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Adam's Journey

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Posts: 1459
#1,111 · Edited by: stormydog
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Thanks GH, I'm glad this approach appeals to you. I'm usually not a fan of the cruel, sadistic brute of a lover type stories, although I will admit that I've seen it done creatively and erotically - occasionally. I like to portray people we'd all like to meet and know. Hmmm, now I wonder where I could have picked that up?

peak and Timmy, thanks. Peak, I think your comment kind of goes to what GH was talking about. Couldn't agree more!

Trf2, the Humpback Chub used in the breeding experiment must have been all males, because usually the Squawfish will breed only with the Bravefish - you know, for obvious reamisters. The Lesbian Squawfish (and the Gay Bravefish, totally separate species) quickly became extinct - also for obvious reamisters. Not sure, but you may be even crazier than I am. That should scare you - or at least those around you!


Posts: 1459
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He moved as if to go after her and she quickly darted away, backwards, laughing at him as she did so. After a couple more attempts, with the same results, it became apparent that while he appeared comfortable and competent in the water, his swimming ability was on a completely different level than Kristi's or my own. In fairness, she's much more streamlined and aerodynamic (hydrodynamic?) than he is, but it was easy to see that he would not be able lay hands on her. Unless she let him.

She circled him, taunting, then suddenly dived down and yanked him underwater, returning the favor. He was able to catch one arm before she could escape, and again they tussled briefly underwater before she broke free and he surfaced, sputtering indignantly and rubbing his chest. "Ouch! She bit my nipple! She fucking bit my fucking nipple! Where'd she go?"

She surfaced behind him, laughing, just as Ronnie walked up beside me and looked down at them. "Hey Adam, mornin'. What's going on?"

I was still chuckling as I turned to him. "Hey Ronnie! I don't know, I think Lee must have gotten into a school of piranha or something. Claims he got bit by something."

Ronnie's brow furrowed. "What?"

I called down to Lee. "Hey man, you're lucky that's all that got bitten! If I were you I'd raise the white flag, before it's too late!"

Kristi taunted him from behind. "Good advice stud! If you're smart you'll listen to the man. As a matter of fact, I'll even help you!"

He had turned to watch her, and when she suddenly dove beneath the surface again he backed away warily, not knowing her intent. From where we stood, twelve feet or so above the lake, it was easy to see that she had gone deep and was coming up below him. From his position, with the water up to his chin, he could not see through the surface chop and reflections. He had no clue where she was. Accordingly, when her hand darted between his legs from behind and grabbed his cock, he let out a startled yelp and immediately inhaled a mouthful of lake! As he gagged and coughed, she surfaced a few feet away and watched him, laughing.

When he caught his breath he splashed water at her. "Fuckin' woman! You damn near drowned me."

She laughed. "I was just trying to help you! I figured if you wanted to raise the white flag you'd need a flagpole, but the only thing I could find was way too short and stumpy to make a good flagpole!"

He laughed. "Give me a break! This water is kind of cold you know."

"Sure, that's what they all say!"

Ronnie and I were both laughing, enjoying this exchange. I think Ron took particular delight in it. Lee went on. "You didn't seem to have any issues with my flagpole last night."

Kristi spit a mouthful of water at him, hitting him square in the face. "That little thing? That can't possibly be the same thing you were packin' last night! Besides, that one had a couple of nice big balls attached to it and gosh, now you don't seem to have any 'nads at all. I was planning to neuter you, but it feels like someone beat me to it!"

He shook his head, laughing. "Funny girl! You just keep up the wisecracks girl, because at some point you're going to have to come out of the water, and when you do you're going over my knee!"

"Oooh, big talk for a guy with no nuts!" She looked up at us. "Hi Ronnie! Adam, sweetie, do you want to come and help us? The Ranger needs a flagpole. Maybe you could loan him yours."

I shook my head. "I'd love to help, really I would, but some of us have already showered. I'll probably swim some, but I think maybe I'll wait for the day to warm up a bit first. Sorry Lee!"

He just waved a hand at me, keeping his attention on Kristi. She acted concerned. "Well then, whatever are we to do? "Wait, I have an idea!" She dove again and he started to back away, his head on a pivot as he wondered what her next trick would be.

He jumped when he first felt her touch him, but when her hands moved to his hips and her face to his groin he paused, and when she took him into her mouth he groaned. "Ohhh, fuck!"

Ronnie and I could clearly see her head move back and forth as she began to fellate him underwater, her long hair drifting in a dark golden mass around them, at times obscuring her face, at other moments streaming out behind her like long strands of glimmering golden seaweed so that we could see where she held him in her mouth. It was like some water nymph, some carnal, erotic mermaid having her way with the helpless human, out of his element. Not that he was struggling to escape; on the contrary, gently treading water he had put his head back and closed his eyes, his mouth slightly open in a look of pure ecstasy as he savored the sensation of her soft, warm lips and tongue on his manhood. The seconds ticked slowly.

Ronnie looked at me. "How long can she do that."

I shrugged. "Usually for a long time. Underwater, who knows? I guess we'll find out."

It stretched to half a minute, then beyond. I figured we had to be closing in on a full minute, or maybe more, but I honestly hadn't thought to start timing them. Ronnie looked down at them and swore, then looked at me. "Holy cuckolds brownie! Do you suppose she can breathe through that thing, like some new kind of snorkel or something? 'As seen on TV, it's a penis! It's a snorkel! The new snorkis, from Ronco!' Adam, buddy, she's got to come up for air soon - doesn't she?"

