Posts: 328
Hey Storm
Posts: 14692
We are ready for more too - LOL Don't worry stormy, just kidding. I know you have to take care of business first.
Posts: 14692
just a bump - hope all is well with you stormy
Posts: 28
Thank you for such a wonderfull passage. I hope everything goes well with your life over there.
I think Kristi powering Adam a litlle bit to much. She knows that Adam is not very comfortable with that( altough he says that it is OK because he really loves her). Altough she asks Adam "is it OK with you? she knows that he will say OK because he loves her" Despite she knows that it might hurt Adam she wants it. Why???
Just for her sexual needs making Adam understand that who and what she is and carry on living like that or just for hoping that Adam would understand and carry on like that. I also think that Adam would newer do the same thing if he feels that it might hurt Kristi.
Altough at the very beginning she said that she is a multiple men woman but when it comes to real love there will be only Adam.Can we say that Kristi Loves Adam because he can handle it. I wonder what she would say if Adam, after this experience says that he was not very comfortable with it ??
I hope Adam would give Kristi the same kinds of medicine he recieved but he can not do it. He really loves Kristi.
I really do not know how this story will end
Thank you again for such a nice story and all the efforts you put on it. Do not keep as waiting for the nex chapter to much please.
Posts: 31
Stormy, I am glad to see that others are upset with the way Kristi is treating Adam. They had agreed that he would try to let her do her thing and he would try to watch. Kristi never mentioned tying Adam up. She never mentioned humilating him. They were in love according to Kristi. Sorry don't see any love from Kristi. I feel that right now Adam should give Kristi a choice. She can stay with him and everything would go on as before. They would have to talk about tonight and determine if there was any sense in continnuing their engagement. She would have to stop sex with the ranger right now not after either one of them was satisfid sexually. She would have to untie him at once. Or she could choose to continue to have sex with the ranger and leave Adam tied. That would be the end of their engagement. She would have given up a future together. This time there would be no reconciliation. They would have to live with her choice. Adam would consider she had chosen the ranger if she had any further physical contact with the ranger after right now. Adam would consider she had chosen he ranger if his boat did not leave within 15 minutes. Adam st ood up and told the ranger to get out of his cabin. Kristi was surprised that his hands were free. Adam told her had continued to appear tied for her enjoyment, but could take no more of her and the ranger. Adam told her to choose.
Posts: 14692
Hi Stormy, I hope all is well with you. I see that a number of folks are chiming on your story. While in no wanting to tell you how to write your story, I've decided to add my two cents to the discussion.
First, I don't have a problem with "Domme Kristi" I think she's kind of hot - lol. But I can also see the view points expressed above. One way to go with this would be for Adam to call "STOP" at which point Kristi has to decide where she is going with this. She could tell Ranger Lee to leave because she needs to talk and "make whole" her man or she ignores Adam in which case he proceeds to free himself and leaves. Who knows he may find solace in the arms of...
Posts: 1459
GH, peak, Meijer, and Timmy, as always I value the support and the comments. Some of you (yeah, you too Trf2) have been with this almost since the beginning, and your input (as well as your support and patience) is deeply appreciated. To be honest, I would have probably given up a long time ago without it. As it is, I have come to very much enjoy the writing and the exchange of comments and ideas, and have missed it greatly while I have been tied up - metaphorically speaking that is, not like Adam. However, my hands are also now untied. I'm home after 8 months of separation and stress, and have some free time again, and I hope to move foward with the story at a somewhat more rapid pace. Family obligations will keep me busy during the Holidays, so not so much then, but it sure is nice to have those obligations again!!
Irish and KORUCU, I understand what you're saying, and that you sympathize and identify with Adam. Remember though that the back story of this tale is that Adam has admitted to Kristi that he harbors certain fantasies about her with other men, and she's seen for herself how much this arouses him. She didn't just spring this on him out of the blue, although her first mistake was extremely hurtful and ill-advised. They both regretted it, deeply, but it did certainly open some doors.
I think now she is in the process of feeding his fantasies, seeing whether he was serious or (like most guys) really wanted the fantasy to remain just that. Meanwhile, she's having some fun herself - and maybe living out a little dom fantasy of her own! I think it's entirely up to Adam to decide if he wants to see his fantasies play out, or if he'd rather bail out and call her off. To be honest, since I make this up as I go, I'm still not entirely sure how he'll react. I do have a pretty good idea though, 'cause I know what I'd do!
Thanks again guys, I sincerely appreciate [u]all[/u] of your comments, and I'm honored that you take time and make the effort to reply.
Posts: 492
First of all, let me say "Welcome Back Stormy". Your extended absence has had me concerned, along with quite a few others on here. Very glad to hear that things are starting to get back on track for you. How do things look on the job front, if I remember correctly, there was some concern on your part about your future employment. I surely hope that things are going to settle down for you and that you have a great 2011.
With that being said, I have to say how ironic it is for me to be jumping in here to comment on the direction that this story has taken. As you know, I am one of Adam's staunchest defenders, and became upset with what I thought was unjust treatment from Kristi. You even made a comment about possibly changing your storyline around, which I wholeheartedly disagreed with. I have to ask everyone who is in doubt about the treatment that Adam is receiving from Kristi to take a look at the name of this forum and try to remember what that stands for. I, for one, don't totally understand the inner workings of the lifestyle. It seems a little unbelievable to me at times. However, judging from the comments that you have received from members much more versed in the lifestyle than me, I can honestly say it seems that you are dead on with what you're doing to Adam here. Painful as it is to read, he did admit to being curious about these things and wanted to see how he would react. You've openly admitted that it is a little bit out of your comfort zone as well and asked our patience to see how things developed. Maybe Adam will get a chance at a turnaround situation where he makes Kristi sit and squirm, maybe that isn't in the cards. Doesn't matter, I'm in it to the end. I'm a big fan of yours for sure and I'm willing to stay the course and see where things go from here.
Looking forward to your future segments, it's one of my all time favorites.
