Posts: 7
Thanks Stormy, it has been great. I am just one of those who really enjoy your work and will miss you but seldom take the time to respond. Well, you deserve a response for all the pleasure you have given us. I am also a reader who contacted you from Literotica and you graciously directed here.
I hope the very best for you and yours. You do what is best for you, but I know for a certainty that you are truly gifted. Thanks again.
Posts: 1459
Thanks watcher, I appreciate the support, and the sentiment. I feel certain I will be back to the boat, the people are too much a part of me now. Just needed a break. Friends joining in and commenting, as you have, really do help keep the authors going, and that's no small thing!
Wow Trf2, 3 years? I hadn't realized that. Thanks, now I'm really depressed! Seriously, I've enjoyed it. It's been a hobby that I can enjoy for free, and in short spells of an hour or two, unlike most of the other things I enjoy, which cost a good deal of time and money both. Plus, it's been a good opportunity to make some new friends. Thanks for the kind words, friend.
peak, you have always had the gift of insight. They whisper to me already, asking me to rejoin their games. We'll see how long I can resist the siren's misterg. You might want to start a pool...
Timmy, if I inspired you to take a turn at writing in any way, as GH did for me, then that alone makes it all worthwhile. I will definitely still be reading along, and thanks for your many words of encouragement! I'll stay in touch.
Thanks GH, I printed out your words to take to the cuckold water store, in case I need a prescription. You and I can then proudly join the long list of great takesen figures of literature. While many of the others have found greater fame and fortune (e.g., Hemingway, Faulkner, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Kerouac, Jack London, Dorothy Parker, etc.), they are all dead. We, on the other hand, live on, to write more and take another day! Who's laughing now? Thanks for your inspiration, your friendship, and your wise counsel - all are appreciated.
Ridge Rover, thanks. I appreciate the comment and that you took the time to follow me over here and read along. Glad you've enjoyed it!
Posts: 277
This is as finding out the local papper is been closed. Thanks for wonderful times and wish you the best. contdoc
Posts: 31
Stormy, I am sorry to see you leave Adam and all the characters you have created for this story. I have enjoyed Krist's attempts to cuckold Adam. I liked the idea of the loving cuckolding relationship between Kori and Ron. The matter of fact way your characters accepted Kori and Ron as they lived their version of cuckolding spoke volumes for the lifestyle. I hope at some point you come back and lead theses character through additional twists and turns. Thank you for a wonderful story!
Posts: 1459
cd and Irish, thanks. I do plan to come back and bring them home, just taking a breather for awhile and working on other projects. If nothing else, like Trf2 said, when winter sets in and the days get short, I'll need something to do. Thanks for your support along the way!
Posts: 3581
I wish I would have picked up your story from the start, but after 43 pages.... there was just no way to find the time to read it.
I'm sure I missed a very good story..... you do tell them well.
I'll be sure to catch your next one from the start!
Enjoy your summer!! Cuck who loves a creampie.
Posts: 1459
Thanks c-4-1, I appreciate the thought. I know it's tough to come into stories late and read through, partly because you don't get to comment along the way, but also because of the time involved. I read a couple of GH's stories like that - found the site after they were written - enjoyed them a lot, but it's more fun to read along as the chapters go up. I think it's the anticipation of the next post, the denial of pleasure, and waiting for gratification, and the frustration of not being the one in control of what happens...nah, that can't be it! That would be weird!
Posts: 274
I have just managed to catch up very belatedly. I know exactly how you must be feeling. You probably feel as if you are deserting your friends!!! Take a well deserved rest and hopefolly you will come "storming" back to give your legions of readers more of your top notch stories. Good luck my friend.
Posts: 27
I'm only on page 9, but I just had to stop for a moment to sing your praise.
Your writing rivals good husbands, which is as high praise as I can think of. It's got a somewhat different flavor though, being told from the perspective of a massively hung dominant, if somewhat boy scout, alpha male. One who's just barely beginning to wrap his head around the idea of enjoying the hotwifing if not really cuckolding role as well.
Posts: 1459
Greenman and odyexplorer, thanks! I was surprised to see this bumped back up to page 1 - didn't notice it when Greenman did it, and had not checked back. I appreciate your very kind words, and your support. I've kind of been getting the itch to write some more, but will be away for a couple of weeks. Maybe after that I'll give it a shot.
Posts: 158
Thank you good to hear, we will all be waiting, including my wife....but please don't give her any nasty ideas to try on me. watcherdoit4fun
Posts: 27
stormydog: Laughing, she gave me a stinging slap on my ass as I rose. "Look who's talking! Seems to me you were doing pretty well for yourself too, considering I was the one that most wanted to do this. I'm not sure I like you screwing other women." I stared at her. "Are you serious?" She thought for a moment. "Maybe. A little. You looked to be really into it, and you seemed very attracted to that Britt girl - and she sure likes you! She's very pretty, don't you think?" I wasn't too worn out to sense a trap. I tried to sound noncommital "She's attractive, and very fit, like you. You know how I like tight buns!" I REALLY hope you don't take this and Adam down the cuckolding/he's not allowed to play route. He's alpha, somewhat dominant, super hung, and very attractive to hot girls these days. This so far has been an exploring open relationships / swinging story for the main characters, with Adam sometimes serving as a bul for cuckolds (well for Sue and Ralph). It's maybe the best erotic story I've ever read with that theme and from the bull's perspective. She laughed. "I do. Her tits are a lot bigger than mine though."
