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Adam's Journey

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Posts: 1459
#1,081 · Edited by: stormydog
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peak, sorry to have missed your comment! It popped up when I posted that last segment, when I refreshed the page. You were right to apologize for that one! Neigh...I mean, really! Actually had a good chuckle, I do enjoy your sense of humor.
GH, great to hear from you, and welcome back! Hope you continue to progress toward good health and that Lisa sits on you until you're well - then again, that sort of excitement might set you back...
I appreciate the comment. I thought it was time for us to learn a little more about Ronnie and Kori.

Thanks Trf2 and contdoc. You guys always thank me for writing, and I thank you for your comments, but I neglect to say thanks for reading, as GH often does. I do receive a great deal of satisfaction knowing that you and others read and enjoy the story, and that's what it's all about!
______________________________________________________________________ _______________________

Kori looked at Tiff, and smiled. "Tiffany, I guess you know that we've known and been very close with Adam for quite awhile, and when Kristi came along she just meshed right in and we've been the closest of friends, but there were a few things we just felt that we could never share with them." She hesitated for a moment, looking up at me, then returned her eyes to Tifffany. "It wasn't Kristi so much, I've been pretty open with her, but Adam..." she looked up at me again, cocking her head slightly to one side. "Sweetie, you know how much we love you, but you can be a bit of a prig sometimes."

Tiffany laughed as I sputtered an objection. "A prig? Hey that's not true - I mean, look at what's been going on the last few weeks, and everything I've told you about..."

Kori laughed along with Tiff, then patted my leg. "Ssshhh, sweetie, I know! You've really been working at turning over a new leaf, which is why I feel like we can tell you more now. It's just...well, Ronnie was worried that you'd lose respect for him and he couldn't bear the thought of that. He loves you like a brother, you know."

I shook my head. "K, I know, and likewise, but give me a little credit! There is no way I could respect Ronnie any less!" Tiffany laughed first, then Kori joined in after first glancing at Tiff to see what was funny. I frowned at them. "Did I say something funny?"

Tiff recovered first. "Adam, what you said, that could be taken two ways you know."

I thought back for a moment, then laughed too. "Oh, yeah, well if I was talking to him I'd mean it the one way, but what I really meant was that I love the guy, I know what a great friend and a good man he is, and I admire and respect him, no matter what. He's one of the best people I have the privilege to know. And if you tell him that I said that I'll deny it!"

They both laughed again, shaking their heads. Kori muttered "Men!" and Tiffany seemed to agree, whatever that meant.

Kori looked at the two of us, hesitating, as if she wanted to go on but was not sure how - or maybe where - to start. She nodded to herself, decision made. "Ok, the thing is, we told you that we were swingers, right?"

I nodded, and she went on. "Well, it pretty much started that way, straight swinging, but Ronnie was always insecure about it. I mean, he felt like the other woman, whoever he was with, would end up feeling cheated somehow. Because he's a little on the, uh, smallish side. You know." I nodded again, and she smiled. "I know, it's silly, because he's a very talented and generous lover, but he still worried about it. Who needs more coffee?"

Tiff rose smoothly to her feet. "I'll get it, I'm a pro. You just go on with your story." I admired the way the tails of her shirt barely covered her butt as she walked away, and the way they gapped enticingly as she returned. Kori continued. "After awhile he started to gravitate to the leather crowd, the bondage types, and he pushed me to become more dominant. He actually wanted me to boss him around, then to push him more, and tie him up..."

She hesitated, and I shook my head as I held out the mugs for Tiff to refill. "You know K, I have a tougher time seeing you as a dominant, or a dom, or whatever it's called, than I do seeing Ron as submissive. I mean, not that I ever envisioned that he would want that, but he's always had a little more of a kinky streak than you. No offense."

She laughed. "Tell me about it! If you think he had a hard time talking me into swinging - and he did - just imagine how hard it was for me to tie him up, or help another woman whip him, or put nipple clips on him and humiliate him, or whatever! I couldn't believe he was actually serious."

Tiffany returned, and I did get to watch her sit down this time and was rewarded with a nice flash of her downy, curly furred mound and flat tummy before she could tug the shirt back over her. She slapped my cheek lightly, gently reprimanding me. "Pig! You are both a pig and a prig - I can't believe you looked!" She turned to Kori. "Kori that's wild! How do you get started on that kind of thing?"

Kori shrugged. "For us it was baby steps. Lots of little tiny steps, and hints, and experiments. I should have known when he started to insist on me giving him orders for how to please me, like telling him exactly when and what to touch, and how to do things to make it the best for me - and me on top! He loved me on top, riding him, sitting on his face and demanding that he service me, it really got him off!" She blushed. "Well, and me too of course. I loved that he seemed to get off on making me happy!"

I nodded. "K, that's normal. All guys like that, making their ladies happy."

At the exact same instant they both said "Not all guys!"

I laughed. "OK, most guys. It's still normal."

Kori agreed. "Yeah, I suppose. But it became all about me! He wanted to serve me, he would kneel and kiss my feet, serve me takes, do oral until I almost ******, anything! He delayed or skipped his own pleasure, staying all horny and hard, not letting me do him until he was sure I was done. It was weird, and I felt bad about it at first until I started to understand that this was his pleasure."

Tiffany interrupted her. "So how does it go from there to whips and chains? I mean, being submissive is one thing, but how does he get to the real pain and offense scene? More importantly, how did you?"

I laughed, because I knew exactly what she meant. There was just no way to picture sweet, lovable Kori, the gentle lady that wouldn't hurt a fly, all dressed in black leather, garters and fishnet stockings, thigh-high black boots with spike heels, whip in black-gloved hand as she ***d Ronnie. I know it's a stereotype of what domination is all about, but no matter, it just didn't compute.

Kori laughed too, relieved that we were just curious and not judgmental, I think, and that we saw how ludicrous it was. "I know, wild, huh? I think first it was just a pair of handcuffs. He brought them home, and we played using them, he said I never tied him tight enough so those would be better. Then leg shackles, then a mask and gag, then a riding crop. He would just bring something new, a new toy every week or two, and it snowballed."

