Posts: 1914
Stormy. I've noticed that Clive Cussler always writes himself into stories with a little cameo. Just thinking about this new guy Nick ... Or are you already in ..
Posts: 26
Stormy, I am enjoying both stories. As stated before you are the master. I really now don’t want to see either story end. There are many who read this site and a few who comment. There are 3 very talented authors which I enjoy reading very much and you are on the top of that list. I check daily for updates. Your efforts are greatly appreciated. Realizing it is a lot to ask but I hope you keep both stories going and I will just wait and see which one you are working on when you post. jj
Posts: 14692
another fun chapter. Glad you picked this one up again.
Posts: 14692
What's happening on the lake?
Posts: 4050
Some how I missed this segment. Real life has been a lttle demanding lately. I'm glad I found it. I've been craving a generous serving of Adam, Kristi, Kori, Ron, Pops and Tiff and this was definitely it. Wonderful interplay. Every single permister reading this story has to wish they were on that boat.
Thank you
Posts: 14692
It's 80+ and I want to be out on the lake with those sexy vixens.
Posts: 14692
time for a bump
Posts: 14692
another bump
Posts: 1459
The following post was lost, but has been edited back in due to the generosity of a reader, jjthom, who provided it to me when I did not have it saved. Thanks jj! ______________________________________________________________________ _
Kori laughed at that, and then shook her head. "Well, since I seem to have no takers, I guess I'll go grab a quick shower. Maybe my new buddy would like to join me..." She turned to look at Trell, still lying naked on the deck and grinned, shaking her head. "Poor baby, I guess I finally wore him out." He was sound arelax, his head lolling to one side.
She yawned hugely, and Kristi gave her a playful shove. "Just in time, I'd say! I'm not sure who wore who out, you look pretty tired yourself."
Kori yawned again. "Ohhh, I am! It was a long but satisfying night! I think maybe a shower, a little nip of something, and then a nap. I do so love vacations."
I gave her a quick hug before I pushed her toward the stairs. "Good plan K, you can't go wrong with a nip and a nap. We'll wake you up if anything exciting happens - or if we need something exciting to happen."
She wiggled her eyebrows at me lasciviously, then wiggled her ass even more lasciviously before heading downstairs for her shower. With her gone and Trell napping, that left just me, Ron, and Pops gathered around the small bar, along with the other two girls. Kristi was gazing over at the relaxing form of our youngest guest, and she shook her head. "Pops, you're nephew is just almost too pretty. Did you ever look like that?"
Pops laughed loudly before laying his big mitt on Kristi's shoulder. "Girl, look at me! What do you think?" He shook his head ruefully. "No, this fat old negro never looked like that! I was always bigger, bulkier - but I was always strong too. If he's the Doberman, I guess I'm the Rottweiler. He's built for speed, while I'm built for endurance." He raised his brows as he looked at her. "Which of those is your preference?"
Kristi laughed. "Well, there's something to be said for both..." Tiffany cut her off, laughing at Pops. "Old man, you are no Rottweiler! A Bull Mastiff, maybe - or just a bull. I can state for the record that you are full of bull!"
Pops gave her his best sexy smile - which, actually, was a little frightening. "Tiff, sweetie, maybe I should tell our new friends just how much you enjoy being full of bull, you think?"
Tiff instantly colored and looked away. "Umm, no, I don't think we need to share everything right away!" She tried to change the subject, looking across at Trell. "Is he OK, lying in the sun like that?"
Ron looked as well, and chuckled. "He might explode, but he won't burn, that's for sure. I don't think my wife missed a single inch of exposed skin - fore or otherwise - when she was putting that lotion on him."
He said it matter-of-factly, not a trace of jealousy. I looked at him, and he appeared to be totally at peace with the fact that Kori had just gotten laid - and extremely well laid, if the strength of her orgasm was any indication - by another man as he, and the rest of us, watched. No matter what might happen between Kristi and I in the future, I couldn't believe that I would ever be able to accept either the act or the offense I'd feel in that situation with the same equanimity.
Kristi addressed Pops. "Yeah, I was going to ask you about that! Do black people really need sunscreen, or was Kori just using it to lube him and shine him up?"
Pops laughed at her. "You do have a way with words, but I can tell you haven't spent much time on the dark side. No, he'd need sunscreen; Trell is much lighter than me, so he'll burn. I'm dark - you may have noticed - and I just get darker from the sun. Another day or two of this and all you'll see of me after dark is eyes and teeth."
Kristi giggled at his description. "I guess I'd better tape one of those glow-sticks to that cock then, because I'm pretty sure I'm going to want to find it one of these nights."
"No problem girl, just feel around about two and a half feet or so directly below my teeth and you'll find it."
Tiff shook her head in mock disgust. "Yeah, or three and a half feet, and you'll still find it. It's pretty hard to miss."
Ronnie laughed "True dat!" , and Pops, joining his laughter, high-fived him "My homey!"
We heard a low groan behind us, and we all turned to look. Trell had awoken, and was sitting up, looking around. "Where's Kori?"
Kristi answered. "She went to grab a shower, and a nap. You finally wore her out."
He groaned again as he rose to his feet. "Yeah, sure! I think she wore me out. Damn, that woman loves to fuck!" He suddenly seemed to remember that she was Ronnie's wife, and he looked at him, realizing what he'd just said. "Um, sorry man, no offense."
Ron shook his head. "None taken - when you're right, you're right, and she does have a certain enthusiasm for her sexual endeavors. Thanks for entertaining her."
Trell had begun to cross to us, and now he stopped, staring at Ronnie as if trying to ascertain whether or not he was serious. "Um, sure, no problem. My pleasure, I mean, you know, anytime..."
Pops laughed. "Shut up boy, you're just making it worse - just say 'you're welcome', and move on!"
Trell grinned sheepishly. "Yeah, uh, you're welcome."
As we all had a laugh at his expense, he grinned again and stretched his arms above his head and leaned his upper body to his left, and then his right. The position defined all of his muscles and stretched his dark skin taut across his ribs, abs, pecs and lats, and we could hear the tendons and ligaments stretch and pop. Clearly he had gained confidence after his well-received performance with Kori, and the time spent with her and around us seemed to have lowered - if not removed - any inhibitions he'd had about his own nudity. Of course, having a bevy of beautiful women openly admiring your body would have a tendency to bolster one's ego, and our bevy had not been shy about admiring him.
While he was comfortable letting it all hang out, and I believe all of us were fine with it, we had momentarily forgotten that we had new neighbors. While he'd been lying on the deck he had been hidden from view to the other boat by the towels which Kristi had hung over the rail. Now, up and moving about, he was not. He was on display, and the sole permister on the upper deck of the neighboring boat, a young woman - or girl - was staring at him!
I was the first to see her. "Trell, you may want to cover up - you have an audience."
His head swiveled to me. "Huh?"
I indicated the other boat with a quick point of my finger, and he turned quickly, his jaw dropping. "Oh cuckolds brownie, I forgot!" He looked around for something with which to cover himself, and, seeing nothing close at hand cupped both hands over his genitals. If anything, in my opinion, that was worse than naked!
The young girl appeared to giggle, raising one hand to cover her mouth, and then she waved shyly at him. Not thinking, he waved back, quickly realizing he'd just lost half his cover and clapping his hand back over his groin. We were all laughing at his discomfiture as she turned and went below, none of any more so than Pops, who seemed to take a great deal of pleasure in any faux pas committed by his nephew. "Smooth, mister, very smooth! I never thought about making a first impression on a woman by waving my dick at her!"
While Trell fumed, Tiff punched Pops in the arm, her fist tiny against his bicep. "You big liar! You have so, you do it all the time - as if you don't know that in those thin white pants you wear, every woman that sees you knows you're not Jewish - amongst other things!"
While we all enjoyed the good-natured banter, I thought about the girl. She'd been thirty or forty feet or more away, but I could tell that she was young. She'd been slender and fine-boned, her soft, light brown hair falling long and straight along each side of a delicate heart shaped face. She'd had on red shorts and a white, peasant-style blouse, the scoop neckline of which had revealed just the smallest hint of her upper breasts. Her legs had been slender and straight, and long, and she'd been barefoot, and her smile at Trell's nudity had not seemed at all embarrassed. If anything, she had seemed very curious, or amused. She could easily have been any age from fourteen to twenty, but I found myself hoping it was closer to the latter than the former, given what she had observed.
