Posts: 4050
I never realized that life on a boat could be so complicated. Your great story continues.
Thank you
Posts: 492
Shuffling, juggling, which story is he going to update next? You've really got us going now Stormy. How in the hell do you keep it all straight in your head anyway?
I was wrong, it does look like they're going to make it through breakfast. After that, it's anyone's guess as to what gets eaten next. Could be sausage, could be taco, could be both. Either way, you can't go wrong.
Don't forget those poor Dolphins, they need watching also. (Not the one's in Miami, they suck)
Posts: 14692
Very nice Storm. "science experiment" eh?
Posts: 14692
time for a bump
Posts: 4050
Juggling two stories is tough. I know, I've tried it, but you're doing a good job. Nice segment.
Posts: 1459
Thanks guys. Not sure I'll ever try 2 stories at once again, but I had a little time on my hands and wanted to give it a shot. After having almost no free time for several months, I went to having lots - had to do something! Time to bring the gang out of limbo, time can only stand still for them for so long before Kori gets up to some kind of mischief! ______________________________________________________________________ ______
After seeing him off, we all kind of pitched in on cleanup of the breakfast mess. We gave Kori and Pops a pass on helping because they had done the prep work, but Pops couldn't sit still, instead going to the bar and working on some sort of fruity rum punch for the group. As the last of the dishes were being put away, Kristi rounded up a couple of glasses of punch and came and found me, pulling me away with her until we were alone at the stern rail. She stared into my eyes for a few moments before reaching up and touching my neck and stretching up to kiss me. It was a good kiss, long and tender, and when our lips parted she looked up at me again. "So, what do you think?"
I slid my hands beneath her robe so that I was on her warm skin, and folded her in my arms as I pulled her to me. I gently kissed her forehead. "About?"
"Oh, you know, stuff." Her voice was soft, but there was something in it that told me there was something she wanted to hear. Unfortunately, she was leaving it to me to figure out what.
"Well, let's see. The punch is good - potent, but deceptively sweet and innocent. Kind of like Kori, huh?"
She laughed. "I never thought of it that way, but yeah. Probably either could put you under the table pretty quickly. But I actually meant about us, and Lee, and the whole thing with that."
"Well, I'm not sorry that he's gone."
"Me either."
That surprised me. "Really? I thought you liked him."
"Oh I did. I mean, I do, but it was time for him to move along. Guys like him, the insecure macho guys, are best in short doses. He's a little damaged."
I laughed. "Lee Alcott, insecure? Sure you're thinking of the right guy? The one I know is this guy that enjoys his power and authority, big gym rat with more muscles than sense, brags all the time, hits on anything female - any of this sound at all familiar?"
She shook her head, but she was laughing. "Yeah, that's the one! But why do you think he's like that?" She didn't wait for me to answer. "Do you think he's trying to convince everyone else how great he is, or just convince himself?"
"Mmmm, pretty sure he's already convinced."
"He's not, Adam, he just overcompensates. He probably doesn't have a lot of close friends - if any - and so he builds himself up - to others, but also to himself. He convinces himself that he's an island, and doesn't need anyone else. You do that a little too you know, shut others out, but in a more mild way. And you're getting better, but you have me, and Ronnie and Kori - who does he have?"
I looked at her in awe. Her insight was more on target than she knew, but I had never put it together even though I had more of the details. I kissed her. "You're amazing, you know that? I think you hit the nail right on the head!" I told her about his wife, and how he had lost her to a takes driver after so few years together, how much he had loved her and how he still missed her, and about how he had strong feelings for Tiffany and had asked her to marry him. And that she had turned him down, despite the fact that she had strong feelings for him.
She frowned slightly, looking at me. "Did Tiffany tell you all this?"
"No, he did. While we were up above earlier, before you came up."
She seemed surprised. "He did? He told you all this?" She put the emphasis on the 'you', as if astounded that he talked to me.
I nodded. "Yeah. No big deal, we were just talking and the subject came up..."
She disagreed. "It is a big deal Adam, don't you see? He's not the type to open up to anyone, but he told you these details of his life. He must have felt some kind of connection, some bond..."
I laughed. "Yeah, you!"
She hesitated, then smiled. She gently pinched my arm. "You're not going to call me 'common ground' again, are you?"
I grinned. "OK, OK, maybe it was a bad choice of words, but you know what I meant. Without you in the middle, a guy like Lee and a guy like me would not have said three words to each other. You're the connection."
She smiled softly. "I like that! I like that because we all had a little intimate time and fun together he felt close enough to you - or to us - that he relaxed and opened up. It's good for him. And for us - it makes it seem a little less like just horny, sweaty, naturalistic rutting. Not that there's anything wrong with that!"
I shook my head, laughing. "You are a true poet! Hey, here's a thought you'll like. You and me can open up our own psychotherapy clinic for damaged guys. All we have to do is have a three-way with them - or you solo if they're not into that - and they will be cured!"
She laughed. "Oh yeah, I'm sure you'd love that!"
I shrugged. "Hey, if it paid well enough..."
She pushed off of me, breaking my embrace, and slapped me on the chest, still laughing. "That sounds an awful lot like you're planning to pimp me out!"
I shrugged. "Well, I could retire early, make a few investments - I mean, look at you! We could make a fucking fortune. Literally and figuratively!"