Tiffany smiled at her, helping her to feel at ease. "And so you went along with it, even though you thought it was a little weird?"

Kori shrugged again. "It seemed harmless - and I love him so much." She looked back and forth between me and Tiff, then raised her eyebrows and gave us a devilish grin. "And you know what? I started to really enjoy it! I've never been what you would call a real dominant, pushy kind of permister, but this was fun, it made me feel powerful, seeing how much he seemed to love it! And it turns out I'm pretty creative, or so Ronnie tells me. But still in baby steps. I was kind of afraid, but I tried, for him. And I kind of got some hints from the people at our club, the more leather and rubber, BDSM types, which helped. Then Mistress Vickie found us, and ooohh boy!"

Tiff shook her head. "Wow!"

I agreed. "Really! Mistress Vickie, huh? That sounds terrifying!"

Kori laughed. "It was at first! She was nice though, behind that makeup and all that hair and her various *** devices. She had a real dominant attitude, for real, but she took me under her wing and helped me to learn how to really drive Ronnie wild. She was good. She actually made me go through some of her, uh, treatments too, so I'd know what it was like." Kori shivered. "That was exciting! And she sensed right away that for Ronnie it wasn't about the pain, like it is for some guys..."

I butted in. "Somehow I'm oddly relieved to hear that. So if it's not about pain..."

"It was the offense he craved, Adam. Get it? Here's this guy who is an extremely successful business man in his everyday life, who throws big money around, and bosses other people, who people look up to and admire, and maybe even fear in some cases, but in his private life..."

This time Tiffany interrupted her. "You know, I'm no psychologist or anything, but I can kind of see that. I mean, think about it! He's the boss, the leader, the guy who has to make all the decisions, all the time. Sex - or this style of sex, anyway - is his escape. He gets to abdicate all of his responsibilities and just let someone else take over, let his mind and body go where that permister - usually Kori, I assume - takes them. Total role reversal, don't you see? Probably a huge thrill if you can let yourself do it."

Kori nodded. "It was a huge turn on for me that he trusted me that much, to show me that side of him. And he absolutely loved it! It was Mistress Vickie that first had the idea to chain him beside the bed on the floor, facing up, while I kneeled on the edge of the bed and one of her friends, Byron, fucked me from behind. Right over Ronnie's face, where he had to watch, but couldn't move."

I looked at her. "Kori! You actually did that?" A little bell went off in my head. "You never told Kristi about this, did you?"

Tiffany looked at me oddly, and Kori looked puzzled. "No, I don't think so. No, I'm sure I didn't. But anyhow, Byron was black, and hung, big, and Ronnie loved it! His little pecker was so hard I thought it might explode." She giggled. "Actually, when Byron came inside of me, and then Mistress Vickie ordered me to sit on Ronnie's face and threatened to whip him if he didn't do a good job cleaning my pussy, it did explode! Huge geyser time, he was just so turned on by it he couldn't help himself! It was fun. And it kind of set our path to where we are right now. I get to fuck other guys - a hundred percent his idea, by the way, not that I'm complaining - he has to serve us while we have sex, and if he's a good boy then he gets his reward when it's all over."

Tiffany just shook her head and looked at Kori, amazed and more than a little shocked by her frank and graphic tale. Admittedly so was I, but Tiff spoke first. "And so that's what I heard last night? You and Trell going at it while Ron watched you?"

Kori smiled enigmatically. "Well, he doesn't just watch. Not every time. He helps out. You know, fetches things, prepares things. Fluffs sometimes, and I don't mean pillows. Uhhh, bats cleanup, to use a baseball analogy. He likes baseball." She giggled.

Tiffany laughed. "You're awful! So you wore them both out, and now the two of them are sound arelax still in your bed, but without you?"

Kori smiled sweetly. "Well, Trell's in the bed. He earned it, he was amazing. We let Ronnie fold the comforter on the floor and relax there, at the foot of the bed."

Kori must have seen my mouth drop open. I was probably as shocked by that last bit as by anything she'd said previously. She seemed defensive. "Adam, don't look at me like that. It was his idea!"


Posts: 1914
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This is a hell of big onion you are peeling with this story. Just when we thought we knew all about Adam and Kori and Ron ... we find out a lot more. And it's all good. You have really got into the groove since you got back my friend. I think this story could just go on for years if you wanted it too. You have a way of making 24 hours of the story last a month on the site and holding us all spellbound every single day of it. Wonderful, and thanks again for giving to us.


Posts: 14692
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WOW sweet sexy Kori a full blown Domme. I love it. Great twist in the story Storm


Posts: 4050
#1,084 · Edited by: goodhusband
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That last segment was an excellent description of loving domination and willing submissive masochism.

I loved this line.

and I felt bad about it at first until I started to understand that this was his pleasure."

Once again thank you for writing. I can't wait to see where you're taking this. Peak is right, this story is a classic.



Posts: 492
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Oh great, another visual to deal with. Now every time I watch "How I met your lady" I'm going to be picturing Lilly standing there in her dominatrix outfit, ready to lay the whip to Marshall. Thanks Stormy.

I'll bet she'd look awesome in black stiletto boots, leather crotchless panties and a black, push up bra, wouldn't she?

As Raymond's man used to say, "Holy crap".

This discussion between Kori, Adam and Tiffany is brilliant Stormy, thanks. Now we know a little more about what makes Ronnie tick anyway. Fluffing..............and not the pillows, oh my. Sounds like those two have it all worked out, good for them. I'm really dying to see where you are going with this combination of characters. We know Kori doesn't like them big, but she may have to compromise to keep everyone happy, after all, there's other ports to use when it gets Stormy. (Man, that one just popped up out of nowhere!-I even amaze myself sometimes).



Posts: 1459
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Thanks peak, I appreciate the kind words. The story has kind of taken on a life of its own - I just sort of sit down at the keyboard and wait to see where it goes next! One note: The story has [u]already[/u] gone on for years! A little over 2.5, to be exact. Yikes!! Never anticipated that when I started it!

Thanks Timmy, I'm enjoying yours as well! For anyone that hasn't read it, be sure to check out Cuckolding Gone Wrong in this forum!