As I pondered that, a man appeared on the upper deck of the recently-arrived boat, and called across to us. I was a little bit afraid that we were about to get reamed for what the girl - likely his flower or grandflower - had seen, but no. "Hey the boat!"
I thought that was an odd approach, since he could see us, but I rose and crossed to the rail. Kristi accompanied me, and Ronnie trailed along. I spoke first. "Hey yourself, how you doing?"
"Good, good. Look, you don't mind us invading your space a little, do you? We wanted to use the beach over here, maybe spend the night..."
I shrugged. "Public lake, there's room for all of us." I had wondered why they had come so close, between us and the shore. The beach - really a long, rounded sandstone face which sloped gently into the water - was close to them, so that explained it. I went on. "It's a pretty spot."
He nodded. "Yeah. We never would have found it, but we met a ranger that told us about it."
Kristi laughed. "Big guy, grayish hair, more muscles than brains?"
The new guy nodded, puzzled. "Yeah, that's him. Why?"
Kristi shrugged. "Oh, nothing. Did he and your wife meet?"
"Yeah, they spoke. Nice guy, they hit it off. I'm Nick, by the way."
We made the introductions, but the whole time I was thinking about what Kristi had asked him. Surely it couldn't be...
Nick had shrugged off Kristi's question about Lee, clearly not tumbling to the reamister she'd asked. He was mostly gray-haired, with just a bit of his original brown still mixed in, and tall and slender. Maybe slender is not the right word. It was more like rangy, or raw-boned, I suppose, his frame large enough to easily carry more weight, but his build was lean, just muscle and sinew wrapped over big, seemingly loose-jointed bones. When he moved there was the impression of suppressed power, and of the potential for sudden and possibly lethal violence. It was almost a little intimidating, but Kristi and Ron did not seem to notice it, so I chalked it up to my overactive imagination.
His face was lined by sun and wind, but it had the effect of making him look rugged rather than old, somewhere between Clint Eastwood and Scott Glenn. He looked like one of those guys that, if you had your wits about you, you just knew not to mess with. Now, however, his narrowed eyes, squinting in the bright sun, roamed over Kristi's tight, lean form, and a big grin creased his face. "That ranger told us this was one of the prettiest spots, with some of the best scenery on the lake. I'd have to say he was right on all counts. Y'all said it was Kristi, right?"
Kristi accepted his compliment gracefully - she's had a lot of practice - with just a small smile and a nod. "Yup; and Adam and Ronnie. The big black guy over there goes by Pops, and the sexy lady with the big tits and the auburn hair is Tiffany - we call her Tiff. Be careful around her, she castrates things." He laughed at her description of Tiff, shaking his head as she glanced around for Trell, who had apparently gone below. She looked back at him. "We have two more, Kori and Trell, but they're still resting up after a long night - you'll probably meet them later, if you hang around."
We were close enough to talk easily across the twenty feet or so of water between the two boats, barely raising our voices at all. He nodded. "And this Trell and Kori, are they male or female - and, if female, are they as impressive as the two ladies we have here?"
I laughed at his question, as did Kristi before answering. I hadn't really thought about the fact that the two names were really pretty gender-neutral - as is Ronnie, I suppose. Kristi's answer made us all laugh yet again. "One of each - and yeah, I'd say there both pretty impressive. He, in particular, is gorgeous!"
Nick grinned. "Afraid my preference doesn't necessarily run that way. And the lady is...?"
I answered. "Kori. She's Ronnie's wife, and yes, she's another very nice addition to the scenery. Trell is short for Latrell, he's Pops' nephew."
He nodded as the young girl we'd seen previously joined him on deck as we spoke, and leaned against his side. He put his big arm over her shoulders and hugged her to him. "This is my flower Grace. Gracie, this is Kristi, Ronnie, and Adam. Say hi."
She rolled her eyes at his prompting, as if embarrassed that he'd treated her like a little girl, then smiled at us. "Hi everyone! Hope we didn't barge in on you too bad!"
As her eyes took in Ronnie, then roamed over Kristi's tanned, bikini-clad body, I silently revised my estimate of her age. First impression had said anywhere between fourteen and twenty, but now I was sure that twenty was closer to the mark. Her face was pretty, almost daintily so, and her overall look was of gentleness, and of shyness and innocence, but her eyes gave her away. A soft, pale cornflower blue, they missed nothing, and the things they saw were appraised, considered, and either accepted or dismissed almost instantly.
They considered Ronnie, and set him aside, then took in Kristi and flared with interest, or curiosity. When they moved to me her pale brown eyebrows rose slightly, and a small smile tugged at the corners of her sensual lips, and when her gaze ran over my body and then again boldly met my eyes I felt myself blush! Here's this girl - just a kid, really - and I'm the one blushing! But it was like she'd read my mind, seen my admiration of her youthful beauty and sensuality and the blossoming glow of her early womanhood! She grinned as she glanced away, then she stretched up and whispered something in her man's ear.
He nodded. "That's a great idea! Gracie wants to know if you'll all join us for dinner - we're planning to haul our grill ashore and have a cookout on the beach. It's the least we can do after barging in on you - what do you say?"
I looked at Ron and Kristi, who both nodded and shrugged, indicating that they were fine with the idea, and then looked back at Nick. "Sure, sounds good to us! We'll have to run it by the others, but I'm sure everyone will be on board for it. Sure you want to feed the seven of us? You're sure not obligated, just because we were here first..." I noticed Grace watching me as I answered, and when I glanced at her she gave that same small, seductive smile she'd shown before. It is a very nice little smile, a little bit of an invite mixed with a touch of shyness. I wondered if it was something she practiced.
Nick waved me off. "No problem - y'all can bring some takes if you want, or some chips or something. No vegans in the group, are there?"
We laughed, and Ronnie answered. "Nope, all carnivores here! Aren't the four basic food groups beef, pork, chicken, and *****?"
Nick smiled. "Are you gonna use your little life raft, swim ashore, or do you want me to pick you up?" He nodded toward the stern of their boat, indicating the pretty little Zodiac he had there, tied on a long tether. It looked like a Bayrunner, new looking, with a nice forty horse Yamaha motor. Grace spoke up. "Yeah, we'll come get you! I get to drive!"
Kristi laughed, then answered. "Some of us may swim, but I'm sure some won't want to - plus, if we're bringing any food or whatever..."
He nodded. "Good point! I'll plan on picking you up, say, what - about six thirty-ish?"
When I agreed, he nodded, that item settled. "Good. You'll get to meet my wife Alisha and my other flower, Faith, who turns nine in three more days - and my mister Samuel, who's running around here somewhere. He's fourteen. We'll see y'all later." He started to turn away, then turned back toward us. "Hey, listen, they're probably going to be running around her like wild things, jumping off the deck and chasing each other around. If they get too noisy for you, just holler at 'em to shut up. They know to listen." Again Grace chimed in. "Or else I'll smack 'em!"
We assured him it was no problem, the sound of kids having fun not the least offensive, while I prayed they wouldn't fight and scream at each other all afternoon. He paused, as if wanting to say one more thing but hesitant to do so, then plunged ahead. "Listen, I know we invaded your privacy here, but you don't have to pay much attention to us - I mean, with the kids and all. I couldn't help but notice when we got here that y'all were enjoying a little au-naturel time in the sun, if you get my drift - you don't have to stop on our account."
Ronnie spoke for us. "Mmm, no, it's OK. You don't want your kids exposed to that, we understand..."
He shook his head. "No, that's what I'm saying - our kids are used to it. Before this year we've always spent a month each summer at a naturist camp, as a family. You know, a nudist camp. Our kids have seen it all, and we've raised them not to be ashamed of their bodies, so you won't shock us." He laughed. "We're here this year, on the boat, because Samuel had such a tough time last summer. Thirteen years old, all those raging hormones and nudity just didn't seem to go together very smoothly. People were starting to refer to him as the human sundial."
