Posts: 26
Stormy, great story! You have created complex characters, referring to Adam as a boy scout at one point and we all like him because he is considerate and a genuine nice guy. I really want to like Kristi but she sometimes makes that difficult. That is what makes her character Kristi. It just seems like boy scouts should have fun at some point.
Me, I’m just looking forward to each new episode! Thank you for writing, you’re the master. jj.
Posts: 158
Stormy, yes your writing style , story, and character development are the best I have ever read . However what you are really good at is the way your characters intermingle. to answer your question, yes the. Little woman has experienced our friend. Best wishes watcherdoit4fun
Posts: 1459
Trf2, thanks. I have to agree, Kristi is pushing Adam's love for her about as far as she can, testing, testing... Maybe he'll just pitch her over the side and sail off with Tiff. But probably not.
JJ and watcher, thanks for the comments! I would sure hope that after dragging you along for 42 pages (and counting) that the characters would be complex and well-developed. I have a lot of fun building them and their permisteralities, glad you enjoy. I never really intended for Kristi to become unlikeable (for some masochists she's probably their dream girl!), but I did want to make her a little bit self-centered at times, and a bit romantically inept. Being gorgeous and sexy buys her a lot of goodwill; she has to have some off-setting faults! Sure do appreciate the kind words! ______________________________________________________________________ __
She looked at me, waiting for an answer. I really didn't have a good one, or at least not one that would shoot down her idea that no matter what she did, she could be sure it would arouse me. Partly because it seemed that she was right! "Look, I react that way to sexy stuff - you know that, I always have. I basically seem to have no control over that. That doesn't mean that I approve of you grabbing any guy around for a quick fuck!"
Her mouth dropped open, then closed slowly as her eyes narrowed and sparks practically jumped from them. "I don't do that - and I didn't this time! I was just having a little fun at his expense!"
"Yeah, well, most guys don't consider a handjob from a beautiful woman to be at their expense - you know, unless it's with a pro, and it was literally at their expense." I hadn't said that to be funny, but it did bring a smile and a small shake of her head. I went on. "Most guys will just figure at that point that you're easy and they can take what they want. Can't you see why I don't want you doing that? That cuckolds brownie has a way of escalating, and quickly!"
She breathed out in a loud sigh. "I don't know. I guess, maybe. But what would you have said if he was walking by upstairs with his tail wagging in front of him and I grabbed it and embarrassed him in front of everyone?"
I frowned. "What? I don't know, I guess I would have laughed - but I'm not all that sure you would have embarrassed him."
"Well, it sure would have startled him! He's scared to death of you. But what I don't get is, if you would have laughed about it up there, why is this so different?"
I stared at her. "Well, first, he's not scared of me. Why would he be afraid of me? I've given him no reamister to be."
"Maybe scared was the wrong word. He's nervous around you, let's say that instead. He can't read you, he has no idea how you feel about all this. Ronnie basically gave him carte blanche with Kori; hell, he even joins in, but you...well, you don't say much or show much, you just look at him. You kind of have him freaked out. He's just a kid trying to act tough, you know."
I thought about that, and decided she could possibly be right - and, if so, that it was not entirely a bad thing! I resolved to continue in the same vein, just to keep him on his toes. This might actually be fun! "Well, maybe. Whatever. But to your other point, can you really not see the difference?"
She shook her head, her eyes on mine, and I shook my head in frustration. "Babe, there's just a huge difference between grabbing him for laughs in front of a lot of other people and being all alone with him and stroking his cock and giving him a blowjob."
"I didn't give him a blowjob!"
I laughed, and it sounded a little more derisive than I'd intended. "That's just semantics, you sucked on his balls while Kori blew him - I mean, you don't really blow in a blowjob either, but it's all the same."
She shook her head stubbornly - and they call me Mule! She gave a last quick, angry shake of her head. "Well, I disagree!"
"Well, you're wrong!"
She spread her feet apart and put her hands on her hips, leaning forward aggressively and staring at me. She may even have stuck her chin out a bit! I adopted the identical pose, and we both just stood there, staring each other down. It went on for awhile, probably a minute or so, before the absurdity of the situation began to overwhelm me. I cracked first, with a small snicker that almost made me blow a snot bubble because my jaws and lips were clenched shut so tightly.
I couldn't help it, I'd intended to win, but she just looked so damn cute standing there with her eyes sparking, her claws out and her hackles raised, her nipples jutting aggressively through her bikini top. You know how intimidating those hard, erect nipples can be!
As soon as she heard me she knew she had me, and she smiled triumphantly. "See, I knew you weren't really mad!"
"Kristi, babe, I wasn't mad! Well, OK, I was a little, but it was more just a matter of...I don't know, communicating, I guess. Maybe trust. Maybe you were partly right when you said I didn't trust you - but I do want to!"
She considered that. "You're uspet because you didn't know ahead of time that I was going to do that, or 'cause I didn't ask you, is that it?"
I shrugged. "I guess. Partly, at least."
"Well, I didn't know either Adam, it was just a spur of the moment thing."
"Yes. Is it because I didn't ask you to join in, or come watch?"
"I don't know. I don't think so."
"Well, look, you have full veto power Adam, I told you that. If you don't want me to do something, just tell me so ahead of time!"
"I'm not psychic."
She laughed. "No, you're more like psycho. Just tell me what I can and can't do, what's OK with you, and what's going to launch another round of angst and pain. I'm not trying to hurt you, I'm trying to excite you. I just need to know what not to do. That's all I ask."
"Oh, is that all! Well, no problem! Look, you excite me just by being you, so you know I don't want to do that, I don't want to take away your spirit of adventure and your spontaneity. Just try to warn me before you go getting all spontaneous."
She laughed. "That's pretty stupid."
"Yeah, well. You know what I mean."
"Fortunately for you, I do. So what are my marching orders for the rest of the trip, how about we start there?"
I looked at her and shook my head. "Tell you what, I'll settle for the rest of the day. We'll worry about the rest of the trip later. For today though, how about just you and me, with no other guys - or their penises - involved?"
"Wow! I never expected you to be such a stern taskmaster! No other cocks, really? For a whole day? While I'm on vacation?"
I knew she was teasing me. "Funny lady! Yeah, for a whole day. Pretend you're a one-man woman, and that I'm that man. It will confuse everyone, it will be fun. You'll see."
"I don't know...OK, I'll give it a try." What else, my all-powerful lord and master?"
I raised my eyebrows and looked at her. "Oooh, I could get used to the sound of that!"
"Yeah, well, don't!"
She plastered herself to me, and we kissed, long and deep, although we were still laughing at each other. She wrapped those long, long legs around me and I slipped my hands beneath her firm buttocks, holding her to me and feeling the heat of her sex against my bulging cock. She always feels so good in my arms that I can't help but begrudge cruel fate for the fact that I'd wasted so many years of my life without her there. I intended to do everything I could to avoid wasting any more.
Posts: 14692
Now we have to see if Kristi really can do this. Some how I have my doubts.
Posts: 31
I have to agree with Timmy, especially if you bring Lee back into the story. That would test Kristi's resolve.
Posts: 1914
Oh Ye Of Little Faith. One thing Kristi has been is true to her word. If she said 24 hours, then 24 hours it will be. Mind you, that does leave an awful lot of time AFTER the 24 hours are up, and maybe a bit of teasing before it is !
You had me worried for a minute there Stormy, I was beginning to think you liked 'Party' so much you were going to turn poor Adam into more of a willing cuckold, something he has never really been and seems unlikely to become. Turns out he's just where we all want to be - wrapped around Kristi. Lucky Man.
Posts: 1459
Timmy and Irish, thanks for the comments. Kristi will probably need to be kept in a straightjacket to keep her promise - and even that might not do it. Chastity belt, anyone?
Thanks peak, enjoyed your comment. Pretty sure Adam will never be a good little cuck, even though he does seem to do some of his thinking with his little head - although maybe for him I should say his somewhat smaller head. He loves the excitement, but can't accept the worry and offense. He just wants Kristi to be happy, dang her! _____________________________________________________________________
I nuzzled into her neck, softly kissing her, and she moaned. "If you're not careful you're going to get me all turned on, and you know what you will have to do then!"
I chuckled. "Mmm, fate worse than death! Feels to me like the furnace is already running though, we've got a fire down below."
She ground her hot box against my rigid shaft. "Told you!"
"Yeah, except you were already steaming before I even touched you. I think maybe playing your little trick on Trell backfired on you a little bit. Make yourself all horny, did you?"