Hi GH, I still can't tell you how good it is to see you back! I appreciate the vote of confidence, and I have a little confession - I took many hints on how to write Kori from your stories. I owe you big time,'cause she's a babe that everyone seems to love!

Trf2, that was so bad! We may need to take a vote to see about having you banned after that one. As far as Kori not liking men that carry a big bat, maybe she just hasn't found the guy that can hit her slider...
OK, now they can vote on banning me too!


Posts: 26
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Stormy; Many read, but very few comment. There are a few very good writers on this site, but you are outstanding and miles ahead of all of them. Your transporting the reader into the scenes and characters is a talent seldom seen. I look forward to each entry. I hope you keep this story going for ever! It's GREAT and your the best


Posts: 38
#1,088 · Edited by: Cliffa
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Dear Stormy

so many developments recently, thanks a lot again! Especially the scene where Tiffany came to look at Adam with her green eyes so intensely carried me away. I was just about to fall in love with her, and would have fallen for here completely if you continued that sweet, exciting and romantic atmosphere between her and Adam. Glad that Kori came in...

(A technical issue ... obsolete)


Posts: 1459
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Thanks JJ, I really appreciate the kind words. Having read many of the other authors that write here I'd have to humbly disagree, but I sure appreciate the sentiment! Have you been reading along, or did you just join us recently? Either way, thanks for taking time to comment, and welcome aboard!

Thanks Cliffa, I'm so glad you like Tiffany. She's a little permisteral for me, so I'm glad she's been so well received. Regarding the technical item, I sure appreciate your offer! I will send you a PM re: how we might try to make it happen. Thanks again!


Posts: 1459
#1,090 · Edited by: stormydog
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Thanks GH. I've long admired the way you flesh out your characters and give such detail about locations, food, etc; as we've observed, the details make the story real. I've tried my best to do the same, but you set the standard here long before I posted my first word. All the more reamister that I appreciate your comment!

Thanks to Cliffa, I was able to fully replace the missing segment of the story, the portion of the cafe scene that appears at the bottom of page 12. No more mystery gap! Page 12 was already a very long page for some reamister, and it just got longer. Wasn't sure it would work, for that reamister - but it did, very nicely.
Thanks Cliffa, you da man!
______________________________________________________________________ _____________

Tiffany looked at Kori. "I don't know how you do it either Kori - I'm sure I never could, not with a guy as sweet as Ronnie." She hesitated for a moment. "Well, I guess I did a little bit yesterday, but it was totally inadvertent. Did he tell you that I asked him if he was hung like all of the other guys here seem to be?"

Kori laughed. "He did! He thought it was cute, the way you got so flustered when he told you the truth about his, um, little deficiency!"

Both girls laughed as I cringed inwardly. I've always felt that I was better off not knowing what women say about the men in their lives when those men weren't around, and Kori had just confirmed my fears. Trying to avoid being included in any more girl talk, I called out to Pops. "Hey Pops, how's it going over there? That recipe for coffee too complicated for you?"

"What? Oh!" He laughed. "Don't be a smart ass mister, remember that I'm the one cooking your food! A little secret habanero could really light up your morning. No, I'm just poking around, trying to see what all we've got here besides what I brought." He peered into one of the cabinets. "You know, whoever did your shopping did a pretty good job with the details. Between the stuff I brought and what you already have, I can get a little creative!"

"Kori was our shopper Pops, tell her."

He rubbed his hands together as he smiled at her. "Good job girl! Me and you are going to have fun together!"

Kori gave him her best seductive smile in return. "Mmmm Pops, I'm counting on it!"

He shook his head, laughing heartily, then continued to prowl around the kitchen as I turned back to Kori. "So, how much of what you told us this morning does Kristi already know?"

Kori rolled her eyes, and I could tell she was hedging when she answered. "Oh Adam! Some of it. Not everything. I told her about one or two of the experiences we've had at the club, with Mistress Vickie."

I smiled. "Oh really? And what was her reaction to that?"

Kori wiggled her eyebrows at me. "She seemed intrigued."

Tiffany let out a surprised laugh, first enjoying and then joining Kori's teasing. "Uh-oh Adam!"

"Well K, you just be sure you tell her to get un-intrigued - unless you plan on taking her with you and Ronnie to your club. I'm pretty sure there's a game on I'll want to see that night."

They both laughed, and were still giggling when Pops joined us. "Well, I was enjoying poking around your kitchen but it sounds like y'all are just having too much fun over here. What's so funny now? Not more natural use, I hope." He held up his mug. "Coffee's done, by the way."

Kori answered his query. "We were just teasing Adam. It's one of our favorite pastimes because it's so much fun. He's sweet, but he's also gullible. And a coward." She laughed, then gave me a quick kiss to soften the blow. I didn't mind. Kori and I always harass each other this way, it's sort of become a tradition. She looked up at Pops. "Join us?"

"Sure! Unfortunately, Adam's got the best seat in the house."

Tiffany leaned forward and rose to her feet. "That's OK Pops, I need him for something for a minute. You can sit here." She held out her hand. "Come on Adam, give me a hand." I took her hand and stood, stretching. "Grab our cups Adam, let's get a refill."

I gathered them up, hers, mine, and Kori's, as Pops lowered himself onto the loveseat. For all intents and purposes the space that had held three only a moment ago would now suffice for only two, and Kori immediately snuggled up against him for warmth. She's not an especially big lady anyway, but she looked as tiny as Rain next to his massive bulk. The contrast in their size was remarkable, and vaguely erotic. He dwarfed her.

I trailed Tiff out to the galley, enjoying the enticing wiggle of her tush under the thin shirt, and the long legs that extended below it. I don't think she was trying for a sexy walk, but I don't think she could help it either. Or maybe I'm just a horny little devil. She turned to me, and my eyes were immediately drawn to the movement of her breasts as they swayed, swinging gently beneath her shirt, soft and voluptuous. That was something Kristi couldn't do!

"Uhh, up here Adam, my eyes are up here."

