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Adam's Journey

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Another bump.


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Thanks for the bump-ups guys. I'm fine, just wrapping up on a job at a remote site with a series of 70 hour weeks that leave me with no time or energy to read, much less write! I miss it. We almost got out of the hills ahead of the snow!

On the bright side, it should all wrap up in the next 2 or 3 weeks. On the down side, I'll be job hunting again. Back to the bright side, I should have time to start writing again. I sure do appreciate your patience and support, and am looking forward to catching up on Courtesan!



Posts: 277
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We are glad you are back, love reading and this like soap that you get realy in to.


Posts: 1459
#994 · Edited by: stormydog
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I sure appreciate the comments from each of you, and apologize again for being so long between posts. Over 3 weeks, I think that's the longest delay yet. Hope I haven't lost you - I had to go back and re-read the last couple of sections to remember where I was! Planning to get a short adddition posted now, hope to continue somewhat more regularly soon. Thanks for bearing with me!

Lee paused and looked from her to me, and back again. "Um, what?"

She looked at him with a mischeivous smile. "Adam is joining us. Surely you didn't think I was just going to walk off and leave him here, did you?"

I had risen to my feet, but paused, watching them. He frowned. "Well, it's not exactly what I had in mind."

Kristi's smile faded. "Well, it's what I had in mind. If you can wrap your head around that we can have a great time. If not...well, if not, you might as well jump back on your big boat and sail on out of here."

Her insistence that I be included felt good, although I'm not sure why. I wasn't entirely sure I wanted to see this, or even for her to do it, but it seemed so nice to have her on my side that I didn't even point out that his powerful motorboat had nothing to do with any sailing. He looked again from her to me, then gave a short laugh and shook his head. "Well, come on Adam, what are you waiting for? It looks like you and me are going to get to know each other way, way better than I ever anticipated. Or ever wanted to - no offense."

I moved toward them. "None taken. I could say the same. It's her idea you know, I'm just along for the ride. So to speak."

He laughed, and Kristi smiled at me, a small look of relief on her face that I didn't seem to have completely lost my sense of humor. She led him to the steps, holding onto his hand, and began to descend, and I followed. Part way down she stopped, and looked around him, up at me. "Adam, we forgot our takes! Why don't you grab a bottle of wine and some glasses and bring them along!"

I turned to go back and do as she had requested, and she went on. "We'll just wait here. I'm sure we can find something to occupy us while we wait." The sound of his zipper sliding down stopped me in my tracks, and a moment later Kristi gave a surprised giggle. "Oh my! Oh my-my!"
She looked around him again, at me. "Go on Adam. And you might want to hurry!"

I did, taking the few steps I had just descended two at a time on the way back up. I paused at the top and looked back down just in time to see her lean in from where she stood, two steps below him, and I knew she was putting her lips on him, taking him into her mouth. My stomach knotted painfully, but my cock throbbed. I hurried to get the wine.

When I returned moments later, a bottle of Ronnie's expensive Merlot in one hand, three glasses in the other, and a corkscrew in my pocket, Kristi was actively sucking him, making small aroused sounds in her throat as she did so. He had his hands on his hips and was slowly thrusting himself into her mouth, occasionally emitting a soft moan. I paused behind them, aching inside with conflicting emotions, but undeniably turned on. I waited a few moments, but they didn't seem to know I was there. "Uh, I'm back."

I heard him gasp as she let his cock slide from between her lips and looked up at me. Her lips were shiny and wet, and appeared puffy, and she reached up to rub her jaw in an exaggerated manner. "Just in time! I think I was about to dislocate my jaw on this monster! Well, come on guys, I'm really ready now! God!"

She resumed her descent, still leading him, but now she led him by that handle which women find so convenient, her arm and hand reaching back to his groin as his arms remained at his sides. From behind I couldn't see her grasping him, of course, but it was pretty obvious what she was doing, and he followed willingly - even eagerly - along. Men always do when being led that way, I'd guess. I know I would. And, of course, women know this.


Posts: 492
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Three weeks? That can't be correct. It seems more like three months. Welcome back Stormy, and thanks for the latest segment, looking forward to the continuation of your excellent story. Sure hope Adam comes out of this deal OK.

Can't wait to see what happens with the rest of this latest houseboat party.



Posts: 1914
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God, I've missed this Stormy. I think we all need to club together to get you a job with a laptop and a permanent WiFi connection so you can work and update at the same time !

Jokes apart, I truly hope your search goes well. Our happiness at the updates is far too high a price to pay for your own welfare. After all, the readership on this site, above all others, should be used to having to wait for their satisfaction .... unless they are just wankers of course ..


Posts: 1459
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Trf2 - Well, it was a little over 3 weeks...Thanks for the comment, glad you enjoyed it, and as always it's great to hear from you. Hope to post a little more frequently, we'll see.

Thanks peak, I appreciate your concern. Things aren't great, but I'm in way better shape than a lot of folks these days, at least I can work and make a living. I try to count my blessings, and despite all else, they are many. Glad you enjoyed the brief addition!

Thanks GH, for the kind words and the concern. I'm proud to count you and these other guys as friends - despite the fact we've never met in "real life". I did send you a PM.

And now, onwards...

I trailed along, feeling more than a little superfluous, but I drew some comfort from Kristi's recent vocal insistence that I join them. This despite the fact that I had a pretty good idea what she had planned for me. Still leading him by his cock, they crossed the salon and went down the hall toward our cabin. I followed, bearing wine.

They passed the room that Tiffany had taken and turned into our room. I paused momentarily, glancing into Tiff's room, half expecting to find her and Pops together. Through the half-open door I could see that she was alone in the bed, sprawled on her stomach with the sheet rumpled across her middle, mostly covering her ass and one leg. The other long, shapely leg was uncovered, bent at the knee, and her back and shoulders were bare, her long auburn hair spread across her shoulders and the pillow like a dark corona around her head.

She looked good - no, great - beautiful, sexy, completely relaxed in relax and oh so incredibly vulnerable. I had to wonder again how any man could have ever raised his hand to her in anger, could have hurt and damaged such a sweet, beautiful, and gentle woman. I flashed on an image of Pops tucking her in, gently undressing her and covering her before going to bed himself. She had far better people around her now that her husband was gone, people that would have gladly helped her if she hadn't been too ashamed to admit what was happening. I softly closed the door so that she could have peace and quiet.

I continued to our cabin, turning to pull the door shut behind me as I entered. I set the wine and glasses on the small dresser just inside the door, and turned toward Kristi and Lee. She was standing facing him, both of them in profile to me, and she was unbuttoning his shirt. My eyes were of course drawn to his groin, my curiosity piqued by Kristi's earlier reaction when she had freed him from his pants. I understood immediately why she had reacted so strongly.