Happy Holidays
Posts: 1914
Stormy, Welcome back. I look forward to your development of this wonderful story. For my own part, I'm not worried about how it's going. Nothing is broken. Yes, Kristi is pushing Adam but he hasn't said no and he could have. He has his own history (you know who) which if you think about it is a little more serious than a fuck on a boat, and which Kristi so far has not thrown the dummy out of the pram over. So far it is still clear that Kristi loves him and respects him, and that's all they need for each other really.
Whatever the relationship, I can't really see anything for any side that smacks of ownership in any sense, as if a ring or a certificate somehow confers right in this area. Consensual pleasure, however it looks from the outside, is simply that. On the outside, we have no right to judge, nor should we. As for those that begin with, '..if she were my wife / girlfriend / lover,' the answer is simple. They aren't.
Of course you are allowed to. She IS your girlfriend !! I only wish ...
Posts: 12
Stormy: You scared me when you said that you had considered dropping the story. I check faithfully for updates. I just am not one to comment much. Your story is the first thing I check when coming onto this site.
Please and thankyou for continuing.
PS. I love where you are going with this. I feel for Adam, and know what he is going through. You are doing a masterful job.
Posts: 38
Well, having this positively literate guys as predecessors in commenting, dunno how to get it all right, all the more since English isn't my lady-tongue, as we use to say here, and even less is American, as well as I appreciate the differences, as far as they get thru to me (yeah not the old-fashioned "through" I was pestered with in school)... but I fear I'm losing the sentence, sorry for that. Blame the Merlot I am enjoying.
I've been particularly enjoying the Ranger getting to (and into) Kristi. Jealous I am on him for both having the opportunity and having the strong and muscular body (he's of my age, thanks a lot for creating this detail) you described, let alone the feelings he witnessed and experienced with Kristi. Got me leaning back and letting my mind flow thru the all years since I first was fascinated with the other sex, I mean sex with some other (female) permister, sex with one another in other words, ... oh sorry again, U know why.
A most exciting thing for me was Kristi communicating with Adam about being sorry whilst not being able to stop fucking her lover. Wow. How strangely and intensely touching a read.
I've learnt that imagination can do a lot to you, sometimes more than real everyday life does. This shan't sound sad, it's just the truth. The imaginations you continuously build in me and, as you can see by all the comments here, in many others too, are kind of bringing the brightly sparkling stars down to earth, which used to be unrechable before reading your story. May the stars continue to shine in your life, not only during the upcoming holidays. Warm and sincere thanks for all your efforts.
Cliffa Cliffa
Posts: 1459
Thanks peak and Trf2, it's good to know that I can always count on honest and insightful comments and/or criticisms from you. As wrapped up in the story as you have both been, you have a good sense for who these characters are and what they value, and I in turn appreciate and value your input a great deal. You've each either inspired ideas or kept me from going astray a couple of times, whether you know it or not! As for my life, it has settled down for now, no more backcountry isolation and 8 day work weeks on the horizon for the moment, but future employment is still iffy. Something will come along!
Northern, I think I told you before that I don't expect you to comment a lot, that's entirely up to each reader to decide what they are comfortable with. I do enjoy hearing from you, and I'm very glad that you are enjoying the tale. Thanks for the kind comment and for taking the time to drop a line. Even just a "Hi, still with you, have a good day!" is always much appreciated. ______________________________________________________________________ _______________________
Kristi lay on her back, knees up, legs apart, looking up at him. He kneeled over her, his face and neck flushed with arousal and exertion, his thick cock thrusting out obscenely from his groin. He smiled down at her. "Damn, that felt good! You came, huh?"
She giggled. "Oh yes, a couple of times. Really good. Did you think I was faking?"
He shook his head. "No, no, but.... I have to ask - what were you apologizing for?"
She raised her head and looked at me, our eyes meeting. She held my gaze as she answered him. "It's just... well, when I looked at Adam he looked like he was in pain or something, like what was making me feel so good was actually hurting him. Does that make sense at all?" Lee nodded, glancing thoughtfully at me as she continued. "I didn't want you to hurt more baby, I didn't want to hurt you, but that last orgasm was going to happen no matter what, there was no way I could have stopped it - not that I really wanted to - but the look on your face..."
She trailed off, and I tried to speak. My voice, unused for awhile, came out as something between a croak and a cough, and I cleared my throat. "No, it's OK. Don't apologize for feeling pleasure, not to me, not ever. I didn't mean to upset you, I wasn't hurting, not really, I think I was just caught up in the intensity of your orgasm. I mean, you know, vicariously." I gave a small snort of a laugh. "If you'd have tried to stop, or if I had tried to stop you at that moment, you would have probably just exploded. I think that orgasm was a freight train nobody could have stopped."
She smiled at me, her expression radiant, satisfied. "It was a good one." She reached up and ran her fingers over his rigid cock, slick with her secretions, then slid down to lightly caress his heavy balls. "What can I say baby, the man has talents. Big, hard, thick talents."
Lee chuckled. "I could get used to this whole being a sex object thing. I don't understand why some people think that's a negative thing." He looked from her to me, then back at her. "So are we done, or is this just sort of an intermission kind of thing?"
Kristi squeezed his cock, slowly stroking him. I marvelled again at how her fingers failed to reach around his girth. She looked at his cock too, admiringly. "Oh, I don't think we're done! I could hardly leave you in this condition, now could I? Not after what you've done for me." She looked at me. "We're OK?"
I nodded. "By all means. More than OK. Don't let me intrude, I'm just an innocent bystander."
She laughed. "Hardly innocent, and only a bystander for now. We'll get to you." I wasn't at all sure what she meant by "we" - I only wanted her to get to me. As I pondered that uncomfortable thought, she turned to Lee. "Please sir, may I have another?"