"Tiff, I know where your eyes are, and they're beautiful, they really are, but give me a sec', OK? There, things seem to have settled down now." I looked into her amused eyes. "You have amazing tits, you know that?"

She instantly blushed, but laughed. "Well, at least you're honest. Crude, but honest. I like that you didn't pretend to not look - oh, and thank you. If you're good maybe I'll show them to you later."

"I'll be good!"

She laughed again. "We'll see how the day goes." She lined up our mugs on the counter, then retrieved another from the cabinet. "Here, fill these for me."

I grabbed the pot and went down the line, filling all four mugs. With maybe just a cup or two of coffee left in the pot, I replaced it on the warmer. When I turned back to her, she was adding a generous amount of sugar and a shot of cream to the newest mug, after which she picked up it, and mine, and handed them to me. "Here, take this up to Lee. Make sure he's awake, he probably has a shift coming up in a little while. He'll likely need to get going soon."

I was taken aback. "Why me? Can't you do it?"

She looked up at me, her eyes imploring. "Please Adam? For me?"

"I'd rather not." I'm not sure why I said that, I just wasn't real anxious to face him this morning.

"Come on Adam, it will do you both good. Just take it up, OK?"

"I don't know..." I swirled the mug gently. "Does he really like all this crap in his coffee?"

She smiled. "I've served him coffee often enough. Trust me."

I turned to go, then turned back to her. "How'd you know he was up above? I don't think I ever mentioned it."

She smiled softly, then shrugged. "I just knew he would be. That would be like him, you know?"

I shook my head and turned to go, wondering what that meant.


Posts: 1914
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Thanks again for making it feel that we have a free ticket to stay on the boat too. The way you write is just like being there and I could read it all night. Just very well done ..


Posts: 26
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stormy, I have been following your story since early 2009 and check daily for updates. I have enjoyed each segment and look forward to the next. Once again you're the best! Thank You for allowing us to enjoy your work!


Posts: 277
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I love they way you develope the story. Right now I can't wait to see why is Adam taking the coffee...Hope you don't make us wait to long.


Posts: 4050
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So many questions, Tiffany and Adam, Tiffany and Lee, Lee's coffee, Kori and Ronnie, Kori and Pops, Kori and the kid, what happens when kristi wakes up, what happens when the kid wakes up

Storm I think you should be writing the script for a daily soap . I know that I'd watch it. You could maybe call it, "As the Boat Turns".

Thanks again for more of your great story.



Posts: 492
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Damn, GH, a lot of those were my questions as well. And let's not forget that Kristi can handle the big bats, so maybe a little Oreo sandwich with Pops and the kid? Or, how about a nice lesbian threesome with Kristi, Kori and Tiffany and the men watching? Or how about a nice day of sunbathing, swimming and sightseeing and no sex at all? (Sorry, lost my mind there for a minute, what the hell was I thinking?).

That comment from JJThomas spurred some curiosity in me and I did some searching. You started this story on July 13, 2008. I first chimed in on August 2, 2008, followed closely by Contdoc. Peak joined the party on Oct 14, 2008. GH first commented on Oct 17, 2008.

Anyway, it's been fun hanging out here with everyone. Thanks to you and GH for keeping the party going. I'm anxiously waiting for the rest of the houseboat guests to wake up and see how things progress.

And let's not forget about the Jeep, just sitting there, all alone at the marina. Poor Jeep...........


Posts: 38
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Naah, Trf2, forget about the fuckin' Jeep (no pun), at least for the moment. Thankfully we are far still from shore right now, aren't we? You're right, we've got now two and a half years of outstanding fun from Stormy. Incredible. And so exciting, and harmonic. Enjoy your creatvity - a threesome lesbian! Ha! I believe for the time being, there's something with Tiff and Lee what we're not aware about so far. Hopefully we'll learn about that soon. And how does Pops fit in? How much does he know?

I feel like let's all get together for a party with all you guys some day. Would be great to see and have an handshake w'all you fellow readers. Cheers!


Posts: 28
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Amazing and wonderfull. How do you manage to create such a beautifull lines and conversations? I think this is what everyone call as talent. Thank you very much for keeping as zoomed to the story for what is going to happen next.

I have strange feeling that Kristi might ask to be alone with Lee on his boat and hope that Adam would accept it?? I believe it would be the final test for Adam about his love for Kristi. But Will Adam accept it or should Adam accept it ?? I am trying interfere with you story I am just trying to define what kind of woman ( or character) Kristi is.

We have Kori -Ron and Kristi-Adam. Kori loves what she does but she is doing it because Ron wants it. On the other hand Kristi does things she wants very much and hopes and wishes that Adam accepts it.

You made us live the story together with characters .I also believe that every poster or reader here put themselfs in the shoes of the characters, thinhking what their reaction would be under the smilar sircumstances.

Do not push Adam that much please? it is unfair to him.

Thank you again

PS.Hey Cliffa. it would be really very nice get together for a party with all the posters here.


Posts: 1459
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peak, jj, and cd, thanks for the comments and kind words. I do enjoy havin' y'all along!

GH & trf2, I know, I know! Somehow I keep creating more opportunities for additional scenes, completely unintentionally. I'll probably have to let a few of those slip by, or we'll never even get to breakfast, let alone lunch! Not to mention the eventual end of this story!

Korucu, thanks for the kind words. It is very rewarding to know that some are enjoying the effort, as I'm sure GH, Timmy, and other writers would tell you. To both you and Cliffa, I love the idea of a get-togther for a party. It seems, from what I've seen here, that we are brownietered all over the world. I guess we'd have to pick some neutral middle ground location at which to gather, say maybe the Caribbean, some nice resort, like, say Hedonism, where pretty much anything goes.

Bring your wives or significant others along - I'm sure there would be some nice men there to entertain them while we shared a take - maybe a few dark, well-built, well hung young locals.... But I digress!

(Cliffa - How does Pops fit in?? Very snugly, I'd guess!)


Posts: 1459
#1,099 · Edited by: stormydog
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I reached the steps at about the same moment that Tiff returned to the scene in front of the fire - the fire that I had labored so hard to start and was now being asked to leave - and I watched her bend to set the two cups of coffee on the low table in front of Pops and Kori. It was worth the wait, her briefly exposed ass was inspirational - which I knew only because of the thoughts it suddenly inspired in me! She straightened and looked at them. "Hey, where am I supposed to sit?"