His cock was huge. Not so much long, like my own - in fact he was probably almost two inches shorter than me in that department, but he was very thick, and very hard, his cock arcing out of his spread open zipper like some obscene rhino horn or something. In fact, it also resemred a rhino horn in that it tapered dramatically from base to tip, the head of his cock not much larger than my own, I thought, but thickening visibly and dramatically toward it's root. No wonder Kristi had felt like her jaw as being dislocated! She couldn't possibly have gotten very much of that thing in her mouth.

Kristi finished unbuttoning his shirt and pushed it back, over his shoulders and down his arms until it bound up on his biceps, the tight sleeves hindering her progress. Undeterred, she simply left it like that and returned her attention to his hard-on, the girth of which was emphasized when she gripped him, her fingers and thumb just touching as she stroked the head of his cock, but separating by what was easily a couple of inches as she slid her hand down to the base. She was clearly both intrigued and aroused by what she had unleashed.

He struggled out of his shirt without her help while she stroked and fondled him, then reached down to unbuckle his own belt and unbutton his shorts. At that point she helped him again, dropping to her knees and tugging his shorts down his legs. They bound on his thighs, much as his shirt had on his arms, but here she was more persistent, soon getting them down to his feet and holding them down while he stepped out of them. Mission accomplished, she leaned forward and took him into her mouth, her lips stretching around his thick, rigid cock. I stood, arms at my sides, palms sweating, heart racing, cock throbbing, and watched. I watched her suck his cock, and touch him, and stroke him, and I heard her small moans and sounds of arousal, and I heard him groan as he enjoyed her talents.

There was a small part of me that had hoped, or even suspected, that his powerful build was the result of years of steroid-assisted body building, and that the haves might have waged their usual war on his body, shrinking his testicles and shrivelling his scrotum to an empty, wrinkled pouch. No such luck. Sorry, I mean I was wrong about that. Quite the oposite, his balls were enormous, more than large enough to pump out the quantity of testosterone required to create the muscle mass and definition that he displayed, and to account for his confident, almost aggressive demeanor. In other words, it seemed he came by his alpha male permistera naturally.

Kristi was clearly enjoying herself, fondling his sack, sucking him, taking time out to lick and suck at his balls while his thick organ jutted out over her face. He let her play for a few minutes, occasionally resting his hand on her head and playing with her golden waves while he slowly moved his hips, pumping himself against her lips and tongue.

Suddenly he let out a low groan and grabbed her by the shoulders, almost lifting her to her feet. When she was standing he scooped her up in his arms and deposited her on the bed and stood over her. "My turn now. Much as I hated to stop you, it's my turn." He looked at me. "You OK with this?"

Kristi was watching me as I nodded and shrugged. "I guess. Everyone seems to be enjoying themselves so far, right?"

He laughed. "You are a master of the understatement." With that he pushed her legs up and apart and dove between them, burying his face between her thighs, not bothering to take time to undress her, or even to remove her shoes. And after all, he didn't need to. She had seduced him while pantiless, he knew she was naked and available beneath her short dress, and what he wanted, to taste her, was easily accomplished. The way her legs so eagerly went up and apart it was clear that she wanted this at least as much as he did. He merely pushed her skirt up and helped himself, and by her sounds I knew she approved.


Posts: 1914
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Well, you haven't lost your touch - or your timing .. Trust you to stop there. I don't whether to thank you or throttle you. Well done.


Posts: 277
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Yes but...but ....what happend....but dahhhhh...did... what going on?????please tell me, pleaseeeeeeeeeeee


Posts: 4050
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Quoting: stormydog
Kristi was watching me as I nodded and shrugged. "I guess. Everyone seems to be enjoying themselves so far, right?"

And so are we.


Rick R


Posts: 8
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Your such a tease Stormy, after reading the largest part of this plot straight through, this waiting is like a little ***!


Posts: 1459
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Y'all know how much I enjoy and appreciate your comments.
Rick, peak, and cd, please know I'm really not that sadistic to stop there and make you wait, just have to set priorities. While this story is one of my highest, life intrudes. Can't tell you how much I appreciate you sticking with it through all the delays!

GH, it's especially gratifying that you enjoy it, as I enjoy your stories so much. I know it's not nearly a balanced quid pro quo, but at least it's something!

I stood and watched, unsure of what to do with myself, or how to react. It was awkward at best, painfully humiliating at worst, and my emotional turmoil warred with my physical arousal. I was ashamed, for sure, to be in this position, but damn, it was so erotic to see her like this!

He had wrapped his thick and powerful arms around her thighs at her hips, and now used his strength and his hold on her to pull her tightly to his lips as he tongued her. She was writhing against his face, her hips gyrating, the muscles in her stomach and thighs rigid and straining as her mind released its control and her body took over. Her whimpers turned to moans, and her moans to cries of passion.

He was on his knees and chest, face pressed to her, and with his ass in the air, from my position I had a front row view of his heavy balls, suspended and swaying their fleshy sack, and of the bunching of the muscles of his ass and the backs of his thighs as he strained against her. I really had no great desire to stand and admire his ass, though I have to admit that his muscle definition was impressive.

Proving I had not been turned into a pillar of salt by the sight of his ass, I moved to one side, trying to see Kristi better. Becoming vaguely aware that my hands were clenched into tight fists, my fingernails digging into my palms, I slowly opened them. They hurt from being clenched so tightly, and my palms were drenched with sweat.

It was at that moment that I saw Kristi's hands, clenched as tightly as mine had been, gripping the bedcovers, knuckles white with the strain. Her eyes were closed, and her head was thrown back, exposing her throat, making her look so vulnerable, so aroused, so beautiful. Her neck was flushed red with her sexual glow above the skewed neckline of her red dress, and her nipples were rigid and jutting, visible through the soft fabric, forming peaks that I wanted so badly to touch, to gently pinch, though I did neither.

Kristi loves to receive oral, loves the feel of a tongue busily lapping at her hard clit, or thrusting into her wet tunnel, teasing her opening, and can reach orgasm very quickly with just a minimum of such talented attention. She had been very aroused even before he had started on her, hot and wet, and I knew she'd cum quickly, and she did. Her sounds built to what I could tell would be a major orgasm, and just moments before reaching her peak her eyes opened, staring directly into my own, heavy-lidded and smoky with lust and arousal, and for a moment I thought she was not even aware of my presence.