Neither of us corrected her attempted quote, Lee simply swung a leg over her so that he straddled her shoulders, his ass toward me, and lowered himself enough for her to lick and suck at his scrotum. I simply watched. Kristi stretched her slender neck up and forward, reaching up to lick and suck at his balls, which hung heavily from the top of the triangle formed by his spread legs. He groaned as she sucked one of his big testicles into her mouth and tugged at it, stretching the thin, sensitive skin of his scrotum. "Uunnnhhh, god, speaking of talents! God, that's it baby, suck my balls! Suck my fucking balls - Ohhh, fuck!" His right arm moved up and in front of him, and while I couldn't see it from my angle, I could tell by the movements of his elbow that he was stroking himself, slowly masturbating his hard cock right over her face as she demonstrated her oral talents on his 'nads. She let his left nut slide slowly from her lips, putting an almost painful amount of pressure on it as she did so, and he shuddered. I knew exactly what he was feeling. She licked her lips before focusing her attention on the remaining ball, the dry one, sucking it into her mouth and pulling it down, coating it with saliva, stretching his sack anew. His head went down, chin to his chest, then flew back as he reacted, looking toward the ceiling and cursing, all of his muscles flexed and tense. "Ohhh fuck! Goddamn that feels good! Holy cuckolds brownie!"
He looked over his shoulder at me. "Sorry Adam, but, I mean, my god! Does she do this to you?"
I nodded. "Sometimes."
He groaned again, and I knew her tongue was busily working over his swollen testicle, massaging, prodding, rolling it within her mouth, bathing it with warmth and moisture, and just generally taking him to heaven. He groaned again. "My god man, how do you stand it?"
I laughed. My cock was throbbing just watching him get the treatment. "How do I stand it? About like you - I swear and sweat, and groan a lot and try not to cum. Does that about cover it?" I watched her throat work as she sucked and tongued his big teste, then heard his groan, almost of pain, as she let his second one slip from her lips.
She laughed. "You guys! All a woman has to do is get your balls between her teeth and she totally owns you! You're so easy!"
He looked at me again, winked, and nodded. "Can't argue with that, huh? The lady knows of what she speaks. You know what else works? This!" He pushed his erect cock down, holding it in a downward pointing position as he thrust it into her waiting mouth. Her waiting - and extremely willing - mouth! It was her turn to moan as she felt his hard thickness enter her mouth, and she tasted herself, her sweet pussy, on his cock, and one delicate hand, the one with a big diamond engagement ring on it, moved between her legs, gently touching herself as he began to make small, short thrusts with his hips, fucking himself between her lips. I stared at her fingers, wet now as they made small circles on her erect clit, spreading her lips, not at all ashamed about displaying her sex and her arousal to me. Her pussy was mouth-wateringly beautiful, a wet, pink flower, spread open by her fingers and oozing it's own honey, her tissues engorged, swollen, wet and sensitive-looking, begging to be kissed and licked, begging to be fucked.
Although she couldn't take a lot of him into her mouth, because of his thickness, she took enough that I saw her throat work and swallow and watched his balls bounce and slide against her chin with each thrust, the muscles of his ass clenching with effort as he pushed his hips forward and down. I'd never seen a blowjob from this angle before, and I found it very intense, the more so because she was slowly masturbating herself as she blew him, and that I've always loved to watch.
I stared at her fingers, touching herself, and watched as the combination of the feel and taste of his thick cock in her mouth and her own fingers touching, carressing, brought her to yet another orgasm, this one smaller, but deeper somehow, and her legs suddenly clamped closed on her own hand as her hips thrust upwards, the movement involuntary, thrusting herself hard against her probing fingers, simultaneously taking more of his big organ into her mouth than I would have thought she could. Strangled cries came from her throat, unable to fully escape around the massive meat in her mouth, and as she collapsed back onto the bed she turned her head and let his cock slide from her lips. "God! Fuck me, I need you to fuck me now!"
He moved back, quickly but carefully, straddling her body as he moved down, pausing only momentarily to rub the wet tip of his cock against her hard nipples, causing her to gasp, but careful not to hurt her, until he passed her hips and she was able to move her legs up and around him. She did so, eagerly, spreading herself, opening herself, raising her legs and displaying her aroused sex, giving him a powerful invitation to enter her, to enter her body, to thrust his thick cock once again into her extremely hot, willing, and ready pussy.
As he positioned himself between her legs, preparing to accept her invitation, I became aware that my fingernails were digging deeply into my palms, my fists tightly clenched, and despite me consciously trying to relax my hands they remained that way as I watched her fingers find him, stroke him, then gently grip his cock, her ring glittering as she guided him to her opening and into her, and her hips bucked up to meet him as he thrust forward, and she cried out with pleasure as he buried the entirety of his massive organ in her wet, horny pussy.
My cock throbbed and ached with arousal as I watched him fuck her, his big balls slapping wetly against her tight little ass with each thrust as he went hilt-deep, again and again. Her hips rose eagerly to meet each thrust, and I knew my Kristi was enjoying herself immensely, was loving being fucked, was hurtling eagerly toward yet another powerful orgasm, and was fucking him every bit as much as he was fucking her. It happened quickly then, more quickly than I had expected, since I had sort of come to assume he was some kind of sexual Superman, and so I was surprised when I heard him groan "Oh fuck, I'm gonna cum, I'm cumming, ohhh cuckolds brownie!"
Kristi's hands flew to his ass, then to the back of his thighs, her fingers and fingernails digging into him right where his ass and thighs met and pulling him tightly to her, holding him there as she bucked against him and cried out. "Oh yesss! Do it in me, cum in me, make me cum, god yes, that's it, make me cummmm! Ohhh GOD YESSSS!"
And he did, and she did, and I watched. No, I stared, rapt, seeing the thick base of his cock swell and pulse as the internal muscles pumped his semen out of him and into her, his cock pumping rhythmically with each spurt, buried deep inside of her, filling her, emptying the enormous pent-up load from his swollen balls far inside of her spread pussy, flooding her, bathing her cervix and no doubt entering her womb, all this I knew, or at least envisioned, as I stared at the thick base of his organ, watching it pump and pulse, the spread and swollen lips of her used pussy forming a perfect set of pink, fleshy parentheses curved around his shaft as he drained himself into her, his enormous balls drawn up tightly against his cock as the contractions squeezed them dry.