"Well... yeah, I guess so. I don't have a lot of experience with black guys, it was kind of different. Exotic, I guess. He does have a very handsome cock."
"Uh-huh, handsome. Odd choice of words, but good to know. What say we be sociable and go join our friends?"
"Would you like to do me first? I'll let you take full credit for my horniness."
I laughed. "I beg your pardon?"
She touched my lips, then let her finger slide down to my chin. "If you'll put that talented tongue to work, I'll let you tell everyone that I was so crazed with lust for your bod that you had to put me out of my misery."
"Tempting. What's in it for me?"
She snorted in mock-derision. "You mean other than a chance to slide your tongue into my slippery little self and a gold star for your reputation? How about a fiancée that's so satisfied and relaxed that she's not likely to jump the first thing in pants - or better, out of pants?"
I waggled my eyebrows at her. "Sorry, I already have your promise on that score." I slid my hand under the curve of her ass and squeezed her, my fingertips just at the edge of her brief bikini. Her pussy really was very warm, and I felt my cock strain. "I think I'll just let you stay all horny and frustrated for awhile, for being such a bad girl. By tonight you should be almost completely melted."
She wiggled out of my grasp, then ran her hands over herself and shuddered. "God! You're cruel - I never knew you could be so cruel!"
I nodded. "Only occasionally though, when you've really earned it." I felt my cock throb in response to her obvious arousal, and wondered momentarily who I was really punishing here! Talk about a perfectly well-laid plan backfiring! Pretty sure she knew it, too!
Turning away before she could consider the ramifications of the oak log in my pants, I pulled her to the stairs and let her lead the way up. I admired her tight little ass as she climbed, and let my fingers trail up the backs of her thighs. She shuddered again, and swore at me! Truth be told, it didn't much help my own arousal either.
Above, Kori and Trell were sitting at the bar while he ate some lunch, talking to Ronnie, who stood behind it. Pops was sitting in the shade, reading a book, and Tiff lay alongside him on a towel on the deck, also in the shade, apparently dozing, a second towel folded under her head. Everyone - even Kori - was behaving themselves at the moment, and all wore their swimsuits, however brief some were.
We joined the group at the bar, Kristi sliding onto one of the stools while I stood behind her, touching her neck and shoulders. It always feels good to touch her, and now it had the fringe benefit of keeping her aroused, which I planned to try to do at every opportunity! The talk turned from food to sports to general trivia, and as we conversed I noticed that Trell would occasionally give me a quick look, then look away. I realized that my position, behind Kristi with both hands on her shoulders, could be taken as a very possessive posture. Good, I hoped he took it that way!
Pops eventually rose and joined us, and a few minutes later Kristi arose and crossed to where Tiffany still lay dozing, looking down at her. Curious what she was doing, I watched her. Her eyes ran up and down Tiff's supine form, and she cocked her head slightly, as though thinking about something. After several moments she stuck her fingers into her take and fished out a large piece of ice, then squatted down alongside the relaxing woman and put the ice on her warm, sensitive stomach!
Tiff gave a startled cry as she convulsed into a half sit-up position, her body instinctively curling forward against the cold onslaught, and her hands grabbing Kristi's arm. I thought it was kind of a mean joke to play, but when Tiff realized what it was, she laughed. "God, that's cold! Feels kind of good though, in this heat." She lay back down, and Kristi continued to move the rapidly melting ice slowly over her warm skin.
Kristi laughed. "I thought you looked a little warm. And way too comfortable and peaceful!" I watched the drops of water from the melting ice slowly trickle down Tiffany's ribs and onto her towel, and Kristi's fingers glide teasingly over Tiff's body. By the time the ice had fully melted, Tiffany's nipples were jutting out and her skin had goose bumps, and her hips had begun to move almost imperceptibly under Kristi's gentle touch.
Kristi licked her fingers, wet from the melted ice. "Mmm, coconut oil and warm girl - yummy!" Tiff giggled, then extended her hand as Kristi rose to her feet. Kristi took her hand and helped her to her feet, and as I looked at the two of them standing there it crossed my mind that there was no place, no club anywhere, straight, gay, or lesbian, that those two could walk into side-by-side and not turn every head. Add K to the mix, and people would be falling off their stools - which, at that moment, Trell did!
The racket of him and his stool hitting the deck - along with his startled yelp of pain - drew everyone’s attention away from the girls and to him instead. It was immediately apparent that he had leaned out too far, trying to watch Kristi and Tiff around Kori, who had been partly blocking him, and his bar stool had suddenly kicked out from under him! Pops was laughing at him, and his amusement only increased when Trell, who had scramred to his feet and was rubbing his ass with his right hand while he rubbed his right elbow with his left hand looked around at us sheepishly and said, simply, "Ow!"
That drew a laugh from all of us, including Kori, though she tried to act concerned. "I'm sorry honey, I didn't mean to laugh! Are you OK?"
He nodded. "Yeah, I think so. Dayum!"
Pops laughed again. "You may have permanently injured your pride, boy, but at least you're young - you still bounce."
Ronnie nodded. "Yup, the only good thing about you crashing is that it wasn't me! Been there, done that though, ogling the ladies will bite you on the ass every time. I almost wrecked my car once over that."
Kori piped up "Oh yeah, I remember - scared me half to death!"
Ron stared at her, his mouth dropping open. "It was all your fault, what are you complaining about?" He looked at us. "She was in the back seat with one of her friends - male friends, that is - and I was trying to watch them in the mirror while I drove. A bus pulled out right in front of me, I barely missed it."
Kori nodded. "And I almost bit poor Steve's dick off! He dumped us both on the floor when he slammed on the brakes."
Kristi and Tiff had rejoined us, and Kristi was laughing at our friends' account of their mishap. "You guys are too much! How come we never heard this story before?"
Kori shrugged. "Well, you know. We didn't tell you much about this stuff, we didn't want you to think I was a slut." She paused "Let me re-phrase that - we didn't want you to know I was a slut - until we knew you'd be OK with it. Both of you." She looked pointedly at me.
"K, that's not fair! I would never think that of you, you're my friend! I know what a kind and caring permister you are, and we both know how you've looked out for me, and all you've done for me over the years. Come on, give me a little credit here, OK? I'm a better friend than that!"
She reached over and took my hand in hers. "I know that now, but you always seemed like everything was black and white for you, no gray areas, like a right or wrong kind of guy, you know what I mean? I didn't want to find out I was doing something wrong, something you wouldn't approve of, and lose your friendship, it wasn't worth the risk."
I squeezed her hand. "Well, no worries. You can't scare me off that easily."
Kristi stepped behind her and put her hands on Kori's shoulders. "Yeah, and you know me. I would have just been jealous that you were getting some strange and I wasn't!" She hugged our friend quickly, then reached out and took Ronnie’s hand. "And I could have helped you entertain this guy while you played, so he wouldn't crash his car."
Ronnie grinned. "Now there's an offer with no downside to it! But really, we just didn't want you guys to think less of us."
I grinned and reached across to slap him on the shoulder. "Well, there's no way I would ever think less of Kori, and there's no way I could ever think less of you - and I want you to notice that's two completely different things."
He laughed, nodding. "Yeah, subtle. Thanks buddy, and right back at’cha!"
Pops and Tiff were watching us and taking in the exchange, smiling. Trell was just watching. Pops said "It's good to see such close friends. It's a rare thing." Tiff nodded. "Yeah, you four are like all one family - closer, even! I feel like we are barging in on a family vacation here!"
Kori reached out and grabbed Tiffany's hands, pulling her closer. "You didn't barge in, you joined the family. How's it going, sis?"
Tiff smiled, clearly touched. "Thanks Kori. I like that. I never had a sister, and now I have two."
Kristi poked me in the ribs, and I flinched. "Hey! What did I do?"
"Just wanted to be sure you heard that. If Tiff is going to be my sister that makes her your sister-in-law, so no lusting after her, no lewd thoughts and no ogling her luscious little body!"
I looked at Ron and Pops in mock confusion. "Either of you guys ever heard of a rule like that, that you can't have the hots for a good looking sister-in-law? What the hell kind of fucked up rule is that? I always thought you were supposed to have a hardon for you gorgeous in-laws, like it was a rule or something. In some cultures it's probably an insult to not bed you female in-laws. Matter of fact, I'm sure I read that somewhere."