I was wrong. Looking into my eyes, unblinking, she gasped "Oh god, I'm gonna cum! Oh baby, he's making me cum, ohhh fuck, cumming, oh my god!!!" and with that her body stiffened and spasmed with pleasure, her orgasm strong and intense. One of her hands released the bedcovers and flew to his head, gripping his short, graying hair and holding him to her pussy as she rode his face to heights of pleasure. I swallowed, and it felt like dust in my throat, but my cock was so hard it ached.

He continued to lick at her, though his muscles relaxed and the intensity of his attentions dropped off to match her slow slide down the backside of her orgasm. She would shiver through an occasional aftershock and he would hold her, tasting her sex as he waited for her shudders to subside, and soon she went limp, momentarily satiated, her immediate need fulfilled.

He eventually raised up from her crotch, rising to his knees between her legs. His thick cock was rampantly erect, the purplish head wet and shiny with leaked pre-cum, and his face was soaked with Kristi's juices from chin to nose and nearly from cheekbone to cheekbone. He grinned, then rubbed his palm down his lower face and looked at it. "Well, if that's any indication, I'd say you enjoyed that. I know I did. Damn, I love a woman who appreciates things and isn't afraid to show it!"

Kristi just groaned and brought her hands to her lower abdomen, rubbing her stomach as though surprised it was still there after the amount of pleasure that had just exploded from her center. She looked up at him. "God, Lee! That was great. Fuck me now, please!"

I held my breath, fully expecting him to comply and thrust that impossibly thick cock into her wet, open, and completely willing pussy, but he laughed. "Do you have an appointment or something? What's your rush? I mean, at the very least, I need to see you out of that dress." He held his hand out to her. "C'mon, up, up! Get naked woman, I need to see that glorious body of yours again, and I'm tired of being the only one naked." He glanced at me, just for a second, then returned his attention to her. "Let me enjoy the beautiful outside of your beautiful self, then we'll see about enjoying the inside!"

She groaned as she sat up, making it clear that she'd rather lay back and be taken than rise to her feet, but once sitting up she looked at his big, erect cock and smiled. "Why Lee, I think you really did enjoy that! Look how hard you are, and you're leaking like crazy. Poor baby!" So saying, she leaned forward and licked up the long trickle of clear liquid that had trailed down his thick shaft, then took the head of his cock in her mouth and sucked at him, savoring the taste of his leaking semen. He groaned, and thrust himself further into her mouth, her lips opening and stretching to accommodate him. After just a few seconds he pulled out, slipping wetly from her lips, his cock now slick with her saliva.

Kristi swallowed, then smacked her lips. "Mmm, delicious! I knew this would be fun!" She looked at me. "So, what do you think?"

I had not expected her to address me at that moment, but even if I had I would not have had an answer ready for that question. "Ummm, think? I guess I think that you enjoyed the hell out of that. Both of you."

She giggled and shook her head. "Well obviously, you silly boy! But what I meant was did you enjoy it?"

Lee was watching me, plainly curious about how I would answer that, and maybe even about what my role in all of this would be. As if I knew. "Uhh, it was very erotic. You're beautiful when you're cumming, have I ever told you that?"

She smiled "You have. Many times. So you enjoyed it?"

"Yeah, I suppose. Not as much as you did."

Lee laughed. "Like I said before, master of the understatement! Maybe you need to get more involved. That is what we're doing, right?"

Kristi shook her head. "Not exactly, but you're sorta right, he does need to be more involved." So saying, she rose to her feet and crossed the few steps to me. First she kissed me, thrusting her tongue into my mouth to remind me that she had just had his cock in her own. As if I needed a reminder. I imagined I could taste the traces of his semen, but really don't think I did. She smiled sweetly up at me, then turned, pivoting so that her back was to me and raising her hair up off her shoulders with her hands. "Undo me, help me get my dress off. Lee wants me naked."

As I brought my hands up to comply, I noticed they were shaking. I chalked it up to pent-up arousal. I fumred with the tiny hook at the back of her neck, but was hyper-conscious of her scent, of her perfume, both the purchased and the self-produced varieties. It was heavenly - sexual, musky, needy. I breathed her in.

Finally conquering the hook, I slid the short zipper down. Letting her hair fall back into place in a glorious golden cascade, she raised both arms straight above her head, and I realized that she wanted me to undress her, to lift her dress off of her, to unveil her body before his watchful, hungry eyes. So I did.

I bent and put my hands on her thighs and slid them upward, letting the hem of her dress ride onto my wrists, and then gather on my forearms as I raised it. My hands slid up to her hips, and I heard his intake of breath as her pussy was exposed, once again, to him. I felt the smooth skin of her stomach beneath my fingertips, and the taut muscles beneath as I continued slowly upwards, letting my hands carress her. She was warm, and soft, and firm, and sexy, and I wanted her, but knew she was not for me. Not right now.

So I continued to expose her body. It was as though we had carefully rehearsed this. We hadn't, of course, but we knew each other so well, so intimately, that it just felt natural, as though I was undressing her for me, not for somebody else.

I felt her ribs now, the hard ridges beneath her soft skin and thin layer of muscle, and I let my hands stray forward, my fingers finding the swell of her lower breasts as her dress continued to bunch and collect on my arms. I had to know, to feel, so I did, letting my hands cup her tits and my fingers find her nipples. They were hard, aroused, and she gasped when I gently pinched them.

"God Adam! No! You're just undressing me, remember?"

I laughed softly. "Mmmm. I want more."

"I know sweetie, but later, OK? I'll be yours again later. Be patient, OK?"

I sighed. "I know. Your fantasy. I'm trying."

Lee was watching us, frowning slightly as though trying to figure out exactly what was happening, what was expected of him. Kristi seemed to sense this. "All you have to do is watch and enjoy. It's what you wanted, to see me naked, right?" He nodded. "So just watch - for now."

He did, whistling soft and low as I raised her dress past her breasts and over her head, her hair falling back in golden waves as it pulled free of her dress and gravity brought it back around her neck and shoulders, mussed and sexy, looking like she just crawled out of bed. Well, she had, but you know what I mean.

He drank her in, devouring her body with his eyes, and as he did she backed against me, pressing her firm little tush to my groin, feeling my erection against her bottom. She made a sound, low in her throat, and began to rub herself against the hard ridge in the front of my pants. I put my hands on her hips so that I could feel her gyrate herself against my cock.

He continued to stare at her for what was probably ten seconds, but it seemed like an eternity. His cock hard and twitching, his enormous balls looking swollen and almost intimidating, he studied her body, absorbing her. Then he looked at me. "God Adam, she's incredible. Your fiancee is gorgeous, so sexy. Just incredible!"

