked me to do when she was with Lee. Fortunately that tiny little niggling nugget of negativity was not strong enough to overcome the arousal and enjoyment that being with the two of them at once was providing, so I buried it. Deep down inside I was pretty glad that that little bit of remaining resentment had died a quiet death, and I felt a wave of relief, of acceptance. This was far too fantastic a situation to ruin it with any youngish revenge, and any attempt to do so would have just made me the ultimate loser.
As if to draw me back to the present, Tiffany shuddered, her breathing becoming faster and slightly ragged. She began to slowly rock back and forth, and I realized she was fucking herself on Kristi’s fingers – and that I could hear the deliciously wet sounds it was making. She moaned again. “Ohh, god, Kristi! Mmmm! Have you done this before?”
Kristi laughed, and I could tell by the sound of it that she was truly enjoying herself. “No, not really. Well, sort of, I guess, but…” she laughed again. “It was just a couple of nights of half-takesen experimenting with my college roommate. I don’t think either of us was meant to be a lesbian; we both liked big hard cocks way too much, but we were both very horny bitches, and then you throw in a little holy water, a little touching, no hard cock handy when you need one, and before you know it…bingo, touchy-feely and orgasms for everyone!”
Tiff’s chuckle turned into a moan. “Ohhh, fuck! There’s going to be one for me pretty soon, that’s for sure! Ooohh yess!”
Tiff’s face was close to mine, her ear just inches from my lips. I nibred her ear and neck a little bit, and she moaned again. I could tell that she was very aroused and was thoroughly enjoying being the center of attention. I gently bit her earlobe. “Are you really going to come?”
“Ohh hell yes - with the two of you touching me, are you kidding!? You make a very good team; it’s like you rehearsed this!”
I laughed. “Mmmm, nope. Just doing what comes natural.” Squeezing her tits, I let my hands slowly slide off until just her firm nipples were between my fingers, and I tugged at them, stretching them out, gently pinching. She moaned again, and I felt Kristi’s hand tighten on my cock and heard her moan in sympathy; it was apparent that she was very much feeding off of Tiffany’s arousal, getting a vicarious thrill from the other’s heightened arousal and approaching orgasm. I knew she would be almost frantically horny by now herself!
She addressed me as if Tiffany wasn’t even there. “God baby, you’re going to really love the way this feels; she’s so tight and wet, so hot, and my fingers just slide in and out, so slippery…oooh yeah that’s it squeeze those fingers girl, that’s it! Such a pretty clitty, all stiff and hard, sticking out like a cute little micro-penis. What happens if pretend it’s a mini-dick and stroke it, like a little bitty cock, just like this…”
Her hand had left my cock, leaving me straining skyward but unattended, and I knew she was focusing all of her attention on Tiffany’s aroused and engorged sex just as she’d said, and in a matter of seconds Tiff erupted into orgasm. “Oh god, OH GOD! Ooooh yes yes yes like that, oh my god, ohh fuck, fuck! Unnhhh, fuck!”
She strained forward, her body tight with the intensity of her climax, and she came down on me, burying her face in my neck and biting at my shoulder as she thrust her ass higher to meet Kristi’s touch. I felt her lips and teeth graze my neck, and then my collarbone as she made a few more uncontrollable and uninhibited natural sounds before collapsing on top of me, her sexual energy momentarily spent.
I gently kissed her cheek, and then her temple and her brow, and she raised up so that her lips could meet mine. It was a long kiss, sweet and searching and with nothing held back; I felt like a wall had dropped, as if Tiffany’s usual reserve, her defenses against ever allowing another man to hurt her, had suddenly fallen away. Her lips were soft and clinging, her breath sweet and warm and feminine, and as the kiss went on, becoming deeper and more demanding, our tongues danced together.
