Posts: 4050
A couple of great segments. It's nice to be back on the boat again. Pops is one of your finest creations and Ronnie is a close second.
Posts: 1459
Thanks GH. As you know, it's more fun to work with the quirkier characters. It adds a little spice to the writing.
I meant to add this chapter at the same time, but decided to do a little more editing - so here goes! ______________________________________________________________________ _____________
Pops sighed. “Ron, isn’t that pretty much what you already do? I mean, from what I’ve observed…” Ron laughed, knowing it was true – at least while we were on our vacation. Pops went on. “So yeah, monkeys, apes, dogs, dolphins, we recognize all those as partaking of sexual…well, fulfillment at least, if not pleasure, but some horse and goat species do as well. Zebras, for example, can manipulate the muscles to rub their cocks on their undersides and on the sheath that protects it until they ejaculate; so, to answer your question Nick, they don’t have thumbs and apparently don’t need them.”
Tiff nodded. “My stallion can do that – and does. Pops, you know Achilles. I’ve seen him do that a few times. I think maybe he scents a mare in estrus somewhere, in one of the other corrals or something. He gets pretty worked up, and hugely aroused.”
Kori giggled. “The poor thing! All worked up and him with no hands. Do you do it for him?”
Tiff laughed, but shook her head. “No way! It’s dangerous enough when you’re breeding them or collecting semen and you have two or three people to control them. Stallions can get very aggressive when they’re aroused, and they’re so huge, and incredibly strong! Besides, like I said, he can do it himself. Their cocks have amazing muscle control; they have to in order to guide it in – no hands, remember – and he can flex muscles and move it around until he makes himself come. It’s all pretty impressive.”
Kristi shook her head. “I would imagine so! You’ve actually watched him do this?”
Tiffany nodded. “A few times, yeah.”
“Do horses come a lot – I mean, is there a lot of cum?”
Tiff laughed. “I’ll say! I wondered that same thing, how much it was, because it seemed like an awful lot, so I asked the stud service that pays me for his semen how much it was. They said that horses average between a hundred and fifty and two hundred fifty milliliters per ejaculation. Achilles is a big boy; he’s usually at the high end of the scale.”
Kristi turned and looked at me blankly, waiting for me to convert it for her. She’s not particularly good with metric quantities. I grinned, having a pretty good idea what her reaction would be. “Think a cup or a little over and you’ll be pretty close.”
Her mouth dropped open in amazement. “A cup? A cup of cum in one load? Good lord! And I’ve always thought you come like a fire hose, but you barely dribble compared to that!”
That had everyone laughing, and my disclaimer didn’t help. “Well I’m not a horse – I don’t need to come like that! I mean, you know, not that I could if I wanted to.”
Ron nodded. “Yeah, we’re pretty pitiful compared to that. Most men average only about a teaspoon or so of cum per shot, give or take.” He realized everyone was staring at him. “What? It’s not like I went around the gym collecting samples and measuring or anything – I read it somewhere! Jeez!” He shook his head as everyone laughed at him now instead of me.
“But the question is, does he get pleasure from it?” Pops was picking up where he’d left off, still apparently driving toward some obscure point – or at least it was obscure to the rest of us! “Tiff, without anthropomorphizing too much, does Achilles seem to enjoy it?”
She frowned. “Well, I don’t know that ‘enjoy’ is the right word. It does do something good for him; he’s always much more relaxed and content afterwards. You know, happier - much easier to get along with.”
I laughed. “Well now that I can relate to! Does he like a cigarette after?”
Pops chuckled. “So anyhow, we’ve established that there’s this whole wide swath of the natural kingdom – which, remember, includes us – that does all these things for pleasure, or sexual gratification or whatever, and they don’t give a big fat hairy damn who sees them or what anyone thinks about it. There’s film of bonobos…” He paused for a second, and then went on. ”I keep coming back to them because they are about the most purely sexual natural around and because, remember, they share over 97% of their DNA with humans, which should give you a clue here. But in these films several male bonobos will stand and watch one pair having sex – and they may even masturbate as they watch – and then as soon as the male has ejaculated and pulled out, another one will take his place. Sort of a monkey gangbang, or at least monkey sloppy seconds.”
Ronnie nodded sagely. “Yeah -been there, done that!”
That brought down the house, but Pops just looked exasperated. “Ronnie, shut up, will you? You’re stepping on my point here.”
“Ooops, sorry!”
“So as I was saying, it doesn’t faze them to have sex right out there in the open, or in the middle of their group. Or Tiff’s horse, Achilles – he just shoots his wad right in the middle of the corral, and it makes him happy, and he doesn’t give a cuckolds brownie who sees him. So what is it that naturals have that we don’t? Or, conversely, what is it that we have that naturals don’t have? What is it that makes us humans and them dumb naturals?”
Nobody answered immediately, then Nick finally said “You mean besides opposable thumbs? I don’t know. iPods, maybe?”
That earned him a laugh, and also brought forth guesses ranging from clothes to cars to pets. Ronnie, god love him, guessed online porn. Tiff guessed language, which I also thought was a pretty good answer, but it wasn’t what Pops was looking for. I had a pretty good idea what he was driving at, but everyone was having a little fun so I stayed silent.
When things quieted down, I said “I don’t know. How about saying we have a sense of self-awareness, or maybe embarrassment?”
He smiled, then touched his nose with his finger and pointed at me. “Bingo! I was going to say a sense of shame, or maybe guilt, but call it embarrassment, morality, whatever you want to call it; it amounts to the same thing. We possess this deep sense of ourselves - so yes, self-awareness is the cornerstone – but we have this moral underpinning that tells us how we should behave, and what society expects and demands of us. We’ve been building it into our psyches for tens of thousands of years, refining and adjusting as needed, but we have to have it; morality, a sense of right and wrong, is the only thing that allows a society to exist. Without it there would be anarchy.”
I shook my head. “I’m not so sure everyone has it Pops.”
He nodded. “You’re right, but ideally the ones that don't are called 'inmates'. They’re the outliers of society that need to be separated from it. But the problem is how badly the rest of us, the ones that do possess a conscience, or a sense of shame, use it to *** ourselves unnecessarily.”
Kristi looked at him. “I think I know what you mean. The naturals do what their instincts tell them to do, while we have to weigh every move against what we’ve trained ourselves to believe.”
“Well, yeah, that – but why do we do that? If we’re consenting adults, old enough and smart enough to live our lives and make our decisions, why should we feel shame if we choose to do something that “society” – at which point he made air quotes -“does not approve of? We’re all intelligent, adult, sentient beings, right? Well, most of us at least.” He looked pointedly at Ronnie, which made Kori laugh. He and Pops had been sparring all evening, good-naturedly, and actually seemed to be enjoying each other.
I shrugged. “I don’t think I can set aside a lifetime of living by a certain set of rules quite that easily. I mean, I can tell myself I’m not doing anything wrong, but some part of me will still know. I can’t just change overnight.”
Pops shook his head. “No, you can’t. Nobody can, but of this group I get the sense that maybe you of all of us would have the hardest time. I saw it the first time we met, in the cafe. But for each of us it’s very ingrained in our being; like I said, we have to have it. But we can learn to stop beating ourselves up over it and enjoy each other, maybe even without guilt, or embarrassment, or offense, or shame. Maybe - I don’t know – it’s up to each of us individually how we conduct ourselves, but also to each of us not to judge the others and try to humiliate them for what they do – or don’t do.”
Ronnie shrugged. “Permisterally, I enjoy a little offense from time to time.”
Pops laughed. “Good for you – and I can see where you might. But don’t be embarrassed about that.”
Ron also laughed. “Don’t be embarrassed about being humiliated – seems like an oxymoron.”
I shook my head. “It seems like moral relativism to me.”
Pops nodded. “Oh, it is – but for consenting adults, and only when everyone is on board and no innocent bystanders get hurt. See what I’m saying?”
I shrugged. “I guess. I’ll have to think about it.”
“Thinking about it is the problem, Adam.” He fixed his dark eyes on me, unblinking, staring steadily but not unkindly. I had the sense that maybe most of this conversation had been directed at me, that he had been trying to figure out how to reach inside of me and turn me inside out, to impart some special wisdom to me. He went on. “Take you and Kristi and Lee, and what happened between the three of you the other night; did you all have a good time?”
“Yeah, I guess.”
“You guess? You don’t know? Did it feel good, was it exciting?”
“I suppose so.” I could see that my answer still did not satisfy him.
“Adam, did anyone get hurt? Did you enjoy seeing your lady having a good time? Could any one of you have stopped it at any time just by saying no, or even just gotten up and walked away?”
I shrugged again. “Sure, I suppose. Nobody really got hurt by it.”
He chuckled. Everyone else was just watching us, Kristi and Kori in particular studying my face as he quizzed me. “So, had you been able to just relax and enjoy it, without feeling obligated to flagellate yourself over it and tear yourself all up inside, would you have found it to be an intensely exciting and totally enjoyable experience?”