I felt a momentary rush of pride, but it passed quickly as he rose smoothly to his feet and crossed to her, to us. He paused momentarily in front of her, looking into her eyes as she looked up, just slightly, at him. I could see the hunger in his eyes. I knew hers would look the same.

He glanced down at her body, at her breasts, then brushed his fingers lightly over her nipples as he slid his hand down to her pussy and thrust it between her legs, cupping her sex. She gasped when he touched her nipples, and I felt her stiffen and push against me, and felt her legs part when he touched her sex. His other hand came up, behind her neck, and he pulled her face to his and kissed her deeply. It was a long kiss, and I knew their tongues were dancing together. She moaned, then leaned forward, into the kiss.

I felt her lift, just slightly, and her moan turned to a deep groan, and I knew he had thrust at least one thick finger inside of her. She had sucked his cock, and he had eaten her pussy, well and thoroughly, giving her a tremendous orgasm. Now he had his fingers inside of her. So why was it that it was the kiss that hurt so bad? It just hurt. I hadn't expected that.


Posts: 4050
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Quoting: stormydog
So why was it that it was the kiss that hurt so bad? It just hurt. I hadn't expected that.


So well done. Lots of guys here like to talk about big cocks, cream pies and blow jobs. That's all fun stuff, but seeing your wife kissing another man with passion is a heart wrenching experience.

Very well done and very real.

Thank you for writing.



Posts: 31
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Fantastic story! I found it over the weekend and read it all (1-35). I like the way you have developed the characters. I look at Adam as a friend facing a difficult choice in his life.
He had done everything Kristi and asked her not to see the ranger.
When she told Adam to follow her and the ranger I think Adam would as her to stop as she had promised earlier in the story. Kristi would refuse and the all would go in Adam's cabin.
Adam ewould give Kristi a choice,him or the ranger. If she choose him life would go on with planning a wedding soon. If she choose the ranger then the engagement was off and he was leaving for home in the morning. He told her that if she continued to have sex with the ranger. He would consider that her choice. If the ranger's boat did not leave in 15 minutes the ranger was her choice.
Adam told Kristi this choice was final and there would be no discussion about it after she choose the ranger.
Adam told Kristi he loved her and would always love her but the ranger was the only permister he asked to have sex with and he could not live with that life. He had watched her have sex with a number of men on the boat, while he was uncomfortabe, that was her choice.



Posts: 492
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It's good to have you back on here Stormy, I still look forward to each new installment of this fabulous story.

Getting a little bit outside my comfort zone, but I can tell from GH's comments that you're right on the money, so I'll remain in the background and just let things play out. You've never disappointed yet, don't expect that to change.

I have to admit, this submissive, masochistic lifestyle is a little out of my league, we're more the adventurous swinger types, but as they say, to each his own. I love the way you and GH portray the lifestyle and enjoy reading about these adventures.

Thanks again.



Posts: 277
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You know to make it hotter and even more intresting? Nahhh you have it all. Wish I could come up with something your story is just great. Thanks for you time and effort.

During the elections, this is my stimulus packedge.
Rick R


Posts: 8
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Incredible piece of story telling, GH is right, the sex is great, ( and you do a fantastic job of describing it) but the emotional roller coaster is what makes this story, and GH's "Courtesan" Works of Art. The connection I feel with Adam, (Maybe because I have experienced similar feelings in my permisteral life) is incredible. You are an artist at painting a mental picture of these characters, and making them seem real, stirring feeling in me and making me genuinely care what happens to the characters on an emotional level.... I take a bow to you sir!


Posts: 1459
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Thanks GH. When you leave a comment like that it validates my effort in writing the story. I truly appreciate it.

Irish - thanks for the comment, and the ideas. definitely food for thought! Not sure either direction would work right now because each would pretty much close out the story, but I think I may alter the trajectory just slightly based on your comment and Trf2's that followed.

My comfort zone too, Trf2, but that's what fiction is often all about. Hope I can live up to your confidence in me.

cd - thanks, that's a really nice comment - and the stimulus crack really got me laughing.

Thanks Rick, I'm glad Adam "speaks" to you. I tried to make him your easy-to-relate-to 'everyman ' type of character. Well OK, an extroardinarily well-hung 'everyman', but you know what I mean!

He broke off the kiss and lowered his head to her chest, sucking at her erect nipples as he continued to probe inside of her with his fingers, his other hand gripping her shoulder and pulling her to him. Kristi's hips had gone on auto-pilot, thrusting forward and back in response to his finger-fucking, and the resulting action of her firm ass against my hard cock would have been more than satisfactory if I hadn't still been smarting from the passionate intensity of their kiss. Still, Kristi's ass grinding against any man's cock is going to get noticed, and I definitely took notice. It felt good. Really good.

Pressed against me, I felt her body tense and thought maybe another orgasm was imminent, but instead she just groaned "Oh damn! I need to get laid, I need to feel a cock inside of me!"

Lee raised his head and looked at her, his lips wet from sucking her nipples. "Any particular cock?" He glanced over her shoulder, meeting my eyes.

She moaned again. "Mmmm! Yes, yours!"

He looked at me again. "Kind of seems like maybe we have one too many of us here, doesn't it? I'm a little puzzled about where we're going."

Kristi laughed. "You don't act puzzled! Lee, Adam is just here to watch, for now. I asked him to. As a matter of fact, I planned to tie him up so all he could do was watch!"

Lee chuckled, shaking his head. "Whoa! You two are way more kinky than I thought! Hey, in for a penny, in for a pound - I think you can tell by looking at me that I'm ready."

Kristi pushed out from between us and looked down at his jutting erection, then reached out and stroked him. "Mmm, yeah, you're definitely ready! And so damn thick - Adam, his cock is really thick!"

"Uhh, yeah, thanks for that babe, but I had already noticed." I had also noticed how incredibly sexy she looked in just her heels and her hose, the stretch lace tops of the tan stockings wrapping around her thighs just inches below her smooth pussy. The pearls at her neck and ears just added a nice sparkly touch to her beautiful, sensuous face and her unruly mop of blonde waves. My pearls, my engagement gift to her, helping her look hot for him.

He chuckled again and she grinned, as she spun the small desk chair around. "Here Adam, sit - no, wait!" She tugged at my belt and undid my zipper, pushing my shorts down until the weight of the junk in my pockets dropped them around my ankles. My erection tented out my boxers, but only until Kristi grabbed me and pulled my cock out through the fly opening, reaching in to hoist my balls out as well so that I still wore my underwear, but was fully exposed.

Lee did a classic double-take. "Huh! It seems the lady likes her men well-endowed!"

Kristi giggled. "Silly, all ladies like their men well-endowed! But really, in case you couldn't tell by looking at my Adam and you, I really just like my men hot and hunky. If they just happpen to be, uh, fortunate in the manhood arena, well that's just a bonus. A really, really nice bonus!"