She shook back her hair and donned a sultry smile. "Well, OK, but we have to be sure all of our 'patients' are good looking - and well-hung! Oh, and you'll have cleanup duty. Can you handle that?"
"Let's see, my tongue in your beautiful pussy, all the sloppy seconds I want... I'd give it a go!"
"Now you're just being gross!" Her face suddenly became very serious, and her expressive eyes darkened. "So Adam, are we OK?"
I shrugged. "We have to be. I love you too much to not."
Her eyes filled with tears and she wrapped her arms around my neck, burying her face against my shoulder. "Oh Adam, I love you too, so much! I'm so glad I came here. I almost didn't, but Kori talked me into it."
I kissed her. "Mmm, I'll have to remember to thank her. Again. Speaking of which, should we go join the others?"
She smiled as she wiped her eyes. "Sure! Hey, did you tell me that Tiff rides in the rodeo at the National Western every year?"
"Yup, right there in frozen Denver, every January. Her or some of the kids she coaches."
"And you asked her to stay with us, right?"
"Well, yeah. But that was before I knew about Rain. I'm sure between us and Ron and Kori we can work it out still. Why?"
She shrugged. "Just thinking. Do you suppose she could get Lee to come with her?"
"Mmmayyybee." I was treading cautiously, land mines everywhere. "Why would you want that?"
"Well, I just thought that maybe, if we got the two of them together, away from work and responsibilities, where they could be with friends, have a few nice dinners, dress up and go out on the town a little..."
I groaned. "Please tell me you're not going to play matchmaker! Maybe you could just fuck him again and let it go at that."
She laughed and poked me in the ribs. "Hey! Kori will help me. Adam, they both need someone, they like each other - a lot - they're both lonely, and a little damaged..."
"Who's not?"
"Don't interrupt! Although you have a point. Well, anyway, it's something to think about. It would be nice if it worked out for them, and you said yourself that Tiff seems so sad sometimes." She took my hand in hers and we interlaced our fingers.
I nodded. "I know, and I do care about her. She wavers between sad and angry, I think. Just don't push too hard, OK?"
"No, I won't." We rounded the corner and rejoined the others on deck, and we stopped in our tracks. Ron was in the hot tub, immersed up to his neck. Tiff sat on the edge, her legs in the water. She still had on her blue shirt/robe, but had it gathered up in her hand so it wouldn't dangle in the water. This had the effect of exposing her legs, from ankle to hip, and her bare bottom where she perched on the edge of the tub. It was a tantalizing glimpse of her body, and I enjoyed it.
Pops was sitting off to one side on one of the lounge chairs, sipping a tall glass of his punch through a straw and looking out over the water. He looked very relaxed, and although we were almost directly behind him and couldn't be sure, he also looked very naked.
What had stopped us though was Kori, slowly buttering up Trell. She was behind him, both of them sideways to us, and she was spreading sunscreen over his back and shoulders, working her way down to his high, muscular butt. The whitish cream stood out against his dark skin before she rubbed it in, and he had his eyes closed, enjoying the feeling of her hands spreading the smooth lotion on his back.
He was also rigidly erect, his dark cock in all its eight inch glory pointing skyward at a good seventy five degree angle, his heavy scrotum relaxed, big balls suspended low. With his sleek but well-defined, muscular build, it was an impressive sight. Kristi shook her head. "Wow!"
I spoke close to her ear. "You like that?"
"I'm already getting very moist, if that tells you anything. He's just beautiful!"
She was right, he was. As we watched, Kori's hands moved over his firm ass, and she squirted a generous quantity of lotion high, at the top of his crack. She moved her hands through it, down between his cheeks, and when she was underneath she pushed her hand forward and in, and his groan told us that she had pushed at least one finger into his ass! He bit his lower lip as she pumped it in and out of him, and her other hand came around his hip and fondled his sack, getting it all slick with the lotion before slowly gripping his rigid shaft and stroking it, slowly, in perfect time with the finger - or fingers - that were invading his rectum.
Posts: 14692
Do I see another orgy in the making? Great stuff Storm.
Posts: 492
Great stuff Stormy. I'm so trying to figure out where you're headed with this but you keep mixing it up beautifully. I know that there is some serious screwing about to happen, I just can't get the couplings worked out.
Who cares, I know you haven't let us down yet. I eagerly anticipate the future to see where this goes. I know it's going to be a good one.
Thanks for all your hard work in putting this masterpiece together.
Posts: 4050
#1,149 · Edited by: goodhusband
That last segment was a masterpiece. The interaction between Adam and Kristi was wonderful. This story is a classic.
I understand why you started a second story and it is also excellent, but I believe that you should shelve it until you finish this story. Writing a story of the length and scope of this one is a challenge and a test of endurance. Much of the pleasure comes from conceptualizing the story. After that, actually writing it down becomes hard work and at times frustrating work. To make matters worse, while you're writing the story your mind continues to percolate and you conceive new exciting story lines that beg to be pursued. Sadly you have this other story that prevents you from pursuing these new, exciting story lines.
Storm, as I said earlier, this story is a classic. You owe it to yourself to stick with it until it is finished. When it is done it will be a creation that you can be proud of for the rest of your life.