He was right – it had mostly been that already. Only my own insecurity and sense of shame had made it painful, but all in all it had been very sensual and exciting. “No, I know. You’re right, OK? It just isn’t that easy.”
“It’s only as hard as you make it.”
I nodded. “Yeah, well, turns out that's pretty hard. You’ve given me – all of us, actually – a lot to think about. Do you think you could magictize me and make me think I’m one of those sex monkeys for the rest of the week?”
That made everyone laugh, and eased the tension which had been building up since Pops had gotten so serious. He shook his big head. “Apes – bonobos, actually, not monkeys. And we could try – or you could just channel your inner satyr. Besides, you wouldn’t want to be a bonobo; they have long cocks, but really skinny, like a pencil. They do have huge balls like you though.”
“Hah! You should talk, Mandingo!”
That brought another round of laughter, and seemed to be a good point to end the conversation. When it had again settled down, Nick grunted. “Huh! Well, as fascinating as all this has been – and by fascinating I mean incredibly weird – it’s getting pretty late. We should probably think about getting the kids back to the boat and into bed.” He looked down the beach toward them. “Think I’ll walk down and see how they’re doing; Adam you want to join me?”
I was surprised by the invitation, but rose to my feet and brushed sand and grit off my ass. “Sure, I could stand to stretch my legs.” I bent down and kissed Kristi’s soft, inviting lips. “Back in a few babe – try not to miss me too much.” She just gave me one of those smiles, full of promise and mystery.
Posts: 14692
WOW - it's about all I can say 
Posts: 111
Stormy, Once again or maybe I should say still your character building and interaction is outstanding. The story line is not only outstanding but realistic. Many of us have had occasion to sit around a fire at night and the conversation get creative and topics kind develop. Sometimes it is just BS and sometimes "weird", but frequently memorable. You continue to build Pops character. Through Pops you gave Adam and maybe us a lot to think about and consider. What a Great Vacation! JJ.
Posts: 1459
Thanks Timmy!
jj, I was hoping there would be some other dedicated campfire-sitters out there that could relate to the typical offbeat conversation that so often accompanies night, fire, holy water, and good friends. I can't even tell you the number of nights I've sat with family, friends, or even just one good buddy, around a crackling fire from sundown until late at night when only embers are left. A million stars in the sky above and the scent of wood smoke (especially pine) never fails to evoke some very powerful and very fond memories for me - not that I don't expect to do it again!! Thanks for the comment.
Earlier I asked that if anyone noticed any more missing segments, they let me know. Thanks to Northern32 for spotting another major loss, the posts back between Aug. 14th, about when I was taking a brief break, until about Sept. 16th. The story jumps from our friends swimming ashore for the picnic,to where Adam is carrying Faith back after she hurts her foot, and include the part where Adam is teaching her how to skip stones. I have the missing segments - except for the very first one after they come ashore, I think. For some mysterious reamister (probably because I forgot to save or accidently deleted) I do not have that one.
If anyone can help me out, I will try to jump into some of my comments back there and edit in the missing segments. I'd sure appreciate it. Northern, thanks again!
Posts: 1459
My deepest thanks again to Northern, for finding and making me aware of the missing posts, and to jjthom as well for supplying me with the chapter I was somehow missing. I have replaced the missing posts, which I probably would not have done if I'd had to re-write it! Thanks again guys, it is appreciated.
Posts: 1459
Side by side we started to slowly stroll down the shore toward the other fire. I could only see three forms silhouetted against the low flames, but was confident that all four of them were still there. Nick glanced back over his shoulder. “That Pops is sure something! He’s not at all the way I had him figured.”
I agreed. “Yeah, he turned out not to fit my first impression very well either. But you don’t really tend to expect a guy like him to be masquerading as a short-order cook.”
He chuckled. “True! Did he used to be a college professor or something? He seems to be somewhere between philosopher, sociologist, and biologist.”
I shook my head. “Not that I know of – and he can go on like that on a bunch of different topics. Tiff says he has tons of books and magazines he reads, and documentary type videos and stuff, and that he just has a huge appetite for knowledge – among other things.”
He laughed again. “Yep, we got to witness that first-hand at dinner time – although you seemed to hold your own pretty well.”
“Hey, I was hungry! And the food was really good; I don’t usually eat like that.” We walked in silence then for a brief stretch, just gradually ambling along. When he spoke next he had made an abrupt change of course in the conversation.
“I suppose he’s really well-hung?”
It was an assumption phrased as a question, and it caught me off-guard. “Uhh…” I laughed. “Are we basing that on the usual racial stereotypes?”
He smiled, nodding. “Probably, at least in part. We do love our stereotypes, but that's because they so often contain a grain of truth – but also, my wife seems to have a sixth sense for finding well-hung guys, and she focused right in on him. She loves a big cock, and even better if it’s a big black one – and I’m not giving away secrets; she’d be the first to admit it. So…?”
“Yeah, well…I know you’re aware that we were pretty much all going naked on the boat before you and the kids showed up, right?” He nodded, and I went on. “So yes, I can pretty much confirm your wife’s instincts. I’ve never seen a bigger cock on a human being – not that I’ve made a study of it or anything; oh, and by the way, as far as stereotypes go he says that particular one is one that black guys don’t really mind – unless they’re unusually small.”
He laughed. “Yeah, the whole black stud mystique, right? I know what you mean about not studying cocks too, but they come in all kinds of sizes and colors, and you can’t help but notice. I spent enough years living with guys to know, in barracks, tents, in the field, whatever – and there are always those guys that seem to want to show it off and flop it around in your face – but even when they don’t, curiosity makes you take a peek.” He glanced sideways at me. “I’d also take a guess that you got more than your fair share in that department, right?”
“Jeez Nick!” I looked at him, wondering where he was going with this line of questions, but then shrugged. “I mean, yeah, I guess so, or so I’ve been told. I can’t complain.”
He nodded. “Yeah, I figured; Alisha had you picked out too – it seems her big cock radar seldom fails. It’s an unusual but useful s*******. She can’t explain it, but I figure there must be some subtle difference in the way a guy walks when he’s got a couple pounds of meat between his legs. She picks up on something, that’s for sure.”
“Doesn’t that bother you, that she seems to spot that – and then goes after the guys?”
“Nah, not anymore. It was a little weird at first.”
I nodded. “I suppose, given the lifestyle you’ve led, that you’d have to get used to it.”
He smiled, nodding. “Yeah. Hey listen, about that…” We paused, still slightly less than half way to the other fire. There was a large boulder sticking up out of the ground near where we had stopped, and I leaned one hip against it. He turned and leaned his back against it so that his right side was toward me. “I know you probably think it’s a weird choice, for both of us to fuck around on each other – but really, we’re good people – or we feel like we are.”
I shrugged. “Nick, maybe a few months ago I might have been shocked – or at least surprised. I mean, I guess I knew it happens, that it goes on out there, but I had no real experience with it outside of me and Izzy. Now…” I shrugged again. “Well, my best buddy and his sweetheart of a wife tell me they are avid swingers – that’s Ron and Kori, by the way – and that actually it’s mostly about Kori getting laid and that Ronnie is something of a submissive… I don’t know, something. He likes to watch, and apparently is into mild offense. Then there are my neighbors across the street, who have recently decided that they are going down that path too, but even more so because Rick, the husband, seems to want to be seriously humiliated and ordered around like a slave, and Sue is more than happy to oblige him with other male lovers…” I hesitated to say more for fear of revealing that I’d taken part in their games, even to the point of Rick sucking my cock. “Well, actually it’s all kind of permisteral, but when a guy gets off by having his wife tell him how inadequate he is and making fun of his dinky package, and making him lick her lovers’ balls, to me that’s kind of out there. It makes you and Alisha seem pretty tame by comparimister.”
He laughed. “That’s good to know. We have our boundaries, and we’re careful to keep it away from the kids, you know. For us it's all about pleasure and sharing, and like Pops talked about, it’s a decision we made as intelligent, consenting adults and it works for us. We have a small group of couples – and a few single guys, for obvious reamisters – that gets together once a month for a night of fun and games. We rotate it from house to house, and when it’s our turn to host the kids go and stay with their grandparents – my parents, that is; Alisha’s adoptive parents were quite a bit older and they have both passed – or else the kids spend the night with my sister.”
I nodded. “Yeah, she mentioned that her parents had died. I’m glad to hear that you keep your kids totally of it. It sounds like an interesting group to belong to though; you ever have any problems with it?”
He shook his head. “No, not really – but we vet everyone pretty closely and we all try to accept each other for what we are.” He chuckled. “There are a few odd kinks and fetishes in the group, but that’s probably true of any given group of people, if we ever knew all the details about others. Sharing all of our innermost secrets really seems to have drawn all of us much closer as friends, if you can believe that.”