He laughed, and even I had to chuckle a little at her comment. Plus, it was kind of nice to be described as hot and hunky, not to mention hung. My confidence had taken a bit of a beating thus far that evening. I didn't mind being looked upon as a sex object, at least at that moment. I decided to interject a thought that had occurred to me as she spoke. "You know, I'm not so sure Kori would agree with you. I don't think she likes her men especially large."

Kristi pushed me backwards, and with my shorts around my ankles I had little choice but to drop into the chair behind me. I sat down hard, and she leaned over me. "Sure she does! She may be a little tight and small inside, but looking at a nice big cock, or playing with one and sucking on it will get her hot and wet every time. Just ask her!" I realized she was right - Kori endlessly pestering me to show her, or let her touch, was evidence enough of that! Kori seemed to love Ronnie's little member just as much though, so maybe she's just an equal opportunity cock lover, and for that matter Kristi never seemed like a size queen - she just really likes sex.

She stroked me a few times, running her hand up and down the length of my cock, touching lightly, not squeezing me, while he just watched us. It was weirdly embarrassing, but not unpleasant. She touched the tip of me, which was slick with leakage, then licked her finger. "Mmm! Horny, sweety?"

"What do you think?"

She laughed. "Now, what am I going to use to tie you?"

"Do we really have to do that?"

She frowned. "Well, I don't want you playing with yourself. I don't know if I can trust you."

I was a little queasy, maybe over-excited, maybe with dread. I was definitely having second thoughts. "Maybe we should slow it down a little."

She released me and reached across to pull the long tie belt off of her terrycloth robe, which hung near the closet door. "This should do nicely." She didn't seem to have heard me.

She stepped behind me. "Put your hands back here, OK?"


She seemed to sense something in my voice. "Adam? Are you OK?" She came back in front of me and squatted down, looking into my eyes. The move spread her pussy open in front of me, which was very distracting. She was puffy and wet with arousal, and her nipples were peaked out, and I felt my body respond to her obvious arousal and desire. Despite the fact that it wasn't intended for me.

"I... I don't know. Maybe this is a bad idea."

She looked disappointed, but concerned. "Are you saying stop? I will you know, if you need me to."

That helped a little. "I don't know. I just... I mean, it's just..." Lee interrupted us, and when I shifted my gaze to him it was to find him staring at us, a small frown on his face.

"What's going on? Are you guys OK with this?" His eyebrows went up with his question, awaiting an answer. Kristi straightened up and faced him. "Lee, it's kind of our first time for something like this. Well, not really our FIRST-first time, but kinda sorta. Adam is just a little unsure."

His eyes widened. "Really? This is really your first time to include another man in your sex life? Wow! I just kind of figured this was old hat to you two, something you did all the time. Huh! Go figure!"

Kristi shook her head. "We've played a little, but never just for me to make love while Adam watched. That's different. We're trying something new, something I wanted to do." She glanced at me, looking a little guilty. I really wished she'd said 'have sex' instead of 'make love'. That bothered me. She went on. "He caught me cheating once, a few weeks ago. Maybe this is too soon, too much like a flashback to that. Maybe I'm an idiot. I knew I was bad, that I'd done something horrible, but it seemed like we had opened up some new paths, some new...I don't know..." Her voice trailed off.

Lee sat on the edge of the bed and leaned back resting on his hands, looking at us for several seconds. I noticed that his erection had begun to fade, his thick cock drooping to one side. "Look, if you don't want to do this, it's fine. I mean, I won't die from being horny, you have no obligation for anything. I just thought we were all going to have a little wet, sticky fun together, and really, believe it or not, a menage a' trois was going to be something totally new for me too."

I felt like a coward, like I'd let both of them down. "Look, it's just... well, if you fuck her, you can't un-fuck her. If I see it, I can't un-see it. It will always be there. I'll always know."

Kristi crouched in front of me again, looking deep into my eyes. "You seemed so turned on by all of this. Look, you're still hard. I thought you were enjoying it, but if you want to stop..."

Lee nodded. "Really! The last thing I want is to do anything to damage your relationship. You two are really good together, from what I've seen. I thought it was all in fun, but for cryin' out loud, if it's a mistake, it's a mistake! I can just go and we'll forget all about it. I mean, I'm just a bit player here, don't let me mess up you two!"

He sat up and started to rise to his feet. I stopped him. "Wait!" I hesitated, not really sure why I'd stopped him. "Lee, look. Kristi has fantasized about you since she first saw you. This whole thing was kind of for her, to fulfill her fantasy. I, on the other hand, have thought you were an asshole since the first time I saw you."

He looked startled, then he laughed. "Well, at least you're honest, I gotta give you that! I get that reaction a lot. I wonder why that is."

Kristi snorted. "Could it be because you were blatantly hitting on me even while you were writing me a ticket? An expensive ticket, I might add - and right in front of my fiance the whole time?"

He shook his head. "I did that?"

She laughed. "You did! You were a real jerk. Of course, it made me horny, but it just pissed off Adam." I nodded.

He shrugged. "Understandable. I guess I don't even realize I'm doing that. Now that you mention it, it is usually the males I encounter that seem to instantly dislike me."

Kristi snickered again. "Well duh! Could it be because they see you trying to get in their women's pants? Most men don't find that an endearing trait, I would guess - especially when, with your looks and build - and that nice package you display - you have such a good chance of succeeding!"

He actually blushed. "Well, thanks, I guess. As I recall you weren't wearing much in the way of pants when we met - more than now, but not much more. I'm sorry Adam, I didn't mean to do that - but look at her! I mean, you must get that a lot!"

I nodded, shaking my head ruefully. "Yeah, I guess. The price one pays for having a hot lady. Not usually nearly so obvious - and aggressive - as you, though."

"Jeez guys, I'm sorry. I guess maybe I should just go. Would it be all right if I slept up on deck and just left in the morning? I'm kind of tired, and it can be a little dangerous to run fast after dark."

Kristi and I looked at each other for a moment, and something passed between us. A communication, silent, unspoken, but one of love - and of trust. I spoke to her as I put my arms behind me. "Go ahead, tie me. Just my hands though, in case I want to run out of the room."

She shook her head. "Adam..."

"Just kidding! Go ahead, I'm ready. I want to see you do this, I want to watch and see how sexy you are, how beautiful. Go ahead - not too tight though, I want to be able to feel my hands when it's my turn."

She stepped behind me and quickly tied my hands together, through the rungs of the back of the chair. Not too tight. When she moved back in front of me, she bent and kissed me, softly at first, then with passion, and longing. "I love you."