I shook my head. "You'd think so, wouldn't you? Oh wait, I see bubbles, she must be getting close if she's exhaling." The silvery bubbles rose in front of him, immediately disappearing when they reached the surface,, but she continued to suck him.

Ron shook his head. "Maybe it's not a snorkel - maybe it's a scuba cock and she can stay down indefinitely. We'll have to change it to S.C.U.F.A.B.A. - self-contained underwater breathing and fucking apparatus."

"Ron, you're an idiot. Besides, that would be scubafa, not scufaba."

He appeared to consider that, arranging the letters in his head. "You're right. I like that better anyhow. Oh wait, she's finally done. Damn, she could be a pearl diver!"

As she broke the surface, I showed him the pearl necklace in my pocket. "I kept these precisely so she wouldn't have to be."

He laughed. "Oh Adam, always so practical! You don't care if she sucks his dick, as long as she doesn't lose her pearls."

I shook my head. "No, it's not that, but if she'd done it here, on deck, she might have ended up wearing two pearl necklaces at once. That would be a little ostentatious, don't you think? Besides, I do care!"

He laughed, then glanced down to where my cock, now firmly erect, had found its way out the front of my robe. "Uh-huh, I can see that you care. A great deal, apparently."

I pushed it back in and pulled my robe shut. "Fuck you, tell me you're not hard!"

He shook his head. "Oh no, I definitely am - I just kept it caged instead of letting it roam free where it could terrorize entire neighborhoods."

I looked at him from the corner of my eye. "Caged, Ronnie?"

After I said it I wished I could take it back, remembering what I had promised Kori. I had in no way intended it to be hurtful or critical, but was unsure how he would take it. He just laughed as he turned bright red. "I meant under cover, not out blotting out the sun and scaring small youngren like that monster of yours - but caged is OK too."

Relieved, I returned my attention to Kristi and Lee. Kristi had finally caught her breath after holding it so long, and now she put her arm over his shoulders. She looked up at us. "I found a flagpole after all! A nice big one!" She squeezed his neck and kissed his cheek. "Care to surrender now?"

He blew out his breath, as if he'd been the one underwater. "Pheeew! I give, uncle, I surrender, complete and total capitulation, and whatever else you want me to say. You win - but you don't fight fair!"

She frowned. "You didn't think that was fair?"

He shook his head. "No. No, I thought it was excellent!"

We all laughed, and Kristi tugged on his arm. "Come on, let's get out of this lake! I'm ready to be warm."

They both turned and swam toward the rear of the boat, as Kristi looked up at me. "Adam, will you see if you can find us some towels?"

Sure, no problem! I didn't mind being their valet, their cabana boy. Or maybe I did.


Posts: 26
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Anticipation is great! I hope it is Adams turn soon. Got to wonder if Kristi can take it? Your the master.


Posts: 1914
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Just when you think it's safe to go back in the water. Another great white appears. Wonderful Stormy. Wonderful.


Posts: 14692
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very nice Stormy but I think Adam should mind and it's time for ranger Lee to get lost.


Posts: 4050
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Nice segment, but I will be very curious to see how Kristi and Adam resolve this. Kristi is definitely pushing Adam's limits. That conflict is of course what makes a story fun.



Posts: 492
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Not sure, but you may be even crazier than I am. That should scare you - or at least those around you!

Anyone who knows me, including my wife, would totally agree with that statement, but I doubt that they're scared, not even a little bit. I've been told I have a very "warped" sense of humor, something I take great pride in.

The crowd is growing restless Stormy.....sounds like everyone's waiting for Adam to get his shot, so to speak. It would be nice to see Kristi squirming for a change. We're putty in your hands, waiting to see how you mold the next segment of this awesome story.

Did I mention that I hate snow? We've already had eleven "events" this winter as the weather newscasters like to call them, and there's another one on the not too distant horizon. Just shoot me now. My neighbor's snow blower actually caught fire and went up in flames the other morning, it was pretty funny.

Respectfully yours, frozen balls and all.....



Posts: 1459
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My neighbor's snow blower actually caught fire and went up in flames the other morning, it was pretty funny.

You're right, you do have a warped sense of humor. That is pretty funny though...


Posts: 31
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Great story telling Stormy.
I think it is time for Adam to get his shot as Titsrfun states.
How about this. Adam goes and gets a towel for Kristi and brings Lee's clothes. He gives Kristi the towel and hands Lee his clothes and suggests he leave. Ron could back Adam up and tell Lee to leave. He could remind Lee of his friend the Attorney General.
Let Kristi and Lee decide. Adam tells Kristi if she wants to continue with Lee that is her choice but it will call their engagement off. Adam tells Kristi he is going to pack and Ron is going to put him ashore so he can go home. He talls Krist that after their conversation last night about kissing to kiss Lee in front of him is too much. He tells her he hopes Lee is worth it. He tells her he doesn't understand why she is giving up what they had for Lee. He wishes her a good life and goes to his cabin to pack.
Kori tells Kristi that she is a complete asshole for the way she is treating Adam. She tells her if Adam says the engagement is off so is Ron and her friendship with Kristi. She is no longer welcome at their home.
Maybe too drastic but Kristi deserves it. Please have Lee disappear!!!