Pops nodded sagely. "Yes, that's true. In the Magalari tribes of Amazonia it is considered rude for the groom not to have sex with every single female in-law, from eight to eighty, within seven days of the wedding ceremony. If the bride has a large family, the new husband can be quite busy - and quite exhausted!" He said it with complete seriousness, and an air of authority, and the girls were just staring at him, open-mouthed. Hell, we all were!
Kristi slowly closed her mouth and shook her head. "You're full of cuckolds brownie!"
Pops nodded, laughing. "Why yes, I am, that was pure B.S.! I'm glad one of you was smart enough to recognize that fact, otherwise it would take all the fun out of it, 'cause it just ain't no fun fuckin' wit' you crackers when you too dumb to know you's being fucked wit'!"
That one got Trell laughing, enjoying Pops' little joke at our expense - although he had swallowed it hook, line, and sinker as well. "Good one Uncle Reggie!" He ignored Pops' glare at the use of his name. "So does this mean me and Pops joined the family too, 'cause me and, um, Aunt Kori have been a little bit, um..."
Pops laughed. "Dat's it boy, we is de' black sheep of de' fambly, and you be fuckin' yo' white auntie!"
Kori grabbed Trell and pulled him in front of her, where she gently slapped his face. "That's for calling me 'Aunt Kori' - I'll be your slightly older sister or cousin, but no more of this 'aunt' crap! And yes, you've both joined the family. We'll all be kissin' cousins - and then some!"
Pops grinned. "Well then, this family's got a nigger in the woodpile somewhere back in family tree - and that family tree is at least part black oak - or black walnut!" He had dropped the 'hood dialect as rapidly as he had assumed it, reminding me what a talented mimic he was. He and Trell both seemed pleased to have been so readily adopted into the family, along with Tiff.
I nodded, playing along. "I do remember my grandlady talking about how handsome her black milkman was - although she always said 'colored' - and Grandpa was away a lot, travelling...hmmmm, I wonder..."
Ronnie looked at me. "Well yeah, he must have been delivering a little warm cream to Grandma along with the milk, right? Hope she got a discount - and that would explain your freakishly large dick for a white boy. Wonder why I didn't get any of those genes?" That was pure Ronnie - I just shook my head, chuckling.
Tiff patted his hand. "I like your cute little penis Ronnie!"
He winced. "What have I told you about the 'C' word?"
Tiffany laughed. "Sorry! I meant to say handsome - either way, I like it!"
Kori was watching that exchange, smiling. "Me too, it's like a perfect little H.O. scale model of a real cock."
That brought laughs from everyone, including Ronnie, who was well aware that his wife was teasing him. "Oh-ho, thanks! If that was meant as a compliment, your s*******s need work, babe!" He looked at Kristi. "Aren't you going to pile on too?"
She shook her head. "Me? No, I love your little cock! In fact, if you ever decide to have it bronzed, I'll put it on my keychain for luck! Of course, you'll have to get it pierced first..."
That brought down the house, her setting him up then knocking him down, and Ronnie arose in mock indignation. "Well! Me and my little dicklet don't have to sit here and take this use! I'm going to go and pack up some hooch to take to the cookout. Maybe those folks will realize that good things come with small packages and appreciate the wonderfulness that is me!"
Tiff rose to go with him. "I'll help you Ronnie." Kristi followed. "Me too, but I think the expression is 'good things come IN small packages', Ronnie, not WITH small packages."
Ronnie shook his head. "Not in my version." He looked at us and grinned triumphantly. "I want you big swingin' dicks to notice that two out of three women prefer to go with little ol' me!"
I nodded. "Yeah, and the only one that doesn't is the one that knows you best. Wonder what that means..."
He flipped me off as they went down the steps, and I laughed at him. It's fun to have friends that don't become offended, no matter how mercilessly you use them, and it takes a self-confident permister with no ego problems to pull it off. Fortunately, we had related in that way almost since day one, and Tiff and Pops had meshed nicely into the mix. I was a little more hesitant about Trell, with his age and the chip he had seemed to be carrying on his shoulder, but he seemed to be absorbing the way we all worked and thus far fitting in reamisterably well. Still, I had resolved to try to keep him on his toes around me and Kristi so that he wouldn't become too arrogant and cocky.
I nodded at him. "So, Trell, are you looking forward to spending some time with somebody your own age? You know, instead of all these older ladies?"
Kori was quick to object to that characterization, but Trell just looked at me warily. "Uh, what do you mean?"
I nodded toward the other boat. "That cute little babe over there, Grace, the older flower - I'd guess she's about your age, nineteen, twenty-ish. With her around you could peel your eyes off these ladies for awhile, right?"
"Oh. I guess. She's probably just some young, stupid, princess though, and don't know cuckolds brownie."
Pops looked at him darkly. "You watch your step misterny boy, I have a hunch she knows plenty - and her daddy strikes me as a man you don't want to mess with, if you know what I'm sayin'. You'd best plan on behavin' yourself around that girl."
As I looked at Pops, curious as to why he and I had both seen something a little bit scary in Nick, Kori cupped Trell's bulging package through his trunks. "And besides, you know Cousin Kori will be happy to help you with whatever arises, don't you sweetie?"
He just groaned and thrust his pelvis forward, pressing himself into her hand.
Posts: 14692
My boy Adam is doing good. He should have reminded Kristi how much she had teased and tormented him - keeping him from getting relief at that little lake the gang walk up to and ran into the honeymooners.
Posts: 492
stormydog: "Wow! I never expected you to be such a stern taskmaster! No other cocks, really? For a whole day? While I'm on vacation?" Yeah, I know another Stormy trick when I see it, I'm getting to know your writing style a little too well, or maybe we just think too much alike. We all know Kristi can't live up to this promise, but maybe she can figure out a way around it. I have a feeling where you're going but I'll keep it to myself for now, I actually had it figured out before you posted this last segment, only with a slightly different twist. I'll let you know if my thoughts were correct later. Thank you Stormy, great writing. Loving the story as always. TrF2
Posts: 158
Thanks again for all the time you put into entertaining all of us I can't say enough about your writing , you're the best. watcherdoit4fun
Posts: 1914
Today, it rained. But this is England in the summer, so at least the rain was warm. What better place to imagine yourself than on a comfortable boat, on a warm lake with lots of warm places to be .. This is a truly great bunch of characters Stormy. Thanks.
Posts: 492
Can't wait to see how this develops with the people on the other boat. Some interesting possibilities, I'm sure you're cooking up something special.
Thanks Stormy, love the story, love the characters. You make it fun.
Posts: 1459
Thanks peak - and I covet your rain! We're in an area that's already rated as severe drought, and it's only mid-June. Looks like a long summer. Trf2, thank you. I always appreciate the support and comments from you and peak (and others), it makes the writing more rewarding. ______________________________________________________________________
I nudged Kori with my hip. "Jeez K, leave the poor kid alone! He's about to dry up and mummify as it is, this desert wind will just blow him away."
Trell, groaned as she fondled him, but spoke in his own defense. "No, it's OK. Really!"
Kori just smiled, but Pops snorted in disgust. "Huh! OK misterny, now you're just showing off! I don't need to stay here and hear you blow your own horn, I'm gonna go help Ronnie and the other ladies."
As he turned and stalked away, Kori called after him. "Silly, he's not going to blow his own horn! He has me for that!" Pops just shook his head, without turning, and headed down the stairs. I thought about following him, but didn't want to look like I was running away because I was embarrassed or anything. "Look, if you two would like some privacy..."
Kori shook her head. "No, it's all right, we're not going to do anything." She inclined her head toward the other boat. "Little pitchers, remember?" She formed her hand around the bulge of his rampantly erect cock, wrapping the fabric of his suit around it and squeezing him. "You just hold that thought lover boy, we'll be sure to fix your little problem - sorry, your BIG problem - later on tonight."
Trell frowned. "We could fix it now and again later too, I'm up for that!" I laughed at his eagerness, and his choice of words, and Kori patted his bulge, giggling. "I know you are sweetie, but you're starting to make all these old guys feel inadequate. It's not nice to show off."
I looked at him. "By 'old guys', she obviously means Ronnie and Pops, since I'm younger than her."
She returned my earlier hip-bump. "Barely! But while I'm just entering my sexual prime, you're over the hill and picking up speed."
"Yeah, well.." I let it trail off, giving her the win. "I guess I really can't argue with you there. Wouldn't do me any good anyhow. We might as well get ready and go hit the beach, right? I've had about all the boat-sitting I can take for today, I need to move around."
Trell looked nervously at the shoreline, less than forty yards away. "How are we going to get there?"