"I love you too babe. Have fun. I'll wait here."

She laughed, and Lee chuckled. She reached down then and touched herself as she faced me, spreading her lips and wetting her fingers in her aroused, wet pussy before holding them to my face, letting me breathe in the scent of her arousal before slipping them between my lips. I sucked at them, tasting her, hungry for more. My cock throbbed, and we made a wet, popping sound when she pulled her fingers from my suctioning lips.

She turned to him then, leaving me alone, and dropped to her knees between his legs. I knew she would blow him to get him hard again, and she did. I watched the back of her head move up and down as she sucked him back to life, her blonde curls bouncing and swaying with her motions. She leaned into it, intentionally displaying her tight little ass and wet pussy to me, knowing how much I love that view. She looked extremely aroused, her pussy horny and swollen. She wanted, I could tell.

Within just a minute or two she rose to her feet, his monster thick cock once again rigid, wet and ready for action, his big balls hanging heavy in their sack, also wet with my fiancee's saliva. She pushed him back on the bed until he collapsed onto his back, laying down, the big rhino horn of his penis thrusting upwards.

She straddled him then and positioned herself, getting him lined up so that the head of his cock just brushed her sex, moving her hips so that she was masturbating herself against the end of his cock, getting him wet, and herself prepared. She reached between her legs and grabbed him, her fingers wrapping as far as they would reach around his thick erection, and held him as she rubbed on him, then she looked back, over her shoulder, and into my eyes.

Her mouth was slightly open, her eyes glazed with lust, her face and neck flushed red, and she began to lower herself onto him, gasping as the head of his cock parted her lips and entered her tight tunnel. His cock was spreading her, powering her open, I could see that, and when maybe a couple of inches were inside of her she stopped and lifted before thrusting back down, the part of his cock she exposed wet and slick with her juices.

With each lift and thrust she took more of him, the thicker, lower part of his shaft spreading her impossibly far open, stretching her pussy around his thick meat. It looked like it should hurt, but the sounds Kristi was making were of pleasure, not pain, and with a final thrust she had all of him in her, his cock buried deep, her ass pressing down against his huge balls. She groaned. "God, oh my god that's a thick cock! God, it feels so good! Can you see baby, can you see his big cock stretching my little pussy?"

I nodded, unable to speak. My cock was so hard it ached, and a substantial stream of clear pre-cum trickled down into my pubic hair. If she didn't stop talking, stop goading me, I knew I would cum. The sight of her on him, on his cock, was enough. Her words were about to push me over the edge.


Posts: 4050
#1,009 · Edited by: goodhusband
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Nice job of capturing the confusion, the angst and the uncertainty that exists in a real hot wife cuckold relationship.

This story just gets better and better.



Posts: 33
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So ive been reading for a year now and finally become a member! The first thing I need to do is comment on one or two stories that are fantastic!

Thanks for all the time you have put in to this!



Posts: 31
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I have to apolige for my rant on October 26, 2010.
I should have realized that you would not leave Adam hanging. I enjoyed the discussion between Kristi and Adam. They seemed to be trying to make this work, but Kristi had to push the envelope with tying Adam up.
Interested to see where this is going. Just don't hurt our friend Adam too badly.
Again sorry for the previous rant.



Posts: 492
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Stormy, please don't alter one sentence because of what I said, I would feel terrible. Everyone else seems to be really enjoying it, I'm obviously in the minority and that's to be expected since I'm new to this type of stuff. No biggie my friend. I'm sorry now that I mentioned anything. Please continue what you were doing with the story, it's awesome. I know you have Adam's best interest at heart and that's all that matters.

Thanks for all your efforts.



Posts: 328
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Hey Stormy

Great to see you back to writing!!!

I am try to catch up with the story hoep to be there in a few days

All the best and thanks for keeping writing



Posts: 14692
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bump for stormy


Posts: 1459
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Welcome mykey, and thanks for the bump Timmy - good to hear from you again too Meijer!
Thanks for the comments all, you know how much I enjoy them. As for any previous comments that might have caused me to alter the story line, it's really just a matter of inspiring ideas for me.
I had no desire to turn Kristi into a domineering bitch, and I certainly take no offense at a gentle warning that I might be perceived to be headed there - in fact, it was appreciated.
Also, again, sorry for the long delay between posts. It's been crazy. Hoping it ends soon so I can get back to more regular writing - and reading! For now, hope y'all enjoy the following.

Watching her take his massive cock fully inside of her, and hearing the pleasure in her voice, the arousal, was igniting major fireworks in my groin. My balls ached for release, and I could feel the hot sweat of tension break out on my body, and even trickle slowly down my left side from my armpit. I would never have guessed that it was possible to be so aroused - and yet so miserable - at the same time.

Even while my body was completely involved in an uncontrollable physical response to what I was seeing, my mind was busily stirring up a heaping bowl of jealousy and resentment, well seamistered with anger and offense. It was bad enough that it had gone this far, that he was inside of her with his hard cock, but her undisguised pleasure, plus the fact that she was the one astride him, drilling herelf on his big cock, made it worse. Worst of all, though, was the knowledge that I could have stopped it with a word - still could, in fact - but I had not. And I now knew that I wouldn't. I also knew, as I sat there, mute, my rigid cock thrusting up from my crotch as testament to my helpless arousal, that I really had no one to be angry with but myself.

Acknowledging that fact did nothing to ease the offense, but my anger at them slowly dissipated as I watched them fuck, and heard Kristi's voice change as she approached orgasm. She is beautiful, always, but never more so than in the throes of passion when she is focused inwards on the sensations of her body, her entire world reduced to the point inside of her that is about to explode with intense, mind-numbing pleasure. She loves sex and was made for it, I knew this about her soon after we met, and I loved seeing her arousal, her completely wild, free, and unabashed enjoyment of her body's ability to bring pleasure. God help me, even as she rode his cock to these heights, these sensations, I loved watching her.

It hit her like a tsunami, her orgasm, and I saw her slam down onto him, the tight pink ring of her pussy stretched taut around the thick base of his cock, forming perfectly even to the fat, thumb-sized ridge on the underside of his organ as she ground herself against him, keeping herself fully impaled, her hard clit no doubt grinding against his pubic bone as she came. "Ohh god, oh my fucking god! Cumminnngg, ohh cuckolds brownie, ohh gimme that thick cock, ohhh fuck, fuucckkk!!" Her voice dropped off into naturalistic grunts as she rode out her orgasm, every muscle in her body rigid and defined, the waves of pleasure washing over her, her hips pumping against him as she demanded all he had to offer. Which seemed to be plenty, judging by the intensity of her orgasm.