Posts: 1914
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The power of Stormy's writing has got you some of you blowing smoke here. Stormy should of course see that as a compliment and at the same time ignore everything you say. These characters that we all care so much about have now got over two YEARS of continuity on this site (and a bit less on Lit.). They cannot suddenly change, they can only evolve from their history. That's why soaps have so many 'natural' disasters. They inject powerd change. So, we could have a landslip causing a freak wave which swept away the weak swimmer (Lee), but not Adam threatening to break off his engagement over this. Sorry. As GH, the master of the long tale, has already said, it will be good to see how they get out of this. I'm willing to wait for the real thing ..


Posts: 26
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Peak is right. We are the readers and Stormy is the Master Writer. We have got to admit that we have all been drawn into the characters which is what makes Stormy the Master.

Stormy keep going the way you are and we will just enjoy the story.
I look forward to each addition.
Greatly appreciated!


Posts: 38
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Seems Lee has lost sympathy around here somehow. I regret that to some degree - actually I feel sorry for him, the poor guy having lost his beloved wife so sadly twenty years ago. He deserves being taken care of in my opinion, even more so thinking of Tiffany having declined his proposal. I'm glad at least Kristi has given herself to him, even with this fantastic underwater blowjob after the guys had thrown her overboard. Can't believe Adam has given his hand to this insult - just after Kristi showed her concern about the previous night - I mean the flare of hurt in her eyes. This emotion particularly has moved my heart.

Stormy - no takers obviously on your suggestion for a get-togehter in the Caribbean. Well I think if it would be not only us internet guys but the real Kristi, and Kori, and Tiffany, and at least some of the other story's characters, the idea would find an other score.

Anyway, you've written real nice developments recently again. Thank you so much!


Posts: 28
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OK no doubt .You are am master write. Just when we all think that every thing is setelled down and waiting Lee leave then this. Thank you

Kristi instead of saying or asking , Adam, can you bring some towels please, or someting smilar " Says; Adam, will you see if you can find us some towels?" not asking, some thing like mild ordering like Tiff pointed out about it to Adam while they are talking.. As if she also would like to give orders to Adam or show every one that she can control Adam. İs she testing Adam for his love for her that he can accept even this or she really wants giving ordes to Adam.

I really would like to see Adam's reaction to it. Accepting to be a bell boy or strike somehow like while giving towels do or say something. Lets wait and see. Anticipation is really great

As I sid, you are a talented writer

Thank you again


Posts: 31
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You are right in your comments. I got a little carried away with end of engagement idea. I am responding to what are my permisteral ideas and should let Stormy write his story.
I can sit back anjoy the story. I wish that I could write like Stormy or Goodhusband or Timmy. I will count to a 100 and wait a day before I reply.
Keep up the good work Stormy.


Posts: 1459
#1,125 · Edited by: stormydog
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Wow, that was quite a response! Must have touched a few nerves there - or perhaps I'm just dragging on too long on this particular swerve in the story - but y'all know by now that I tend to do that.

Seriously, I appreciate all of the comments, criticisms, ideas, and suggestions. I really do, and I would not dream of asking you to stop posting them. I have but 2 simple requests:

1. Don't be insulted [u]if I do[/u] use one of your ideas in the story. Usually I have a pretty good idea where I'm going, and sometimes your thoughts line up very closely with my plans - you're merely prescient. Other times I have been known to steal an idea here and there - hell, my ego is not so large as to delude me into believing that I always have the best and most creative ideas! Just don't sulk about me stealing your idea - you threw it out there!

2. Don't be insulted [u]if I don't[/u] use one of your ideas in the story! Like I said, I usually have a reamisterably good idea where I'm going, and can't alter the characters too drastically. Major and sudden changes in permisterality can frequently be attributed to head injury. Just so you know, I'm not planning any of those.

As so often happens, peak is letting his intuitive nature show. I do take your involvement as a very sincere compliment, but I gotta be me! Irish, I love that you are so involved! Cliffa, I think you are on target on Lee - he can be a bit of a jerk, but he usually doesn't mean it maliciously. He's what my lady would have called "socially awkward". Likewise Korucu, you definitely have an eye for the details!

To one and all, thanks again for the comments and support. I truly appreciate it.

Trf2, I recommend a mitten to avoid freezing your balls off. You just slide it on over the goods, using the thumb part for...well, you understand anatomy, you get the idea. The fur-lined ones feel especially nice...


Posts: 1459
#1,126 · Edited by: stormydog
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I must have spoken aloud, or at least muttered a bit about having to chase down towels for them, because Ronnie grabbed my arm. "Hey, you OK?"

I pulled away from him. "Yeah, yeah I'm fine. Let me get their fucking towels for them." I looked around - it didn't appear that we had left any up here, or if we had they had possibly blown away overnight. "Crap, I don't even know if we have any clean towels without traipsing down to the closet."

Ron glanced around. "I think we do - I'm pretty sure there are still a few under the bench. Here, let me get 'em."
He crossed and raised the lid of the bench near the hot tub and reached in, coming out with two folded, white, fluffy towels. "Thought so!" He stared at me for a moment. "You seem a little testy this morning. Want me to take these down? It's no problem, and maybe Kristi will let me help dry her off." He waggled his eyebrows lecherously.

I laughed, I couldn't help it. Ronnie knew how to steer me when things got rough. Perhaps the only one that did it better was his wife. I took a deep, cleansing breath and blew it out. "You're a moron, you know that? Actually, you're the one permister of the male persuasion that it wouldn't bother me to see touch her this morning." I knew that was true, because he was the one man that I trusted completely, one I knew would always have my best interests at heart. Plus, Kori would skin him if he screwed up. "Look, maybe I'm being a little over-sensitive, OK? It's just starting to piss me off, the way they're so easy with each other about all the touchy-feely stuff."