Posts: 27
I really hope you keep this as an exploring deeply loving open relationships / swinging story, and not turn alpha, super hung Adam from a bull to a cuckold not allowed by his fiance and soon I suspect wife to play himself.
Posts: 1459
Not to worry ody, I don't think cuckold wimp is part of Adam's make-up. He does have a few challenges ahead, however.
Posts: 492
Hey Buddy, Haven't been here in a while, thought my eyes were tricking me when I saw your name. Hope you're having a good summer, I sure am. At times it almost looks like I know what I'm doing on the golf course, but then we know that's not even close to being true. Miss your writing, but as I said before, you certainly deserve a break from all of this. Enjoy your summer, hope to see you back here to finish this excellent story sometime in the fall (or sooner if you really get the urge to write)  Take care Stormy TrF2
Posts: 1459
Thanks Trf2, good to hear from you again! Seems my summer has been mostly chores - not much time to play at anything, but glad you're getting some golf in. It was those occasional (but very rare) great shots that always kept me coming back. Never could string a bunch of them together though...
As my other story depends on input and how many notes I have, I will probably have some lulls in the action. Maybe I'll have the energy to pick up again here in between posts on Laura - I do want to move back to this, the urge is definitely there!
Posts: 50
The best written, the most interesting, the most wonderful characters and the longest, most satisfying story I ever read. Hope to see you again Stormy.
Best wishes to you, storyfan
Posts: 1459
Thnks storyfan, I really appreciate that and am very glad that you have enjoyed it! I expect to get back to it soon, there has been some demand, and I can't leave them stranded out there or I will have to change the title to 'Blue Lagoon', or 'Robinmister Crusoe' , or possibly 'Swiss Family Robinmister'. Other's have suggested Gilligan's Island. Jeez, you'd think there would be a reference from this century - 'Six Days, Seven Nights' maybe?
Anyhow, thanks for the comment - noticed the bump today and wanted to get back to you!
Jennifer Allen
Posts: 106
This is very good news. If you finish this story you wiill make both my husband and me very happy.
Jenn If you aren't having fun, you aren't doing it right!
Posts: 1459
Thanks Jenn, I do think it's about time to at least wrap up the longest beach picnic on record since Daniel Defoe wrote Robinmister Crusoe, as I mentioned above. (I was going to say Castaway, but one permister and a volleyball does not a picnic make. An argument for non-traditional marriage yes, a picnic, no.)
Just so you know, I'm working on the next chapter right now.
Posts: 1914
There is one thing that Adam and Castaway did share though. Its all about the package.
Posts: 158
That's great news, I knew you were coming back to work on this story but I didn't realize it would be this soon. Love your other stories too!
I'm working on some inspirations stuff for my next story........even if it is only in my head. If I ever write it down I want it to read just like one of yours.
I have to thank the little misses, without her letting me live out all......correction almost all of my fantasies this life would not be as great as it is. I hope all of you out there get to experience what my wife and I share. watcherdoit4fun
Posts: 158
Great segment , fantastic character development , I have been to the same beach party at Powell before. I am guessing it won't end as well.
Everyone out there if you haven't visited lake Powell you need to add this adventure to your bucket list. Especially since stormy has done such a great job of really giving you a taste of what could happen if you did visit.!!! watcherdoit4fun
Posts: 1459
Thanks watcher - I know it's not everyone's cup of tea, and maybe a little slow and wordy, but there is a method to my madness. It will all become apparent later - possibly much later. Glad you enjoyed it! ______________________________________________________________________ ______
We all turned and headed back toward them – semi-reluctantly on my part – but hadn’t gone three steps before Faith stepped on something sharp and hurt her foot. A quick inspection showed that she had not broken the skin, but she was obviously in pain, so I picked her up and lifted her onto my shoulders. At nine she was probably a little old for that, but she’s small, and I soon had her giggling as I jogged a few steps, bouncing her around. Arriving back at the main spot to the enticing smell of beef charring on the grill, I lifted her off and set her down. Her foot seemed to have miraculously healed in the thirty seconds or so it had taken us to walk back, and she eagerly bounded over to her lady. “Mom, did you see? I skipped some stones!”
Alisha smiled at her, gently brushing the girl’s hair back from her face. “I saw that, I’m very impressed! Did you thank Mr. Stark for showing you how to do that?”
She returned to me. “Thank you Mr. Stark, you’re the best teacher!”