I put my hand on his shoulder, feeling a kinship with him because of the way he had spoken so openly about their lives. “It makes sense Nick. You all probably see each other more clearly the way you really are. I mean, I don’t know, I’m not nearly as smart as Pops, but if you are open like that and you can all see that none of the others are perfect either, it just seems like everyone making themselves that vulnerable and trusting each other in that way would break down some major emotional barriers.”
He nodded. “Yeah, it does – inevitably, I suppose, in retrospect - but it initially came as a pleasant surprise to us.”
I went on. “Of course, all it would take is one real asshole to totally screw it up for everyone.”
“Yeah, true - which brings me to where I was headed. We were talking – me and ‘Lish, that is – and we wanted to invite you and Kristi and Ron and Kori to maybe come down and join us next month – if you want to. I mean, it's less than a hundred miles, so you live close enough. Maybe your other neighbors, too, they sound like fun people. Sue and…Rick, was it?” I nodded. “Yep, we could always use another male submissive slave type. You can never have too many of those.”
I laughed. “I’ll bear that in mind. I don’t know, Nick. It sounds like fun, but really Kristi is way more into it than I am; she’s much more interested in having other male partners to spice up her life than I am in fucking a bunch of different women.”
“I understand; actually, we’re pretty much the same way, but think about it, OK?”
“I’m sure I will. Anyway, I’m gone a lot, including every other weekend, so it would depend on timing.” There was another question bugging me, so I pitched it out there. “How can you be sure one of us wouldn’t be the monkey wrench in the works that messed everything up and spoiled the, you know, group chemistry?”
He grinned. “I'm not worried about any of you, but the truth is, we can’t be – that’s why we all get together for dinner ahead of time somewhere when there’s any newbie joining the group and we all get to know each other. If at the end of dinner you’re not voted in, you don’t get the invite to the ball – or, you can choose to pass if it doesn’t feel right to you for any reamister. That way everyone can just walk out of the restaurant and go whichever way and nobody's feelings get hurt, so it’s not so uncomfortable for anyone. We seem to have pretty good instincts so far, but there’s always a risk involved. Oh, and by the way, you’d all have to have your shot records.”
When I just looked at him, baffled by what he meant, he laughed. “Medical records and recent red tests – we’d need to know you’re all clean, for obvious reamisters.”
“Oh, well, that’s both logical and reassuring! You should probably get your wife to talk to Kristi about it and explain how it works – or maybe not, since both of them are apparently the ones that are more into it. We just get dragged along despite ourselves because we love 'em, right?”
He smiled and nodded. “Yeah – although I will admit, I’ve come to really enjoy it too.” he looked away across the water, frowning and biting his lip slightly. I could see that he wanted to say something and was hesitating. Given what we had just been discussing, I couldn’t imagine what else he could possibly want to say that he would find difficult to express, so I just stood and waited, giving him time.
Posts: 1459
He looked at me, away again and then back at my face. “Listen Adam, I’m going to say something that’s probably going to surprise you, but try to keep an open mind and hear me out, OK?”
I shrugged. “Ok, sure.”
He sighed, and then took the plunge. “I’ve pretty much decided that I’m bi." He was watching me for a reaction, and when I didn’t immediately say anything, he felt he needed to clarify. “Bi-sexual, Adam; I’ve decided I’m bi-sexual."
“No, Nick, I know what bi means – I mean, I knew what you meant; you were right though, I am a little surprised.” Truth was, you could have knocked me over with a feather! I laughed. “One thing though; the way I understand it, I don’t think you can decide you’re bi, you either are or you aren’t. I think it’s like the whole gay/lesbian thing; I could no more decide that I was gay and just become gay than I could decide I could fly and suddenly start fluttering around.”
He laughed. “Picturesque analogy. I probably didn’t phrase that very well. I should have maybe said that I’ve discovered that I’m bi, or maybe that I’ve finally realized it and acknowledged it.” He looked at me. “So…?”
I was not at all sure what was expected of me, and thus had no idea how to respond to him. I shrugged, shaking my head at the same time. “So? I mean, what do you care what I think?”
He regarded me seriously for a moment, our eyes searching each other’s to try to find something we could connect on. Finally he shrugged, more or less mimicking what I had done. “I don’t know, to tell you the truth. I guess I just sort of had the sense that of our little fireside group of friends, you were the closest thing to…normal, I guess. I figured if you reacted positively then the rest would probably deal with it OK too.”
“Well, in the first place, Pops could probably give you at least an hour long dissertation on what’s normal, what’s not, and why, so that’s probably a moot point. But second, why do we have to deal with it at all? I mean, it really is none of our concern.”
He frowned. “Well, if you were going to join our little group, for instance…”
“Oh! Oh yeah, of course!” I laughed. “I suppose that would be a rude shock if a couple was engaged in something and you just joined in and did…well, whatever it is that you do.” I had finished weakly, not quite sure to go with that statement once I had started, but he took it in stride, laughing to ease my embarrassment.
“Adam, I just do what feels good, and whatever my partner - or partners, as the case may be - agree to. It’s really not that different than what you do with a woman; you try to bring each other pleasure and enjoy the experience together. You ever try it?”
“Uhhh, no, not really. Maybe a little experimentation when I was a kid – you know, the sharing a dirty magazine and a little mutual jerking off with a friend thing – but nothing serious.” Again I didn’t tell him about Rick; I was still embarrassed and maybe a little ashamed of how easily that had happened. “Nick, the truth is I’m not all that comfortable with it. I understand what you’re saying about mutual pleasure, but women are always the first thing that pops into my head when I think about that. Sorry.”
He laughed. “Don’t be; we are what we are. It’s too bad though.” He hesitated for a moment, then looked at me again. "I don't suppose you have any idea how Pops might feel about it..?"
I didn’t ask him to elaborate on why it was too bad, probably because I would not have known how to deal with whatever he might say. Instead, I chuckled. "Oh yeah, that's right! Alisha did extend the invite to him for tonight, didn't she?" I shook my head. "No, I'm not sure, except that I think, from what I've seen and heard, that he will be fine with you, uhh, y'know, touching him. I have no idea if he'll, umm, return the favor. It seems unlikely."
He nodded. "Yeah, that's more common than you'd think - but it's OK. I just want to be able to share the experience with 'Lish."
"Speaking of her Nick, what did your wife think about your newly discovered leanings?"
He smiled. “She saw it before I did. She realized that I wanted to try it, to experiment, as you called it, and to play a little. She’s always known she was bi, and she encouraged me to try it, even going so far as to help line up my first time with her and another guy that she knew had similar feelings. It was…incredibly exciting. I was hooked.”
"Isn't it funny how two women going at it together is so much more acceptable? I mean, we enjoy that, and that can be beautiful, right?"
He nodded. "Oh, it is, no doubt! I guess that's one of those shame and guilt things Pops was talking about, right? Us guys just have more of that baggage to overcome."
We had started walking again, slowly strolling on down toward the fire. It had burned low while we had stood talking, but as we got nearer I could see that Faith had her head resting in Grace’s lap, and that Grace and Trell were quietly chatting as Samuel poked at the fire with a stick. I glanced at Nick. “Hey, listen; I’m sure that everyone would be cool with this, so don’t worry. Hell, Kori and Kristi would be fascinated, Ronnie would want to know more, and as far as Sue and Rick…” I paused. “Hell, I don’t know them all that well, but you might just be their dream date – especially if you’re hung.”
He laughed. “Long-average, I suppose. And you? You’re missing a whole new world of sensual delights, you know that, right?”
I had to laugh too. “Hell Nick, maybe by the time I get to be your age I’ll be ready for that. Right now I’ve got all I can handle while I continue to explore the old world of sensual delights – you know, the female one; I can’t say I’m not enjoying it, but it’s a full-time job.”
He nodded, chuckling. “Yeah, I suppose for you it would be. Well, just keep it in mind, and if you ever change your mind remember that there’s a wily old veteran that would be happy to lead you down the primrose path. I promise I’d be gentle.”
Startled, I glanced quickly at him and saw the playful twinkle in his eye. I pretended to wince and shy away from him. “Well, now that’s the stuff nightmares are made of! Do you have any idea how hard it will be for me to forget you ever said that? Jeez!”
He laughed. “Good! I don’t want you to forget it. Now come on, help me fetch my kids.”
Posts: 158
Stormy, Great new addition , I for one missed your stories over the thanksgiving break. Glad to have you back.. watcherdoit4fun
Posts: 492
You just keep opening different doors, don't you Stormy? Now we have a swinger's party to look forward to somewhere down the road. Although.................since we've been on this boat for what seems like two years now, that party may not happen until the year 2020. Not that I'm complaining, you know how much I enjoy this story.  Excellent writing as always, thank you. TrF2
Posts: 111
Stormy, Great segment! You are creating some deep soul searching and uncomfortable thoughts, both in your characters and I’ll bet many readers including myself. I suspect many of us would rather avoid these thoughts. I read this segment this morning and have been in thought since. I just reread the segment before responding. I feel I know Kristi’s reaction, but I know better than to second guess your direction. Your talent for character build and bring each to life is outstanding. I look forward to each additional chapter with great anticipation. Thanks for writing! JJ.