It felt, for a moment, like it was just the two of us in the world, as if everything else had faded out for a time, and I realized that Kristi had become very, very quiet. That sudden realization yanked me back, took some of my attention off of the fact Tiff had felt so good, so perfect pressed to my body, our lips locked. With a severe pang of guilt I remembered the way I had felt when Kristi had kissed Lee that way. Actually, that’s not entirely accurate; she had never kissed him that way. The kiss the two of them had shared, the one that had felt like I was being kicked in the balls, had been nowhere near as intimate and drawn out as what Tiff and I had just shared. Somehow I knew that Kristi was thinking the same thing.
I also knew that I needed to end the kiss, to try to get back to the more light-hearted and fun mood we’d all been in just moments ago, but with Tiff above me, in the superior position, it was not really up to me to break off the kiss; it truly was her move. Fortunately she must have sensed something in me, a sudden stiffness or emotional pull-back or something, and she broke contact. With her face just inches from mine I could see the confusion in her eyes, but also the ongoing need and arousal, a fire and a hunger I had not seen in her beautiful green eyes before. She seemed to quickly grasp why I had needed to pull away, remembering that Kristi was with us, but she also seemed momentarily upset and remorseful about letting herself go that way. The last thing I wanted was for her to feel bad; I didn’t want to hurt Kristi, but I certainly didn’t want Tiff’s walls to go back up again either!
I tried to ease the transition back to our former mode. “Wow, that was an incredible kiss! If you ride horses anywhere near as well as you kiss, you must be quite a sight to see.”
She gave a small, embarrassed laugh. “Actually, I ride better than I kiss.”
“I find that very hard to believe.”
She shook her head, *** to allow me to change the subject. “I’m sorry, that was wrong; I shouldn’t have done that. Everything was just so good, and then…”
I gently stroked her throat. “Don’t be sorry. I’m not; I felt like I was given an opportunity to really know you, with no barriers. Thank you for that.”
Kristi moved up alongside of me, so that her stunning face was near ours. “I’m not sorry either, so don’t you dare be! It was beautiful, so sexy and loving, so perfect in the moment. Please don’t regret it, that would ruin everything.” I love Kristi more than life itself, but I think maybe I’d never loved her as much as I did at that moment. She had come to my rescue, and to Tiff’s, putting aside something that I know from experience must have been emotionally very difficult for her. She had said the perfect thing, showing a degree of love and sharing a grace and dignity that I could only hope to ever achieve, and I realized for the hundredth time that she is a better and stronger permister than I am. Kristi, this amazing, incredible lady of mine, was able to show warmth and concern for Tiff where I had been able to feel only betrayal and jealousy the previous night.
Tiffany looked from her to me, and I saw tears well in her eyes. “I…I don’t know what to say…”
Kristi reached out and gently touched her face, brushing her auburn hair back before stroking her cheek. “I do. Say you’ll give me a kiss exactly like the one you just gave Adam.”
Their eyes locked for a moment, Tiffany’s bright fiery-green ones searching the smoky blue-green ocean depths of Kristi’s, and then she leaned forward and their lips met. One tear slid down her cheek and fell, landing warm and wet in the hollow of my throat, but I barely felt it, my attention fully focused on these two beautiful women just above me, sharing this moment.
Although I have no good, quantifiable way to measure it, I’m pretty sure that the kiss that Kristi received was even better than the incredibly great one Tiff had given me – and yes, I was jealous of that.
Posts: 158
Thank you, you are just the prescription for what the doctor ordered. We spent all yesterday in the hospital but nice to know we have you and our stories to help pull us out of one of our low points. I think we all need to look forward to something. Specifically for me it's my angel the mrs. , your stories and your emails.
love this story because it is taking place in our stomping grounds one of the most beautiful places on the face of this world. However your words are the best frame that could be put on this picture we call Lake Powell.
stormy remind me to tell you our story someday.
All you readers out there, if you haven't visited the lake put it on your bucket list, you will not be sorry that you did. I think stormy would agree with me. watcherdoit4fun
Posts: 14692
this segment was the perfect tonic for nasty rainy day. I think I need to turn on the A/C instead of the heat. Thanks you for getting back to us.