I laughed. “You’re welcome sweetheart, it was my pleasure. I had fun – and if it’s OK with your mommy, you can call me Adam.”
She looked at Alisha, who nodded her assent. “Sure, why not – now why don’t you go and get a plate and then pick out something to take, OK baby?”
“OK – but I get to sit with Mister… I get to sit with Adam! Will you sit by me?”
I nodded at her, smiling at her enthusiasm. “I was hoping you’d ask – I wanted you to sit by me, but I was too shy to ask you. I’m like that around pretty girls, I get all tongue-tied; ask anybody.” I heard a muffled snicker from Kori before Faith bounded away happily to do as her lady had suggested.
Kori couldn’t wait to give me some grief. “Boy, look at you, hitting on the girls with that irresistible toe-in-the-sand shy act – a little young for you, isn’t she?”
I just shook my head, looking at her. “Jeez K, give it a rest! She’s a nice kid…”
Alisha cut me off. “Well, I think it’s sweet! You just made a loyal friend for life Adam, I hope you know what you’ve done – she’ll never stop pestering you now!” As I laughed, she went on “You’re very good with kids – do you have any of your own?”
I shook my head again. “No – not yet, anyhow. Maybe someday.” I glanced at Kristi to see how that was being received, and she gave me her best raised-eyebrows look.
She turned her eyes to Alisha. “Actually, Adam is being too modest. He does have one young, a mister, with a woman he’s known for a long time.”
Oh no, not this again! I was pretty sure that I didn’t want to get into all that with someone we’d just barely met, but of course now it was inevitable. I tried to nip it in the bud. “Not really. I mean, I’m the biological man, yes, but I’m not his dad. He really doesn’t even know me. It’s no big deal.”
Alisha looked at me. “But the lady – his actual mom, I mean – is someone you know?”
I nodded. “Yeah, she’s both his real mom and his biological one, a lady named Izzy – Isabel – an old friend of mine. She’s married to his real dad. It’s a long story.”
She smiled softly. “Good, you can tell me over dinner. It sounds like it could be a good story.”
I glanced at Faith, her back to us as she dug in the big cooler for a take. “Mmm, that might not be a good idea. Little pitchers, big ears, you know.”
Alisha’s eyes met mine, searching for a moment. “Oh, is it that kind of story?”
I hesitated. “Well, not really…but sort of. Maybe.”
Kori laughed. “It all depends on how he tells it, but he’s probably right that we should wait until after dinner. He was really just a sperm donor, but he did it in the old, traditional way – which is why Kristi brings it up!”
Alisha’s eyes went back and forth between me and Kristi. “Uh-oh! I hope I didn’t open a can of worms here! We can just drop the subject if it’s a problem…”
Kristi shook her head. “No, it’s not a problem. A week ago it would have been, because I didn’t know about it – which actually bothers me more than the fact that he has a mister – but now it’s no problem. He can tell you, but later on is probably better.”
That wasn’t exactly a signal for me to breathe a sigh of relief, but at least it was a brief reprieve. Before I could step away to see about getting some dinner (and to escape), Alisha laid her hand on my arm and looked up at me. “I haven’t known Adam a long time, but from what I have seen I suspect this whole story is not nearly as bad it sounds like it could be.” Her eyes moved to Kristi. “Am I right?”
Kristi shrugged. “I suppose so – but it’s complicated.”
Alisha nodded, her incredible eyes again going from one of us to the other. “Yes, keeping secrets from each other always is. Come on, let’s eat! I’m famished!”
She and Kori turned away, moving toward the others, who were gathered around the grill and the table. Kristi and I stood where we were, looking after her before we looked at each other. Kristi spoke first. “Whoa, that was weird!”
I nodded. “I know, huh? It’s like she’s ultra-perceptive or something, like she just…knows stuff.”
Kristi agreed. “Yeah. A little spooky, actually.” She took my arm. “You do know I’m not upset with you, right?”
“I was hoping. I have to admit, you had me a little worried.”
She laughed. “Good! Never assume you know what I’m thinking and you’ll do all right.” We exchanged a quick kiss. “Hey mister, can I sit by you too?”
“Sure! I get to sit between the two most purtiest girls on the whole lake – someone up there loves me! You will have to be careful what you say though – I don’t want my new girlfriend to get jealous!” Laughing, my arm around her shoulders and hers around my waist, we walked over and joined the others.
Posts: 111
Stormy, You brew a fine cup to tea. It's great to be back on the boat, but I will read what ever you write. Really appreciated! JJ.
Posts: 4050
That was worth the wait. Two fabulous segments, you have outdone yourself. The rock skipping scene was outstanding. You are a gifted writer.
Thank you
Posts: 492
Really glad that you decided to continue this awesome story Stormy. I really enjoy your hard work. Thanks.
Posts: 14692
Really great - Alisha could get very interesting
Posts: 1459
Posts: 1459