Posts: 158
Forgot to tell you thanks from my wife too. Like I have said before, we like to read your story together before bed. Interestingly it has given us a chance to bounce ideas and to discuss our thoughts about why we are so screwed It doesn't hurt that we both have thought ourselves as amateur marriage counselors .
Thanks for opening the door wider.h watcherdoit4fun
Posts: 4050
You are pushing the envelope and I applaud you for it. Nice work.
Posts: 1459
Watcher, I'm glad that you and your wife can enjoy the stories together. To the extent that they play a part, I'm happy to contribute to your love life! Thnaks for all of your nice comments!
Trf2, I know it has gone on...and on. If this seemed like it might be a set-up for a sequel, well, who knows? Thanks again for your support!
jj and GH, you both touch on the same thing. It does raise some interesting questions, and introduce a few things which, strictly speaking, are not about cuckoldry. But then again, any non-standard sexual activity (I hesitate to use the word perversion) always seems to be a gateway into something more. Not sure where this will go, but I wanted to explore it a little bit. Hope you'll explore with me - and give me your thoughts! Thanks for the comments. ______________________________________________________________________
As we walked up to the fire Nick spoke softly to the kids. “Hey guys, it’s time to start heading back to the boat, it’s getting awfully late.”
The only objection came from Samuel. “Awww, already? Can’t we stay out later?”
“No, I don’t think so mister, everyone is getting tired; look at your sister, she’s sound arelax.”
He was right; Faith was out like a light. I looked at Samuel. “Yeah Samuel, we have to get going, and Kristi said she wanted to be sure to tell you goodnight before she left.”
He brightened considerably. “Really?”
“You bet!”
He threw the stick he had been using to poke at the fire into the flames and headed up the beach toward the distant camp with considerably alacrity, practically bounding over any obstacle that stood in his way. Nick, Grace, and Trell all laughed as they watched him recede into the distance. Nick nudged me. “That was a dirty trick!”
I laughed. “Nah, I was just trying to give him a little incentive to head back. Besides, Kristi thrives on attention from men, so she’ll be flattered by it.” Nick chuckled. “I hope so. He can be a little obnoxious when his hormones are pumping.”
“Hey, I have to put up with men ogling her all the time; the least I can do is put it to constructive use occasionally. I’m sure she can handle him.”
Grace joined in. “Yeah, but you don’t know my brother! He’s like a human boner when he doesn’t get to jerk off at least twice a day!”
Nick tried to act stern and admonish her. “Grace, that’s no way to talk about your brother! He can’t help it, it’s a part of growing up.” Due to the fact that he barely succeeded in getting the words out as he fetishd back his laughter, I knew that Grace did not take his words very seriously.
“Seriously Dad, he spends half his life with a boner! That thing is always sticking out, and he’s always touching himself – it’s gross!”
“Gracie!” Still chuckling, he turned to me. “I apologize for my flower; she can be a little graphic at times.”
I laughed. “Hey, what’s the fun of having siblings if you can’t pick on each other, right?” I looked at Grace. “Oh, and don’t worry Grace, in a few more years those boners of his will slack off to only about forty percent of the time instead of half – right Trell?”
He looked startled. “Uhh, maybe we should leave me out of it…”
That got a laugh from all three of us, even though I saw Nick give him a dark glance. Grace squeezed his arm. “Come on, we’ll go back and help Kristi. Sam will probably be humping her leg before we can get there.”
Nick slapped his hand over his face in exasperation. “Grace! For Pete’s sake, quit! Here, I’ll take your sister so you can go.”
Before he reached out, I stepped forward. “I’ll take her.”
He looked at me. “Are you sure? She’s starting to get pretty big.”
“No problem – besides, me and her are buddies, remember?” I bent down and took her from Grace, expecting her to wake up during the transfer, but when I held her to my chest she slipped her arms around my shoulders and buried her face into my neck, breathing as deeply and evenly as before. She didn’t even whimper. I saw Nick watching me, and I raised my eyebrow. “Wow, she’s really out!”
He nodded. “Yeah, she’s a good relaxer. The world could end, and she’d miss it. Listen, let me know if she gets too heavy, OK?”
“She’s fine, Nick. And besides, you can do this anytime – how often am I going to get the chance?”
He nodded, his face softening. “Yeah, they’re something, aren’t they?”
He turned to leave, but I stopped him. “Shouldn’t we do something about the fire?”
He glanced at the low flames and then at me, and laughed. “What are you worried about catching on fire - the lake, the sky, or the rocks?”
I looked around, realizing he was right, and laughed. “Good point – just an old habit of mine, I guess.”
“No problem; it’s probably a good instinct. Here…” he stepped forward and kicked some of the larger pieces out of the stack, spreading them around on the rock. “There, now those will burn out and some of the wood will still be around for the next guy. Good enough?”
I shrugged gently, mindful of Faith. “Sure. Shall we….?” We turned and began to slowly make our way back toward the rest of the group. Trell and Grace were ahead of us by forty or fifty yards, walking slowly with his arm around her shoulders and hers around his waist. If Nick noticed – and I’m sure he did, as he seems to be almost preternaturally observant – he did not seem to be overly perturbed by it. I was mindful of the footing, but not overly worried about it despite my extra load. I have spent most of my life walking, climbing, and scrambling around on loose and irregular surfaces, so much so that even in the dark I was not concerned about falling.
We strolled in silence for a minute or so before I spoke to him – softly so as not to disturb the relaxing young. “Nick, can I ask you a question?”
He glanced at me, nodding. “Sure – but speak up a little. You won’t wake her with anything less than a marching band.”
I laughed. “When did you first realize that you…you know, what we were talking about before?”
“”What, that I was bi? You can say it Adam, I’m already aware of it and she’s sound arelax.”
“OK, yeah – when did the little AC/DC light bulb first start to flicker for you?”
He laughed, but shook his head. “I don’t know. Probably quite a while ago, I started to have these longings and could never quite figure it out. But as far as when I first decided that I had to do something, or try to figure things out or whatever, maybe about three years or so ago. After I was out of the Army, if that’s what you’re wondering.”
“Yeah, I guess I was. That would have been awkward, it seems to me.”
He chuckled. “Yeah, awkward - at a minimum! I’m sure it happens, but most of my guys I’d known forever, we’d fought and red together. We loved each other of course, but not like that!”
“I figured. So how did you go about it, that first time? I mean, you know…”
He thought for a moment as we wandered along. “Well, that’s where ‘Lish came in. We had been with guys - you know, guys in our little group – that she knew were a little more adventurous than others. It just started with a little touching, a little of that unavoidable contact that two guys playing with one woman tend to run into, and expanded from there.” He paused, and then shrugged. “She encouraged us, more or less led us by the hand. I don’t really remember any one big watershed moment. By the time we moved on to touching each other intentionally, to all three of us making love together instead of two on one, it all just seemed to be very natural.”
“Mmm-hmm. If you say so.”
He laughed. “You’re such a jerk!”
That made me laugh too. “Yeah I know, that’s what everyone says.” I stopped for a moment and he did too, the two of us facing each other just a couple of feet apart. “Nick, I’m still not really sure why you decided to tell me all that, or even how I feel about it, but I do appreciate your honesty and your trust. How could you be sure I wasn’t one of those real homophobic kinds of guys that might take a swing at you or something?”
“You don’t strike me as the type. Besides, I can take care of myself – if you had tried anything stupid like that you might have gotten hurt pretty badly.”
That brought me up short, remembering his background. I nodded. “Good point – I’d kind of forgotten about that.” We started walking again. We were almost back to our starting point, and could hear the others conversing in low tones. Samuel had found himself a comfortable spot beside Kristi, who had her arm over his shoulders protectively. It was beginning to get quite cool, and a breeze off the lake made it even more so; they may have been huddling together for warmth! Grace and Trell had gone on past our fire and were standing in the shadows at the far limits of the flickering firelight holding hands and talking.
Nick put his hand on my arm. “As far as why I told you…” He paused. “Well, you can tell your friends about it – or not, as you see fit. I just thought that if you all wanted to maybe try out our little club, maybe you should know in advance, just to know a little more about the way we are. We’re all very open and accepting. If you decide not…” he shrugged “...well, I guess it’s still up to you.”
He stuck out his hand and I took it, each of us squeezing the other’s hand as we shook in understanding of what had passed between us. As he released his grip on my hand he turned toward the group around the fire. “Well, come on kids; let’s get you back to the boat so you can get to bed while I come back for the rest of our friends!”