Posts: 1914
Stormy, Yet again you have taken my breath away with the power of your writing. I didn't think I could be more desirous of Kristi until you had her say what she did to Tiff. Very, very good. I'm glad you are back. Don't rush at it. If its all this good, we can only take it in small doses !
Posts: 111
Stormy, Great to have you back. I can assure you that you have been missed. Another great segment! Your detail transports the read into your stories. I look forward to each addition. Thank You, JJ.
Posts: 4050
Damn Storm
I do believe that was the best piece of writing from you that I have ever read. On so many levels it was magnificent. It was funny, hot and touching. I kept thinking that I would include the paragraph I was reading as an example of why it was so good and then I'd read the next one and it was even better.
I again take my hat off to you. You are the master.
Posts: 14692
Posts: 1459
watcher and Mrs., thanks. Glad I could help. If reading the story helped you to forget and eased your worries, even if it was only for a few moments, then the whole thing has been worthwhile. I hope all continues to go OK with you and yours.
Timmy and jj, thanks to each of you. Sorry it's been so long between, just a busy time right now. I am enjoying getting back to it, so the time off was worthwhile!
peak, thank you. You are always one of the most honest, discerning and protective readers on here, and I appreciate your support, your opinions, and your friendship.
Thanks GH. Very kind words, but I'm afraid I'll have to settle for being the master's apprentice - and you know what? I'm perfectly OK with that! Now, with some of my chores done and this section posted, I have to get caught up on my reading... ______________________________________________________________________ _____________
They lingered, they touched, and eventually they separated with a little nuzzling gentleness and intimacy that is, I think, unique to women, something that a man and a woman together could not duplicate; I thought about that later, and reached the conclusion that it’s because men rarely ever give themselves like that, with total abandon and nothing held back, with pure and unreserved trust and spontaneity. The other possibility, one that I don’t care to accept or even consider, is that women can’t ever give themselves to a man in that same way because they know, deep inside, that we have too great of a capacity to cause them pain – not in the physical sense, although Tiff had certainly experienced that as well, but in the emotional sense.
Not that most of us would, or at least not intentionally, but we have a tendency sometimes to be, shall we say, less than sensitive; or, we could be totally honest and say that we men, as a species, are sometimes rather blunt and hurtful without even realizing it. That’s probably both more honest and more accurate. And then of course there are those guys like Tiffany’s not-quite ex-husband that are genuine assholes, that give the rest of us a bad name and that women are entirely too aware are out there, and for which so many of them keep their guard up, causing the rest of us to have to work so much harder for genuine intimacy and trust. But like I said, I saved all that fancy philosophizing for later; right now the two of them were slowly separating, and it was time to stop being a voyeur and get back in the game!
Tiff looked at Kristi, her expression slightly dazed as she slid her hand across Kristi’s shoulder, eventually stopping with her fingers tangled in my lady’s soft honey curls, lightly touching her graceful neck and the angle of her jaw. “Mmmm, wow! I have to say that this is all very nice and very amazing, but it’s all been so loving and beautiful and just so, so…well, just not exactly what I was expecting when we talked about this.”
Kristi smiled and leaned her face into Tiff’s hand, rubbing her cheek on her fingers. “Me either; what were you expecting?”
“I don’t know, really, never having done this before; I guess I’m not really sure. I suppose I was expecting to get laid by this big lug, for one thing, and probably a lot more grunting and moaning and thrusting and things like that. I mean, that is kind of more in line with what we talked about, right?”
I slid my hands up her sides, letting my palms slide over the soft, bulging sides of her breasts. “Hey, not to spoil the moment or anything, but the big lug is in full agreement with that part of the plan too – I’m just waiting for further instructions!”