And then he was done, exhausted, his body weak and limp as he nearly collpased on top of her, but Kristi still rode the wave, her hips slowly pumping her pussy against him, still feeling him impaling her and still savoring the receding sensations of her own orgasm, she continued to slowly thrust herself against him in long, slow thrusts, his still hard cock giving her pleasure as her orgasm waned, her hips moving of their own volition. Her actions powerd a small dollop of white semen out of her, somehow escaping around the thick plug of his cock, and the liquid pearl, white and glistening, slid slowly down until it found the tiny, tight pucker of her anus and it settled there, glistening and happy. Why wouldn't it be happy? I've spent a little happy time there myself.
Posts: 4050
As I read this last segment it dawned on me that your story might actually be one of the causes of global warming. Rembrandt was the master of light and you are the master of the sex scene.
It's nice to have you back. Thank you for writing. Now I have to go take a cold shower.
Posts: 14692
Stormy, I agree with GH on the writing. What I have trouble with is Adam and Kristi.
QUOTE: "I wasn't hurting, not really, I think I was just caught up in the intensity of your orgasm. I mean, you know, vicariously."
I think that something got lost or Adam is lying to himself and Kristi with that comment. He was way more emotional and conflicted when he watched Kristi during the sex party on all the boats and there he had a bevy of busty ladies throwing themselves at him. Maybe you got off track because of the long time in between segments and the stresses of life. - I just don't quite know.
I had no trouble with Kristi tying him up - it was part of her fantasy and he was giving it to her but now I see her as an insensitive b... She should have sent Lee packing and gone to her man. Sorry but that is what I'm feeling right now
Posts: 492
Sorry but I couldn't disagree more. I don't see anything off track here, and to be honest, I think your writing is better than ever. That was one hell of a sex scene you just wrote for us. If anything, your time away has sharpened your writing s*******s to a new higher level and I like it. It's a Cuckold story, people get pushed to their limit. Adam is still trying to figure out where his limit is. My only hope is that things at some point will turn around and Kristi will be tested as well. Maybe not...........stay tuned.
Anyone who's ever received a "teabag" experience from a sex partner knows the wonderful sensations that are only brought about by having your balls tenderly washed, licked, kissed and sucked on. Your description nailed it perfectly, I can only hope that was from a permisteral experience LOL. It seems that Kristi is pulling out all the stops to please her Ranger. I wonder what other little tricks she might have up her sleeve, or pussy, or whatever. I was thinking she might offer up her ass to him, but trying to insert a telephone pole into a tea cup might produce a 911 call that would be hard to describe to the operator on the other end of the line. Not to mention that they're out in the middle of nowhere on that boat.
Creampie, creampie, who wants a creampie? How far will Kristi push Adam before relenting? We all know how much she loves him, I just hope she doesn't go too far, because he does have options. Since it is their first real cuckold experience, I hope she'll be a little gentle on him.
And what's going on with sweet little Kori, Ron, and their jungle fever experience? I'm eager to hear how that's working out, any cuckolding going on in that room? You have a lot of story left to tell here, that's for sure. I'm anxious to see how you decided to fit Tiffany into this sordid boat trip, not to mention Pops. So much to tell, so little time.
As always, thanks for all your effort in bringing us this wonderful story.
Posts: 1459
Cliffa, I wasn't ignoring you - you posted while I was, so it only showed up to me after I got my next segment up. For one who claims that English, and especially the American version of it, is not his native tongue, you express yourself quite eloquently. That may be one of the nicest and kindest compliment anyone has ever given me, and I sincerely appreciate it. That my efforts can bring you pleasure brings me pleasure, and for taking time to write what you did I can only offer my thanks and my warmest regards!
Thanks GH, glad you enjoyed it, and thanks for the compliment! You know how much I value your opinion. Careful with the cold shower - that shrinkage can be so (delightfully) humiliating!
Timmy, I know you've followed the story for a long time, both as Timmy27 and under your alter ego, so I hope you'll be patient with me. You are on target in some respects, but I do kind of have something outlined in my head that I hope will clarify their relationship and explain some things. As I said, I hope! First I have to wrap up this scene of debauchery before all involved become dessicated husks.
Trf2, thanks for the comment, and for your thoughts. I think Adam is totally turned on by the cuckold fantasy, and now knows he is by the experience as well, despite some strong misgivings. How will they handle that new-found knowledge? Yes, the teabag description is from permisteral experience. It is amazingly intense! Although I mostly had my eyes closed, I had to pekoe to see what she was doing, and when she slid her teeth over my testicle, I think I turned earl grey. Sorry for that, it was truly bad but I couldn't resist. I've been wondering what Ron and Kori and their young black stud are up to as well. Hope we find out! Meanwhile, back to our hero and his wanton slut of a fiancee! ______________________________________________________________________ ________________________
They laid like that for what seemed like an interminable length of time, but was probably only a couple of minutes. Her legs eventually lowered from around him, her toes uncurling from the clenched position they'd held through her most recent orgasm, and, looking at them, I was again amazed by the way his big, powerful, broad-shouldered body dwarfed her slender form. If looking for the biggest differences, the contrasts between the prototypical male and female bodies, theirs could have been used for a case study. And yet, they had fit together so perfectly!
As I compared his muscular, masculine bulk to her sleek and slender femininity, seeing the contrasts and acknowledging how good they looked together, he began to show signs of life, first groaning, then raising himself up off of her and slowly, ever so slowly, withdrawing his now semi-flaccid cock from her body. She was softly rubbing her hands up and down his ribs as he withdrew, and when his fat cock slid out of her in a small gout of semen and Kristi fluids, she gasped and clutched at him. "Ohhh, mmm god! Pheeeww, that was good, you could have just left that in me for awhile! I feel so empty now." Full of his cum, she was anything but empty, but I didn't say that out loud.