Posts: 277
Simply great, love it every time I come back and there is a new chapter, thanks. contdoc
Posts: 1459
Timmy, Trf2, and cd, thanks for the comments. I appreciate the support and want to assure you that the other story will wrap up soon and that I hope to get back here to write on a more frequent basis. Also, thanks for your patience for the last several days. My absence was unavoidable.
GH, thanks again for your support. What you say is right smack on target (as usual), and in some ways I regret starting the other story right now. It was intended to be a very short (and much needed) break before coming back to this one, but it grew beyond what I had envisioned. Fortunately, it is drawing to a close. I will probably try to do both until it is finished, but I have learned my lesmister! ______________________________________________________________________ ________
I leaned close to Kristi's ear, not wanting to intrude on the scene we were watching. "You know, the fact that it's making you wet doesn't mean a whole lot - that bar is not set too high - but that may be one of the most erotic things I've ever seen. At least, you know, as far as things that you weren't involved in."
She snickered. "I'm not sure if that was a compliment or a cheap shot, so fuck you - and thanks. Should we go see what Ronnie thinks about all this?"
I nodded, and we crossed to the spa, where Ron sat watching his wife slowly masturbate the younger man as she pushed her fingers into him, milking his prostate. Tiff was watching them as well, occasionally glancing at Ron to see how he was reacting to the scene. If her erect nipples showing proudly through her thin shirt were any indication of her reaction to what she was seeing, she was very aroused indeed!
Kristi released her grip on my hand and moved to stand behind Ronnie, where she began to massage his neck and shoulders. She pulled his head back against her chest. "Your wife is in extra slutty mode, isn't she? Gosh Ronnie, have you thought about what you plan to say when she asks if she can keep him?"
Ron smiled. "I know, huh?! She's just fascinated by the way he is always ready to go. It was like this almost all last night, he never even seems to go totally limp. He'd cum, get about half-flaccid, and then that sucker would harden right back up again! I mean, fuck, even when he did go soft it was never for more than a couple of minutes. Amazing, just fucking amazing!"
Kristi and I laughed, and Tiff shook her head. "And you're OK with this, huh Ron?"
Kristi laughed again. "Oh sweety, Ronnie would never be one to deny his wife her little pleasures! Besides, if I know our Ronnie, he's probably just as hard as Trell is right now - am I right?"
He raised up and sat on the edge of the tub, his back to Kristi, his little pecker standing up in all it's rigid three inch glory from his curly pubes. He looked down at it. "Harder, I think, but not quite so impressive." He looked over his shoulder at Kristi. "What do you think?"
She looked around his side and pretended to consider. "Hmmm, definitely harder, and you're right, not as impressive. Cuter though, much cuter." She looked at Tiffany, who was staring at Ron's little offering. "What do you say Tiff, is that cute or what?"
Tiffany blushed, but played along gamely. "Very cute. It might even be the cutest cock I've ever seen!"
Ron groaned. "Why is it always the C-word? Just once couldn't someone say handsome, or manly, or even beautiful? I mean, I don't expect to hear huge, or massive, or impressive, or even big for that matter, but why does it always have to be cute? Just fyi ladies - and I know I've told Kristi this before - guys don't want to hear 'cute' as the adjective of choice when having their dangly bits spoken of."
We all laughed, which is what Ronnie had intended. Kristi went on. "To be fair Ronnie, your bits really aren't all that dangly. Your dick is either hard and cu... er, handsome, like it is now, or it's barely a nubbin. No dangle." She reached around his hip and took his tiny erection between her thumb and forefinger, intentionally emphasizing his smallness as she began to stroke him. "You do get hard though, incredibly hard. Bigger guys never seem to feel quite as stiff as you, umm, less-endowed guys get."
Tiffany laughed. "I've noticed that too! Why do you suppose that is?"
Kristi's brow knitted in mock concentration. "I don't know - maybe the hung guys pass out if that much red rushes away from their brain or something. Ronnie only needs a couple of thimbles full for his."
He turned to look at her. "Hey! I should be hurt that you said that, but as long as you keep doing what you're doing I'll give you a pass." He and Kristi exchanged a quick kiss, and she did keep stroking him, clearly enjoying the feel of his hard little cock between her fingers. I was pretty hard myself, between watching Kori entertain herself with Trell and now Kristi playing with Ron. I shed my robe and climbed quickly into the tub, but not before Tiff got an eyefull.
She smiled as she caught my eye. "Nice! It's refreshing to see that Mule isn't one of those sarcastic nicknames like 'Tiny' for some big huge guy, or 'Curly' for a bald dude. A mule you definitely are! The males are called jacks, by the way, at least for donkeys they are, and you are clearly all male!" She frowned. "Mules may be stallions, I'm not sure, but they're all sterile anyway since they're a cross - not that that keeps them from having huge erections!"
I felt myself blush, and I'm not sure why I did. I should be used to it by now! "Thanks, I think. For the compliment, and for the vocabulary and biology lesmisters. And now why don't you lose that shirt and join us?"
She smiled and raised her eyebrows at me before she rose to her feet, standing on the seat in the tub with hot water bubbling around her shins, and removed her shirt as requested. I know that both Ronnie and I goggled a bit, and I think Kristi did too. Tiffany had magnificent breasts, large and firm and round, with enough mass that they hung slightly onto her ribcage below, but not so much that they were at all saggy. Her nipples were large as well, with dark pink areolas nearly two inches across and firm rosy protuberances the size of the last joint of my index finger jutting from the center of each. They were every bit as spectacular as I had thought they might be - more so, even - and Ronnie whistled softly. "Wow, great tits!"