They both laughed, and Kristi moved back alongside of us, taking my aching erection in her hand. “Mmmm, it seems he’s not only willing, but extremely able! We might as well put this thing to use – it’s not doing anyone any good just waving around in the air. I suppose we could put Christmas lights on it…”
“I have a better idea.” Tiff grinned and moved back slightly – not much, as she was already in a pretty good position – but enough that when Kristi guided me to her soft, wet, swollen pussy lips the sensation was enough to make me groan with pleasure. She smiled down at me. “You gonna make it? You’re not even in yet, you know.”
“No, I know, but you feel so good, so warm and wet. Amazing!” I closed my eyes, focusing on the sensation of Kristi gripping my cock as she moved the sensitive head of it slowly up and down against Tiff’s aroused pussy, between her hot and ready lips, slowly lubricating each of us and getting us ready. I was sure I was leaking considerable amounts of pre-cum by now, doing my part to add to the slickness, but it was apparent that Tiff didn’t need my help; she was more than wet enough for me to enter her.
She didn’t need my help to make that happen either; she and Kristi managed just fine on their own, almost as if they knew how this whole sex thingy was supposed to work! Tiff pushed back against me when she was ready, and Kristi guided me into her hot, tight grip. She took me almost half-way in before rising slightly and then pushing back once again, taking my entire length until I was buried within her, her soft downy curls pressed to my coarser, denser ones.
We both shuddered with the intensity of the sensation of our bodies joined; I felt her contract herself on me, squeezing, and when I took a deep breath there was a definite shudder to that as well. She looked down at me. “Are you going to be able to make it the full eight seconds?”
My small chuckle came out as part-groan, part-laugh. “I thought it was the rider that had to stay on the full eight seconds.”
She moved her hips slightly, eliciting another groan from me. She nodded. “Yeah, that’s right stud, but the rider can’t score any points if the bull don’t perform.”
“I think I’m probably good for at least ten seconds - maybe even twelve, but go easy with the spurs.”
She smiled at that, then leaned forward and nuzzled my neck before softly saying “Yeee-haaa!” into my ear and beginning to move, rising and falling, twisting her body and rocking her hips as she worked my cock inside of her, moving in ways that felt best to her and at the same time focusing my attention like a laser on what she was doing to me and the intense sensations she was creating. It was incredible, her pussy slick and snug, every bit as enjoyable as Kristi had assured me it would be!
Speaking of Kristi – and no, I hadn’t forgotten she was in the room; almost, but not quite - she chose that moment to belly-flop on the bed next to me and give me a kiss, even as Tiff rode my hips. “So, are we enjoying ourselves?”
I kissed her back, taking the opportunity to nibble her lower lip. “Well, we certainly are; I don’t know about you.”
“Oh, definitely! But I know a way that I could enjoy myself even more.”
“Really? And what might that be?”
She raised one eyebrow mischievously. “I’ll give you a hint and we’ll see if you can figure it out.” She rose to her knees and swung one leg over my head, giving me an excellent view of her wet, aroused, smoothly shaven pussy. I was already beginning to get a pretty good idea of what she had in mind, and she confirmed it by lowering herself to my waiting lips, adjusting her position so that my tongue and lips could touch her right where she needed me.
I was completely unsurprised to discover that I had been correct in my assumption that all of the sexual goings-on had left her horny, wet and ready for action. He pussy was hot and slick, her lips swollen with lust, her arousal juices flowing freely, and I lapped and nuzzled at her cunt as she slowly moved against my lips. I felt as much as heard her low, deep moan of satisfaction, and when my tongue searched for and found her hard little button of delight I felt the tremor run through her as she ground herself against my face. I grabbed her tight little bottom with my hands and held her to me, the tip of my nose pressed tightly to the tiny puckered rosebud of her ass as my tongue darted into her wet sex.