He grinned. "Look at it this way. You're going to have Rain living with you when you get home, right? Look at what Kristi and Lee are doing together as your 'Get Out of Jail Free' card. This couldn't be set up any better for you buddy, you just have to play it the right way. Plus, that boner you were sporting didn't look like you hated it too much!"

"Involuntary reaction, Ronnie. Thanks for not mentioning it." I shook my head. "That whole Rain thing, remember I'm gone a lot. It will mostly be Rain and Kristi living together. Shit, I mean, my fiancee and a woman I've slept with! Recently! What could possibly go wrong?" Of course, with Rain no actual relaxing had been involved, but it's a useful euphemism.

He nodded sagely. "Maybe we could get Izzy to come visit them too. That would be fun!"

I grimaced and rubbed my stomach. "I think I feel my ulcer kicking up. Come on, let's get the towels down to them before they freeze their tender bits off." Actually, I wouldn't have minded if Lee had lost a few tender bits, but I'd grown very fond of all of Kristi's. We'd been too slow as it turned out, and when we got to the top of the rear stairway they were already halfway up, naked, shivering and goosebumped in the cold wind.

As they stepped onto the upper deck, Ronnie tossed Lee a towel and flipped the other one open, stepping forward to wrap it around Kristi. He rubbed her back dry through the towel, then wrapped his arms around her and began to do the same with her front, taking extra care to see that her breasts were adequately towelled off. She let him play for a few seconds then pushed him away, laughing. "OK Ronnie, enough! Between the cold and you with that towel, if my nipples get any harder they'll snap off!"

She was right about that! Her nipples were as pert and rosy as I'd seen them, jutting out hard and proud from her small, firm boobs. I have a special love affair with her nipples, responsive little buggers that they are, and I felt myself begin to respond to her condition. Great - I didn't need that putting in an appearance just now!

I glanced away, looking to see how Lee was taking all this. He was still drying off - at that moment drying his groinal region; accordingly, it was difficult not to notice that he was still semi-erect, what with the fact that he was fondling it in the towel when I happened to glance at him. I looked back at Kristi, only to find her watching him rub himself dry. She smiled. "I can't believe you're still hard after that swim and the cold wind! I'm impressed - and I'll be even more impressed if your balls make a return appearance before noon."

We all laughed at that, even Lee, who then looked down at his tight and shrivelled scrotum. "Me too! But hey, it's not my fault, it's just a natural physiological reaction to the cold."

Kristi nodded. "Uh-huh, and so are the nips - but you guys always mention it!"

I butted in. "Yeah. Men are pigs, huh?"

She gave me a dazzling smile, then threw her hair forward and bent over, taking the towel to her tresses. It was a beautiful thing to watch, and we all did, her breasts jiggling slightly with her vigorous drying action, the smooth arch of her back, her long, bare legs planted a foot or so apart, her round, high bottom begging to be kissed. I don't know how I'll ever be able to stay mad at her, she just has these magical powers over me.

She straightened up, breasts thrusting forward as she flung her hair back, reached up to brush a couple of long strands away from her face, then looked around at the three of us, all still fixated on her. "Well?" Spontaneously, we all began to applaud! She first looked surprised, then blushed, then laughed. "No, idiots, I meant 'well, what now'?"

Lee replied first. "Oh, that! Well, I'm going to go take a nice hot shower if that's OK with you folks." He paused, looking at Kristi. "I wouldn't mind a little company..."

My anger began to flare anew as Kristi replied. "Well, that sounds nice..."

I cut her off, directing my comment at Lee. "You do remember that Tiffany is down there, right?"

He looked puzzled. "Yeah, so?"

"Well call me crazy, Lee, but if I'm trying to make a positive impression on one lady I generally try to avoid prancing through leading another naked lady by the hand and waving a hard-on in front of me."

He frowned as he thought about that, then raised his brows as realization dawned. "Oh. Oh yeah, right!" He smacked his forehead. "Duh! You know, I wasn't actually planning on prancing, and I did plan to wrap a towel around me, but I see your point. Some women might misconstrue that to mean that a guy might not be ready to settle down, huh?"

I nodded. "Yeah Lee, that was my point. Some women might just do that. Crazy, huh?" Even to me my voice sounded drier than the Mojave. For all his good points, he clearly knew nothing about women; that much was obvious, if I was able to out-think him on the topic!

He looked at Kristi. "Umm, will you take a raincheck on the shower?"

She smiled. "Sure. I hate to send you off to work all hard and frustrated, but I'm sure you'll manage. You can use our shower if you want - there's shampoo and stuff down there."

He nodded as he wrapped his towel around his middle and headed for the stairs. The towel did little to mask his condition, and I figured both Tiff and Kori would enjoy the bulge effect. I especially enjoyed the fact that I knew K would not let it pass without some embarrassing comment!

When he was gone, Kristi looked at me with an amused smile on her face. "What was that all about?"

"Look, he just has a way of pissing me off, that's all. Even when he doesn't mean to - I mean, you know how I feel!"

She laughed. "I do - which is why, if you hadn't interrupted me, you would have heard me say 'Well, that sounds nice, but you go ahead. I'm just gonna hop in the hot tub for awhile if one of these guys will help me get the cover off.' So will you?"

I was momentarily dazed. And chagrined, but I hadn't realized that yet. "Umm, what?"

"The cover, Adam. Will you help me get it off?"