Alisha rose to her feet and began to tell everyone goodnight, ushering Samuel ahead of her toward where the boat was beached. He had given up his seat with Kristi very reluctantly, and at the moment had forgotten to keep his hands in front of his groin, where his erection made the front of his baggy swimsuit stand out noticeably. Grace left her chat with Trell without argument as she turned to join her family, and he followed her down toward the shore, still holding one of her hands. They seemed to have developed quite a close friendship in a very short time!
As Grace drew close to her brother, she bent and whispered something in his ear; he looked startled first, embarrassed second, and quickly folded his hands over his stiff and irrepressible penis. I laughed softly, shaking my head. At least she had refrained from publicly humiliating the poor kid, which for her was probably a major concession. Little did Samuel know that Kristi would only have taken his arousal as a compliment, especially as it came from a much younger man! Oh well, I had a pretty good idea what he would be doing later!
Once Alisha had gotten herself settled on-board the boat, I stepped into the water and passed her still-relaxing flower into her arms. Faith barely stirred during this second transfer, and Alisha smiled at me. “Thank you for carrying her back so carefully. She must be exhausted, she slept right through it!”
I laughed. “Sure wish I could relax like that! It’s like she’s been haveged or something. She’s sure a sweetheart – all of your kids are great, you must be a good mom.”
“Thanks Adam, what a nice thing to say! They are good kids – most of the time!” She laughed, then grew serious. “Will we be seeing all of you again?”
I looked into her eyes, and found myself very much hoping that we would all be seeing each other again. “Probably. We live close, and I’m sure everyone will be interested in what Nick told me. We’ll see, but I expect so.”
She smiled. “Good! Hey, how about for breakfast – you could all come over to our boat, since Nick will have to run Pops back at some point anyhow…”
I nodded. “I’m sure I can talk the others into that, especially if you’re holding Pops hostage. We’ve kind of gotten spoiled already, with him cooking for us. He’s very good.”
She smiled slowly, a combination of seduction and lasciviousness. “Mmm, I’m counting on that!”
I laughed at her double-entendre, realizing that is exactly what Kristi would have said. “I have a hunch that Pops has no idea what he’s gotten himself into!”
The others – Samuel, Nick, and Grace – had gotten into the boat by now, and Ronnie, Kori, and the rest of my group were passing some of their food and other supplies to them to take back to the houseboat. Nick was stowing things away, but stopped long enough to say “Just the food and take stuff for now, leave the grill and other equipment and I’ll come get it in the morning. We’re going to move on tomorrow, but that stuff is safe here overnight.”
As we pushed them off the beach and out into the water, but before he fired up the small outboard, he said “Figure out who’s next, I should be back in a few minutes.” With that he started the motor and soon had the small Zodiac pulled up alongside their big boat. We gathered up our stuff as he off-loaded his family, and he was soon back with us at the shore. Kori, Ron, Tiff, and Trell were the next load, with Kristi and me opting to swim back together. I’m not sure she really wanted to, but she chose to stay with me and do it anyhow, for which I was grateful; not that I mind swimming alone, but her company is always welcome.
Pops remained with us, waiting for Nick to come and take him back to their boat. It was pretty obvious that Nick had planned it to give Alisha time to get the kids bedded down before Pops showed up, but I had to wonder how much they actually already knew. Kids can be surprisingly perceptive sometimes! Then I remembered how soundly Faith slept, and that Samuel would no doubt be otherwise occupied and, when finished, very probably *** himself. Grace was likely the only one that would ever be aware of Pops’ presence onboard, and I had a sneaking suspicion that she might have a few plans of her own!
I looked at him. “Well, sounds like one of us has a fun night planned!”
He laughed, a low grumble deep in his chest. “I’m looking forward to it!”
“I’m sure you are.” I searched his eyes for a moment, wondering if I should say anything about Nick. “Uhh, I hope you’re very open-minded.”
He laughed, slapping me on the shoulder. “Adam my friend, I am, on things of a sexual nature, very much a libertine!”
I nodded. “Well, good. I’m not really sure exactly what that means, but it sounds promising.”
He laughed as Kristi crossed to him and leaned against his bulky form suggestively. “And here I was hoping to have you for myself tonight! I guess I should have spoken up sooner.”
That was news to me! I wondered when she had planned to break it to me, but Pops took it in stride. “I’m glad you didn’t! That would have been a very tough call to make, but now I’m committed. Any chance I can get a rain check? We do have a couple more nights together, if I remember correctly.”
Kristi practically rubbed herself against him. “Mmmm, I suppose – if she doesn’t completely wear you out.” Her hand dropped to the front of his shorts and closed around his cock, which she’d had no problem locating. She released him long enough to slide his zipper down. “How about a brief taste of what you’re going to be missing out on?”
He looked at me, and I shrugged, knowing that she was teasing me as much as him. He nodded, and she reached in and lifted out his long, dark cock, which looked as if it was already thickening with arousal.
Posts: 14692
This story is getting better and better with every twist and turn in the story. Thanks Stormy for taking it up again.
Posts: 111
Stromy, We all have a tendency to stay in our comfort zone myself included. Those who do venture out experience some of life’s great adventures. I am enjoying the story and think exploring is great. If we go way back to Sue and Rick there were moments where Adam was uncomfortable with Rick. Then there was the point with Ranger Lee and Kristi. This is all part of the character build that makes your stories great. As long as we are looking back at character build Adam as the By Scout protecting Tommy’s honeymoon with Hannah built Adam's image. All part of the character build by the master writer. Never fear, I am going to read along where you take us. Getting out of the comfort zone for a little exploration works for me. You and GH have both caused some deep thought in recent weeks. JJ.
Posts: 1459
Thanks Timmy - I couldn't just leave the gang stranded on the boat now, could I? I've been enjoying your caps, they're edgy, a little twisted, delightfully cruel; in short, all kinds of good stuff! You are one sick man, and we all applaud you for that!
jj, thanks. Glad it hasn't scared you off. Try to avoid too much of that deep thinking though - I know it always makes my head hurt when I do that!
Posts: 1459
Nick had swung around to the low platform on the back of our boat to make it easier for them to transfer from the low Zodiac to our deck, and so was out of sight from our angle on the shore. When we heard him cut the throttle we knew they had drawn in to the bigger boat. As the motor cut off, Kristi glanced out toward our boat momentarily before returning her attention to her new find. We had a combination of flickering firelight, some dim light from the houseboats reflecting across the water, and a fairly big bright moon – not totally full, but only a few days off - for a light source tonight.
By that light I could see that she had her hand under the base of his shaft, her long, slender fingers wrapped around it as far they would reach, which meant that at the moment her thumb and middle finger just barely met. His dark length rested against her wrist and forearm, and the slenderness of her fingers – and the fact that they were so pale in the dim light as they wrapped around his dark cock – seemed to dramatically emphasize his thickness. Kristi was staring down at what she held in her hand, and when she looked up at me she laughed softly. “Can you believe the size of this thing? That’s just amazing, and it’s not even totally hard!”
I had to smile at her obvious delight. “Well, it’s not like you didn’t already know that! I mean, you had seen it already.” Pops just smiled at her reaction, and then looked at me and wiggled his eyebrows. Apparently he was fairly accustomed to getting this kind of response.
“Yeah, I know, but damn!!” Kristi shook her head as she began to slowly stroke him. He was swollen to the extent that his foreskin had pulled back just enough to expose perhaps a quarter of an inch of his plum-sized glans, and when Kristi, still stroking him with one hand, slowly ran the fingers of her other hand over that sensitive newly exposed portion of his cock he sucked in his breath. I noticed that the tip of his cock now gleamed wetly in the moonlight, her fingers having spread the small seepage of slippery pre-cum over it.
She raised her eyes to meet mine as she suggestively licked the slippery residue from her fingers. “Mmm, wish we had more time. Oh well, I’ll just have to make the best use of the time I have!” With that she dropped to her knees in front of him and ran her tongue up the length of his dangling cock from tip to base. She paused long enough to reach into his open zipper and find his heavy scrotum, carefully pulling his big balls out into the open. It was quite a sight, her kneeling in front of him as his slowly hardening cock and oversized balls protruded through his open fly! She cupped his balls in her hand and slowly slid her lips over the head of his penis, still mostly hooded by dark, soft skin, and I heard him groan as he leaned back, thrusting his hips forward. Kristi let him slip from her lips and laughed, enjoying his response and knowing that she had him, both literally and figuratively, by the balls.
As she looked up at him he reached down and slowly ran the backs of his fingers across her cheek before cupping her chin. "Such a pretty lady."
She smiled up at him. “It’s not too late to change your mind you know.”
He laughed. “You’re such a selfish girl! Gorgeous, incredibly tempting, and with a body men would gladly die for of course, but still, I made a promise - and besides, you have Adam to keep you company.”
She nodded, still smiling. “I know, I was just testing you; I could see the way you were looking at her you know. But since you turned me down so nicely I have to say you passed my little test with flying colors. Still, I do get to play a little…” as she finished speaking she took him back into her mouth, sucking at his cock, which was now almost fully hard. She was slowly stroking him at the same time with her left hand, which by now no longer closed around his harder, thicker shaft, and massaging his heavy ball sack with her right, his big testicles bulging out of her grip.