We laughed at that. I could sympathize with the kid, having gone through the perpetual boner stage myself at about that age - and both I and the people around me then had been fully clothed! Looking at naked ladies, at that stage of my life...hell, I couldn't even imagine! Grace was watching us closely, as if trying to gauge our reaction to his words. I tried not to picture her naked, and failed. There was that smile again, as if she'd read my thoughts!
Ronnie laughed. "He must have just about worn the skin off that thing! Poor kid."
Nick laughed. "Yeah, I'm sure he was developing calluses! We thought we'd let him mature a little, and then we can discuss if we want to go back again. We refer to that as Sam's hardest summer. We went through a lot of lotion."
Grace slapped his arm. "Gross, Dad! He's just such a little horndog - you should have just made him wear pants, 24/7, instead of letting him fetish the monkey all summer!"
He looked at her. "Now, now Gracie! First, I believe the expression is chicken, not monkey, and second, you're a girl; you wouldn't understand.
I'm not so sure. I had the distinct sense that she understood only too well.
Posts: 3
I have been holding my breath for a month ! ! ! The anticipation is visceral … You did just say soon . . . . .
Posts: 1914
Stormy, There's no hole in the boat (just read that - un-intended). You can't be in two places at once and 'Party' is still on fire. Please don't knock off a few paragraphs just to avoid the bumps. We can wait.
Posts: 38
Yes we can! - Oops, am I allowed to say that, being not an American? - Very much looking forward to the next turns of the tale. Cliffa
Posts: 26
Stormy, Glad you are back to this story! I am looking forward to each additional segment. I can't believe it has been 12 hours and no one has commented. Your writing is greatly appreciated. You have set up another completely new set of characters. I just know it is going to get interesting. Thanks, jj.
Posts: 492
Welcome back Storm Man. Good to have you back on the boat. I'm all tuckered out, trying to keep this gang under control while you were off partying with Kevin, Steff and that gang turned out to be a full time job. It used to be that when I mentioned playing 18 holes, I was referring to my lame golf game, however, life on the boat gave that term a whole different meaning if you catch my drift. My putter is flat wore out, but then again, it was worth it.
Well, it's time for me to take my sorry ass out of here and leave this crazy bunch to you to tend to. I am really looking forward to seeing how this story progresses, I hope the time away has filled your mind with tons of wicked ideas. Sounds like the additional houseboat patrons might spice things up a bit, I'll just sit back and let the maestro take control.
Happy Trails
Posts: 4050
Your other story was a nice vacation, but it's always good to get home again.
Posts: 158
[i]hi stormy,
Like many of your admirers I stumred onto your talent and couldn't quit reading . Soon my wife noticed my new attraction to my cell phone so I told her to check it out, now we are both hooked. I think we can see each of ourselves in your story. I realize that's what good authors do but you are exceptional . I have tried for years to write down my wife and i's many true adventures but have never cum close to you.i would love to talk more I can tell we all would be good friends. Watcherdoit4fun watcherdoit4fun
Posts: 1459
Thanks jj and GH, I appreciate your support. It was fun writing Party, but it does feel good to be back here! Just something about the desert, I guess...
Appreciate you taking over Trf2. A week or so with your putter in a sling should fix you right up!
Thanks watcher, I appreciate the kind words and I'm really glad that both you and your wife have been enjoying the story, that's nice to hear. Writing is not for everyone, but don't let that stop you from giving it a try sometime - you might learn something about yourself! Your last sentence is about the nicest compliment that anybody could say, and I appreciate it and hope you are correct! Please feel free to PM me if you like. (to do so, click on the little envelope next to my name - but you probably know that!) ______________________________________________________________________ __
With a few parting words to finalize arrangements, they turned and went below, and Kristi, Ronnie, and I returned to the small bar, where Tiff and Pops remained. With her watching, Pops was mixing something in the blender - he can't seem to help himself, he's always preparing something to either eat or take - and when we walked up he poured a tall glass of the icy reddish-orange concoction, hung a slice of orange on the rim of the glass, and handed it to Kristi. "Here you go girl, give me your professional opinion of my little experiment."
Kristi took the glass from him, first sipping it and then taking a bigger swallow. "Wow, that's really good! It doesn't taste very strong, just good - so why do I have the feeling that two of these would knock me on my ass?" She handed the glass to me, and I tasted it as Pops laughed at her.
Still chuckling, he reached out and took her hand. "You just see right through me! And here I was, trying to get you takes so I could have my way with you!"
She laughed. "You don't need to get me takes to get in my pants - just ask around! I've always been a sucker for a guy with a big smile - and a bigger cock."
Pops roared with laughter, his mirth contagious to the point that Ronnie and Tiff were laughing along with him. His take, whatever it was, was delicious, fruity with the underlying flavor of good rum, a nice, cold tropical punch for a hot day. I held it up and looked at it as he began to fill additional glasses. "Let's see, I'm getting dark rum, orange and pineapple juice, the red is what - strawberry maybe?"
He shook his head. "Nope, raspberry - and it's light and dark rum both, and that's all I'm gonna tell you. The rest is my little secret. But with all that fruit juice it's gotta be good for you, right? So take up y'all, there's more where that came from." He had pushed glasses in front of each of us, and we all took his advice, Kristi relinquishing her original glass to me and grabbing a fresh one for herself. If it seems to you that all we did on the trip was screw, eat too much, and take way too much, that's only because it's true. But then again, isn't that what a good vacation is all about? Good friends - with new ones coming along all the time - good food, and the inhibition-busting influence of generous doses of holy water. I could get used to this!
We retired to the seats and lounges around the bar, dragging them into the shelter of the blue canopy which shaded the middle portion of the upper deck. Pops was the only one actually dressed, his shorts providing somewhat more dignity than the towels that the rest of us had wrapped around ourselves when Nick and his family had showed up so unexpectedly. Kristi eventually went below and returned in a tiny white bikini, reporting that Trell was sound arelax on the sofa in the main lounge and Kori was equally *** in the bed she shared with Ronnie - occasionally.
We briefly discussed what Nick had said about going au naturel, despite the presence of his kids, and decided against it. It just didn't feel right. While it may have been true that they would not be uncomfortable with the prospect of our nudity, we were. Of course, that didn't prevent Kristi from dragging one of the lounge chairs into the sun and going face-down on it, untying her top to avoid tan lines.
As we watched, a young man - the aforementioned Samuel, I presume - raced across the top deck of the neighboring boat and launched himself headfirst over the rail and into the water, a younger girl, apparently his sister Faith, hot on his heels and no more inclined to caution than he was. We could hear them splashing and playing below, in the lake, but it was happy sounds, not an intrusive thing.
We briefly became embroiled in a serious discussion about what Pops' new concoction should be called, with 'Pops' Powell Pineapple Power Punch' ultimately winning the day, in part because it paid tribute to both the location and the inventor, but mostly because it would be verbally impossible to order a third one. Nobody should ever take more than two of those things, trust me, but for a hot, sunny day, on a boat, wearing very little, it was the perfect compliment.
Kristi asked for my help in applying sunscreen to her back and legs, and I was only too happy to comply. Her bikini bottom - really little more than a string between her firm cheeks - covered very little, so I had my work cut out for me. I was very careful not to miss anything. Damn, I hated that! I'm not sure if women ask us to perform this chore for them because they need sunscreen, like the way it feels to have it massaged on, or just because they know that it will inevitably get a rise out of us. Could be all three, and maybe a couple more I haven't thought of! Regardless, by the time I had done her back and shoulders and worked my way down to her incredibly tight little bum and sleek thighs, I was rock hard beneath my towel, a condition concealed only by the fact that I was seated on the edge of her lounge chair.
It was strange to me that while we had seemed to become comfortable with each other’s nudity very quickly, I should still feel a little awkward about parading around with a constant hard on, but nevertheless, I did. Accordingly, I remained seated for a few moments after I had completed my oh-so-onerous task. During that brief interlude, Tiffany decided that she too should catch a few rays and pulled her lounge chair alongside Kristi's.
Still clad in only her towel, she quickly stripped it off and assumed the same prone position as Kristi, reaching back to flip the folded towel across her butt. "Adam, as long as you're all gooey already, would you mind doing me too?"