The way she had straddled me, facing toward Tiffany, the insides of her calves, just above her ankles, were pressed to my ears, but still I could hear her and Tiff murmuring to each other. I couldn’t really make out much of what they were saying, but it didn’t take a lot of imagination to create in my mind a picture of them kissing and touching, two very beautiful women in a very Sapphic mental image that quite possibly was more what I wanted to believe than what was actually happening!
Whatever, it didn’t matter; I was in heaven at that moment, Tiff riding my cock, taking me deep so that her ass pressed to my scrotum each time she drove down on me and I could feel her rock forward to rub her protruding clit against my pubic bone, and Kristi riding above me over my face, our intimate familiarity with each other allowing us to move together in a way that was deeply rewarding for both of us.
I moved my hands up the smooth, warm skin of Kristi’s sides, pausing above her hips to wrap them around her waist, my fingertips not missing encircling her by very much. I pressed my fingers to her hard abdominal muscles, feeling them move and flex as she writhed above me, my thumbs digging slightly into her back, just above her hips, as I held her to me, torturing her aroused sex with my tongue. My hands continued their journey upwards, feeling the smooth ridges of thin muscle that covered her ribs, and then forward to feel her breasts – where they encountered another pair of hands – obviously Tiffany’s – already busily doing a little exploring of their own!
I put my hands over Tiffany’s much smaller ones, allowing her to continue fondling Kristi’s firm breasts and playing with her sensitive nipples, but also letting myself feel exactly what she was doing, pacing my oral attentions to match Tiff’s exploring fingers. I pushed my tongue into Kristi’s needy heat, and then flicked it across the hard bud of her clit and felt her body tense as she approached orgasm. I don’t know how much of the credit for Kristi’s sudden climax goes to me and how much to Tiff (although I’m inclined to take the lion’s share – it was my tongue on her magic button, if you’ll recall) but Kristi’s legs clamped onto the sides of my head and her body thrust down onto my face, demanding satisfaction. It wasn’t one of those earth-shattering, eyes-rolling-back-in-the-head kinds of orgasms, but I do think she was satisfied; she is the one that maintains that there is no such thing as a bad orgasm, after all!
Kristi held herself there for a few moments as she enjoyed her orgasm, her body pushed down tightly to my lips as the spasms rocked her. She wasn’t trying to *** me, I don’t believe, but was doing a pretty effective job of it nonetheless. The world wasn’t exactly going dark by the time she moved and allowed me to breathe, but there may have been a few stars shooting about; not that there’s anything wrong with that! I’ve always thought it was worth the expense of a few brain cells being destroyed by oxygen deprivation in order to make a beautiful woman that happy, although some people (Ronnie!) would argue that there is growing evidence that I’ve perhaps been too often too eager to please.
Her most urgent need met, Kristi moved from above me, snuggling in alongside and pressing her lips to mine, her tongue seeking and tasting her own honey. “Mmm, you taste like pussy!”
“Pure coincidence; I assure you I’m not one.” Kristi rewarded my weak attempt at humor with a brilliant smile and a small shake of her head before lying back against my shoulder and looking up at the incredibly sexy cowgirl that was above us, impaled on my cock. Tiff continued to slowly ride me, using my body in whatever way would bring her the most pleasure. Her eyes were closed, and small moans and other satisfied sounds escaped her slightly parted lips from time to time.
As for me, I was in heaven! Tiffany’s pussy was tight around me, hot and slick on my sensitive cock. There was an orgasm slowly growing inside of me, that pressure of anticipation building and demanding to be noticed, but it wasn’t imminent, not in a way that was going to leave me embarrassed and possibly all of us disappointed. I was relieved about that, because I’m not always sure I’m going to be able to hold back, and had been especially unsure in this situation! Between the amazing sensations that Tiff was creating and having Kristi’s long, lean, sexy frame pressed to me, the taste of her in my mouth and her golden locks flung across my chest, neck, and shoulder, it was a very memorable moment.