I was just impressed that he could look into those eyes of hers and still turn her down! It was something I had never been able to do – save that once, when I had been so incredibly, frighteningly angry with her. I leaned close to her. “How does it feel to know you’re just the warm-up act?”
She didn’t miss a stroke – or a suck – instead using her right hand to flip me off while momentarily allowing his big balls to suspend naturally in their fleshy pouch. They hung heavy and low against his tree-trunk thighs, and I got a quick mental image of them swinging back and forth, battering Alisha’s pussy as he dogged her from behind. I had to wonder if she had any real idea what she had set herself up for! Kristi, before returning her hand to his balls, reached back and pulled the string ties on her bikini top, shrugging it off before focusing all of her attention on Pops again. The lighter skin of her perfect breasts glowed in the moonlight, the dark pink peaks of her hard nipples crowning their exquisite shape.
I had been surprised when Kristi had come on to him the way she had, so suddenly and unexpectedly. I don’t know why; I should have expected it by now I suppose, but she had basically promised to be a one-man woman (mine!) for this one day at least! Still, I have to admit that I was rock-hard and throbbing, very aroused myself as I watched her enjoy Pops’ oversized endowment, and in large part it was because I knew that she would be very wet and aroused after her little game! I was fully aware that there was no way she could do what she was doing, with a package as impressive as his, without completely turning herself on in the process.
With him hard and full, near his maximum size, Kristi was doing her best to suck on him but was only able to take the head of his cock and perhaps an inch or two of his thick shaft. She never really has been one that could deep throat a larger cock; not that her oral s*******s aren’t excellent, because they are, but she achieves her goal more through enthusiasm and attention to detail than by any special physical s*******s. The thing that always arouses me the most about the way she does it is her obvious enjoyment of what she’s doing. Her face and chest become flushed with arousal and her nipples get very hard – all of which were in evidence now – and she makes these little aroused sounds, soft moans and groans amidst heavy breathing and around the cock in her mouth. It was easy to hear her pleasure on the quiet lakeshore.
Her enthusiasm was such that I was a little bit concerned that Pops might not be able to hold himself back – although I probably had no reamister for worry, as he seems to be fairly accomplished at sexual matters – but I stepped forward and pulled her hair back from her face, in part to provide a distraction. She paused to look up at me, allowing his huge wet cock to slip from her lips. “What? Are you OK?”
I nodded. “Yeah, I guess I’m fine; just don’t get too carried away, all right? Remember, he has other plans tonight.”
She shook her head, pulling her hair free from my hand. “No, I know. I’m just enjoying it while I can.”
Pops chuckled. “Me too babe, me too! And don’t worry Adam, I’m not about to despoil your lovely lady.”
She leaned back slightly and looked at his sex, and then up at me. “You know, I used to think that you had a pretty big cock. Now I don’t know how I’ll ever be satisfied with that tiny thing again!”
Pops and I both laughed and I nudged her firmly with my knee, almost knocking her off-balance. “You know, I’m sure I have more than my own share of insecurities you could hit me on, but that doesn’t happen to be one of them!”
She slapped my leg, laughing. “I know, you cocky bastard! Now leave me alone so I can focus on the task at hand, OK?” And she did, opening her lips to again take him into her mouth, and in moments was once more deeply immersed in his pleasure – and her own.
Over her soft sounds I heard the outboard motor start again and soon heard it rev up. “I guess Nick got everyone off-loaded; it sounds like he’s on his way back.”
If I had expected them to take notice of my warning and quit what they were doing I was to be disappointed, because neither of them made any move to do so. Kristi gave me a side-long glance, but kept on paying oral tribute to the huge penis she had in her mouth, while its owner simply sighed happily as he softly stroked her golden hair with his thick fingers. Nick homed in on the low fire and soon nosed the boat gently onto the shore just below where we stood.
Hopping out onto the rocky shore he turned to head over toward us, then stopped about ten feet or so away, slightly to the right-rear of Pops as the dim light revealed to him what was going on. To my surprise, he just laughed. “Uh-oh, looks like the party started early! Alisha will be so disappointed that she missed this.”
I started to answer, but Kristi let her new toy slip from her lips with a small slurping pop and beat me to it. “Nah, I was just getting him warmed up for her. Tell her she owes me one!”
Pops turned slightly, as if to say something to Nick, and I saw Nick’s eyes widen as he got his first look at what was displayed between his legs. He whistled a low exclamation point and then looked at me. “Holy cuckolds brownie! I can see you weren’t exaggerating!” He shook his head, chuckling. “I can’t wait to see the look on my wife’s face when she gets her first glimpse of that thing!”
I laughed at his reaction, as did Kristi, but Pops took it gracefully with just a small chuckle and a slight bow. “Thank you, thank you – I raised it myself, from a small, magic black bean to what you see before you today, and I take very good care of it. Now, without further ado, let’s go see what your lovely wife thinks about it, shall we?”
Nick nodded, but he had become distracted by the fact that Kristi was standing and facing him, still topless, her nipples hard and erect. “Those…uhh, those are really lovely – I mean, just gorgeous! How is it that every time I see you, you look more beautiful than the last?”
Kristi gave him her brightest smile, and then stepped to him and molded her body to his in one of those full-body hugs she does so well. “What a gentleman you are – and so handsome and mysterious too! You must have a real way with the ladies.” She raised her face to his and they kissed, a kiss that was something less than hot and passionate, but somehow more than simple friendship as well. It struck me more as a kiss of invitation, a kiss designed to say ‘until we meet again’ – but then, I was probably reading far too much into it. It was, after all, just a brief kiss! I wondered that he was so at ease kissing her, considering that she had just had another man's cock in her mouth, and then realized that I too had become quite accustomed to that - in fact, enjoyed it! The thought that Nick, being bisexual, had no doubt done less masculine things than kiss a woman after she performed fellatio quickly crossed my mind as well.
When their lips separated, Nick smiled and kissed her forehead. “Mmm, nice! Now you have both of us warmed up; I guess ‘Lish owes you another one.” Before pulling away from her, he slid his hand up her ribs and forward to her chest, cupping her small, perfect breast for a moment before moving his palm in a gentle circular motion against her hard nipple. I saw her shiver with the sensation, and heard the shudder in her breath as she quickly sucked in air. He chuckled. “Beautiful, just fucking beautiful!” He shook his head regretfully as he released her, and slapped Pops on the shoulder as he abruptly turned and walked past him. “Come on big guy, let’s go. We don’t want to keep the lady waiting, she might start without us.”
They turned toward the boat, Nick walking slightly ahead and Pops following, still with his enormous erect member jutting out of his pants. He made no effort to tuck it away, perhaps because it would have been very difficult to do in that condition – or maybe because he just didn’t see the sense of putting it away when he knew he’d need it again soon! Nick glanced at it again and shook his head as he walked. “I sure hope she hasn’t bitten off more than she can chew – you know, metaphorically speaking.”
He climbed into the boat and Pops pushed it free of the shore before hopping in as well, once again surprising me with how nimbly he moved his considerable bulk – and this time with the substantial impediment of his cock sticking out in front of him. Nick looked back at us before firing up the motor. “You sure you two don’t want a lift? Wouldn’t take but a couple of seconds to swing by and drop you off.”
Kristi looked at me, and I shrugged as I answered her look. “I think I’ll go ahead and swim, it will clear my head, but you go ahead if you want to. You don’t have to stay on my account.”
She waved him off. “Thanks Nick, but no. We’re gonna stay here for a little bit and enjoy the fire, the quiet, and the stars, then we’ll just swim out. See you for breakfast.” Mischievously, she added “You two have a good time; I fully intend to ask Alisha for a full accounting in the morning! Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!”
They both laughed as Pops turned to look at Nick, who was reaching for the starter. “You’ll be glad to know that that doesn’t eliminate much!”
Kristi, laughing, flipped them off with both hands as he started the motor and they pulled away. Within seconds they were tying up at the big houseboat, and when he cut off the engine the quiet descended over the lake like a blanket.
Posts: 14692
Stormy, another great segment and many thanks for your compliments on my captions.
Posts: 492
Good stuff Stormy, glad to have you back on the boat, you were missed. So let's see, we now have the lineup for the overnight house boat fuck off. In houseboat #1 we have Nick, Alisha and Pops. Pops is swinging a big bat, wonder if Nick will sit out or join in and play? Could get very interesting. On houseboat #2, we have the usual assortment of players, Adam & Kristi, Ronnie and Kori and of course Tiff and Trell. I would have to say that Tiffany has to be extremely horny by now, she might be my dark horse contender to watch for in the night time activities. It may be time for Adam to turn the tables and make Kristi do a little watching for a change, who knows?