I heard Kristi snort as she tried to stifle a quick laugh, no doubt amused by the idea that I might object to such a request. "Uh, sure, no problem. I used an SPF15 on her but she's tanner than you - you want maybe a 30 or so?" With her auburn hair and pale skin, an SPFfur parka might have been better, but she agreed to the higher rated product and I twisted to retrieve the bottle from the floor. I rose only enough to slide across to the edge of her lounger, hoping to hide my rampant arousal, then removed the top and squirted a generous splash of the creamy lotion onto her back.
"Wow! That's pretty hot!"
"Oh, sorry Tiff, it was sitting in the sun. I should have thought..."
"No, it's OK. Feels pretty good actually, hot and creamy. Be sure you rub it all over."
I heard Kristi snicker again as I began to massage in the lotion. I noticed the brownietering of freckles on Tiffany's shoulders as I used one hand to hold her thick auburn hair out of the way, and the smooth warmth of her skin beneath my fingers. This was doing nothing to alleviate my red flow problem. As I moved down her back, being sure to overlap the sides of her ribcage and the bulging sides of her ample breasts, my cock only throbbed all the more, and when her hand snaked back and under my towel and her fingers closed around me I felt my chest shudder slightly, as if I was having trouble breathing in. She stroked me, slowly and gently, within the narrow range of motion provided by her bent wrist, and my legs moved apart of their own volition.
I lost focus on my task, my hands just slowly rubbing the same part of her back and shoulders over and over again as my mind centered on the sensations she was creating between my legs. Her hand moved to the base of my shaft, squeezing me, then slid lower, to cup and fondle my warm, heavy hanging balls. It wasn't until I felt the tip of my cock slide across her forearm in a slick of warm pre-cum that I became aware of my imminent ejaculation, and when I did, I groaned softly and pulled away from her grip, my stomach muscles tight and a molten pool of semen bubbling at the base of my cock. I didn't want to just cum all over her hand and arm like some helpless school boy, but I knew I would if I didn't move.
Gasping, I moved away from her reach, further down the chair where I could attend to her lower back and thighs. She tugged the towel down slightly so that I could get the small of her back more thoroughly, then up so that I could access the tops of her thighs, but never uncovered her full, round bottom. As I did her legs she parted them slightly - not a lot, but enough so that I could cover the inner slope of her well shaped thighs, and my eyes were drawn to the soft down of auburn curls between, split down the middle by the pink, moist lips of her pouty pussy. I could feel my cock throb in time to my pounding heart, my body wanting her.
I glanced guiltily at Kristi, who lay on her side, still and seemingly dozing. Except that her beautiful blue-green eyes were wide open, watching me closely. I think she read my thoughts, and saw the guilt in my eyes, but she didn't respond to it, just watched me, her eyes searching mine. I blew out a breath I felt like I'd been holding for several minutes, and the corner of her eyes crinkled in a quick smile as the edges of her lips ticked upwards. Then she winked at me, and closed her eyes.
Posts: 26
Stormy, You leave us in the darnedest places. Just at the edge of the lounge and you take a break. Good to be back on board! I kind of feel it's time for the boy scout to have some fun. Nobody can be good all the time. Looking forward to dinner, but a lot can happen before then! Thanks for writing! jj.
Posts: 1459
Thanks jj. Everything on TV is having the seamister-ending cliffhanger right now, so I guess it put me in the spirit. Pretty sure Adam will get his - he has a way of managing that - but the kids are putting a damper on things. Still, you can't spend this much time on Lake Powell and not run into families with kids. Not to worry, they won't be involved in anything illegal, I don't believe in that! ______________________________________________________________________
I felt like, by closing her eyes, she was giving me permission to go for it, and the urge to do so was incredibly powerful. I suppose that for chimps, or in primitive, pre-historic societies, that might be exactly what would have happened - you know, once they put down the bottle of SPF30 sun block and puzzled out a way to maneuver around the folding lounge chair - but in our moderately more advanced culture I had to play within the rules. Still, there was no denying that I wanted Tiff at that moment, and wanted her badly! I guess, if I'd admit it to myself, I had wanted her from the first time I had laid eyes on her, and knowing her better had only increased my desire.
Women call this 'letting the little head do the thinking', and they don't typically mean it in a nice way. Of course, as they deride us guysfor often failing to control our urges, they fail to acknowledge that they sometimes (often) feel the same way! Well, many that I know do; I had come to realize that Kori often did some of her best thinking with a part of her body well removed from her brain, and Kristi, though she had until recently managed to suppress it, was letting me see now that her wandering eye was at least as wayward as my own - and that she was more than willing to act on her desires! Just because it doesn't stick out in front, leading the way, doesn't mean that their pussy isn't sometimes guiding them!
Still, right now we had kids running around close by, and an audience present, so I sladyed the urge to just mount her and go for it. Not that it was easy! Clearly she knew how I felt, and was not averse to the idea, judging by the way she had been fondling me. I raised her towel and smacked her on the butt with my cupped palm, making a loud pop. Her backside was soft and warm, and still carried some pinkish handprints from the paddling that Pops had given her earlier, and she jumped when I hit her, then looked over her shoulder. "Ow, hey! What was that for?"
"For being such a tease!"
"Who, me?" She gave me her most innocent look, all but batting her eyes.
I laughed at her. "Oh, listen to you! Like that was all completely innocent, flashing those incredible tits at me, getting me to rub lotion all over that hot little body, just happening to spread your legs to give me a better look..."
"I did not spread my legs for you!"
I chuckled. "Oh really? So the fact that they were tight together before, but now I can do this..." I ran my fingers up the inside of her thigh, allowing them to lightly brush her soft curls before crossing to the other thigh and going back down, and felt her body shudder " just pure coincidence, right?"
"Mmmmm...Well, I didn't want you to miss anything. I don't want to burn!"
"No, we wouldn't want that! Don't worry, I'll be very thorough." And I was, gently rubbing the warm lotion up and down her legs, paying special attention to the backs of her knees and the soft, tender, inner part of her thighs. I knew that, for Kristi at least, both of those areas are major erogenous zones. Of course for Kristi, if she's in the right mood, pretty much her entire body becomes an erogenous zone. Still, on a scale of one to ten, her inner thighs are probably a nine.
It seemed that Tiffany was the same, and as I massaged the lotion into her legs her hips began to slowly move, a gentle pumping motion, barely visible, that I don't think even she was aware of. I smiled to myself, aware of the effect my touch was having on her. Hey, I know it's a little egotistical, but it's good to know I can still turn a woman on!
Another thing about the effect of touching a woman intimately on her inner thighs: It seems there is a button there, well hidden, and not in the same place on every woman, but it's this magic button which, when touched, causes their legs to spread apart! Sometimes it's low, not far above the knee, and for other women it's further up, possibly even quite close to the Promised Land, but it's always there, you just have to find it - and the quest is a big part of the fun! For Tiff it was about five inches below her pussy, and slightly to the front, and when I brushed across it her legs automatically moved farther apart - and her butt rose slightly, an interesting side-effect!
Her button also caused her to groan softly, a multi-function switch if ever there was one! "Ohhh god, Adam! Now who's doing the teasing?"
"It was my turn. Now we're even."
"You really sure you want to play it that way, cowboy?"
She was looking back at me, one eyebrow raised, and when I glanced at Kristi I discovered her watching me, clearly amused that Tiff had called my bluff. "Um, no, something tells me I don't. Why don't I just finish up here and let you catch a few rays."
I moved on down her legs, being sure to get good coverage. In truth, with her fair skin and tendency to freckle I thought she was insane for putting herself in this desert sun, but it's her body. As I finished up and rose to my feet she eased my mind on that score. "Adam, if I happen to doze off - not likely since I'm all tingly now - please don't let me stay in the sun more than about fifteen or twenty minutes, OK?" I nodded, and she smiled. "Then maybe we can see about finishing what we started." Now it was my turn to smile.