He flopped over on his back with a sigh and a groan, his right arm across his eyes. "Sorry, thought I might pass out, and didn't want to crush you." He took a couple of deep breaths. "Damn, woman, you 'bout *******ed me there! Thought when I first saw you that you'd probably be a great fuck, but I had no idea! I think I'm ruined for mere mortal women. That was fucking amazing!" He suddenly seemed to remember that I was in the room, and he raised his head weakly and looked at me. "Sorry dude, didn't mean any disrespect by calling your fiancee a great fuck."
I shrugged my shoulders, maintaining the pretense that I was still tied to the chair, thinking it amazing that Ronnie and I weren't the only ones that still called each other 'dude'. "She is a great fuck, can't argue with you there. Now if you'd said she was a lousy fuck, that would have been fighting words."
He chuckled tiredly, and Kristi shook her head. "Thanks guys, I just love being talked about like a piece of meat. Most women really love that, you know. How about I leave you two here together to compare notes and enjoy each other's nakedidity while I go find someone that appreciates me?"
We both objected, expressing our appreciation and assuring her that being called a great fuck was a high compliment in male speak. Besides, I was still hard as stone and sticking straight up out of my boxers, so she could clearly see how much I appreciated her! His cock, thick and mostly flaccid, cum-smeared and used-looking, caught her attention, and she shifted around and rested her head on his hard stomach, fondling him gently just inches from her face. As she played with him she had one leg on the bed and the other cocked up, her foot down on the mattress but her knee up, and I could see the wetness of their combined juices coating her inner thighs, the top of her left stocking stained dark and wet with absorbed cum. As I watched her lean in to lick him, tasting him and her in the remains of their lovemaking which covered his exhausted organ, my mouth watered. I realized I wanted to do the same to her, to taste the remains of their coupling and to bring her to the heights that I knew I could, to get her off, to show her and him that I could make her explode as well, because I knew her better than anyone, knew her buttons and her signs, knew exactly what she liked, what she craved, and could satisfy whatever needs she might have.
But then the thought of going down on her, of tasting her and him, of swallowing his cum while he watched, of putting my mouth where his cock had been and where he had just shot his load - and him knowing about it - just seemed too humiliating, so I pushed it away. But I really wanted to, the thought of burying my face between her legs and savoring her sloppy pussy making my cock throb and ache all over again!
Kristi seemed to know, seemed to sense all of my thoughts and know how to push my buttons as well, because after slowly licking all of the remains from his softening cock, after licking his balls, and sucking the last drop or two of semen from his dick, she rose and crossed to me, a distance of just a step or two, and kissed me. Not a peck, or a soft hello kiss either, but a full-on, mouth open, tongue thrusting kiss. Her lips were hot and swollen, slick with saliva and cum, her breath musky and rich, and her tongue tasted of male lust and female arousal, and I sucked at it like a baby at the teat. I remembered her licking the streaks of cum from his cock, and seeing her with his balls in her mouth as she sucked on them, and I stuck my tongue in her mouth and knew I was tasting the two of them. Her and him I mean, not his two balls. But that too, I guess, now that I think about it.
She pulled away first, and smiled at me. She smelled of sex, and of sweat, and of the expensive cologne that I'd bought for her. Turns out it blended well with the scent of semen, although the salesgirl that sold it to me hadn't mentioned that. I made a mental note to swing by the perfume counter and mention it, I felt sure it would be a big positive in any sales pitch. She raised up slightly and rubbed an erect, rubbery nipple across my cheek and lips, enjoying the feel of my beard stubble on her sensitive flesh, then gasping as I nipped, none too gently, at her pink nubbin. "Ow! God, you brute, no biting! Do that again and I won't let you eat my pussy."
I licked her nipple, then kissed it. "Mmmm. Who says I want to? I'm sure it's pretty much a disgusting mess right now." I noticed that Lee had raised up on one elbow, and was watching us intently. Kristi repositioned herself so that she was straddling my lap, lowering herself just enough that the tip of my cock parted her cum-slick pussy lips. I could fel the heat, and the wetness, and my cock ached to be inside of her. I knew I was breathing in short gasps, and my heart was pounding like it might burst from my chest. She moved slightly, rubbing herself on me, and I felt a trickle of fluid - hell, of his cum - run out of her and trail down my erect shaft. It was warm.
I groaned, overwhelmed with arousal, and she laughed. "You would. You'd eat me in a heartbeat if I'd let you, wouldn't you?"
Of course I would, I knew that, but I didn't say so. I glanced at Lee, and he saw my look. "Would you Adam? Would you really do that?"
I groaned. "Christ Lee, look at her! Wouldn't you?"
He looked, his eyes wandering her body, devouring her. "Yeah. Yeah, I suppose I would. But then, it's my cum in her."
I shook my head. "Doesn't matter. If she did this to you, and asked you, and you were crazy horny - not like now, after you just got your rocks off - you'd do whatever she asked. Am I right?"
He looked at her again, at her bare, perfect bottom, her long legs, the taut, lean muscles of her torso, her sexy, mussed up mop of blonde waves, the wet cum slick between her thighs, and, last but not least, her sensuous lips and the deep liquid pools of her blue-green eyes and he slowly nodded. "Yeah, I probably would. Probably almost anything she asked. How could I not?" He shook his head. "Hate to tell you buddy, but you're in big trouble with this one. She's a man-*******er and she's got you, lock, stock, and barrel, and you're totally lost."
I nodded. "Yeah. All true. But worse things could happen."
She smiled at me, radiant, and leaned forward to whisper in my ear. "I love you Adam. God, how I love you!" then she kissed me, slow and deep, and as she did she lowered herself onto me, slowly impaling herself fully on my aching penis, and I slid into her easily, her pussy stretched and relaxed from her recent fucking, and slick with cum, wet and hot. She gasped as I reached her deepest depths, and I felt the gush of his semen that my cock displaced as it ran out of her and onto me, and covered my crotch, and my balls, and she cried out and came, yet again, as I felt myself let go, my sudden and unexpected release, too fast, too soon, spurting my own semen inside of her, deep and hard, replacing his fluids with my own, re-taking my territory, marking this woman as mine. The whole world spun before my eyes, and I lost myself in her.