I shrugged. "I'm sure Kristi and I will swim, you're welcome to join us if you want. Kori?"
She looked at the rocky shore. "I'll probably swim too, don't know about Ronnie though - or Pops and Tiff. Plus, we have the food and take to bring, and we'll want some dry clothes. You did say that Nick would use his boat to ferry us and our stuff, right?"
I nodded, and Trell quickly volunteered to help with transporting our stuff to shore - on the boat. I had to prod him a little. "Sure you don't want to swim? It might help burn off some of that excess energy you seem to have."
Kori laughed, but he just shook his head. "Naw, it looks awfully deep out here."
I nodded. "It is. You'll notice I used the word swim, not sink, and for that very reamister. You said you could swim."
He bristled "I can!"
I shrugged, ignoring his defensive stance. "Well then?" That didn't seem to help, and I saw his body stiffen. "Look Trell, I'm not trying to power you into doing something you don't want to do, but my point is, it doesn't matter if it's eight feet, eighty feet, or eight hundred feet, you won't drown any faster. Do you swim in eight feet of water?"
"Sure, at the pool."
"Can you swim that far?" I nodded toward the shore.
"Uh, yeah, sure. No problem."
I shrugged. "Then you're welcome to join us. You don't have to, but it's a chance to lose your fear of deep water. Just don't wear your lead-lined shoes or too much of your bling, you won't sink."
He still looked uncertain, but he grinned. "Maybe, I don't know. We'll see." He took Kori's hand and pulled her toward the stairs. "Come on, let's get ready! I'm starting to get hungry again."
Kori smiled at me as he pulled her away. "Well, we can't have that! You need to keep up your strength, young man, if you expect to keep me satisfied! Let's find you a snack."
They went below, leaving me alone on the top deck. Other than early mornings I hadn't gotten a lot of alone time recently, and it was something I had learned to cherish, and missed greatly, probably because my work was so often a solitary expedition into remote areas. It felt kind of nice, and I was in no hurry to rejoin my friends, despite how much I cared for them. It was quiet, the kids next door apparently resting after spending almost two hours in the water, and I crossed to the rail and stood looking out over the water, at the more distant rock formations beneath a jewel-blue sky, only a couple of thin white clouds scudding by over the cliffs. It was very peaceful, and I could feel the tension leaving my body as I stood there.
I had not realized how tense I was until I felt the spring begin to unwind inside of me, and I took a deep cleansing breath and blew it out, letting it carry some of my tension with it. The shadows of the distant clouds moved in a slow, undulating pattern across the rocks below, and I just watched and enjoyed the scene. I became so wrapped up in it that I was almost completely unaware of someone joining me, on the far boat, two of us now watching nature and enjoying a little solitude together. Almost.
When I finally did lower my eyes and refocus them on the nearer scene, I found Alisha, Nick's wife, quietly watching me. She nodded. "Hi. It's Adam, right?"
She was able to speak normally, the near-total silence allowing her to be heard across the distance between us without having to raise her voice, and I nodded. "Uh-huh, Adam. And you're Alisha?"
She nodded. "I didn't mean to interrupt your reverie; you looked so peaceful standing there."
"No, it's OK. I was just enjoying the quiet."
She reached up and slowly brushed a long strand of hair away from her eyes, a gesture oddly reminiscent of Kristi. In fact, other than being older than Kristi, and a couple of inches shorter, there was much about her that made me think of my lady. Her stance was much the same, and her body was lean and fit, and just the way she looked at me, with a very frank and open look, was the same. Even the small tilt of her head as she gazed at me was very Kristi-like, and her eyes, her look, spoke of confidence, and intelligence, and an inner knowledge that she could probably have most any man she wanted - not that it was predatory, it was not; rather, just a quiet knowledge of her own desirability.
And she was right, because at that moment I found that I wanted her, wanted to experience her, to know what Kristi was going to be like twenty years down the road, because that was what I was seeing in this woman. Alisha was what Kristi would become, once ladyhood and experience, and just the passage of years had mellowed and refined her. I realized that I wanted to know more about Alisha, much more, to discover how life had formed her and to watch my beautiful Kristi follow in her footsteps over the coming years. I felt almost like I needed that knowledge, that experience, to make it possible to deal with the things Kristi would inevitably put me through in our time together once we were married, going forward. I had to know that the hard times would all be worthwhile, in the end.
I realized that I had been staring at her as these thoughts had filled my head, and I felt myself blush. She smiled softly. "Do I make you uncomfortable?"
I shook my head. "No. Well, yeah, maybe a little, but it's only because I feel like I've known you forever, but still need to know more."
She favored me with a small chuckle. "Wow! I bet that line gets all the ladies, huh?"
I shrugged, smiling. "I don't know, I've never uttered those words before. I'm not even sure why I did now. You're a very beautiful woman."
She smiled, accepting the compliment gracefully, also much as Kristi would have done. "Are you always this forward?"
"Me? Hah! No, never, and I have no idea why I'm being such a clod right now. I apologize."
She shook her head, her small, enigmatic smile still curving her lips. "Adam, you never have to apologize for telling a woman she's beautiful. Unless you're planning to take it back."
I shook my head. "No, I meant every word. I just don't usually say them out loud, not to someone I just met. We don't have to mention my faux pas to your husband."
She laughed, a sound free and easy, the kind that makes you want to laugh along with her. "It's all right, he already knows I'm beautiful."
That did make me laugh, and I nodded. "I'm sure he does. Does he also know what a lucky man he is?"
She nodded. "He does - and I remind him frequently, so he doesn't forget - but tonight you tell him; it's good for him to hear it from another source."
"Mmm, I'll have to think about that. I'm sure there's a way to do it tactfully, but I may not be the right man for the job. Ronnie can advise me, that's really more in his field of expertise. Have you met Ronnie?"
She thought for a moment. "The other white guy, right? Yeah, just for a second, long enough to exchange names. Same time I met you, remember - while you were swimming. Hey, listen, I need to go help Nick and Grace get the dinner stuff packed up and over to the shore. When are you guys planning on joining us?"
"We were just talking about that. Soon, I guess. We'll need a lift for our stuff and a couple of our group, but it looks like we're about set to go. I'll go help them, and we'll see you in a little while."
She nodded and gave me a small wave, and I watched her turn and walk away, marveling at how her moves, all sinuous and feline, mimicked my fiancée. With a few minor exceptions - the streaks of gray in her hair, a very few extra pounds, mostly in the right places - this woman could be her, Kristi, a few years older and wiser. It was almost eerie.
Posts: 38
Hi Stormy,
this is another interesting twist. Permisterally, I wasn't so lucky as meeting a woman some twenty years older than my wife or g/f but giving the impression that's what she'd probably look like when she would have grown older.
However it reminds me of a situation I once experienced with one of my former spouses - she was havíng a boyfriend at that time, cuckolding me of course, and at the same time was actually lusting after his man, telling me that man would have so many features that reminds her to her b/f. She found it amazing to meet a man who would look and feel like how her b/f probably would in future, kind of beamed into present. Strange how life develops its kinks sometimes. Cliffa
Posts: 4050
Very intriguing. I am curious to see where this is going. Is Nick a jealous husband? Or maybe a philanderer? Or a knowing cuckold like Ronnie? what happens if Kristi doesn't keep her promise? And if she doesn't, who will she stray with?
You have my attention. Once again, well done.
Thank you for writing.
Posts: 1459
Thanks Cliffa. It is interesting how we look at someone older and imagine if that's what we - or maybe our lover - might become when we grow up. Sometimes you hope so. Other times, not so much!
Thanks GH, and it’s good to have you back! You’ve been missed around these parts. Not sure how our crew will relate to the newcomers, but I’m sure something will come up._______________
I shook off the odd feeling that I had seen the future and went down to join the others. Ronnie and Pops stood at the counter in the galley, peering into a box which clanked when Ronnie tilted it. I joined them, discovering that they had put together a generous selection of various holy wateric libations and were arguing about whether or not they had covered all the bases. I looked at what they had collected, and laughed. "Guys, we're only going ashore for a few hours, not to establish a new club on the beach! I mean, jeez, the Sixth Fleet could join us and we'd still be able to handle it with what you've got."
Pops grunted. "Huh! I can tell you don't run a food related business - you can never have too much by way of takes."
Ron grinned. "Hey, I just don't want to leave out anything important! Let's see, we've got wine - red and white - we've got my scotch, Senor Jose', and the brothers Jack and Jim, Grey Goose... What am I forgetting?"