She blushed again, and giggled quietly. "Thanks!" She looked at me, and I shrugged. "I don't think I can add anything to that, that's about as succinct as you can get! Beautiful, really and truly magnificent...hmmm, guess I could add something after all!"
She laughed, and Kristi chimed in. "Wow, me too! Those are amazing - Kori will be so jealous! Me too, for that matter. Is there such a thing as boob envy?"
We all had chuckle at that, and just before Tiff lowered herself into the water my eyes dropped to her full bush, just a shade darker in color that the rich auburn hair that crowned her head with such shining glory. I was very intrigued to catch a glimpse, even through her soft curls, of the pink, bulging hood which was struggling but failing to conceal what appeared to be a large, erect clit. I had only ever once, prior to my night with Sue and Rick, been intimate with a woman that had a truly large clitoris. We had dated for a few months, and I had thoroughly enjoyed her big and oh so sensitive love button - almost as much as she had enjoyed my fascination with it - and my recent experience with Sue had renewed, or at least confirmed, my appreciation. And now, despite their relative scarcity, here, apparently, was another!
Don't get me wrong, Kristi's own little nubbin is also a total fascination for me, and is as sensitive and responsive as any man could desire, and it is always more than happy to come out and play, but there is just something about a big, pink, jutting clit that pokes out proudly and demands attention that always gets to me!
Before I could follow that train of thought any further, Kristi said "Uh-oh, I think Kori has reached the point of no return!"
We all watched as she dropped the hand that had been stroking his erect cock back to his scrotum, squeeezing and fondling his heavy balls as her other hand continued it's probing, stroking assault into his ass and on his sensitive prostate gland. His head went back, mouth open in a grimace that could have been pain or pleasure, and we heard a strained "aaahhhhh, fuck!" as the first long jet of white cream launched from his rigid cock, arching through the air before splashing down to the deck almost four feet in front of them. Kori continued to aggressively thrust her fingers into his ass, squeezing and milking his used prostate as another, and then another squirt of glistening white semen shot from his cock, each slightly less voluminous and less powerful than the one before, but he continued to ejaculate mightily despite the fact that his hard cock remained untouched, her fingers doing all their work elsewhere.
As his spurts trailed off to a bubbling flow of white cream that just pulsed out of him and ran down his hard cock to where Kori's waiting fingers could massage it into his balls, I heard Ronnie groan. "Ohh, my god!" and I realized that Kristi's stroking and Kori's display had driven him over the brink. I started. "Ronnie, not in the hot tub!"
He quickly stood and tried to turn, but his first spurt caught Kristi right in the hollow of her throat, running down beneath her robe and between her breasts as she captured him in her mouth. He put his hands on her shoulders, his hips bucking as he thrust his hard little cock in and out between her suctioning lips, finishing up his orgasm as he spilled the remainder of his load into her mouth. Maybe I should have just let him cum in the tub after all!
But he enjoyed, it, and Kristi certainly seemed to as she swallowed his offering. Plus, I was rock hard, so much so that I ached, and Tiff was flushed with arousal - and possibly the heat of the tub, her face and chest pink, her lips parted and puffy, her pupils large and dilated in her amazing green eyes.
Kristi took off her robe and stepped up and into the spa, her nipples erect and her own clit showing due to her arousal. Having a cock in her mouth always gets her turned on, if the rest of the recent activities hadn't! She crossed to me and kissed me, and I knew it was to demonstrate that she could get me to do that, despite the fact that she still had traces of cum in and on her mouth. That was OK, I didn't mind - I've done worse. I sucked at her tongue when she thrust it into my mouth, tasting the salty muskiness of semen.
We separated in time to watch Kori slowly slide her fingers out of Trell's used anus, his semi-hard cock jumping and bobbing with the intense, almost painfully exquisite sensation of his tender, ***d asshole being vacated. She turned him and lifted his sagging member, licking a streaam of white cum from his dark purplish tip. "Mmm, better without the coconut oil mixed in, but still good!"
She picked up the bottle of lotion and handed it to him. "You do me now!" She laid down on her back on a towel, her breasts flattening slightly on her chest but her nipples still erect. He groaned as he sank to his knees alongside of her, his dark cock still bobbing slightly with the after-effects of his intense orgasm, his nerve endings still raw.
He was visibly breathing heavily as he squirted a dollop of the tanning lotion into the palm of his hand and began to spread it on her shoulders and neck and then onto her breasts. I just shook my head as I heard her moan, and looked over at Ronnie. "Amazing!"
He nodded. "Insatiable - she really loves vacations!"
We all laughed at the understatement. I looked over at Pops to gauge his reaction to the whole thing. He seemed to have fallen arelax, the book he'd been reading earlier now on the deck beside him. I could see from this angle that he had wires running to his ears, from an I-pod that lay next to him on the lounge. He had apparently been totally oblivious to everything!
Tiffany followed my gaze, and laughed. "Poor thing, he works too hard!" She lowered her head to the edge of the tub, turning it sideways as though she was looking under the low lounge chair that Pops was relaxing on. She giggled and waggled her finger at Kristi. "Come here for a sec, you have to see this!"