Posts: 14692
Posts: 1914
Stormy, I think the world spun before a lot of eyes with those last two segments. Some of your most powerful writing. Almost as if you'd been bottling it up for weeks ...
Great having you back. Just great.
Posts: 4050
If that doesn't get you hard, you're not a cuck.
Posts: 28
You are living it and making us to live and feel it with them. It is as simple as that Congragulations and thank you for it.
Posts: 28
You are living it and making us to live and feel it with them. It is as simple as that Congragulations and thank you for it.
Posts: 31
Stormy, The last two pages of this story were powerful and enjoyable to read. You have the story on a roller coaster and it makes for enjoyment for all of us. I was surprised and delighted that Kristi granted Adam some of the enjoyment she has been recieving. I think that including Adam makes the connection between Kristi and Adam stronger. I am still puzzled by Kristi's actions of tying Adam and humilating him with her comments is something that should have been discused between the two. Kristi knows where she is going but is leaving Adam in the dark, which is not what they discussed earlier in the story. I also think Adam should show Kristi that he is untied and tell her he reamained that way to allow her to enjoy her fantasy. He said that he loved her and was trying to go along with her, but was feeling that maybe they should talk about their engagement and possible marriage. He was not sure that he was ready for what Kristi was doing and would have to think about any further commtment. Adam would not ask her to stop but he really felt they had to talk sooner that later.
Posts: 1459
Timmy, peak, GH, and KORUCU, thanks for the comments. I very much enjoy hearing from you. Irish, thanks for commenting again, glad you enjoyed it. Now stop reading my mind and wait your turn!! Seriuosly, like I said, I enjoy the open forum and all the comments. Thanks for taking the time.
This will probably be my last post (maybe one more short one) until after New Year's, I hope to spend as much R&R time with my friends & family as possible. I plan to take a toast to GH for all the enjoyment he has delivered this year - Canadian whiskey, of course! I sincerely hope y'all have the opportunity to do the same, (the family part, I mean, although the take is also a great idea) and I wish the merriest Christmas and happiest of New Years to all.
storm ______________________________________________________________________ ________________________
I rested my head against her shoulder as she leaned against me, still straddling me, my cock still buried deep inside of her. I felt weak, drained, and as she slumped in my arms I realized she was as worn out as I was. We were both breathing heavily, but she managed to get re-oxygenated before I did and breathed a whisper into my ear. "God that was incredible!" She paused to breathe. "Really fast, but incredible." She looked down at my hands, which had held her hips through our mutual orgasms, holding her to me as we came, and I saw the light bulb over her head flash on as she realized I was free. "Hey, you're not tied up! I thought I tied those hands before all this started!"
I chuckled weakly. "You did. Fortunately you're as bad at knot tying as you are good at sex, 'cause if I hadn't been holding on to you I think you would have shot up and hit the ceiling when I came."
She slapped my cheek softly, grinning, then kissed me. "So you managed to untie yourself, huh? How come you never said anything, or showed me - or jerked off?"
I protested. "I didn't untie myself, your knots just slipped out. Like I said, no merit badge for you. But you wanted me tied up and watching, so I acted tied up. And watched. God, did I watch! And that explains the fast part you mentioned, I was soooo ready when you touched me, no way I could hold back. Sorry."
She nuzzled me. "Mmmm, poor baby, getting teased and all horny so you pop like a twelve year old. Were we mean to you?"
I nodded weakly. "Very. But I seem to have noticed that you came as fast as I did, so apparently I wasn't the only one..."
She smiled sexily "I was already warmed up, so I have an excuse." She glanced over at Lee, and I automatically followed her gaze. He was laying back, propped up on one elbow, slowly stroking his cock as he watched us. He grinned at us. "Hey, don't mind me, apparently I was just the warm-up act! That may have been the hottest thing I've ever seen, I've never seen two people cum so quick, and so hard, and in such perfect sync. Look, you even raised the dead!"
Sure enough, his cock was hard again, thick and jutting out from his groin, and he waggled it back and forth. Kristi laughed. "Hey, you'd cum quick too if Adam shoved this big thing of his in you and started to spurt!" I felt her squeeze me inside of her as she spoke, and her voice became a low moan. "Mmmm, god!"
Lee frowned. "Uhhh, somehow I don't think that's true. Not for me anyhow. You know, different strokes and all that cuckolds brownie." He paused, looking at us, his eyes travelling down to where she and I were still joined. He shook his head, then leaned forward and reached for his shirt. "Guess I'll take my hardon and go so you two can have a little alone time. This sure has been a memorable night! Hope we can do it again sometime."
He rose to his feet and shook the wrinkles out of his shirt, seemingly not at all self-conscious about his big cock sticking out in front of him. As he began to pull it on, Kristi spoke up. "You don't have to leave already. The night is still young! And you're still hard!"
He looked down at himself, then at us. "Actually - thank you for that inspiring performance - I'm hard again, not still. But I should probably go anyhow. You did say it's OK for me to catch some Z's on deck tonight, right?"
I nodded. "Sure. There may even still be an empty stateroom if you want to look, I'm not sure who's relaxing where anymore."
He shook his head. "Nah, I'm good on deck, I'll go up top where I can see the stars. It's a great night."
Kristi then shocked me - again. "Lee, stay with us. There's room for three, it's a big bed."
He looked surprised, and he must have seen something in my eyes when he looked at me, because he shook his head. "Probably a bad idea. I kick around in my relax. Besides, Adam doesn't seem as keen on the idea as you are - and I can't say that I blame him. I'll just go up top."
She looked at me, and saw he was right. She stuck out her lip in a pretend pout. "Well, at least give me a kiss before you go!"
He laughed as he picked up his shorts. "That will be another first for me, kissing a beautiful woman while her lover has his cock inside of her! It's a night of firsts, I guess." Holding his shorts in his hand, he crossed to us, and bent to kiss her. The kiss was long, and deep, and passionate, and it again made my heart ache. As they kissed Kristi brought her hand up to cup his balls, then wrapped it around his thick cock and began stroking him. He groaned into her mouth, then broke the kiss and straightened. "God! I should have suspected a trap!"