I shrugged. "A couple of strapping young men to bring us back and carry us all onto the boat later on?"
He and Pops chuckled, as a sexy voice from behind me accompanied a gentle touch on my shoulder "Who has a couple of strapping young men?"
I turned and grinned at Kori, who smiled back and slid her arm around my waist. I looked down at her. "You could be sound arelax, and you'd still pick out the words that interest you, woman. You're amazing!"
She nodded. "It's a useful s*******. So, about the strapping young men..?"
"Nothing, K, I just said we'd need some if we take the way these guys think we will. Didn't mean to get your hopes up."
She gave me a mischievous smile. "Not for me Adam, I've got one already! I was trying to help out Kristi and Tiff, who are stuck with you tired old guys."
Ronnie smiled at his wife's teasing, and Pops laughed. "Careful there little lady, I've already put Tiff over my knee today, you could be next!"
She turned and thrust her round little tush out at him, her tiny bikini bottom leaving most of it exposed, and gave a wiggle. "Oooh, promises, promises! Of course, I'll make you explain the red handprints on my ass to our new friends!"
Pops grumred "Huh, well, once they get to know you, I'm sure they'd understand."
Ronnie and I agreed, and Ron cautioned his wife. "He's got you there babe! You do bring out the beast in a man; they would know pretty quick that you must have asked for it."
She pretended to pout. "OK, I promise to be on my best behavior - no more wisecracks, no more reminding you that Trell can get it up ten times in a night, no more asking if you took your Viagra, no more..." She yelped and skittered away as Pops reached out and landed a loud smack on her little tush. He had cupped his hand to make it sound louder without hitting her very hard, but she turned and looked at him reproachfully as she rubbed her butt with one hand. "Hey, I was just saying how good I would be!"
He laughed. "Yeah, I got that - and you were very convincing, too - but once you wiggled that thing in my face I had to smack it. Just one handprint to explain, I can do that."
She shook her head, giving him a rueful, "I'll get even" kind of smile, and turned to rejoin Tiff and Kristi, who had stood talking to Trell and taking in Kori's teasing. They were laughing at her antics, but more importantly were very easily and casually touching each other. He stood between them and had his left arm around Tiff, his right around Kristi, and they were each turned in toward him, each with one arm behind him around his waist, their other hands on his shoulders and chest, just touching as they talked. It was a strange sensation to watch Kristi, clad in so little, just casually touch and be touched skin-to-skin with him. It was extremely intimate without being overtly sexual, although it looked like it could become sexual touching in mere moments, and it was strangely exciting.
It was clear that Trell was enjoying it, and even in the baggier trunks I'd given him, his erection was apparent. When Kori reached them she ran her hand over the tent in his pants and glanced back at us as if to say "See?" Although their positioning and touching prior to Kori's arrival hadn't seemed sexual to me, clearly it was to him, and he had responded accordingly to the women.
I looked at Ronnie. "Are you really OK with them, Trell and Kori, being so wrapped up in each other all the time?"
Pops watched him too, waiting for an answer, but Ronnie just shrugged. "Sure, why not? It's fun, I enjoy seeing her have a good time, and cuckolds brownie, she's lovin' it! You know how she is, and he's the perfect size for her. You guys might both be a little, uh, large, you know, for Kori.” He looked at Pops, who shrugged.
"Yeah, I get that sometimes. It can be too much of a good thing, for some women. Bigger isn’t always better."
Ron shrugged. “I’m sure I wouldn’t know.”
Pops slapped him on the back, rocking him. "Not that big a deal, my man - and besides, you've got Kori. Most guys would give their left testicle for a woman like that, and she seems to be totally, completely, insanely in love with you. Now, I don't pretend to understand that, but there you go!"
Ron grinned, looking lovingly at his wife, who, at that moment, was squeezing Trell's thick cock through his pants. "Yeah, true, and she's something special! I am one lucky guy, ain't I?"
I laughed and shook my head, agreeing with him while at the same time pondering how he could so genuinely feel that way - and express it so openly - while looking at her fondling another guy's obviously aroused genitalia. In a similar situation, despite how excited I might be, I knew there would always be that undercurrent of jealousy that would prevent me from declaring my love and devotion to Kristi. I might feel it, I'm not sure, but I'd never admit it out loud, not in that situation. Ronnie and me are very different that way.
We all heard the sound of the outboard on Nick's Zodiac fire up at the same time, and looked out the window. He and Grace, with Samuel helping, were preparing to haul stuff to shore. They appeared to have a grill, a huge cooler, and a large umbrella on board, among other things, and they passed between our boats and turned in toward the shoreline.
Their progress prompted us to re-focus on the task at hand, and while me, Ronnie, and Pops finished gathering up cuckold water and mixers, as well as a few necessities like glasses, ice and certain indispensable garnishes, the girls – accompanied by Trell – went back to pack up a couple of small duffle bags. Those of us that planned to swim ashore would need towels, dry shirts, and shoes or sandals when we got there, and we would all want some sunscreen, and maybe a folding chair or cushion or some other creature comfort.
I looked after them, then glanced at Pops. “You know, maybe your nephew isn’t as dumb as you make him out to be.” He raised his eyebrows doubtfully, and I went on. “Hey, we’re all out here with only two ugly guys for company, and he’s back there with three beautiful women!”
Pops chuckled. “Point taken! Good to know he inherited his eye for the ladies from my side of the family instead of from the sperm donor. Uh, sorry Adam.”
It took me a second to realize why he was apologizing, and when I did, I laughed. “Hey, no need for apologies, I was actually asked to be one, it was Izzy and her husband Paul’s idea. I didn’t just squirt and run like Trell’s man.” I had actually forgotten that he even knew that story. It was funny how I had gone from only Izzy, Paul, me, Ronnie, and Kori knowing to a much wider group of people – and how it was all OK. What had been my dirty little secret, when talked about openly, was no big deal. I was especially glad that I had finally told Kristi. While she had been less than thrilled to hear about it, it had felt like a huge wall between us had come down, and I was finally at peace with it.
The girls and Trell reappeared, bags packed, and we had a quick discussion about how we planned to go ashore. As I’d surmised, Kristi planned to swim ashore with me, and Ronnie decided to join us. Much to my surprise, Tiff also wanted to swim over. When Kori chose that option as well, Pops looked at her. “Hey, I thought you were my assistant around here! I was planning on you helping me get all this stuff loaded up and on the boat.”
Tiffany quickly volunteered to stay and help him, but Kori wouldn’t hear of it. “No Tiff, you go ahead, I’ll stay and help him. If you stay and work for the old grump it will just be like another day at work for you, and you’re supposed to be on vacation. Besides, this way my hair won’t get all screwed up!”
With that settled, only Trell had not decided. We all looked at him, and he rubbed his hands together nervously. “What the fuck, I guess I’ll swim too. What’s the worst that could happen?”
I shrugged. “Well, you could drown.”
He stared at me, open-mouthed. Pops and Ronnie laughed, and all three girls immediately jumped down my neck, Kori first. “Adam, what a horrible thing to say!” Then it was Kristi’s turn. “Don’t be a jerk! Why would you say something like that?” Tiff just looked at me disapprovingly before shaking her head. “You really do have a knack for saying the wrong thing. Good thing you’ve got a size twelve mouth so it can hold your foot.”
I had clearly failed to take into account how much the three women – despite their sexual interest in him and all of their teasing and innuendo – had taken an almost maternal interest in the kid! I was genuinely surprised when they all jumped to his defense. “Hey, I was just kidding! I mean, you could drown, any of us could, but you won’t. I’m just yanking your chain, you’ll be fine. If you’re worried, we’ll stay right by you – even if I was planning to drown you, it seems pretty apparent that Kristi and Tiff won’t let me.”
For some reamister, that didn’t seem to reassure him overly much, and he looked at me warily. “Well, whatever, I’m gonna swim.”
That decided, we headed out. I went above, with Kristi, and we tossed the bottles of sunscreen down to Ronnie before diving over the rail into the cool water below. Ronnie, Tiff, and Trell gathered at the edge of the lower deck, and Ronnie dove in first, followed by Tiff. Trell gingerly lowered himself into the water, keeping one hand on the edge of the deck.
We had been treading water, waiting for them, and I moved closer. "Come on, let's go. I'll stay with you, but you'll do fine."
In the end, he did. We all made it ashore with no problems, and you could almost watch his confidence grow after his successful adventure.
Posts: 492
Wow, what the hell happened? I thought the site went down permanently. Maybe it was just my computer, but for two days, I got nothing, and I mean nothing. It was like the site didn't exist anymore.