I rejoined Ronnie and Pops in the shade of the canopy, and Ronnie brought me a fresh cold take. I thanked him, making a note to switch to water after this one, before dehydration set in. Our little party, now suddenly and disappointingly stag with Kristi and Tiff sunning and K napping took on a different air, first with the two of them busting my chops for letting the two women intimidate me and then as we went on about sports, women, fishing, women, work, women - you get the drift, just guy stuff.
I overheard Kristi and Tiff talking softly from time to time - not enough to discern words, just a low murmur, but it was enough to know they had not dozed off. I gave Tiff a heads-up at about fifteen minutes and she turned onto her back, self-applying the lotion to her front side. It was a disappointment not to be invited to help, but it was fun to watch. She laid the folded towel across her hips, but went topless. It seemed OK, since we could still hear the kids splashing and playing below and there was nobody on their upper deck, but we all kept an ear out for them, trying to stick with our earlier resolution. Permisterally I've never though women sunbathing topless was all that scandalous, but we are in the U.S., with the restrictions that brings. Most of Europe is a bit more enlightened than us, on that score at least!
I gave her an additional fifteen before calling time, and this time she had fallen arelax. She rose groggily and wrapped her towel before she joined us, and I handed her my almost full bottle of water. She took a long pull, and then wiped her lips. "Mmm, just what I needed! I'm going to go find something cooler to wear than a towel, be right back."
I was a little bit disappointed that I was not invited to join her, but it seemed the moment had passed. Kristi got to her feet and joined us a few minutes later, and she quickly drained the remainder of my water. Ronnie got us another, and we passed it back and forth before Kristi too decided to get into more appropriate attire. I was invited to join her, and she recommended to Ron that he join the trend to swimwear instead of towels, suggesting he check on Kori at the same time. The three of us trooped down into the lounge, leaving Pops alone on the top deck. He put his head back and closed his eyes as we left.
Ron glanced at Trell as we passed by; sound arelax on the sofa but having a great dream, judging by the steep angle of his rampant erection. Ronnie just shook his head and went on back to his stateroom, but Kristi stopped and looked down at him. I stood behind her for a moment, then moved alongside.
She glanced at me then looked back at him, her eyes coming to rest on his stiff, dark cock. "He really is a work of art, isn't he?" she whispered softly.
I replied in the same tone. "I guess. Any part in particular you like?"
She smiled at me. "All of him. It all goes together so nicely."
He stirred, as if even our soft whispers were disturbing him, so I took Kristi's hand and pulled her along toward our room. Her eyes lingered on his body as long as they could, and when we entered our cabin and she dropped her towel, her nipples were fully erect. "You want him, don't you? You actually want that kid!"
She nodded. "I guess I do. You have to admit, he is pretty hot. Does that bother you?"
I didn't answer her. "I thought you said you didn't have a thing for black guys."
"I didn't think I did - I never have before. I find Pops totally fascinating too, and my god, what a huge cock on that man! That could be fun."
"Uh-huh. So now you suddenly do have a thing for black guys?" I just looked at her as she seemed to weigh my words.
She shrugged. "Maybe. Is that a problem for you?"
"Babe, the problem for me is not that they're black, it's that they're guys. I thought maybe we'd take a day or two off of that, just for you and me."
"Oh! OK, sure, that would be nice. Is that why you were sporting that huge hardon for Tiffany?"
I felt myself color, but I laughed. "Hey, that's not fair! I grew that while I was rubbing lotion on you, you know how you affect me. Besides, you also know I have no control over that thing!"
She yanked my towel from around my waist, then pushed me back until I sat on the edge of the bed and climbed onto me, straddling my waist. I kissed her breast, licking her hard nipple and tasting sunscreen, and I felt myself beginning to harden. "You didn't lose it at all while you were touching her. If anything, you got even harder."
"You saw her touching me. That's what happens if someone rubs it, it's like magic."
"Some magic! You were about to cum, weren't you?"
"Was it that obvious?"
She smiled. "It was to me."
"Well...but I didn't, did I?"
"No, you were a good boy. Would you like to?"
I could feel my hard penis touching her bottom, where she sat in my lap. "Can't you tell?"
"Mmmm. It was a rhetorical question." She reached down and guided me into her. She was hot, and very wet and slick. I was lost in the feel of her, and in her looks, and her scent, but not so lost that I didn't wonder how much of her arousal was for me, and how much was because of her thoughts of fucking Trell.
Posts: 1914
Well Stormy, you finally got me (and Adam) just where I want to be. Feels good to be back ... Thanks
Posts: 14692
Storm, finally got a chance to catch up. Very HOT. Looking forward to more. Vacation of a life time. Thanks for creating it for us.
Posts: 277
Gone for a while but back. This guys are so hot, wonder what will happend next contdoc
Posts: 1459
Peak, Timmy, and cd, welcome back! Thanks for returning after my longer than expected hiatus, and also for the comments. I sure appreciate your support! ___________________________________________________________________
She made love to me slowly, almost languorously, moving in slow, deep pushes or sometimes just keeping me fully inside and rocking gently on me. We had both had plenty of sex in the last couple of days, so despite the recent visual and tactile stimuli there was no urgency to it, no headlong rush to climax, no wild, screaming, writhing natural sex. Instead we just enjoyed each other, fully and completely, and in doing so were able to notice all the small details which are so often lost in the unrelenting push toward the goal line.
I was able to focus on the wet heat of her pussy, to feel the slick lining of her tight tunnel move slowly over my hard cock and the velvet grip of her powerful cunt muscles. I felt her hard nipples brush across my chest when she leaned into me, and her warm, moist breath on my face and neck, and heard her make little sounds of satisfaction and pleasure, sounds which were so often masked by other noises - the bed squeaking or rustling, my own heavy breathing or naturalistic grunts, our chatter as we pushed and goaded each other toward orgasm - this time I heard and enjoyed the tiny sounds she made, the little mewlings and mutterings of which we were both usually unaware.
I felt her ride down on me, the tight muscles around her opening sealing firmly around the base of my cock, and I flexed my inside muscles, my kegels I guess, causing my penis to swell and lift inside of her, and she groaned. "Uhhh god! Do that again!"
I did, and she leaned back and pushed her pelvis more tightly against me, whimpering with pleasure, and when I flexed and relaxed the same muscles several times in succession I felt her shudder. "Oh god, I can feel you moving inside, like you're cumming way up in me. You're not, are you?"
"No. Not yet."
"Good, don't. My turn." She squeezed me tightly, gripping my hard shaft as she slid all the way up, until only the head of my cock was in her, and all the way back down, again holding me deep before relaxing her grip. I heard myself gasp, and she smiled. "Did you like that?"
"Oh god yes, but if you seriously don't want me to cum yet, don't do it again."
She laughed. "Ever?"
"Well, not for thirty seconds or so, at least."
She smiled. "I do love your cock."
I tilted my head, pretending to listen. "Uh-huh. My cock said to tell you he loves you too."
"He said that?"
"Sure. It was a little bit muffled - you know, 'cause of where he is - but I heard it distinctly. You didn't?"
"Hmmm, no. Ask him if he likes this." She raised up until only a couple of inches of me were inside of her, leaving eight inches of slick, wet shaft exposed, veins bulging, and rode up and down rapidly several times on that two inches that remained inside, expertly avoiding fallout as she teased the most sensitive part of my penis, her tight opening grasping, slipping and sucking at my cock head.
I stood it as long as I could - which was not long, maybe fifteen or twenty seconds - then grabbed her and pulled her to me, sliding back in to touch her deepest part and holding her there motionless as I gasped helplessly, waiting for the powerful ejaculatory urge to subside. "Ohhhh fuck! Yes, yes, he loves that. But he said to stop it right now or this game will end before halftime!"
She squeezed me, and I groaned, so she squeezed me again. "I never call the game on account of sperm - I just put in the second string."
I laughed at her audacity. "Sorry to disappoint you, but you're down to your last man."
"Are you my last man?"
I nodded. "Well, for right now, yes."
"Then you'd better be a good one."
I was, too, staying with her until she came, watching her face as she let her orgasm take away the rest of the world for a moment. I held back somehow, allowing her to continue to ride me for several minutes more until her second orgasm swelled, crested and broke, carrying me with it, and I felt myself empty into her, spurting and pulsing, helpless to stop myself any longer and not really wanting to anyhow. I fell back on the bed, all my muscles limp and useless, and she collapsed on top of me.