"Uhhh..." The chagrin had made itself felt.

Ron laughed. "Come on babe, I'll help you. He's still trying to figure out which of his big feet landed in the pile of cuckolds brownie first!"

Kristi laughed. "Yeah, he's pretty cute when he gets all over-protective and stuff. He forgets sometimes that I'm a big girl. His big girl, not "common ground" for him and anyone else."

I was dying here, but Ronnie looked at her in amazement. "He called you that?"

"Yup. He said I was common ground for him and Lee."

Ron shook his head, but sprang to my defense. "Huh! Well you might see how he could make that mistake - they both planted their flags in you, did a little plowing, sowed a little seed..."

Kristi burst out laughing, then slapped him on the arm. "Oh Ronnie, you are so disgusting!"

I looked at them. "Yeah. Thanks Ronnie. Why don't you take ten, I'll call you if I need any more help." With friends like that, who needs enemies?


Posts: 1914
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Good recovery there Stormy. I think there's a certain State office in Washington could use your diplomatic s*******s sometimes. As opposed to Adam & Lee's of course. More like a good ol' boy's pissing contest that ..


Posts: 14692
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I agree. I know, Adam and rest of us are no match to ladies like Kristi, Kori or Tiff but at least he can out think ranger Lee.

Nice chapter. Thanks for keeping this going.


Posts: 28
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Guessing what is going to happen next is become a game for me. While jogging smetime I start thinking for possible new direction or courses you would take and smile. I guessed right that some one else would bring the tyowels, and guessed right thar Lee would certainly ask for having a shower together and Kristi refusing to sent back him in that condition but then you take to a completly different direction and surprised us again?

"Kristi laughed. "Yeah, he's pretty cute when he gets all over-protective and stuff. He forgets sometimes that I'm a big girl. His big girl, not "common ground" for him and anyone else." Does she mean that since she is a big girl, Adam's big girl and can do anything she wants.

I really wonder what kind of conversation Kristi and Adam will have at hot tub.I will carry on guessing and wait which is really great.

Thank you again


Posts: 1914
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Hey Korucu, did you hear about that infinite number of monkeys ..


Posts: 28
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Peakmb, Hello there.

Of course I Heard them but it would be much easier to follow a few of them than guessing Storm's way of thinking. But anyway it was fun. The good think is Storm made us ( at least me) live the story together with him.

I thank him for that


Posts: 1459
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Thanks guys. I was reading back over the story, and I never did find the part about the infinite number of monkeys. As a matter of fact, I seem to have avoided the topic of fetish entirely - not counting the guys that are hung like a horse. And Ralph of course, but we have not explored his sexuality. Anyhow, I have been wanting to get back here for a chapter or 2, and today seemed like the day, so here goes...
______________________________________________________________________ ____________

I crossed to the hot tub with the intent of helping Kristi uncover it, but she stood aside and allowed Ronnie and I to do it. As we swung it back and leaned it against the platform, Ronnie glanced at Kristi. "You're not going to have too long, or not if you want to eat anyway. Pops and my wife were chasing each other around the kitchen, claiming they were getting ready to fix some breakfast, so barring any unforeseen games of hide the salami we should be eating fairly soon."

Kristi laughed. "Ronnie, you are always so tasteful in the way you talk about your beloved. That's so sweet! But from what I've seen, I don't think she will be able to hide very much of Pops' salami."

Ron and I both agreed, laughing, then I asked him if he knew what they were fixing. He looked at me. "Do you really care - I mean, as long as you don't have to fix it yourself?"

"Good point. Hey, how about some of your patented Bloody Marys to go with it, whatever it is?"

Kristi, just stepping into the steaming water, seconded my motion. "Yeah Ronnie, that sounds good!"

He looked at her. "You know, I don't give a crap what this guy wants, but I find it impossible to say no to an incredibly beautiful woman - especially when she's all wet and naked. Your wish is my command! For a kiss, I'll run down and get some celery and a lime."

I puckered up and leaned toward him. "Kinda strange, but OK."

He pushed me away. "Not you, asshole! Her!"

I nodded. "Oh. Well, that does make more sense." Kristi was laughing as she bent down from her perch on the steps to kiss him, and he cupped her breast as their lips met, squeezing it and rolling her erect nipple between his fingers. She moaned as they broke off the kiss. "Mmmm! If a kiss earns me fruit and vegetables, what do I get for the free grope?"

Ronnie chuckled as he walked away. "The knowledge that my little pecker is now sticking straight out, for one thing! Be right back!"

We were laughing as he ducked down the stairs and Kristi lowered herself into the water. She groaned. "Ohhh, that feels so nice. Almost as good as sex. Speaking of which, care to join me?"

"Insatiable wench! I thought you were too sore for sex."

"Not sore, just tender earlier. I feel better now. Come on in - and I mean that in so many ways!"

I laughed at her. "You really are amazing - and you tempt me severely - but I just showered, and it sounds like breakfast is soon..."

"You're passing up a chance for hot sex with a wet, horny slut in a hot tub? Are you feeling OK?"

I moved behind her and bent down to caress her hair and softly kiss her neck, slowly working my way up to nibble on her earlobe before returning to nuzzling her neck. "Not passing it up babe, just postponing for awhile. OK?"

"Mmmmm, god! I guess, but if you're not going to fuck me now you'd better stop making me even hornier." She looked up at the sky, and at the glorious cliffs and brilliant lake surrounding us, then around the deck of the boat. "It's so pretty here, and it's been so much fun so far. I'm glad Lee told us about this place."