Now back to our featured story. Thanks Stormy. I thought we lost all your hard work forever.
Posts: 1459
That was a little odd, not sure what happened with the site but you're right, no way to get it the last couple of days. I wondered if it was just me, but other sites worked fine so I used my vast powers of deduction... Anyhow, glad it's back! _______________________________________________________________
Once on dry land we joined Nick and his two kids, who had unloaded the stuff from the Zodiac and were working on setting up. They paused long enough for introductions and handshakes all around - this was the first time we'd come together without thirty feet of open water between us - and once the hellos were complete we offered our help. He had some beers in the cooler they'd brought ashore, along with food items, and once we each had a cold beer in hand we were able to focus on getting set up.
Nick was setting up the grill, so naturally Ronnie and I gravitated to that. You know, fire and all that stuff, and despite the fact that it's really a one-man job it always seems to go better if you have two more guys on hand to take beer and kibitz! Tiff went to give Grace a hand with setting up the large umbrella – which turned out to be not an umbrella, but rather one of those nylon tent/canopy things on a collapsible frame - and some folding chairs, with Trell joining them, and Samuel shyly approached Kristi.
He stopped near us, his eyes on her, but didn't speak. It was clear that he wanted her attention, and she turned to him, brushing back her wet hair with the exact same motion that I'd watched Alisha use earlier, and he received one of her dazzling smiles. "Hi Samuel! What should you and me do?"
He grinned and ducked his head, blushing despite that fact that he'd done nothing to blush about. "I'm collecting driftwood so we can have a fire later. You want to help me?"
"A fire on the beach, that sounds like fun! Sure, I'll help you." She held out her hand, and he took it. It struck me as an odd gesture, one that she might have used with a young much younger than his fourteen years, but he had not hesitated to grab hold and was now leading her away. Story of my life, watching my fiancée wander off with other guys! As they walked down the beach I heard him explaining that they needed to gather two stacks, one for the adults and one so the kids could have their own separate fire. I realized that Nick and Ronnie had also watched the entire exchange, and still were.
Ronnie felt the need to tease me - I know, big surprise that my best pal would do that! "Better watch yourself buddy, I think your lady has her eye on a younger man!"
Nick laughed. "Sometimes I wonder about that boy, but I can't fault his judgment there." He glanced at me, then back at them. "Your fiancée, right?" I nodded, and he shook his head as he watched them walk away, and then whistled softly. "Wow! No offense, but I'll bet you could crack walnuts on that ass."
We laughed as Ronnie nodded. "You can, but don't. It always pisses her off when we do that."
I agreed. "Yeah, and then I have to spend hours getting all the little bits of shell out of all the nooks and crannies - not that that's all bad!"
Nick laughed at our shtick. "Ah, and here I was afraid that I might offend you! Good to see that that's apparently not possible. She's quite a looker, your gal - kinda reminds me of Alisha when she was younger."
I know I stared at him for a moment, probably with my mouth hanging open. His thoughts had so closely paralleled my own that I was shocked, but on the other hand it was good to know that it had not been pure imagination on my part. I nodded. “I had the pleasure of speaking to your wife a little earlier, and I can see what you mean, there’s something very alluring about her. She’s a very beautiful lady.”
He grinned proudly. “She is, isn’t she? And a great lady, great wife, a super cook, a total tiger in the sack, smart as a whip…she’s something! I’m a lucky guy.”
I laughed. “Good, I’ll check that off my list – I was told to be sure to remind you of that fact.”
He threw back his head and let go a big belly laugh, as Ronnie looked back and forth between us. “Uh, I guess I’m a little out of the loop here, but I was hoping maybe you’d elaborate on that ‘tiger in the sack’ part…”
Nick just smiled at Ron. “My friend, get a margarita or two in her and she’ll probably tell you herself – or offer to prove it.”
Before that comment could be explored any farther, Tiff rejoined us, sliding her arm around my waist and leaning against me as she glanced up into my eyes. “Did that big bully steal your girlfriend?”
I chuckled. “Yeah, he’s very smooth. He not only stole her, he started ordering her around – and she obeyed him! She never does that for me.”
Tiff nodded, smiling. “Yeah, I had to get out from between those two over there too. I think I was cramping Trell’s style!”
We all looked over toward where Trell and Grace stood, close together, each with a hand on one of the canopy’s corner posts, smiling at each other and talking very animatedly. I glanced at Nick to see how he was taking Trell’s obvious interest in his eldest flower. His face was an unreadable mask, but his eyes were intent – no surprise there, most mans tend to be very protective of their flowers, especially when it’s their firstborn. Here though, the issue of race could also intrude. I hoped that was not so, but I wasn’t naïve enough to ignore the possibility. Nick didn’t say a word, he just watched them.
Finally, Ronnie cut the thickening tension. “He’s a good kid, Nick. He tries to act tough, wants everyone to think he’s a thug, but he’s not. He’s actually kind of shy, until he gets to know you. The banger act is a defense mechanism.”
Nick never batted an eye, just kept watching them. “He doesn’t seem all that shy with Gracie.”
Tiff laughed, her usual husky, sexy laugh, and Nick’s eyes flicked to her, and then back to his flower. “Your girl has a gift Nick, she drew him out of his shell very quickly. It probably helps that they’re about the same age - and that she's a beautiful girl.”
Nick grunted, then finally broke off his long stare at the two younger people and looked at Tiff. “Gracie is just eighteen – he must be quite a bit older than her!”
Tiff shook her head. “Nope, just turned nineteen a couple of months ago, if I remember right. He seems to like your girl, it looks like they've hit it off.”
Nick grimaced. “Yeah, well…” He shrugged. “I don’t know what I’m worrying about, she’s got a good head on her shoulders. Besides, her old man taught her how to take care of herself. Still, you always worry. She’ll always be my little girl, I guess.”
I could see the mix of pain and pride in his eyes, and wondered if it was always that way when you were powerd to realize that your kids were growing up. I suspected it was, and likely worse for a man watching it happen to his flower. Tiff sensed it too, probably more so than I did, and she stepped to him and put her hand on his arm. “Hey, it’s OK. I dated a lot – hell, I was even married once – and I still totally love my dad. I’m still his little girl.”
I remembered when her man had come into the café the morning I was there, to get his thermos filled with coffee, and knew she was telling Nick the truth. He seemed to know it as well. He looked at her, and his expression softened. “Thanks. You know how it is.” There was a huskiness in his voice, but he cleared his throat and quickly became more brusque and business-like. “Well, I’d better go get Alisha and Faith, and we’re missing a couple from your boat too, right?”
Ronnie answered. “Yeah, my wife Kori and Pops, the big guy you saw earlier. He’s like loading two people; sure your boat can take it?”
Nick nodded. “No problem. We’ve got a few more things to bring ashore, and I assume your friends will as well?”
He phrased it as a question, and Ron nodded. “Not much, some ***** and a couple of small tote bags. You want some help?”
Nick shook his head. “No, Grace can help me. She wanted to handle the boat anyway.” He turned toward her and called out. “Hey, Captain Grace, time to run the ferry back out! You drivin’?”
I saw the brilliance of his move as she quickly said something to Trell and ran across to join us, her movements light and graceful as befit her name. She was excited about driving the nimble Zodiac, and she and her man were soon shooting across the water to their own boat. As they gained speed and moved away, I noticed that he let her swing wide, out onto the open water, and really open it up, and she cut the quick little craft back and forth across the bay in a series of broad ‘S’ curves before heading back to retrieve the rest of her family. She stood at the helm, her long hair streaming in the wind, and he stood behind her, one big hand on her shoulder. We heard her cut the throttle as they disappeared between the two larger craft.
Trell had wandered across and joined us when they left, and I nudged him. “Cute girl, huh?” He looked at me warily, and I laughed. “Hey, it’s a simple yes or no question!”
He shrugged. “Yeah, I guess. Very cute – and very friendly too. I don’t think her man likes me.”
Ronnie slapped him on the back. “Nah, he hates your guts – but that would be true for any horny young guy that gets near his baby!”
Trell looked a little bit stunned by that statement, but Tiffany laughed. “Ronnie, that’s awful! He doesn’t hate your guts Trell, don’t listen to Ron – but that doesn’t mean he won’t cut off your pecker if you touch his flower!”