Kristi went to her, and copied her position, looking below the chair. I heard her suck in her breath and say "Oh my god!"
Curious, Ronnie and I tried to see what they were looking at. When I ducked down, close to the edge of the tub, I could see beneath his seat. There, dangling through the heavy webbing of the lounge chair, hung Pops' genitals, dark and heavy. His enormous balls hung low, suspended like two big lemons in his sagging sack, and his thick, chocolate brown cock hung lower still, the puckered tip of his dark foreskin within an inch of brushing the surface of the deck, which was easily ten inches below the lowest point of the straining seat!
Kristi turned to look at me, her eyes wide. "My god Adam, he's bigger flaccid than you are hard! Good lord, how big does that thing get?"
At the same moment, Tiff and I both just said "Bigger!" She laughed.
Ronnie and Kristi just stared at us.
Posts: 14692
Very, very nice Stormy. Glad you are back but fully understand that real life seems to keep interfering with our fun.
Posts: 1914
Welcome back Stormy. I'm glad you are keeping the orgasm count up. If only we could find a way to generate power from them, we could issue your story to the nation and solve global warming at a stroke (pun intended).
Posts: 4050
I've said it before and I'll say it again. No one writes a sex scene better than you.You are an artist. It's nice to have you back.
Posts: 1459
Timmy, peak, and GH, thanks. I love seeing your comments! I have a hole in my other story that I don't want to screw with right now, so thought I'd use the opportunity to do a little catching up here. I've been struggling with this whole section, but I hope you enjoy! ______________________________________________________________________ ____
Kristi finally looked away and shook her head. "That's almost a frightening thought! It's like the cock that ate Metropolis or something, Cockzilla, I don't know..."
Tiff shook her hair back and laughed. "Oh c'mon! It's not that bad. Anyway, it's mostly just a visual thing for me, I don't think I'm much of a size queen. And he's pretty careful, he knows enough to not hurt a girl by being too, umm... enthusiastic." She looked back over toward him and smiled affectionately. "He looks so peaceful and relaxed there, relaxing like a big ol' baby. I should just let him relax." She grinned impishly. "But I don't think I will!"
She scooped up a double handful of water and hurled it toward him, more of it than I might have expected splashing down on his head and shoulders. He gave a sudden start and swore, yanking his I-Pod's earbuds from his ears. "Dayum! Now who in the fuck..." he turned and glared at us, immediately picking up on the fact that it had been Tiff that had flung the water - mostly because the other three of us were all pointing at her! Clearly we were very loyal friends.
He shook his head ruefully. "Damn, girl, you got no respect for your superiors - or your elders for that matter. Can anyone give me a good reamister not to come over there and sit on her until bubbles stop coming up?"
I waved my hand. "Ooohh, I can! It would be a terrible waste of a very beautiful woman - on the other hand, I have no objection to you putting her over your knee." As soon as the words were out of my mouth I regretted them, Tiffany's history of use leaping into my addled brain, but there was no taking it back. I hoped maybe nobody had noticed.
Tiff looked at me, feigning hurt, but she still seemed playful. "Hey! I thought you were my friend and then you sell me out! All of you - some friends you turn out to be." She took Kristi by the shoulders, laughing as she pushed her in front, between where we were and where Pops was trying to get out of the low lounge chair. As he began to rise he made a low, strangled sound and fell back into the chair, which nearly buckled. He reached down, and I realized he was disentangling his genitalia from where everything had slid between the straps of the seat!
Eventually he set his I-Pod on the deck with his book and rose to his feet and turned toward us, one hand reaching below his broad expanse of belly and between his legs, massaging his balls, which caused his pendulous cock to flop back and forth over his forearm. "Damn Ronnie, your chair nearly castrated me! That's one bad design right there."
Ronnie objected. "Hey, it's not my chair, it came with the boat! And it may not be just the design of the chair, because I don't think there's any way it could do that to me. He pointed toward Pops' groin, waggling his finger. "It could just be, you know..."
Before he could finish his disclaimer, Pops' foot slid on the deck, and his arms shot out as he fought to regain his balance, narrowly missing falling down. "Fuck! Now what in the..." He raised his foot and looked at it just about the same time the rest of us realized that he had crossed right where Trell had recently shot his load all over the deck. He seemed to know immediately what he had stepped in. "Ohh, cuckolds brownie, don't tell me..." He glared down at his nephew's back then looked at us. "You know, maybe some of those yellow 'Caution, Slippery Floor' signs would be a good idea. Or a towel boy, like they have for when basketball players sweat on the court." He none-too-gently gently kicked Trell's ass. "Hey Junior, how about you clean up after yourself?"
Trell didn't even glance back at him, he simply took his hand off of Kori's right breast and flipped his uncle a lotion-soaked bird before returning his full attention to her. I noticed that he was erect again, totally stiff and extended, his full eight inch length jutting rigidly from his groin and half of his glans protruding from his dark foreskin as he leaned over her. I shook my head. Ronnie was right, it was amazing - also very unfair, but I shouldn't complain!