"Mostly you're glad about him showing up though, right?"

She shrugged. "That was a lot of fun, and it felt really good, but mostly I'm loving being with you and Ronnie and Kori, and the others all seem like good folks." She shook her head, smiling. "You and Lee though, you two guys make an impressive pair, you wore me out! Thanks again for playing along with me, I had a great time."

"Me too, babe, mostly. It was intense, very exciting. A little confusing." I was looking across the deck as I spoke to her, and I spotted a bag next to the bench where Lee had slept. "Hey, I see that Lee left his duffle up here. He'll probably need it, I guess I'll run it down to him if I can trust you alone for a few minutes."

She looked at me. "That's awfully nice of you!"

I shrugged. "That's me, Mr. Nice Guy. Plus, anything that might help get his ass off this boat a few minutes faster..."

She laughed. "Silly! Just go, I'll be fine alone."

I grabbed his small bag and headed down, passing Ron on the steps headed back up, his hands full of Bloody Mary fixin's. I held up the bag. "Gotta run this down to Lee. Keep an eye on her for me, OK."

"No problem! In fact, I'll keep both eyes on her. Of course, I'll probably lose a finger or two when I try to slice the lime, but it's worth it."

"Thanks Ronnie." I nodded at Kori and Pops where they were working - and touching each other - in the galley, noting that it was starting to smell really good in there, and said hi to Tiff where she was curled up in front of the fire as I passed her. Entering our room I could hear the shower running. I dropped Lee's bag on the bed and turned to leave, then turned back and cracked the bathroom door. "Lee? I brought down your bag, it's here on the bed."

"Adam? Hey, thanks man, I forgot all about it until I was already in the shower."

"No problem." I started to close the door.

"Hey, Adam?"

I stopped. "Yeah?"

"Thanks for stopping me from making an ass of myself in front of Tiff too. I appreciate it."

I laughed. "Probably wouldn't have been the first time, huh? But no problem on that too." I closed the door and left, knowing that I had stopped him for reamisters which were not in the least altruistic. No, I had stopped him for my benefit, not for his. I had stopped him because I didn't want Kristi to join him for another round of her riding his big cock, not knowing at the time that she had no intention of doing so. A second benefit, maybe a little bit altruistic, was that he had not hurt Tiff with his careless, unthinking actions. I felt protective toward her for some reamister - Kristi had been right about that - and I wanted her to find happiness. Lee might eventually prove to be the right guy, the one that could make her happy. That was between them and I trusted that her instincts would guide her better this time around, but if he was going to hurt her I didn't have to stand aside and watch. At least not on this occasion.

I stopped in the main lounge and leaned on the breakfast bar, watching Pops and Kori dance around each other. "It's starting to smell awfully good in here, you've got my mouth watering. What are you making?"

Pops looked at me. "You like eggs benedict?"

"You bet!"

"Well, that's not what we're having." He laughed at his own joke as I shook my head and K giggled.

I felt a hand softly touch my lower back, then slide up onto my shoulder. "Don't worry Adam, what you're smelling is his biscuits, and whatever he puts together will be good if those are involved. Trust me."

Tiff leaned against me, and I put my arm around her shoulders. "I do, implicitly. Even with my taste buds." She smelled far tastier than anything they were cooking, and I was acutely aware of her large breast against my side, soft and warm, and that from my angle her big nipples were almost visible down her shirt. I tried to think about world events in order to avoid my natural reaction, and I may have partially succeeded, but I could feel my cock trying to lift my robe. Trying to see her tits was rapidly becoming an obsession for me. "Uh, Ronnie's making Bloody Marys up there. Any takers?"

Pops chuckled. "Way ahead of you mister! We put our orders in when he was down here getting supplies. Is it starting to warm up yet?"

I nodded. "Yeah, a little. Sun's up, so it should heat up pretty quick. Why?"

"Well, I thought maybe we'd bring up a couple of trays and eat where we could enjoy the scenery. Why don't you two go up and set up, and Kori and me will bring up the food as it gets done. Lee can give us a hand, and that lazy nephew of mine, if he ever wakes up!"

Kori giggled. "I should have checked his pulse - he may have died of dehydration."

Pops roared with laughter. "So did the boy do all right by the family name? Did he do me proud?"

Kori giggled again, squeezing his broad butt with one of her tiny hands. "Let's just say that if he's a chip off the old block, the old block must be really incredible!"

We were all laughing, Pops especially. "Young lady, you are a delight! Where have you been all my life?"

She wiggled her round little butt at him, batting her eyes. "Why, waiting for you, of course! I'll go wake up Trell."

He grabbed her by the shoulders and pulled her back. "Uh-uh ma'am, no way! If you go back there I lose my assistant, and I'm not going to risk that! Adam, Tiff, go wake up that lazy bum before you go back up, then you can set the table."

Tiff took my hand and led me down the hall, pretending not to notice the way my robe was propped out just below my waist. Ronnie had considerately shut the door when he got up, and she quietly opened it. On the floor beside the bed was a folded comforter, and it looked slept on. Tiff and I looked at each other, realizing that Kori had not been kidding about that! On the bed, sprawled on his back with a sheet across his lower legs, was Trell. His body dark against the white sheets, he was breathing slow and deep, sound arelax still, with one arm up behind his head. And he was rigidly erect, his straight, dark cock hovering just below his navel, three inches above his belly and pointing at his chin! His balls were hanging low between his spread legs, suspended in the bottom of his relaxed scrotum, round and heavy.