I could see that she had completely failed to reassure him, if that was indeed what she had intended. I didn’t want to pile on, but there was something… “Trell, ignore them. But I would be pretty careful if I was you, there’s something about Nick that’s a little bit…I don’t know. Scary, maybe.” He stared at me, and I shrugged. “I don’t know what it is, I can’t say, and he seems so laid back and easy going, but it’s like there’s this explosiveness underneath, like he could really do some harm…” I trailed off as I noticed all three of them staring at me, and I shook my head. “I’m probably just imagining it.”
Posts: 4050
I like what Adam is doing with Trell at the end. Having a big cock that gets perpetually hard doesn't make you a man. Taking care of others does.
Your story continues to be outstanding.
Posts: 14692
The same thing happened a couple of months ago. I believe they have server issues at one time or the other. The last time it lasted almost a week.
Now back to the story. Great couple of segments Storm. Looking forward to the beach party.
Posts: 1914
Maybe its aliens blocking the site.
Posts: 14692
Nice Storm, this beach party could get very interesting. I can two or three different directions this story could go. Looking forward to finding out which way it will go.
Posts: 158
Me too, can't wait to see which direction you take us. Always a fun ride with lots of action . watcherdoit4fun
Posts: 277
Every time I catch up is just a new direction. You are briliant contdoc
Posts: 1459
Thanks for the comments guys, they are always appreciated, and I value your support. Hate to say it, but I think I'm going to take an extended sabbatical from this. I'm just totally burned out on it, and it's not much fun right now. Not sure if I'll just quit - for now or for good - or if I might try to work on a couple of shorter stories and maybe come back to finish this, but just need to take a break and decide. I appreciate your understanding. ______________________________________________________________________ ________________
The following segment - and the last one above - have been added back in after a couple of posts were inexplicably deleted due to a site glitch of some type. Thanks to jjthom for providing the above segment, which I did not have saved! ______________________________________________________________________ ______________
Behind us, Kristi and Samuel dropped the loads of driftwood they'd gathered near where they planned to later build a fire. We turned and looked at them, and at the fruits of their labor. They had already left a pretty good sized stack about seventy yards or so down the beach, for a fire for the kids to gather around later, and had managed to collect another substantial pile for us. It was amazing to see how much wood they’d found so quickly in such an almost completely barren place – and to realize that some of it could have washed downstream all the way from the mountains of Colorado! Ronnie nodded at them. "Nice job! You two have been very industrious."
Kristi slapped Sam on the back. "Yeah, unlike these lazy slugs that just stand around yakking and swilling beer, right Sam?"
He grinned and nodded, clearly pleased to be Kristi's buddy and teammate. We all made it a point to not obviously notice or comment on the fact that he had pitched a tent in his trunks, the front of his suit doing little to hide his rampant erection - but who could blame the poor kid? Kristi in her tiny suit alone would likely have been enough to inspire that reaction in most teenage boys – hell, in most men of any age - and the fact that the slight cooling breeze over the wet bra of her bikini had brought her nipples to visibly rigid attention was probably not helping matters.
I glanced at Tiff and noticed she'd had the same reaction to the breeze. Hell, these two beauties in skimpy suits, hard nipples prominent - this place was soon going to have as many tents as a Boy Scout camp if we weren't careful! Sam self-consciously crossed his hands in front of his groin, as if suddenly aware that he had a visible problem, and I heard Trell snort a brief, fetishd-off laugh before he turned away.
Kristi, aware of the unintentional havoc her body was causing, tried to re-focus the kid's attention. "Well, I think you and me have earned a take with all our hard work. What do you say?" As she said it she put her arm around his shoulders and pulled him against her side. There was nothing even remotely sexual about it, but he in his trunks and she in her bikini left a whole lot of warm skin to come into contact, and I saw his eyes widen as his face reddened. Not that he didn't enjoy it; clearly he did, leaning against her and slipping his arm around her waist - but I think she had caught him completely off guard.
He lingered for a moment (smart boy!) before pulling away. "I'm gonna get me a Pepsi - you want one?"
She gave him a warm smile. "Do you have diet?"
He nodded and bounded over to the cooler like an over-exuberant puppy, returning moments later with the two cold, dripping cans. He popped his own, and while he was taking a big swallow of it Kristi popped hers - right next to his face so that the spray of ice cold water from the can's upper rim caught him in the neck and ear! He let out a startled yelp as he swallowed, then quickly stuck his cold can against her warm, unprotected belly, eliciting a startled gasp and a laughing protest from her. He took off, with her in hot pursuit as she tried to get revenge by touching his sun-heated skin with her cold take. It was fun to see the two of them clowning and teasing each other, like a couple of kids that had known each other for months rather than minutes, but it also seemed to have the effect of making Kristi something other than a sexual fantasy for him, something other than a mere object of teenage desire, and his involuntary physical reaction to her seemed to ease, his tent slowly collapsing.
She caught him, pressing her cold can against the small of his back as he wriggled and laughed, and when she rejoined us moments later, as he continued along the shore, she was still grinning and breathing heavily from the chase, her eyes sparkling. I grinned at her. "You having fun?"
She laughed. "Yeah, I am! He's a good kid." More softly, just to me and Tiff, she said. "I didn't want him to be embarrassed."
I nodded. "I know. I remember being his age – as I told you, it's not easy; that thing has a mind of its own. You're a good permister."
She put her finger to my lips. "Ssshhh, don't be spreading rumors like that, you'll ruin my reputation!"
We all heard the motor on the Zodiac come to life, revving only slightly as they moved from Nick's boat across to ours to fetch Pops and Kori. When it revved again and then came into view a few minutes later it was apparent that it was packed to capacity. With Nick and Grace, and the addition of his wife Alisha and younger flower Faith, plus Kori and the various supplies in boxes and a cooler, it would have been almost at capacity; with the addition of Pops, it looked like a disaster in the making, riding low in the water and giving the impression that it was bulging at the sides.
Moving in a slower and more conservative manner than earlier, they made it to shore without mishap. When they did, everyone went through the necessary rituals of greeting, shaking hands, making nice, etc, as Pops and Nick carried the various food and take items from the boat to the area we’d staked out for the cookout. Trell quickly commandeered Grace again, and I couldn’t help but notice the quick frown that drew from Nick. I quickly forgot it, though, when I was introduced to Alisha, for the first time close-up and face-to-face.
It was her husband Nick that introduced us, and Alisha smiled at me as she spoke to him. “Adam and I have already met, honey – twice, actually. Just never this close together before.” As she took my outstretched hand she leaned in and stretched up to kiss me softly on the cheek, and when she pulled back our eyes met. There was a small, enigmatic smile on her face as her eyes searched mine. We had been too far apart on our previous meetings for me to notice the remarkable color of her eyes, but now I was momentarily lost in them. You may have noticed by now that I have a major weakness for a lady with beautiful eyes – Kristi is a case in point – and now Alisha had me in her power.
Her eyes were a very cool blue-gray, with just a touch of green in small spears radiating out from her pupils in a sunburst pattern. More than just the color, though, was the calm self-assurance, the quiet confidence which they expressed, and the way they looked right into me. It was moderately disconcerting in a way, but more than that there was almost a feeling of comfort that I would not have to struggle to keep any of my secrets from her, because she already knew them all. I know that sounds insane but it was the way she made me feel, and I have no way to explain that. Now, though, she was speaking, and I was too busy looking at her eyes to pay attention to what she was saying. “Umm, I’m sorry, what did you just say?”
She laughed, as did Kristi beside me before bailing me out – in her own inimitable fashion. “You’ll have to forgive him Alisha, he gets tongue-tied around beautiful women sometimes, when he first meets them. He’ll get better, I promise.”
The corners of Alisha’s eyes crinkled with merriment. “So you’re saying the fact he was ignoring me is a compliment? I guess I can live with that! Adam, I asked what you do for a living.”
“Oh! Sorry. Kristi is right – although she could have maybe thought of some way to cover my butt without embarrassing me.” I told her what I do – the condensed version, so as not to have to watch those beautiful eyes glaze over – and she nodded. “That must keep you away from home a lot. I wouldn’t think you’d want to leave a woman as beautiful as your fiancée alone so much.” She was very perceptive! She turned to Kristi. “And what do you do with yourself, with him gone all the time?”
“Oh, I work too, in commercial real estate. As far as what I do in my free time, we’re still negotiating that.”
Alisha stared at her for a moment, considering that last statement, and then she nodded. “I think I understand. Nick was always gone a lot too, although he’s been getting better about it. He’s slowly working toward retirement – aren’t you dear?”