Pops looked up at her. "Sorry sweetheart, I guess I'm a little wider than Adam." He patted his lap. "There's a spot available here."

I had started up the stairs, but I paused to see what she would do. She smiled at him and moved to take him up on his offer, but Kori was too quick for her.

"Oooh, I get dibs on that spot!" She scramred over onto Pops' lap, settling in and wigggling her soft little tush into his groin as she put one arm around his neck. Tiffany laughed as she lowered herself into the spot just vacated by Kori.

I smiled, ascending the steps. Just like Kori to do that! I heard her say "What is that down there? It feels like you've got a ferret in your pants!", and Pops laugh as he replied "Careful, girl! If you wiggle too much he might bite you!"

The last thing I heard was Tiffany's wry response: "Yeah, or you might squash him. You'll know if that happens, because you'll feel rigor mortis start to set in immediately!"

Pops roared, and I was laughing as I stepped out onto the upper deck. I turned, only to be greeted by the memorable sight of Lee, standing near the railing, a blanket bunched up around his shoulders but otherwise naked as he sent a long stream of urine from his semi-erect cock arcing over the railing to splash down into the lake below. He heard my laughter and looked over his shoulder. "Hey Adam, how are you this morning?" He seemed totally unabashed about me showing up in the middle of that.

"Fine, until I saw that. That's going to require a little therapy. I may never swim again." He laughed, and I went on. "I can't believe you're pissing in the lake! We have bathrooms - and anyway, isn't that illegal?"

He shrugged. "How the hell would I know?"

"Well, you are an officer of the law..."

"Oh, that..." He finished and shook off the last few drops, his morning wood apparently mostly relieved by the release of bladder pressure. "Look, just because some useless bureaucrat or politician has the spare time to write that kind of useless law doesn't mean it will ever get enpowerd. I don't waste a lot of time memorizing the unenpowerable laws, you know what I mean?"

"I guess. Still, pretty tacky."

"Adam, do you have any idea how many gallons of water there are in this lake?"


"Well neither do I, but it's a cuckolds brownieload of 'em. A few ounces of piss ain't gonna hurt it. Besides, you can't tell me you've never pissed when you were in swimming or skiing or something."

I laughed. "I suppose. I guess it's like the old joke, huh?"

He raised his eyebrows, but reached for his coffee cup. I handed it to him, and he thanked me. I just looked at him for a moment. "Thank Tiffany, it was entirely her idea."

"Figured it probably was, when I saw it was fixed right. What joke?"

"You know, the one about the party - 'I was at a friends party last night, and got a little takes. My wife is still mad at me this morning. You see, it turns out there's a big difference in etiquette between peeing in the pool and peeing INTO the pool..." He laughed, and I joined him. I leaned against the rail, the metal cool against my thighs even through my robe, looking out over the water to the cliffs beyond. It was still breezy, and quite cool. There was a crispness to the morning air that was a reminder that fall was not far off, and I was grateful for the thick, heavy robe I wore.

He had doured the blanket around his waist, tucking the ends to hold it in place, and now rummaged around in a small duffle bag which he must have retrieved from his boat after leaving our room last night. He came up with a black fleece vest, which he slipped into and zipped, leaving his thick arms bare.

I looked at him. "Stylish."

He grunted. "Functional. Fuck you."

I chuckled.

I stayed at the rail looking out over the water, enjoying the play of reflections of the sky, pink and orange from the rising sun and the surrounding cliffs on the wind-whipped ripples. It was undeniably beautiful, and I remembered that he had sent us here. "Great spot, by the way. "

He leaned against the railing next to me, about two feet away, his back to the water and the rail against his ass. He turned to the side to look at me, a small smirk on his face. "My favorite place on the lake. I like it even better now."

I turned and met his gaze, unblinking and not smiling. "Why don't you see if you can stop being a jerk for a few minutes?"

He bristled, but said nothing, and we stood silently for a few minutes, sipping our coffee, neither of us willing to be the first to walk away. Finally he sighed. "Sorry, OK? What I actually meant was that I enjoyed last night. With both of you. It was fun - more than I thought it would be when I heard you were joining us, and I appreciate being included. I just have a knack for saying the wrong thing."

"Mmm. You've practically raised it to an art form. And I used to think I was good at that!"

He chuckled, and we went back to standing silently at the rail, just enjoying the peace and quiet, the soft sounds of the wind and waves. I finally broke the silence, pulling my robe more tightly around me. "A little chilly this morning, huh?"

He nodded. "Yeah, and windy. That hit with a bang, huh?"

"Really! Must have been a cold front moving through after the storms last night. You could have come inside you know."

"Nah, I was fine. I like the weather changes and storms and stuff." He paused. "Do you really want to talk about the weather?"

"Not even a little."

Another silence stretched out. It wasn't necessarily awkward, but it wasn't all that comfortable either. He broke it this time. "How's Kristi this morning?"

I turned and looked at him. It didn't appear that he had asked just to be a smart ass. "Sleeping. She's pretty tired this morning still. We spent a good part of the night awake."

He gave me a sidelong glance. "Fighting?"

I shook my head. "Talking. And fucking. She says she's a little tender in places this morning." I don't know why I told him that. Bragging a little, maybe.

He nodded. "I'm not surprised. Sorry about that." His way, I guessed, of reminding me that he'd contributed significantly to her localized tenderness. It kind of pissed me off, and my hands tightened on the railing.

I tried not to show that he'd scored a hit. "She'll be fine. She tends to recover quickly."

The silence didn't stretch as long this time before he spoke. "Well, I'm glad you weren't fighting. Talking and fucking is way better, I'm glad to hear it." He hesitated briefly before continuing. "She's really a special lady. You know that, right?"

I nodded. "I do. It wouldn't break my heart if you didn't, though."

He snorted. "Oh come on! She is clearly head over heels for you! I'm nothing but a boy-toy to her, I could be battery operated for all she cares. Seriously, I was just a temporary dalliance - I could see that right away - but that was fine, I didn't expect anything else."