Together the two of us watched Tiff for perhaps a minute or so, enjoying her sounds and the expressions of pure pleasure on her face as she continued to take me inside of her. Apparently it was becoming more intense for her because, although her eyes remained closed, she was now biting her lower lip and her breathing was becoming quite ragged. In addition, I could feel her body tighten and her pussy gripping me each time she would rise up.
I moved my hands to her hips, holding her as I began to flex my own hips, actively thrusting into her. Kristi, not to be entirely left out, began to play with Tiff’s large, erect nipples, allowing them to bump across her fingertips with Tiffany’s motions. I don’t know which of us it was, but one of us was apparently the straw that broke the proverbial camel’s back because Tiff’s orgasm crashed into us like a wave on the rocks, her head thrown back and body rigid as she slammed down on me. It started with an “Ohhh GOD!” and turned into an unintelligible “Uunnngh-uunnngh-uunnngh-ohhh-fuck!” , the sounds in time with me thrusting into her.
I’m fairly sure that having me inside of her was the major factor in Tiff’s climax, but due to the timing I will credit Kristi with an assist. The next one – or, actually, I should say two, as my own orgasm also arrived quite suddenly – I have to credit mostly to Kristi. Apparently inspired by the intensity of Tiffany’s orgasm, Kristi got back in the game by rising smoothly to her knees alongside the gasping woman and bending forward to take one of those great nipples into her mouth. At the same time she thrust her left hand between me and Tiff where we were joined, her fingers finding Tiff’s large, aroused clit and masturbating her to entirely new heights.
Not to let her right hand go to waste, Kristi allowed it to sneak down Tiffany’s back and tickle the narrow cleft of her ass until it found my aching balls, whereupon she squeezed and rolled and tugged and teased, her gentle use of my testicles stopping just at the breakpoint between pleasure and pain. Entirely merciless, her middle finger soon found that sensitive spot just behind my scrotum and stroked for a moment before moving back a fraction and pressing insistently into my asshole.
That did it, that was all she wrote, and, dam broken, I groaned and thrust upward, spurting helplessly into Tiff, flooding her with my pent-up seed. Fortunately Kristi’s fingers and my spasming cock had much the same effect on her, and she came again, hard and deep, crying out and writhing against me as we shared one of those rare, intense simultaneous orgasms where you feel, for just a few moments, as if your two bodies actually become one. I don’t know if Kristi had intended to create something like that or not when she did what she did, but…damn!
As I collapsed back helplessly on the bed, totally limp, and Tiffany collapsed on top of me, I made a mental note to check inside of her later to see if any of my vital internal organs had shot out of me with my cum. I wasn’t worried about my spleen or my appendix - I knew I could live without those – but if it was my liver, or something else equally important, I figured I’d probably want it back at some point. It seemed like a very real possibility.
Posts: 14692
WOW - lesmisters in psychology and sex all wrapped up in one hot story.
Thanks you Stormy - well worth the wait.
That is what I like about this story - no matter how long you take to come back to it - reamisters don't matter - you always come back with a "bang".
Posts: 1914
Good job you didn't give her your heart then isn't it. Perhaps she could wear it on her sleeve though.
Yet another great section Stormy. I do appreciate it. Really good.
Posts: 111
Stormy, Wow, what a ride. You have raised Kristi’s character up several levels. Another outstanding segment. It great to have you back and I really enjoy your work. It’s the detail that makes it great! JJ.
Posts: 4050
Now that was a serious sex scene.
GH and Lisa
Posts: 158
What can we say that hasn't already been said, and much more eloquently than me and the mrs. Could ever do. What we just had to say is thank you for not only inspiring two lovers but for making us want to get to know the genius and loving man behind so many wonderful stories.
As blessed as we are all to be entertained by your talents. The whole world would be at a bigger loss to not have known you as a permister. As we already knew, your family, friends and life experiences have come together into one great guy. Thanks again for opening your heart and letting us get to know you.
Your friends! watcherdoit4fun