She smiled up at him, and I felt my semi-erect cock spasm inside of her as I watched her masturbate him. She shook her hair back. "Some trap! You walked into it with your cock out and your eyes wide open. Now come here!" So saying, she grabbed his balls again and pulled him forward, leaning over and opening wide to take his thick cock into her mouth, her eyes closing as she began to suck on him. I felt her pussy clamp on me as the feel of his hard cock in her mouth aroused her, and watched as, inches from my face, her cheeks sucked in as she applied suction to his cock.
I had a very close-up front row seat for the action, and I watched her slender fingers fondle his heavy balls as her lips slid up and down his shaft. I could see the veins bulging along the side of his penis as he thrust it into her mouth, and watched him get slick with her saliva as she leaned forward to take more of him as much as she could. I realized that I was staring at his junk from inches away as she blew him, and raised my eyes to find him looking at me. Our eyes met, and to my surprise he raised his eyebrows, as if asking if this was all right.
It wasn't really, but I shrugged as though it was. What was I supposed to say, that I'd rather watch her suck his cock than have to see him kiss her again? While true, it sounded sick even to me! When he realized I was going along with it, he lowered one hand onto her head, resting it atop her shining but completely messed up blonde mop, not pushing her head down onto his cock, but just letting it rest there as her head bobbed up and down on his cock. Then - and this still strikes me as weird - he put his other hand on my shoulder, giving me a quick squeeze before just leaving it there. I was conscious of the weight of it, and the warmth, and that I was once again rock hard inside of Kristi's cum-filled pussy.
With his hands resting on us, he began to slowly thrust himself into her mouth, and she began to lean rhythmically into his shallow thrusts, causing her to rock back and forth on my cock. It felt incredible, and watching her perform on him just inches from my eyes only heightened my arousal! She broke off at one point, turning to kiss me while she continued to stroke him with her hand, and she sucked hungrily at my lips and tongue - or maybe it was me sucking at hers, which were hot, and puffy, and slick-wet with her saliva and his pre-cum. When she saw how enthusiastically I had reacted to the feel of her mouth just a split second after his cock had been in it, she repeated the move a couple more times, thrusting her tongue deeply into my mouth.
When she turned back to him, a large bead of clear pre-cum had built up on the tip of his cock,and she extended her tongue so I could watch her lick it off, then turned and licked my lips before pushing her wet tongue again into my mouth.
I found it intensely erotic, though somewhat humiliating, but I sucked at her tongue. Lee found it to be more than he could handle, and he groaned. "Ohhh fuck, I'm cumming!"
Kristi turned back to him just in time to catch his massive first spurt across her chin, lips, nose, and right cheek, and into her hair. She got him into her mouth before the second, and moaned as she came on me, pushed to orgasm by the ensuing spurts of cum jetting into her willing mouth and down her throat - and, I hope, by my cock inside of her! His orgasm, so close in front of me that I could smell his semen and almost hear it gush from him, coupled with the series of hard contractions of her slick pussy on my own organ, almost set me off. The combination certainly would have if I had not just cum a short time before.
She sucked him dry, working on his spent organ until he groaned and pulled away, sitting weakly on the bed, still holding his shorts. He looked at us, and blew out a long breath. "Wheeew! I better go, before you two ******* me! If this is really your first time, like you said, I predict a bright future. You guys are fucking sex crazy!"
I shook my head. "Just her. I'm just along for the ride. Not that I'm planning on disembarking anytime soon."
I looked at Kristi, who was watching me with an evil smile - and kind of a funny expression - on her cum splattered face. As she leaned forward to kiss me, a broad streak of his white semen across her swollen lips and a large strand hanging from her chin, I realized she hadn't swallowed. She had her mouth full of his fresh load of hot cum, and was planning to kiss me, to try to spit it into my mouth, right in front of him! I'm not sure why Lee being there to see made it seem worse - it would have been pretty humiliating and disgusting under any circumstances - but it did.
Posts: 14692
that was hot. Have a very merry Christmas and holiday seamister with your family and friends, a happy and healthy New Year. I'll raise a glass of good KY bourbon to both you and GH
Posts: 1459
Thanks Timmy. Enjoy! ______________________________________________________________________ _______________________
As she leaned toward me I leaned away, shaking my head and giving her a warning look, although I had to laugh at her expression. She paused, raising her eyebrows, then swallowed his load, and laughed. "Coward! You don't have any issue with me taking your cum in my mouth, you expect me to, but you back out awfully fast when I want you to do it!"
"Yeah, well, maybe some other time. I had a big dinner." I ran my finger up her chin, catching some of his cum and feeding it to her. She eagerly licked it from my finger.
Lee chuckled, pulling on his shorts. "Adam's right, you really are a crazy lady. Is there anything you won't try?"
She was slowly rocking her hips, keeping me hard and moving inside of her as she looked over at him. "Sure. Anything painful - I'm not into pain. I mean, you know, real pain. Not just the delicious little pain of taking a really thick cock, right at first."
He stopped buttoning his shirt and looked at her. "I hurt you." It was a flat statement, but he loooked very concerned, and I liked him the more for that.
She shook her head. "No, not really. I'd have stopped you. You were great, it felt really amazing." She looked at me. "Maybe not as good as Adam's cock, which seems to have been designed just with me in mind, but good. Really good!" She squeezed me as she said that, and I gasped and gripped her hips, pulling her tightly down on me.
He crossed to us, carrying his shoes, and bent to kiss her. It was a quick kiss, but then he stopped to lick a streak of his cum off of her cheek. As he did so he slipped a hand between us and let his finger find her clit, his fingertip also touching me where I entered her. He withdrew his hand, his fingers wet with a mix of his semen and mine, and Kristi's own fluids. To my amazement, he licked his fingers. "Mmmm! Tell me you're going to treat this lady to a nice, long session of cleaning up that creampie, or I'll stay and do it myself!"