I knew her orgasms had been good for her, the whole bottle rockets going off-waves breaking on the beach thing, even if they hadn't been the kind that make her eyes roll back in her head. What the hell, I can't roll her eyes back every time! Besides, that can't be good for her vision - and regardless, she was definitely not complaining - just moaning softly and breathing heavily. On second thought, the moaning might have been me.
I wrapped my arms around her and held her. "You're incredible."
"Mmm. We both are." Her voice sounded weak and breathless.
"My cock says thank you."
"I heard him that time. Thank him back for me."
I laughed. "He says you're welcome, anytime."
"I hope he knows I'll hold him to that promise." She sat up, still astride me with my softening cock inside of her, and looked down at me. "I kind of meant to ask you to pull out before you came."
"Oh. Sorry, I didn't know."
She laughed. "You came the same time I did - I probably would have strangled you if you had pulled out just then."
I smiled up at her. "Oh, well... Then it's just as well I didn't, huh?"
"I guess, but I had already showered and all, and I've got my sunscreen on..."
"You could just wash that one part of your anatomy, you wouldn't have to shower again."
"I guess I could, but you pump it in me so deep it runs out for hours - and since we have to wear our swimsuits I'll be all messy..."
I knew what she was hinting around at, but I let her swing in the wind a little longer. "Well, the only other solution I can think of is to just keep the plug in." I thrust my hips up slightly, sliding my semi-erection back into her fully but feeling a small trickle of our juices escape and slide down my scrotum.
She laughed at me! "Sorry stud, I know you're not up to that! Trell maybe, he seems to be Mr. Everhard, but not you!" To prove her point, she raised up slightly, and my slippery, wiggly eel slid out of her and landed with a soft, wet plop on my belly, accompanied by a small gush of white cream. "See, I told you!"
"Well, there is one other way, but I know you're not asking me to do that..."
Before I could even finish speaking she had whirled around and placed her dripping pussy above my face, lowering herself down until my lips and tongue found her, and groaning as I began to perform my duties. To be totally fair in my telling of it, she sucked my limp organ into her mouth and performed the same function for me, removing all traces of our lovemaking from my sex, and from my stomach where she had leaked on me, but only one of us was able to manage another hard, shuddering orgasm in the process. I'll let you guess which one of us, but I'll give you a hint. It ended with her sitting straight up and grinding her pussy into my face as she gripped my hair. I may even have a small bald spot to prove it!
Later, after we'd rested for awhile and then gotten dressed - well, just in our swimwear, if you consider that dressed - we kissed, long and soft, with warm lips and probing tongues. I looked at her after, seeing the smoky liquid shadows of arousal still swirling in her stunning eyes. "You taste like cum. Your breath reeks of me."
"Thanks. You taste like pussy."
"My favorite flavor. It's even better with beer than pretzels."
She smiled. "I prefer nuts."
I laughed. "I know you do. Should we go and rejoin our friends?"
She nodded. "I guess. If we must. I'm perfectly happy here."
I looked at her, and her eyes searched my own. "I'm glad. You might want to remind me of that from time to time."
I looked down at her blond waves as she nuzzled her head against my chest. "Just don't ever doubt it Adam, OK? I love you."
"I love you too." I hesitated, letting the moment stretch, but couldn't seem to stop myself from asking. "But you still have hot pants for Trell, right? Or Pops - or both?"
She pulled back and looked again into my eyes. She shrugged. "Yeah. I told you I wouldn't lie - but if you want to say no, just say it and I'll back off. You're much more important to me."
"Umm, thanks, that helps. I think it's OK though, I kind of get excited thinking about it - we'll see how it goes."
"OK. When are you planning to bed Tiff?" I gaped at her, and she laughed. "Oh c'mon! You couldn't be much more obvious if you followed her around with your hardon sticking out!"
"Uh, well, gosh... I don't know if she's interested, I don't want to power myself on her. Are you all right with the idea?"
She shrugged. "Sure - as long as she gives you back! Besides, I'm in no position to say no, am I?"
"I guess. But it's OK if you do, I won't go there if you say so."
"No, it's all right. And as far as her wanting to, she's just waiting for you to stop beating around the bush."
I glanced at her sharply, wondering if her pun was intentional, and she suddenly realized what she had said, and giggled, which set me off, and soon we were both laughing helplessly. I wheezed. "Oooh boy, beating around the bush..." That set us off again. When we finally got ourselves under control I took her hand. "Come on, we have to share that one with Ronnie and Kori!"
She stopped me. "My breath still smells like your cum - do I need a breath mint?"
I smiled. "No. Just give Ronnie a big kiss - with tongue - and then I'll fix you a take."
She smiled. And Ronnie seemed to really enjoy the kiss, even if he never knew exactly why he received it.
Posts: 492
Great stuff Stormy, really glad you're back on the boat. You got a chuckle out of me in that last segment when you started going on about the "button". Brought back a lot of great memories. Yup, they all have it, half the fun is finding out exactly where it is and how to manipulate it. Men are so easy, we don't need no stinkin' button.
Thanks for all your hard work.
Posts: 26
Stormy An outstanding segment showing true love! Great Work Stormy! jj.
Posts: 158
You now have another fan, a male friend of my wife and I is now reading your story from literotica. Needless to say he loves it to, I actually feel sorry for his fiancee . He can be an very aggressive lover together with his incredible stamina and a super wide 9 incher and you can guess the workout she is going to get.
Thanks again for your great ability to capture our attention and then tell us about ourselves. watcherdoit4fun
Posts: 1459
Thanks Trf2. Yeah, the magic button is a really cool thing, one of the better developments on the evolutionary scale – I think it has gone a long way to provide for the survival of the species! Thanks jj, and you too watcher. (I know, it's supposed to be "watch her" - sorry) Thanks too for turning someone else on to the story at Lit. I do hope to get back there and continue it at some point, but editing and posting there is very tedious. Still, need to do it, I guess. Question: Has your wife experienced her male friend's prowess? You just sounded like you had first-hand (second-hand?) knowledge of him!  ______________________________________________________________________ __________ Ronnie had gone down and donned his suit in our absence, and Tiff had changed into a swimsuit as well, a one-piece that should have been pretty conservative, relatively speaking, but was in fact anything but. It was cut very high on her thighs, and was tight and thin, showing off her glorious breasts and large nipples, and encasing her cameltoe so snugly that it defined her soft curls and displayed the proud nubbin of her prominent clit. She's built with a somewhat high center of gravity; that is, her pussy seems to be somewhat more forward on her pelvis than many women, her clitoris jutting out about where a man's penis would be rather than lower, between her legs. It also had its own magnetic field, judging by the way my eyes were continually drawn to it. It was hot, the sun intense, and Kristi, Ronnie, and I took a quick dip in the lake to cool off. We said hello to Nick's kids, the younger two of whom were still playing in the water. We also met Alisha, his wife, who was on deck keeping an eye on the kids. She was an attractive woman, one who had probably been a rare beauty in her younger days. Tall, like Kristi, but slightly heavier and with long, straight hair, dirty blonde with streaks of gray. Actually, Kristi's honey-blond hair was only a bit lighter than Alisha's, but was more wavy (when dry) and didn't yet have any sign of gray. Her figure was very nice still, evidence of her taking care of herself as she'd aged, but it still struck me that she seemed a bit old to have a fourteen year old, let alone another that was only nine! Still, she looked younger than Nick! Her smile was warm and genuine however, and, following introductions, she expressed her happiness that we would be joining them for dinner. She asked if we had any preferences on food, and we assured her that we were completely omnivorous and entirely opportunistic on that score, and that we would bring our appetites. While talking to her I saw her glance up at the upper deck of our boat behind us and grin, but did not look in time to see Pops hurtling down in full cannonball mode! The ensuing tsunami swamped the three of us, and even quieted the two kids for a moment. Pretty sure it also resulted in shoreline erosion all around the lake! When he surfaced Kristi wrapped herself around him and dunked him, something she was able to do only because he allowed her to, I'm sure. Disentangling himself from her long limbs, he swam easily across to their boat and reached up to shake hands with Alisha, introducing himself in the process. It was plain that he was drawn to her, his enjoyment of the three