Tiff stopped and looked at him, her eyes takeing in his young body, and his rampant sex. She whispered "God, he's really pretty! Look at him - Kori fucked him senseless, I heard them, and he's still hard as a rock!"

I whispered back to her "Yeah, amazing. How do you plan to wake him?"

"Why me?"

I looked at her. "Because I'm not touching him as long as he's naked and horny, that's why!"

She laughed softly, and shook her head. "Coward!" She stepped forward and lowered herself onto the edge of the bed, sitting next to his ribcage and touching his shoulder. "Trell? Trell, sweety, it's time to wake up!"
She spoke softly, and he didn't stir. She got a little louder, and shook him gently. "Trell, come on honey, you're going to miss breakfast!" he was still sound arelax.

She looked at me and shrugged, then back at him before moving her hand from his shoulder. She slid it down his chest, across the muscular ridges of his stomach, and slowly closed her fingers around his stiff organ, softly stroking him. "Trell? Are you in there? Come on stud, wake up, or we'll go eat without you!"

That did it for me, I was rigidly hard myself now, watching her pale hand wrapped around his hard cock as she stroked him. She was gradually increasing her strokes, in speed, length, and pressure, and he groaned in his relax, his hips moving to meet her strokes as his body responded to her touch. I had one hand in the pocket of my robe, holding my erect penis tightly against my stomach so that it wouldn't pop out and introduce itself to Tiffany. She seemed to already have as many as she needed!


Posts: 1914
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Great to see you back here Stormy. While the cat was a way, the mice had started to play !

I'm thinking a lot about Tiff here. I know she has a special place in your soul, so I'm interested to see what you have in stall for her. An unwashed youth doesn't quite fit the bill to me. But, a showered older guy who has held himself back ... Not yet, I think. But that is the great thing about this story. It does make you think ..


Posts: 14692
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Very nice segment. I truly enjoy this story.


Posts: 26
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Stormy, looking forward to each addition and it’s greatly appreciated. Thanks for writing


Posts: 492
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Ah, Stormy's back on the houseboat, ready to party. I'm having a tough time keeping up with you these days, never sure where to look for the latest segment now that you have two different stories going. Here we go with another roller coaster ride, I'm wondering if breakfast will get eaten before anything else, if you catch my drift.

Just sitting here, waiting for the sun to come up along with other things. I think I know where you're headed, but I'll keep my wise ass comments to myself for now.

Thanks Stormy, awesome as always.



Posts: 1459
#1,137 · Edited by: stormydog
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Thanks guys, it was time to get back. I hope to finish up the other soon as I continue here occasionally, then get back on this. I appreciate your patience with my goofing around!
______________________________________________________________________ _

She crooned softly to him as she continued to stroke his cock. "Trell, wake up baby! Come on, it's time to wake up, time for some breakfast! Come on relaxyhead."

He stretched, then reached up and rubbed his eyes, slowly opening them and staring at Tiffany. Apparrently expecting to see Kori, it gradually dawned on him that this was not her and he jerked back, startled, his eyes darting wildly from her to me. Tiff laughed and released her grip on his cock. "Relax, it's just me. Better get up soon, or you'll miss breakfast."

He jerked the sheet up, covering his arousal. "Wha..what, uh, why..."

Tiff laughed again. "Hey, you're the one that left it sticking up in the air all hard and beautiful - I just thought it would be a nice way to wake you up!"

I was laughing at his obvious confusion and discomfort, and he looked at me before glancing around the room. "Um, where's Kori, and Ronnie?"

I slapped his foot. "Up, lazy butt! Everyone is up and moving except you. We thought you might be dead."

He groaned. "Might be. God, I'm so tired - and I have such a headache. What did you give me last night?"

Tiffany looked at him and shook her head. "I shouldn't wonder that you're tired - you had a very busy night!"

He looked away sheepishly, and would have blushed if he could. Maybe he was. "Is Kori all right this morning?"

I stared at him. "Why? What did you do to her?" He looked startled, and I laughed. "Just kidding, she's fine. A little tired, but not as bad as you. Your headache is probably a little hangover, you're just dehydrated from the holy water - and the exertion. And the constant loss of bodily fluids that we all heard about."

He looked shocked, then glanced away, shaking his head. "Day-um! You white folks have some weird-ass sexual habits!"

Tiff and I both laughed, and he eventually joined in. I slapped his leg again. "Come on, get up and throw a little water in your face. Kori and your uncle are making breakfast - which smells mighty fine, by the way - and Ronnie is making Bloody Marys. You may want to start with just a little juice, or water or something first, but anyhow, come join the gang."

He made no move to rise, and it dawned on me why he was stalling. "Come on Tiff, I think he wants his privacy to get cleaned up and dressed."

She laughed. "Like I wasn't just fondling it! Besides, that tent pole you're using to hold up the circus tent is none too subtle, you know."

He looked pained, and pulled the sheet up more tightly around him. "Stop picking on the poor guy and let him get dressed, woman! Jeez! Ignore her Trell, she's just extra horny this morning. Somebody didn't get any last night." I pointed at her as I said that.

It was his turn to laugh, and hers to blush. She lightly slapped my arm. "Adam! Just because I'm not a slut like you two..." She turned and fled the room, leaving that thought unfinished. We were still laughing. I turned to leave, pausing in the doorway. "You probably have time to grab a quick shower - it might even help your head a little bit. Be quick though, or you'll lose out on food."