The idea of Lee, who was fifty-something if he was a day, describing himself as a boy-toy struck me as incongruous at best, but I grasped at the rest of what he said, hoping it was true. I didn't say anything, and he went on. "You don't see it, but trust me on this, OK? The way she looks at you when you're not looking, her eyes just follow you around, tracing your every move. She gets this little smile, sort of, I mean any fool can see that she lives for you! I couldn't pry her away with a crowbar even if I tried - which I wouldn't, in case you're wondering. She loves the crap out of you, whether you see it or not."

I looked at him, then looked away. I was surprised to hear him say that. "I hope that's true. It's how I feel about her, that much I know."

"Yeah, I could see that too. It's true, believe me. I can only hope that some woman looks at me that way again someday."

I looked at him. "Again?"

"I was married to a very special lady, briefly. For almost three years. She got *******ed by a takes driver."

"Oh hell! I'm sorry Lee."

He shrugged. "It was twenty years ago. That three years feels like it was three days. Three incredible days. Still hurts sometimes. I guess it always will."

"Yeah. Still, I'm sorry."

He nodded his head, and looked off into space. "Thanks. I'm surprised Tiff didn't tell you that. She seems to tell you everything else. Why do you suppose that is?"

I shrugged. "I guess I'm a good listener. She seems pretty easy to talk to too."

He shook his head. "Not usually. Or I guess I should say not for most people. She tends to be a little withdrawn. Maybe closed off would be a better term - she doesn't open up to anyone but her closest friends, yet you two have apparently shared your life stories and she's known you less than a week."

"Pops kind of said the same thing. I don't know, Lee, I guess I'm just sort of non-threatening or something." He seemed a little jealous, and again I was getting that weird vibe, that there was something between Lee and Tiff that didn't meet the eye.

He shook his head and went on. "Only a handful of people have ever heard the whole story about how her husband used her, and now you're one of them. I wonder..."

I interrupted him. "Someone needs to make the world a better place and shoot that ladyfucker!"

I watched as his big hands closed into fists, his knuckles white. "Trust me, if I ever meet that piece of cuckolds brownie, he won't walk away from the meeting."

We'd found common ground, and I believed him! Making Tiffany a widow didn't sound at all bad to me. I watched him clench and unclench his big fists. "She seems to think very highly of you."

He looked at me, surprised. "What?"

"Tiff - she seems to think you're pretty special too. I mean I don't see it at all, but..."

He laughed. "Fuck off!" He hesitated. "Did she tell you I proposed?"

I was shocked. "Proposed what?"

He laughed again. "Seriously Adam, fuck off! Marriage, what do you think? I asked her to marry me."

"Oh." I digested that for a moment. "What did she say?"

"Does it look like we're married? Or even engaged?"

"Oh yeah. I guess not. Did she say why?"

"She said we weren't ready - either one of us."

I shrugged. "Well, there you go then." In one way I was glad she hadn't married him, in another I could see that they would have each filled a hole in the other's life. And too, if he had married Tiffany he probably wouldn't have spent a significant chunk of the previous evening with his big thick cock inside of Kristi. Oh well.

He looked at me with an odd expression. "Do you think that was the real reamister?"

"How would I know?"

"She talks to you. She tells you stuff."

"Not that stuff." I hesitated. "You want my opinion?"


"Maybe she just isn't up for one of those May - December romances. I mean, you could be like, her grandman, right? All that responsibility, changing your diapers in your dotage while she's still so young and beautiful..."

He shook his head, laughing. "You're pushing your luck, you know that, right?"

"Not that, you don't think? OK then, maybe she's like me. Maybe she really thinks you're an asshole too."

He looked startled, then broke out laughing anew, realizing I was just jabbing him still. He hurled the dregs of his coffee over the rail. "Did she just send you up to bring me coffee, or did she tell you to bust my balls too?"

I laughed. "The coffee was her idea. The ball-busting was entirely on my own initiative, and was my pleasure. She also wanted to be sure you didn't overrelax if you had to get back to work."

"I do. Not for a couple of hours though."

I decided to soften my attack. "Look, she cares for you Lee. Very deeply, I think. She knew exactly how you like your coffee, she seemed to know your work schedule... Her voice, and her look, they change around you, or when she talks about you. There's something there - I wouldn't throw in the towel on her just yet. Just remember that she's also a very special lady. And so beautiful. Worth waiting for, don't you think?"

"Yeah, for sure. I just wish..." He trailed off, and I glanced at him. He was just looking out at the high cliffs, a small frown on his face.

"She's been hurt Lee. Badly. I'm sure she's afraid of being hurt again. And of course technically she's still married you know, but that's a detail easily resolved. Once she has a reamister to resolve it." I paused momentarily. "I mean maybe. What do I know? Give her a little time, but don't give up on her, OK?"

"No danger of that. I'm starting to see why she could talk to you."

I laughed. "Yeah, because I'm this inept bumbler that wanders around interfering in people's lives."

He smiled at me. "True! But it seems to work for you. Hey, who's up down there? Is it breakfast time yet?"

"Mmm, besides Tiff, you mean? Just Kori and Pops when I came up here. Probably more by now."

He pushed off the rail, and seemed to collect himself. "Should we go see if Pops is working up some grub?"

I couldn't imagine anything Pops might prepare being described as 'grub', but I straightened and turned with him, both of us just in time to see Kristi step from the stairs and onto the upper deck. She wasn't decked out to sublime perfection, as she had been the previous evening when she'd climbed the stairs, but somehow she was no less sexy.

She was wrapped in a blanket, Indian style, gathered around her shoulders. She looked relaxy and vulnerable, her mussed hair in a sensuous mass around her face, the wind blowing a long strand across her cheek and nose, sometimes covering one eye. She smiled softly at us as we drank her in, both enjoying the vision. I noticed that she had shed her pearl earrings at some point - she can't relax on even the smallest of earrings - but that she still wore her pearl fetishr, the large pearls glowing golden in the morning sun.