Pops paused long enough to wipe his foot on the edge of the towel that Kori was laying on, the came over by us. He climbed onto the deck and stepped down into the water, onto the top step, then off onto the seat alongside before sitting on the deck at the edge of the tub, just his feet and lower legs submerged. Well, just his feet and lower legs and a couple inches of his thick, dark brown cock, which hung more than the eight inch distance from the tub's edge to the water's surface. His balls, low and heavy in their sack, just grazed the tops of the waves. I glanced at Kristi, only to find her staring at it. She looked at me and raised her eyebrows before gently shaking her head in amazement.
It was impressive, almost a caricature of a human cock, hanging there black and limp and ludicrously long, thicker than Kristi's wrist. Pops was very dark, much more so than Trell, and his genitals seemed maybe even slightly darker than the rest of him. Despite his massive size, there were no sloppy rolls of fat as you might expect. It was more like just a thick barrel perched on two tree trunks - with a large black hose dangling out the bottom of the barrel and into the water between the trees. I suppressed a snicker at that thought, but Ronnie's thoughts must have nearly parallelled my own, and he did snicker. "Hey, that looks like the way an elephant takes - don't drain the tub Pops!"
He rolled his eyes at Ron and laughed before crooking a finger at Tiffany. "Get over her young lady, and take your medicine! Waking me up from a perfectly good nap...there's something seriously wrong with you girl!"
Tiff, laughing, kept Kristi between herself and Pops, pushing her toward him. Kristi, for her part, allowed herself to be pushed forward, leaning into Pops and waiting until the last second to pivot, cat-like, and seize Tiff, thrusting her into Pops waiting arms! Once he had a grip on her there was no escape, and despite her struggles and objections he was able to turn her and lift her bodily, as an adult would with a young, and put her across his knees face-down. Her beautiful, heart-shaped ass thus exposed, he gave it a resounding smack!
She squealed. "Ow! Hey! Kristi, you traitor!"
Kristi laughed. "No way I'm getting my fanny paddled for your poor judgement lady! You earned this all by yourself!"
I was cringing inwardly, still wondering if spanking a woman that had been through all that Tiffany had was a good idea, even if done entirely in play. Hearing her and Pops and Kristi trading barbs, and all of them plus Ronnie laughing, I realized that I was being too sensitive. I decided that Tiff could surely differentiate between rough but affectionate play and the type of cruel blows that were truly intended to cause pain and hurt, and knew that if she said stop, Pops surely would. Plus, she was a rancher and a rider, so she was probably no stranger to rough play!
As the second loud smack rang out, and I looked to see where Pops' enormous black hand covered most of her fine tush, I noticed something unexpected. "Hey! You have a tatoo on your ass!"
She did, too, a perfect golden horseshoe on the upper curve of her right cheek, with a narrow black border and black nailholes, and below it, curved around the bottom of the horseshoe in flowing bright red script, it said 'Ride!' I leaned across and traced it with my fingertip, very aware of the soft warmth of her skin, and of Kristi watching me. "Is that a statement of your life's philosophy, or an invitation?"
She looked back over her shoulder at me and gave me a teasing smile. "Can't it be both?"
I leaned back, laughing. "Ooohh, now I'm gonna have to ponder on that all day!"
Pops, also laughing, gave her another loud smack on her derriere. "Now I have to give you a couple of extra ones just for being such a naughty girl!" He gave her another, and she cried out in mock objection and wriggled on his lap. Observing them, I noticed four things. First, she was squirming around, but making no serious effort to escape. Second, her large breasts were suspended very nicely in her face-down position, and her nipples were very hard. Third, Pops' already huge cock had begun to thicken and lift out of the water, the tip of it above the surface and peeking out from under his thick foreskin as he began to harden. And last but certainly not least, when his hand smacked down on her soft tushey, each time it lingered a little longer and crept a little closer to the juncture of her thighs, where her puffy, down-covered pussy protruded from the crevice, her big pink clit jutting proudly and demandingly through her curls!
Posts: 14692
Had good laugh at this one. Thanks Storm
Posts: 4050
That last segment was superb. I love this cast of characters that you've created.
Again, thank you
Posts: 492
stormydog: "You know, maybe some of those yellow 'Caution, Slippery Floor' signs would be a good idea. Hmmmm, I wonder where that came from? Are you throwing a bone to one of your biggest fans? I have no idea how you're doing both stories right now Stormy, but thank you. Excellent job on both. "Gentlemen, start your erections!!!" Only problem is that we seem to have an abundance of cock and a shortage of pussy. Can't wait to see how you put it all together. Thanks Stormy TrF2
Posts: 26
Stormy, I'll say it again, you are the master! I look forward daily to your entries and I am enjoying both stories. I have to admit I prefer this story because of your build up of so many players. Both stories are superb. A big thank you for writing! JJ
Posts: 14692
I think my HD melted down on this segment. Stormy, you need to put warning labels on your segments.
Posts: 492
That was without a doubt one of the hottest sex scenes ever. I agree with GH, you really can write the sex scenes Stormy. I felt like I was right there in the room with them. The detail that you went into describing how Kori and Trell got their parts and pieces together was so descriptive, it was amazing. Her elevating her cute little butt off the table to accommodate him, man oh man I could just picture it
And then thinking of Kristi running around throwing those towels everywhere, that was pure genius and so well written.