beauties on our own boat momentarily overridden by his eagerness to meet this new female. I'm not sure if it was just the thrill of the hunt, the chance to talk to a woman closer to his own age, or if something else about her drew him in, but something sure did! Nick had struck me as a no-nonsense kind of guy, and possibly dangerous besides; there was just something about him that had set off warning bells in my head. I sure hoped Pops knew what he was doing! Tiff came down to the lower deck and spoke to us as Pops and Alisha talked, and I saw Alisha's eyes roam over her body, taking in her voluptuous figure, and a small, rueful smile crossed her lips. I felt sure she was thinking about how her husband would respond to Tiffany, while knowing he would. Trust me, any straight male between eight and eighty would respond to Tiff under any circumstances, and in that suit she was a *******er. She slid into the water and swam out to us, her stroke strong, if less natural and smooth than Kristi's. We enjoyed the cool water for awhile, Kristi and I swimming some distance out and back in our usual competition while Ron and Tiff played with the kids and Pops tried to hit on their lady. When we returned Kristi dove into a game of something with them - it involved a red ball, and seemed to be either tag, dodge ball, or water polo. Whatever, it involved having the ball hurled at your head at high rates of speed. Faith, the littlest one, was absolutely vicious, but quickly fell in love with Tiff and Kristi as the girls teamed up against us three guys. They waxed us, but then, sending the secret weapon - Kristi - underwater to harass us from below was probably cheating. Both kids got a big kick out of watching her disappear only to resurface moments later ten feet behind us, take the pass, and nail one of us with the ball. Both youngsters were good swimmers, and comfortable in the water, but they had apparently never seen a woman that was part river otter and part dolphin, and very focused on winning! Finally, tired (in a good way) and pruney, we gave it up and got back on board our boat. We were cool now, and mildly fatigued, and thoroughly famished. We all collaborated on lunch, just sandwiches and a pasta salad that Pops had put together, along with some sliced fruit. Kori rejoined us as we were finishing up, and Ronnie insisted on fixing her a plate. She looked good, rested and refreshed, the dark circles gone from beneath her eyes, and as she ate Ronnie cracked open beers for each of us. She had bounced back well from her night of debauchery with Trell, and looked happy and beautiful. Her swimsuit, like Kristi's, was probably the most conservative one she had brought - but that wasn't saying much! The tiny triangles of the front just covered her nipples and her tiny, dark soul patch, and the string up the back left her well-rounded little derrière almost completely exposed. Oh well, we were going with the spirit of our agreement anyway, all of us wearing suits, despite their brevity in some cases. I hoped having these glorious examples of the female form around was not going to be too tough on poor Samuel (as it was for me!), but then hell, he's only fourteen; he probably thinks of them as old ladies! Only time and the lump in his swimsuit would tell, but I knew they would not intentionally tease the poor kid - like they did the rest of us! By the time we had all pitched in and cleaned up our lunch debris Trell still had not rejoined us on deck. Apparently Kori had completely worn him out - or perhaps *******ed him - and she took considerable grief for that from the rest of us. Oddly, she didn't seem the least bit chagrined - on the contrary, she indicated some willingness to do so again, which made Ronnie laugh! Surprising me, Kristi volunteered to go wake him so that he could grab a bite to eat and be part of the group again. Remembering the way she had admired him as he'd laid there, relaxing and rigidly erect, I stared at her. She caught my look and winked, then raised one eyebrow at me teasingly as she turned to leave, doing an exaggeratedly sexy walk. Her perfect little ass drew all eyes until she disappeared down the steps. Everyone continued to converse normally, as if it was no big deal, but I had the uncomfortable feeling they were all walking on eggshells, watching me to see how - or if - I'd react. I will admit that when five minutes had gone by and she'd not returned, I was beginning to get a little tense, hoping as I had that today would be just for her and me. Tiff in particular seemed to be watching me, and when she came and sat right beside me and tried to make idle chit chat, it was almost embarrassingly obvious that she was trying to take my mind off of whatever might be happening below. A few minutes later Kori looked at us, and then rose to her feet. "Guess I'll go see what's keeping them. It would be just like her to try to steal my boy toy, and if she gets her hooks in him...well, not many of us can compete with that!" I didn't point out that she rarely had any problem competing for men's attention; I was much too grateful to her for going to perhaps break up whatever Kristi and Trell might be involved in - and, since Kristi had more or less warned me, I had a pretty fair idea what that might be!
Posts: 14692
Poor Adam - she just can't help herself. Did she or didn't she? When it comes to Kristi I either love her or I'm really not sure if I care for her. But never mind all that it is a really great story - no matter what happens to the poor guy.
Posts: 1459
Thanks Timmy. Yeah, that Kristi - she's a challenge, but she's worth it! _____________________________________________________________________
Several more minutes passed, and still no sign of them. I could feel myself becoming more and more tense, and even a little bit of anger began to seep in. Now we had both Kori and Kristi missing, presumably with Trell, and if there was one thing I knew it was that the two of them together could get into far more mischief than either of them alone! They would encourage each other, or each prod the other along such that the potential for trouble didn't just double, like you might think; it increased exponentially.
Ronnie, knowing me as well as he does, sensed my growing frustration. "Just go! You know you want to, so just haul your butt down there and find them!"
Tiff looked at me. "Would you like me to go?"
I laughed. "No, but thanks anyway. Apparently it's some kind of Bermuda Triangle for women down there, so you wouldn't be safe either. I'll go - just keep my beer cold for me, OK?"
She picked up my bottle and chugged it. "There, problem solved. You can just start fresh. Hurry back."
I grinned at her as Ronnie laughed, and Pops just shook his head. "Gotta love a woman that understands that you don't waste good beer!" I turned and left, feeling a little better. The exchange with Tiff had cheered me up considerably, a sensation I was finding quite normal after our rocky beginning. She's very nice to be around, a beautiful, sexy woman, but in some ways almost more like being with a good buddy. Maybe it was her ranch girl/cowboy upbringing, but there was not an ounce of diva in the woman, and no prissiness, just a fun-loving, down-to-earth, git 'er done type of woman. With incredible tits!
I descended the stairs and entered the main salon just in time to see Kristi emerging from the narrow hallway, leading Trell by the hand, but looking downward. Kori was right behind them. "Hey there. What's going on?"
Kristi looked up at me, startled, maybe even a little bit guilty-looking. Or I may have imagined that. "Nothing. We were just coming up to join you, Trell is starving."
"Oh. Well, there's plenty of food, that's for sure. No need to stay hungry around here." It sounded banal, even to me. "Uh, what took you so long?" Much better! Now I only sounded suspicious and defensive.
Kristi looked at me, a small frown on her face and her head tilted slightly to one side. "I loaned him one of you suits. I hope you don't mind."
She was right, the suit he was wearing was one of mine, one I had brought but so far kept in reserve. One of my old ones, the usual trunks style in blue and yellow nylon, baggy on me and even more so on him. It had slash pockets on the front, and if I remembered correctly the mesh cock'n'balls pouch inside had given up the ghost some time ago. I may even have cut it out when it became tattered, thinking I'd keep the suit to use as old work shorts, for painting or something. He had it cinched tightly around his waist with the built-in nylon belt.
"No, not a problem. What happened to your suit?"
"Uhh.." He looked embarrassed. "Well, it's just that..." Kristi interrupted him. "He was embarrassed about the way his suit displays his junk, right out there for the whole world to see and admire. The rest of you guys have these baggy things...not that we minded seeing it, you understand!"
I think he was blushing, and I had to laugh. "Seriously Trell, I don't think there's any bit of your junk we haven't already seen - why so bashful all of a sudden? Not that you're not welcome to the suit, by the way."
He nodded. "Thanks. It wasn't you guys that I was worried about."
This time it was Kori that cut in, both girls lady-henning him enough that he couldn't finish a sentence. "It was for when we go to dinner Adam, he wanted something a little less, um, bold. For company, you know. And you always dress like such a prude we figured your stuff would be perfect." Kristi laughed, as did Trell.