Of course, I know that you'll have another sneaky twist or two for us, you always do. Love the story man, thanks for your hard work.
Posts: 4050
Two very sexy segments about nice people that all of us would like to know. Excellent story telling.
Posts: 7
Stormy, I would never have thought that I could become addicted to a story, You are the best. Thanks.
Posts: 3
Posts: 1459
Timmy, thanks for your support - and you are welcome! I see you continue your excellent work on your first love, and I do enjoy it, but I miss your story telling too. Maybe some day, when you're ready, you'll give it another shot. In the meantime, thanks for the caps!
Trf2, thanks. It's good to see that you still, as always, have so many interesting scenarios whirling in your head. It must be a very fun place to live! Thanks for your continuing support and comments, they are appreciated.
GH, thanks. I think I decided to write nice people because it always worked so well for you. They say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, and I hope you will always take it as such!
Ridgerover, thanks. Maybe I should have attached a warning from the Surgeon General, but I didn't know it could become addictive! Fortunately it's easy for me to plead ignorance, because anyone that knows me will happily vouch for how ignorant I am. I do appreciate the comment!
nik, I guess I will, if the folowing one counts. Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment, your support is very much appreciated!
This will probably be my last post to this story until after the first of the year, because I run short of time and will soon be traveling. I would like to take a moment to thank everyone that has kept me going with all of the kind comments and support throughout 2011 and before - it means a lot to hear from you and to have you stick around through good times and bad. I know many have been with me from the start so long ago, and others have joined the tale more recently and done marathon reading to catch up. Either way, your support and tenacity is much appreciated.
And so, until sometime in 2012 I wish you a Merry One followed by a Happy One. I hope the holidays find you all well and prosperous and basking in the warmth of your loved ones. Take care, friends!
Posts: 1459
Kristi slid her arm around my waist. “Just you and me again, all alone in the dark. I could get used to this!”
I glanced down at her. “Really? Just a few minutes ago you seemed perfectly happy with what you were doing; you hardly even seemed to know I was here.”
I felt her stiffen slightly. “Oh come on Adam, that was just for fun! I did check with you first, if you’ll recall.”
“I know. I guess I just thought we were still on that one day you promised of being here just for me. Besides, I thought you said you didn’t especially like black guys.”
She leaned her head against my shoulder, which was different than how I’d thought she might react. She seemed determined not to allow my small bout of petulance to ruin the evening. “Well, first, I am here just for you. I did get your OK before I did anything with Pops, right?” I shrugged and nodded, and she went on. “Second, it is after midnight; and third, I never said I didn’t like black guys – I just said that I didn’t have any special preference one way or the other, and you know all about my preference for the, umm, more well equipped guys, right? And anyhow, that wasn’t a black guy – that was Pops!”
I had to laugh. “Ah! Glad you cleared that up. I don’t think anyone is going to mistake him for an albino anytime soon though…” it was her turn to laugh. “Look babe, I know you were just playing a little game, and it was Pops, which – much to my surprise – I find I’m actually pretty comfortable with, but it still works on me a little bit to see you do that. You have to allow me that, the time to adjust.”
“I know – and I am. You’re actually doing really well with all this. We’ll make a horny perv out of you yet my love, if you’re not careful.”
“No big trick, I was already that. I just didn’t feel right about letting it show so much.”
She laughed as she reached down and squeezed my cock. “When you’ve got something like this hanging off the front of you, it’s definitely going to show when you get all pervy-horny. Hey, you’re still really hard! I think you liked that more than you let on.”
I leaned down and kissed her. “Mmm, I guess, maybe. But then again, I’d get hard just watching you eat a banana.”
She laughed again. “You always say such romantic things! Come on; let’s go sit by the fire for a few minutes.”
We walked up to where the fire still flickered, very low flames over a bed of red and orange glowing coals. It was still putting off a lot of heat, but not a lot of light. I looked at Kristi, wearing only her tiny bikini bottoms, the low flames painting her smooth, sleek body a golden orange, her amazing and sensitive nipples hard and proud on her gloriously beautiful breasts. “God you’re beautiful! You look like some wild Amazon princess out hunting tigers or something.”
“There are no tigers in the Amazon.”
“Somehow I knew you were going to say that. OK, jaguars then. The point is, you’re amazing.”
“Thanks. You’re very sweet – you can be my Amazon prince.”
“I don’t think there were any Amazon princes. I think the mythical Amazon warrior women just used men for sex and then *******ed them.”
“Perfect! Sounds like my kind of place; are you sure it’s all just a myth?”
I laughed “Pretty sure; sorry to disappoint you. Do you feel a bit underdressed?” I still had on my swim trunks and my shirt, which felt like coveralls next to her near-nudity.
She looked down at her body and shrugged. “No, not at all. It is starting to get a little chilly though – see?” She thrust her chest forward, putting her erect nipples out there to prove her assertion.
I took one of her hard pink buds between my finger and thumb and squeezed it gently. “Oh, so those are like that because you’re cold! And here I thought it was because of the overwhelmingly powerful power of my incredibly masculine sexuality.”
She nodded. “Oh yeah, that’s what I meant to say!” I felt her shiver slightly as I continued to pinch and gently tug at her sensitive pink nipple, and was pretty sure it was not caused by the cold. “Mmm! You’re right, I give you all the credit - just don’t stop doing that.”
“Not even to do this?” I leaned down and sucked her hard nipple between my lips, teasing it with my tongue before gently nibbling at it. She tasted, good, like my Kristi is supposed to taste, warm and slightly salty with a hint of delicately soft female sexual musk.
She shuddered, and I felt her fingers caress my hair before wandering down to touch my neck. “Oh yeah, you can definitely stop to do that – but now don’t stop doing that.”
I didn’t – well, I did, but not right away; eventually I stopped, when both of her nipples were wet and hard, and her breathing was fast and shallow. I straightened and looked at her. “You seem to be in a very horny mood. Did sucking Pops big cock make you that horny?”
“What do you think?”
“Don’t answer a question with a question – but yeah, if I know you I’m sure it did.”
She laughed. “You do know me! It made me very horny and very wet. It’s an amazing cock, so big and hard and with that nice soft little hoodie. I did enjoy it very much, but I’m even wetter and hornier now thanks to you. Take your clothes off, OK?”
I released her so that I could do as she asked, and she quickly shed her tiny bikini bottom and stood naked in the light of the fire and the moon. I was suddenly having trouble breathing; she looked so beautiful, so ethereal. I dropped my shirt on the rocky ground, and when I pushed my shorts down my erection sprang free, bobbing upward and pointing in the general direction of the moon.
Her fingers closed around me, softly squeezing and stroking, and I heard myself groan. “Ohhhh, damn! This is like déjà vu all over again, like a couple of nights ago. Except this time we have fire.”
She smiled. “I wouldn’t mind a replay of that! It was quite nice, if memory serves.”
I nodded. “Mmm, yeah – maybe not an exact replay though. That night had a few tense moments, and I still have a couple of fairly tender little raspberries on my ass where we sanded the skin off.”
She laughed. “Poor baby! You’re right though, we don’t need any tension except the sexual kind, and we definitely don't want to damage that fine, fine ass of yours. It’s possibly your second-best feature. Lucky for us we have chairs and cushions and things this time thanks to Nick. He must have known we’d do this.”
I chuckled. “He probably suspected. Hey, let’s toss a few of those cushions down by the fire and just play for awhile, you want to? I mean, we have all night.”
She glanced around, and then shrugged. “Actually, we don’t, ‘cause I’m kind of tired, but that does sound like fun. Sure, why not?”
We placed a couple of Nick and Alisha’s cushions down over the rocks near the fire and arranged ourselves on them, side by side so that I could hold her in my arms, our feet pointing toward the heat as we partially reclined. We kissed, long and sweet, our tongues gently touching and exploring, soft and languorous and with no sense of urgency. It was heart-achingly wonderful to hold her like this, to feel her warmth and the contrasting softness and firmness of her body. The combination of woodsmoke and her soft scent filled my nostrils, the smokiness just accenting that sexy light scent that is her and her alone, and I wondered momentarily how I had survived the first thirty years of my life without her.
I was aroused, almost painfully aroused, my cock straining and throbbing and a powerful ache of desire deep in my groin, but I was so enjoying just touching and playing that I was in no rush to satisfy my needs. Her fingers found my face, touching lightly and exploring, touching my cheek, my closed eyelids, my ear and where our lips met. They wandered to my neck, and then my chest and my own hard nipples, gradually drifting lower after they explored each new location until satisfied, until finally her fingertips moved lightly up and down the taut skin stretched over my swollen cock, gliding with a light feather touch that would soon either drive me mad or have me squirting uncontrollably.