I looked at him as Kristi actually blushed and giggled. "Uhhh, seriously?" I was more than a little shocked that he was so forward about it.
He nodded. "Abso-fucking-lutely! Please tell me that you've given her that experience, I know she'd love it."
I stared at him. "No - I mean yeah, I have, and you're right, she loves it - I was just surprised to hear you say it is all. I kind of figured maybe I was just a perv or something."
He laughed. "Oh, you are, no doubt! But I've always considered that a good thing." He clapped me on the back, almost knocking the breath out of me. "You enjoy it, take good care of your lady." His eyes caught and held hers, and with their gaze locked on each other, he said "She's something really special. Very, very special. You're a lucky man."
I felt like he was telling her, not me, but then he glanced back to me. "You two have fun. Be good to each other. This old boy needs to go get some relax, so I'll see you in the morning." He bent to kiss her one last time, cupping her left breast and flicking her hard nipple with his thumb as he did so, and she gasped and clamped down on me again. He was chuckling to himself as he pulled the door shut behind him.
Kristi and I looked at each other for several seconds, neither of us speaking, then she cleared her throat and spoke. "That was fun, huh?"
I nodded. "Yeah, I guess." My answer sounded tepid and unconvincing, even to me, so I moved inside of her, slowly pumping my hips. "It still is fun, don't you think?"
She closed her eyes and took a deep, shuddering breath. "Mmmm, yeah, it is. I meant what I said about your cock, you know. His was magnificent, but yours is perfect for me. A perfect fit, you touch all the right places."
I smiled. "I'm glad. Should we touch a few more of them now?"
She kissed me then, her lips still wet with semen, her mouth slick and musky tasting, and I licked a trace of his cum from her upper lip, just below her nose. She put her face alongside of mine and spoke into my ear. "Do me first?"
I wasn't sure what she meant. "Huh?"
She repeated her words. "Do me. Like he said. Creampie time." She giggled again as she said it. "That sounds so funny, I never heard it called that. I guess it sounds better than 'eat my sloppy pussy' huh, but do it. Please?"
I nodded. "OK. I thought you'd never ask."
She rose off of my lap, my hard cock slipping out of her, streaked and slathered with cum that had mostly gone clear and liquidy in her body, and paused to take me in her mouth. "Mmm, we taste good! I hope you like it."
She lay back, her ass near the edge of the bed, and pulled her long legs up and apart, opening herself to me. Her pussy was a wet and glorious mess, open and leaking cum from the two huge loads we'd deposited in her, her tissues swollen and pink from vigorous fucking. I kneeled reverently between her legs, and watched her stomach muscles tense up as I leaned toward her, breathing in the rich, fecund scent of sex and ruttting, the scent of male and female, mixed and musky.
As the tip of my tongue touched her, she softly breathed "Ohhh, Adam, ohh yes!", and as I buried my face in her pussy her cries rose in volume, and as I licked her, and inserted my tongue as far as I could into her vagina, and swallowed the rich nectar she provided it became "Ohhh Adam, oh my god Adam, OHHH ADAM, OHHH GOD! YEESSSS!", and I proudly got her off three more times with my tongue on her pussy before she collapsed, limp and exhausted, and I rose over her and pushed my cock, hard as a steel rod from her sounds and the sensations of her cumming on my lips, into her spread, wet opening, deep, until my balls pressed to her sweet little ass, and came instantly. I cried out, I know, as I gushed into her, and she bucked under me when she felt the sudden *** of my entry, and wrapped her arms and legs around me, and bit my neck.
I don't remember much after that, until I woke up, much later, and it was very quiet, and very dark.
Posts: 14692
The perfect spot for a holiday break - looking forward to next year. Thank you very much for creating this story. Kristi has redeemed herself in my eyes - LOL
Posts: 31
Stormy, Great action. You have me almost liking Lee. Never thought I would say that. The interactions between Kristi and Adam are great and you make them feel so natural. Keep up the great writing. I know that I haven't been on board until very recently, but between you and the other posters I almost feel like I have found family. Speaking of family Stormy I hope that you have a wonderful holiday. I also want to wish all of you posters, Titsrus, Timmy27, all of the rest of you a happy holiday seamister. See you in 2011.
Posts: 492
Whew! That was one hell of a sex scene. You obviously haven't lost your touch at writing those enticing encounters. Well done Stormy, well done.
Well, where do we go from here? You still have a boatload of sexy, horny folks, who's up next on the Stormy turntable of love? We haven't even come close to having to put out those "Caution, slippery floor" signs yet, but hell, the party hasn't even gotten started yet. I'm really anxious to see how some of the other couplings play out. Are we really done with Ranger Rick, or are you holding him in reserve? In all honesty, I thought our boy Adam handled that situation very well, I'm hoping the Ranger rides off into the sunrise in his big boat and leaves our cast of characters alone. Or, since he so willingly offered to eat one of Kristi's cream pies, maybe he should be offered the chance to put up or shut up. Hmmmmm. I'm really anxious to see how the Adam/Tiffany thing shapes up.
I only have one very minor complaint. None of these guys seems to enjoy playing with boobies. What's up with that? Don't they know that Titsrfun2? (Sorry, I just couldn't resist)
Hey, have a great Holiday. Hope you get to spend lots of quality time with family and friends and get to do some serious relaxing.
Happy Holidays to all.........
Posts: 28
You managed to create such a beautifull characters and scenario that sex scenes become secondary ( at least for me) compering to the effect it creates on me. I was trying to read your very detailed and beautifully described sex scenes very fast ( sometimes not reading them) to reach the parts where Kristi, Adam and Lee was talking. I wouıld like to congragulate you for that
I wish you and all the other posters here a Merry Christmas and happy holliday with a lots of laugh together with your families and loved ones.
See you in 2011
Posts: 4050
That was a great finish to a great sex scene. The 3way with Kristi sucking Lee's cock while Adam was inside her was magnificent. Thank you for writing.
Happy New Year Storm. Tonight I will take a toast of Canadian Whiskey to you and your wonderful story.