I trailed Tiff down the hall and back to the main salon, noting that the shower in our room was no longer running and that I could hear Lee bumping around in there as he dressed. Tiff had paused near the galley and was talking to Kori and Pops. Breakfast was on the home stretch, and we hurried to gather place settings and condiments, loading two trays and carrying them above. Ronnie had made a pot of coffee up here, at the second of our coffeemakers and had refilled his mug. We set the table and dragged a couple of extra chairs over as Ronnie finished up the Bloody Marys and Kristi kibbitzed from the tub, where she luxuriated, up to her neck in hot water. Literally.

I headed below again as Tiff walked over to talk to Kristi, Ron trailing along, each carrying their own take, Ronnie with an extra for Kristi. The coffee pot in the kitchen was almost full, so I grabbed it and a batch of mugs, planning to take everything up and knowing we'd easily drain both pots. Lee entered the room as I turned to go, and I was mildly surprised to see that he had returned to his uniform and looked all officially ranger-ish again. Kori looked him up and down. "Mmm, there's just something about a man in uniform..."

He grinned at her. "Yes ma'am, prepared to do my duty to keep the park safe, and free of perverts and sexual deviants!"

She giggled. "Why, you won't even need to leave this boat to do that!"

All of us had a laugh at their clowning around. I looked at Lee. "Is this one of those pot / kettle situations - you know, the old 'it takes a crook to catch a crook' scenario? If so, you should be very successful."

He chuckled, then nodded. "Yeah, I hate to leave, but some of us have to work for a living."

I know that shouldn't have bothered me, but for some reamister it did. With the possible exception of Kori - and maybe Trell - we all worked very hard, and very long hours. I knew it was just an expression, a throwaway line, but his burr under my saddle had started to irritate. I walked away before I said anything I'd regret. I wasn't yet so far gone that I didn't realize that I was being ridiculous. "I'm going to take the coffee up - let me know if you need any more help."

Pops waved me off. "Nah, once Trell joins us the four of us can handle it. You go ahead."

I headed up as Lee slid onto a stool at the breakfast bar and K handed him a fresh cup of coffee. I shook my head and left as he began to shovel in the sugar. Above, Tiff leaned against the hot tub as she chatted with Kristi while Ron sat on the edge of the tub, dangling his feet in as he drank his Bloody Mary. I set the tray of coffee and mugs on the bar and crossed to join them. I looked at Kristi. "Food's about up - are you planning to crawl out and join us?"

She put her head back and closed her eyes. "Mmmm, no, I think I'll just eat here, this feels too good. You can feed me."

I shook my head. "Sorry babe, I'm planning on feeding me - you're on your own." I leaned down and kissed her, noticing when I raised my head that Tiff was watching us very closely. She smiled softly when she saw me look at her, and I winked. Her smile widened.

We chatted about this and that for a few minutes, and before too long Lee topped the stairs, carrying two plates full of food. Kori followed, also with two plates, then Pops with two more, and last Trell, bringing up the rear with the final two. Tiffany looked over at Trell and got a devilish glint in her eye. "Well, if it isn't the black stallion himself, live and in the flesh!"

He looked completely shocked, embarrassed, and Kori flushed bright red! Tiff had gotten two birds with one stone, both of them recognizing the words Kori had cried out in the heat of passion. We all had a good laugh at their expense, no one more so than Pops, who seemed to enjoy Kori's obvious embarrassment even more than his nephew's.

We gathered around the table as they set the plates of food out and Ronnie distributed the takes. The plates were heaped with food, and it smelled delicious. It turned out that Pops had indeed made eggs benedict, after a fashion. Without English muffins available, he had substituted his large, fresh biscuits, split in half and topped with a slice of Canadian bacon and a poached egg on each half. These were generously covered in a rich and creamy hollandaise sauce, and lightly sprinkled with finely chopped chives.

To soak up the extra sauce, and the rich yellow yolks, he had provided home style potatoes, diced small and mixed with diced onions and red and green bell peppers in equally small cubes, the potatoes grilled to a golden brown. It was fairly simple fare, but it looked as good as it smelled. We sat and were ready to dig in when we realized one seat remained empty. As one, we all turned to look at Kristi, still in the tub.

She looked calmly back at us. "You were serious? You're actually going to make me get out and sit at the table?"

The others looked at me, and I nodded. "Yup. You can be civilized, right along with the rest of us. Put your bacchanal on hold for a while."

She shrugged. "OK, if you insist." She rose to her feet, gloriously wet and naked, and stepped from the tub. Her nipples instantly tightened in the cool breeze as she picked up her towel and strolled gracefully across the deck to stand near the table. Not until her nipples had fully hardened and her skin, reddened by the hot water, had begun to get tight and goosebumpy did she begin to dry off, and she stood right there, in full view of seven people as she did so!

A naked Kristi might have been the only thing that could have momentarily distracted us from our meal, and it did. The two ladies stared right along with all five of us guys, wordlessly, all of us absorbing the beauty and grace of her perfect form, each of us with our own thoughts.


Posts: 1914
#1,138 · Edited by: peakmb
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.. and what wonderful thoughts they are Stormy ..


Posts: 14692
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yes stormy, I'm thinking and thinking, damn if I didn't make a mess.

Thanks buddy


Posts: 26
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Stormy, I think I see it coming. I would not dream of getting ahead of you, but I can see Tiff will changing her mind and doing what she said she did not want to do. Once again I await each each plot unfolds.
As I said before you are the master! Thanks for writing it is greatly appreciated!
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