I swear, if I ever hit the lottery, I'm going to sign you up for a long term publishing contract. You are a gifted writer for sure. You have a way of putting us readers right in the middle of the scene. I'm going to need one of those slippery floor signs for under my computer chair after reading that segment.
As far as the penis vs pussy ratio, you mentioned that there are other ports available for use. Considering the size of the male equipment on that houseboat, I'd have to say that one particular orifice is probably off limits for everyone except Ronnie. It pays to be average sometimes, especially when the back door comes into play.
Thanks again Stormy, beautifully done.
Posts: 1914
Stormy, I have to give you the biscuit. Again. Having one of your hottest scenes interupted by a bumping boat is such a great intervention, and now you have us all on the edge of our seats wondering why, with all the lake to go at, did this boat chose this spot at this time. Wonderful. Again.
Posts: 4050
Storm As always, that was a superb sex scene. You are the Rembrandt of porn. But....What really made it work for me was that last paragraph. stormydog: Kori giggled again. "Well, I guess I'd better go and reassure my main man that he's still my one and only true love, huh?" We watched her cross to him and exchange a long, loving kiss. She leaned over the bar, talking softly to him as he worked, both of them plainly very happy to be together. Her towel was short enough that it exposed the backs of her legs all the way up to the soft curve of the lower part of her ass, and Tiffany smiled and nodded toward her. "Look at that! It takes a special kind of woman to reassure her main man that he is indeed her main man, all while another man's cum is running down her legs!" Those short little throw ins are what make this such a great story As always, thank you for writing GH
Posts: 1459
You're welcome jj, and I have to admit that I tend to prefer the shows with the larger ensemble type casts myself. It gives you more fun and different avenues to explore, but they can be tough to keep track of - like herding cats! Peak and Timmy, thanks. The comments are much appreciated. I hope that the various little sexual vignettes in the last few episodes will carry everyone over for awhile, because I sense things settling down for a bit. Of course, Pops is still left hanging...
Trf2, thanks! Let me know if you hit that lottery and I'll give it a go. Not sure mainstream stuff would be as much fun to write, but what the hell! As far as the other, I hope you are on hardwood or tile and not carpet at your desk.
I like those too GH. It seems you and I tend to prefer our sadism - or masochism - in shorter, more gentle doses. Sure, cruelty can be fun, but there has to be some love behind it to make that so, as Timmy has expressed so well! And of course the consenting adults thing has to come into play, which is what is so great about your tales - all those wonderful, caring, tolerant players. Thanks for the comment.
Hope to update here in the next day or 2, but have a busy week ahead. We'll see!
Posts: 1459
Even from where we stood I could see the glistening streaks of semen trickling down Kori's legs as she kissed and cooed with Ron. If she seemed completely unaware of it, Kristi was less so of me staring at Kori. "You just love that, don't you?"
I started. "What? Me?"
She laughed. "Yes, you! You just love a woman that has cum dripping out of her - it makes you almost as hot as pregnant women do! Why do you suppose that is?"
I shrugged, unable to deny the obvious, but Tiff volunteered an answer. "Because in both cases he has unequivocal proof that they do it."
Pops chuckled. "Actually, that's pretty much it. In both cases another male will see the female as open and receptive to sex, plus, the fact that they have proven desirable to another male of the species - and in both instances the proof is undeniable - just causes the new male desire them even more. That's the competitive nature of our species." We were all staring at him, absorbing the lecture on human sexuality, when he continued: "Of course, there's also that reproductive instinct, the need to procreate which is so deeply ingrained in virtually every organism. The pregnant female, in particular, has a visible, proven ability to become pregnant and reproduce, her fertility and fecundity no longer in doubt, which draws other males to her like bees to honey; the other female, the one oozing semen, makes us want to add our little swimmers to the mix to find out if our own are better and stronger and can win the race to the prize - again, competition. Just like the way the female will tend to subconsciously select the best male, the healthiest, most masculine specimen, the one she perceives to have superior genetic possibilities..."
I shook my head. "Thank you Dr. Reginald!"
Tiff laughed. "Really! And where did all that come from?"
Pops mock-glared at me. "Don't call me Reginald - and don't interrupt, misterny! Oh, and I prefer Professor Pops." He chuckled again. "Hey, some of that was the honest truth, at least as scientists and researchers recognize and understand it. The rest was my own theories, based upon many years of relentless, hands-on research into the sexual habits of the species. Fun, fascinating, and not always scientific research, I'll admit, but does anyone care to offer up a better argument?"
I shrugged. "Well, I always thought it was because pregnant women get such nice big tits, and we know a woman dripping cum will be ready to go, all hot and slippery inside - but your ideas could have some merit."
Kristi slapped me on the arm. "Pig! That sounds like something Ronnie would say!"
She and Tiffany were both laughing, and Pops positively guffawed, his big body shaking with mirth. "Oh Adam, that's a perfect example of Occam's Razor, the simplest - or least complicated - explanation is most likely to be the correct one. I'll have to remember that one, it defines the term!"
I made a shallow bow in his direction. "Please feel free to use it with my blessing, glad to know I could contribute. Although Kristi has a point; that did sound eerily like Ronnie, which scares the cuckolds brownie out of me! I've always prided myself on NOT sounding like Ronnie."