As her orgasm slowly passed, the intensity slowly subsiding, I realized that my muscles, as tense and knotted as hers had been at the peak of her pleasure, had begun to ache, stabbing me in the shoulders and neck with sharp pains. Plus, my mouth was hanging open. I slowly closed it, shaking my head to ease my neck muscles.

She slumped over him briefly, the starch gone from her body, her bones gone to liquid, momentary exhaustion overcoming her. Only momentary though, as she soon caught her breath and sat up, shaking her golden hair loose from her sweat-slicked back and neck. "Oh my god, I don't think I've ever cum like that in my life! God, I thought I was dying!"

That hurt, it really did, and she must have suddenly realized how it had sounded, because she turned her head and looked over her shoulder at me. "God Adam, with his cock in me and you watching that was so intense! I knew you being here and watching me would be a huge turn-on for me, but I had no idea!" Her eyes dropped to my groin, and she smiled as she looked back up into my eyes. "Did you cum? You did, didn't you?"

I looked down at my own sex, and was surprised to see a fair amount of semen, milky and white, sliding down the side of my stiff shaft and sitting like wet pearls in my pubic hair, one small gobbet perched over the slit at the tip of my swollen cock head. "I..I don't know. I don't think so - I didn't feel it. Maybe - it sure looks like it. Shit, I don't know!"

She laughed at my confusion. "Well, you obviously enjoyed watching, that's all that matters. And you're still hard as a rock, that's also a good thing - 'cause we aren't even close to done yet. Are we, Ranger Lee?"

He grunted. "Uhhh - I'm not - although it was a near thing. Damn, you are so tight, I thought you were going to squeeze it out of me!"

She laughed again. "I bet you say that to all the girls!" She reached back and fondled his heavy balls with her left hand, feeling the slickness of her juices on his scrotum before letting her fingers grip the hard, thick base of his penis. "Really Lee, have you ever had a woman that wasn't tight around this thing? I mean, my god..."

He laughed. "No, I suppose that's true. Hey, you've been the one fucking me, how about you get on your hands and knees and I return the favor? Woof woof, I'm feeling a bit of doggy coming on!"

Even I had to laugh at that, and Kristi giggled. "Oooohh, I like the sound of that!" She rose slowly off of him, his wet cock gradually reappearing from inside of her until it slipped free. She gasped at the loss, and he groaned as his meat fell wetly against his stomach. She crouched over him, leaning down to lick his wet balls, no doubt tasting his sweat and her juices intermingled, then licked her way up his broad shaft and took him into her mouth, enjoying the feel and taste of her own arousal and the hardness of his cock.

She let him slide from her lips with a small, wet, popping noise, and rose to her feet, crossing to me and planting her slick, wet lips over mine and thrusting her tongue into my mouth. Her lips felt hot, and I smelled and tasted her sex, and maybe a faint tast of his musk, and as she slowly broke off the kiss I licked her lips, wanting more. She smiled. "Hold that thought, I'll be back in a little while with more for you." She shook her head. "When we first met, I never would have guessed what a horndog you are! That's a compliment, by the way."

I smiled back at her. "I'll take it as one. I think I knew right away what a horndog you were - also a compliment!"

She laughed. "Thanks. You ain't seen nuthin' yet!" She clambered onto the bed, on her knees, facing me, and dropped down onto all fours. Once in position, she wiggled her sweet little ass at him, presenting him with her wet, open, horny pussy. "Well? I'm ready when you are!"

He rose to his knees, the muscles in his shoulders flexing as he pushed himself up, and knee-walked behind her, his thick, jutting cock wagging in front of him as he moved into position. He reached down with one hand and gripped himself, and I knew he would rub his cockhead up and down her wet pussy, readying her, lubricating himself, preparing to thrust into her. It's what I would have done, and her small moans as he rubbed himself between her swollen lips, across her opening and against her hard clit, confirmed my guess.

I watched her eyes open wide as he began to thrust into her, and then squeeze shut, focused on the sensation, powering herself to relax and accept his invasion, biting her lower lip in concentration. She grunted as he entered her. "Unnhh, uhhh, god! Nobody should have a cock that thick!"

He paused. "Am I hurting you?"

"No. Maybe a little. But it hurts so goooood! Don't stop."

He didn't, but he went slowly, gently, until both were re-lubricated and adjusted to each other, her body again accepting and welcoming the invasion of his thick cock, her vagina relaxing and stretching around him, the pleasure beginning anew as he thrust deeply inside of her lithe body, rhythmically, building a regular tempo, his hard stomach and groin slapping wetly against her ass.

That's the thing, really, isn't it? The thing that makes a woman cheating seem so much worse, her cuckolded mate feeling so much more betrayed and ***d. I know it's a biased, male perspective, and maybe I'm just a chauvinist pig, but a woman cheating, having a lover, just seems worse to me, more intense, more significant and it's because of the fact that she lets another man enter her body, her inner sanctum, lets him thrust his hard, aggressive sex organ deep inside of her, to flood her vagina and her womb with his semen.

It's always been that way, the permister being penetrated, whether male or female, as the dominated, subjugated member of the coupling, the one left beaten, dripping and weak, the ultimate *** and insult to one's mate, to be seen as having been taken and left, ***d and oozing the cum of another man. Even disregarding the risk of pregnancy, of a man spending a lifetime of effort and treasure raising the genetic offspring of another male - which is really the ultimate insult to one's manhood - even without that, the knowledge of an unfaithful wife, of her writhing in pleasure as another man thrusts and spends himself inside of her is enough to drive a man mad, to cause extreme reactions, to *******, to run, to become a limp, impotent shell.

As for me, even as these thoughts assailed me, I realized I loved it. I loved seeing her writhing in passion, I loved enjoying her pleasure vicariously, I was blinded by her beauty and by the knowledge of her love for me, even as she felt him thrusting inside of her and her body responded. She wanted me there because it added to her enjoyment, it drove her to greater heights, and if I could oblige that, while feeding my own voracious and voyeuristic appetites... and I knew I would be next - well, could that be all bad?

He was gripping her hips now, and driving himself into her, and her sounds told me that another shattering orgasm was near. She had dropped her head and shoulders onto the bed, so that her ass was thrust up at him, and I knew he was penetrating her deeply, to the maximum length of his cock. Not as deeply as I could, I took some pleasure from that fact, but certainly powering her more wide open, stretching her pussy.