I heard and felt the shudder in my breathing as she teased me, but her own breathing was a close match as my fingers did a similar dance over the lush, irresistible topography of her glorious body. The proud ridges of first her cheekbones and then her chin, the shallow valley at the base of her throat. The rising hills of her breasts tipped by the hard pink peaks of her nipples, and then the smoothly rolling plain of her stomach, which rippled with arousal as my fingers crossed it. I explored the small depression of her navel before moving on across the flat expanse of her lower stomach, and heard her draw breath in a near-sob of arousal as my fingers slowly moved up the low, bald mound of her sex and across, lightly teasing, and into the shallow ravine between her thighs, where there was a moist jungle heat, a slick wetness, and a hard pebble of delight, my fingers moving within her tight pit and in the shallow, wet fault line between her legs until the sudden earthquake of her orgasm shook both of us.
She clung to me, one hand gripping my arm and the other in a tight death-grip on my rock hard cock as she came, a sudden rush to an incredible climax, shuddering and bucking and calling out my name. At that moment in my life it was one of the sweetest experiences I’d ever had, the gentle touching and teasing of our foreplay and her own erotic adventure with the huge black gentle giant combining to build her up to this height of pleasure. If sucking Pops’ cock had helped to make her this aroused, this susceptible to gentle stroking and teasing and this able to explode so readily in waves of ecstasy, well then I guess she could suck it whenever she wanted to!
As she came down from her high I could feel the muscles of her pussy continue to rhythmically squeeze and release my fingers, the aftershocks of her orgasm still causing her involuntary contractions. I kissed her forehead and tasted the saltiness of her light sheen of perspiration. “I think maybe you enjoyed sucking that big black cock more than you let on!”
Her eyes opened wide, staring at me in wonder. “My god! That just came out of nowhere! I mean, I was enjoying it, and yes, I was very aroused from my little game with Pops, but I wasn’t expecting anything like that!” Her golden mane was in disarray, hanging partly over her face and sticking to her sweat-dampened skin. I wish you could have seen her, she looked so damn sexy and beautiful. I wanted that moment to last forever, and I still, to this day, have that image stored safely in my head. I leaned to kiss her forehead again, but she tilted her head back so that her lips met mine, soft and warm and sweet.
After a long, wet, amazingly amorous kiss, we slowly separated. “So that was good for you then, huh?”
She laughed, a throaty, sexy sound as she was still breathing heavily. “You have to ask? I figured you could tell pretty easily.”
“It was a rhetorical question, really. So is it my turn now?” I regretfully slid my fingers out of her body and she moaned softly with loss as my fingers left her empty. I looked at them, enjoying the way the moonlight glistened off her wetness as I rubbed my fingertips together, and then brought them to my lips to taste her nectar and inhale her scent.
She watched me, smiling as she ran her hand lightly up and down my cock, letting her fingers glide over my hardness, just lightly caressing the tautly stretched silky penile skin with a feathery touch. She laughed softly “You're so big and hard! I think you enjoyed that as much as I did!”
I nodded. “Well, I definitely enjoyed it – maybe not quite as much as you did, but a lot, for sure. Uhh, are you ever going to stop teasing and get serious?”
“What do you want me to do?”
“I don’t know, something, and soon! Just use your imagination.”
She again glided her hand up and down my cock, this time allowing it to drop between my legs to cup my aching balls. She laughed. “Are you cold?”
“A little bit, I guess. Hey, don’t laugh; it’s a natural reaction!” My scrotum had shrunken and drawn up in the cold night air, my balls tucked tightly against my body beneath the wrinkled, shriveled sack.
She laughed again at my objection. “I can’t help it, you have no balls! I’m used to those big boys hanging down here, but now they’re gone! You have to admit, it is pretty funny.”
I shook my head. “Yeah, pretty funny. At least one of us thinks so anyway.”
“Hey, if it’s any consolation, it makes your cock look bigger.”
“Well see, at least there’s a silver lining! You know, even though my balls are sucked up into my chest cavity everything else still works the same. Don’t stop what you were doing.”
“Why don’t we move the cushions a little closer to the fire first? Maybe you can get the boys warmed up enough so that they’ll come back out to play.” It didn’t matter to me either way, but it seemed to matter to her, so we rearranged the cushions closer to the low fire. It had burned way down and was not throwing off as much heat as it had earlier. She looked at it dubiously. “Should we throw some more wood on the fire?”
I shrugged. “We could, but I doubt we’ll be here very much longer. Let’s just stay close; it’s not spitting and popping much anymore.” I laid back on the cushions with my feet pointed toward the fire and jokingly spread my legs apart as if trying to warm my genitals. I was surprised at how much heat I could immediately feel on the insides of my thighs and right up into my crotch, the hot bed of coals still pumping out some serious BTU’s. Kristi snuggled up to my side, her hand going back to my package to stroke and play. It was really nice, and I propped another of the cushions behind my back so that I could watch her touch me.
Her teasing, maddening touch was setting off a lot of fireworks in my groin, the sexual tension building and building toward what I knew would be a very powerful release. It works that way, for me at least; any sex is good, more of it is better, but the slow anticipation and build-up of an easy, relaxed, extended bout of foreplay and teasing – and the spurting explosion which inevitably follows - is best of all!
Knowing she was pushing me toward the brink, she let her hand drift from my cock and down to my slowly warming balls. “Hmm, these are warming up nicely! I’ll just move them around a bit so they can get nicely browned on all sides…”
I laughed. “Yeah, a nice medium-rare is OK, but let’s not let them get burned – although you seem to have developed a sudden fondness for black balls.”
She squeezed my slowly softening sack. “I have to admit that those were very nice, so big and heavy.” She fell silent for a moment as she continued to manipulate my testicles. “You know, if we’re going to do this right you should really change your name to Chet.”
That was totally out of the blue, and as I had absolutely no idea what she was talking about I said “What? What the hell are you talking about?”
She laughed. “I said you should change your name to Chet. Then it would be just like the misterg – you know, ‘Chet’s nuts roasting on an open fire…’
She sang the line, and I laughed despite myself; she had caught me totally off-guard with that one! I quickly stifled my laugh and groaned instead. “Oh man, that was really bad!”
“Maybe so, but you laughed!”
“I did not!”
“Did too!”
“OK, I did – but mostly because I couldn’t believe you said that. You do realize that you just gave up any and all right you ever had to criticize my bad puns, don’t you?”
“I disagree!”
I shook my head. “Too bad, it’s in the rule book – the maker of the worst pun shall henceforth surrender all further privilege or right to mock, criticize or belittle the maker of puns that are merely poor or of moderately inferior humor. I think it’s rule twenty-one, paragraph (A).”
“Well then, I propose a contest to settle this; first one back to the boat gets to make up all new rules!” Even as she quit speaking she was on her feet and running naked to the shore, stepping nimbly across the loose rocks. She ran about three steps into the water before arcing into a shallow dive. I was still sitting there with my cock pointing skyward, hard as stone, my balls now warmed and descended, and my mouth hanging open as I looked stupidly after her, and she was several strokes out into the lake before I reacted! I leapt to my feet with cat-like reflexes (reminiscent of a very old, sick cat perhaps, but cat-like nonetheless) pausing only long enough to pull the cushions away from the fire so that a stray ember would not burn them, and raced after her – and by raced, I mean walked carefully across the rocky beach before diving into the water.
It was cold – shockingly cold, since my skin had become accustomed to the warmth of the fire, and it took my breath away. I had a rather significant keel jutting out from my lower abdomen creating extra drag, but the cold water was just the ticket for resolving that problem. It also quickly cooled my arousal, which had perhaps been a part of her plan all along.
My reaction time had put me well behind her, and of course the extra drag created by my physical impediment – something with which Kristi and her streamlined body had not needed to contend - had slowed me even more, but even without it I’d known I had no chance of catching up to her since she was easily halfway to the boat by the time I hit the water. I am a slightly faster swimmer than she is, but she had far too large a lead for me to make up. Besides, I knew in my heart that she would be the one that would mostly write the rule book of our relationship regardless of which one of us won her little race! Smiling to myself as I stroked slowly toward the boat, enjoying the swim, I realized that I could probably become very satisfied with that arrangement.
Posts: 111
Stormy When I read your stories I feel like I know the characters and I am living the moments of their lives. That is the talent that sets your stories apart from almost all that I read. The store lines are outstanding and you bring them to life. stormydog: and I still, to this day, have that image stored safely in my head. This one statement brings the story back to the present tense. I hope you enjoy your Holidays just half as much as I have enjoyed your stories. That being said, you will have one heck of a Holiday! Best wishes to your and yours! JJ.
Posts: 492
Well put JJ, I totally agree. Stormy, have a fantastic Holiday. Thank you for all your hard work in bringing us this story. See you in 2012 my friend.
Posts: 4050
Another outstanding segment. You do understand that you can never end this story. If you do, Kristi will be gone from our lives and that, I suspect would devastate most of your male readers.
Thanks for your efforts
Posts: 14692
Stormy, that was absolutely beautiful. Thank you so much.
Best wishes for the Holidays, a Happy and Healthy 2012 and safe travels.
Posts: 14692