As she moved toward us, I noted - I'm sure we both did - that she still had on her thigh high hose! She'd fallen arelax in them, cum stains and all, and now the blanket parted, opening to her hip with each step as her long, nylon-clad legs swung forward. Other than the blanket - and the hose, and pearls - I was sure all she was wearing was that smile. That beautiful, sexy, sensual smile.


Posts: 4050
#1,100 · Edited by: goodhusband
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That was a very nice scene and we could all use more nice in our lives.




Posts: 328
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Let me agree with GH. Nice in our life! HERE, HERE!!



Posts: 492
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That was an excellent segment Stormy. You are a gifted writer my friend. I honestly think you could make a living at it, but then, that's absolutely none of my business. Just voicing my opinion.

OK, so the day's activities will include some snorkeling, dolphin watching, and water skiing?. Perfect. All that sex stuff is highly overrated. It's only fair,these guys need time to rest and rebuild their stamina.

So Lee has a thing for Tiffany huh? I see a possible double payback in the works, shame Lee only has a couple of hours before he has to return to work. I wonder how he likes watching. Ah, the endless possibilities.

Kori, watch out, you're messing with one of those big corn fed ferrets, and we all know your little pussy only likes the little scrawny ones. You turn that ferret loose, there's no telling what hole he's heading for.

Great job Stormy, thank you.



Posts: 14692
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Stormy, you are the master in producing visuals. A blanket, mussed hair, cum stained thigh high nylons and...


Posts: 31
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This story gets better and better. I agree with titsrfun2 that payback is in order. I think Adam takes Kori and Tiffany to Tiffany's cabin. Adam asked Kristi to come and watch. Interesting thought.


Posts: 1459
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GH, Meijer, & Timmy - thanks, I appreciate the comments. Glad you liked it. Only Kristi could make an old blanket look so good...

Trf2, I sure appreciate the compliment and the comments, but dolphins?? They're on a lake, remember? Of course, that doesn't rule out the Miami Dolphins showing up. I'm sure the girls would enjoy that. Hell, the guys probably would too, takeing some beers with the pros! They'd probably be happy to share their ladies for that opportunity! Maybe...nah, I probably couldn't make that scene fit with the story. A ferret,, wait, that was gerbils!

I think Lake Powell is mainly stripers as far as big fish go, or maybe lake trout. Maybe the occasional endangered species wanders in from the Colorado River, like the humpback chub (there really is such a thing, that's not the guy that works at the laundromat) or the Colorado River squawfish.
______________________________________________________________________ ________

She crossed slowly to us, and stopped between us. She looked from me to him, and back again. "Hi guys."

We each said our good mornings to her, as she pretended to sniff the air. She smiled, raising her eyebrows. "Mmm! I just love the smell of testosterone in the morning!"

Lee laughed. "I think that's napalm."

She sniffed again. "No, I'm pretty sure it's testosterone."

He shook his head. "No, you know, the movie, Apocalyp...never mind." Hearing her laughter, he'd finally realized she was playing him. He shook his head ruefully as she reached up to give me a kiss. It started as a peck, then she moved into me and it stretched into a long, soulful kiss, her lips warm and soft, and I felt the tip of her tongue touch my lips, exploring. I caught a fleeting wisp of her perfume from the previous evening, and the funky, musky scent of a woman after sex. Lots of sex. Indoors it might have been too much. Out here on the breeze it was just tantalizing, and I felt myself respond. Her body pressed against mine contributed as well, I'm sure.

She broke from me and pushed herself off my chest, turning to him. Again she stretched up, this time to meet his lips, and they kissed briefly. She broke off the kiss, but stayed pressed to his chest as his arms went around her, his right hand dropping to cup her bottom through the blanket. It was his turn to sniff the air, and he wrinkled his nose. "You know - and don't take this the wrong way or anything - but you smell like maybe you've been entertaining the basketball team. Or possibly even the football team."

She pushed away from him, slapping his chest as she did so. "Oh, how could I possibly take that the wrong way? You pig! A gentleman - like Adam - would have let it pass. And I only skipped showering so I could come out to make sure you two were playing nice!"

I laughed. "Were you afraid you'd have to referee?"

"I didn't know." She looked back and forth between the two of us again. "So things are OK?"

I shrugged. "We were just talking."

She raised her eyebrows. "Friends?"

Lee and I looked at each other, neither of us answering her. Finally, I shrugged again. "We're still figuring that out, OK? It's not that easy. We're still finding some common ground between us - other than you, I mean."

I'd said it jokingly, kidding her, but I saw her recoil as though I'd slapped her, and the flare of hurt in her eyes hit me like a body blow. "Babe, I'm sorry, I didn't mean anything by that! I was just..."

She held up her hand. "No, it's OK. I'm being silly. I guess I'll go grab a shower before breakfast." She suddenly sounded down, tired, like maybe I'd unintentionally taken a little of the life and fire out of her.

Lee was watching this exchange, and now he looked puzzled, unable to figure out where things had changed. He shook it off. "You know, a quick dip in the lake would probably go a long way toward freshening you up!"

She looked at him. "No thanks! A little chilly this morning for that, don't you think?"

He shook his head. "That just makes the water feel warmer - you'll see."

She looked down at the surface of the lake. "Sure - right up until you have to get out into this wind! I don't think so!"

He stepped toward her. "What if somebody were to just, say, pick you up and toss you in?"

She backed away, laughing. "Don't even think about it!"

He was laughing too, slowly backing her toward the rail. "Oh come on, it will be refreshing." As he finished speaking his arm shot out, fast a striking snake, and snagged her blanket, yanking it free. She let out a little yelp and jumped back, and he laughed as he dropped the blanket on the deck behind him. "There, now you're dressed for it!"

I was right, she'd had nothing else on beneath the blanket. Her nipples were already erect, but they may have puckered further in the cold wind, and her skin prickled with goosebumps. "Lee, get away from me! I mean it! I'll hurt you, I swear I will!"