She raised up and pushed back against him as her orgasm began to crest, and she looked into my eyes. I don't know what she saw there - maybe some remnant of my earlier mental meanderings - but a shocked look crossed her face, and she cried out. "Oh baby, I'm sorry, I'm cumming! Ohhh, I'm sorry, I can't help it, he's making me cum again, ohh god, I'm cumming so hard, I can't stop it, ohh fuck, ohh yes, oh god, I'm sorry, I'm sorry baby, oh fuck me, goddamn you fuucckk meeee!"

I was shocked and surprised by her outburst, and I could see that Lee was as well. Clinically, some detached part of me found it very fascinating that despite her conflicted emotions and exclamations, despite apologizing to me for cumming on his big cock, her orgasm had ultimately won out. I smiled. Kristi, despite trying to make me feel better, was still my Kristi, the pure, sexual natural that I knew and loved so much. She couldn't stop the power of nature that drives her.


Posts: 14692
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WOW - that is about all I can say right now. Maybe after re read it in a day or two I'll some coherent thoughts.


Posts: 492
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Quoting: stormydog
"Oh my god, I don't think I've ever cum like that in my life! God, I thought I was dying!"

Ouch, that has to hurt like a kick to the groin. No way could I handle that.

Turnabout's fair play, I wonder how Kristi would react to a similar comment from Adam after watching him with one of the other women.

Glad you joined us again Stormy, you've been missed. Hope things are starting to straighten out for you on the job front. Take care.



Posts: 1459
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Thanks Timmy, but don't worry about it - I've found that coherency isn't all it's cracked up to be.

Appreciate it Trf2, it's good to be back, at least occasionally. Kristi does have a tendency to blurt things out when she's in one of her crazy, sexy, horny moods. She's a baaaad girl!
The job thing took a weird twist - I was asked to stay on for an extra month or 2, and it's worked out OK so far, just crazy busy. Normally we'd probably be under at least a foot or 2 of snow here by now, but it's been dry this year, just a few flurries. And wind, plenty of wind. Big snow is coming soon though, if the forecast is correct. Hope to be unemployed by Christmas so I can go home!

In case I don't get a chance to post again in the next few days, (likely) I hope y'all have a very happy Thanksgiving, surrounded by family and friends to share it with. For those outside the good ol' U.S. of A., have a happy Thursday.

As her orgasm began to surrender it's control over her body, she collapsed onto the bed, her head, shouldrers and chest resting on the rumpled sheets, her hair a golden spray around her. Lee still held her hips, her ass still raised up in the air to meet his thrusts, which had slowed to a kinder, gentler pace as she recovered. She was gasping for air, and I could see the shudder of an orgasmic aftershock course through her from time to time. Her back gleamed with a sheen of sweat from her sexual exertions, and as I looked at them a large drop of sweat fell from his chin, landing right at the top of her ass crack and sliding slowly up - down? - the valley of her spine until it disappeared, mingling with her own liquid sheen between her shoulder blades.

I realized that I had just seen two well conditioned, athletic people push each other to their sexual limits, both exerting themselve to the max, working hard at bringing pleasure to themselves and each other. I also realized that, for the moment, Kristi was as out of the action as I was - this despite the fact that he continued to slowly work his thick cock in and out of her. I could see him moving behind her, slow and rhythmic, and could hear the wet sounds of their coupling as he moved within her, but she was utterly oblivious at that moment.

In that momentary calm period, I realized that I was as soaked with sweat as they were, and all I did was sit there and watch! I was also still hard, throbbingly erect, unquestionably aroused, but struggling yet with the whole situation despite the fact that I had intensely enjoyed seeing Kristi so thoroughly enjoy herself. I also noticed that one of my hands had come untied as I had strained against the soft belt, the tension of my body as I watched them pulling loose the knots Kristi had attempted to tie. I kept that knowledge to myself, and my hands behind me, because I knew that was part of her fantasy. It had seemed important to her, so I kept up the pretense.

Lee, releasing his grip on her hips, slowly slid his hands up her sides, over her ribcage, and when he did she collpapsed onto the bed, flat on her stomach. He rode her down, keeping himself inside of her, laughing.
"Hey, are you conscious? Hello, anyone home?"

She groaned, her voice muffled because she was facedown into the mattress, her hair and the bunched sheet gathered around her head. "Uhhhh, god! Aren't you done yet?"

His hips continued to pump slowly, driving himself up between her clenched legs and into her. "No, not quite. Are you? You want me to quit?"

She raised her head and, looking into my eyes, said "No. I can go as long as you can, Ranger. Unless you want us to stop, Adam."

I was surprised she'd made the offfer, and gratified, but... "No - not if you're still enjoying yourself. You are, aren't you?"

Her eyebrows rose as she looked at me, then her eyes closed and her face fell back down onto the bed. "Oh my god!" Muffled, but audible. "You know I am." She again raised her head. "My whole body feels like jelly, that was so intense. Are you OK?"

I knew what she was really asking me. "Yeah, I think I am. You're an incredibly beautiful sexual natural, you know that?"

She smiled, slow and sultry. "Thanks, but I think he's the sexual natural in this room."

He looked at me, one eyebrow raised, and thrust into her, hard and deep, causing her to gasp and moan. "God! See what I mean?" She reached behind her and slapped him on the hip. "Stop it, you beast! Get off me, get out of me for a minute, I want to get on my back, OK?"

He pulled slowly out of her, groaning as her tight grip released him, and raised up. His cock was still as hard and thick as ever, slick and wet with her juices, his shaft streaked with the evidence of her arousal. His weight off of her, she quickly flipped herself around onto her back, her feet now toward me but flat on the mattress, her knees up, legs apart. I knew she was displaying herself to me, and she knew I'd look. Which, of course, I did.

Her pussy looked used, used even, but also sexy, aroused, and very much in need of a gentle tonguing. Her inner and outer lips were puffy and swollen with sex, her vagina slightly open, wet and bright pink, but by no means gaping and damaged as my mind had told me it must be. She just looked, well, ready for more, to be honest with you.


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Quoting: stormydog
She smiled, slow and sultry. "Thanks, but I think he's the sexual natural in this room."

He looked at me, one eyebrow raised, and thrust into her, hard and deep, causing her to gasp and moan. "God! See what I mean?" She reached behind her and slapped him on the hip. "Stop it, you beast! Get off me, get out of me for a minute, I want to get on my back, OK?"

A great segment! Every cuckold dreams of seeing his wife in that situation.

Storm nice to have you back again. You are missed.



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We've had Adam as the stud with several women in the past year, and Kristi as the sexy girlfriend since her return, but this is the first time in a while that we have seen Kristi as the real sexual natural in the room, in spite of her comments. It's good to see it, and to understand the real depth of the pull they really have for each other. A great passage Stormy. To be honest, I'm ready for more (where did I get that from).
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