Still laughing and talking among ourselves we crossed to the bar, where Ron and Kori were lip-locked, Kori leaning across the bar for the kiss and thus fully exposing her wet and dripping little snatch to us as we approached from behind. I absorbed the sight, feeling the electric shocks it set off in my groin, but was not so completely focused on it that I didn't see Kristi giving the apparently-dozing Trell a thorough head-to-toe inspection as we passed him.
He did look hot, I suppose, like a male pin-up or something as he lay stretched out on the deck with one arm over his eyes and one leg bent, his dark skin stretched over ripples of relaxed muscle across his ribs and stomach, his arms and legs long and lean, muscle and sinew defined and bulging at all the right places. And of course his cock and balls, in full sight and still appearing at least semi-aroused despite the proof of his release which was currently leaking down Kori's legs. I was beginning to think that as long as he was on this boat with three gorgeous females - but especially K - he would never go completely limp. Fortunately for him, it seemed his unceasing ardor would be readily accommodated, at least until he was reduced by dessication to a tiny ball of dust, and simply blew away! But whatever, Kristi seemed to be really enjoying a bit of stealth voyeurism.
As I closed on Kori, I reached out and let my hand drift down over the soft curve of her cute little ass until my fingers found her wetness. I gently parted her lips, her bottom lifting automatically to give me access, and slowly pushed two fingers into her dripping pussy, very aware of the slippery cum oozing onto my hand. She moaned softly, and I grinned. "Hey Ronnie, your wife is leaking fluids! You'd better get her into the shop where the mechanic can get her up on the rack and check out all her seals and gaskets and stuff!"
He grinned and nodded. "Yeah, I know. I think the old girl is out of warranty - I usually just put an old flattened out cardboard box under her so she won't stain the floor."
Kori moaned again and pushed back against my hand as I pressed my thumb hard against her tight little anus, slippery with cum. "Mmm, god! Be nice boys, or I'll cut you off. I do have my own stud now, you know!" She pushed back against me, and my thumb slid easily into her tight, slick sphincter, which I really hadn't intended for it to do! "Mmmm oh Adam, that's nice! Now I know what a bowling ball feels like - lucky bowling ball!"
Kristi looked at me "You have your fingers in her pussy and your thumb up her ass? You really are getting as tacky as Ronnie! Give you an inch..."
Ron interrupted her. "Hey! He's not nearly as tacky as me." He looked at me. "Stop trying to be as tacky as me! You've got your big dick, the least you can do is let me keep my crown as the crudest member of the kingdom - I mean, show a guy a little mercy!"
Pops and Tiff were standing at the bar taking this all in, laughing at us as we traded friendly and familiar barbs with each other. Admittedly, our teasing was much more physical and intimate than it had been just a few short weeks ago, but it was otherwise of the same general nature. I slid my fingers very slowly out of Kori's body, allowing one to perform a brief swirl on her tender clitoris as I did so, and she twitched and gasped. "God, Adam!"
I held up my cum-slathered hand, and Ronnie handed me a paper towel. As I dried the mess, Kori looked at us. "You know, if you don't like me leaking like this, one of you could volunteer to do a little, um, permisteral maintenance for me - or maybe even find some sort of plug to put in...let's see, what could we use...?"
I looked at Ron. "She's your wife, that makes it your job to help her out. Start your tongue-stretching exercises now."
He shook his head. "I'm busy making takes for everyone. Kristi could do it, all she ever does is stand around and look pretty. Incredibly pretty, I'll grant you, but still..."
She gave him a syrupy smile. "Ronnie, sweety, I'd tell you to kiss my ass, but I'm afraid you'd hurt your knees rushing to get in position."
That brought a laugh from everyone, Pops shaking his head. "Good thing y'all are such close friends or I'd have to separate you."
Ron smiled at him, and at Kristi, then dropped into what he considers his "Scottish accent" - he had told me that his ancestry was mostly Scottish, but still..."Ach, and it's know me too well the lassie does! I'd cross the moors on me belly just to plant me lips on her bonnie wee tush!"
I shook my head. "Ron, buddy, I know you've told me that's supposed to be Scottish, but it still sounds more Irish to me."
Tiffany giggled. "It sounds more Cartoonish to me, like the leprechaun from the Lucky Charms commercials."
Kristi laughed. "Yeah, that's our Ronnie - half Scottish, half Cartoonish - and we love the little bugger to death, despite all of his many obvious faults!"
Pops shook his head, grinning broadly. "Man-oh-man, you white folks is way tough on each other! I'm sure glad Tiff dragged me along on this trip, I would have hated to have missed this."
Posts: 14692
Storm another great fun story. I love the exchanges between the "original cast". Thanks for another great segment. Made my night.
Posts: 14692
Bump for Adam
Posts: 4050
I love these characters and what you do with them. Everyone reading this story has to want to be on that boat. Thank you for creating these wonderful people.
Posts: 14692
Time for a bump. Storm it's been a while - Please.
Posts: 492
Dear Stormy,
It's really getting boring on this houseboat. Some old guy named Titsrfun2 stopped by to join us, but after fifteen minutes with Kori, he's just kind of sitting naked over in the corner with a big smile on his face. He tried to get up a few minutes ago, but his legs gave out. To be honest, that's not the only thing that gave out
We miss you, please hurry back.
Adam, Kristi and the houseboat gang.