He nodded his head. “Sure, if you say so babe – the key word there being ‘slowly’ – it’ll happen sooner or later.” I could sense that this was a point of some tension between them.
Alisha looked at him, a mix of concern, love, and frustration on her face. “It’s time, Nick.” She turned to Kristi. “As you can probably see, I know a little bit about how to use your free time. We should talk; I can give you a few pointers.”
I caught a glance from Nick, his eyebrows raised as he looked from his wife to Kristi, and then at me. He gave me an almost imperceptible shake of his grizzled head. Now what the hell did that mean?
Alisha, appointing herself hostess, turned to Ron and Kori; soon the three of them, with Pops and Tiff joining in, were deep in conversation, laughing and getting to know each other. Kristi and me stayed by Nick, doing the same. The two younger kids, Faith and Samuel, were down the shore near their stack of firewood, throwing rocks into the lake, and Trell and Grace seemed to only have eyes for each other. Nick soon noticed this. “Grace, be sure you keep an eye on your brother and sister. You know how quick they can get themselves in trouble.”
“I am, Dad. They’re fine.” She took Trell’s hand and pulled him down the shore, toward her siblings. “Come on; let’s get away from all the old folks.”
I laughed. “Ouch! I’m wounded!”
Nick chuckled. “Yeah, she’s a great girl, and scary smart, but not always the most tactful.” He called after her “Hey, Gracie that was rude!”
She laughed and waved back at him. “Sorry! I didn’t think your hearing would be that good at your age!”
That got all of us laughing; I even saw the flash of Trell’s white teeth as he enjoyed her quick wit. I shook my head. “She’s going to be trouble for some poor, unsuspecting young man. Good trouble though, she’ll be fun.”
Nick nodded. “Yeah, don’t remind me.”
We all pitched in on getting our beach blanket barbecue set up; with the contributions of eight well-seamistered outdoor partiers it came together quickly, and soon Pops was trading cooking secrets with Nick over a smoking grill. Ron and Tiff had decided to tend bar together, and were mixing takes to order, and I found myself in the enviable position of working with Kristi, Kori, and Alisha to get everything else set up and ready. We had a combination of folding chairs and cushions to toss on the ground, two folding tables – one of which was on bar duty – and a few side dishes to put out, as well as all the usual plastic plates, cups, napkins, etc. Between us we seemed to have overlooked nothing.
Wrapping up our preparations, but still with some time before the meat items would be ready, I turned to move a cooler and almost fell over Faith. I had not heard her walk up behind me, and I grabbed her to keep her from falling. “I’m sorry sweetie, I didn’t see you there!”
She regarded me steadily, her big blue eyes calm and serious. “It’s OK. Can you skip rocks?”
Momentarily puzzled, I glanced at her lady, but Alisha just smiled and shrugged her shoulders. I looked back at Faith. “Uh, I’m sorry. What?”
“Do you know how to skip rocks? Those guys are all skipping rocks, and they won’t show me how!”
I grinned at her. This one was right in my wheelhouse! “Can I skip rocks? You just happen to be talking to the rock-skipping champion of West Chicago! C’mon, I’ll show you.” To my surprise she reached out and took my hand, leading me back up the shore toward where her brother and sister stood with Trell, tossing rocks, all of them trying to outdo each other.
She stopped us about thirty feet or so from them. “Show me.” This was a girl that knew exactly what she wanted!
I selected a flattish rock of good skipping size, and handed it to her. “OK, first you want a flat stone, like this. It doesn’t look like there are too many of them around here, but we’ll find some. Next, you want to kind of bend toward your throwing arm, like this…” I showed her what I meant, leaning to my right and doing a sidearm sweep without releasing the rock. “You want to let the stone go real low, just above the water, and kind of flick your wrist, so it spins. Watch, then you can try it.”
I wound up and let fly, using my best skipping throw. I hadn’t done this in years, but by sheer luck – and a little muscle memory, since I had literally done this thousands of times as a kid – it hit perfectly, and skipped – twelve times! I knew this because Faith counted, and cried out in delight “Twelve! You made it hop twelve times! You’re the best, nobody else can do that! Show me how!”
I did, to the best of my abilities. A little hero-worship will buy a girl a lot of goodwill! Fortunately she was a quick study, and had a willow-limber arm that could whip those rocks out at a good clip, and after just a few disappointments and a correction or two to her release, she got four skips out of one, and let out a squeal of delight. Her excitement was contagious, and soon I found myself laughing with her, and spending my time hunting more flat stones in her size. The other kids joined us, showing proper appreciation for her new-found abilities, and it seemed like just a few minutes before we were all being called to dinner.
To tell the truth, I was a little disappointed. It had been kind of fun to just set everything aside and be a kid again for a few minutes, very cathartic. I wasn’t ready for my mom to call me home for dinner; there was still a little daylight left, and I wanted to stay out and play with my new friends! Then I looked up the shore and saw three gorgeous women – the same three I had been working with shortly before – all standing together, talking, and watching us play. They were smiling, enjoying watching, and I figured probably talking about us. I waved, and Kristi waved back. On second thought, being a grown-up has definite advantages too!
Posts: 158
I am so bummed out there is almost nothing I enjoy more than to read about your story. With that being said I also know how much effort it must take to entertain all of us cucks....lol.
I totally have enjoyed all of your hard work and time.
If you ever want to turn you writings. Into a book or movie I will stand in line to be one of your paying fans ....you are truly the best at what I like to read about. My words could never do you justice but I will wait patiently and hope for all of us that you make a return. Bye for now. watcherdoit4fun
Posts: 492
Hello Stormy. Well, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed, but I have to admit, I kind of expected this. You've been cranking on this story for almost three years now and I can not imagine how many hours of hard work you must have invested in entertaining us. I for one applaud your efforts  and thank you from the bottom of my heart. Please know that you will be truly missed, by me and I'm sure a lot of others. First GH, now you, it certainly won't be the same around here, but please do not feel one ounce of guilt toward your decision. You deserve your sabbatical, it's way overdue. I hope you have a lot of fun things lined up now that you're going to have so much free time on your hands. Enjoy the rest of your summer, I truly hope it's great. I'll keep checking, maybe when the cold weather sets back in, you'll feel an urge to continue on in whatever manner. I'll be the first in line to read whatever it is that you're writing, believe me. I find it rather ironic that the story pretty much started with the houseboat, and you're ending it with the houseboat. How perfect. Darn, I'll never know if my guess as to the outcome would have been correct, but then again, that's perfectly fine with me-I have a good imagination. Somehow, thanks just doesn't seem adequate, but as I said before, THANKS. Take care Buddy, hope to see your back here someday. TrF2
Posts: 1914
Stormy, GH has produced many great stories on this site and you have produced a few yourself, but I honestly think this is the greatest sustained story that this site has ever had, and maybe now ever will have. Over the coming weeks and months, Adam and Kristi will either stay silent or they will whisper in your ear. Their lives are with us all now, and sad as it is to see them still adrift on the boat, they will stay there forever as great characters as will all their friends. Maybe, you will hear more from them, and if you do, it would be an honour to hear it too. Good luck, my friend. You will be sorely missed.
Posts: 14692
Storm, thank you for a truly great story. While I'm disappointed I fully understand and support your position. Now as I'm struggling with my story I have a even greater appreciation for your and GH's hard work.
Take a break, I hope all is well on the home front and try to enjoy life. Now it is up to us to find in our own imagination if Kristi and Adam make it or if their relationship crashes and burns.
Great job and thank you so very much.
Posts: 4050
#1,230 · Edited by: goodhusband
I believe that immediate action is essential. Tomorrow, go to your local purveyor of spirts and buy a bottle of Canadian Whiskey. I suggest either Seagrams VO, Canadian Club or Windsor. Actually I find Windsor to be an outstanding compromise between price and quality. This is important if you find yourself in frequent need of additional inspiration.
After your family has gone to bed, begin dosing yourself. Three ounces of whiskey and two ounces of water poured over several large ice cubes is the recommended dose.
Continue medication at the rate of one dose every 30 minutes until creativity sets in. Three doses may be required.
Once inspiration occurs, DO Not Stop Medication! Additional doses do bring added clarity.
Continue medication until you have a plan for getting the wonderful characters you have created off of that boat and home so that they can happily live out the rest of their lives.
If you have questions, you can email me, but I will only suggest additional medication. It's generally worked for me.
P.S. While I'm writing this I'm also watching a country western concert on television and I have to say that Reba has very nice tits. It may be that I've had enough inspiration for one night