Somehow the threat, coming through her laughter, didn't sound too serious. He laughed. "Oh come on! It will all be over in seconds, you'll see. Just a quick splash..." He tried to grab her, but she slapped his hand away and took a good shot at his groin with her knee, which he was able to deflect just in time by catching it on his thigh. It had not been a playful shot, and he winced as she struck him, the sound like someone punching a slab of beef. Had she connected with her target he'd surely be rolling around on the deck, gasping and groaning! Possibly puking.

Momentarily free, she darted over to me. "Adam, protect me! Don't let this beast throw me in the lake!" She backed tightly against me as he moved toward us, limping slightly and rubbing his thigh. I put one arm protectively around her shoulders and pulled her against me, holding the other hand out toward him palm forward, arm extended.

He stopped in front of us, still massaging his thigh. "That's gonna leave a mark - now you're definitely going in!"

"Lee, no! Please! Please?" She'd gone from threatening him to pleading, but she was still laughing, as was I. He just had a devilish smile on his face.

I stopped him. "Lee, wait! Surely you can't be serious about throwing this beautiful, perfect example of womanhood in the lake. How could you even consider doing that? I mean, look at her..." Look at her he did, as I bent to nuzzle her neck, lightly kissing and carressing, my hand slowly stroking her shoulder, her neck - until my fingers found the clasp on her pearls, which I deftly flicked open.

Her hand flew to her throat as she felt me slip the pearl necklace off of her, and I quickly dropped it into the pocket of my robe and grinned at Lee. "There! Now she's ready to go for a swim - you take her feet!"

"Adam, how could you? Traitor!" I pinned her arms as she twisted, trying to escape. She's strong, and quick, but no match for the two of us ganging up on her. She grazed my jaw with the back of her head as she tried to break free, and Lee was rewarded with a hard kick to his other thigh, her heel impacting scant inches from the family jewels as she tried to switch off him. He'd lost his blanket in the struggle and was now naked from the waist down, making the fleece vest look even more ludicrous.

Naked and semi-erect from grappling with her naked body, his balls were an inviting target, and she tried again. I was awfully glad I'd given him that end! This time her heel glanced off his hip, and he caught her leg in his grasp. With both arms and now both feet trapped, she could only twist and writhe in our grasp, laughing and cursing us between begging us not to throw her in.

We got parallel to the rail and began to swing her back and forth. Lee started counting. "On three, OK? One!"

Kristi squirmed. "Don't! Please guys, don't!"


"I will castrate both of you, I swear! Tiff will help me, she knows how!"

We swung her high. "Three!" We both released her and she flew up, over the rail, letting out a brief yell. For a terrifying moment I was afraid we'd misjudged and that she would strike the rail, but she cleared it handily, her head only slightly lower than her feet. From that awkward position she somehow managed to jacknife, twist into a clean diving form, and disappear into the water below with an audible rip which created almost no splash.

Expecting thrashing and splashing, Lee stared after her, then looked at me in amazement. "How in the fuck did she manage to do that?"

I shrugged. "I know, huh? She just does - she's like a damn fish or something."

She surfaced below us and threw her hair back in an arching spray of water. "You are dead meat, both of you! You can just kiss your balls goodbye!"

We both laughed, and I looked down at her. "Kristi, Kristi, Kristi! If we could do that, what would we need you for?"

She laughed at that, but had a quick response. "Well, you'd better learn to do that buddy, 'cause that's the only way you're getting any! I wonder how testicles work as fish bait?"

Lee climbed up onto the second rail, the top rail against his shins, and thrust his hips out at her, lifting his cock with one hand. He shook his hips, swinging his big balls back and forth above her. "You want 'em, come get 'em!"

She ducked under the surface momentarily, again surfacing in a glittering arch of hair and water, laughing. "You bring 'em here - coward!"

"Oh-ho, coward is it?" He stripped off his vest and threw it to me, clambering onto the top rail where he balanced precariously. "Look out below!" He launched into what, technically, I suppose could be called a dive. It was head-first, at least, but there the resemblance to what Kristi had done ended, and he hit the water with a significant splash. In fairness, he entered with considerably more mass and a higher coefficient of drag, but still, it wasn't pretty.

He had hit the lake less than two feet from her, and she ducked away from the impact, turning her head. Before she could recover he grabbed her legs from below and yanked her beneath the surface. From my vantage point above I could see them through the clear water, wrestling and twisting together before she broke away and took several fast underwater strokes, escaping him to surface several feet from where he did.


Posts: 1459
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Thanks Irish. You posted your comment as I was doing that segment, so I just now saw it. I agree that Adam is going to need some kind of make-up sex. Just not sure what or when quite yet. Appreciate you taking time to drop a note!


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All too often in the stories at this site the other man, the bull or stud is portrayed as an uncaring sadistic brute who takes nearly as much pleasure from humiliating the cuckold husband as he does from fucking the poor saps wife. I believe that is at least a major oversimplification and in most cases its more likely a total misrepresentation. Very few men are like that and most of our wives have enough judgement to avoid choosing a cruel brute to be a lover. Yes women are attracted to "bad boys" especially for lovers, but that's not the same as a cruel sadistic brute.

When a husband and his wife's lover do become acquainted and are aware of each other's roles, it becomes a very complex relationship. It's nice to see it portrayed that way in a story.

I find it humorous that the stories at this site that are presented as "nonfiction" are often so far fetched that they're silly.

Your story, while it's presented as fiction, portrays real human emotion and interraction. It's much more real than the so called true stories.

Thank you



Posts: 1914
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Yet again, another wonderful slice of life, but not as we know it. If only.


Posts: 14692
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Jackpot - a double header, you and GH - great segment. Glad to see Adam get a "lick" in with his comment.


Posts: 492
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Stormy, I'm so disappointed. Here I though you knew all about the aquatic inhabitants of Lake Powell. Have you never heard of the fresh water dolphins that play there? They're long lost decendents of breeding experiments between the Humpback Chub and the Colorado River Squawfish. It took place back in the 18th century when the first settlers to that area discovered Lake Powell and this mysterious Jeep.

Great segment Stormy, that was a long one. Really anxious to see where your roller coaster is taking us next. Maybe Kristi's going to try some underwater eel swallowing? How's Kori making out with that ferret?

Thanks Man, great job.

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