"Funny, K! Of course, you think of anyone that's not naked in church or having sex in the mattress department at Wal-Mart is a prude, so I have to consider the source." She stuck her tongue out at me. I ignored her and looked at Trell. "Man, that suit is really old, I'm not even sure why I brought it - you want a better one? And by the way, that sex at Wal-Mart is a real thing, Kori has done that."
"You big liar, I have not! Not that I wouldn't, you understand...under the right circumstances..."
Trell was laughing at us, but he answered me anyhow. "No thanks, this one is fine."
"Does it even have a lining anymore? I thought I cut it out when it tore."
He looked down at himself. "It doesn't, but it's OK. I don't hang out the bottom, do I?"
He asked it perfectly innocently, but it struck us as funny, and all three of us laughed. He looked puzzled, then shocked when Kristi stuck her hand up the leg and found him. "No, you've got a couple of inches to spare, just be careful how you sit. I don't think even Adam would hang out, the legs are pretty long." She giggled. "Your uncle probably would, but he'd never get it around his waist so it's not an issue."
He didn't smile at her comments. Instead he stared at me, as if startled or upset that she would stick her hand in and grab his cock with me right there watching. I thought that was a little odd, considering how he had openly and eagerly screwed Kori with not only Ronnie watching, but the rest of us as well. Truth be told though, I was a little shocked she'd done that as well! Still, I decided maybe keeping him a little off-balance around me wasn't a bad idea. I really didn't want him to feel too comfortable, or too...I don't know, entitled, I guess, around Kristi!
"Well, OK then, enough chatter. Trell, feel free to keep the suit, if you want. Kori, why don't you take him up and get him something to eat? I need to talk to Kristi for a minute."
Trell gaped at my abrupt change to no-nonsense mode, which is what I'd intended, and Kori frowned at me as she led him away. Kristi just stood looking at me, her expression studiously neutral. She waited to speak until they had stepped out of the stairwell and onto the upper deck. "What the heck was that?"
"What do you mean?"
She waved her hand toward the now-vacant stairs. "That, you just all of a sudden going all hard-ass and booting them out."
I shrugged. "I didn't boot them out, I just wanted to see you alone for a second."
"Well, you've got me, and we're alone."
She was right, I did and we were, and now that I had her I wasn't sure where to start. "Uh, I guess I just wondered what took you so long."
"What took me so long?"
Her repeating my question was not at all helpful. "Yeah, you know, to come and wake him up. What took you?"
"You don't trust me!" There was a very hurt look in her eyes, and I suddenly realized that I sounded like a jealous and controlling boyfriend.
"That's not true! I do trust you, it's just that I knew you were kind of attracted to him, and then you'd been gone awhile, and he was naked last time I saw him, and..."
"Yeah, that's what I said. You don't trust me."
"That's not what I'm saying."
"It sure sounds like that's what you're saying." She stared at me levelly, her eyes searching my own. Whatever else may be true, she sure didn't look like she was trying to hide anything, and it left me feeling foolish and inadequate.
I shook my head. "Well, it's not. It's just that you volunteered so quick, and then came down and I thought you'd be right back, and then you didn't come, and, you know..." I finished weakly, and then emphasized that fact with another quick shrug.
"You don't have any reamister not to trust me. Would you like to know what actually happened?"
"That would be nice."
She stared at me, her expression one of shock and pain, as if I'd slapped her. I thought about what I'd said, and I realized that, despite my actual words, what she had heard was 'that would be nice for a change', as if I was again accusing her of lies and berating her for her one known slip-up, her secret and illicit affair with the bum I'd thrown out of my home. I had promised her - and myself - that I had forgiven her and would not keep that sorry event on hand to beat her up with, but that's what she thought I was doing.
"Babe, I didn't mean for that to sound that way. What I meant was, rather than stand here and cross swords and get in a fight, it would be nice if you just told me when I asked."
"Really?" She sounded hopeful, like maybe she realized she'd overreacted in response to my simple statement.
"Yes, really. Remember Izzy? I have no moral standing to criticize you for your little fling, now do I? Plus, I told you I wouldn't, and I meant it. It's water under the bridge - or what's the other one...don't cry over spilled milk, right?"
She nodded, still wary. "Yeah, I guess. Or over spilled semen either, huh?"
I laughed. "That's better. Tacky, but better."
"So you won't get mad at me?" She was again searching my face, looking for...what? It scared me a little.
"Get mad? Why, what did you do?"
"Well...he was still sound arelax when I came down, you know, like he was when we saw him earlier..."
I interrupted. "And still hard, I'm guessing?"
She looked at me before continuing. "Not as much. More like half-hard, but he had one hand on his balls, kind of holding them, like.." She cupped her hand, imitating his. "...and so I decided to give him a Western Wake-up."
I knew what that was. Or sort of at least, since it could consist of either a hand-job, a blowjob, or her trying to climb aboard and slip my morning wood into her slippery wet little self before I woke up. She'd used the Western Wake-up on me a number of times - in fact, I was the one that had coined the name for it - and any of the three was an incredibly nice way to be woken up. Many times I'd tried to feign relax to see how far she'd take it with a relaxing partner, but she always caught me. I wondered fleetingly just what she thought trust meant.
"You gave him one of our patented Western Wake-ups?"
"Just a hand-job silly! I swear, I never took off any part of my suit, we didn't do anything!"
"I see." Actually, I didn't. To me, getting a hand-job was still sex. To think otherwise would be to diminish the hundreds of wonderful hand-jobs I'd enjoyed over the years, and to many of the girls in high school and college, they'd been a specialty. Who was I to deny them their pleasures? "So you jerked him off? Did he wake up happy?"
She smiled happily, remembering her fun and pleased that I seemed to be showing an interest in her game. "Not right away. He sort of moaned a little, and got very, very hard. He does have an incredible cock, black and beautiful with that nice, soft little foreskin...not as big as you, but very nice."
"Mmm-hmm. I'll take your word for it, you're the expert." She glanced at me sharply, and I held up my hands. "Just kidding. So, go on."
"Well, I played for a couple of minutes - I think I was turning myself on as much as him - and then Kori showed up."
"Was he awake by then?"
She shrugged. "I didn't think so, but Kori thought he was faking. He definitely woke up as soon as she started sucking on him!"
I laughed. "I should have known! I knew the two of you together would be worse than either alone. So did you wind up blowing him too?"
She looked at me mischievously, then pulled my head down and pressed her lips to mine, her tongue snaking into my mouth and exploring vigorously before breaking away. "You tell me - did I or not?"
I tasted only Kristi, no trace of male muskiness or slipperiness of sperm. "Not that I can tell, no."
"Are you sure? Try again." She once more sladyed my lips with hers, wet and urgent, and I could feel her body pressed to mine, her firm stomach grinding against my erection, my cock having hardened as she had talked about masturbating him and turning herself on in the process. She always knows exactly what she does to me - my cock is her barometer, her measure of the effect she has on me. I make it too easy for her.
She again broke off the kiss. "And so?"
"Umm, no, you didn't. Right?"
She smiled. "I'll never tell. Are you sure I don't taste a little bit like balls?"
"Pretty sure I don't know what balls taste like. So you're saying you gobred his gonads?"
She laughed. "Don't be gross! Yeah, just a little, while Kori sucked him off. He came in her mouth, she loved it."
"Mmm-hmm. I'm sure he did too. You don't think that was sort of...I don't know, kind of what I was worried about in the first place?"
She looked surprised. "Does that bother you? It's not like it was real sex."
I didn't answer right away. "Seems pretty real to me."
"Well... if it bothers you, why are you so hard?"
Posts: 492
Yeah, I think if I was Adam, I'd grab Tiffany, go to one of the bedrooms and spend about 3 hours fucking her brains out. Lock the door and let Kristi wonder about what's going on. It's time for out boy to turn the tables on hot little Kristi, enough is enough. She lost him once over this, he told her he wanted to cool it for a little bit, she doesn't seem to be getting the hint.
Hey Storm, don't pay any attention to my ranting and ravings. Love the story, still waiting to see how you're going to proceed, especially with the folks on the other houseboat.
Great stuff man, thanks.